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Why shall I care

Why? Why shall i care? Why?
It is better not to
Why? Why shall i care? Why?
It is better not to
I live in the most beautiful evenings
Oh my precious love
I love you, oh my eyes
I love you regardless how much they criticize me
I love you, oh my eyes
I love you regardless how much they criticize me
Let them criticize me, why shall I care
Why shall I care
Why, why
Love keeps us warm
Flowers cover us
Sun shines on us
Love keeps us warm
Flowers cover us
And sun shines on us
The world is happy for us
The honeycomb gives us drinks
And next day is waiting for us
The world is happy for us
The honeycomb gives us drinks
And next day is waiting for us
I forget, forget
The previous hard days
I forget them with you, oh my eyes
Remember me, I'm afraid that they will critisize me
I forget them with you, oh my eyes
Remember me, I'm afraid that they will critisize me
Let them criticize me, why shall I care
Why shall I care
Why, why
Sing and love, love and sing
Speak with me, oh people
Sing and love, love and sing
Speak with me, oh people
Oh wound, be far away from me
Our love is still like new one
Like the first day of festival
Oh wound, be far away from me
Our love is still like new one
Like the first day of festival
Sing and love, love and sing
Speak with me, oh people
Sing and love, love and sing
Speak with me, oh people
Oh wound, be far away from me
Our love is still like new one
Like the first day of festival
Oh wound, be far away from me
Our love is still like new one
Like the first day of festival
Oh sadness, go away
Oh sadness, go away
There is no place for you between us
Our hearts are in peace
Oh sadness, go away
Oh sadness, go away
There is no place for you between us
Our hearts are in peace
I forget, forget
The previous hard days
I forget them with you, oh my eyes
Remember me, I'm afraid that they will critisize me
I forget them with you, oh my eyes
Remember me, I'm afraid that they will critisize me
Let them criticize me, why shall I care
Why shall I care
Why, why

Oh! Azerbaijani girl

oh! Azerbaijani girl
my lovely friend don't be so swank!
wear the dress that i like for me
why you breach your promise?
you don't love me?!
you're absent in tryst
you don't love me?!
oh! Azerbaijani girl i am in love with you
like a lovesick i am crazy about you! come on!
oh! Azerbaijani girl i am in love with you
like a lovesick i am crazy about you! come on!
[like a butterfly turning around a candle] i will turn around your head! if you be my Gazelle! if i marry you!
my lovely friend don't be so swank!
wear the dress that i like for me
why you breach your promise?
you don't love me?!
you're absent in tryst
you don't love me?!
you my compatriot sweetheart
my rose of my new spring
be star for my dark night
be star for my dark night
oh! Azerbaijani girl i am in love with you
like a lovesick i am crazy about you! come on!
[like a butterfly turning around a candle] i will turn around your head! if you be my Gazelle! if i marry you!
my old problem hasn't any remedy else you
my sadness and my pretext is endless without you
oh! Azerbaijani girl i am in love with you
like a lovesick i am crazy about you! come on!
[like a butterfly turning around a candle] i will turn around your head! if you be my Gazelle! if i marry you!

A widow

How can't I have fun and have sadness from any troubles?
My wonderful neighbor died in our house.
He have gone to the other world a few days ago, but his wife remained alone,
She is very nice.
Let other men spend money for women everymoment,
While they tell them loving words,
While they drive them into a restaurant, I am fed and drunk for free,
Because I have a very kind widow.
If you want seduce a woman, you must come pothouse with her,
Also she can resist you!
My situation is not such, I am fed and drunk for free,
Let my dick be getting up more often.
Let other men spend money for women everymoment,
While they tell them loving words,
While they drive them into a restaurant, I am fed and drunk for free,
Because I have a very kind widow.
If I am drunk and dirty,
If my mouth is stinking like a bullshit,
She will forgive me this,
Kind widow will warm up, shelter, bathe,
Give me the hair of the dog *, and put to sleep me.
Let other men spend dollars for women everymoment,
While they tell them loving words,
While they drive them into a restaurant, I am fed and drunk for free,
Because I have a very kind widow.

Us Against This Life

Versions: #2
Fireworks in the parking lot of a shopping mall, young parents bringing all their kids along,
The lights from the Walmart and baseball field,
Look like meteorites from another world.
A paycheck earned hungover and sick.
A city that to butterflies is allergic.
At a bypass my coworker met their end.
That makes one every year for the past ten.
It’s over once you wonder about what all of this means.
Or so we like to claim as we crush ants beneath our feet.
Philosophy is to us like the poem you see in a bar while in the bathroom and sitting on the seat.
And only when you’re already drop-dead drunk do you nod your head up and down in empty agreement.
Covered in sweat and lotto tickets the next day, it’s not long before you're all dry.
Through the trees sunlight shining, by a switchyard near the station, on you as you’re working
On the world that one day you’ll find yourself changing.
There was a time when it was only you and me.
We called it the world and it was brimming with peace. Our bodies connected.
In the end I would care for the sick and weak,
As the sunset lit the clouds in the country.
The ribbon on my blazer and the lovely ending scene,
On my shirt is a fresh oil stain to clean.
I load my illusions into the back of my truck.
In every time, it’s us against this life.
It feels like I might have left something behind when I left.
But I no longer have a clue what it might be.
I suppose it’s possible that I might have been the one left behind.
Always rushing around like I’m on some mission.
I just remembered my girl who rushed off was called Time.
And I can’t see her anymore. I can’t even remember the smile she wore.
Pain has come and gone, like a scab during a sunset, but the scars still throb.
The sound of the alarm clock from me was robbed.
Once there was a wasteland stretching forever before my eyes.
To my fallen friends whether you stay or should you go, courage is required for both.
I would never leave any of you all alone by the road.
Delicate and in a hole, we finally take to arms and mutiny.
From the jaws of defeat we snatch victory, our first instance of glory.
But what will our final destination be?
In every time, it’s us against this life.
I truly believed that this world would change.
I truly believed that I myself could change.
But all everything does is just separate.
If these feelings of mine don’t change, there's no room for doubt in my vocal range.
Betrayed, lead astray, and accusations you’ve no reason to say.
Flattery and reasons lame,
Words with no ink to their name.
A humble cafe and well-packed train,
Compliments that fall flat on their face. Accepting the blame, plus abuse and shame.
Companions who always say what they mean. Friends who were there through fire and flame.
Funny stories that honestly weren’t that funny all the same.
Music made, all your children safe, authority obtained.
Decisions shake, this past and present place and the future at stake.
A moment’s rest on the weekend.
Through the park blows a tepid wind, clasped together hands.
The amount of time that’s passed, and all of the warmth that it sent.
The world that I saved that day can stay evermore,
Now that I have destroyed the world that was here before.
Even with this agony, we continue to live so eagerly.
In every time, it’s us against this life.


Још један дан у рају,
Само још једно поглавље у причи мог живота
Још једна битка, једна борба
Још један разлог за тебе да покушаш
Да ме повучеш доле у воду
Не, овај пут сам паметнији,
Тако да и не почињи,
О, јер када застор падне доле
И музика ишчезне
Ја појачам мало гласније
И гурнем мало јаче,
Попут ратника, попут ратника,
У овоме сам да победим
На фронтној линији сам и онда покушају да ме сломе
Али позоран сам, ни једна армија ме не потреса
Попут ратника, попут ратника,
У овоме сам да победим.
Спреман сам за други круг,
Навлачим рукавице и не усуђуј се да ме изоставиш,
Хајде крени да покушаш да ме обориш,
Још један разлог за мене да ударим.
И повуци ме доле у воду,
Не овај пут сам паметнији,
Тако да и не почињи,
О, јер када застор падне доле
И музика ишчезне
Ја појачам мало гласније
И гурнем мало јаче,
Попут ратника, попут ратника,
У овоме сам да победим
На фронтној линији сам и онда покушају да ме сломе
Али позоран сам, ни једна армија ме не потреса
Попут ратника, попут ратника,
У овоме сам да победим.
Још један дан у рају,
Само још једно поглавље у причи мог живота
Ја појачам мало гласније
И гурнем мало јаче,
Попут ратника, попут ратника,
У овоме сам да победим
На фронтној линији сам и онда покушају да ме сломе
Али позоран сам, ни једна армија ме не потреса
Попут ратника, попут ратника,
У овоме сам да победим.

Open mom, open

Get up, my sweet mother
and run to open the door for me
to squeeze in your arms
the child you'd written off
Open mom, open up
it's not a stranger knocking
It's your son knocking, my mom
the one who took the wrong road
I made you bitter, I hurt you
and you aged for me
but let all those things
be forgotten
Open mom, open up
it's not a stranger knocking
It's your son knocking, my mom
the one who took the wrong road
A neighboring door opens up
and someone shouts to me:
'Don't knock at that house
nobody lives there!'

Чорна вдова

[Hook: Rita Ora]
Я буду тебе любити
Поки ти мене не зненавидиш
І я покажу тобі
Що таке справжнє божевілля
Ти повинен був знати
Що краще зі мною не жартувати
Я буду буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Як чорна вдова, крихітко
[Iggy Azalea:]
Ця заплутана гра в кішки-мишки завжди починається однаково
Спочатку ми обидва у грі, потім ти зникаєш
Ми пройшли шлях від легкої симпатії до любові
Це були ми проти світу, а зараз ми просто кохаємося
Ніби я тебе любила більш за все на світі, а зараз я тебе ненавуджу
Вважаю, витрачати весь час на тебе - була дурна ідея
Я бажала для нас все або нічого, без варіантів
Можливо я вірила в усе, що ти не мав на увазі
Типо, це триватиме вічно, але вічність для тебе недовга
Якщо б не ти, я б не співала цю пісню
Ти відрізнявся від мого колишнього, але зараз ти його відображення
Але всі ці ігри я бачу якнайкраще
Зараз співаємо:
[Pre-Hook: Rita Ora]
Колись ти мене жадав
А зараз тобі захотілося свободи
Це павутина, павутина, яку ти сплів
Так що зараз, малий, (все скінчено)
[Hook: Rita Ora]
Я буду тебе любити
Поки ти мене не зненавидиш
І я покажу тобі
Що таке справжнє божевілля
Ти повинен був знати
Що краще зі мною не жартувати
Я буду буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Як чорна вдова, крихітко
[Iggy Azalea:]
Я буду тебе любити, поки не заболить
Все працює для того, щоб роздобути тебе
Ти ще нікого не зустрічав
Хто б поводився с тобою, як я
Хто поставить тебе на коліна
Щоб молівся Ісусу, алілуя
Ти благатимеш, проситимеш
До того, як ти відчуватимеш, що живеш цим
До того, як ти будеш все для цього робити
Я хочу щоб ти став злодієм для цього
Прокидався і мріяв про це
Поки ти не станеш задихатися
Ти нахилишся вперед
Поки вони не просканують твій мозок
І в ньому не виявиться нічого, окрім мене
Саме час повірити, що
Якщо воно твоє, і ти цього хочеш
Я не можу обіцяти, що воно мені необхідно
Поки я буду відслідковувати твої кроки
Я не можу відступити
Тому що це фатальна пристрасть, і я беру або все, або ні біса
[Pre-Hook: Rita Ora]
Колись ти мене жадав
А зараз тобі захотілося свободи
Це павутина, павутина, яку ти сплів
Так що зараз, малий, (все скінчено)
[Hook: Rita Ora]
Я буду тебе любити
Поки ти мене не зненавидиш
І я покажу тобі
Що таке справжнє божевілля
Ти повинен був знати
Що краще зі мною не жартувати
Я буду буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Буду тебе любити, буду тебе любити
Як чорна вдова, крихітко

The Nighthawk Star

I kill so many beetles and insects every night.
And now I’m to be killed by the hawk.
So this is what it feels like. I can’t stand this.
I’ll stop eating insects, and starve to death.
No, the hawk will kill me before that happens.
No, before that happens I’ll fly far, far away.

The w**re

Once I was a poor and unremarkable girl,
Nobody would ever approach me in the street,
But now I am a w**re and every minute
Some wealthy man leads me to the pub.
But now I am a w**re and every minute
Some wealthy man leads me to the pub.
For example, common workers have only hands
That are considered as golden(*), they use them to operate machines/tools,
But in my case, I use hands, t**s, va**na and mouth,
And when I am at work - pubic hair in the suds
But in my case, I use hands, t**s, va**na and mouth,
And when I am at work - pubic hair in the suds
Before I was poor, drank only moonshines,
I was lonely and didn't know anybody,
Now I am together with Gena, he is incredible,
He is a very good p**p, I pray for him.
Now I am together with Gena, he is incredible,
He is a very good p**p, I pray for him.
Formerly I was bi**hy, I ate only canned food,
Drank water after it, not to hiccup,
Now I eat splints and drink only 'Amaretto's
I smoke only 'More' cigarettes, that's the life, the Christ's sake!
Now I eat splints and drink only 'Amaretto's
I smoke only 'More' cigarettes, that's the life, the Christ's sake!

It's Evening Outside

It's evening outside, the night does come in,
It's evening outside, the night does come in,
Do come out, O maiden, my heart's desire.
It's evening outside, the night does come in,
Do come out, O maiden, my heart's desire.
And I will not come out, I will not be with you
And I will not come out, I will not be with you
I'll send out my sister all of the same.
And I will not come out, I will not be with you
I'll send out my sister all of the same.
And I will sit with my sister and spend the evening,
And I will sit with my sister and spend the evening,
Not doing such things as if I'm with you.
And I will sit with my sister and spend the evening,
Not doing such things as if I'm with you.
Not doing such things, or conversation
Not doing such things, or conversation
Not such a white face, nor dark browed
Not doing such things, or conversation
Not such a white face, nor dark browed.
It's evening outside, the night does come,
It's evening outside, the night comes.
Do come out, O maiden, my heart's desire.
It's evening outside, the night does come.
Do come out, O maiden, my heart's desire.


On the road I drive the opposite way
And I walk on the border of the skyscraper's roof
You gamble even with the things you don't have
There's a real daredevil that slumbers inside you for a log time
They say you're like a God
Streptomycin* for males
I wrap youngsters crowd around my little finger
I mistake dates a little, I mix beverages a little
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep, I feed myself unhealthy
Things that kill me make me feel alive
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep
I mix beverages a little
That makes me feel alive
Yes, I'm the queen of russian roulette
Yes, I'm an Achilles' heel for many of them
You gamble even with the things you don't have
There's a real daredevil that slumbers inside you for a log time
They say you're like a God
Streptomycin for males
I wrap youngsters crowd around my little finger
I mistake dates a little, I mix beverages a little
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep, I feed myself unhealthy
Things that kill me make me feel alive
Glass of whiskey with ice in one hand
And you smoke hundredth cigarette in a row
You'd only like to play a little
All that people see is that you're blacked darkness
Every taxi knows you in this city
You knew to choose such life
I wrap youngsters crowd around my little finger
I mistake dates a little, I mix beverages a little
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep, I feed myself unhealthy
Things that kill me make me feel alive
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep
Things that kill me
Make me feel alive
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

Oh, There in the Garden

Oh, there in the garden, under the apple tree
There was a dove with her dear dove. x2
They were sitting there, bustling,
With their grey wings, embracing. x2
Where did the shooter come from, a good guy?
Has broken, has separated the pair of doves. x2
He killed the male dove, caught the female,
He took his rifle and carried her to his home. x2
Went to his house, let her go there,
Poured out some grain, up to her knee. x2
The dove does not eat, the dove does not drink,
And to the vineyard, goes out always to weep. x3

Evil night

Evil night, it is certainly evil night tonight,
And bloody moon shines upon us,
We can't sleep tonight with friends.
A circle, and in that circle the star is drawn on the floor,
We'll ask all the questions to the evil tonight, because
Evil night, we 100% believe in you
Evil night, show us who is who.
That's a girl, she is nice and humble,
She was shy every time,
She would have been an ideal wife.
The spirit started to explain us,
That she is the last w**re,
L**bian, which kind is hard to find,
We are shocked, let's go further.
Evil night, we 100% believe in you
Evil night, show us who is who.
That's the man, he looks like okay guy,
He was neither greedy, nor harsh,
And everyone liked him always.
The spirit has explained to us,
That he is a f**king f**ot,
That he is b**tard, s**nk and c**d,
Wow wow, solo(*), let's go
All is crap, that's my turn,
Hey, poltergeist, tell us who am I,
Looks like I am not greedy and I'm not a pig.
The spirit has explained this way,
That I am f**king as**ole,
How dare you? that's not as it is,
I am normal, how dare you, bastards.
Evil night, I'll never believe,
Evil night, nobody believes in you.

Dead in the House

A god forsaken village in the forest, damn,
Here, you can be abused by deceased.
They create outrages and snoop at night,
And even in the house, this night, there is no peace for us.
And outside the window the moon is lit and shines on the graveyard,
Our black cat pursed its tail in fear.
And there is a horrible and after-death howl behind the window,
Perhaps the corpses under the earth have lost their peace.
Dead in the house, close the mirrors,
Dead in the house is waiting around the corner.
Dead in the house, oh, my,
He craves for your blood, he will get it.
Your great-grandmother died this terrible night,
She was very, very wicked witch when she was alive.
Now she is in the coffin and on the table,
And her spirit has long been flying on a broomstick.
We dozed off, grandmother immediately
Fixed upon us her her dead eyes.
From her dead mouth came out big fangs,
Don't touch us, grandmother, we're your great-grandchildren.
Dead in the house, close the mirrors,
Dead in the house is waiting around the corner.
Dead in the house, oh, my,
He craves for your blood, he will get it.
She will not go to the grave without us,
She will take us there with her.
Through a dream, I hear her get up,
And she comes to me, sprung out her claws.
As if we were paralyzed from fear,
She's thrusting her fangs into me now.
I feel she'll leave us here forever,
With you, we'll hang out here until the Judgement day.
Dead in the house, close the mirrors,
Dead in the house is waiting around the corner.
Dead in the house, oh, my,
He craves for your blood, he will get it.
Dead in the house, close the mirrors,
Dead in the house is waiting around the corner.
Dead in the house, he sneak in somehow,
He craves for your blood, protect yourself, man.
Tibor from QS-FB


I'm not a turner, I'm not a baker,
I'm not a cook, not an assistant professor,
I'm not a janitor, I'm not a locksmith,
I'm a simple Soviet cop.
I work in station
Which calls sobering-up
You plow in factories,
Well, I'm glad to be here.
Hey, who's at the door, go out to the toilet one by one.
If you're a customer with money,
Didn't pass my day just because,
All pockets inside out,
I'll clean'em all just like that.
After all, one salary is not enough,
Judge, dudes,
I have also whores,
I need moneys too.
Hey, who's at the door, go out to the toilet one by one.
I'll serve all in the best possible way,
I'll undress, laying down
Let the work is dirty,
But I don't go with the plow.
After all, in our native village
Even if you plows a hundred lands,
You'll not get moneys as much per day,
As I put in my overcoat.
Hey, who's at the door, go out to the toilet one by one.
Tibor from QS-FB


I live on Waih, believe me, I have no fear,
But from this terrible thought there is a knock in the teeth.
You live on Chizhovka, and you'll not come:
Chizhovskie so messed you up, so you'll not reach the house.
Very strange things,
What life brought to,
I can't go to my beloved one,
Can meet on the way, oh
I see you in dreams and grow thin in front of my eyes,
I'd come to you a long time ago, but I'm afraid of being bruised.
I lost weight by deciding for a whole year:
To be on a date with a bruise, or in separation without it.
Very strange things,
What life brought to,
I can't go to my beloved one,
Can meet on the way, oh
I figured out how we should be, so that we can't howl in separation -
Better you, my friend, come to me to be friends.
You fly to me with an arrow, but, my love, know
Our local chavs can meet on the way.
Very strange things,
What life brought to,
I can't go to my beloved one,
Can meet on the way, oh
Tibor from QS-FB


Two Jews sat on a thin branch,
One read the newspaper, another stirred the flour.
Once cuckoo, two cuckoo,
Both of them fucked down in flour. ah-ah
Two files're flew, flew on their sides,
One flew to the right, the other looked into the river.
Once cuckoo, two cuckoo,
Both of them fucked down in river. ah-ah
Two whales crawled, crawled to America,
One was in the kombinzone, the other broke his arm.
Once cuckoo, two cuckoo,
So you need that, fool. ah-ah
Tibor from QS-FB


Holy s**t, that dream, a video cassette recorder (VCR),
My dude has got it from the crowds,
Bought just for seven thousands (rubles)
He did not eat for a whole year,
He had finally f**ked up.
I came to him yesterday to watch till the morning,
Fights, s**, vampires, corpses, Bruce Lee.
I have watched so hard that my mind became malfunctioning,
And I was brought to the mental hospital in the morning.
First we have watched s** scenes,
My friend was h**ny,
Then he started to bite his nails.
He turned and wheezed, he was angry, he was shouting,
After the movie he was in a 'd**ty' pants.
Well, I sat silently, tight in my armchair,
But I kept strong and held me in my arms.
After I have watched it, I could not resist
And f**ked his wife out.
And then came an action movie, I was 'tired'
And I saw how two unknown people were fighting against each other.
They had provoked me, I had remembered my childhood
And had hit my dude's face.
He granted me with concussion without a word,
And now I smile everyday.
This holy s**t, that dream, video cassette recorder,
F**k the VCR factory.

The Hunter of Love

I hid the flame in my eyes and palms and walked
From the edge of yesterday
I’ll go open the door
And expose my sadness
Into the night of light
In the depths of your little chest
There is such an intense life
With beautiful magic, I want to solve
The secret of the world’s love
Even if I don’t know
Things like the meaning of my being born
The desert will, look, turn into spring
I was overflowing with love
To the point that I wanted to embrace
Someone who laughs by my side
Only you saw
The me who cried
Learns of love and begins
I shouldn’t have known about the song of love
When it comes to now, I understand
What you taught me
At that nostalgic shore
I want to meet you again
From my heart
Ascertain me
Who is living like this…
I was born to know about love
Now I chase love and advance
The Hunter…
of Love…


But José Gervasio de Artigas dreamed something else:
Four thousand rotten years fasts
giving its warmth
so that finally the country grow
or have little wings sprouted
and give turns over the world
to stop at the God voice
to go by the pampa like sky
to the sun of justice.
Eh! don José Gervasio eh!
One day you went west
with elephants, pray animals, wild boars, buffaloes,
women dressed in red,
with feet like dog legs,
and their men who saw the stars falling,
the other stars closing like an eye,
or going up to anthills,
eating cotton pies,
losing the mother rope,
Look! losing the mother rope,
and crown tied them to the bad omens of life.
Because you José Gervasio de Artigas dreamed something else.
Because you José Gervasio de Artigas dreamed something else.
But you José Gervasio de Artigas dreamed something else.
But you José Gervasio de Artigas dreamed something else.
An endless heat
or like a river of bravery
with a red garland,
without clothes in the head
and from the womb were coming out canes,
palms, brave spares,
swords to cut
the weed or dishonor
that meant to climb
by the sweaty name you were taking.
Eh! don José Gervasio eh! Isn't so?
all of you were going to the west,
the old men of dry balls,
the odorless old women,
the children who eat poorly
at the feet of the big silentful breasts,
silentful like a night full of bulls
troop of closed breasts
that dismissed love.
They wanted to eat enemy
Look! They wanted to eat enemy
and seemed like a silence
that were leaving in the country,
like a cold planet or moon
deposited on the floor.
Because you José Gervasio de Artigas wanted something else.
Because you José Gervasio de Artigas wanted something else.
But you José Gervasio de Artigas dreamed something else.
When silence became everything,
don José Gervasio was seen
standing in the middle of his people.
And the country started to fly
like uruguayans by their face,
or a sky was sprouting form them
like little wings, like warmth,
or a great turn over the world,
against the personal death,
the little beautiful known.
Eh! don José Gervasio eh! Isn't so?
you always dreamed in another way.
You sorted out with the
four thousand years of human hunger
that were pulling your poncho,
and didn't let you sleep,
and didn't let you eat,
Like a love ot silentful breasts
that drag you to the shadows to the south.
And didn't let you sleep,
and didn't let you eat,
To the south. To the curb that thrembled them
like a dove in the gut
and suddenly it flew
and began the sun of justice.
Because you José Gervasio of sun of justice dreamed something else.
Because you José Gervasio of sun of justice dreamed something else.
Because you José Gervasio of sun of justice de Artigas dreamed something else.
But you José Gervasio de Artigas dreamed something else.
But you José Gervasio de Artigas dreamed something else.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Dance of masks

Who made sound again
the old out of tune drum?
In whose hands turned on
that turned off side drum?
Who came to knock on your door?
Pepino1 of sad smile
Yesterday toothless singings
Cachela2 of old joy
Scratch the skin, scratch the skin,
scratch the skin, dance of masks...
Why the laughter?
Why the faces?
Why painted? They say because...
They stir the dead leaves
reborn back carnival
Which was the explosion of cymbals
with chorus of worn-out singings?
Who brought over the barrels
that support the new stage?
The present is a pirouette of time,
a stag that populates again.
Your setting of people present
came to listen to you again.
Pepino is dancing here,
Cachela gave the tone
with faces of burnt cork
with voices of resolved murgas.
  • 1. José Ministeri, “Pepino”, director of the murga Los Patos Cabreros
  • 2. Antonio Casaravilla, 'Cachela', director of the murga Asaltantes con Patente
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Chichita of the Iguazú

Chichita the neighbour
went to Iguazú
to get wet on the falls
the prettiest of all the south.
She saved for fifty two weeks
and took an excursion
with bus, little bar
with bathroom and TV.
How not to take the chance then
I won't lose the chance
to travel on a large scale
of talking with pretty people
and buying a nightgown.
What a vegetation! What a vegetation!
Oh, what a vegetation!
Four different tones of green!
Isn't over there
the India, beautiful blend?
Chichita amazed
tells about her blue trip
What a long trip!
even more than the falls
Chichita got excited.
With the blessed hand of the man
the white hand Jesus

that destroyed the Iguazú
but created the Itaipú 2
and illuminated a zone
that already had its light.
The frontier people do everythinh
on a large scale. Do you realize?
look that while doing the work
three thousand workers died, poor of them.

Chichita very amazed
I tell you?
Tells us about Paraguay
What a roll
How cheap is everything If you see,
we saw very cheap things

Radios, natives and ties
we bought pictures
of Japan and cataracts.
Chichita with cataracts.
I can't
she couldn't see the roar
Couldn't see anything
the pulverized water
obscured her the guaraní landscape.
The thirty degrees in the shade
crushed me
left her dazed,
covered with rare bugs.
But how wonderful
the air conditioning
how lucky I live here
so far from my America

Chichita could avoid very well
the relief sensation
that violence caused her,
though slipped by a memory
of a certain night of burning love
and indecence.
Chichita could avoid very well
the relief sensation
that the flow caused her,
taking the filth below
all the filth inevitably
Though a wish scaped.
May the rapids fall,
may they break, I'm feeling like getting naked

May they beak it all
May the chaos come please
may they undo me

May that native undo me
May the hard stream hits
may the stream become red

May it hit against the had violently
Yes, violently
But she tamed herself
Her education let her tame herself
and behave maturely
politely, delicatedly, calmly
Chichita wore out by God
dreaming on that jump
Chichita came back wore out
with fungi on the skin.
I don't mind the lice
I'm a natural-born tourist
of those beautiful experiences
one returns much richer

The funniest thing of the trip
she tells us laughing out loud
if was when her crazy husband
did the great joke
he came and ask the guide
Hey guide,
Is it still too long to reach to Montevideo?

  • 1. A reference to the guarania 'India'
  • 2. The Itaipú dam
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

May I sink in your eyes?

May I sink in your eyes?
Because sinking in your eyes is happiness.
I'll come to you and say: 'Hello,
I love you'. It is complicated...
No, it is not complicated, it is hard
It is very hard to love, do you believe it?
If I come to the edge of the cliff
And fall down, will you come in time to catch me?
And if I am away, will you write to me?
I want to be with you for a long
For a very long time...
For my whole life, do you understand?
I'm afraid to get your answer, you know...
Tell me, but tell me silently,
Tell me with your eyes, do you love me?
If you do, then I promise,
You will be the happiest one.
If you don't, then I beg you
Not to blame me with your look,
Not to take me to the deep waters
Even though you love another one, well...
Do you at least remember me?
May I love you?
Even if I mustn't,
I will!
And I will always come to help you
If you ever in need!


At the end they're only words
They fade out in the air
Your words are always complicate
Your actions talk more clearly than the water
You promised
To stay alone for a while
That there are very recent wounds.
That you mustn't, you can't, no
In any way
But deny it ig you dare
That when I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Then let's leave us
In fact, we already are alone.
You say that it isn't worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution.
Come and let yourself fall here close to me
That come confessions to us
I confess, I confess
That it's burning to me like it burns to you
What is worth to let it there?
Let's take a cold shower.
Don't misunderstand me
My only sin is I'm sincere
Tonight there's full moon
It's so pure and clear...
When I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Then let's leave us
In fact, we already are alone.
You say that it isn't worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution.
Come and let yourself fall here close to me
That come confessions to us
Tell me that you don't, you don't feel it
Tell me you don't, you don't, if you dare.
When I come closer, little by little
You become nervous
Don't say you don't, you don't
Look my love, that already from longtime
We've grown...
And I know that it is no worth
That it makes no sense
But for this kind of poison there's no solution
Then, let you fall here close to me
Remain subjected at what you'll find
Then tie up here close to me
That come confessions

I wasn't lying

How many night I waited for you
Standing by the door
And you never appear
How much crying did I swallow
Sitted on this table
Trying hard not to scream
Not to die because of
The sorrow, because of the rage...
If once I told you I would bear only one more
Before leaving forever
I wasn't lying, I wasn't lying
If once I threatened you and swear to you
You would regret it
I wasn't lying, I wasn't lying
I wasn't lying
Our love was not signed
Nor carved in stone
We can't save it anymore
Of my pride I've took
More than my strengh
I'm leaving, closing the door
To all these miseries
If once I told you I would bear only one more
Before leaving forever
I wasn't lying, I wasn't lying
If once I threatened you and swear to you
You would regret it
I wasn't lying, I wasn't lying
I wasn't lying
Keep all your lies
I want to fly, get lost from your life
Better find another crazy woman to follow you
I'm done, so done...

In a whisper

We were asking in a whisper
'What's next? What will happen next?'
In a whisper, I don't want to scream
That we will forget each other
In a whisper, in a whisper
We were asking 'What next? What will happen next?'
In a whisper, I don't want to scream
That we are different people
Coffee and alcohol can't erase the pain
Only aromas of your perfume can
If only love could speak
It would whisper contented words
In this silence the essence disappears
Are you silent? Or am I silent?
Are you in me? Or is it quicksilver?
I just want to whisper to you so much
We were asking in a whisper
'What's next? What will happen next?'
In a whisper, I don't want to scream
That we will forget each other
In a whisper, in a whisper
We were asking 'What next? What will happen next?'
In a whisper, I don't want to scream
That we are different people
Thoughts crumble like sand
The clock pointers divide us
Silence saves us from unnecessary words
But the price of salvation flows from the eyes
I can't return the whisper of your lips
If so, I'll record in cycles
Are you in me? Or is it poison?
Or is it that I ask you so

Your voice will fade away

I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Your voice will fade away
Tell me, how long will all of this last
That this hell will seen end
That life is as it should be
That this love is going to disappear
It was the destiny that decided
Your smile was blown away by the wind
And who knows who will find it
No, it won’t be me anymore
I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Your voice will fade away
No, it’s not simple to understand it all
Your inventions didn’t fit you well
This light turned out forever
It won’t light anymore
I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Don’t try to make it right
Don´t try to make it right
Come and look inside my heart
You take your little time to realize
You’re not the one
No, it’ll fade away
Your voice will fade away
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Don’t try to make it right
I don’t want yesterday anymore
I don’t want what you give me anymore
Ain’t gonna be the same
Ain’t gonna hear the beating of your heart
Your voice will fade away

Today soup today

How hard, is the street
Let's put it in the soup if we can soften it
How hard, all bone
Let's make with it a very thick broth
Put grey floor tiles,
and pieces of curbs
Put a little of salt to the concrete
Well hashed tar,
Pan seared cobblestones
And bell peppers in the storm drains
What a recipe!
How hard, is the street
Let's put it in the soup if we can soften it
How hard, all bone
Let's make with it a very thick broth
The laughter with permission
and the heaven's flower
Will give a sweet touch to that stew
Pick spirits from the floor
Play with melancholy
And your soup will be as seen on TV
What a recipe!
I invite today, don't disregard me
Take it easy because there's nothing else
Take a napkin, take a bowl
Cover your nose, take a little run
And dive like in the sea
How hard, is the pot
Let's put it in the soup if we can turn it off
Dented pot, street and bone
Let's make with it a very thick broth
I'll put then agony
A tear of the day
A lot of neurotic businessmen
Add wearyness and people
At the edge of blowing up
And put it all in the pressure cooker
And attention
Because the mechanism of the pressure cookers
Makes the food quickly
With the steam organized in a great concentration
Taking as a symbol the proteinical dismiss
the mechanism of the pressure cookers
bears in mind until the last detail
when the steam is heated, grown, out of measure
and does it's manifestation
in the side appears a whistle doing piiiiiiiiiii
Let it boil for a while
because the shoes soles
don't cook all at the first boil
put old wrecks
and skinless buttons
of the green ones that give it a very good taste
right to the table
Chew and swallow non-stop, it will soften
you can go with stagnated water
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

There just sea

Callus, salt.
Callus, salt. Black tobacco.
Goes Ramon the fisherman.
Deepness, skin and sun.
Trap, cold.
Trap, cold. Hands, sea.
'Mossing' his nature.
Goes Ramon. There goes brown.
Shadow, dog, weed, old.
Bone, fishbone, nature.
Dirty sand, hangover.
Brown sea, there goes Ramón.
Tides, callus, pots, buoys.
South, bait, nature.
Powerboat, sand, patience.
Cardboard horizon.
Fish and chew. Foam, mouths.
Man, trap, nature.
Moss, tobacco, breath.
Tar, salt and brass house.
Chew, crack, mouth, foam.
Chew, fish, fishbone, foam.
Chew, foam, fishbone, mouth.
Chew, moss, nature.
Chew, moss, nature.
Man, moss, fish, nets.
Man, trap, net, foam.
Man, foam, fish, moss.
Man, trap, nature.
Man, trap, nature.
Shadow, foam, dirty mouth.
Shadow, trap, nature.
Shadow, foam, dirty mouth, fish.
Trap, mouth, nature.
Shadow, foam, dirty mouth, fish, nets.
Mouth, fishbone, nature.
Shadow, foam, dirty mouth, fish, net, stare.
Man, shadow, nature.
Man, trap, nature.
Man, fishbone, nature.
Man, foam, nature.
Crack, seashell, the soul.
Nets, oars, dampness.
Old eternal suns.
Hangover, sad truth.
There goes Ramón. The powerboat.
aiming towards his nature.
Sun, dog, primus, pot.
Broken can, rat, rock, sea, Ramónnnnnnnnn goes.
Almost now. Goes.
Almost now. Goes.
Almost now. Goes.
Old square, two primus.
Little brass sea.
Tar, there goes Ramón.
There just sea.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Silver poplar

My dear Silver poplar, why are you so sad?
Now not far off is the dawning of a young spring.
For all it is the awaited the starry time,
The silver-winged wind it flies from the Dnieper.
Do russel, oh poplar - oh dear poplar,
Here beneath my saddened window.
Do greet your soul like it be a dear child,
Green - leaved, with bloom, and great goodness.
The branches will kiss you that the leaves resurrect,
That the crown ascend fast into heaven.
That the bird will carry the joy upon their wing,
It's like a song - the fate of it's native Land.

My Kazakhstan

The sun is half the sky and wormwood chime the path,
And I'm, a child, printing a foot in the dust.
How caress the world that you gave me
How I drank the warm happiness from your palms.
And we were growing up together, native and adopted
Gaining the wing in the shirts, in the steppe.
We were loved, we all lived in a large family,
But after growing up, we left the path.
Your radiant-wise of swivel-eyed.
Like an amulet in the long journey,
And if anything happened, takes it off like a hand,
Only it's necessary to breathe in your spicy air.
Let your children have bread, meat on the table, your Kazan will be hot.
And there are no such boundaries, so as not to come to you, you are forever with me, my Kazakhstan.
Oh, how many years, how do I set the course,
Then lightly, then taking an exorbitant load.
But every time your image saved me,
The spirit of spacious, and your feather grass is always gray.
I'll come tired, going around the Earth,
But run, seeing the silhouette in the distance.
Ah, the smell of bread and the clear gray smoke,
Well, hug, the prodigal son has returned to you!
The winds of your aitys and the breadth of the steppes,
is comparable with the breadth of the soul.
I miss you, miss you,
You write me a couple of lines, old man.
There is no my country, our Union is torn
In the shreds of small countries,
But I bow to you, ata, down to earth,
You are forever with me, my Kazakhstan!
But I bow to you, ata, down to earth,
You are forever with me, my Kazakhstan!
You are forever with me, my Kazakhstan!
Tibor from QS-FB

The eye

I have the roof
I have the roof
I have the roof so close to me
I don't even need to stand up
The roof
At least the roof
I don't even need to stand up
I can't
The roof
The roof
Today I rule so many things
Who could imagine it?
To walk naked on july
My roof post july
I'm in the well
Spinning in the roof
Spinning in the well
The ice didn't start to freeze
Freezer as a roof
Darker well
Darker well
Darker well
Darker well
Darker well
There's no well that isn't roof and cold
There's no place
There's no pain that isn't man and cold
There's no place
There's no damage more horrible and cold
There's no place
There's nothing colder
There's isn't
I can't
Not being able to die
Not being able
What a pain
What a hole
What a pain
What a hole
What a mine
My friends, look what a mine
What a black, deep, damped hole
What a mine
What a damped hole
What a mine
What an eye
What an eye
What a gold mine
Chubby, round
Round eye
Like the well
Like the well
I'm sick of being in the well
Damned vacancy
Damned, very damned
I live spinning by the eyeless well
Spinning by the eyeless well
Spinning by the eyeless eye island
The eyeless eye island
Without growing
I live spinning
Merry go round
Mind without
Will without
By the streets
By the streets
Be discreet
Shut up
Time flies
Me too
And I can't find solution
Me too
I can't find my family
Me too
I can't find the way out
Today I rule so many things
So many jobs
Who could imagine it?
And I can't die
I've put the bars upside down
And I can't die
I snatched the taste of toilet paper
And I can't die
I stripped all the stripped wires
And I can't die
I wrapped sworms
And I can't die
Wrapped sworm
And I can't die
And I can't
I don't wanna die
I can't
I don't wanna die
I can't
I don't wanna
I can't
I don't wanna
I can't
I don't wanna die
I can't
I don't wanna
I can't
I don't wanna
I don't wanna
I can't
I don't wanna
I can't die
I don't wanna
I don't wanna
I don't wanna
I can't
Don't forget me
I don...don't forget me
I don't forget
Don't forget me
I don't wanna die
Don't forget me
I can't
I don't wanna
I don't wanna
I can't
I don't wanna
Don't forget me
I don't forget
Don't forget me
Don't forget me
I don't wanna die
Don't forget me
Don't forg...
Don't forget me!
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk
The tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The eye of the tank
The eye
Of the tank
I wanna eat
Ajo, ají, chajá
The eye of the tank
Looks at me
The tank and the quivers
The arrows
The wounds
The cracks
The wanks
Pick up
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank, the tank
The tank and the quivers
The tank and the quivers
The tank and Alcatraz
All the hours are mine
Ajo, ají, chajá
Hours are my hostages
I won't let them scape
All the hours are mine
Hours are my hostages
I won't let them scape
Memories I don't understand
Ajo, ají, chajá
Memories I don't remember
Ajo, ají, chajá
Memories I don't understand
I don't remember
I don't understand
I don't remember
I don't understand
I don't remember
I don't understand
I don't remember
Here comes the roof
The eye of the roof comes to me
Comes over me
The eye
That eye
Looks at me
The eye
The tank, the tank
The frozen tank
The eye
Hole in the eye
That eye
Spit in the eye
That eye
Spit in the eye
That eye
That eye
Spit in the eye
Spit in the eye
Spit in the eye
Spit in the eye
Throat, necklace
The eye, the eye, the eye in my throat
If I could buy that necklace to my daughter
Of little seashells, of little weevils
When we went to the river
Her little eyes
I wonder
I wonder
I wonder
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.