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Резултати претраге страна 17

Број резултата: 523


Boo Dee Lally Boo What a Nice Day

Love lasts forever
Boo de la lee boo de la lee
What a nice day it is
Boo de la lee boo de la lee
What a nice thing it is

Kiss my ass, I'm extra vulgar

I'm nice
My heart is pure
A little fat pig is living inside it
Yet I'm wiser
Than most old rugrats
Kiss my ass, I'm extra vulgar!1
I have lots
Of tolerance
For every goose and every dick
No matter, brevity is the soul of the wits of my farts
Kiss my ass, I'm extra vulgar!
Every posh prick wants to lecture me
Every dumplinghead tells me what to do
Every well-dressed harridan I'm supposed to adore
Every fat hag is smacking in front of me
And if he's snippy
Towards me and rude
I won't put my head
Up his ass right away
But I adhere to tradition
Only when asked to will I grab any titties
Kiss my ass, I'm extra vulgar!
Every copulating wannabe's feathers I ruffle
Every stammering idiot I cut off
Every grumbling grumpy person I show my teeth
Every bumbling bumblebee I fly away from
And whoever tells me to go to Hell
And tries to kick my butt
Just to rain on my parade
(Some of them pretty proud smart alecks)
I give him the look and tell him:
May he go fuck himself
  • 1. In German, a pun with 'extraordinary'.
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.


(a night sky full of cries
hearts filled with lies
the contract--is it worth the price?
a soul pledged to the darkness
now I've lost it, I know I can kill
the truth is just beyond the Gate)
Tears streamed from my squeezed-shut eyelids
My reason and the fragments of my blood are repeatedly undermined
I don't want anything anymore
(My exposed feelings go around and turn 'round)
I don't feel the same way as before
(Gang bang, son of a gun)
In the crack between two entwined chests
This parched body that only desires will--
Imbue itself into the night with filthy fingertips
And wrench you open until you're torn to shreds
And its peeling emotions will creak in a shallow sleep
If it can erase just about everything entirely right now
The sun will rise, so close your eyes
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Hold inside
Just HOWLING in the shadows
While struck by the incessantly pouring rain
I dug my claws deep into your clinging back
I don't need anything anymore
(No one else can take my place)
I don't see the way as before
(I've been lost without a trace)
As if to interrupt the continuation of
Someone's touching dream, my locked-away heart will--
Embrace you many times over with filthy fingertips
And aimlessly reel you in close
And its fleeting memories will blur with the remaining pain
Even if everything it has obtained is a mistake
With power that awakens each time I lose something, I will--
Imbue myself into the night with these filthy wings
And wrench you open until you're torn to shreds
And my peeling emotions will creak in my shallow sleep
If I can erase just about everything entirely right now
The sun will rise, so close your eyes
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Give me sight to see inside
I'm calling
Take a bite, night by night
Downfallen (Fallen) Falling
Hold inside
Just HOWLING in the shadows

With the eyes of a child

The world seen with the eyes of a child
Is a big circus
In a completely calm day
And it is like this, that I look at you
With the same intensity
And with a face lit up by curiosity ...
And I remember a magic Christmas
The new game
That I almost didn't want to touch
And it is like this, that I see you
And with the same amazement
I have spread my
Glance on you
You know it, I don't talk a lot
But my eyes, my face
Tell the things that no voice can express
If you understand you know me
And you can find me easier
In my infinite states of loneliness
If I want to hide a little
To relax
Golden hair(ed girl) passed by every morning
And I had got inside
A sound never heard before
And it is like this, that I feel you
With this same magic
With this naivety
That I still kept a little
You know it, I don't talk a lot
If you ever want to I will listen to you
Tell the things that go along with my silence
If I understand I know you
And I will know to find you when
I resurface from my deep states of loneliness
For a moment
A moment ...
If you understand me, you already know me
And you can find me easier
In my infinite states of loneliness
If I want to hide
To relax
To protect me a little

Good morning little girl

Good morning, little girl
Now, the sun looks at you
You are no longer scared
You want to be alone
At the moment
You are still dreaming, but ...
Oh, sweet little girl
You are moving in the world now
And you, like me
You don't know what will be (waiting)
Behind this wall
But with a strong will in you heart that you've got
You look for life beyond the blue of this sky
And you know that it isn't finished yet
You will walk along the open roads of a life
That has just begun
And even if you will loose your mind
You must not stop like this
You will continue until death
To try to find your happy life
You will find a thousand problems but something in the air
Will always give you hope
With your eyes immersed in the wind
You will understand that this life isn't a lie
Good morning little girl
It is a new day now
But you, like before
You don't stop, you walk
On your road
Without any fear, like me


Look at your hurried footsteps in the afternoon
Don't know how your life has been lately
I am still lonely as I was
My heart gets lost when I am confused
When I love you with all my heart
Why did you leave me jn the hope
Then see you leave me
I sometimes wonder if I did anything wrong
Why did you leave without saying a word?
He turned out to be deceitful when we were in love
Then you looked me as if I was a source of joy
I didn't believe what he was hiding
Give you all my sweetness then reveive just sadness
My tears can't stop falling down when love ends
Resign myself from seeing you and your new lover together


I earned a doctorate in your cut-price lips
in a sordid guesthouse in Leningrad
passport-less and against the law
but drunk as a disinherited king
Fifty rubles was a fortune
and you, nude, a mannequin of burgundy and gold
They gave us keys to the wedding suite,
a hospital backroom with no toilet
We stayed for a vodka with lemon
and a Menshevik bore on the corner
When chitchat died down, such anxiety,
you started to unbutton your trenchcoat
It wasn’t easy in the Soviet Union
to go to reception for condoms
Light years away from routine
a swallow nested on my balcony
I don’t know what happened to us or why,
what we ran into that crazy night
We babbled corny things very fast
and prayed, our mouths undoing us
We were killing ourselves from wanting to live,
overreacting, vaudeville of bohemia
Not sleeping was sweeter than dreaming
and aging with dignity,
a blasphemy
You with a beret, me with a beard, long live Che,
born again to a new man’s faith
The Berlin Wall hadn’t fallen
Nor had Sarajevo’s powderkeg burst
because the revolution's check had an Achilles' Heel
And floating among the ruins
a sparrow was widowed on my balcony
Yesterday you were leaving brown, coffee-colored
Now I haven’t seen you for almost a half-century
You were blonde, if I don’t remember wrong
I said, and lying, you’re even prettier
You accepted a non-alcoholic beer from me
The sun on the tiles had died on us
Funerals, and with nothing to say
I saw in your pupils a badly-dawn indigo
I don’t know why I keep writing this song
but my heart bleeds
when I dig into it
I found out you married a judge
and Leningrad is again Saint Petersburg
We didn’t even mention if we stayed
Pass me your address
And back in the office
a sparrow crashed into my balcony
Because the revolution's check had an Achilles' Heel
And floating among the ruins
a sparrow was widowed on my balcony

Tajna kombinacija

Možeš li da vidiš?
Možeš li da vidiš da moraš da me razotkriješ?
Šta nije u redu kad plačem
Oh, šta želim kad se smejem
Možeš li da osetiš?
Možeš li da osetiš da nisam mala devojčica?
Ti pogrešno razumeš moj put
I sve uloge koje volim da igram
Moja tajna kombinacija je misterija za tebe
Koristi svoju maštu, nije lako, ali ja sam istina
Moja tajna kombinacija, dečko moraš da probaš snažno
Da osvojiš mesto u centru moga srca
Moja tajna kombinacija je misterija za tebe
Koristi svoju maštu, nije lako, ali ja sam istina
Moja tajna kombinacija, dečko moraš da probaš snažno
Da osvojiš mesto u centru moga srca
Otvorena knjiga,
Otvorena knjiga, žao mi je, nisam to
Nekad se ponašam kao dama,
Nekad žena, nekad beba
Moja tajna kombinacija je misterija za tebe
Koristi svoju maštu, nije lako, ali ja sam istina
Moja tajna kombinacija, dečko moraš da probaš snažno
Da osvojiš mesto u centru moga srca
Moja tajna kombinacija je misterija za tebe
Koristi svoju maštu, nije lako, ali ja sam istina
Moja tajna kombinacija, dečko moraš da probaš snažno
Da osvojiš mesto u centru moga srca
Moja tajna kombinacija je misterija za tebe
Koristi svoju maštu, nije lako, ali ja sam istina
Moja tajna kombinacija, dečko moraš da probaš snažno
Da osvojiš mesto u centru moga srca

U redu

(Strofa 1)
Stvarno mi trebaš
Stvarno mi treba tvoja ljubav upravo sada
Ja brzo propadam
To neće trajati dugo
Ja sam stvarno glup
Ja gorim, ja idem na gore
Osvetiću se
Nemoj me čak ni pitati
Kada nađem sebe u sredini, u sredini, u sredini
Možeš li me voleti više, samo malo više, samo malo više
Prekomplikovano je samo kada je prosto, kada je prosto, kada je prosto
Hoćeš li me voleti više, samo malo više
Pa, kaži mi sada
Zašto svaka zvezda padne sa neba
I svako ovozemaljsko srce se slomi?
Oh, uhvati me sada
Kada svaka lađa otplovi
Ne osećam ništa kada te čujem kako kažeš
(Post- refren)
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
(Strofa 2)
Stvarno mi je žao
Izvini što sam te uvalio u ovo
Samo mislim, i to je sve
Način na koji me voliš
Način na koji me voliš sve do kraja
Način na koji me voliš
Oh, da, to me ponovo čini da se osećam kao kralj
Kada nađem sebe u sredini, u sredini, u sredini
Možeš li me voleti više, samo malo više, samo malo više
Prekomplikovano je samo kada je prosto, kada je prosto, kada je prosto
Hoćeš li me voleti više, samo malo više
Pa, kaži mi sada
Zašto svaka zvezda padne sa neba
I svako ovozemaljsko srce se slomi?
Oh, uhvati me sada
Kada svaka lađa otplovi
Ne osećam ništa kada te čujem kako kažeš
(Post- refren)
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
(Post- refren)
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
Biće sve u redu
Kada svaka lađa otplovi
Ne osećam ništa kada te čujem kako kažeš
Biće sve u redu


Не плачи, Бамбино
Снене очи, тужна фаца и бледи образи,
Више не спаваш, ти си само сенка себе
Сам на улици луташ као изгубљена душа.
И сваке вечери испод његог прозора те можемо видети
Добро знам да је обожаваш
И да она има прелепе очи
Али си још увек превише млад
Да играте љубавнике
И свирај, свирај своју мандолину
Мој мали Бамбино
Твоја музика је лепша
Од целог неба Италије
И певај, певај својим нежним гласом
Мој мали Бамбино
Можеш да певаш колико хоћеш
Она те не схвата за озбиљно
Са твојом плавом косом
Изгледаш као анђео
Иди радије играј лопту
Као што раде сва деца
Можеш да пушиш цигаре као господин,
Можеш да се врцкаш на тротоару док је гледаш
Можеш да се ослониш на своје увце твој качкет
То те неће учинити старим у срцу
Љубав и љубомора
Нису дечја игра
И имаш цео живот
Да патиш као велики
И свирај, свирај своју мандолину, Мој мали Бамбино
Твоја музика је лепша
Од целог неба Италије
И певај, певај својим нежним гласом
Мој мали Бамбино
Можеш да певаш колико хоћеш
Она те не схвата за озбиљно
Ако имаш превише мука,
Немој их задржати за себе
Иди кажи својој мами,
Маме су створене за то
И тамо, смештен у слаткој сенци њеног наручја,
Отплачи једну добру партију, и твоја туга ће нестати

Majorka - tu je moj dom

Ti si najbolje mesto na svetu,
ti si nas zivot i sve sto vredi,
ovde na Plaja nikad nismo sami
Majorka tu je moj dom
Ti si najbolje mesto na svetu,
ti si nas zivot i sve sto vredi,
ovde na Plaja nikad nismo sami
Majorka tu je moj dom
oh ooh ooh ooh oho ooh oooh
Majorka tu je moj dom
oh oooh ooh ooh oho ooh oooh
Ti si najbolje mesto na svetu,
ti si nas zivot i sve sto vredi,
ovde na Plaja nikad nismo sami
Majorka tu je moj dom
nocu ovde je zurka,
danju smo na more,
slavimo bez kraja
kao da je kraj
ne prisecamo se
ne mislimo napred
jedan, dva piva
tri, cetiri rakija
rodjena da zivim, da slavim i da budem ziva
nikad nismo trezni i nikad ne slavimo sami
mi smo super seksi i super kul
jer volimo ovaj zivot u majorkom stilu
Ti si najbolje mesto na svetu,
ti si nas zivot i sve sto vredi,
ovde na Plaja nikad nismo sami
Majorka tu je moj dom
oh oooh ooh ooh oho ooh oooh
vrtimo vreme na pocetak pa onda pocnemo
na stolicama, na stolovima, sve ide jer mi to mozemo
niko nas ne moze zaustaviti, sasvim gore super kul
jer volimo ovaj zivot u majorkom stilu.
Ti si najbolje mesto na svetu,
ti si nas zivot i sve sto vredi,
ovde na Plaja nikad nismo sami
Majorka tu je moj dom
Ti si najbolje mesto na svetu,
ti si nas zivot i sve sto vredi,
ovde na Plaja nikad nismo sami
Majorka tu je moj dom
oh ooh ooh ooh oho ooh oooh