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Good Week

Why do you make tears for me
you don't think about me
always making melodies for me
and what will be with us
you destroy i came to build
you don't ask when
and you are beautiful at night
and who will separate us
that's just the way it is you simply say to me
start to play and the beat will give
and what will be here will be
that it should be for us a good week1(good week)
who will bring2and who is remembered for good (good week)
how i love that you dance
why do you steal the blankets
i became too cold here
ask in your dreams
what will be with us
also in sad and happy times
you don't let go of my hand
yes we made mistakes
and who is more able than us
that's just the way it is you simply say to me
start to play and the beat will give
and what will be here will be
that it should be for us a good week (good week)
who will bring and who is remembered for good (good week)
how much do i love it when you say
that it should be for us a good week (good week)
all that is left is to love (good week)
how i love that you dance
  • 1. traditional greeting/blessing that one's says to another after the Jewish Sabbath ends on Saturday night
  • 2. earn a living

It was a mistake

I haven't thought that I'd see my tears but it's just the sign of the times
that some crazy lover would last but he stays alone till the end
I haven't seen a good day with you in this whole year. eventually,I've reached the end.
when you said that our love was a mistake. from all along, love only exists in stories.
It was a mistake, It was a false love , It was a sin.
Oh, No lover would leave the one they love in the middle of the road. This breakup was never a good answer.
Sometimes when I'm sitting all alone by myself. I see myself in the past.
I don't want to see those days again
The day when you heard my song and sent me a heart
What's happened to your heart ?
the parts you took , one by one ..remember? you gave our one life to someone else.
I still remember a lot of things.
It was a mistake, It was a false love , It was a sin.
Oh, No lover would leave the one they love in the middle of the road. This breakup was never a good answer.
Sometimes when I'm sitting all alone by myself. I see myself in the past.
I don't want to see those days again

Forever Following the Sun

A warm day
a magical day
a pure day
we walked with the sun
as a mix,
a golden day,
we had a good night
before yesterday.
A cold morning opposite the sea
from somewhere
the day comes in through the gate
at the window an oak tree
and a curtain were lit with the light of the sunrise.
Yes, yes, yes, yes...
forever following the sun
forever following the light
the sun sketches my day
and my heart's a bird.
A human,
get up, falls asleep,
does not go silent
the wind in the blue azure
light approaches, head up high
light flows straight to the door's edge.

A Happy Prophetic Magical Song

Like a pole of clouds, go thus before the herd
understand all, know, don't say a single word
like a pole of smoke disappear inside the room1
sometime inside you will tell you to continue
on your path.
Like the Milky Way that crosses the heavens
you go strait, don't pay attention to the stars
that shine in order to blind the eyes
sometime inside you will tell you to continue
on the path.
Ho, go strait,
go alone,
don't fear,
oho oho oh,
don't get angry,
go innocently,
go alone.
Like a wild goose that crosses the evening sky
he flies at the front of the formation2, not discouraged by the distance
and the instinct show and prophesies the path for him
sometime inside you will tell you to continue
on your path.
Like Bridget Bardot that figured out the business3
left behind her the good and the bad
and the matters she observes from the balcony
sometime inside you will tell you
Without planning let yourself to go
all the calculations will end at last
like the tree that rises to life from (the seeds) of Fall
sometime inside you will tell you
to continue!
  • 1. apartment in older idiomatic usage
  • 2. lit: arrow
  • 3. need additional explanatory reference, perhaps referring to her abrupt exit from the entertainment business in 1973 - comment below please if you know

When Peace Will Come

And when peace will come will come
and when peace will come will come
we will travel in a train to Damascus
when peace will come will come
And when peace will come will come
we will travel to ski in Lebanon
we will drink a glass of Arak Zahlawi1to life
when peace will come will come
And when peace will come will come
and when peace will come will come
then i will look at the victory at Bloomfield2
when peace will come will come
And when peace will come will come
how will we let loose on that day
we will break glasses in Cairo and Haifa
when peace will come will come
And when peace will come will come on the land
we will travel to Cairo
and when peace will come will come on the land
We will sing (the songs of) Farid El Atrache3
If it comes, come peace4
if it comes, come peace4
if it comes, come peace4
and when peace will come
everyone will sing here together
just that it will come, will come peace!
  • 1. Arak from Lebanon
  • 2. football stadium in Tel Aviv - home of Hapoel Tel Aviv
  • 3. was a Syrian-Egyptian composer and singer
  • in arabic

Oogie Boogie

Well, well, well, what have we here? the chubby 1
Disgusting huh? how exciting
So it's you that everyone talks about him
Don't, don't do that with my tired heart
You are plump, you are chubby, so come to me
He is both ancient and ugly, this is the destiny's deed
Would you like me to make soup with worms and beetles for you?
My dear Mr. chubby, you are my captive
You better give up, I'm Oogie Boogie
Let's dance together, let's handstand
I will sing for you in this last year.
Oohoo, ha
Oohoo, ha
Oohoo, Oohoo
I'm Oogie Boogie
If you don't release me, you will be punished
The children are expecting me
O fool, asshole, big mouth
Don't, don't like that, because I don't like it
Alright, don't be angry
O little eggplant
They wash you on the board with cedar2and scrub sponge
It's the time for me to kiss you
What the hell are you going to do?
I am a master at my job
I'm a dice roller and [???] and that's my job
I'm fraud and wager and shameless
I'm great and I feel good when you say ouch
Your life is in my hand, O dear ancient
Release me or I'll kick your ass, O stinky gunny
Oh bro, keep saying, I died laughing
Looks like you don't know what happened to you?
Yes chubby, crap!
Don't betray me!
Because dear Oogi Boogi will guide you to his stomach!
  • 1. that word means someone who is short and fat, let me know if you know a proper word
  • 2. The board which the dead are washed on it

Ignorant and Common

I work like crazy the entire day yes
Build a career, another reason to worry yes
Deep inside the same sure feeling
That they're all staling from me, Shula Zaken
I drive on the roads and they're all jammed, it's a little distressing
Life is like a juice squeezer, you know it sprays
There's no money the pockets are tight, I get exhausted
And life makes hard people, you want to feel?
Ignorant and common my journey wears me out
The way is long and the path only grows longer
All the means are fair and we'll need money on the road
So meanwhile we'll go with the flow and I'll tell you how
It goes, all organize and sit down
Kids it's story time, guess who's the chief of the clan
I told her that life is like a wheel, she said 'Darling they're like a windmill'
I smiled and kept smoking like a train engine
I've made it this far and don't ask how
I'm not a bystander, I work my ass off
They asked 'where?' I said I don't know
Ignorant and common, Ig Ignorant and common
I've no definite proofs, it's all pure nonsense
Day by day all the world drinks my blood and fuel
Whores annoy me, they come and go, fuck 'em
All my ex girlfriends leave and don't come back, and rightly
Every evening I come back to the same house
Mega MC with a shortage of megabytes
Black coffee, cigarettes and Winston Lite
In my dreams I fly above you all, soar like an eagle
I don't understand nothing, not consistent or symmetrical
Ignorant and common, no report cards or SAT's
Not psychotechnical, haven't attended extra classes
Ashkenazi Rastaman, poetic, local, modern
If you will, it will not be only a tale, depends on the swagga
A rolling stone call Nechi Mick Jagger
It's just like ABC or abcde
Just start the chorus and move on
Tell me what, what's going on with you
Tell me what, what will happen to you
Tell me what, what will become of you
A crazy kid I'm gripped by craziness
Tell me what, what's going on with you
Tell me what, where will go you
Tell me what, what will become of you
Just wait and see

BWV 248 VI, 9 Air T: Now, you arrogant enemies.

Now, you arrogant enemies, may try to scare me
What sort of fear can you arouse in me
My treasure, my refuge, is here with me
Though you may appear ever so fierce
And threatened to cast me down once and for all
Yet see! My saviour lives here

Blessed Shalt Thou Be To No End

Blessed shalt thou be to no end
When thou comest in, and when thou goest out!
Thy letter of companionship hath come upon me
In which thou spillest words of good will.
And I have rejoiced in him, as if a prey be he,
And great spoil have I found.
And he hath set my body aflame
As though from end to end,
And I have come unto the river of my desire
Which divideth even unto the neck and the head.
And may he be gracious unto me
And accedeth to my wish and pleaseth me.

BWV 248 VI, 5 Recitative T: When they had heard the king.

Recitative T (Mt. 2, 9-11)
When they had heard the king,
they went on their way. And behold the star,
which they had seen in the East
went before them, until it came and stood
over the place where the child was.
When they saw the star,
they were highly delighted,
entered that house,
found the child with Mary his mother,
So they fell down and worshiped him,
opened their treasures
and presented him gold, incense and myrrh.

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio VI, 1 Chorus: Lord, when our boastful foes blow fury.

Lord, when our boastful foes blow fury,
Help us to keep our faith unshaken
And to thy might and help to look!
We would make thee our sole reliance
And thus unharmed the cutting talons
And clutches of the foe escape.

BWV 248 VI, 4 Air S: Just a wave of your hand.

Air S
Just a wave of your hand
Casts down the powerless strength of men.
Here all might is derided
If the highest speaks one word
To put an end to the pride of his enemies,
Oh, then at once must
Thoughts of mortals be changed.

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio VI, Recitative T: Then Herod secretly summoned the Wisemen.

Recitative T B (Mt. 2, 7-8)
Then Herod secretly summoned the Wisemen,
and with diligence he learned from them
when the star was to appear.
And he sent them forth to Bethlehem and said:
Go there and look diligently for the baby,
and when you find him, bring me word,
that I as well may come and worship him.

BWV 248 IV Cntata for New Year 2 And when eight days were passed.

Recitative T
And when eight days were passed
And the child was to be circumcised
He was given the name Jesus
as he had been called by the angel
Before he was conceived in his mother's body.

BWV 248 Cantata for New Year, 1.Chorus: With gratitude, with praise.

With gratitude, with praise,
fall before the Almighty's throne of grace!
God's Son
desires to become
the Savior and Redeemer of the world,
God's Son
suppresses the rage and fury of the enemy.

BWV 248 IV Cantata for New Year 4 Air S: Does your name instil, my saviour.

Air S
Does your name instil, my saviour, does it instil
Even the tiniest seed
Of that fierce terror?
No, you yourself say (No!)
Shall I now be afraid of death?
No, your sweet word is there!
Or should I rejoice?
Yes, you my saviour say it yourself (Yes !)

BWV 248 IV Cantata for New Year 6 Aria T: I will live only for Your honor.

I will live only for Your honor,
my Savior, give me strength and courage,
so that my heart can do it eagerly!
Strengthen me
to exalt Your mercy worthily
and with gratitude!

BWV 248 IV Cantata for new year 5 Recitative B S: O joy, thy name shall now alone.

O joy, thy name shall now alone
Within my bosom dwell!
Jesus, my true joy and pleasure,
My true treasure, share and hope,
Thus will I call thy name with rapture
When breast and heart for thee with love are burning.
My salvation, crown and health,
But, dearest, tell me now:
How thee to praise, how thee to thank.
King and shepherd, sun and radiance,
Ah, how shall I worthily,
My Lord Jesus, give thee praise?

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio II, 10: Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.

Air A
Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.
wake after this so that all may thrive!
Comfort the breast,
feel the pleasure
with which we make glad our hearts!

BWV 248, II, 4 Recitative B: What God promised to Abraham.

What God promised to Abraham
He now allows to the band of shepherds
To be shown as fulfilled.
A shepherd had all beforehand
to learn from God.
And now also a shepherd must of the deed
that was promised in the past
first know of the fulfilment.

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio II, 9: Then go there, you shepherds, go.

Recitativ B
Then go there, you shepherds, go,
that you may see the wonder:
And if you find the son of the Highest
lying in a hard manger,
then sing to him in his cradle
in a sweet tone
and with the whole choir
this song for his rest!

BWV 248 II, 8 Chorale: Look, there lies in the dark stable.

8. Chorale
Look, there lies in the dark stable
one who has dominion over all!
Where once an ox sought food
now rests the Virgin's child.

Hob XXI, 3 - 8. Song of Joy

How lovely is
the countryside
sight now!
Come, you lasses,
let us wander
trough the flowery fields!
How lovely is
the countryside
sight now!
Come, you lads,
let us wander
to the green grove!
How lovely is…
Look at the lilles, look at the roses,
look at all the flowers!
Look at the meadows, look at the shrubs,
look at all the fields!
How lovely is…
Look at the hearth,
look at the water
Look at the bright air!
All lives,
all heaves,
all bestirs itself.
See the lambs,
how they leap!
See the fish,
what a milling around!
See the bees,
how they swarm!
See the birds
what a fluttering!
All lives…
What an happiness,
what a delight
swells our hearts!
Sweet sensations,
soft ecstasy
lift our chest!
What you feel,
what delight you,
Is the breath of the Creator!
Let us honor,
let us thank,
let us praise him!
Let you reise,
in a song of thankgiving to him,
your voices.
Let’s reise
in a song of thankgiving to him,
our voices

BWV 245 20 Aria T: Consider how his back so stained with bleeding.

Consider how his back so stained with bleeding
In every portion
Doth heaven imitate,
On which, when once the waves and waters
From our own Flood of sin have settled,
The world's most lovely rainbow, arching,
As God's own sign of blessing stands!

Good Morning Child

Good morning to the child I love. Good morning!
The sun’s rays are stealing into the street
And before the day erupts in its glory
Let’s talk – man to man
You learn to walk
Step after step, fall and then
Cry a little, forget, getup, and hold on
You need to guard your balance
Always guard your balance
That the number of steps
will be larger than
The number of failures
This way is best
You begin to speak
A full sentence quietly, smile
A few words in reverse order
You need to guard your balance
Always guard your balance
That the number of sentences
will be larger than
The number of silences
Also to be silent is good
Now I am done
You lay your head down breathing slowly
Close your eyes in trust,
No longer see the dangers.
You need to guard your balance
Always guard your balance
That the number of hugs
will be larger than
The number of abandonments.
This is worthwhile and good.
Rest your head
Always this is best.

I think I'm gradually becoming an adult (28)

The older I get
The more I understand the world
But still, was not knowing the world better for me?
Looking out at the night view that’s
Completely different to the inside of my room with the lights turned off
The words I murmur quietly
I guess I’m slowly becoming an adult
I can’t remember
What it was that
I wanted I’m scared now
Where did the fragments of my dream go?
I’m breathing but
It feels like my heart isn’t working
Yeah, now, you see, to become an adult Is to become an adult
Who finds it too hard to hold on to a dream
Thought it would change once I turned twenty
Thought it would change once I graduated
Shit, if I turn thirty like this, this
Okay, so how did I change?
Sometimes, all of a sudden, without reason, tears fall
The life that I hoped for, the life I wanted, that kind of average life
Whatever happens, I don’t care anymore
Just one day without any concerns
Just one day without any worries
To live, to live, to live
I guess I’m slowly becoming an adult
I can’t remember
What it was that I wanted
I’m scared now
Where did the fragments of my dream go?
I’m breathing but
My heart feels like it’s not working
Yeah, now, you see, to become an adult
Is to become an adult who finds it too hard to hold on to a dream

The Working Song

Come, friends, and together we'll hum the Working Song
With loud and clear voices
Roll up your sleeves for a successful cleaning
And let's start with the kitchen
As we sing along!
Trill out loud, in the tub as you scrub many stains
Washing down a hairball is also good
And so we hum the Working Song
So we sing and never cease
Together we will beat it
With a hose, the toilet
we will scrub
It's so freeing to hum together
And we've also emptied the vacuum
How fun it is to sing the Working Song
It's the Working Song
Oh, I was left all alone
When will my love
come back to me?
For now, I'll stay here
So why give up
on an experience or two?
Hey, the stovetop!
This is how you clean while humming a song that is dedicated to work
The filth is a long time fact
We'll finish up with love every little chore
Guys, take another breath
We'll sing along to work
With the laundry detergent, come and clean
another stinky shirt and sock
Sing along
And if you don't sing, then hum
We'll finish singing the Working Song!

I Think I’m Crazy

(SANA) Oh my gosh, oh my god,
Why am I like that again?
I see you alone as I approach you
(DAHYUN) I start acting cute
What do I do now?
(TZUYU) But somehow you are the one
who acts cold towards me
Don't know why, don't know why no
(JUNGYEON) I don't like it when you are so mean
But what do I do? I like you
(NAYEON) I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy babe
I want you this much
yet you won't look back at me
(JIHYO) I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy
I cannot stop looking at you
Don't break my heart oh boy
(MINA) Maybe you might be toying with me
But you are not a playboy,
I know you are a soft guy
(MOMO) but why on earth do you only care for other girls
Makin' me so cray
(CHAEYOUNG) No matter how distanced we are
I can see, I can see
Every time, every time no
(SANA) Before I know it , I'm right next to you
What should I do now?
Ah I can't resist any longer
(NAYEON) I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy babe
I want you this much
yet you won't look back at me
(JIHYO) I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy
I cannot stop looking at you
Don't break my heart oh boy
(CHAEYOUNG) Only you make me feel so nervous
You are the reason why my heart keeps beating
My whole bode feels excited, come and be my pair
A field og pink current entangles us together
(DAHYUN) Now try my love ( Get ready)
I will get through this day (Hey baby)
I am not afraid 1 2 3
I am yours
(JUNGYEON)I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy babe
I want you this much
yet you won't look back at me
(TZUYU) I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy
I cannot stop looking at you
Don't break my heart oh boy
(MINA) (Going crazy, going crazy)
(NAYEON) I want you be mine, I want you be mine
(MINA) (Going crazy, going crazy)
(JUNGYEON) I need you babe, why don't you know that
(MINA) (Going crazy, going crazy)
(JIHYO) I am going crazy
(MINA) (Going crazy, going crazy)
(SANA) I'm going crazy

You, true Son of God and Mary

You, true Son of God and Mary,
You, King of all the chosen,
how sweet to us is Your word of live,
by which the earliest patriarchs already
counted years as well as days,
that Gabriel joyfully
promised there in Bethlehem!
O sweet delight, o bread of heaven,
that neither grave, danger or death
can tear from our hearts.
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Awake, awake lost sheep

Versions: #2
Awake lost sheep
set yourselves free from sin's sleep
and turn over a new leaf soon!
Awake before the trombone rings out
which you terribly calls from the grave
on Judgment Day before the Lord!
My own translations are protected by copyrights. Commercial use only with my written permission, private use free if the author is mentioned.

O great love, o love beyond all mesure,

O great love, o love beyond all mesure,
that brought You to this way of martyrdom!
I lived with the world in pleasure and joys,
and You must suffer!
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As long as there is a God in heaven

As long as there is a God in heaven
who soars above all the clouds,
such torment will endure:
cold and heat will torture them,
fear, hunger, horror, fire, and lightning
and yet not utterly destroy them.
For this pain would only end,
when God no longer is eternal.
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