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Број резултата: 77


Неки људи

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Неки људи плешу образ уз образ
Неки људи плешу
Живот је тада био тако једноставан, нека врста игре
Ти си се тада лако извукао, лепо смо се провели
Трудим се да не причам пребрзо
Као што радите када се заљубите
Али неки људи пуштају своју страст да вришти
И неки људи разумеју свој сан
Живот је тада био тако једноставан, нека врста игре
Ти си се тада лако извукао,лепо смо се провели
Неки људи плешу образ уз образ
Неки људи плешу
Живот је тада био тако једноставан, нека врста игре
Ти си се тада лако извукао, лепо смо се провели
Водим те негде другде
Само ја могу да видим промену
Јер су неки људи везани за емоције
И неки људи разумеју свој сан
Живот је тада био тако једноставан, нека врста игре
Ти си се тада лако извукао, лепо смо се провели
Неки људи плешу образ уз образ
Неки људи плешу
Живот је тада био тако једноставан, нека врста игре
Ти си се тада лако извукао, имали смо шоу
…Можете ли, држати вас
Врста воље…
Нека врста времена за игру
Ти си се тада лако извукао, лепо смо се провели
Неки људи плешу образ уз образ
Неки људи плешу
Неки људи плешу образ уз образ
Неки људи плешу
Неки људи

Christmas Tree

In this moment
I see you
It always comes around
As I believed
When the rain stops
You shine on me
Your light's the only thing
that keeps the cold out
Moon in the summer night
Whispering of the stars
They're singing like
Christmas trees for us
So I'll tell you
A Million tiny things that
You have never known
It all gets tangled up inside
And I'll tell you
A Million little reasons
I'm falling for your eyes
I just want to be where you are
It's such a strange thing to do
Sometimes I don't understand you
But It always brings me back
To where you are
By any chance
You have side that only I know
Like the first snow of a midsummer night
An incredible miraculous moment, you
Someday again
Even if my heart flies
In the wind
I'll wait for you
So I'll tell you
A Million tiny things that
You have never known
It all gets tangled up inside
And I'll tell you
A Million little reasons
I'm falling for your eyes
I just want to be where you are
Tell you
A Million tiny things that
You have never known
It all gets tangled up inside
Tell you
A Million little reasons
I'm falling for your eyes
I just want to be where you are

I haven't told you about that yet

You didn’t come to class today,
I felt very sad about it, I don't know why,
I'm saying written and spoken again:
I love you, I love you!

Lament for Peter the Great

Oh, deer father, the bright moon!
So you're not shining the same way,
not the same way, not the old way?
Why not that from the evening till midnight,
from midnight till daylight?

It pulls me to you

I'm laying on a heat sand
With a microphone in my hands
And I'm singing my fresh couplets
You are dancing to them
You 're looking at me quietly,
Drinking summer lemonade made of oranges
I love you, and you don't
We so very hard together
And it's intolerably
But what for? Why?
You with me
Explain me your reason
It pulls me to you, pulls, pulls to you
My thoughts, they pull, pull, pull me into the depth
We so hard together , hard, hard, hard, hard, I sing hard
That's why I don't want the war.
It pulls me to you, pulls, pulls to you
My thoughts, they pull, pull, pull me into the depth
We so hard together , hard, hard, hard, hard, I sing hard
That's why I don't want the war.
It pulls me to you, pulls, pulls to you
My thoughts, they pull, pull, pull me into the depth
We so hard together , hard, hard, hard, hard, I sing hard
That's why I don't want the war.
I don't want the war with a shooting
I don't want to you, to me and to us to do a pain
I just wanna be with you, to be with you
Just to be with you and nothing more
To feel your odor, your talkings
And to wear a locket that you presented me
I don't pull you to me differently
That's why I pull you to me via a forcing
And it goes, drops, drops a rain from the sky
In mouth a vinamin pill left like a souer lemon
I walk to you even when the weather is the most bad
It pulls me to you, pulls, pulls to you
My thoughts, they pull, pull, pull me into the depth
We so hard together , hard, hard, hard, hard, I sing hard
That's why I don't want the war.
It pulls me to you, pulls, pulls to you
My thoughts, they pull, pull, pull me into the depth
We so hard together , hard, hard, hard, hard, I sing hard
That's why I don't want the war.

Još jedna kafa za na put / Ciganka

Tvoj dah je sladak a oči
Nebeski biseri.
Kosa tvoja je svila,
pružena po postelji.
Ali fali toplina,
Zahvalnost, ljubav tvoja.
Odana nisi meni
Već sazvežđu bez broja.
Još jedna kafa za na put,
Još jedna kafa dok sam tu,
Odoh u dolinu.
Tata tvoj je hajduk
I lutalica od zanata.
Učio te da biraš
I kako se za nož hvata.
Čuva svoj reon da niko
Ne upada sa strane
Dok glasom drhtavim traži
Još jedan tanjir hrane.
Sestra ti je vidovita
Kao mama i ti.
Školi prišla nisi
Nemaš knjiga na polici.
Užitku tvom kraja nema
Tvoj glas je kao san
Al' srce ti je okean
Tajnovit i mračan.

Winter / a white-winged sorceress

So gently and so easily the blizzard has covered the city.
It’s past midnight again, but outside the windows it’s as bright as day.
The heart doesn't sleep, it drowns in the rays of warmth.
Winter keeps us warm.
Suddenly on a full moon, a white-winged sorceress
Whirled us in a white dance and drove us crazy - winter.
And she herself didn't know that she married us,
She married us - a white winter.
Snow falls again on the city, the moon cast it's spell in the sky.
Time will go slowly - love can't sleep tonight.
The heart doesn't sleep, it drowns in the rays of warmth.
Winter keeps us warm.
Suddenly on a full moon, a white-winged sorceress
Whirled us in a white dance and drove us crazy - winter.
And she herself didn't know that she married us,
She married us - a white winter.

Moras Da Pripadas Tome

Sagradi unutrasnja vrata, padni a onda eksplodiraj
Prvo napusis svoju glavu, a onda
Ispijes sve svoje jade -
Neki mozda i nece shvatiti da posed
Kontrolise tvoju glavu
Ti to prepoznajes, dok neki to ignorisu
Izbegavaj mase, zato sto moras da pripadas tome
Tvoja muzika je tvoj prijatelj, i krov iznad moje glave
Tako da, ja za ozbiljno uzimam
Volju koja se nikada ne lomi
Neki mozda i nece shvatiti, da je posed
Izvan tvojih ruku...
To je moc i greh, a tu su i sve druge navike
Viski i cigare
To je sve sto bi nam bilo potrebno, da posadimo savrseno seme
Odvojite me od mog tela - da...

Moras Da Pripadas Tome

Sagradi unutrasnja vrata, padni a onda eksplodiraj
Prvo napusis svoju glavu, a onda
Ispijes sve svoje jade -
Neki mozda i nece shvatiti da posed
Kontrolise tvoju glavu
Ti to prepoznajes, dok neki to ignorisu
Izbegavaj mase, zato sto moras da pripadas tome
Tvoja muzika je tvoj prijatelj, i krov iznad moje glave
Tako da, ja za ozbiljno uzimam
Volju koja se nikada ne lomi
Neki mozda i nece shvatiti, da je posed
Izvan tvojih ruku...
To je moc i greh, a tu su i sve druge navike
Viski i cigare
To je sve sto bi nam bilo potrebno, da posadimo savrseno seme
Odvojite me od mog tela - da...

A Girl in White

Standing alone in the darkness and swallowing all the words and tears in the wind
You'd ask:
'Why does love lead only through pain and fear? Though I wear white'
You're showing your light
They don't have it anymore
I know, flowers can't take all the pain
How many souls do we need to make him hear
Run away, your boomerang is flying back
Run away, your boomerang is flying back
There's no more fear, I believe
The power in us is flawless
A proud girl in white
I'm pure and open, not yours anymore
I don't believe anymore
Every word
Comes as a sting to us
But you know, it's no more painful
No more pain
It's not painful anymore
Not painful
Not painful anymore
Every day to start from scratch
Remembering how yesterday we sang holding hands
The sound is pulsing in my ears
Not closing my eyes
No sleep but there's hope
We're showing our light
They don't have it anymore
I know, flowers can't take all the pain
How many souls do we need to make him hear
Run away, your boomerang is flying back
Run away, your boomerang is flying back
There's no more fear, I believe
The power in us is flawless
A proud girl in white
I'm pure and open, not yours anymore
I don't believe anymore
Every word
Comes as a sting to us
But you know, it's no more painful
No more pain
It's not painful anymore
Not painful
Not painful anymore


I'm with you so your flame doesn't go out.
To make our color range brighter
I would stay the most-most-most for you
But wake up early again
Frozen or not, it does not matter, because I am all glass.
As long as you only warm yourself up with a cold bath.
My problem is that I'm a constant...
But we're not in any way. (at all).
And once again, the last trains are going away
I have to run to a meeting in our places again.
Just don't go, please for the hundredth time.
I love you very much, you too, but not now.
And once again, the last trains are going away
I have to run to a meeting in our places again.
Just don't go, please for the hundredth time.
I love you very much, you too, but not now.
And here we are again far from home.
And I come back completely unfamiliar.
I don't think anything will remind you of me anywhere.
But I don't care anymore, because you're the one who's overwhelming me.
I can't catch you anymore and I don't care almost.
In a rush I swallow oxygen, hoarsely
I'm sorry I didn't have time to realize my dreams.
Where the two of us are in the same dream car.
Just take me where your headlights are looking.
I catch all the landscapes and forget the boulevards.
Millions of track options lead only to you or for free
Don't worry, I'm around, I keep the hearth and the gift.
Days and weeks were melting slowly
While I'm in a rush, I'm on the beach.
I'm running to tell you that you're with the wrong people.
To somehow brighten up your darkness.
In fact, I'd even be a shadow
Not yours, but your car.
Just to be there for you,
Without these races.
And once again, the last trains are going away
I have to run to a meeting in our places again.
Just don't go, please for the hundredth time.
I love you very much, you too, but not now.
And once again, the last trains are going away
I have to run to a meeting in our places again.
Just don't go, please for the hundredth time.
I love you very much, you too, but not now.
And once again, the last trains are going away
I have to run to a meeting in our places again.
Just don't go, please for the hundredth time.
I love you very much, you too, but not now.

White Sea

White Sea
White Sea, White Sea
Where is justice now
White Sea
Where are you
Where are you my destiny
White Sea Country
Where are you
About fate
O Aegean
Hey hey hey hey
Let me die
Oh God
In the White Sea
Hey hey hey hey
Let me be resurrected
Oh God
In the Aegean Sea


[Verse 1]
The sun shines even to evil and bad
A man smiles, but he is a prickly hedgehog
Seeing you, here - my heart beats in a brawl
Agree, he and I will offer something similar for love
The wind lifts all our candy wrappers into the air
While in my head only you and concerts in the stadium
I don’t want to think that I can't become anything for you
But a freckle on the face
Sunny girl with funny freckles
She asks not to fall in love, but they did not listen to her
The heart no longer believes in tender, warm confessions
And sweet kisses are now memories
Sunny girl with funny freckles
She asks not to fall in love, but they did not listen to her
The heart no longer believes in tender, warm confessions
And sweet kisses are now memories
Sunny girl with funny freckles
She asks not to fall in love, but they did not listen to her
The heart no longer believes in tender, warm confessions
And sweet kisses are now memories
Sunny girl with funny freckles
She asks not to fall in love, but they did not listen to her
The heart no longer believes in tender, warm confessions
And sweet kisses are now memories
[Verse 2]
Tell me why everyone get crazy
From your wine-scented cherry lips?
Tell me why you dance alone
And why did you steal the guy's heart?
But where did I find you and why have I lost you?
Who am I going to sing to now what I wrote about you?
Who will I go to the cinema with at night (so far)
And why do we need it at all?
After all, you and I will leave
And we'll never meet again
One day you and I will understand everything
And life will go different way
Girls will just love
And the boys will give them flowers, toys
And I will look at that all and be sad
Remembering you and your freckles
Sunny girl with funny freckles
She asks not to fall in love, but they did not listen to her
The heart no longer believes in tender, warm confessions
And sweet kisses are now memories
Sunny girl with funny freckles
She asks not to fall in love, but they did not listen to her
The heart no longer believes in tender, warm confessions
And sweet kisses are now memories
S-sunny girl
Asks not to fall in love
The heart doesn't believe anymore
And sweet kisses
Sunny girl with funny freckles
She asks not to fall in love, but they did not listen to her
The heart no longer believes in tender, warm confessions
And sweet kisses are now memories
Sunny girl with funny freckles
She asks not to fall in love, but they did not listen to her
The heart no longer believes in tender, warm confessions
And sweet kisses are now memories

At the Belarusian

We meet at the Belarusian
Around the corner, near the descent
Without makeup, let it be
To all these stations
I told long ago
I tried, I wanted, I couldn't
I'll be late of course
You won't wait on purpose
We'd do everything in spite
It hurt, but it's over
I will have 5 minutes, it's enough
You will be back in 5 minutes
If it was a great couple
I would not believe in life
If we're lucky
I do not know yet
I'll make up my mind
I will make you up
If we're lucky
Exactly, of course
I'm travelling on yellow
To the final station
But what if we don't meet
Will pass through as if nothing had been
Will clutching greedily with our eyes
But won't even remember the name
And there won't be enough time, no
To say how handy you were And
I'll may be able to find
I'll still find you
If we're lucky
I do not know yet
I'll make up my mind
I will make you
If we're lucky
Exactly the same, of course
I'm travelling on yellow
To the final station
(Voice in the subway train)
Final station, the train does not go further, please get out of the car

Black on white

Versions: #1
My only one, when the glass gets too filled up
Memories hurt like a child's tears
But I would never confess to myself
That I'm thinking about you and that I cannot sleep
Especially not [confess that] to someone far away from my heart
That I'm living only because of you
Ref. 2x
Here you have, my soul and and body,
Here you have, everything black on white [1]
Here you have, my pride and my shame
So let me slam my head against the wall
If you lie [cheat] me again
My only one, here, the swallows [birds] are flying away
The years are frozen, and the minutes are passing by
But I would never confess to myself
That I'm thinking about you and that I cannot sleep
Especially not [confess that] to someone far away from my heart
That I'm living only because of you
Ref. 2x

During a white night

Oh, I left the door ajar
And the candles cold
You wouldn't know how tired my eyes are-
Staying awake is getting old.
I watched how those lines shrunk
The dark needles of the setting sun
By the sound of a voice I was drunk
It was that of a loved one.
And to know that all is lost forevermore
That life lives to attack!
Oh, I was so sure
That you would come back

Море, на сред села чесма шарена

Море, на сред села
чесма шарена
из ње тече вода студена
крај чесме девојка румена
Један момак луди
девојци говори
Дај ти мени воде 'ладне
из твојих лепих руку
Ајде момче млади
не траћи /сад/ времена
поред врата ме сачекај
кад се будем враћала.

I will no longer message you

Versions: #2
You didnt forgive me, i will no longer message you,
I'm blocked, i just drink and drink.
There's no more meaning mom, cant find a place to stay,
I need to find her, cause its hard to be alone.
Ordinary day, but now without us,
And everyone is going to the past,
And anyone in my place would die before me,
Im still alive, it doesnt hurt, and its not hard.
Everyone's saying, what followes to it.
What the hell?
By fact everyone had to get over it,
But no, i still get pushed around, and you just leave me,
In ours, in the past familiar to pain, our reflection
Didnt show up in the mirror.
See, I'm happy, and so is my melancholia.
Your only next to me in my mind,
But this is how the story goes.
Yes, all chapters are forgotten and erased,
And you will remain proud,
And I stand and keep quiet, when at the time it would scream at the top of my head.
Yes, it happens
We will not find, because we do not recognize
Your heart is in me, it plays so nicely
On broken strings, hardly touching.
Well, as if there was not in the end,
I still wish you peace,
But there is one thing: I'm blocked.
(Contact is temporarily blocked)
You didnt forgive me, i will no longer message you,
I'm blocked, i just drink and drink.
There's no more meaning mom, cant find a place to stay,
I need to find her, cause its hard to be alone.

Used to running

I fall in love every day.
What can you say?
And I would love them all,
If only no one ran away.
I'm a little tired, I'll take a seat.
I wish I had come, but you'd have left.
I always love only you,
But only when you don't leave.
But what can I do, I'm again running after you,
And from habit, you run away from me.
You're so out of your mind, and I'm simple,
But for us to fly together there's no way.
But what can I do, I'm again running after you,
And from habit, you run away from me.
You're so out of your mind, and I'm simple,
But for us to fly together there's no way.
Thanks for reading! I hope my translation helped you!
Feel free to leave a comment if I made any mistakes.


[Строфа 1]:
Далеко си, али као да си ми под прозором,
Драго ми је што те видим, иако те видим у пролазу.
Али ти ми бацаш игнор, када не ћутим,
Говорим, у-у-у.
Незаборавак је твој омиљени цвет,
Ваздушни* пољубац ће постати најгорчи.
Волиш да говориш да те ја не волим,
Да само девојчице могу да воле.
Незаборавак је твој омиљени цвет,
Ваздушни пољубац ће постати најгорчи.
Волиш да говориш да те ја не волим,
Да само девојчице могу да воле.
[Строфа 2]:
Идем ка теби са букетом у рукама,
Шверцујем се, дикректно ка твом срцу.
Више није важно где, не мучи ме страх,
Од мене никуда не можеш побећи.
Све је могло да се заврши овде, без започињања,
Али ти и ја не бисмо сазнали коме смо потребни.
И тај дан памтим, као да је било јуче,
Зато што од тог дана ми нисмо ми.
Често сам каснио, без увреде,
Али се одсад трудим да све стижем на време.
Можда сам мало чинио за нашу љубав,
Али до краја живота памтим да је незаборавак твој цвет.
Незаборавак је твој омиљени цвет,
Ваздушни пољубац ће постати најгорчи.
Волиш да говориш да те ја не волим,
Да само девојчице могу да воле.
Незаборавак је твој омиљени цвет,
Ваздушни пољубац ће постати најгорчи.
Волиш да говориш да те ја не волим,
Да само девојчице могу да воле.


[Couplet 1]:
You're far away, but it's like you're outside my window.
I'm glad to see you, even if it's just a glimpse.
But I'm thrown in 'Ignore' when I'm not quiet,
I'm telling you, ooh.
Forget-me-not — your favourite flower,
A graceful kiss becomes the most bitter.
You love to say that I don't love you,
That only girls can love.
Forget-me-not — your favourite flower,
A graceful kiss becomes the most bitter.
You love to say that I don't love you,
That only girls can love.
[Couplet 2]:
I'm on the road to you with a bouquet in my hands,
I'm going without a ticket, straight to your heart.
It won't matter where, fear won't gnaw at me,
You have nowhere to hide from me.
It could have ended here, without starting,
But you and I would not have known who needs us.
And this day I remember, as if yesterday,
Because from that day on we were no longer 'we'.
I was late a lot, no offense,
But from now on I'll try to catch everything on time.
Maybe I did little for our love,
But till the end of my days I'll remember the forget-me-not is your flower.
Forget-me-not — your favourite flower,
A graceful kiss becomes the most bitter.
You love to say that I don't love you,
That only girls can love.
Forget-me-not — your favourite flower,
A graceful kiss becomes the most bitter.
You love to say that I don't love you,
That only girls can love.
Thanks for reading! I hope my translation helped you!
Feel free to leave a comment if I made any mistakes.

Devojče, devojče, crveno jabuče

Devojče, devojče, crveno jabuče,
devojče, devojče, crveno jabuče,
ne stoj ispred mene, izgoreh za tobom,
ne stoj ispred mene, izgoreh za tobom!
Izgoreh za tobom, kao lan za vodom,
izgoreh za tobom, kao lan za vodom.
kao lan za vodom, bosiljak za rosom,
kao lan za vodom, bosiljak za rosom!
Gori, ludo gori i ja tako gorim!
gori, ludo gori, i ja tako gorim,
i ja tako gorim, ne znam šta da radim
i ja tako gorim, ne znam šta da radim!
Devojče, devojče, pitaj majku ti,
devojče, devojče, pitaj majku ti,
daje li te, za mene sirota.
daje li te, za mene sirota!
Ne da mene nana još godinu,
ne da mene nana još godinu,
još godinu, jer sam devojče
još sam devojče od šesnaest godinica!