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Број резултата: 77


White Acacia Fragrant Blossoms

Versions: #2
Entire night nightingale had trilled for us
Silent was town and the buildings stood still
White acacia blooms intoxicating fragrance
All night long was driving us mad.
White acacia blooms intoxicating fragrance
All night long was driving us mad.
Garden was washed by the springtime showers,
Water had filled every darkened ravine.
God, how innocent we then appeared,
How so young we were at that time!
Years rushed by quickly, silvered our coloring,
Leaves torn away from acacia's empty branch.
Only the winter and white blizzards, perhaps,
Of white acacia blossoms again reminding us.
In this hour when the wind rages furiously,
When through the windows nothing is seen,
White acacia blooms intoxicating fragrance
Even for instant, remind me, please.
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


White and black (We choose, we are chosen)

Versions: #3
We choose, we are chosen,
How often this does not match!
I after you follow your shadow,
I get used to mismatches!
Who will err?
Who will guess?
Different [kinds] of happiness
Will rain on us
Often the simple
Seems absurd
The black is white
The white is black
I get used to [it], I'm glad to see you!
You won't know, indeed and don't need to!
You won't know - indeed and [neither] will you be able to -
That it didn't work out - together it didn't work out!
Happiness - such a difficult thing:
The shrewd1 and the purblind2.
Often the simple seems absurd,
The black is white, the white is black.
  • 1. Lit. 'farsighted'
  • 2. Lit. 'shortsighted'

Where I Belong

Love warms the frozen ferry boat
A scarf connects two people
I only just understood the wandering path
It's in order to meet you
Let us share each other's body temperature
White snowflakes fall
Eternally on the verge of making a promise
Your tomorrow is my dear love for you
The place where I belong
White snowflakes fall
It's like the the sky to the ground is endless
Finally you have arrived at my side
I just want to embrace you and never let go
You make it so winter isn't even a little cold
You've made it so I'm not simply by myself
The thing I hold is not just your hand
It's the love choice of this life
The entire world is only the left over heart beat sound
White snowflakes fall
Eternally on the verge of making a promise
Your tomorrow is my dear love for you
The place where I belong
White snowflakes fall
It's like the the sky to the ground is endless
Finally you have arrived at my side
You are just the thing my soul longed for
As it turns out, heaven was at the corner of your eye
The reflection of my gaze in your two eyes is the only version of me
I'm willing to have time stop in this single moment
Leaving you forever behind
Love is like a snowflake
Equally as pure white and perfect
Will my tomorrow also be you
The place where I belong
I don't care about the change of the seasons
From now until the end of time
I will be by your side, with you we will
Go to the place the place of happiness

Flower of Solitude

We lived we conversed we resisted
we crossed paths on the street under the trees
we perhaps made a little stir
we traced timid gestures in the air
but what words can explain
that ours was a solitary and silent
profoundly silent heart
and in the end our eyes watched
like eyes that watch in forests
In the midst of the tumultuous city
in the visible angle of its countless edges
the flower of solitude grew lusher each day
We had a name for this
but the ruthless time of men
killed in us the one who was dying
And in this ambitious heart
alone like a man christ dies
What shall we call the void that flows
relentless as a river?
It is born it swells it will empty
and in all of this it’s finally a sea
We lived we conversed we resisted
without realizing that in everything we die a little

Pripadaš gradu

Sunce zalazi
Noć dolazi
Možeš to osetiti
Kako počinje opet ispočetka
Mesec se diže
I muzika zove
Postaješ umoran od
Gledanja u ista četiri zida
Izlaziš iz svoje sobe
I napolju si na ulici
Krećeš se kroz gužvu
Usred ponoćne vreline
Saobraćaj tutnja
Sirene vrište
Pogledaš u lica
Baš kao san je
Niko ne zna gde ideš
Nikoga nije briga gde si bio
Jer pripadaš gradu
Pripadaš noći
Živiš u reci tame
Ispod neon svetla
Rođen si u gradu
Beton pod nogama
To ti je u pokretima
To ti je u krvi
Ti si čovek ulice
Kada si rekao zbogom
Bio si u bekstvu
Pokušavao da pobegneš
Od stvari koje si uradio
Sada si se opet vratio
I osećaš se čudno
Toliko toga se desilo
Ali ništa se nije promenilo
I dalje ne znaš
Gde ideš
I dalje si samo lice u gužvi
Jer pripadaš gradu
Pripadaš noći
Živiš u reci tame
Ispod neon svetla
Rođen si u gradu
Beton pod nogama
To ti je u pokretima
To ti je u krvi
Ti si čovek ulice
Možeš to da osetiš
Možeš to da okusiš
Možeš to da vidiš
Možeš da se suočiš sa tim
Možeš to da čuješ
Približavaš mu se
Želiš da uspeš
Jer možeš da izdržiš
Pripadaš gradu
Pripadaš noći
Pripadaš gradu
Pripadaš noći

Pripadaš svijetu

[1. strofa]
Znam da želiš novac, dušo
Jer ovo radiš svaki dan, okej
Način na koji se dvoumiš oko osjećanja
I pogledaš na drugu stranu
Pa, znam kako ti je
Tvoj dar nonšalantnosti
Ni u koga se nisam zaljubio
Sa ovom količinom dodira
Nisam budala
Samo volim što si mrtva iznutra (što si mrtva iznutra)
Nisam budala, samo sam i ja beživotan
Ali si me ti naučila kako da osjećam
Kad niko drugi nije
I naučila si me kako da volim
Ono što niko nikad nije mogao
O dušo, znam da bih te trebao ostaviti
I naučiti da te maltretiram
Jer ti pripadaš svijetu
I oo dušo, želim da te prigrlim
Ali ti pripadaš svijetu
[2. strofa]
I znam da pričam previše
Iako bih radije prećutao
I privući ću te bliže, držeći se
Za svaki trenutak, dok se moje vrijeme ne završi
I ovo nije u redu, ti si bila jedina zbog koje sam se smijao
Tako dugo, podlijegao sam onome što sam postao, dušo
[Produženi refren]
O dušo, trebao bih te ostaviti (znam da bih te trebao ostaviti)
I naučiti da te maltretiram (i naučiti da te maltretiram)
Jer ti pripadaš svijetu
I oo dušo, želim da te prigrlim
Ali ti pripadaš svijetu (x3)
Ti pripadaš usamljenosti ispunjavanja svake potrebe
Ti pripadaš svijetu,ti pripadaš svijetu
Ti pripadaš privremenim momentima sna

A Song about a White Elephant

From ancient olden times in India lived
Wild huge grey elephants.
The elephants elephanted in the jungle without a path
One of them was white for some reason.
With kind eyes, a quiet disposition, he was different,
With his mind and noble suit.
Among his grey fellows, the white elephant
Was certainly a white crow.
And the lord of India, there were times,
Gave me an elephant out of respect.
'Why do I need an elephant?' I asked the foreigner,
And he said 'The elephant has a big heart.'
The elephant performed a curtsy, and I in my turn bowed
My speech was not evil and quiet.
Because exactly this white elephant
Was also a white female elephant.
I looked great sitting on the elephant
I went around India, a fairy-tale country,
Oh, where didn't we roam together
In distress got along perfectly.
And sometimes as we went to sing under someone's balcony,
The ladies all jumped out of the bedrooms.
I must tell you, that this white elephant,
Was extraordinarily musical.
The map of the world I'm sure you've seen,
You know that in India too there is a river.
My elephant and I drank mango juice
And somehow got lost in the wilds of the Ganges.
I rushed to the river, forgetting food and sleep ,
Irretrievably ruined my health.
And then they told me 'Your white elephant
Met a white elephant herd.'
I was offended for a long time, and then there you have it,
The ruler of India sent me an elephant again.
In the form of an ornament for a cane,
A white elephant, but made of ivory.
It is said that having seven elephants is good from,
On the shelf as a means against something bad.
It's better to let the white elephant stroll in a white herd,
It's better if he does not bring good luck.


The Sun shines, mother,
In the sky, mother
When it shines, mother
It lights up my courtyard.
The Sun shines, mother,
In the sky, mother
When it shines, mother
It lights up my courtyard.

Oh Woe is my sorrow

Oh woe is my sorrow,
All heavy breathing.
Oh, let's go, let's go,
Allele glittered and let me go.
Before, my sorrow was born,
At last, the young piled up.
Oh, let's go, let's go,
Allele glittered and let me go.
At last, the young piled up,
On my heart is a zeal.
Oh, let's go, let's go,
Allele glittered and let me go.
On my heart is a zeal,
To my happiness on the land.
Oh, let's go, let's go,
Allele glittered and let me go.
My father grants a marriage,
Yes, far away beyond the river.
Oh, let's go, let's go,
Allele glittered and let me go.

On the white cover of January

On the white-white cover of January
Here it is so awaited summer so playful.
Time of sunsets and dawns so jealous.
Is it because of dreamy delights, against the heat
I dream about January and there is warm.
On the white-white cover of January
Name of beloved one I had written on the snow...
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
Shining with light restaurants and bars and it is night,
The same dance pairs are dancing for the tenth time.
Stop the golden lambada and radio,
Please do not wake me up, I have a dream.
On the white-white cover of January
Name of beloved one I had written on the snow...
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
On the white-white cover of January
Name of beloved one I had written on the snow...
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
Like a swansdown the foam lies down on the coasts.
Every miracle can do the south, the south...
Is it because of dreamy delights, against the heat
I dream about January and there is warm.
On the white-white cover of January
Name of beloved one I had written on the snow...
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
Do not disturb me, oh the frost,
I want to last here for some more
On the white-white cover of January.
by Void Lord

Moje srce tebi pripada

Ovo je DeVante
Šta god ti želiš, šta god tebi treba
Znaš da to imaš
I ja ću to tebi dati
(Šta god ti hoćeš)
Šta god ti da hoćeš od mene, ja to imam
Kad god ga želiš, ja ću to tebi dati
Jo Jo, slušajte
Možeš da imaš moju ljubav
Ti si devojka mog života
Da li sam sve što sanjaš?
Da, ti si moja želja
Želim toliko da ti dam
Za sve što si meni davala
Samo uzmi moju ljubav, dušo
Jer si zato meni draga
Šta god da želiš
Šta god da tebi treba
Moje srce tebi pripada
Šta god da želiš, dušo
Šta da tebi treba
Nema ničega što ne bih učinio
I kažem, šta god da želiš (šta god da želiš)
Moje srce tebi pripada
Kažem, šta god da tebi treba
Biću tu za tebe
Jednom u životu
Naćićeš nekog ko ti se sviđa
I sad kad te imam
Evo šta ću da uradim (Toliko puno ću da ti dam)
Daću moje sve
Opet i opet damo, damo, damo
Nije, nije greh, dušo
Što te volim
Šta god da želiš
Šta god da tebi treba
Moje srce tebi pripada
Šta god da želiš, dušo
Šta da tebi treba
Nema ničega što ne bih učinio
I kažem, šta god da želiš (šta god da želiš)
Moje srce tebi pripada
Kažem, šta god da tebi treba
Biću tu za tebe
Šta god, šta god, šta god da želiš
Uradiću to za tebe
Kad god da ga želiš (nema razlike)
U večeru (u večeru)
Kad god da tebi treba (kasno u ponoć)
Kad noć pada (znaš da ga imaš)
Znaš da ga imaš (digni slušalicu i okreni moj broj)
Zato dušo, samo zovi me (zovi me)
Znaš da ću te ja nazvati
Šta god da želiš
Šta god da tebi treba
Moje srce tebi pripada
Šta god da želiš, dušo
Šta da tebi treba
Nema ničega što ne bih učinio
I kažem, šta god da želiš (šta god da želiš)
Moje srce tebi pripada
Kažem, šta god da tebi treba
Biću tu za tebe
Šta god da tebi treba
Moje srce tebi pripada
Šta god da tebi treba
Nema ničega što ne bih uradila
Kažem, šta god da želiš
Moje srce tebi pripada
Kažem, šta da tebi treba

Song of the Sailors

Hear what is happening
In the deep waters
Of the great stormy sea,
Where the mermaids wait for the sailor to come down,
But he cannot return...
(Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the caressing wind... Perfect day for sailing.)
(Oh, yes. Delightful...)
(A good backwind and a pretty quiet sea. King Triton's in a friendly mood today.)
(King Triton?)
(Yes, king of the merpeople, my good lad. Every long-serving sailor knows about him.)
(Merpeople. Eric, pay no attention to this nonsensical prattle.)
(This ain't nonsense, it's the truth. They've been living in the depths of the ocean since forever!)
With its blinding blue light...

In The White Night - Crimson Crescent...

In the white night - crimson crescent's
Coming out in the blue.
Roams in ghostly-splendid essence,
Looks in Neva stream askew.
Secret thoughts' fulfillment beckons,
I can see it in my sleep.
Does Good hide in you, I reckon,
Crimson crescent, quiet weep?..
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.