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Ljubavne pesme , one me ubijaju

Ljubavne pesme , one me ubijaju
One me ubijaju ...Sada
Zavese su spustene
Nema puta do kuce
Zivotni nektar je presusio
Te zaprljane reci
Nacinjene da povrede
Zabijaju se u mene svojim nozem
Jeduci moj um
I sa svakim ugrizom
Preklinjem Gospode , ne
Ovo mesto je zbrka
Jedini je otisao
Ljubavne pesme , one me ubijaju
One me ubijaju...Sada
Ljubavne pesme me ubijaju
Ubijaju me...Upravo sada
Obucene da napadnu
Oko bika kadar u crnom
Nikada nisam mislila da ce me dobiti
Te fotografije u mojoj glavi...
Leze u mom krevetu...
Ti bicevi cine da krvarim
Ovo mesto je zbrka
Moj jedini je otisao
Ljubavne pesme , one me ubijaju
One me ubijaju...Sada
Ljubavne pesme me ubijaju
Ubijaju me...Upravo sada
Ljubavne pesme me ubijaju
Ubijaju me ...Upravo sada
Ne mogu da cujem scenarija
Tih stalnih tragedija
O tome sta bi trebalo da osecam , ne vise
Jer sam vec mrtva
I jednostavno ne mogu da podnesem
Da cujem jos jednu rec , ne vise
Ljubavne pesme , one me ubijaju
One me ubijaju...Sada
Ljubavne pesme me ubijaju
Ubijaju me...Upravo sada

Los lek

Tvoja ljubav je kao los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Ne postoji doktor koji moze da izleci moju bolest
Los lek
Nemam groznicu imam stalnu zarazu
Uzeto je vise nego sto doktor moze da propise medikamenta
Imam mnogo novca ali to nije ono sto mi treba
Potrebno je vise od pokusaja da izbacim ovaj otrov iz sebe
I imam svaki od tih simptoma brojim ih 1 , 2 , 3
Prvo ti je potrebna
Onda pocinjes da se zaljubljujes
Potom krvaris
Primas je malo ali nikada dovoljno
I zatim si na kolenima
To je ono sto dobijes kada se zaljubis
Sada je ovaj momak zavisan jer je tvoj poljubac droga
Tvoja ljubav je kao los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Ne postoji doktor koji moze da izleci moju bolest
Los , los lek
Ne treba mi igla da mi da ushicenje
I nije mi potrebna anestezija niti medicinska sestra da mi donese pilulu
Imam prljavu nisku zavisnost koja ne ostavlja trag
Imam a jones + za tvoje nepovoljno delovanje kao majmuna na ledjima
Nema laznog leka koji sprecava ovaj srcani udar
Kada ti je potrebna
Ono sto dobijes je zaljubljivanje
Zatim krvaris
Dobijes je malo ali nikada dovoljno
I tada si na kolenima
To je ono sto dobijes kada se zaljubis
Sada je ovaj momak zavisan je je tvoj poljubac droga
Tvoja ljubav je kao los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Pa hajde da se igramo doktora duso , leci moju bolest
Los , los lek
Je ono sto zelim
Los , los lek
Je ono sto mi treba
Treba mi aparat za disanje jer ostajem bez daha
Za tebe citavu noc generator je zaokupljen najlonkama i haljinom
Kada nadjes svoj lek uzmi sta mozes da dobijes
Jer ako postoji nesto bolje duso , pa , jos uvek to nisu pronasli
Tvoja ljubav je kao los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Ne postoji doktor koji moze da izleci moju bolest
Tvoja ljubav je los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Tvoja ljubav je napitak koji moze da izleci moju bolest
Los , los lek
Je ono sto zelim
Los , los lek
Ko je nevaljao , ko je nevaljao
Treba to da uradim , treba da
Los , los lek
Treba to da uradim , treba da
Treba , treba
Treba to da uradim opet
Sacekaj minut
Sacekaj minut
Nisam jos gotov
Jos jednom sa osecajem
Jednom za to
Pripomozi mi sada
Tvoja ljubav je kao los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Ti imas napitak koji moze da izleci moju bolest
Tvoja ljubav los lek
Tvoj poljubac ono sto mi treba
Tvoja ljubav los lek

Who is so great a God

Who is so great a God as our God?
Thou only art the God that doeth wonders!

Goodbye, Dulcinea

Today, I decided to write to you
after so much crying,
my tears are today those verses that
your absence will never erase
I'm leaving the same way I came to your life,
with no noise I say goodbye, I leave,
but it's so difficult to forget you, my love
it's so difficult to say goodbye,
Today, I've understood that
those walks will never be back
at the hotel
when you hurried me up,
to never lose an instant of us, making love.
I'll stop to see you grow up,
I'm leaving to live, where does oblivion lies?
I'll try to find another path, another love
each time, I try to lose fear to fall down
I stumble with myself,
and stop to escape from who has loved me,
and I remain unlit.
The ground of my life is dressed
shelter with leaves of a goodbye
my destiny is to love and saying bye
ask for permission to live.
You left forgotten in every corner
of my soul, pieces of my heart
you left forgotten in my soul, the scent
slept embraced to a flower.
I'll stop to see you grow up,
I'm leaving to live, where does oblivion lies?
I'll try to find another path, another love
and I know if I will lose myself
or find me, I feel so alone
but to my hell I'll go, searching
for everything I didn't give to you.
Today, I understood again
that you'll never caress me again
before going to bed
and close to my chest, you ask me
to hold you and never let you go.
I'll stop to see you grow,
I have to go, and find
my path and I'll never forget
how much you loved me, my love.
I'll stop to see you grow up,
I'm leaving to live, where does oblivion lies?
I'll try to find another path, another love
each time, I try to lose fear to fall down
I stumble with myself,
and stop to escape from who has loved me,
and I remain unlit.
Goodybe, my life, I leave, I let you go
I'll live on your memories
I'll never forget you
goodbye, Dulcinea 1, I leave
and if we find each other again
only embrace me,
I'm still that boy
afraid of growing up
I sleep next to your portrait, my love.
  • 1. Dulcinea del Toboso, is a fictional character in Miguel de Cervantes' novel Don Quixote.
Just learning.

Cinema (Who)

Our life was a film
But we didn't have time to watch it
And we had only one thought:
To be just us in a back row.
Who . . .
Made me believe that I am your life?
Who . . .
Made me believe that I am your life?
Who . . .
Made me believe that I am your life?
Who . . .
Made me believe that you will remain only mine?
Our life is, now, a film
In which we barely meet
And it's clear that there's no point anymore
There is not a red square in the corner anymore.
Who . . .
Made me believe that I am your life?
Who . . .
Made me believe that you will remain only mine?
Who . . .
Made me believe that I am your life?
Who . . .
Made me believe that you will remain only mine?
Who . . .
Made me believe that I am your life?
Who . . .
Made me believe that you will remain only mine?
Who . . .
Made me believe that I am your life?
Who . . .
Made me believe that you will remain only mine?

There's someone else

When I call you home late,
they tell me you've left...
The voice that answers me
confuses me with some other boy!
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...
Your daddy tells me
that he has the same name
and, probably, it's still me!...
Don't you try to avoid me
Don't run away from me
There's just one thing that I want to know
Only you can explain me:
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...
Who is he?
Who is he?
I cannot figure out...

At the cinema

I called her at her home,
someone else has answered:
'You know, she's not here,
she's at work!'
I asked: 'When should I call back?'
They said to wait a little,
I've waited for a minute
and then I got disconnected...
The sky is down and hidden by clouds
The clock is ticking two times...
Birds are flying somwhere,
Maybe soon it's gonna rain...
I've called at her work,
someone said 'She's not here!
Try at 102,
get some data for us!'
At 102 the line was busy
so I closed and I waited a little...
Got to the little shop, what a luck:
they changed my 5 lei (bill) in coins of 1 leu!
Now I'm waiting on the sidewalk
hopefully not in vain.
I got flowers, candies,
telephone coins!
I also got a surprise:
Tonight we're going to the cinema!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!, yeah!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!
Tonight we're going to the cinema!


Versions: #2
what happened that you don't want me anymore
i know you love me, i can see it in your eyes
even if i did you wrong today
i would like with all my heart to be yours again
I believed in you but i was wrong
I saw you with another one while you were kissing
I didn't deserve it, I loved you too much
I listened to false whispers of love
Who is my heart, who is my love.
Tell me what made you leave my life
You have been lying to me since i've known you,and i realised too late
Come on, go to her for good, I can't stand you anymore
I'm apologize, my life, i apologize in front of you
And with all my hearti promise I will never lie to you again
It's no use apologising,maybe I have chosen another road to take
You realised too late not to understand what i feel
Who is my heart, who is my love.
Tell me what made you leave my life
You have been lying to me since i've known you,and i realised too late
Come on, go to her for good, I can't stand you anymore
I'm apologize, my life, i apologize in front of you
And with all my hearti promise I will never lie to you again
It's no use apologising,maybe I have chosen another road to take
You realised too late not to understand what i feel
Thats my on of the most favorite Romanian song.....................
i like it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,most beatiful ............................and at last find this song after 10 years....................

Call of the high seas

Why does the endless water lure me tremendously
Ever since I can remember
I don't understand even now
I'm letting my imagination to take me back to the water
It's useless to try to be an exemplary son
Now every step, all my paths
Even if I turn wrong, they lead me
To that place where the way is forbidden
That pulls me
Do you see where the sky merges with the sea
Does anybody know the call of the high seas?
If all the winds are awake when I sail off
Then I'll know
Where's the place where the call of the high seas is heard
I know, everything you look at on the islan seems so happy
Perfect sight
I know every face on my island
Everyone has their place, so I want mine under the sun
I can proudly lead my people
It would be good to give in to
But the voice whisters to me differently, I don't know what's wrong with me
When the light that glows on the water is blinding
Does anybody know the call of the depth?
I hear the voice that is telling me 'find me'
And let me know
What's hiding behind the line
Where the sky touches the sea
But does anybody know the call of the high seas?
If all the winds are awake when I sail off
Then I'll know my call of the high seas!


Pulcinella went away
Pulcinella people pò
he brought the puppets
a smile and a laziness
and this tarantella, nobody can sing it
it takes Pulcinella, and let's go and take it ...
And whoever turns here
and whoever goes there
because this kick is a wheel that has to turn
this is a world that needs to be fun
And whoever turns here
and whoever goes there
Why does this life do? Nzuchete nzù nzuchete nzà
You're asleep, little girl in love
How beautiful are you, Napoli na '
You always have a little mouth
full of fire of truth
You are a girl that have to marry
together with Pulcinella, and let's go and take it
And whoever goes here
and whoever goes there
Why does this life do? Nzuchete nzù nzuchete nzà.
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.


I am the woman without joy of a next-day without party
A tear without weight, a box without mails
I am a pool bar, a hotel pool
Weak souls wash up on my french riviera
My saliva smells like chlorine, my bed decontaminates
Here, one pushes, one mixes with another, one commits crimes
I am a pool of blood, a pool who knows
How to remain silent and pretend her customers pay
She has lost so many men that men feel free there
Men bang into my stiff edges
I am a pool of tears, a pool of sadness
Half empty pool, half full pool
I heard that rivers mix with her, and streams too
That she has a shore, that children swim
She is a pool of sand, a pool of salt
I'd like someone to bring me there right before holidays
I want to go to the sea
To go to the sea
To go to the sea
To go to the sea
To go to the sea

Call of the high seas

There is a place where the sky touches the sea
But does anybody know the call of the high seas
All those questions where should I be are behind me
The way is new, my challenge
Every obstacle, my every step
There is no going back, I’m making my choice
The way is unknown, the straight horizon allures me so much
The light that lights up the night calles me
I know that, ’cause I hear the call
Shiny moon in the sky and the wind upon my back
Now I’m following my call of the high seas

Who has a grown up girl

Who has a grown up girl
Well Sir, is enduring great sadness
Well Sir, he/she works very hard to raise her
Your dear (girl), oh my!
Well Sir, and someone at random will take her (marry her)
Well, but who has a boy
Well Neica (Neica is a name)
Is very pleased
Well that's why it's good for you to have a boy
Because you are very pleased
Well Sir, because the boy will always be a boy
Aaa, oh my!
Well Neica, he goes on his way, he goes in that (certain) village
Ooohhhh, when the human grows old
Well Sir, will still have to deal with the boy
But it's good for you to have a girl also
Well Sir, because she gives you a cup of water
But it's good for you to have a girl also
Because she gives you a cup of water
Well Sir, she will weep for you until you die
Your dear (girl),
Well Neica, and cries from the bottom of her heart 'father'

Call of the open sea

Why is the endless water luring me so badly
Ever since I've known myself
Don't I understand now
I'm letting my imagination take me back to the water
It's useless for me to try
To be an exemplary daughter
Every step now, all my paths
Even when I make a wrong turn, then lead me back
To the place where the path is forbidden
That lures me
See here where the sky meets the sea
Does anybody know the call of the open sea
If all the winds are awake when I sail off
Then I'll know
Where is the place from where the call of the open sea is heard
I know, everything you look at on the island
Seems so happy
Perfect sight
I know every face on my island
Everybody has a place,
I wan't one under the sun
I can proudly lead the people
It would be good if I gave in
But the voice is whispering me differently
I don't know what's wrong with me
When the light on the water blinds you
Does anybody know the call of the open sea
I hear a voice that says to me 'find me'
Give a sign
What's hiding behind the line
Where the sky touches the sea
But does anybody know the call of the open sea
If all the winds are awake when I sail off
Then I'll know my call of the open sea