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Број резултата: 702


It's All Your Fault

Ever since that day, I haven't been able to sleep well
Even when I wake up, I'm still dreaming
My favorite shortcake
Just won't go down my throat either
And I'm breathing in
The menthol-filled smoke I had quit before
It’s your fault that I’m in trouble
Fuck I’m in the middle
It's all your fault
Everyday it’s like a bubble
This, that, and everything
Is all your fault
Around and around and around and around
Around and around and around and around
It’s your fault that I’m in trouble
Fuck I’m in the middle
It's all your fault
I want to drown in a sea of alcohol
I don't want to go home sober
It's before 4 at dawn
And I'm spending my time at the park
Listening to lonely love songs
Like an idiot
It’s your fault that I’m in trouble
Fuck I’m in the middle
It's all your fault
Everyday it’s like a bubble
This, that, and everything
Is all your fault
Around and around and around and around
Around and around and around and around
It’s your fault that I’m in trouble
Fuck I’m in the middle
It's all your fault
It’s your fault that I’m in trouble
Fuck I’m in the middle
It's all your fault
Everyday it’s like a bubble
This, that, and everything
Is all your fault
Around and around and around and around
Around and around and around and around
It’s your fault that I’m in trouble
Fuck I’m in the middle
It's all your fault
And it's also all your fault
That the sky
Looks this beautiful


It's like a lie
Us right now is
not realistic
The dream-like feeling
Your hand gestures and body gestures
Everything all kind of slow
Whatever I see is odd yeah
Like the clouds that approach the night
(Getting redder)
The darker it gets, the fire sticks
(Getting hotter)
Until the dawn sunrise approaches again
We get it on
365 24 7
Oh yeah
Ready babe
Yeah, we jumping into fire
It becomes hotter as it goes
Don't let go of my hands even if you get burnt Baby
Ready babe
Ye we jumping into fire
Oh yeah
Even if the day is bright
There is no problem
The curtain can be covered
Anytime don't worry
If you wait for about 12 hours
The night returns anyways
Baby don’t worry
There is lot of time
The rest of life will be poured out anyways
Like the clouds that approach the night
(Getting redder)
The darker it gets, the fire sticks
(Getting hotter)
Until the dawn sunrise approaches again
We get it on
365 24 7
Oh yeah
Ready babe
Yeah, we jumping into fire
It becomes hotter as it goes
Don't let go of my hands even if you get burnt Baby
Ready babe
Ye we jumping into fire
Oh yeah
Be by
my side
Even though we could burn
Don't think
about going anywhere
We jumping into fire
Be by
my side
Even though we could burn
Don't think
about going anywhere
We jumping into fire
Ready babe
Yeah, we jumping into fire
It becomes hotter as it goes
Don't let go of my hands even if you get burnt Baby
Ready babe
Ye we jumping into fire
Oh yeah


Awake or asleep (yeah yeah yeah)
Drowning in my own thoughts (yeah yeah yeah)
Always lost in thought (yeah yeah yeah)
It's alright, it’s not too bad (yeah yeah yeah)
Bored, like a pebble stuck in a crack, yeah
I wanna enjoy the smell of freshly cut grass (yeah)
Summertime, ring dong, vibes
I need some excitement
Uno, dos, tres
Everything's so frustrating
You know, the stress
Eat, sleep, repeat
Not much is going on
Sitting still on the sofa
You know, the stress
What's wrong with me? I did absolutely nothing today but I’m exhausted
Why is it so hard to just relax, mayday
Somebody help me, mayday
Somebody mayday, mayday, mayday
Awake or asleep (yeah yeah yeah)
Drowning in my own thoughts (yeah yeah yeah)
Always lost in thought (yeah yeah yeah)
It's alright, it's not too bad (yeah yeah yeah)
Awake or asleep
(Always want that Sunday vibes)
Drowning in my own thoughts
Always lost in thought
(Always want that Sunday vibes)
It's alright, it's not too bad
I'm not in a daze, I'm thinking
Why does hair fall out in round patches?
My dogs stare at me like
He's definitely losing it
I need some excitement
Uno, dos, tres
Everything’s so frustrating
You know, the stress
I just want to be comfortable
But it’s harder than it should be
Nothing's wrong
You know, the stress
What’s wrong with me? I did absolutely nothing today but I'm exhausted
Why is it so hard to just relax, mayday
Somebody help me, mayday
Somebody mayday, mayday, mayday
Awake or asleep (yeah yeah yeah)
Drowning in my own thoughts (yeah yeah yeah)
Always lost in thought (yeah yeah yeah)
It's alright, it's not too bad (yeah yeah yeah)
Even on sleepless nights
Look each other in the eyes
Rest in my arms
It’s okay, boy
No need to hurry
Whatever day it may be, I'm here for you
Oh baby got you on my mind
Awake or asleep (yeah yeah yeah)
Drowning in my own thoughts (yeah yeah yeah)
(Always want that Sunday vibes)
Always lost in thought (yeah yeah yeah)
It's alright, it's not too bad (yeah yeah yeah)
Awake or asleep
(Always want that Sunday vibes)
Drowning in my own thoughts
Always lost in thought
(Always want that Sunday vibes)
It's alright, it's not too bad


Дани који пролазе
Видим торањ
И спирални пут ка врху
И залазак сунца
док дубоко жалим
као феникс који сагорева у свом пламену
И време стаје
Гужва је и превоз успорава
А моје срце почиње
да куца мрачно
кроз старо месо и хладне кости
И чезнем да ме нешто понесе
да ме само једном снажно повуче на горе
Изван усамљености
и празнине
Који пролазе
Сећам се да смо се једном волели
и да ми је та љубав обузела тело
А током нашег првог плеса
сам случајно помислио
да ми је Бог нашао сродну душу
Али је време наставило свој пут
своју удаљеност и усамљеност
И на том путу
Правећи себи штету
Своју љубав сам однео далеко, далеко од тебе
Али зар и ти
не чезнеш да те нешто понесе
Ја бих могао још једном да те повучем снажно на горе
Изван усамљености
И празнине
Дана који пролазе
Дана који пролазе
Реци ми,
Јесмо ли отишли предалеко?
Или смо се превише приближили?
Ти немаш оца,
ја немам сина,
Али када нам тела нестану
Обећавам ти да ћемо се срести
Да ћемо се срести
На крају дана
Дана који пролазе
Хоћеш ли се срести са мном на крају дана?

Hello, knowledgeable, what are you creating...

Hello, knowledgeable, what are you creating,
in a city swayed by the black wind,
stately facade excommunicated,
like a rich man in tobacco business
Hello, my guardian angel. Sad
fallen leaves, their interjection,
a piercing short-lived wind blows
and immerses in autumn dreams
Hello, wrapping your year in a veil
of silent call, breath, at the new
beginning - on the nameless pier
believing only a new sorrow quite
Hello, oh insane angel. Fly
Your passion like amber skins
flexible animals, big-eyed and brisk -
with the rustle of silk in God's net ...

Овај ће бити тај дан

Они те виде као маленог и беспомоћног
Они те виде као само једно дете
Биће то изненађење, када открију да ће ускоро један ловац подивљати
Спреми се за твоје највеће моменте
Спреми се за твој најбољи час
Сан о коме си увек сањао изненада само што није процветао
Ми смо муње
Одлутали од грома
Чудеса древних чуда
Овај ће бити тај дан који смо чекали
Овај ће бити тај дан када врата отварамо
Нећу да чујем ваша опроштења [за њих]
Надам се да сте спремни за револуцију
Добродошли у свет нових решења
Добродошли у свет крваве револуције
С' временом, твоје срце ће створити умове без предрасуда,
Прича ће бити испричана
И победа се налази у једноставној души
Вашем свету треба велики бранилац
Ваш свет је на путу до зла
Ви желите романтичан живот, бајку која је пуна шарма
Обазирите се на светло које се гаси
Пазите ако се тама врати
Овај свет неопрашта, чак и блистава светла ће престати да горе
Шире се легенде
Дан и ноћ ће се откинути једно од другог
Нада и мир су заувек изгубљене
Овај ће бити тај дан који смо чекали
Ми смо муње
Добродошли у свет нових решења
Овај ће бити тај дан који смо чекали
Овај ће бити тај дан када врата отварамо
Нећу да чујем ваша опроштења [за њих]
Надам се да сте спремни за револуцију
Добродошли у свет нових решења
Добродошли у свет крваве револуције
С' временом, твоје срце ће створити умове без предрасуда,
Прича ће бити испричана
И победа се налази у једноставној души


[Verse 1]
What is the matter, my dear man?
Are these bruises or eye shadow?
Live a century, learn a century - you die a fool
We all absorbed Russian longing with breast milk
Our caravan found you on the Silk Road
Here are scented candles and bath foam
Let's roar. After all, whoever is weaker is right
Let's be afraid together, I'm a kitten named Woof
Choruses stick like a toffee’s teeth
We drink champagne without any risk
Money is spray, we won’t take it to heaven
There is nothing to regret except the habit of regretting everything
The whole world is a theater, but the actors will not be encore
What's on the revolver drum? Hooray! Sector 'Prize'!
While the words of the well-fed lose weight
Let's play preference for interest
No zeros no units
And without units there are no zeros
We gotta let the tits go
We gotta catch cranes
Stars are better seen from the roof
Climb and check yourself
You were waiting for this sign from above
But marked it as spam
[Verse 2]
All this time you lived on the model
But now it's time to put on the skin of a wolf on a sheep
How do you take a tightrope along the start line
Choose a finish at random. Why do you need a card?
Behind the door the whole Earth is without laws and rules!
Today we are lucky - said Globa Paul
Put the phone down. Meetings are more expensive than calls
Down jacket sellers come up with a cold
Pill manufacturers come up with pain
Don’t worry, we divided a hundred times by zero
Forks were held in the right hand, knives in the left
Racing fled to the last floors
Skirts to strangers wives
Our plans are worthless. Need action
You understand: someone must meet the dawn
Imagine: he will come, and no one
No zeros no units
And without units there are no zeros
We gotta let the tits go
We gotta catch cranes
Stars are better seen from the roof
Climb and check yourself
You were waiting for this sign from above
But marked it as spam
No zeros no units
And without units there are no zeros
We gotta let the tits go
We gotta catch cranes
Stars are better seen from the roof
Climb and check yourself
You were waiting for this sign from above
But marked it as spam

Sweet Summer Day

Yo aayy sweet summer day hey
You ready?
Let’s go anywhere. It’s a beautiful painting where your feet on
Don’t matter (Oh yeah) so sweet sweet sweet sweet
The sun and cool wind that will burn you
What do you want more? Say yeah
I’m gonna run around like a kid today.
A bright smile on that face (laughs louder)
Leave your body with the hot sun.
You don’t need to Oh, baby.
Sweet sweet summer day of a summer night
Dip your feet into the sandy beach Come on, come on, come on.
If you’re tired, you can take a break for a while.
A midsummer night’s dream
A sweet sweet summer day baby
Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet summer day
Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet summer day
Say goodbye to heavy burdens and busy lives without regrets
Keep it up, don’t care what anyone says.
Keep going now. Look at the time.
I’m gonna run around like a kid today.
A bright smile on that face (laughs louder)
Leave your body with the hot sun.
You don’t need to Oh, baby.
Sweet sweet summer day of a summer night
Dip your feet into the sandy beach Come on, come on, come on.
If you’re tired, you can take a break for a while.
A midsummer night’s dream
A sweet sweet summer day baby
Follow your pounding heart, Runaway.
Sweet sweet summer day
Follow the sound of the breaking waves and walk away. Tonight.
Right here, right here, Summer day okay okay
Right here, right here, Summer day okay okay
Forever, wearing funny clothes, Whatever
Keep walking. Walk walk. Talk talk to your ear.
I pray for your freedom.
Sweet sweet summer day of a summer night
Dip your feet into the sandy beach Come on, come on, come on.
If you’re tired, you can take a break for a while.
A midsummer night’s dream
A sweet sweet summer day baby
Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet summer day
Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet summer day
Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet summer day
A midsummer night’s dream
A sweet sweet summer day baby

My Day Is Full Of You

I think it’s a dream to meet you
Come down into my heart with the light
I’ll put you in my eyes.
I’ll keep you by my side forever
I’ll gonna give time for you.
Listen to the story and keep it on your lips.
I’ll give you a smile.
The world is full of you.
Even I look like you
Everywhere I see, it’s you.
It’s you yeah
I miss you every single day.
Leave you alone and ask. Where are you now?
Yesterday, today, tomorrow, spring, summer, fall.
a clock hands that stopped pointing toward us.
the temperature of the warm words left at the end of the conversation
Oh, different and different, all from me to you.
I think I’ve arrived. Far from going alone.
No more promises, no more wishes.
I think it’s a dream to meet you.
How could we have a hunch?
I’m coming up to you little by little.
You can stay in my arms like this way
Every time I wake up early in the morning,
I think of you without even realizing it.
with a smile
As I see myself changing,
Answer me.
It’s always you to me.
Love is the most beautiful thing
When I think of it for a second, I suddenly feel like I’m going to get a little cold and breathe.
a palpable throbbing heart
In that short period of time, my whole life of laughter
You’re the only one for me
so much
I love you. I’m so happy.
Meeting you is a happy dream.
You who shed light on my day
The world is full of you.

Овде се прича завршава

Људи које познајем, места на која одлазим, чине да се осећам
као да ми је језик везан.
Видим како људи гледају с висине, они су унутар.
Овде се прича завршава.
Људи које виђам, уморни су од мог показивања добре стране.
Видим како људи гледају с висине, ја сам изван.
Овде се прича завршава,
о, овде се прича завршава.
Од тог малог сувенира једне грозне године
очи ме боле.
О, није требало да кажем да су књиге које си прочитао
биле једино због чега сам те волела.
Због тог малог сувенира једне грозне године
питам се зашто,
а од сећања на твоју шупу поцрвеним,
што није никакво изненађење...
Изгледа шашаво, знам,
али тако ме смарају места на која одлазим.
Видим како људи гледају с висине, ја сам изван.
Овде се прича завршава,
о, овде се прича завршава.
Од тог малог сувенира једне грозне године
очи ме боле.
Ко би икад помислио да су књиге које си доносио
биле једино због чега сам те волела.
Ђаво ме је наговорио да одем до шупе,
знам где припадам.
Али, једино што сам икада стварно хтела да кажем
Било је погрешно, погрешно...
Због тог малог сувенира једне живописне године
смешим се изнутра
и зато цинично, цинично кажем, свет је такав,
какво изненађење, какво изненађење.
Овде се прича завршава,
о, овде се прича завршава.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Give me your hand

Give me a hand, give me a hand, give me a hand, moon
You trust, I'm ready to divide everything in half
I know it hurts, I know it hurts, I know it hurts
But you I, but you I - I will not give offence
Just become my moon
I know you this is not the first time
I will dispel the myth that
What everyone just thinks about one thing
You get used to being alone
In this city where so many people
You will not even notice a look at yourself
But someone needs you
But someone needs you
But someone needs
Give me a hand, give me a hand, give me a hand, moon
You trust, I'm ready to divide everything in half
I know it hurts, I know it hurts, I know it hurts
But you I, but you I - I will not give offence

Isn't it pitiful?

'Isn't that girl just so pitiable?' I always sneered behind her back.
Worthless clothes, worthless chatter, worthless smile.
'I really don't want to end up like that' I spoke out.
'Isn't that girl just so pitiable?' I always tried to make fun of her.
A casual dream, casual nails, and a casual lover.
I did not wish for things that could be found anywhere.
To become the chosen woman, I even adored solitude.
However, in the closet, there is a dress from two years ago.
There are no longer things others can do while I can't.
The only one who is hollow is nobody but my unsightly self.
Aah, the pitiable one wasn't that girl .. it was me.
'Isn't that girl just so pitiable?' I always said while looking down at her.
A normal hobby, a normal room, and a normal photograph.
'I really don't want to end up like that' I spoke out.
'Isn't that girl just so pitiable?' The reflection on the mirror murmured out.
Righteous lie, righteous past, and righteous pretentious courage.
I only walked paths that couldn't be found anywhere.
I wonder what would my past self say if she saw me now ..
However, in the closet, the only thing that embellishes me is a mere piece of cloth.
There are no longer things others can do while I can't.
The only one who is hollow is nobody but my miserable self.
Aah, the pitiable one wasn't that girl .. it was me.
In the closet, there is a dress from two years ago.
There are no longer things others can do while I can't.
The only one who is hollow is nobody but my unsightly self.
The pitiable one wasn't that girl .. Aah
You spilled out everything that's in my heart.
There are no longer things others can do while I can't.
In lonesome and everlasting nights, i gazed at the floor's dust.
Aah, the pitiable one wasn't that girl ... Aa .. Aa .. It was me.
'Am I not just so pitiable?'

Овде се прича завршава

Људи које познајем, места на која одлазим, чине да се осећам
као да ми је језик везан.
Видим како људи гледају с висине, они су унутар.
Овде се прича завршава.
Људи које виђам, уморни су од мог показивања добре стране.
Видим како људи гледају с висине, ја сам изван.
Овде се прича завршава,
о, овде се прича завршава.
Од тог малог сувенира једне грозне године
очи ме боле.
О, није требало да кажем да су књиге које си прочитао
биле једино због чега сам те волела.
Због тог малог сувенира једне грозне године
питам се зашто,
а од сећања на твоју шупу поцрвеним,
што није никакво изненађење...
Изгледа шашаво, знам,
али тако ме смарају места на која одлазим.
Видим како људи гледају с висине, ја сам изван.
Овде се прича завршава,
о, овде се прича завршава.
Од тог малог сувенира једне грозне године
очи ме боле.
Ко би икад помислио да су књиге које си доносио
биле једино због чега сам те волела.
Ђаво ме је наговорио да одем до шупе,
знам где припадам.
Али, једино што сам икада стварно хтела да кажем
Било је погрешно, погрешно...
Због тог малог сувенира једне живописне године
смешим се изнутра
и зато цинично, цинично кажем, свет је такав,
какво изненађење, какво изненађење.
Овде се прича завршава,
о, овде се прича завршава.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Papirne lanterne

Sad odmaram glavu od
tako beskonačno turobnog vremena,
Vremena nade i sreće
zbog kojih si mi u mislima,
Ti dani prošli su i sad se čini
kao da ću malo odmoriti,
Ali s vremena na vreme, videt ću te opet,
a to stavlja moje srce pred test
Pa kad će da završe sve moje nevolje?
Sad počinjem da shvatam da
smo samo prijatelji,
Do dana današnjeg se pitam zašto
još uvek mislim na tebe
Kako dani prolaze, pitam se
(Da li će ovo ikad završiti?)
Teško mi je da se kontrolišem
kad si sa svojim dečkom,
Ne smeta mi uopšte ako sam samo
prijatelj za tebe,
Ali sve što sad želim da znam
je da li i ti misliš na mene...?
Pa kad će da završe sve moje nevolje?
Sad počinjem da shvatam da
smo samo prijatelji,
Do dana današnjeg se pitam zašto
još uvek mislim na tebe
Pa kad će da završe sve moje nevolje?
Sad razumem da
smo samo prijatelji,
Do dana današnjeg se pitam zašto
još uvek mislim na tebe

Svakodnevni život

(Prva strofa)
Šta ćemo, za ime sveta, sada da radimo?
Pogledaj kroz šta svi prolaze
Kakav svet bi ti želeo da ovo bude?
Da li sam budućnost ili istorija?
Zato sto svi iskuse bol
Svi plaču
Svi lažu druge kojekakvim lažima
Svi padaju
Svi sanjaju i sumnjaju
Moramo nastaviti da plešemo čak i kada se svetla ugase
(Druga strofa)
Kako ću, za ime sveta videti
Tebe kao svog brata
...A ne kao neprijatelja?
Zato što svi osećaju bol
Svi plaču
Svi vide boju očiju drugih ljudi
Svi vole
Svima se srce ponekad slomi
Moramo da nastavimo da plešemo čak i kada se svetla ugase
Nastavićemo da plešemo čak i kada se svetla ugase
Drzite se čvrsto, dolazi svakodnevni život x2
Na ukaz prve svetlosti
Raširiću svoje ruke

Dani propasti

Kada gledam svet kako, gori sve o čemu razmišljam si ti
Kada gledam svet kako, gori sve o čemu razmišljam si ti
Mora da postoji nešto u Kool-Aid-u
Što putuje kroz dane propasti
Bog zna šta je stvarno a šta lažno
Poslednjih par godina su bili loš trip
Kako ste samo izgledi savršeno
Mora da imate neke portrete na tavanu
Ostaćemo oflajn tako da niko neće bit povređen
Sakrivamo se od stvarnog sveta
Samo nemoj da čitaš komentare, nikada...nikada...
Sjebali smo ovu kuću kao i planetu
Predvodili smo pobunu, ludo kako neki ljudi i dalje poriču
Mislim da sam ovistan o svom telefonu
Moj listajući horor šou
Uživo prenosim poslednje dane Rime
Jedan prozor dalje je pornografski
Svi to rade
Nije ni čudo što se tako lako smorimo
Hajde da izaberemo istinu u koju verujemo
Poput loše religije
Reci mi sve svoje prvobitne grehove
Toliko upitnih izbora
Volimo zvuk koji naš glas proizvodi
Čoveče, ova eho komora postaje glasna
Izabraćemo plavu pilulu
Zatvorićemo zastore
Dole ćemo niz zečiju jazbinu, treća scena ljubavi sada
Ona će obrnuti neke stolove
Ja ću nastaviti ovu priču
Dole ćemo niz zečiju jazbinu, treća scena ljubavi sada
Bićemo ponosni ostaci
Ovde dok nas jutro ne slomi
Večeras bežimo od misli svarnog života
Pobeći ćemo poput Petra Pana
Izbledeti do krupnog plana, ruke obgrljenje
Ostaćemo naivni večeras, večeras, večeras
Kada gledam svet kako, gori sve o čemu razmišljam si ti
Kada gledam svet kako, gori sve o čemu razmišljam si ti
Ti... sve o čemu razmišljam si ti
Zato spuštam svoj telefon, padam u noć sa tobom

Jednog dana

Nikad pre nisi čula moju pesmu
Muzika je bila preglasna
Ali mislim da je sada čuješ bolje
Za sada znamo kako
Nijedna zvezda ne može da nam osvetli put u ovom oblaku mračnine i straha
Ali možda jednog dana...
Smešno je kako se stranice okreću
I drže nas u sredini
Carstvo čeka na tebe
I ti bi trebala da budeš kraljica (ti bi trebala da budeš kraljica)
Danas, oblak se nalazi iznad nas i sav je siv
Ali možda jednog dana...
Kada sam ja bio ti, i ti si bila ja
I kad smo bili mladi
Zajedno smo mogli biti tamo
Ostatak neće biti otpevan (?)
Pa oblak se još nalazi Iznad nas i sami smo
Ali možda jednog dana...
Doći ćemo kući


When the world will change
hate will stop
and love will come
I want to live and see
the other people living
along with me
When justice will shine
and pain will lose
its throne on earth
When the birds of peace
will be fly above the boarders of the world
When the coming century
will stand in front
of the sun
Then a white day
will be a hug made of light
for us
Yes, there is sorrow
children don't laugh
(yes, children don't laugh)
My Lord, let love become
a prayer in our hearts
(When the world will change)
the world will change
(hate will stop)
hate will stop
(and love will come)
will come
(I want)
I want,I want,I want
(us two to be)
together, together
(for a)
Lovely lovely lovely lovely
(When )
(justice will shine)
justice will shine
(and pain will lose)
and pain will lose
(its throne on earth)
yeah yeah yeah
a white day
will be a hug made of light
for us
for us
for us
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Great Days

Shining justice burning in me
Brand new bed town is the place I want to be
Everyone just raise your hand, raise them till you touch the sky
All we need to is just to stand up to the top
Let joy bring love and greatness of all
There is just nothing but love and I'd do anything to give you my heart
Let the voice of love take you higher
And I will love you even more, till the day you find the light
1999, Bizarre Summer
Every road will lead us to a memory of Great Days
Sun God, racist, ringing in me
Brand new up town is the place we'll all meet
Everything that happens is meant to be its destiny
All you need to do is stand up higher to the sky
Let world be full of love and embrace.
There is just nothing but love that I've been looking for in life for so long
Let the joy of love give you cancer
And I will hold you when you're lost, just walk on to the light
1999 Bizarre Summer
Every road will lead us to a memory of great days
Let the voice of love take you higher
And I will love you even more, till the day you find the light
Let the joy of love give you cancer
And I will hold you when you're last, just walk on to the light
1999 Bizarre Summer
Every road will lead us to a memory of Great Days

WiFi (와이파이)

hey you pretty boy (pretty boy)
You came right into my eyes (let’s get it started)
Your backside looks nice (uh-huh uh-huh)
I want you, I keep getting pulled to you (every time I see you)
Your eyes twinkled, twinkle
My heart is dancing in circles
I’m sending you a sign
A pink one
Telepathy, wiing wiing
Yesterday and today, my feelings grow
I’m frustrated, I’m the only one tonight
Why don’t you know?
Raising my signal
But I can’t catch your heart
This is like gravity
You’re being pulled too
I catch it then I lose it
Can you hear my lover sign
Turn it up, make up (make up)
I catch it then I lose it
Don’t lose it over time
Now show me yourself
you’re my boy
Wi Fi Fi
Wi Fi Fi
tell me baby tell me baby
Who are you?
That I keep getting curious?
I try closing in on you
I try to make it obvious
But why, why don’t you know?
I’ve fallen for your charms
hole up hole up, don’t hide it
Come in front of me
La La La La La La
La La La La La La La
I have high standards
But I can’t make a straight face
La La La La La La
La La La La La La La
Do you still not know?
Raising my signal
But I can’t catch your heart
This is like gravity
You’re being pulled too
I catch it then I lose it
Can you hear my lover sign
Turn it up, make up (make up)
I catch it then I lose it
Don’t lose it over time
Now show me yourself
you’re my boy
Wi Fi Fi
Wi Fi Fi
tell me baby tell me baby
It’s late, hurry up, hurry
Put in the wifi password, call me
(password mismatch)
Think carefully
20 18 07 18 yes! ok! wow!
Urr, peekaboo, come closer to me
Uno Dos Tres Quatro
I catch it then I lose it
Can you hear my lover sign
Turn it up, make up (make up)
I catch it then I lose it
Don’t lose it over time
Now show me yourself
you’re my boy
Wi Fi Fi
I’ll show you my special world
Tune your frequency a little more
to my sign

Let Me Dance (Monday—Tuesday)

Versions: #2
day after day, life slips away.
Monday, it's just another morning.
Tuesday, I only feel like living.
Dancing along with every song.
Me—I live love and dance.
I live as if I were on vacation.
I live as if I were eternal—
as if the news never was bad.
Me—I live love and laughter.
I live as if there was nothing to say.
I have forever to write my memoir—
to write my story in blue ink.
Let me dance, let me—
let me dance and sing without a care all summer.
Let me dance, let me—
dance until the end of my dream.
Monday, it's just another morning.
Tuesday, I only feel like living.
Dancing along with every song.
Me—I live love and risk.
When things do not work out, I turn over the record.
I go, I come, I have learned how to live
as if I was free and poised.
Me—I live love and laughter.
live as if there was nothing to say.
I have forever to write my memoir—
to write my story in blue ink.
Let me dance, let me—
let me dance and sing without a care all summer.
Let me dance, let me—
dance until the end of my dream.
Monday, it's just another morning.
Tuesday, I only feel like living.
Dancing along with every song.
Day after day, life slips away.
Let me dance, let me—
let me dance and sing without a care all summer.
Let me dance, let me—
dance until the end of my dream.
day after day, life slips away.
Monday, it's just another morning.
Tuesday, I only feel like living.
Day after day, life slips away—new day!


When we are older
And we know a little better
We'll all be close to each other
And never, never enemies
When we are rich
In feelings and humanity
We'll all will be good winners or losers
But humbly
When we are wiser
And this millennium
Is in the past
We all, siblings at heart, free
And, you'll see, that's how it will be
Days that go wrong
And there's little to pray
But there's still to hope
That tomorrow things will change
When we are older (a little bit older)
And we'll know a little better (oh, yes, better)
We'll all be close to each other (close, close, close)
Never enemies, never
When we are wiser
And this millennium
Is in the past
We all, siblings at heart, free
And, you'll see, that's how it will be
And that's how it will be
When, when, who knows

Opening the Heart

Soon the candle will go out,
Soon the morning will reappear,
Are you ready for the new day to start?
Are you paying attention?
Have you tidied up for its arrival,
Have you cleaned with water in preparation?
Will you remember that emptiness cannot sate you?
When will you smile with your eyes?
All it takes is opening your heart,
All it takes is to listen, to accept,
All it takes is to be less of me for myself,
And what should I bring for you?
For you...
Should the way disappear,
Forget about your destination,
Every day it will renew itself in you,
Written on the moon,
And when the sun hides itself for a moment,
We'll remember what we're missing,
Just come closer, you'll see me waiting,
Always there to read your face,
All it takes is opening your heart,
All it takes is to listen, to accept,
All it takes is to be less of me for myself,
And what should I bring for you?
All it takes is opening your heart,
All it takes is to listen, to accept,
All it takes is to be less of me for myself,
And what should I bring for you?
For you...
Soon the candle will go out,
Soon the morning will reappear,
For you...
Soon the candle will go out,
Soon the morning will reappear,
For you...
Soon the candle will go out,
Soon the morning will reappear,
For you...
Soon the candle will go out,
Soon the morning will reappear,
For you...
For you.
Translations are never word-for-word, but always about some degree of interpretation (word choice, word order, grammar etc...). Enjoy :)


Versions: #2
Drawing in a trance, his eyes don't leave the page,
Not a brush, he needs something more,
This is the outline of his life,
Within seconds he creates whole worlds,
Converting wisdom into colours,
All around people are asking why wait,
There are boats in the sea,
There are those who say that colours are a world of make-believe,
Uncool, somewhat less worthwhile,
You won't really discover new lands,
And there are others like me, who are still convinced,
That everything happens for a reason,
And there's no arguing with the soul,
He crumples it and tosses away the pencil, disturbed and unable to sleep,
They've been arguing for a while over what not to draw,
Go figure, go lose your temper at the sea,
There are those who say that colours are a world of make-believe
Professional translator IT/HE-->EN. Feel free to contact with comments/questions/professional translation needs.

Translations are always 'non verbum e verbo sed sensum de sensu' - not word for word but sense for sense. Enjoy :)

My Nights

Once more you started and said,
Leave her be, leave her be,
When I'm unhappy I escape,
To the sea, to the sea,
I don't understand everything, but I've become accepting,
The music that's playing,
Floods me, floods me,
And when the show is over,
Take me, and yourself,
I don't understand everything,
But I'm slowly learning,
Like a shepherd for your flock of silences,
Kissing away all your fears,
Pointless to say I've gone,
Too late to say I've stayed,
A diamond for the ring you gave me,
'To ask for your hand' you whispered,
'You're the light in my nights,
My nights, my nights,
My nights.'
The flickers of a city in the darkness,
Leave me be, leave me be,
All souls falter on their way,
Mummy's here, mummy's here,
Words written in the sand,
Look, every one has value,
Like a shepherd for your flock of silences,
Kissing away all your fears,
Pointless to say I've gone,
Too late to say I've stayed,
A diamond for the ring you gave me,
'To ask for your hand' you whispered,
'You're the light in my nights,
My nights, my nights,
My nights.'
Like a shepherd for your flock of silences,
Kissing away all your fears,
Pointless to say I've gone,
Too late to say I've stayed,
A diamond for the ring you gave me,
'To ask for your hand' you whispered,
'You're the light in my nights,
My nights, my nights,
My nights.'
Professional translator IT/HE-->EN. Feel free to contact with comments/questions/professional translation needs.

Translations are always 'non verbum e verbo sed sensum de sensu' - not word for word but sense for sense. Enjoy :)

Beautiful Feeling

It's amazing
to see me
smiling at you
without knowing.
As the day passes
my heart grows
deeper and deeper for you.
This song
could be like
another love song.
Yeah I know.
But I still
want to sing
this feeling.
So baby, please listen.
I'll sing for you.
I like every moment I breathe
under the same sky with you.
The word 'Love'
isn't enough for
this beautiful feeling.
It’s beautiful.
It’s beautiful.
This beautiful feeling
This beautiful feeling
It’s beautiful.
It’s beautiful.
I can't tell it with words.
This beautiful feeling
This song
could be like
another love song.
Yeah I know.
But I still
want to sing
this feeling.
So baby, please listen.
I'll sing for you.
I like every moment I breathe
under the same sky with you.
The word 'Love'
isn't enough
for this beautiful feeling.
I'm thrilled with my whole body
I'm so happy that
I'm crying, ye
Some people say love.
But I think
there's more to it than that, ye
If you know, let me know.
If not, build it.
To this beautiful feeling.
This beautiful feeling
I like every moment I breathe
under the same sky with you.
The word 'Love'
isn't enough
for this beautiful feeling.
It’s beautiful.
It’s beautiful.
This beautiful feeling
This beautiful feeling
It’s beautiful.
It’s beautiful.
I can't tell it with words.
This beautiful feeling.

U nedelju

Ostavio si me,
U nedelju,
I uvek ću se sećati,
Tog dana u septembru.
Da, ostavio si me,
U nedelju,
Učinio si da nikako
Ne zaboravim taj dan.
Reci hej, hej, hej, hej, hej,
Voleti tebe je vrlo skupo,
Hej, hej, hej, hej, hej.
Gledam kako se dim,
Podiže iz pepeljare,
Ispunjava sobu bolom,
I dalje je u mojim venama.
Ne mogu da se osećam kao kod kuće,
Jer tako je prazno,
Tako hladno i tako sivo,
Otkad si tog dana otišao,
Ti znaš, ti znaš...
Iako sunce izlazi i svet se kreće iz dana u dan,
Hej, hej, hej,
Uvek ću te čekati da dođeš kući kod mene,
Meni, meni, meni, hej.
Hej, hej, hej, hej, hej,
Voleti tebe je vrlo skupo,
Hej, hej, hej, hej, hej.
Hej, hej, hej, hej, hej,
Voleti tebe je vrlo skupo,
Hej, hej, hej, hej, hej.
Probudi me,
Iz ove noćne more,
Da li je ovo uopšte istina,
Da li sam bez tebe?
Ljubav nije fer,
O, shvatila sam,
Samo nisam znala,
Da ću te izgubiti,
Ti znaš, ti znaš...
Iako sunce izlazi i svet se kreće iz dana u dan,
Hej, hej, hej,
Uvek ću te čekati da dođeš kući kod mene,
Meni, meni, meni, hej.
Hej, hej, hej, hej, hej,
Voleti tebe je vrlo skupo,
Hej, hej, hej, hej, hej.
Hej, hej, hej, hej, hej,
Voleti tebe je vrlo skupo,
Hej, hej, hej, hej, hej.


MayDay, MayDay
what's going on here
I don't play games
MayDay, MayDay
I'm your worst nightmare, ey
Etta bitch came to the house to be the number one, boys say
no high heels, I wear sneakers in the club
if they want smoke, I'm gonna give them fire
I don't want little money, I want piles of five hundreds
I'm not going under a bar, this ain't a limbo contest
I focus in my future since I'm gonna make history
they flatter, they want to wife me
but I don't want wedding
I'm too drunk for the bar if I ever drive to the church
MayDay, when I'm in the radar
I use my fists, I don't grab your hair
ladies want flowers, bad bitch wants weed
boys want the usual
hands in the air, clap for me
MayDay, MayDay
what's going on here
I don't play games
MayDay, MayDay
I'm your worst nightmare
so stay awake
(x 2)
First of all, I'm coming trough the wall
first of all, don't touch me, stand somewhat far
first of all, I can see trough it all
you're not my friend, you're not my fam
you're not my bro, you're not my gang
bitches pretend to be my best friends
hater are bitter, secretly jealous
you can't have what I have
it's a gift from my parents
these skills and these looks in the same package, bitch
gold in my heart, shine on my lips
my friends are thieves so hide your man
and turn up your volume when playing Etta
ten fingers and two of them will be up
if you try to test me
MayDay, MayDay
what's going on here
I don't play games
MayDay, MayDay
I'm your worst nightmare
so stay awake
(x 2)
what's going on here
I didn't come to play games
I'm your worst nightmare
so stay awake
MayDay, MayDay
what's going on here
I don't play games
MayDay, MayDay
I'm your worst nightmare
so stay awake
(x 2)

Čekam taj dan

Pojavio sam se kad ti je slomio srce
Tada ti je neko bio potreban
Da ti pomogne da na njega zaboraviš
Dao sam ti ljubav i novi početak
To ti je najviše trebalo
Da ti oslobodi tvoje slomljeno srce
Znam da si plakala, i da si potonula
Ali kad sam mogao, davao sam ti snagu
Čekam taj dan kada ćeš moći da voliš ponovo
Ljubio sam tvoje usne, i kad sam
Video tvoje tužno lice
Odmah sam pomislio na njega
I da si ga ti još uvek volela
Ali znaš da sam ubrzo
Ja tebe obradovao
Jer si pripadala meni
I otkrivala se ljubav
Povredio te je tada, ali sve je to prošlo
Mislim da hoću da kažem da si ti jedina
Čekam taj dan kada ćeš moći da voliš ponovo
Povredio te je tada, ali sve je to učinjeno
Mislim da hoću da kažem da si ti jedina
Čekam taj dan kada ćeš moći da voliš ponovo...
Nisi valjda mislila da bih samo sedeo i pustio ga da te muva?
Nisi valjda mislila da bih samo sedeo i gledao kako te osvaja?
Nisi valjda mislila da bih samo sedeo i pustio ga da ode?
Nisi valjda mislila da bih samo sedeo i ostavio te?
Nisi valjda mislila...

Ovde danas

Sve počinje samo jednim malim pogledom
A ti već razmišljaš o romansi
Znaš da bi trebalo malo da se smiriš
Ali jedva čekaš da je malo bolje upoznaš
Nova ljubavna veza je tako predivna stvar
Ali ako nisi pažiljiv, razmisli samo o bolu koji može da nanese
Zbog nje ćeš se osećati loše
Zbog nje će ti se srce rastužiti
Zbog nje će ti dani krenuti naopačke
Zbog nje će ti noći biti duge
Moraš da upamtiš, ljubav je ovde
Danas, Pa je nestala
Sutradan, Ovde je i odmah prošla
Ti sada misliš da je ona čisto savršenstvo
Ali ovog puta je to stvarno izuzetak
E pa, znaš da ne želim da te obeshrabrim
Ali ja sam tip koga je ostavila pre no što si je naš'o
Pa neću da kažem da nećeš imati dobru ljubav sa njom
Ali ja ću upamtiti stvari kakve su bile
Zbog nje sam se osećao loše
Zbog nje mi se srce rastužilo
Zbog nje su mi dani krenuli naopačke
Zbog nje su mi noći bili duge
Moraš da upamtiš, ljubav je ovde
Danas, Pa je nestala
Sutradan, Ovde je i odmah prošla
Imaj na umu, ljubav je ovde
Danas, Pa je nestala
Sutradan, Ovde je i odmah prošla
Ljubav je ovde
Danas, Pa je nestala
Sutradan, Ovde je i odmah prošla

The prison

The high prison doors just closed
And this time, I feel like they'll never open ever again, that I won't ever leave.
Life has slowly given up on my mother,
And a river of tears poured on me.
They are the sons of shadow, forgotten by the sun,
So much men but only one same looser
Oh, mother, tell your sons not to be like me :
'Cause with time, they will end up prison meat
And you, sweet mama, will be tired of suffering
Forgive me one more time, and live only for you,
Yes, the high prison doors just closed
And this time, I feel like they'll never open ever again, that I won't ever leave.

Samrtno kao Juče

Ostaviće te,ne rekavši ni reči
Izgubiće se bez traga
a to i nije tako smešno,dete
Ljubav te ponekad napusti
samrtno ,kao juče
Nadajući da držiš šaku punu sunca
kao dete kome je već rečeno da se time ne igra
Nikad nisam kapirao ljubav božiju kada me napustila
osećam se
samrtno ,kao juče
Bože hoćeš mi pomoći da nađem neko sklonište?
Bože hoćeš mi pomoći da nađem neko sklonište?
Ostaviće te,praznog i bezpomoćnog
to i nije tako smešno dete,
ljubav te ponekad napusti,
samrtno ,kao juče