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Perfect Day Off

Still in my dream
My shoulder was shaken
Opened my eyes at 10am
The mischievous
voice says “Wake up!”
I hear it as always
Haven’t decided what to do
Two just laying in bed
Browsing the web
Fell back to sleep!
You next to me
It’s a perfect day off x2
Like paradise
Just like this
Never ending summer
After all, yesterday
Foreign dramas
We watched endlessly
The time fast forwarded
Now it’s pitch dark
What should we do today?
The hotel dinner I was checking on
Let’s take a flight south
to be satisfied
And go wherever we want
Let me escort you alright
It’s a perfect day off x3
Like paradise
Just like this
Never ending summer
Everything you desire
Let’s melt into the burning sun light
If you’d smile for me,
there is nothing better
A perfect world
It’s a perfect day off x3
Like paradise
Just like this
Never ending summer
Again in my dream
My shoulder was shaken
Opened my eyes at 10am

Full House New Year's Song

New year, new-new year
New year, new-new year
New year, new-new year
New year...yeah
It's new year, so open your doors
It's bright until dusk
It's new year, lots of speeches
And all the homes are already a full house
New year is around the corner
And our pockets are jingling
The new year has come, will come
Our nation is blabbering like Fellow
The new year is so happy
Ten days of eating and drinking
This new year is the year of the goat
Hopefully by the end of the year we don't become a goat
It's new year, so open your doors
It's bright until dusk
It's new year, lots of speeches
And all the homes are already a full house
It's new year, the tables are big
It's great but hush
It's new year, there's so many presents
But all the homes are already a full house
Full house
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.


[Strofa 1: Jack G]
Imam sklonost ka vampirizmu
Grizem ti vrat
Znoj kaplje dole
Dok su ti ruke na mojim grudima
Ali volim to
I ona to voli takođe
Zvezde na mom krovu
Parkirali smo se na Mulholland-u
Da ti budem iskren
Devojko, mislim da padam
Ali volim to
I ti voliš to takođe
[Pred-Refren: Jack G]
Zato sada sipaj još jedno piće
Jer zaista ne želim da razmišljam
Samo te želim na sebi sada
Da bih mogao da ti čujem otkucaj srca
Poljubi me pod mesečinom
Na zadnjem sedištu Jeep-a
To je raj, to smo samo ti i ja
Jer ja
[Refren: Jack G]
Sanjarim, sanjarim
Da, ja sanjarim
Sanjarim sa tobom
[Strofa 2: Jack J]
Kasni vikendi
Oni svi žele da budu sa tobom
Iz istog razloga
Ali ja, ja sam tu za duže staze
Želim te dok ne prestaneš da dišeš
Dok ne prestaneš da dišeš
Opalim otpozadi
Ostani da vrištiš
Kao oh
I ja čak ni ne pevam
Ali me teraš da radim stvari koje ne radim
Istin je, ja sam kao
Hm, hm, hm, hm zbog tebe pevam kao
Hm, hm, hm, hm, hm, hm
[Pred-Refren: Jack G & Jack J]
Zato sada sipaj još jedno piće
Jer zaista ne želim da razmišljam
Samo te želim na sebi sada
Da bih mogao da ti čujem otkucaj srca
Poljubi me pod mesečinom
Na zadnjem sedištu Jeep-a
U raju, ne treba nam sna
Jer ja
[Refren: Jack G]
Sanjarim, sanjarim
Da, ja sanjarim
Sanjarim sa tobom
(Kada sam sa tobom, uh uh)
[Prelaz: Jack G]
Oh volim to
I ona to voli takođe
Zato volimo to
To je ostvarenje sna
Mi volimo
Osećaj je kao da je potpuno novo
Raj je ovde
U ovoj sobi
Jer ja
[Refren: Jack G]
Sanjarim, sanjarim kada sam sa tobom
Da, da, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Sanjarim, sanjarim kada sam sa tobom
Da, da, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Kada sam sa tobom

Private Road Show (Playback, Weekday)

Hit the snooze but the alarm will ring again
Until you lock up the door more than once
Here comes the same old wardrobe
Even a pictogram would rather be snazzy
If only I could make a better joke
Lucked out with the film of me
You think it deserves, I wonder
As if I can't get out of the routine
A road show tour on weekdays
When it comes to this line, should I show a smile in theory?
If the scriptwriter has no choice but to write the mundane story
I can't look forward to the next take
An espresso from the Italian bar
Look, it just tastes bitter I don't like it
If you stitch up a different textile on the cloth
It just won't fit me as it loses the focus
Because of the poor camera work
My smile gets blurred, don't you see it?
As if Sunday has slipped away from a road show tour
Having said that, in theory I need to keep up the smile
If this kind of staging sees us through, it's okay right?
Because I'm with you in every scene!
Since I wake up until I go to bed again
Just like a record spinning over and over again
Did I really say this phrase 24 times or more?
Try to rewind it I sure can't get out of weekdays
But by doing so you give me a hint everyday
I'm putting together the common words
This line makes me laugh... and I like it
So it's high time we got down to the private road show
It makes me happy anyway... Playback... tomorrow again!

Kišni dani

[Intro: Boogie]
Nigga, ja nosim krznenu bundu leti, nigga
Majicu 'bijem ženu' zimi, jebote
Oh, sranje
[Pripev: Boogie]
Klošarim kroz moje kisne dane danima
Stvarno nisam za bleju danas, danas
Tebaju mi veće promene
Samo se molim da neću nikada izbledeti
[Vers 1: Boogie]
Yo, yo, oh, liče
Yo, dajem reč naslovima
Dakle reč mojim idolima i reč legendama
Ne kažem da ih gotivim
Pobio bi ih sve i nosio k'o kapute
Reč osećanjima koja kanališem
Gubim ih brzo ko jebeni daljinac
Nemoj me zvati osvešćenim
Varam svoju kraljicu sa kurvom
Tako stvari stoje, stalno govori da se zgusnemo
Ona će izaći iz svog oklopa
Nemoj da me dražiš
Kad sva moja osećanja zapnu na 'Pa dobro'
Kujo, ja sam žedan i blagoslovljen
Sipam tečnost u gralove
Ovo je za moje crnčuge u zatvoru, koji se hrvaju sa L's
To je taj pakao u ćeliji
Ja dolazim iz mesta gde sranja mogu postati zasenčena
Šansa mi je bila mršava
Sve moje žene su bile jeftine
Vidimo različite rase još od pevanja Em
Ne mogu poslati poruku ni jednoj od mojih bivših
i kurvi kao prijatelj
Ne smem ponovo popušiti
Treba mi kučka koja je debela ko moja koža, jer jebiga
[Pripev: Boogie]
Klošarim kroz moje kišne dane danima
Stvarno nisam za bleju danas, danas
Tebaju mi veće promene
Samo se molim da neću nikada izbledeti
[Vers 2: Eminem]
Ostavio sam svoju zaostavštinu povređenom? Jebeni apsurd
Ko kad ovčarski pas ima sex sa svojom ovcom, zajebi šta si čuo
Sva ova priča u mojoj glavi, imam ideju
K'o prodavac kad hoćeš da kupiš pivo
Od kad sam na mikrofonu, ja sam noćna mora
Jebi ga, mislio sam da će ovo biti dobra priča to put woke me to rockabye
Imam flašu NyQuil-a ovde (ovde)
######, hoćeš EP od Slim Shady-a
To je na kaveru albuma, ######
Obećavam da neću puštati krokodilske suze
Ako se šokiraš na moj tekst
Maršal je mrtav u vodi, al nije da me briga
Dre je rekao, 'Zatalasaj' a Doc je moj rival
Pa, jednoglasno je, pažnja je na tebi, planeta sluša
I njihova se banana ponovo podelila, što ima svojih prednosti
I kad nemaš ništa drugo da kažeš osim o ruci u kojoj ti je kurac
i ako planiraš da ga zabiješ Janice Dickinson
Zamisli da Temazepam provaljuje, i da postaješ uspaničen
Saplićeš se o triptofan i saplićeš fana u Švajcarskoj
Samo da bi te pitao da mu potpišeš sliku, onda je pocepao na pola
i ošinuo ga time i mlatio ga sve do Mičigena
Ali nije bitno koliko rundi i da li bivam nokautiran
na takmičenju i pao na pod
Imam borilački mentalitet, podiću se i boriti se tim
Ustvari, napadaću mikrofon tim
Napraviću da zvuči kao da ga vampir grize
Ali morao bih biti Drakulin prisan prijatelj
Da bih pao na odbrojavanje (Haha), da
Yo, album je (šta?), izašao (Da), sada (Uh)
Pau (Pau), Vau (Vau), ne vidim (Ha?) nigde (Oh) oblaka (Nee)
Ali neće (Ne) biti (Ha) suša (a-a)
Osmeh (Ne), smršteno (Da), gore (Ah), dole (To)
Ušutkaj moja (Ne), usta (Da), Kako? (Kako)
To nije ono (Ono) šta sam ja
Poklik (Poklik), tuširanje
Thuggin', thug it out
[Outro: Boogie]
Klošarim kroz moje kišne dane danima
Stvarno nisam za bleju danas, danas
Trebaju mi veće promene
Samo se nadam da neću, dođavola
Samo se molim da neću, jebem ti
Klošarim kroz moje kisne dane danima
Stvarno nisam za bleju danas, danas
Trebaju mi veće promene
Samo se molim da neću nikada izbledeti


Draws Hypnotized Not moving my head from the page
Not a brush He needs a little more
it's about lines of his life
In seconds he builds worlds
Translator to colors some wisdom
People are asking what to wait for
There are ships in the sea
Some say that colors are a world of looks
Not worth a little less lucrative
You will not really discover a continent
And there are others like me convinced
That everything happens for a reason
And do not argue with the soul
Creases and throws the pencil Restless did not fall asleep
They are in a fight It's been awhile he didn't paint
go figure go be mad at the sea
Some say that colors are a world of looks

A different flag

I'll sit here on the sand
And draw a big circle around myself
I'm waiting still since yesterday
For the right moment
For the rainbow to show
She'll piece together in me everything that
Fell apart and broke
Between all the points it'll
Trace a straight line
I learned from the water
How not to get stuck, to be free
Even if you see the sky
Even though every day I have a different flag
And even if the light now is only half lit
It's enough for me to not lose this
As long as I don't lose this
Who will piece together in me all that fell apart and broke
Between all the points who will trace a straight line

Don't leave me

Versions: #2
It's hard to love the heart, that became cruel, unfair,
It's hard to be quiet, if you feel like to scream.
The rivers of hurts also have a beginning somewhere,
It's hard to forgive if the fire still burning within.
Be it a night or a day, it has no meaning...
Light or a shade, for a moment of love, I'll give everything.
Do not leave me, my darling, my pain, do not melt in a haze,
Do not leave me, how can you, I need you with me everyday.
Do not leave me, I can't make it alone, dissolve in my love, only stay,
Do not leave me, without you, on this earth I have no place.
In one hour of separation, the scars of wrongs won't mend,
Only heartbeat, with pages written with pain.
The chains of fate cannot be loosened or broken,
As long as life left in me, in which you remain.
As separation flame, like a glare
My heart is silent, but I can't hold back the scream, I do not dare.
Do not leave me, my darling, my pain, do not melt in a haze,
Do not leave me, how can you, I need you with me everyday.
Do not leave me, I can't make it alone, dissolve in my love, only stay,
Do not leave me, without you, on this earth I have no place.
Cry in the sand, the bitterness of the heart will leave
And I will again, I will pray to heavens
Do not leave me, my darling, my pain, do not melt in a haze,
Do not leave me, how can you, I need you with me everyday.
Do not leave me, I can't make it alone, dissolve in my love, only stay,
Do not leave me, without you, on this earth I have no place.


Though it was hard, I tried to hold it in
Whenever I missed you so much
Whenever my feet
Started going toward your house
Oh no
I entered in your phone number then deleted it
I already memorized it
No matter how much I delete it
I can’t forget
Oh no
Time passed like that
And suddenly, without knowing
I escaped from you
And now I’m standing here alone
I was getting over you
Little by little
In pain
That seemed
Would never end
I was slowly
Emptying you out
If just go on with life
I’ll completely
Erase you
I tried to be busy on purpose
Because even when I pretend I’m fine
When I was alone
I thought of you too much
Oh no
I tried laughing on purpose
To act like I’m fine
In case I really get better if I laugh
In case I can truly laugh that way
Oh no
Time passed like that
And suddenly, without knowing
I escaped from you
And now I’m standing here alone
I was getting over you
Little by little
In pain
That seemed
Would never end
I was slowly
Emptying you out
If just go on with life
I’ll completely
Erase you
In the end
The scars might heal
Everything will be alright
I don’t need you
I was getting over you
Little by little
In pain
That seemed
Would never end
I was slowly
Emptying you out
If just go on with life
I’ll completely
Erase you

Sedi i dalje, izgleda lepo

Mogla bih da se obučem
Biti voljena
Ali pogodite šta?
Ja nikada neću biti ta devojka
Koja živi u Barbi svetu
Mogla bih da se probudim
I našminkam
I sviram bubnjeve
Da se pravim da mi treba muškarac
Koji će me tretirati kao igračku
Znam da ostale devojke žele da nose skupe stvari
Poput dijamantskog prstena
Ali ja ne želim da budem lutka koju poigravaš u nizu
Ovoj kraljici ne treba kralj
Oh, ja ne znam šta su ti rekli
Ali ova devojka tačno ovde će osvojiti svet
Da, to je onde gde ću biti zato što želim da budem
Ne, ne želim da i dalje sedim, izgleda lepo
Dobićeš na svojih 9 do 5
Snova o modernoj lutki i ženi trofeju
Ali ne, ja nikada neću biti zato što ne želim biti
Ne, ne želim da i dalje sedim, lepo izgleda
Gospodin pravi može biti fin, za jednu noć
Ali onda on želi da preuzme kontrolu
I radije bih letela sama
Ta Snežana
Uradila je ispravno
U njenom životu
Imala je 7 muškarca da urade poslove
Zato što dame nisu za to
Jedinu stvar koju će dečko dati devojci za besplatno zatočeništvo
I možda bih volela malo vanile ali ja nisam tako slatko slatka
Zovi me HBIC
Oh, ja ne znam šta su ti rekli
Ali ova devojka tačno ovde će osvojiti svet
Da, to je onde gde ću biti zato što želim da budem
Ne, ne želim da i dalje sedim, izgleda lepo
Dobićeš na svojih 9 do 5
Snova o modernoj lutki i ženi trofeju
Ali ne, ja nikada neću biti zato što ne želim biti
Ne, ne želim da i dalje sedim, izgleda lepo
Naravno, ja sam lepa devojka
Gore u lepom svetu
Ali rekli su da lepota boli
I ne želim da sedim i dalje
Ja sam lepa devojka
Gore u lepom svetu
Ali ne, ja neću i dalje sedeti, izgleda prelepo
Oh, ja ne znam šta su ti rekli
Ali ova devojka tačno ovde će osvojiti svet
Da, to je onde gde ću biti zato što želim da budem
Ne, ne želim da i dalje sedim, iizgleda lepo
Dobićeš na svojih 9 do 5
Snova o modernoj lutki i ženi trofeju
Ali ne, ja nikada neću biti zato što ne želim biti
Ne, ne želim da i dalje sedim, izgleda lepo
Oh, ja ne znam šta su ti rekli
Ali ova devojka tačno ovde će osvojiti svet
Da, to je onde gde ću biti zato što želim da budem
Ne, ne želim da i dalje sedim, iizgleda lepo
Dobićeš na svojih 9 do 5
Snova o modernoj lutki i ženi trofeju
Ali ne, ja nikada neću biti zato što ne želim biti
Ne, ne želim da i dalje sedim, izgleda lepo
Sedi i dalje, izgleda lepo [4x]

From the start

From the start I told you
That love isn't always enough
And that life has other ways to deal with us
In that day, a tear from you fell down on my shulder
You said : try
I said : okay
But never leave me
If you will go, go now
If you will stay, don't go away
I didn't want myself to believe in a love that ends with wounds
For nights, I have been building an illusion and a dream and in just a second every thing was gone
And it's my destiny to get a great and tough wound from my love
Sometimes when the wound comes fast, it will be much easier
From the start I told you
And you refused to listen to me
Today, I ask you
What can I do with my heart that loved you?
It's hard for me to forgive you after your wound
And what is harder is to live
By the way, I will miss you
Even if I don't forgive you

Breaking Down

It’s not the world
But it’s me that’s near the end
Losing you was losing everything I had
It’s been awhile
Since I’ve noticed the first crack
But your eyes always locked me up
And just had to watch myself fall
If I could live selfishly
What I need is
To turn back the time
And your heart
But I can’t
I’m breaking down
Disappearing little by little
In the dark
If all is destryed
Please find my pieces
And put me into one
You seem just fine
Almost better on your own
I don’t blame you
Cuz heart never breaks the same
If you call out to me
Once again
'I loved you,
I wanted to see you...'
Tears will probably fall
If I could live selfishly
What I need is
To turn back the time
And your heart
But I can’t
I’m breaking down
Disappearing little by little
In the dark
If all is destryed
Please find my pieces
And put me into one
I’m breaking down
Disappearing little by little
In the dark
If all is destryed
Please find my pieces
And put me into one

AVrio | Tomorrow [Tomorrow Is Another Day]

As if I'm flying, I find the earth to hold it
And she's mine alone.
Like flying, I sing
From above I look at the world and I think I don't feel terror
Is it bad? I'm dreaming and I hope
And I'm not going back like I'm flying
Is it bad?
To see the future with another eye
To gallop in a white steed
Ein bad?
Clouds around me weigh my soul
But in the sunshine, I can handle it.
Let It be a rainy day
Will be lost
Oh, joy!
I'll see the Rainbow
But again, if I lose it, he'll come again.
He'll come again
If the darkness is left behind
And if the sun comes up alone, I'll sing
(-um, listen to something. It says the Devil's Swamp has not been mapped. If you want to go...
-... E, you must...
-Hey, Hush now.
-... Take care of the dangers. Good!)
Never back No turning
(Sweet Dreams, Bianca)
Tomorrow will be bright


I saw in your tears
Whiteness flowing
But black under the veil
I'm still looking for your heart
I read your look
The wave, the contempt
Is not the wild state
With which I learned
You can keep me
from placing my hand
On the injured body
I have plenty of time to finally know
That we can break everything
Or erase everything
To kill those who love each other
It is necessary to tear the sky
Love is eternal
Love is eternal
Love is eternal
Love is eternal
I made all the bridges
In order for us to speak
of the depth of silence
Just up to the gravestone
You can keep me
From holding her hand
Nothing can extinguish
The flame from where I come
You can break everything
Or erase everything
To kill those who love each other
It is necessary to tear the sky
Love is eternal
It is necessary to tear the sky
There are immortal punishments
So many memories in I love you, you see
Love is eternal
There are books that get closed again
So many images coming back, you see
Love is eternal
It is necessary to tear the sky
Love is eternal
It is necessary to tear the sky
There are immortal punishments
So many memories in I love you, you see
Love is eternal
There are books that get closed again
So many images coming back, you see
Love is eternal
Love is eternal
Love is eternal
Love is eternal
Love is eternal

What You Say To Me

On a dark street,
as the cold wind passes
Between the dark streetlights,
I’m walking alone
Dragging my heavy legs
I barely climbed up the stairs
On this exhausted and late night
I looked back
The brightly rising moon
Was shining on the street I took
It was protecting me
when I was alone
Due to each unchanging day
I was getting slowly tired
But the moon has something to say to me
Lean on the night sky and take a break
Tears flowing through your fingers
You don’t have to hide it
In the end, everything will be alright
Some day, you will smile again
When I was going up a steep road
You protected me
From a distance
You looked at me
The brightly rising moon
Was shining on the street I took
It was protecting me
when I was alone
Due to each unchanging day
I was getting slowly tired
But the moon has something to say to me
Lean on the night sky and take a break
Tears flowing through your fingers
You don’t have to hide it
In the end, everything will be alright
Some day, you will smile again
I remember the light
that stayed with me today
Due to each unchanging day
I was getting slowly tired
But the moon has something to say to me
Lean on the night sky and take a break
Tears flowing through your fingers
You don’t have to hide it
In the end, everything will be alright
Some day, you will smile again
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.


At the end of a twisted day
you are there like a stranger
With a fluttering heart
calmly I try to smile oh
What are you to make my heart dizzy?
when I see you my heart beats fast and gets dizzy yeah
You appeared on that dazzling day
you found me secretly
you surprise me
make me love you
like the spring wind that's filled with sunlight
brushing on the end of my nose and wrapping me around
you make me flutter
you make me all for you
Should I tell you now
my palpitating and trembling feelings?
I'm anxious that you will feel nervous
and shaken up oh
It seemed you looked at me peculiarly
I think my feelings have cross over to you yeah
You appeared on that dazzling day
you found me secretly
you surprise me
make me love you
like the spring wind that's filled with sunlight
brushing on the end of my nose and wrapping me around
you make me flutter
you make me all for you
Tell me will you tell me?
you know all of my feelings
don't pretend that you don't
know my growing heart
I want to hold your hand
and tell the world I love you
At that moment even the air stopped
after hesitating you tell me
that you feel the same
make me kiss you
like the black sky that hugs the stars
you make me dream a good dream
you make me full
you make me fall for you Falling
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Today's Youth (Youth These Days)

On my path that was dark and hazy
On days where even hope was shaking
Like a jewel,
like a star in the night sky
A shining day will come
No where to rest,
no one to talk to tonight
I’m comforting myself,
on this tearfully lonely night
Everyone but me seems so happy,
everyone seems so happy
Will good days ever come?
Love is so hard,
making a living is so hard
Youth these days is so hard
Like a jewel,
like a star in the night sky
A shining day will come
No where to rest,
no one to talk to tonight
I’m comforting myself,
on this tearfully lonely night
Everyone but me seems so happy,
everyone seems so happy
Will good days ever come?
Love is so hard,
making a living is so hard
Youth these days is so hard
Everyone has some
sort of pain and baggage
But they still live through,
just like you, just like me
You did a good job today,
everyone great job
Bad days will always pass
Anyway, there will be days
of laughter and good days too
Just believe in it and live
Just believe in it and live
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

To Me

I can’t move
Why do I keep blaming myself
and getting sad
And shedding tears?
Am I still scared?
I know with my heart and with my head
But every time I try to get closer,
my hopes get farther away
I just can’t see the end
I have a lot of worries
Only being so cautious
Whatever I do, I just can’t succeed
Am I lacking too much?
I’m here again today, with not much strength
Letting out a sigh from the emptiness
As I look at the sky
Everyone goes through this
But it feels like I’m the only one crying and struggling
I could’ve said it’s alright and comforted myself
But I was too hard on myself
I’m sure it was hard
To the point of tears
But I ignored myself
I didn’t look back
Lost so many things because I had to look forward
I couldn’t embrace myself
From one step behind
I was crying
But I’m taking a moment to say
Good job
You did such a good job
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Monday mona lisa club

Popeye who hid his anchor tattoo
Even if he embraces a girl like a branch
It's a grief Monday night
Why the merry next day is so lonely?
My heart drowns in a sea of tears
It's a grief Monday night
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Mona Lisa Monday Night
My smiling eyes are teased by the Monday night
That kind of night comes to get stuck in me
Everybody worry about being invited to a dream
I forgot the clock
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Mona Lisa Monday Night
My smiling eyes are teased by the Monday night
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Mona Lisa Monday Night
My smiling eyes are teased by the Monday night
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Mona Lisa Monday Night
My smiling eyes are teased by the Monday night
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Monday Mona Lisa Monday Night
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Happy Birthday

Money gang gang gang
Hey Russian!
I brought you a parcel
Happy Birthday
I'm Kurt, I'm looking for my Courtney Love
Oh my God, much money
I want a babe dancing the reggaeton
Fucking fella, happy birthday
It's my birthday every day now
Señorita, why dont you answer me?
I left you 6 messages
On youd IPhone
Dior in the feet, dress up and come down
Im already here
Sportive car , 2 seats, bmw
Skrt akrt
Californian Sprite
Californian kush
I give it just to my parents
I smoke ice cream
Smell in every corner of my neighbourhood
Everybody here knows how I do it babe
Cold in my place, too much ice babe
I brought you a parcel
Happy Birthday
I'm Kurt, I'm looking for my Courtney Love
Oh my God, much money
I want a babe dancing the reggaeton
Fucking fella, happy birthday
It's my birthday every day now
Señorita, why dont you answer me?
I left you 6 messages
On youd IPhone
And you can find me at edge of the pitch
With a pussy near me
Even if i dont know
Which teams are playing uhu
She calls me and tell me you are what I want
I answer I dont knoa whem im back
You and I are a mess
As the casinó
Im dreaming us on a yacht
I brought you a parcel
Happy Birthday
I'm Kurt, I'm looking for my Courtney Love
Oh my God, much money
I want a babe dancing the reggaeton
Fucking fella, happy birthday
It's my birthday every day now
Señorita, why dont you answer me?
I left you 6 messages
On youd IPhone

Samo jedan dan

Samo jedan dan, jedna noć
To je sve što želim
Ako bih imao samo 1 dan,
želeo bih mirno da zaspim, opijen tvojim slatkim mirisom
Ako bih imao šansu u svom zauzetom rasporedu,
želeo bih da se izgubim u tvojim toplim i dubokim očima
Sviđa mi se to.
Tvoja duga, ravna kosa
Tvoj vrat koji mi oduzima dah kad je podigneš i nekoliko pramenova padnu dole
Gde god da idemo tvoj struk je moja torba
Ti si moja medena
Kad god te vidim, ostanem bez daha, kao i na ulica Mjondonga
Naša muzika u pozadini je zvuk disanja
Tvoj glas kad izgovaraš moje ime
Želim da budem zaključan u tebi i da plivam u tebi
Želim bolje da te upoznam
Kao istraživač koji ide u poduhvat, kroz duboku šumu misterije zvana 'ti'
Cenim remek delo koje si ti,
zato što je tvoje samo postojanje umetnost
Zamišljam ove stvari cele noći svakog dana
Zato što je ovo ionako uzaludan san
Samo jedan dan, ako nih mogao da budem sa tobom
Samo jedan dan, ako bih mogao da te držim za ruke
Samo jedan dan, ako bih mogao da budem sa tobom
Samo jedan dan, samo jedan dan
Ako bismo samo ti i ja mogli da budemo zajedno
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to, nadam se da mogu da budem sa tobom samo za jedan dan
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to da napravimo sopstvenu zabavu, zabavu
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to, nadam se da mogu da budem sa tobom samo za jedan dan
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to da napravimo sopstvenu zabavu, zabavu
Ako bih samo mogao to da uradim, kako bi bilo lepo
Ako bismo samo mogli mirno da odemo bilo gde da jedemo i gledamo neki film.
Učinio bih bilo šta, dušo
Žao mi je, možda previše razmišljam
Ali, ipak ako me vidiš jednog dana, nasmeši se
Možda me mrziš malo, ili ne, mnogo
Znam, nisam mogao da obrazim više pažnje na tebe zbog svog sna
Zato mi daj samo jedan dan,
čak i ako bi to bilo u mom snu, samo jedan dan
Od svih tih reči koje sam morao da progutam zbog izgovora stvarnosti
Izabraću jednu i rećiću ti, sigurno
Hajde da se sretnemo kad ljiljani procvetaju i oprostimo se kad uvenu
Nisam mislio da ću te lako preboleti, ali
da li je sebično od mene da se nadam da je isto i sa tobom?
Još uvek lažem kad kažem da je sve ovo radi tebe
Ti si centar mog života
Samo jedan dan, ako nih mogao da budem sa tobom
Samo jedan dan, ako bih mogao da te držim za ruke
Samo jedan dan, ako bih mogao da budem sa tobom
Samo jedan dan, samo jedan dan
Ako bismo samo ti i ja mogli da budemo zajedno
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to, nadam se da mogu da budem sa tobom samo za jedan dan
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to da napravimo sopstvenu zabavu, zabavu
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to, nadam se da mogu da budem sa tobom samo za jedan dan
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to da napravimo sopstvenu zabavu, zabavu
Ako bismo ti i ja bili zajedno,
idemo, vreme je
24 sata, ako bih mogao da budem sa tobom
Ljubio bih te do jutra
i da ne zaboravimo na doručak i ručak
Držao bih te za ruku i uživali bi na suncu
Još nije gotovo
Usred prelepe noći, izjavio bih ti ljubav pred mesečinom
Sve ove stvari mi kažu 'ako bih imao samo jedan dan, sve je moguće'
Samo jedan dan, ako nih mogao da budem sa tobom
Samo jedan dan, ako bih mogao da te držim za ruke
Samo jedan dan, ako bih mogao da budem sa tobom
Samo jedan dan, samo jedan dan
Ako bismo samo ti i ja mogli da budemo zajedno
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to, nadam se da mogu da budem sa tobom samo za jedan dan
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to da napravimo sopstvenu zabavu, zabavu
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to, nadam se da mogu da budem sa tobom samo za jedan dan
Uradi to, uradi to, uradi to da napravimo sopstvenu zabavu, zabav


Everyday Everytime
your smile melts at my fingertips
Everyday Everynight
you approach me in my dreams again
Sutururu your trembling eyes
and shy smile, I like them so much
Even your sweet scent
makes me flutter
Just like this I’m falling,
we are falling,
my dazzling shining Little star
Without you I’m lonely,
so sad and lonely
my lovely little star
come to me
Everyday Everytime
quietly like the falling rain
Everyday Everynight
you approach me as if you're a whisper
Sutururu your unfamiliar voice
that lingers in my ears, I like it so much
All day I’m falling in love,
I love you
Just like this I’m falling,
we are falling,
my dazzling shining Little star
Without you I’m lonely,
so sad and lonely
my lovely little star
come to me
Sutururu your unfamiliar voice
that lingers in my ears, I like it so much
All day I’m falling in love,
I love you
Just like this I’m falling,
we are falling,
my dazzling shining Little star
Without you I’m lonely,
so sad and lonely
my lovely little star
come to me
come to me
you are a little star that took my heart
Without you I’m lonely,
so sad and lonely
my lovely little star
I wait for you oh yeah
I love you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Bloody Friday Nightmare

It's somewhat of an eyesore
Just look at those humans, having no sense of danger at all
Have fun! Nai and Mea
To our hearts' content
It's cleaning time
Wanna join us?
We'll have some bloody dessert
We'll give you some too
It's a Friday nightmare
For each and every one
It's a bit boring doing this all the time
Because we do it so perfectly
We are Nai and Mea
Let us play all we want
But actually, it's a sudden change
We'll have some bloody dessert
If you want some right now
We'll paint your Friday night
All red
We'll have some bloody dessert
We'll give you some too
It's a Friday nightmare
For each and every one

Za ljubav na dan Božića

Napisao sam sebi pismo, slagao samog sebe
Da ćeš se vratiti kući uskoro i onda uzdahnem tvoje ime
Čitam ga svako jutro otkako si otišla
Živim u svetu snova, umirem pomalo svakim danom
Napisao sam sebi ljubavnu pesmu, verujući svakoj reči
Govoriš mi da me voliš i nečujnim melodijama
Da ćeš se vratiti uskoro i ostaćeš zauvek
Živim u svetu snova, umirem pomalo svakim danom
Sneg je na trotoaru, hladno je u mom srcu
Pogledam gore i zapitam se, da li sam izgubio zvezdu vodilju?
I sve je belo napolju, kako može biti tako mračno?
Pomolim se i zahvalim Bogu da je tvoja ljubav samo moja
I nikada neće biti druga koja će krasiti naš srećan dom
Molim se na Božićno jutro da ćeš ovog puta ostati
Ali živim u svetu snova, umirem pomalo svakim danom
Da, umirem za ljubav na dan Božića

Silazak nedeljnog jutra

Probudio sam se u jutro nedeljno,
Bez ikakvih šansi da glavu držim bezbolno.
I pivo, koje sam umesto doručka slistio,
Nije bilo loše, pa sam za dezert još jedno počistio.
Onda sam u ormanu po odeći vršljao
I najčistiju prljavu košulju našao.
Začešljao sam kosu i umio lice,
Krenuo sam danu u susret, posrnuvši niz stepenice.
Zatrovao sam svoj um prošle noći
Cigaretama i pesmama koje sam birao,
Ali sam zapalio prvu i gledao klinca
Kako se igra konzervom koju je šutirao.
Onda sam prešao ulicu
I nedeljni miris nečije pržene piletine osetio,
I, Gospode, vratio me je nečemu
Što sam negde, nekako, usput izgubio.
Na pločniku nedeljnog jutra
Želim da sam pijan, Bože sveti,
Jer ima nečeg u nedelji
Što čini da se telo usamljenim oseti.
I ne postoji ništa ravnije smrti
I upola usamljenije od zvuka
Uspavanog gradskog trotoara
I nedeljnog jutra što sanjive oči otvara.
U parku sam video tatu
Sa nasmejanom devojčicom koju je njihao
I zastao sam pokraj Nedeljne škole
I njihove sam pesme slušao.
Onda sam pošao niz ulicu
I negde u daljini usamljeno zvono je zvonilo
Odjekujući kanjonom
Kao snovi jučerašnjice kojima je odzvonilo.
Na pločniku nedeljnog jutra,
Želim da sam pijan, Bože sveti,
Jer ima nečeg u nedelji
Što čini da se telo usamljenim oseti.
I ne postoji ništa ravnije smrti
I upola usamljenije od zvuka
Uspavanog gradskog trotoara
I nedeljnog jutra što sanjive oči otvara.

Mia Khalifa

X-X-X-Xeno Carr!
[Refren: Xeno Carr]
Šta misliš ko si?
Pušila si ku*ac za strani auto (Brr-rrr-rrr)
Javi se na taj poziv
Žele te na poslu, devojko, idi radi svoj posao
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
[Strofa 1: Xeno Carr]
Svi se nekad kajemo
Želimo da se vratimo u to vreme
(Telo, telo, telo, telo) To je puno života
(Video, video) To je puno momaka, dođavola
Zar ne želiš da promeniš svoju prošlost?
Zato što je jako loša
Zar ne želiš da promeniš svoju prođlost?
Zato što je jako loša
Mia Khalifa
Je l' si zato pokušala da odeš tri puta?
Je l' si zato rekla zbogom, poenzionisana?
Je l' si zato rekla, 'Jebi ove momke'?
[Refren: Xeno Carr]
Šta misliš ko si?
Pušila si ku*ac za strani auto (Brr-rrr-rrr)
Javi se na taj poziv
Žele te na poslu, devojko, idi radi svoj posao
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
(Mia!) Mia Khalifa
[Strofa 2: Smoke Hijabi]
Pogotak ili promašaj
Mislim da nikad ne promašuju, ha?
Imaš dečka, kladim se da te nije poljubio (Mwah!)
Naći će novu i nećeš mu nedostajati
Uradiće skrrt i debovaće kao Wiz Khalifa
Igraš se s tim loptama (j*jima) kao da je FIFA
Pobeđuješ svaki nivo, ti si vođa, uh
Radila si u Whataburgeru
Sada kokaš p*čku za Warner Brothers
(I ta j*banja, brate)
Ispaljeni meci, ti si otpuštena
Iscrpljena si, penzionisana
Mačkica ti izgleda kao ispumpana guma
Kladim se da ti je mačkica umorna
[Refren: Xeno Carr]
Šta misliš ko si?
Pušila si ku*ac za strani auto (Brr-rrr-rrr)
Javi se na taj poziv
Žele te na poslu, devojko, idi radi svoj posao
Pobedio si!

rainbow days

The world is moving quickly ahead,
we’re being left behind
I wished for this moment to last forever
Strangers surround me and my true intentions
Feeling trapped like a bird in a cage,
I longed to be free in the sky
Haven’t you noticed? Have you noticed?
I want to tell you- I still haven’t told you
but my voice sounds like an awkward F chord
I hope my voice reaches you through the night
and won’t let you sleep
Like a mirror, our heavy tones reflect and cause distortion
In our hearts a rhythm plays, even if we run out of breath
Like chasing after a bird that’s creating a rainbow
I will continue to follow you
The mountain of problems we put aside has begun to pile up
Your high perception and frightening voice, I can hear it.
I lost something important to me. I want you by my side
We had an unclear connection
You’re leaving without saying goodbye
The message I wrote on the amplifier isn’t there anymore
“The guitars we both wanted still resonate our sounds…”
Like a mirror, our dreams reflect, but it seems they won’t come true
As I search for you, my heart beats fast and feels as if it will break
Our bright days fade just like that rainbow
But I won’t forget them
I’m going to break- I’m going insane, because you’re gone
“Maybe I’ll see you again” that alone would be fine
I’m trying to think, what will I draw next?
The world is moving quickly ahead

Sunny day

Having not learned from my experience, the morning comes once again
I rub my drowsy eyes while brushing my teeth
'Today is supposed to be different than yesterday'
I persuade myself
as the sunny day begins
All kinds of familiar faces seem to pop up
all over the place
Be it my family, my girlfriend, and even my friends
Having thought about such things
The sunny day reaches the early afternoon
If everyone would have a person
that they hold dear in their heart
than this world would be filled with love
every single person would definitely become happy
The seasons go past us
Things are just going badly
nevertheless, we can smile, we can smile
We are still smiling
It's harsh
The night is for us to cry through
and the morning is for us to start going ahead again
We can change, we can change
If it's you, you will surely be able to do so
Nevertheless, please don't overdo it, okay?
It's fine to rest every once in a while
Did I make it sound like it’s not my business?
Well yeah, I guess it really isn’t my business
Be it lip service, ideals or whatever else I can possibly say
Since that's what I truly think
I shall sing in this sunny day
How many people are there
inside your heart?
It is a proof that you are not alone
In order for every single person to become happy
we shall sing
The seasons go past us
Things are just going badly
nevertheless, we can smile, we can smile
We are still smiling
It's harsh
The night is for us to cry through
and the morning is for us to start going ahead again
We can change, we can change
If it's you, you will surely be able to do so
Nevertheless, please don't overdo it, okay?
It's fine to rest every once in a while


The storm clouds will pass
The day when we can brightly smile
Will come again
I have hope
The street we used to walk on
As the warm sun shined on us
Now it’s full of shadows and darkness
Doesn’t look as beautiful as before
Why is the sky
So gray today?
Like a single ray of light
Between the clouds
That looks so faint
I need your touch
That will make me smile
You and me
I know the bright days
Have already passed
But I still want you too bad
For me to give up
The days will clear up some day
I have hope that
The darkness that covers us
Will disappear soon
Why are my eyes
So blurry today?
Like a single ray of light
Between the clouds
That looks so faint
I need your touch
That will make me smile
You and me
I know the bright days have already passed
But I still want you too bad
For me to give up
We used to stand next to each other
And walk together
All of those beautiful times
Are still so clear
So goodbye
Even if we don’t want this break up
The moment
One person turns around
The end is already decided
You and me
We can’t turn things around now
So I’m just staying here
Because I still want you

I'm About to Cry

Is love still laughing by your side?
Can you still not drink coffee?
Oh baby, it seems like, today as well, I'm about to accidentally call someone else by your name
It's like I'm being rained on and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
I wonder if it would've been easy if I'd been able to imitate shouting my love until I become hoarse
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
I need to sleep soon..
Is love still making you shine?
'I'm a fool' I understand that
Oh baby, however without you saying it I can't quite grasp it
It's like I'm being blown by the wind and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
I wonder if it would've been easy if I'd been able to imitate shouting my love until I become hoarse
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
How am I supposed to fall asleep?
Is the spoiled person next to you doing better than I did?
Is the laughing person next to you able to make you laugh better than I could?
It's like I'm being rained on and washed away, this courage of mine, I'm about to cry
Whether love or a lie, either is fine, I wonder if it would've been easy if we were able to be awkward
The song that I liked in the past now just sounds sad, I'm about to cry
I need to sleep soon


Oh please
Why am I like this?
I feel like a fool
Oh please
Why can’t I say anything
When I’m in front of you?
When people said
Love at first sight
Whoever said that
I never believed it
Where am I?
Who am I?
Right here
Like this
I don’t know who I am
In one moment
Like water rising
You are coming to me
Like the stars
Twinkling in the night sky
You are
Pouring out over me
Oh please
Why is my body
Not listening to me all of a sudden?
Oh please
Without even knowing
Why is my heart pounding?
When people said
They met like destiny
Whoever said that
I never believed it
Where am I?
Who am I?
Right here
Like this
I don’t know who I am
In one moment
Like water rising
You are coming to me
Like the stars
Twinkling in the night sky
You are
Pouring out over me
I’m falling for you woo
I’m falling for you woo
In one moment
Like water rising
You are coming to me
Like the stars
Twinkling in the night sky
You are
Pouring out over me
Oh please
Why am I acting like this?
You are pouring out

If it was you

Suddenly, the things I’ve always wanted to do
Without being able to do it with you, it’s finally ended
We went to the convenience store, holding hands as the date-changed
There’s someone different next to me
Even if I say, “I love you”, it’s not you so,
I am unable to laugh properly
Not even once did those words leave my mouth, you, you
Are here without me being able to forget
Even when I hug my new lover
Even when when we kiss, I think of you
If it was you, if it was you
The one here right now
If it was you, if it was you
Just how great would it be?
If it was you, if it was you
Even though I was happy
I end up thinking only about those things
Even when this long time passes by
I end up only thinking about you
You, who have been forgiven by my heart, your morning look
Is seen in the dreams I chase even now
Even when I spend time with my new lover on my birthday
Even if I go on a trip, I think of you
If it was you, if it was you
The one here now
If it was you, if it was you
Just how great would it have been?
If it was you, if it was you
Even though I was happy
I end up thinking only about those things
If it was you, if it was you
The one here right now
If it was you, if it was you
Just how great would it have been?
If it was you, if it was you
Even though I could’ve loved anything
I end up thinking only about those things
If it was you, if it was you
The one here right now
If it was you, if it was you
Even though I was happy
If it was you, if it was you
Even though I could’ve loved anything
I end up thinking only about those things
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to