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Резултати претраге страна 6

Број резултата: 372


Воли ме!

Па, ако говорим потпуно искрено, требало је да кажем не
када си се поново вратила у мој живот, требало је да одмах одустанем.
„То је само невин састанак, како би то могло да буде лоше?“,
говорила ми је глупа амнезија, о наивности!
Али не могу да лажем,
осећао сам се тако живим (осећао сам се тако живим),
дакле, ако говорим потпуно искрено,
јеби га, идемо, идемо, идемо!
Само желим да ме волиш (воли ме)
желим да се осећаш као ја.
Само желим да ме волиш (воли ме)
и желим да то буде истина.
Само желим да ме волиш (воли ме)
желим да се осећаш као ја.
Само желим да ме волиш (воли ме)
и желим да то буде истина.
Само желим да волиш,
В-О-Л-И М-Е!
Дакле, ако опет говорим истину, живим у сну,
отворио сам карте и подигао вео.
Мислио сам да сам те овај пут опрао инјекцијама и кокаином,
али био је довољан само један твој осмех и заборавио сам сав бол (да).
Али не могу да лажем,
оставио бих пријатеље,
кажу ми да треба да наставим даље,
а ја на то кажем, кажем, кажем:
Само желим да ме волиш (воли ме)
желим да се осећаш као ја.
Само желим да ме волиш (воли ме)
и желим да то буде истина.
Само желим да ме волиш (воли ме)
желим да се осећаш као ја.
Само желим да ме волиш (воли ме)
и желим да то буде истина.
Само желим да волиш,
В-О-Л-И М-Е!
Само желим да ме волиш,
желим да се осећаш као ја.
Само желим да ме волиш,
и желим, и желим, и желим,
Воли ме!
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Peščani čovek

Bung, bung, bung, bung, bung
Bung, bung, bung, bung, bung
Bung, bung, bung, bung, bung
Bung, bung, bung, bung, bung
Bung, bung, bung, bung, bung
Gosn Peščani, donesi mi sam
(Bung, bung, bung, bung)
Nek bude najslađi kog sam ikad videla
(Bung, bung, bung, bung)
Daj mu dve usne kao ruže i detelina
(Bung, bung, bung, bung)
I reci mu da je gotovo sa njegovim usamljenim noćima
Peščani, tako sam sama
Nemam nikog ko bi bio moj
Molim te, upotrebi svoj magični zrak
Gosn Peščani, donesi mi san
Bung, bung, bung, bung
Gosn Peščani, donesi mi sam
Nek bude najslađi kog sam ikad videla
Obećaj mu da nisam lutalica
I reci mu da je gotovo sa njegovim usamljenim noćima
Peščani, tako sam sama
Nemam nikog ko bi bio moj
Molim te, upotrebi svoj magični zrak
Gosn Peščani, donesi mi san
Bung, bung, bung, bung
Gosn Peščani, donesi nam san
Daj mu par očiju zavodljivog sjaja
Daj mu usamljeno srcu kao Palijači
I puno talasaste kose kao Liberači
Gosn Peščani, imati nekog
(Imati nekog)
Bilo bi tako divno pre nego što ostarimo
Pa upotrebi svoj magični zrak
Gosn Peščani, donesi nam, molim te, molim, molim
Gosn Peščani, donesi nam san
Bung, bung, bung, bung

City of great lights

Versions: #1
City of great lights.
I'm speed up my steps...
You know, that minutes don't mean anything anymore.
What shall we do? The hands of the clock move faster.
You run away. You have someone waiting for you.
City is calling me.
I don't need to hold [her], I understand.
To put door key on the table. Give up everything [for her].
Lock up door as a loud gunshot.
I'm losing you.
City of great lights.
I'm speed up my steps.
My heart is beating faster now.
But it's can't keep the beat with you heart.
City of great lights.
He knows the all answers.
But it's won't give me turn
Into the streets previous years.
It's hard to walk behind waning.
I don't see a exit, but I must go on the way
Where I'll look for you without itself.
If you ask - nobody tells you:
How time passed so suddenly?
How we lost each other in the crowd
Which chasing for happiness?
City of great lights.
I'm speed up my steps.
My heart is beating faster now.
But it's can't keep the beat with you heart.
City of great lights.
He knows the all answers.
But it's won't give me turn
Into the streets previous years.
City of great lights.
I'm speed up my steps.
My heart is beating faster now.
But it's can't keep the beat with you heart.
City of great lights.
He knows the all answers.
But it's won't give me turn
Into the streets previous years.

Jedna ljubav

Toliko puta sam te čekala
Ti si me čekao celog života
Obožavam te kad me probudiš u zoru
Ti si moja jutarnja kafa
Vidim iskre u tvojim očima
Pođi sa mnom ako želiš
Da osvetlimo zvezdano nebo
Ova noć nas je našala
I sa beskonačnim znakom
Baš kao u mojim snovima
Ali i dalje bije, bije, bije
Jako za nas
Srce koje dobro zna
Ono što osećamo u dvoje
A i ako bije, bije jako
Vetar između nas
Imamo jednu ljubav
Za oboje
Na, na, na, na...
Imamo jednu ljubav
Za oboje
Prošala sam kroz sunce i kiše
Prošala sam kroz mnogo toga - i lošeg i dobrog
Kad bih samo mogala da se vratim u prošlost
Opet bih pogrešila zajedno sa tobom
Vidim iskre u tvojim očima
Pođi sa mnom ako želiš
Da osvetlimo zvezdano nebo
Ova noć nas je našala
I sa beskonačnim znakom
Baš kao u mojim snovima
Ali i dalje bije, bije, bije
Jako za nas
Srce koje dobro zna
Ono što osećamo u dvoje
A i ako bije, bije jako
Vetar između nas
Imamo jednu ljubav
Za oboje
Na, na, na, na...
Imamo jednu ljubav
Za oboje
Ali i dalje bije, bije, bije
Jako za nas
Srce koje dobro zna
Ono što osećamo u dvoje
A i ako bije, bije jako
Vetar između nas
Imamo jednu ljubav
Za oboje

Mom Took My Skirt

Once again, the rules struck me
The ones who wrote books on ponds asked
Why did mom choose my name?
Why are these looks full of hate?
In the tomorrow short as a breath
Who even stood by me?
Some got up, struck me
Some burnt, became ash
Mom took my skirt, said you're a boy it can't be
Said they won't let you in streets, mom took my skirt
Mom took my skirt, said you're a boy it can't be
Said they won't let you in streets, mom took my skirt
How are you even gonna tell them?
The ones who try to find a way with their political compass
We opened and ran away, this world isn't for us
None for you, keep working for them
In the tomorrow short as a breath
Who even stood by me?
Some got up, struck me
Some burnt, became ash
Mom took my skirt, said you're a boy it can't be
Said they won't let you in streets, mom took my skirt
Mom took my skirt, said you're a boy it can't be
Said they won't let you in streets, mom took my skirt
Mom took my skirt, said you're a boy it can't be
Said they won't let you in streets, mom took my skirt
Mom took my skirt, said you're a boy it can't be
Said they won't let you in streets, mom took my skirt
Mom took my skirt, said you're a boy it can't be
Said they won't let you in streets, mom took my skirt
Mom took my skirt, said you're a boy it can't be
Said they won't let you in streets, mom took my skirt
Mom took my skirt, said you're a boy it can't be
Said they won't let you in streets, mom took my skirt


I can't be bothered, too lazy to think of you
Yes I can't be bothered, too lazy to be like you
I can't be bothered, be bothered you'll remember that
Yes I can't be bothered, be bothered and it's just like it is
I don't want to live again, what you've done to me
My sofa is better than your bed, far from your frenzy
Tell me what you're looking for, don't worry I see that you're not fine
I've never seen such a critical night, it's time for all to finish
I can't be bothered, too lazy to think of you
Yes I can't be bothered, too lazy to be like you
I can't be bothered, be bothered you'll remember that
Yes I can't be bothered, be bothered and it's just like it is
Stop hanging on me, you know I don't stand that
I repeat it to you, my heart is dark, if you seek me you're gonna fall down
Always being high, you've never really been here
Whether you say that or not, you know, there wasn't only you
Do you really think that I don't have feelings
Yesterday I told you that I loved you and now
I'm gonna make you believe that you've always hurt me
I've warned you that you and me, that's over
No turning back, I can't forgive you anymore and now
I can't be bothered, too lazy to think of you
Yes I can't be bothered, too lazy to be like you
I can't be bothered, be bothered you'll remember that
Yes I can't be bothered, be bothered and it's just like it is
I can't be bothered, too lazy to think of you
Yes I can't be bothered, too lazy to be like you
I can't be bothered, be bothered you'll remember that
Yes I can't be bothered, be bothered and it's just like it is
Do you really think that I don't have feelings
Yesterday I told you that I loved you and now
I'm gonna make you believe that you've always hurt me
I've warned you that you and me, that's over
No turning back, I can't forgive you anymore and now
I can't be bothered, too lazy to think of you
Yes I can't be bothered, too lazy to be like you
I can't be bothered, be bothered you'll remember that
Yes I can't be bothered, be bothered and it's just like it is

Love Duet

I'm dead from love,
although my heart pumps blood.
I can't hear a difference
between noise and silence.
I'm smitten, fascinated, obsessed,
I'm breathless, powerless, feeble
when I see Harpa Sjöfn Hermundardóttir
Harpa Sjöfn Hermundardóttir
Harpa Sjöfn, Harpa Sjöfn.
Strong and big,
stiff like Sokki
who Runki took
riding at a trot. And suddenly there was a real moment
In the fingers of our met hands.
Where we were then, I don’t know,
I remember only your lips in silence,
Only those words, that while running,
You whispered to me goodbye.
If you love, you should find,
If you want, please, come,
This day won’t pass without a trace,
Otherwise, if you don't love,
Don't call me in vain,
You won't find me anyway.
2. Why are you so quiet, darling,
Having put your eyelashes down?
You're like a stranger,
You don't love me,
You don't look into my eyes,
You don't raise your eyebrows,
You're just unaware, honey, how you
Hurt my hear with your sadness.
Open everything, you hide, to me,
What's the matter with you, my friend?
If the anxiety grows,
Share it with me,
Give me your hand, my inaccessible girl,
Honey, give me a smile.
3. I'm eternally sorry
About my unfulfilled dreams,
And only the pain of my memories
Haunts me.
I just wanted
Finding my happiness with you,
But, apparently,
We're destined to go separate ways.
I waited for you
In vain that evening,
Then I found out,
That you're a stranger to me.
4. Sit with me, I need to tell,
I want to tell you alone in this moment,
That since we met
You you've always been
Infinitely nice and dear to me.
I love your clear look, your simple words,
I love the warmness of our meetings,
Sit with me, I need to tell,
Without concealing, with absolute honesty, that I love you.