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Beauty and the Beast

Very old tale
You wouldn't believe it
Into their diversity
They managed to find
A complicity
It changes slowly
It looks the same, but
You can already discover/verify
Something that
They can't deny anymore
The fear runs away
It (the fear) leaves them both
Just as sure as
The Sun is there to warm up us
Very old tale
You must never forget it (the tale)
It (the tale) wants to teach you
That you don't have to persist
That you can be wrong
Like the bud which hides the flower
The same the heart does
Which (the heart) can hide the beauty
Before judging
Try to think about them
They are Beauty and the Beast

dve nevesti

Dve nevesti tikve brale bre
Dve nevesti tikve brale bre
Kude brale tu zaspale bre, bre, bre tu zaspale bre
Kude brale tu zaspale bre, bre, bre tu zaspale bre
Svekrva gi razbudila bre
Svekrva gi razbudila bre
oj neveste mrzelivke bre, bre, bre aj stanujte bre
oj neveste mrzelivke bre, bre, bre aj stanujte bre
Neveste se razlutile bre
Neveste se razlutile bre
pa počnale da se karat bre, bre, bre pa zborile bre
pa počnale da se karat bre, bre, bre pa zborile bre
Perva vika oj ti svekre bre
Perva vika oj ti svekre bre
oj svekrvo kotrljavo bre, bre, bre kotrljavo bre
oj svekrvo kotrljavo bre, bre, bre kotrljavo bre
Druga vika oj ti svekre bre
Druga vika oj ti svekre bre
oj ti svekre divi vepre bre, bre, bre divi vepre bre
oj ti svekre divi vepre bre, bre, bre divi vepre bre

The unnamed river

Quietly carries me
My pain by the unnamed river
Traces behind you are washed away by water
But the lodestar shines for me
Day by day, night by night
Pass without you
My pain is the river without banks
Where is your distant dock?
Can you hear my desperate call now?
Beloved my, precious my
How can I shout to you?
Let the other
You have chosen the way
Only the river doesn't turn back
Beloved my, if only I could
I would go for you everywhere
Let the soul shouts
In pain, but my love hasn't dead
Beloved my, precious my
How can I shout to you?
Let the other
You have chosen the way
Only the river doesn't turn back
Beloved my, (precious my)
I would go for you everywhere
Let the soul shouts
In pain, but my love hasn't dead
Beloved my, (precious my)


The world is a lonely castle, I’m searching for another
When angels sound love’s trumpets, I saw your smile
I’m here, you’re searching on the other side
The days and nights pass by between us
In a sea of people, I extend my hand to you
I want to grab hold of fate’s courage
The path to love was winding, but I finally embraced you
The string of destiny let me meet you the moment I touched true love
Two people’s string of destiny our two paths have the same ending
I won’t notice any other beautiful scenery you are my prettiest spring day
Every piece of memory becomes love’s bookmark
The string of destiny let me meet you, heaven is by your side
Two people’s string of destiny, happiness is in between our interlaced fingers
There’s no need for words between us, just a look and I understand
A harmony without sound, playing till the end of time
Every day that I love you
Carousel horses singing songs, how beautiful fairy tales are
We don’t need blue birds of happiness, we just need each other
I’m here, you’re searching on the other side
The days and nights pass by between us
In a sea of people, I extend my hand to you
I want to grab hold of fate’s courage
The path to love was winding, but I finally embraced you
The string of destiny let me meet you the moment I touched true love
Two people’s string of destiny our two paths have the same ending
I won’t notice any other beautiful scenery you are my prettiest spring day
Every piece of memory becomes love’s bookmarks
The string of destiny let me meet you, heaven is by your side
Two people’s string of destiny, happiness is in between our interlaced fingers
There’s no need for words between us, just a look and I understand
A harmony without sound, playing till the end of time
Every day that I love you
Every page, love’s bookmark (On every page a love’s bookmark)
Every sentence, never changing (Oh~ Never changing)
The string of destiny let me meet you the moment I touched true love (Ah~ Wu~)
Two people’s string of destiny our two paths have the same ending (Our paths have the same ending~)
There’s no need for words between us, just a look and I understand
A harmony without sound, playing till the end of time
Every day that I love you

The Ballad of My Destiny

Everything I ever wanted,
I had to leave behind faraway,
I always have to escape
And abandon what I love.
I am the ghost ship
That cannot drop anchor at port,
I wander about looking for shelter
In portraits and in mirrors,
In moth-eaten letters
And in scented memories.
No matter how much I stretch out my hands
I can never reach you, bright star,
There were bitter partings,
That is my favorite path.
I drink long and deeply
My potion of memories
And become drunk in distances
So as to caress my dreams,
And become drunk in distances
So as to caress my dreams.
No one knows better than me
The language of handkerchiefs,
Fluttering in the docks,
Shaking the trembling air.
No one was ever born like me
With a sailor's destiny,
The only flower I know
Is the compass rose,
The only flower I know
Is the compass rose.
No matter how much I stretch out my hands
I can never reach you, bright star,
There were bitter partings,
That is my favorite path.
I drink long and deeply
My potion of memories
And become drunk in distances
So as to caress my dreams,
And become drunk in distances
So as to caress my dreams.

The beast

The dark sky
I can't fly
With my eyes closed
Don't say goodbye
I've tried to look,
to cover the light when I wake up
I follow you in the darkness
The sun can be seen
I see the beast in you
It's not good
the pain I feel inside of me
In your solitude, you'll walk away
Sleep, my love
Time will pass
I've tried to think
No more pain, do not suffer
I'm not afraid of the dark
The sun can be seen
I see the beast in you
It's not good
the pain I feel inside of me
You have to know
I don't have dawn without you
Teaching you
The truth can be seen with me,
the truth can be seen
The sun can be seen
I see the beast in you
It's not good
the pain I feel inside of me
You have to know
I don't have dawn without you
Teaching you
The truth can be seen with me,
the truth can be seen

Domesticated Wolf

They told you about me that I'm like the river
That comes and kisses, that kisses and leaves
They told you that I'm frivolous and empty
That I'm like the wolf that hunts and leaves
Uhhhn a domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
I always want to be
Uhhhn a domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
I always want to be
They told you one and many things about me
To be careful to not fall down
That my love is a trap and my roses are bait
But what I want to do is so simple
Uhhhn a domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
I always want to be
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
They told you about me that I'm like the river
They told you that I'm frivolous and empty
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
And your crazy man in love with you
Is what I want to be
To be always at your side
And be your faithful pet
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
And don't let rumours
Nor what people say
Get into your heart
Because they're only jealous, believe me
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
And they're dying of jealousy
What people want
Baby, is to see us apart
But this love grows and grows
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet

I cry

Excuse me I want to talk about myself.
I'm not usually quiet and this is no exception.
My patience is not in peace and I never think before I act.
I seem unconscious, unpunctual, impatient, irrational
I sing because it hurts to shout, and I cry, cry, cry.
I cry, I cry, I cry, cry, I cry.
I am what I change and want to be and I lie several times a month.
My darkness is as great as the light... that attracts bugs.
I sing because it hurts to shout and I cry, cry, cry.
I cry, I cry, I cry, cry, I cry.
I have no fear: death is my friend,
my feet embarrass me,
I see through walls, and am distressed by pure pleasure.
I sing because it hurts to shout, I sing because it hurts to shout.
And I cry, cry, cry, I cry. I cry, cry, cry, I cry, I, I.
if i translate poorly i can just hope that encourages someone to tell me better!


Versions: #2
Више ватре
Знаш да нам то не одговара,
да људу знају шта ми имамо
Да једемо забрањено воће,
ми волимо и знамо то, јајаја
Мени не треба ниједан други Дон Хуан,
који ми отвара врата када стигнем у ресторан
На Светог Валентина ми више цвећа не треба
Ти тихо, бебо, на све трачеве
Наше је илегално и нећу ти порећи
да плаћам казну да те пољубим (муак)
Знам да ти се дешава исто и не можеш ми порећи
Ја сам погрешила већ што сам се заљубила (је, је)
Дошла сам да те видим и да се забавим
и украо си ми пољубац који не мислиш да вратиш
Осећала сам се као да летим, ишла сам бежећи
Кад сам најмање очекивала, грлио си ме већ
[Шакира и Малума]
И настави овако, не престај
Претворио си се у болест
И настави овако, овако, не више
Док се све више приближаваш
Све више повећаваш моју нервозу
(Више ватре!)
Та-та-тајно, о
Исто је желела судбина
Не тражи проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Та-та-тајно, о
Не заборави да смо пријатељи
Тражим проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Оу, да, вуоа
Тражим проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
Реци ми, више, јер не разумем потребу
Да се виђамо насамо и да се убијамо у тами
[Шакира и Малума]
Ти одлазиш, а моје тело и даље више тражи
Настави са овим понашањем
када се угаси светло
Ти постајеш луда
са пар пољупчића на уснама (муак)
Наше је илегално и нећу ти порећи
да плаћам казну да те пољубим (муак)
Знам да ти се дешава исто и не можеш ми порећи
Ја сам погрешила већ што сам се заљубила (је, је)
Дошла сам да те видим и да се забавим
и украо си ми пољубац који не мислиш да вратиш
Осећала сам се као да летим, ишла сам бежећи
Кад сам најмање очекивала, грлио си ме већ
[Шакира и Малума]
И настави овако, не престај
Претворио си се у болест
И настави овако, овако, не више
Док се све више приближаваш
Све више повећаваш моју нервозу
(Више ватре!)
Та-та-тајно, о
Исто је желела судбина
Не тражи проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Та-та-тајно, о
Не заборави да смо пријатељи
Тражим проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Оу, да, вуоа
Тражим проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Та-та-тајно, о
Исто је желела судбина
Не тражи проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их
[Шакира и Малума]
Та-та-тајно, о
Не заборави да смо пријатељи
Не тражи проблеме тамо где их нема, има их, има их

You're my love

Look, the moon is rising,
The stars are lighting up again,
For the umpteenth time you're saying
That I'm the most beautiful.
Look, the clouds are hiding the moon,
Love is ruling now,
Two hearts are beating like a single one,
The whole world is mine.
Only you, my soul,
Only you're my love,
Only you, and my heart
Is feeling love.
When morning comes, in your arms
The dawn is waking me up gently,
How beautiful life is,
Love is like a flight.
The heart is pounding crazily
When I'm thinking about you,
But at night, under the moonlight,
I'm melting because of love.
© Vladímir Sosnín

You Are My Spring

It's not late, it's not late to believe
It's not too late to believe your voice and your hand
And your gaze to believe in it.
To dream of you bringing me lights
Only to disappear in the smoke
Your steps are getting lost on another path
I'm calling you now.
Your place as a silver tree reminded me
That our neverending story
Will one day crown my love.
You're my spring
With star eyes and flower hands
If you wish[,] any cloud you [can] toss
Out of sight with your voice filled with nostalgia
You're my spring
My light and sweet calls
Far toward the dawn with your voice filled with nostalgia.
You're gone and in your wake
The voice lives, and my eyes remain empty
And I always ask when you'll return.
I touch you, I touch you
And a fragile shape is falling apart in the wind
You're a cloud and I'm losing you again.
You are a disappointing thought
You're gone and left your body shut inside a flower
All of the joy of May's sun
And you've hidden yourself in nostalgia, in the mystery of the stars...
With nostalgia...
It's late, it's too late to tell you
Like love at dawn, the blossoming of flowers
It can not stop, it will not end
Will you return?


Versions: #2
You know it does not suit us
Let people know what we both have
That we eat of a forbidden fruit
We love it and we know it, hahaha
I do not need any other Don Juan
Let me open the door when I arrive at a restaurant
That briefcase does not need more flowers
Your quiet, baby, of all the rumors
[Proverb: Shakira, Maluma]
Ours is illegal and I will not deny you
That I pay the sentence for kissing you (muack)
I know that the same thing happens to you and you can not deny me
I already made the mistake of falling in love (yeh, yeh)
[Pre-Chorus: Shakira, both]
I came to see you, to entertain me
And you stole a kiss from me that you still do not think about giving me back
I felt like flying, I was escaping
At least I thought, you were already hugging me
And keep it up, do not stop
You have become a disease
And keep it up, well, no more
That the closer you get
You increase my anxiety
(More fire!)
[Chorus: Shakira, Maluma, both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Oh, yeah, woah
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
[Verse 2: Maluma, Shakira Both]
Tell me, mai, because I no longer understand the need
To see each other alone and kill us in the dark
You leave, and my body here keeps asking for more
[Bridge: Shakira, Maluma, both]
You continue with that attitude
When the light goes out
You go crazy
With a couple of kisses in the mouth (muack)
[Proverb: Shakira, Maluma]
Ours is illegal and I will not deny you
That I pay the sentence for kissing you (muack)
I know that the same thing happens to you and you can not deny me
I already made the mistake of falling in love
[Pre-Chorus: Shakira, Both]
I came to see you, to entertain me
And you stole a kiss that you do not even think about giving me back
I felt like flying, I was escaping
At least I thought, you were already hugging me
And keep it up, do not stop
You have become a disease
And keep it up, well, no more
That the closer you get
You increase my anxiety
(More fire!)
[Chorus: Shakira, Maluma, both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
I look for problems where there are none, there are, there are (aha)
Oh, yeah, woah
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
[Estriibillo: Shakira, Maluma, Both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are

Festival of Young Love

If two hearts meet in springtime
It will be a festival of young love
If those two get together forever
It will be a festival of young love
The first kiss already could mean
That eventually, there will be wedding bells
For those two hearts, life will be
A festival of young love
If those two keep their love alive
It will always be a festival of young love
Even after many years they will remember happily
Their festival of young love
And even if two are unhappy once in a while
It will pass by because they're in love after all
For two hearts, this life will always be
A great festival of young love
A great festival of young love

A celebration of love

I feel like I'm walking on air and I'm 10 feet tall
Oh-ho, uh-huh
For you are mine, I will never let you go
Oh-ho, uh-huh
We greet the people we meet and they're waving back
Oh-ho, uh-huh
Goes without saying, for we're on the road to happiness
Oh-ho, uh-huh
Our life shall be a celebration of love
And we gladly invite anyone who feels like we do
A celebration of love, that's what the whole world needs
For without love nothing really matters
I look towards the future and I can see us walking together
Oh-ho, uh-huh
I can see the two of us mastering every trial
Oh-ho, uh-huh
Sometimes we're worried, sometimes we fight
Oh-ho, uh-huh
But we're always willing to make up right away
Oh-ho, uh-huh
Our life shall be a celebration of love
And we gladly invite anyone who feels like we do
A celebration of love, that's what the whole world needs
For without love nothing really matters
Yes, you came to me
And as soon as you were here
All of a sudden
Our celebration began
Our life shall be a celebration of love
And we gladly invite anyone who feels like we do
A celebration of love, that's what the whole world needs
For without love nothing really matters
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on lyricstranslate.com and private 'fair use' cases granted.

You are the bride of my life

How the quiet in my soul hugs me,
And the sky opened above me
I think that the moment has arrived
To reveal my secret, my dear
To tell you that which I've never told you
Even if maybe you already knew
You are the most wondrous girl
From Heaven you descended upon my life.
How much beautiful can you be, love
Lift up the veil so I can see you
Let us sit here on the seashore
In this holy night you are mine
And mine you will be for eternity from here on out
And yours I will always be, my bride.
With you I wish to depart faraway
In another world if I could.
You are the bride of my life
You are everything I desired
Amongst hundreds of stars
At last I found you
I dreamed you as you are
In a white wedding dress
I want the entire world
see me [belonging] to the chosen heart.
And the sun came to marry us
And the moon came from me
You I want in this world
You I desire my bride
Destiny has united us for eternity
The sun and the moon are witnesses
With you life I want to live.

You're beautiful

You're beautiful,
I would not pay you to pay
Give me the money with the hat
I would not show you the dick
What the hell you got
When you get the fuck up ...
And what you have
When you get the fuck up ...
Refren (x5):
And what you have
When you get the fuck up ...
And you are black in the mouth of your mouth
As a magarus 'n peak' (her)
You have a little bit like a beet
Hey, you fuck me!
What the hell you got
When you get the fuck up ...
And what you have
When you get the fuck up ...
Refren (x5): ..
Give me my shovel money
Better fuck my dad
And give me a stack of hundreds
I would not fuck you in my mouth either
What the hell you got
When you get the fuck up ...
And what you have
When you get the fuck up ...
Refren (x10): ...

Dve sudbine

Sećaš li se jasnih letnjih dana,
kada smo u šetnji pričali.
Budi mi bliže,sada kada se plašim,
zato što se u ovoj žurbi sve troši,
nikad,ne bih voleo da vidim da se menjaš,nikad.
Zato što smo dve sudbine koje se spajaju,
zatvorene u jednom trenutku,
koje označavaju duboku putanju unutar njih.
Prevazilazeći prepreke,
ako nas život zbuni,
samo zato što pokušavamo biti bolji,
da opet gledamo izvan,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno.
I zbog toga te molim,
da uvek tražiš one prave stvari,
koje nas čine dobrim ,
nikad,ja ih neću izgubiti nikad.
Zato što smo dve sudbine koje se spajaju,
zatvorene u jednom trenutku,
koje označavaju duboku putanju unutar njih.
Zato što smo dve sudbine koje se spajaju,
zatvorene u jednom trenutku,
koje označavaju duboku putanju unutar njih.
Prevazilazeći prepreke,
kojima nas život ne uči,
samo zato što pokušavamo biti stvarniji,
da opet gledamo izvan,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno.
Prevazilazeći prepreke,
ako nas život zbuni,
samo zato što pokušavamo biti iskreni,
da opet gledamo izvan,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno,
da se ne osećamo usamljeno...

I'm Fine

Color of expired hope,
odor of a dead star,
like an out-of-tune saxophone
playing smoke from the flame.
A voice pulls me back home,
and another tells me I'm God.
A queen controls me with her gaze,
and eats up my heart with her mind.
I'm fine, if I see you today
or if I hear words that I don't know what they say.
I'm fine, if I see you today
or if the waves are colored brown.
I don't understand blind love
of poems about windmills,
I don't understand the art of being
a domestic bird trying to fit in with the wind.

You are in my destiny

You are in my destiny
Because you make me live
Because you are love
True love
Remaining here with you
Is a splendid dream
That it makes the heart tremble
And fall in love
It's worthless if the world will live
To separate us further
The sky is our friend
In a miracle that will see eternity
You are in my destiny
Because you make me live
Because you are love
True love
You are in my destiny
Because you make me live
Because you are love
True love
True love


Tell everyone about this crazy woman with you, how jealous she was, how she followed you around & how I secretly went through phones messages, because of you I became different
Congrats, my dear, breathe easy
you tamed your woman to not make anymore dramas, to not ask where you've been. Look how nice I am, how happily I send you off in the evening, you just didn't realize that I am no longer yours.
I'm not all dressed up for you like this
I'm not wearing this lipstick for you my dear, I'm sorry you're the last to know how long I was with you out of fear only
Congrats, my dear, breathe easy
you tamed your woman to not make anymore dramas, to not ask where you've been. Look how nice I am, how happily I send you off in the evening, you just didn't realize that I am no longer yours.


Raspričaj o toj kukavici s tobom,
koliko je ljubomorna bila, koliko te je pratila,
kako ti je krišom ''SMS'' poruke čitala,
to je zasluga tvoja, što sam postala drugačija.
Čestitam, diši dragi,
ženu prevaspitaj,
da ne pravi više drame,
da ne pita gde si.
Vidi koliko sam dobra,
kako te srećna ispraćam noćas.
Samo nisi shvatio,
da nisam tvoja više.
Nisam zbog tebe tako obučena,
nije dušo, zbog tebe ovaj karmin.
Sažaljevam, što si zadnji shvatio,
koliko dugo sam sa tobom od straha bila.
Čestitam, diši dragi,
ženu prevaspitaj,
da ne pravi više drame,
da ne pita gde si.
Vidi koliko sam dobra,
kako te srećna ispraćam noćas.
Samo nisi shvatio,
da nisam tvoja više.

The Festive Season

Look at them all, they will realize?
That we will give a great party
We will hear the cries of joy
In this Christmas season
We are in late, dress us well!
I like so much this detail
We will receive today our hosts
For the party of tonight
A first Christmas
Since they opened the doors
A first memory
The waiting was worth
Look at the happiness of the people!
The Christmas spirit is present
Soon the party will start
And the magic will can enter
The bell that they go up
Will resonate in Arendelle
The time arrived to get back
What before we let go
Now we are gathered together here!

Good Night Bucharest

Versions: #2
{Chorus} X2
Can't you see... that if you close your eyes you'll be lost,
Everything is changing around you way before you get to settle down,
And you realise that life is a one way journey
So wherever you go take advantage of whatever you can.
Can't you see...
Poor people that lost any hope,
Holes on the street, entire buildings of one room apartments,
Everything is a strange shade of grey that is slowingly choking you out,
Only the thugs from the corner bring some colour on this background.
All that's left is steel bars at the windows, dirty pubs and bars,
Whores are used as a bet and lost with a cast of a dice,
It's still smelling like poverty and hunger,
Youngsters pump their veins full of drugs hidden in the back streets.
It's a luxury to have a home and you know that well,
Many poor families make a shit load of children like mad.
And the race for money is still going on,
The elders are dragging the shitty rum bottle with them.
They are those that want to drain their sorrow,
Their time is passing by, obviously, but you don't care.
The street railway cars are going back at the home depot, so
The lights are out... Good Night Bucharest!
{Chorus} X2
At street corners: crackheds, syringes, garbage,
Dirty kids, rusted elders, the street lights are on... bling-bling,
They reveal children begging on the streets,
Stolen cars sold at bargain prices.
It's like in the ring, you have to keep your guard up,
The police is ready to burn you,
You go to jail with stiches if you're selling weed and someone snitches.
The justice is blind, the police is blind,
There is blindness in every eyes that do not want to see
That in Bucharest everything disappears in a second (How's that?)
Pay attention to your pockets and to your car's alarm!
Nowdays the dirty concrete buildings are your only escape,
Otherwise you'll be stepped on by others on the streets.
There are many neighborhoods from where you can not get out from,
You'll leave butt naked, with no money and dissapointed.
So wherever you go make sure to take care,
The Little Paris is history... Good Night Bucharest!
{Chorus} X2
Can't you see...
Can't you see...


If I ever fall
never think that I´m at your feet
if one day I start to cry
don´t think that I'm going to humiliate myself
Although he has me in his pocket
and although this love is very little thing
when you aren´t with me
you´ll remember me
If they tell you I´m sad
I swear that I´m going to change
If you think I´m not happy
belive me I´m going to react
Just as the wound closes
and it´s still a zombe in my life
I say that from my ashes
I´ll fly again
Because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the wings
because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the soul
you need to love with life, without weight and without measure
you need to love outdoors, if it´s wrong or if it´s right
you need to love with with rage, as if it was a karma
you need to love instinctively
because love is heavenly (heavenly)
If they tell you that I can die
be careful, I´ll survive
if you ever see me again
I promise you I´ll be fine
Just as the wound closes
and it´s still a zombe in my life
I say that from my ashes
I´ll fly again
Because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the wings
because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the soul
you need to love with life, without weight and without measure
you need to love outdoors, if it´s wrong or if it´s right
you need to love with with rage, as if it was a karma
you need to love instinctively
because love is heavenly

Silent Night (Santa, how youthful you are!)

When I was smaller, I fell in love
With a man I met in my dreams
He's the one who brings many gifts in the winter,
He approaches the tree and then runs quickly
I always had to be good
So that Santa would not forget me
But one day, in the doorway, a young man appeared
Full of mystery, with an earring in his ear
That was when I found out that the whole world lied to me
Santa Claus was a fine young man
He was fun, he had blue eyes
Long hair, blonde, he was so cute
Just a look was enough
My heart asked him out on a date
I said that I had given up balls and ribbons a long time ago
I had grown more, we aren't just girls anymore
Santa, how youthful you are, this is the first winter that you come to me
I won't let you leave anymore, silent night by my side
Santa, how youthful you are, this is the first winter that you come to me
I won't let you leave anymore, silent night by my side
Santa, come on, let's go to the disco tonight to dance
Life is beautiful if we know how to have fun
Take your jeans with your keyboard, glasses, and a cap
You won't know when time will pass
The girls will drink you through a look,
Just like in a love story
With a thousand friends, I am your chosen one
I am happy: I will never be able to forget this winter!
Santa, how youthful you are, this is the first winter that you come to me
I won't let you leave anymore, silent night by my side
Santa, how youthful you are, this is the first winter that you come to me
I won't let you leave anymore, silent night by my side
Santa Claus is a young man, he has an earring in his ear
Cute, hilarious, rich, he enchanted me quickly
Santa, I awaited you: finally, you've shown yourself
You charm me so much, even stronger than in fairy tales
Santa, how youthful you are, this is the first winter that you come to me
I won't let you leave anymore, silent night by my side
Santa, how youthful you are, this is the first winter that you come to me
I won't let you leave anymore, silent night by my side
Santa, how youthful you are, this is the first winter that you come to me
I won't let you leave anymore, silent night by my side
Santa, how youthful you are, this is the first winter that you come to me
I won't let you leave anymore, silent night by my side
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


Destiny is calling you, passing through your edge of heart
We're not a loss anymore, and look up your future…
I won't be deluded any more
Nothing wring my heart any more
When I looked up I realized everything
Faults I commited up until then
I'm sure I won't be at my wits' end any more
We're looking at one and only star
Destiny is calling you, passing through your edge of heart
We're not a loss anymore, and look up your future
And surely, we'll unite once again
We're filled with power
Don't lose the past
Gone with the steel
I won't sneak away any more
There is no burden I should take
When I looked up I realized everything
Faults I commited up until then
I'm sure I won't be at my wits' end any more
We're looking at one and only star
Destiny is calling you, passing through your edge of heart
We're not a loss anymore, and look up your future
And surely, we'll unite once again
We're filled with power
Don't lose the past
Gone with the steel
The light that was ready to go out
Shine again
We're looking at one and only star
Destiny is calling you, passing through your edge of heart
We're not a loss anymore, and look up your future
And surely, we'll unite once again
We're filled with power
Don't lose the past
Gone with the steel
Destiny is calling you, but you don't believe it
Keeper of the resurrection is standing alone
And surely, we'll unite once again with strong faith
Live to survive—live for my life
Just like…those stars!

Christmas night song

The world becomes silent tonight,
There is no clamor and noise.
Snow covers streets, houses,
The song calls for holiday.
Millions of souls are heated by one feeling
Some homeliness, peace
That's happiness
The candle also lights for you
Look at the sky's many stars
All of them has the light of hope
So hide it in your heart
Around the crib, where the little Jesus first cried up
We are all still standing there,
And waiting for that good news.
On Christmas night, our dreams
are clear like prayers
Let's tear away the chains of our pain
A better world will come
As we all desire peace
The protection of love
Nothing is lost
While someone thinks of you
The candle also lights for you
Look at the sky's many stars
All of them has the light of hope
So hide it in your heart
Around the crib, where the little Jesus first cried up
We are all still standing there,
And waiting for that good news.
All doubt passes away.
We're all waiting for salvation.


Sometimes I feel like something's wrong with me
Like something inside me wants to start a riot
As if my liver is sticking out of my eyes
Sometimes I really feel like killing myself
My gut is dancing the cha-cha
My heart is rattling like a machine gun, and so I say
Oh, no, you won't, the man is not for turning
A principle is a principle, not today!
I know that feeling,
I know where that leads
Until I drink something I'm not satisfied
And then I throw my wits away and become
A beast (a swine), an animal (a pig), a critter, a scoundrel, a ram (vaffanculo1)
Drunk as a torpedo (disgusting). Not today!
Well, it's not healthy to stay at home all day
It's good to go, like, for a little walk before bed
(yes, yes, a man should stretch his legs, just a bit)
And just like I said, the man is not for turning, tonight I'll take care
Tonight I won't become a beast
And I won't go anywhere near the bar
But my legs, out of habit, carry me there
Well, if we're here, there's no sin in drinking
Just before bed a cup of weak coffee
(yeah, yeah, we know how that will end, he he he)
I go inside, the waitress is always in a hurry:
'What are you drinking, stop dithering, you see that I'm busy, quickly, speak up!'
She leaves me no time for thinking
So I make a mistake because of her and say:
'Give me a glass!'2
(Oooooh... not what I intended, but well, it's her fault, it's her fault!)
Alright, I drink up, I get up to go,
A tap on the shoulder:
'Oh, I haven't seen you around for some time
Tell me, how are you, how's it going?'
It's indeed going, up the shit creek
(oo-la-la, there's no way out now)
You had to pick me of all people,
You lousy bastard
Oh, I know what you're going to ask:
'What are you drinking? Heehee...'
How can I come up with an excuse,
If I say no, he'll think I'm crazy
If I tell him about the principle, he'll feel my forehead3
So then, alright, I say:
'I'm drinking white!'4
(oh, it's not going to work out today, I'm out of luck, I'm out of luck,...)
If it rains for long, worms come out of the ground
You can't make a step without making one into a pancake
In the same way the same drunkards come to the bar every day
And where there's one, there are at least five others.
You can't avoid them, you can't run away,
One by one, the whole crowd gathers
And you have to drink and chat with every one of them
Before long I figure out that I've drunk ohoholala, ...
Porcaputana1 what are people like,
They don't give a damn that you have principles
In for a penny, in for a pound
I don't care anymore, today the man has again turned into
A beast,...
'Bring us another round, porcodio1!'
'Boys, stop drinking so much, who's going to carry you home?'
'Who, who are you to call me a pig?'
The next day
The next day
The next day I feel like something's wrong with me
Like something inside me wants to start a riot
As if my liver is sticking out of my eyes
Sometimes I really feel like killing myself
  • Italian swearword
  • 2. of wine
  • 3. to check for fever
  • 4. wine
  • 5. by historical accident, Slovenian words for 'male cat' and 'hangover' are homonyms


See the advice
Cut from the sea
We sail mast faith
magnets expanded
To the control of the bridge
We sail ashore
The sand and large rocks placed
We barrel in the country
Yes, hell
Glad I found there
thank extremely
The emergency shelter house
and we slept
Violent storm out

My Independent Destiny

I’ve never been there, so let me go out.
For I can reach you where you are.
I will go. All for you, all for you and me,
your and my future.
The scenery I can see outside the window
Is an unchanging morning on a dead end
I want to go somewhere else, but I can’t
I’m not alone, but I’m all alone
Inside my head, I tell God
“There’s no trial I can’t pass”
They were kind, but no one really helped
That was until the day we met
I have always longed for those warm hands
My heart is now unraveled
You’re always by my side
Let’s picture our future together
Believe we can laugh our way towards bliss
All the time, all the time
I’ve been thinking of you
There won’t be any dead ends on the path to tomorrow
Let’s go on, for there is today
What if that strength is the result
Of concealing the weakness of your heart?
Please, tell me the whole truth
For you have nothing to be afraid of
If sadness hurts so much, face that dark side
If your scars hurt, let me heal them
I want to protect just you
For you are not alone anymore
You’re important to me, that’s why I’ll become strong
I made my wish with you,
So I’m sure it’ll come true
I’ll wait for any barrier to the path to tomorrow
For I want to go through them
The so dear past, the reality we’re fighting for,
Or the yet unseen far future
They connect people, I finally realized
It can’t be replaced, it’s my independent destiny
I won’t surrender, even in the midst of despair
Right now my real strength is the promise we made
I won’t give up anymore
You’re always by my side
Let’s picture our future together
Believe we can laugh our way towards bliss
All the time, all the time
I’ve been thinking of you
There won’t be any dead ends on the path to tomorrow
Let’s go on, for there is today
Yes, towards the future with you
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

To tell

Who are you to do me that?
How I loose myself in front of you!
I smile when you write to me,
If you go, I would suffer.
Today, at 3 o”clock,
I saw you, but you were with your mates,
And as usually
I hide from your eyes.
(Chorus x 2)
My heart, it beats like that,
I cannot get what”s wrong with it,
You”ve melted me,
It”s not easy to tell.
It”s not easy to tell,
It”s not easy to tell...
I”m at classes, but I”m dreaming,
I cannot concentrate,
I spy on your profile,
I am there in one photo, too.
Yesterday, at 3 o”clock,
I was avoiding you as usually,
Today you take my hand,
I look in your eyes.
(Chorus x 2)
My heart, it beats like that,
I cannot get what”s wrong with it,
You”ve melted me,
It”s not easy to tell.
It”s not easy to tell,
It”s not easy to tell...
On a paper, a little heart, you even forgot your name,
You give him attention, he doesn”t notice you,
You too good, he”s out of your league,
From so many good guys, the bad one put a spell on you.
Don”t believe everything you see, it”s an illusion,
You know I, you know I wish you the best,
And now I am at my last verse,
Delete him from your list, take my eraser.
(Chorus x 2)
My heart, it beats like that,
I cannot get what”s wrong with it,
You”ve melted me,
It”s not easy to tell.
It”s not easy to tell,
It”s not easy to tell...

It's night time

Not sure that i would come up for you
That i would not let you stay here
Not sure that i would come up, come up from here
From here in the deep where i took refuge
It's night time here
I don't know if i am afraid of you
You are gentle and dangerous
Not sure that you will return if i let you out
Out of this strange heart where you took refuge
I stayed here in this night
I did not even take notice how silent it got nowadays
I let the darkness enter
And since then i cannot find you in there
In the night vision and reality touch each other
I don't know which one is you in the end and it does not matter
I can take refuge in either of them
I stayed here in this night
I did not even take notice how silent it got nowadays
I let the darkness enter
And since then i cannot find you in there
I stayed here in this night
I did not even take notice how silent it got nowadays
I let the darkness enter
And since then i cannot find you in there
I stayed here in this night
I did not even take notice how silent it got nowadays
I let the darkness enter
And since then i cannot find you in there