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Резултати претраге страна 9

Број резултата: 279


A Long Time Ago

Did you think of us in the long night
When you were alone
I know that I will never know that
You still hate when someone mentions me
If you meet me, darling, how would it be like
I would not admit it even for a live head
You've been missing me for a long time and you're still fighting it
To be better with him than me
You've changed everything to be in your favor
And again it's not good
Did you think of us in the long night
Or are you well without me?
You know that I would never admit
but I still keep you down by my fingertips
I would not admit it even for a live head
I've been missing you for a long time and you're still fighting it
To be better with him than with you
You've changed everything to be in your favor
And again it's not good
You've changed everything to be in your favor
You've been missing me for a long time and you're still fighting it
To be better without me than with me
You've changed everything to be in your favor
And again it's not good


Како се бавите?
Од тренутка када си плесала на забави,гурајући све на мене
Дајеш ми све,дајеш ми све ове ноћи
Aко си мислила да можеш побјећи од мене и одмакнути се од мене
Дјевојко,само уграби времена (времена,времена),ти идеш кући са мном вечерас
Дјевојко,имам питање за тебе
Могу ли добити одговор?
О да (8x)
Дјевојко,имам питање за тебе
Могу ли добити одговор?
О да (8x)
Она ме воли само када сам опасан (опасан,о да)
To (пум,пум) нешто као анђеоски прах (анђеоски прах,нешто)
Дјевојко,пусти ме те држим,баци ту ствар свуда око нас
Допусти ми да се осјећам као ти,убиј ме попут ратника,
убиј ме као...
Дјевојко,имам питање за тебе (имам)
Могу ли добити одговор? (2x)
О да (8x)
O да (8x)
Дозволи ми да те држим
Хајде да мазиш моје тело
Чиниш ме лудим
Ти ме укључи,укључи ме
Душо,дозволи ми да те волим
Стави руке око мене
Чиниш ме лудим
Ти ме укључи,укључи ме,да


Како се бавите?
Од тренутка када си плесала на забави,гурајући све на мене
Дајеш ми све,дајеш ми све ове ноћи
Aко си мислила да можеш побјећи од мене и одмакнути се од мене
Дјевојко,само уграби времена (времена,времена),ти идеш кући са мном вечерас
Дјевојко,имам питање за тебе
Могу ли добити одговор?
О да (8x)
Дјевојко,имам питање за тебе
Могу ли добити одговор?
О да (8x)
Она ме воли само када сам опасан (опасан,о да)
To (пум,пум) нешто као анђеоски прах (анђеоски прах,нешто)
Дјевојко,пусти ме те држим,баци ту ствар свуда око нас
Допусти ми да се осјећам као ти,убиј ме попут ратника,
убиј ме као...
Дјевојко,имам питање за тебе (имам)
Могу ли добити одговор? (2x)
О да (8x)
O да (8x)
Дозволи ми да те држим
Хајде да мазиш моје тело
Чиниш ме лудим
Ти ме укључи,укључи ме
Душо,дозволи ми да те волим
Стави руке око мене
Чиниш ме лудим
Ти ме укључи,укључи ме,да


Sembra che io non possa portare il mio stesso peso, sto tremolando perso e solo
Le foglie stanno giá cadendo e io rimango in piedi, salterò dalla scogliera e mi cucirò gli occhi
E quando il mio corpo stará volando, sarò lá
Vicino alla perfezione
Vedrai con chiarezza quando sarai per terra, con ali spezzate
Vedremo la tua forza e sai che sei bello
Siamo tutti indistruttibili
La pala è nelle nostre mani e stiamo contrattacando per l'ultima volta
Come un'ombra che si mostra nella luminos luce del giorno
Nemmeno un unico punto sanguinerá
Le ferite fanno male ma non si mostreranni
Non è difficile essere quello che lascia andare
Vicino alla perfezione
Vedrai con chiarezza quando sarai per terra, con ali spezzate
Vedremo la tua forza e sai che sei bello
Siamo tutti indistruttibili
La pala è nelle nostre mani e stiamo contrattacando per l'ultima volta
La vita non dovrebber finire in tragedia, sarai forte se credi
E poi il mio spirito tocca il suolo
Vicino alla perfezione
Vedrai con chiarezza quando sarai per terra, con ali spezzate
Vedremo la tua forza e sai che sei bello
Siamo tutti indistruttibili
La pala è nelle nostre mani e stiamo contrattacando per l'ultima volta
Vicini alla perfezione
Siamo tutti indistruttibili


Jedna priča koja počinje sada
Ovo je prvi korak
Odavde sve može da se desi
Hajmo zajedno bez gubljenja puta
Sa vetrom koji nas nosi
Bez retrovizora
Nije bitno šta dosnosi
Put je jasan i nisam sam
U potrazi za ovom iluzijom
Jedna sudbina, jedna zvezda da se dostigne
Ništa ne može da nas prekine sad
Mi smo jedno, jedan glas koji peva ovu pesmu
Koji oseća, koji raste, raste
Jedan horizont, koji se sad ne skriva
Ceo svet da otkrijemo
Osećaj će pobediti
Pođi za mnom, oseti ovaj zvuk
To je ritam srca
Koji pomera naša strast
Nije bitno šta dosnosi
Put je jasan i nisam sam
U potrazi za ovom iluzijom
Jedna sudbina, jedna zvezda da se dostigne
Ništa ne može da nas prekine sad
Mi smo jedno, jedan glas koji peva ovu pesmu
Koji oseća, koji raste, raste
Osećaj nikada ne laže
Kada želim to e jako
To je savršno nema objašnjavanja
Da nas život čeka
Svakog jednog na svoj način
Kao ova, otvaraj nove pesme
Jedna sudbina, jedna zvezda da se dostigne
Ništa ne može da nas prekine sad
Mi smo jedno, jedan glas koji peva ovu pesmu
Koji oseća, koji raste, raste

Gardener Wesley Snipes

Cum, head part
TRA-LA-LA, godfather Mohno
Yuri Galtsev, eggs in the horse, I washed my face with a lard
A bearded Tartar in a dress, teacher of labor teases his pussy
Charlie Shins knows the secret of Volodka!!!!!!!!
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la
Tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la bikes brooms porch
Tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la tra-la-la crane
Mom, grandfather again pissed in the mushrooms
Wanna squeeze the men's breasts
Thanks to Moon for Putin
Grow up and become impotent
Three patents, on the assistant professor's crotch
I took spice at interest
The weight of the earth is equal to the weight of your mother + two centners
Chinese Wisdom
Guf is alive
Don't feed the wolf
Two heads are well until you pull the fish out of the pond
From a pond from a pond
It all became so silly without you
I feel bad without you
I bit Seryoga with the fittings to the fuck
Hello my name is Prokhor and I'm a gardener
Aladdin ananist karate peanut, koumiss for rats. Dick of the eye sockets VLAAADIK
LA la la la la la la - gum behind the cheek
And spring in the yard, the dog's foreskin instead of eyelid, check on the boy, FUCKING HIGH PRICE
Shake on the cheek Ashkindyk!!! Winter call
Anti-semite inseminate our daughter, bailiff
scrapsheet not a drop past
moisturize the clitoris of four by salt ? four types
thistle duke fired ANDYR ANDYR
Batyr Batyr cut from the shovel, come here
who is the desired blister, look where is buried Liu Xin
under the edge of an ice floe lay a blue - lick a cigarettes
Vasily moves the boulder along the boundless steppe
bare feet in the blood, grandmother smokes penicillin
I'll come yesterday, and tomorrow I'll be a knight
crushed anus by bus stop - Allegrova
ballet of blacks, riding on antennae in Montenegro
knocked down skittles on a boat in the metro Alenka the runaway
with a credit card, to sharpen and slaughter the neighbor
spice in cassettes, Urgant, mortgage, baker is fried
to crow a crazy rap is septicemia
my baby is angry BDSM anus hooked
Cock-A-Doodle-Doo! Aasterix, your back is white
nerves are ended up, bought the first dish in the canteen
Herpes on the forehead of the Valera reconquered into the Battlefield
I would have to plant a clover and let my wife atrophy
AHSTHA MANDY KHARCHA translation - smoked cum
The curse of Ilyich Ochakovo over the shoulder
Aladdin ananist karate peanut, koumiss for rats. Dick of the eye sockets VLAAADIK
LA la la la la la la - gum behind the cheek
And spring in the yard, the dog's foreskin instead of eyelid, check on the boy, FUCKING HIGH PRICE
New... Charlie Sheen bought
Immediately I found where Liu Xin is buried
Tibor from QS-FB

Talkin' Bullshits

So what if it had turned out differently?
It's not just work 'n luck.
Would write a song about exploits in the war.
'Bout a conspiracy against the country, 'bout pressure from outside.
Would have drown for the Russian people in the Donbas.
The medal would have come to Vasya for participation.
Praised on the central channels of the country.
Would be God's fighter against Satan.
Would play on camera for children in Aleppo.
Thought about Bandera, of course it's ridiculous.
But it would not matter.
Approved military exercises publicly.
Would write to the twitter about the threat of NATO.
Would writte a lot of jokes about Obama, this shit.
Would be called on different talk shows.
They would say Oblomov - that's good!
Would be praised in the Ministry of Culture.
'N would have tours in the days of cities.
Would receive from the budget for a million for the city.
Would be posting from the jet a selfie with Kadyrov.
Would decorate the album by the St. George ribbon.
The hymn of Rushit* would be on it.
It would be sung, 'bout the exploits of ancestors.
'Bout the tree of their life 'n its branches.
'Bout orthodoxy 'n something bright.
In a word, 'bout everything good 'n nothing concrete.
Made poker face, 'n life's good! Excellent guy - Oblomov Vasya.
Readin' well, as far as possible. Talkin' bullshits is not difficult.
Made poker face, 'n life's good! Excellent guy - Oblomov Vasya.
Readin' well, as far as possible. Talkin' bullshits is not difficult.
'N would be offered to conduct the show.
Would buy a ranch, gettin' the first honorarium.
Show on TV - would host weekly.
With Nikita Mikhalkov, as together, as separately.
Would have nicker at Shenderovich 'n his mattress.
Would call 'ace' a pilot, shotin' down in Turkey.
Would humiliate the Kiev and the whole of Ukraine, publicly.
'N the admin at meeting would have given me a cocaine.
Would praise the government 'n its actions.
Would hang up in conversations with human rights activists.
Would say that sanctions are only good for us.
Would say that Crimea is our pain.
For the Fatherland and its place in history.
Would say that needs to rest in Sochi's sanatorium.
Polite people would be on my shirt.
But would say that Ivan the Fool is better than woodpecker Woody.
Would say that the army is a life school.
That our Duchesse is better than their Cola.
Would say that stability is more better than change.
'N that we finally started to get up off our knees.
Would say that with democracy everything isn't so unambiguous.
The country is normal, everything is not so gloomy.
There is a lot of 'but' with freedom of speech in the world.
In any country you can find their shit.
Would urge not to criticize the country.
Would say that the fed up is like a mother for us.
We don't choose their, but we live with.
'N traitors are only wasting water.
But to be honest, I'm glad that it didn't work out that way.
My songs are still in disrepute.
I don't give a damn that I'm not go to the receptions in the Kremlin.
I eat normally and I sleep peacefully.
Made poker face, 'n life's good! Excellent guy - Oblomov Vasya.
Readin' well, as far as possible. Talkin' bullshits is not difficult.
Made poker face, 'n life's good! Excellent guy - Oblomov Vasya.
Readin' well, as far as possible. Talkin' bullshits is not difficult.
Tibor from QS-FB


Zaista je gotovo
Ali bol i dalje živi u meni
I koja je ta koju čvrsto grliš
Umesto mene večeras?
I gde si sada, sada kada mi trebaš?
Suze su na mom jastuku, gde god da odeš
Isplakaću reku koja vodi do tvog okeana
Nikada nećeš videti da se raspadam
Rečima slomljenog srca
Ovo me samo obuzimaju osećanja
Zarobljena u tuzi
Izgubljena u pesmi
Ali ako se ne vratiš
Vrati se kući, dragi
Zar ne znaš da nema nikog na ovom svetu ko bi me čvrsto zagrlio?
Zar ne znaš nema nikog na ovom svetu da me poljubi za laku noć?
Laku noć, laku noć
Ja sam tu, kraj tebe
Deo sam svih stvari koje te čine
Ali tebi pripada deo nekog drugog
Moraš da nađeš svoju srećnu zvezdu
I gde si sada, sada kada mi trebaš?
Suze su na mom jastuku, gde god da odeš
Isplakaću reku koja vodi do tvog okeana
Nikada nećeš videti da se raspadam
Rečima slomljenog srca
Ovo me samo obuzimaju osećanja
Zarobljena u tuzi
Izgubljena u pesmi
Ali ako se ne vratiš
Vrati se kući, dragi
Zar ne znaš da nema nikog na ovom svetu ko bi me čvrsto zagrlio?
Nema nikog na ovom svetu da me poljubi za laku noć
Laku noć, laku noć
I gde si sada, sada kada mi trebaš?
Suze su na mom jastuku, gde god da odeš
Isplakaću reku koja vodi do tvog okeana
Nikada nećeš videti da se raspadam
Rečima slomljenog srca
Ovo me samo obuzimaju osećanja
Zarobljena u tuzi
Izgubljena u pesmi
Ali ako se ne vratiš
Vrati se kući, dragi
Nema nikog na ovom svetu ko bi me čvrsto zagrlio
Nema nikog na ovom svetu da me poljubi za laku noć
Laku noć, laku noć


This black wind tastes of Africa
The white elephant was already there
The caged lion, old America
Gray snow, sand of popcorn
The kangaroos down under in Australia dance
Radio Sidney says 'It's all ok'
The Wall ages and loses its charm
Petersburg in the name of Big Bang
The Pharaohs of Mercury are drowning
Sister sphinx in its old enigmas
The ancient oracle can not answer
To a tourist looking for a hotel
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Prokleta kiša

Prokleta kiša.Ljutita lica
Nekuda idu
Kišobrani im se graniče
Razgraničavajući ih
Prostor je uzan,prokleta kiša
Zašto ne idemo brže?
Jutarnja magla lagano se razliva
Po vazduhu
Prokleta kiša.Prazan trg.
Sunce se pojavljuje oko podneva,prokleti oblaci,
Uzimaju ga za taoca
Uzani prostor.Mračna ćelija
U premalom telu odviše mnogo je krvi
Prokleta kiša.Ne staje,
Ne,ni zbog čega
Prokleta kiša.Sa dosadnim izrazom na licu
Koračam nekuda,
Nakrivljujem kišobran,
Kako ne bih video ljude
Uzani prostor,prokleto vreme
Zašto se ne protiče brže?
Sa mojim kišobranom kroz prokletu kišu
Proći ćemo skriveni

My destiny

I’ve always have watched the edge of the water
a secret that he conceals
never know what it is.
I wish I can be good dauther
But when I look at the shore
I forget what I have learned.
I know which duty
I have to accomplish
All my duty is
to stay here
But they don’t know that my destiny
it’s to escape from here
The sea touches the sky and shows the way
It’s a desire?
Or a destiny?
If I fly with the wind and with him I follow it
My destiny
I know I will never achieve it.
Here, everybody of this island
are happy in this island
Everything looks perfect here.
I know that everybody in this island
Have a job in this is island
I know that my place is here.
I can lead
with dedication
I can follow
with that actuation.
I will the good enough for everything.
Why am I dubting?
The waves of the sea are today my way!
My heart guides
I don’t know where.
If I fly with the wind and with him I follow it.
What’s beyond?
I know I can do it, I will go there.
The sea touches the sky and shows my way!
It’s a desire?
Or a destiny?
If I fly with the wind and with him I follow it.
My destiny
It’s found here!


Did my young heart feel too much? I'm worried
So lonely I can't even see the faces Of the people who come and go Why?
Weak hearts have Strong bonds I'll move forward
Hold out your hands towards tomorrow And believe You are my precious
Even if we're apart Always feel me close to you Because it's destiny
We wandered Only ever hurting one another Clumsy
Not understanding each other's pain Unable to even cry out loud
I'll spread my wings And fly Towards those honest eyes
Following the light's guidance If I'm with you I'll be with you forever
Believe in the power Of miracles Because it's destiny
You smiled In that typical way By my side
Hold out your hands towards tomorrow And believe You are my precious
Even if we're apart Always be near me I miss you from my heart
Following the light's guidance If I'm with you I'll be with you forever
Believe in the power Of miracles Because it's destiny

How majestic is the night

how majestic is this night
leaves dance in wake of shadows
moon radiates within the wind
transparency lets man feel fear
mist on dirty roots of grass
your tears are living inside ice
white frost arrives in dead of night
except the wind, there is still wind
but you know of the place a mile away
where some fears just began
how majestic is this night
you lay down but cannot sleep
within your flesh exists the world
yet failing always to resist ideas
and what an elegant idea it is
sublime beauty chills your blood
all these ideas belong to me, you say
nobody can steal that from me
but you know of the place a mile away
where some fears just began
the smoke exhaled
time slows down
wine tops a clean glass
gas will ignite, electric lights burn bright
the coming of order brings music
books open and then close again
leather shoes squeak through floorboards
always making people nervous

What do you want to see?

We should go
It would be really good
The lakes the view
The spring game
Half of this is not joke
Tell, what do you want to see?
Half of this is not joke
Tell, what do you want to see?
You should take me, really far away
I saw a little, I saw you a little
Half of this is not joke
Tell, what do you want to see
Half of this is not joke
Tell, what do you want to see
What do you want to see?
What do you want? want.... want to see!
The instinct of animals?
The protagonist's love?
Resident nearby people's life?
We should get it
one time, but really
See all of the everything from above
Half of this is not essential
Half of this is not appear
Half of this is not essential
What do you want to see?
What do you want? want.... want to see!
The instinct of animals?
The protagonist's love?
Resident nearby people's life?

Oh Cape Verde, my beloved land

Oh Cape Verde, my beloved land
Land of peace and joy
Nobody you have embraced
dares to go, and stay
And those who have to leave will cry
Such ten little pieces of land
that God scattered across the sea
belong to us, they were not stolen in wars
This is Cape Verde, my beloved land
Oh Cape Verde, my beloved land
Land of peace and joy
Nobody you have embraced
dares to go, and stay
And those who have to leave will cry
This little brown girl cries with 'sodade'
she has you on her mind
and cries for her deepest memories
of a time where there was no suffering
Oh Cape Verde, my beloved land
Land of peace and joy
Nobody you have embraced
dares to go, and stay
And those who have to leave will cry

Nezavisne zene

Pitanje: Reci mi sta mislis o meni,
kupujem svoje dijamante i kupujem svoje prstenje,
samo zvoni tvoj telefon kada se osecam usamljeno,
kada se sve zavrsi, molim te ustani i idi.
Pitanje: Reci mi kako se osecas u vezi ovoga,
pokusaj da me kontrolises decko i bices otpusten,
placam svoju zurku, oh i placam svoje racune,
uvek 50/50 u vezama.
Cipele na mojim nogama,
ja sam kupila.
Odecu koju oblacim,
ja sam kupila.
Nakit koji nosim,
jer zavisim od sebe.
Ako bih zelela sat koji nosis,
kupila bih ga.
Kucu u kojoj zivim,
ja sam kupila.
Auto koje vozim,
ja sam kupila.
Ja zavisim od sebe.
(Ja zavisim od sebe)
Sve zene koje su nezavisne,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Sve duse koje prave novac,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Sve devojke koje dobijaju dolare,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Sve dame koje me zaista osecaju,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Devojko nisam znala da mozes da se spustis tako
Charlie, kako su se tvoji andjeli spustili tako?
Devojko nisam znala da mozes da se spustis tako
Charlie, kako su se tvoji andjeli spustili tako?
Reci mi kako se osecas u vezi ovoga,
ko bi zeleo da zelim da zivim,
radila sam naporno i zrtvovala se da dobijem ono sto imam,
dame, nije lako biti nezavisna.
Pitanje: Kako ti se svidja ovo saznanje koje sam donela,
razmetati se novacem koje ti je dala ova ispred,
ako ces se hvaliti, pobrini se da bude novac koji si ti napravio,
ne zavisi od nikog drugog da ti da ono sto zelis.
Cipele na mojim nogama,
ja sam kupila.
Odecu koju oblacim,
ja sam kupila.
Nakit koji nosim,
jer zavisim od sebe.
Ako bih zelela sat koji nosis,
kupila bih ga.
Kucu u kojoj zivim,
ja sam kupila.
Auto koje vozim,
ja sam kupila.
Ja zavisim od sebe.
(Ja zavisim od sebe)
Sve zene koje su nezavisne,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Sve duse koje prave novac,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Sve devojke koje dobijaju dolare,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Sve dame koje me zaista osecaju,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Devojko nisam znala da mozes da se spustis tako
Charlie, kako su se tvoji andjeli spustili tako?
Devojko nisam znala da mozes da se spustis tako
Charlie, kako su se tvoji andjeli spustili tako?
Destiny's Child
Sta se desava?
Ti si u kuci?
Slomicemo te ljude iz andjelskog stila
Dete sudbine,
nezavisna lepota,
niko vise ne moze da me uplasi,
Charlie's Angels.
Sve zene koje su nezavisne,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Sve duse koje prave novac,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Sve devojke koje dobijaju dolare,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Sve dame koje me zaista osecaju,
podignite ruke prema meni.
Devojko nisam znala da mozes da se spustis tako
Charlie, kako su se tvoji andjeli spustili tako?

The Hidden Ones

We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are more than a thousand
We are the uncivilized city
For ten, ten thousand
For a hundred, a hundred thousand
We are your millions
And we get closer
To you
To you
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
We are that nothing
That doesn't count for anything
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the swarm
That is under the city
You, man, where are you?
The world is not here
But it is here that it will change
And it will get mixed up
And it will restart
From here
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
We are the defeated ones
Beaten and won
And if we lose,
We lose nothing
And nothing is nothing
It doesn't count for anything
We are those that don't have
In the world we are
We are children and mothers
And fathers and children
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
We are the excluded ones
And the illegal ones
We are the strangers
Of the entire world
Wherever we are
We are outside
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
Asylum, asylum

Caricias clandestinas

Fur un placer prober esos Hermosos labios

Ti ces se vratiti

Pnovo ces biti devojka jednostavna,
koja je uzela voz zivota
pre nego sto je postala zena.
Vratices se, kreni u pokret, ako mozes
i iako se godine ne vrate,
ti ces se vratiti... vratices se...
Uzmi svoj zivot i svoju torbu.
Vratices se, iako obucena u zaborav
cak i za prijatelja koji te je naucio da ljubis.
Vratices se, uvek je kraci put
i iako se vratis prazna,
vratices se... vratices se...
Uzmi svoj zivot i svoju torbu,
vrati se sada.
Znam da si napustila tvoje masline,
tvoju porodicu i prijatelje zbog uspeha,
ali ne mari ako neko misli
da si se igrala i izgubila, vrati se sada.
Vratices se, sad kad se voz zustavi,
kad vec je navejano u tvojim hramovima,
vratices se... vratices se...
Uzmi svoj zivot i svoju torbu,
vrati se sada.
Vratices se... vratices se...
Uzmi svoj zivot i svoju torbu,
vratices se...

Potcenjuj devojku

Svi igraju, igraju na sigurno,
Niko ne želi da se kači, kači sa pravilima
Osećam da bi glava mogla da mi eksplodira
Svi moji prijatelji održavaju me u životu ipak
Osećam da bih mogla da preživim sama
Ako dobijem moje...
Moje oslobođenje, oslobođenje
Držim svoje karte blizu grudi
Moje srce je u suprotnom golo
Moje srce je na mom rukavu
Potcenjuj me,
Potcenjuj devojku,
Samo napred, potcenjuj je.
Nastavljaš da se pretvaraš da si srećna
Nastavljaš da čitaš svoje časopise
Ali bebo, ja sam j***no,
Voli one koje kažeš da mrziš,
Ako izabereš da mrziš one koje voliš
Verovatno si napravila veliku grešku
Potcenjuj me,
Potcenjuj devojku,
Samo napred, potcenjuj je
Svi igraju, igraju na sigurno,
Niko ne želi da se kači, kači sa pravilima

Imam pitanja

(Strofa 1)
Zašto si me ostavio ovde da izgorim?
Previše sam mlada da budem povređena
Osećam se prokleto u hotelskim sobama
Buljim pravo u zid
Brojim reči i pokušavam da ih sve umrtvim
Da li te je briga, da li te je briga?
Zašto te nije briga?
Dala sam ti sve od mene
Moju krv, moj znoj, moje srce, i moje suze
Zašto te nije briga, zašto te nije briga?
Bila sam tu, bila sam tu kada niko drugi ne beše
I sada si ti otišao, a ja sam tu
Imam pitanja za tebe
Prvo, reci mi šta zamišljaš ko si?
Imaš neke petlje koje pokušavaju da unište moju veru
(Imam pitanja za tebe)
Drugo, zašto nisi pokušao i pravio me na budalu?
Nikada nisam trebala, nikad, nikad, nikad, da ti verujem (imam pitanja)
Treće, zašto nisi onaj za koga si se zakleo da ćeš biti
Imam pitanja, imam pitanja koja me opsedaju
Imam pitanja za tebe
Imam pitanja, imam pitanja
Imam pitanja za tebe
(Strofa 2)
Moje, moje ime je bilo najsigurnije u tvojim ustima
I zašto si morao da odeš, i ispljuneš ga?
Oh, tvoj glas je bio najpoznatiji glas
Ali zvuči mi tako opasno sada
Imam pitanja za tebe
Prvo, reci mi šta zamišljaš ko si?
Imaš neke petlje koje pokušavaju da unište moju veru
(Imam pitanja za tebe)
Drugo, zašto nisi pokušao i pravio me na budalu?
Nikada nisam trebala, nikad, nikad, nikad, da ti verujem (imam pitanja)
Treće, zašto nisi onaj za koga si se zakleo da ćeš biti
Imam pitanja, imam pitanja koja me opsedaju
Imam pitanja za tebe
Imam pitanja, imam pitanja
Imam pitanja za tebe
Da li te je briga, da li te je briga?
Zašto te nije briga?
Dala sam ti sve od mene
Moju krv, moj znoj, moje srce, i moje suze
Zašto te nije briga, zašto te nije briga?
Bila sam tu, bila sam tu kada niko drugi ne beše
I sada si ti otišao, a ja sam tu
Imam pitanja za tebe,ohh
Imam pitanja za tebe
Imam pitanja za tebe(imam pitanja)
Imam pitanja za tebe(da, da, da, da)
Imam pitanja za tebe, oh
Imam pitanja za tebe (poštena igra, ne, poštena igra, ne)
Imam pitanja za tebe (imam pitanja)
Imam pitanja za tebe
Imam pitanja za tebe
Kako da popravim to?Možemo li razgovarati?Možemo li razgovarati?Želim li da popravim to?
Imam pitanja za tebe (umorna sam od tebe)
Da li je to moja greška?Da li je to moja greška?Da li ti nedostajem?
Imam pitanja.

Bori se za ljubav

Ima trenutaka kad teško mi je spavati noćima
Preživljamo teških vremena
I svako dete koje pruži ruku nekome
Za momenat postanu jedan od mojih
I kako mogu da se pravim da ne znam šta se događa?
Kad svaki sekund od svakog minuta nestane još jedna duša
I verujem da u mom životu, vidiću
Kraj beznađa,
Kraj odustajanja
Kraj patnja
Pa ovaj put ćemo svi stojiti zajedno
I neće niko biti ostavljen
I bori se za život
Bori se i slušaj kako pevam
Bori se za ljubav
Inspirisana sam i nadam se svaki dan
I tako znam da se stvari promene
I kako mogu da se pravim da ne znam šta se događa?
Kad svaki sekund od svakog minuta
Nestane još jedna duša
I verujem da u mom životu, vidiću
Kraj beznađa,
Kraj odustajanja
Kraj patnja
Pa ovaj put ćemo svi stojiti zajedno
I neće niko biti ostavljen
I bori se za život
Bori se za ljubav
I tu sve počinje
I sve trenutno počinje
Jedna osoba bori se
I sve ostalih će da nastanu
Za svih koje su zaboravljeni
Za svih koje nisu voljeni
Pevaću ovu pesmu
I verujem da u mom životu, vidiću
Kraj beznađa,
Kraj odustajanja
Kraj patnja
Pa ovaj put ćemo svi stojiti zajedno
I neće niko biti ostavljen
I bori se za život
Bori se i zapevaj
Bori se za ljubav
Za ljubav
Za ljubav

Angel of destiny

I'm drowning my fear in the river of my dreams,
healing1 my wounds, making up for lost time...
and it's no secret that I was afraid of love
but in your eyes I found the courage
that my heart was lacking.
I offer you my memories, I give you my silence
because when I wake up with you
everything makes sense.
I'm tearing schemes apart, defending my ideas
putting my trust in the path led by my heart,
I go with certainty that in the end it will have been worth it,
angel of destiny, I want to be with you.
You have the key that decodes my silence
you know better than anyone what I feel,
before I met you I was lost in my attempt...
but in your eyes I found the reason
to believe in love...
I offer you my memories, I give you my silence
because when I wake up with you
everything makes sense.
I'm tearing schemes apart, defending my ideas
putting my trust in the path led by my heart,
I go with certainty that in the end it will have been worth it,
angel of destiny, I want to be with you.
I'm drowning my fear in the river of my dreams,
healing my wounds, making up for lost time...
  • 1. lit. 'cleaning'.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.