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Проблеми с девојкама

Ах, да, проблеми с девојкама
Да, тако је, ах
Тај призор хаљине јарких боја
Као да ме одједном буди из сна
Да ли је у реду ако је задржим за себе?
Шећеру, слаткишу, драга, љубави моја
Ова замка је тако слатка да то није фер
Драга, ти треба да будеш моја
Никада те не бих повредио, љубави
Ово за мене није игра
Да ли си и ти тако срећна, тако срећна?
Тако је очигледно
Момак кога си срела у граду
Само је неко ко ти личи на мене
На крају, само је један одговор, девојко
Јер, ти си мој број један
Да ли волиш јагоде?
Да ли желиш да гледамо филм?
О, да, и ја, увек сам озбиљан
Али су ми руке пуне проблема с девојкама
Да ли волиш чоколаду?
Да ли ти је слатка када је загризеш?
О, да, и мени, само за тебе знам
Озбиљни су ови моји проблеми с девојкама
Телефон не престаје да ми звони
Безброј је непрочитаних порука
Вечерас, где год отишао
Нема шансе да им побегнем
Ово су моји проблеми с девојкама
Освестио сам се, образ ме боли
Овај осећај у рукама, сам сам у кревету
Шећеру, слаткишу, драга, љубави
Ова замка није фер јер ме и даље чека
Момак кога си срела у граду
Само је неко ко ти личи на мене
На крају, само је један одговор, девојко
Јер, ти си мој број један
Да ли волиш јагоде?
Да ли желиш да гледамо филм?
О, да, и ја, увек сам озбиљан
Али су ми руке пуне проблема с девојкама
Да ли волиш чоколаду?
Да ли ти је слатка када је загризеш?
О, да, и мени, само за тебе знам
Озбиљни су ови моји проблеми с девојкама
Телефон не престаје да ми звони
Безброј је непрочитаних порука
Где да одем вечерас?
Нема шансе да им побегнем
Ово су моји проблеми с девојкама
Звук штикли што одјекује
Куцање на мојим вратима
Где год побегао вечерас
Нема шансе да им побегнем
Ово су моји проблеми с девојкама
Драге моје звездице посуте по небу
Могу ли сада да зажелим своју жељу?
(Волео бих када би моји проблеми нестали)
Када дан поново сване
Бићу поново као нов, да
Јер, ти си мој број један
Да ли волиш јагоде?
Да ли желиш да гледамо филм?
О, да, и ја, увек сам озбиљан
Али су ми руке пуне проблема с девојкама
Да ли волиш чоколаду?
Да ли ти је слатка када је загризеш?
О, да, и мени, само за тебе знам
Озбиљни су ови моји проблеми с девојкама
Телефон не престаје да ми звони
Безброј је непрочитаних порука
Где да одем вечерас?
Нема шансе да им побегнем
Ово су моји проблеми с девојкама
Звук штикли што одјекује
Куцање на мојим вратима
Где год побегао вечерас
Нема шансе да им побегнем
Ово су моји проблеми с девојкама
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

На овоме свету

Драги моји, знајте да вас волим
Једнога дана ћете се можда изгубити
У шта верујете сви ви?
Ми свакога дана живимо
Али нам је за то потребно много ствари
Драги моји, реците ми, овако
Шта вам је најпотребније?
Желео сам да ме загрлите
Желео сам да будем уз вас
Плашите се да не изгубите нешто
И можда проводите бесане ноћи
А када осетите то, можемо отићи далеко, далеко
Само ме се сетите, и све ће бити у реду
На овоме свету
Љубав не можете видети очима, узмите ме за руку
На овоме свету
Оно што ми је потребно да бих наставио да живим сте ви
И када плачете, и када се смејете, бићу уз вас
Постоје дани када вам се јављају снови
Да ли сви ви верујете у себе?
Желео сам да ме загрлите
Желео сам да будем уз вас
Када ништа не иде како треба
Постоје тренуци када желите да побегнете
А када осетите то, можемо отићи далеко, далеко
Само ме се сетите, и све ће бити у реду
На овоме свету
Не знамо каква ће будућност бити јер ми треба да је створимо
На овоме свету
Оно што вам је потребно да би наставили да живите је моја љубав
Чак и да кренете погрешним путем, то није крај, овде сам
Свет нас тестира
Верујете ли ми?
Верујете ли у љубав?
Чак и када скренете свој поглед
Понављаћу 'волим вас' изнова и изнова
На овоме свету
Љубав не можете видети очима, узмите ме за руку
На овоме свету
Оно што ми је потребно да бих наставио да живим сте ви
На овоме свету
Не знамо каква ће будућност бити јер ми треба да је створимо
На овоме свету (на овоме свету)
Хајде да наставимо да живимо заједно, иако је страшно, биће у реду ако сам с вама
И када плачете, и када се смејете, бићу уз вас
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

Tempo (Chinese Ver.)

I can't believe
The whole world is fascinated by her
A melody that torments my eardrums, that I can't ignore
A repeating memory that goes on and on and oh
Follow this melody, leave behind your traces
Don't mess up my tempo
Embrace it and listen carefully
I said don’t mess up my tempo
This is my weapon to steal her heart
Don't mess up my tempo, it's one of a kind, one two three
Don’t mess up my tempo
She is a melody for me alone
Being with you, so lovely
This narrow street's got some magic
My heartbeat is becoming unstable
Just close your eyes, listen and trust me
I'll be waiting here ahead of time, are you ready?
Come and pick up on the tacit understanding between this city and me
Don’t be shy nobody is ever ready yea ma boo
There's no need to be naughty of nice
Oh, take my hand and come with me, I'll show you my lady
Wherever we go, rose petals pave the ground
The way you walk is legendary
Girl we just ride now to the beat my tempo
Baby girl, your morning call sets my world in motion
We meet every day but I still think of you every second
From now on, let's get down
Everything is wonderful, it's hard to believe
So don't slow it up for me
Don't mess up my tempo
Embrace it and listen carefully
I said don’t mess up my tempo
This is my weapon to steal her heart
Don't mess up my tempo, it's one of a kind, one two three
Don’t mess up my tempo
She is a melody for me alone
You're so lovely, I've beencharmed
The more I resist the weaker I become
It's okay if we get more intense,
As long as you're willing to teach me
This is my territory, don't test me
If you're alone and uneasy drop me a message
Now you got me flexin'
It's clear to see that
I'm the road to excitement, the Great Gatsby (Hold on wow)
I’m doing alright baby girl you don’t know
Get rid of the question marks across your face
There's no L.I.E in my dictionary
You've already stepped into my tempo, you just haven't realised it yet
Baby girl, when you breathe slightly against my face
It causes an endless wave,
Suddenly attacking me like a whirpool
I wish time would stop right now
So don’t mess up my tempo baby
Don’t slow it up for me
Don’t mess up my tempo
Don’t mess up my tempo
Don’t mess up my tempo
Don’t mess up my tempo
Don’t mess up my tempo
Don’t mess up my tempo
Don’t mess up my tempo
Look into my eyes and tell me,
Whisper into my ear and tell me
That all you want is to love me
That all you have is me
Don't listen to what the others say
I won't let you be tempted by anyone else
It'll be fine when enemies appear, 'cuz
I'll be the one to protect you
Can you feel it
Feel my heartbeat
You, surrounding me
Are my one and only savior
The whole world's stopped to look at you
I can't believe
The whole world is fascinated by her
A melody that torments my eardrums, that I can't ignore
A repeating memory that goes on and on and oh
Follow this melody, leave behind your traces
Don't mess up my tempo
Embrace it and listen carefully
I said don’t mess up my tempo
This is my weapon to steal her heart
Don't mess up my tempo, it's one of a kind, one two three
Don’t mess up my tempo
She is a melody for me alone

Bad Dream

This nerve-wracking silence
You blow in on it
At some point, at some point…
Even if I try to catch some sleep, it runs further away from me
All of my good memories are dyed in the color of regrets
Oh no no no
I can’t believe you’re not here with me
The clock sounds even Iouder than usual, tic toc tic toc
After turning the lights out, if I lay down and close my eyes
it quietly blows in
Woo, I think this is you
You start flying all around me
Woo, the empty sound of the wind
gradually becomes a storm
It was quiet, too quiet, and so the bad dreams
come to me as if to swallow me whole
I’m paralyzed, unable to move,
trapped inside of you as you rage around me
All of my feelings, all at once,
our break up, all at once,
strike me now, all at once
I’m, I’m, i’m trapped inside of you as you rage around me
I said goodbye, thinking that was the only choice,
putting an end to it, someone please just stop me back then
Oh no no no
Even if I say that wasn’t how I really felt,
your heart is probably all closed off now
Blowing past the point of no return,
your sharp breath stabs into me
Woo, I think this is you,
You start to hurt me
Woo, and only now
do I realize that it’s really over.
Realizing I’m unable to let you go, after all this time,
even if you know this is happening, act like you don’t.
It feels like just yesterday,
even if time has passed
you’re drawn clearly in my mind and spread
It was quiet, too quiet, and so the bad dreams (bit by bit)
come to me as if to swallow me whole. (swallow me whole)
I’m paralyzed, unable to move
trapped inside of you as you rage around me. (trapped in you)
All of my feelings, all at once,
our break up, all at once,
strike me now, all at once
I’m, I’m, I’m trapped inside of you as you rage around me
I told you to live well,
told you to forget me,
I want to, too
but it won’t go as I like
I’ll use all my strength to make it through,
and when the wind calms
I’ll smile like you used to

Ooh La La La

When I turn my head, my eyes meet yours
And once again, I’mjust left staring at you
That smile is a bit too much for me,
filled with an ease leaving me to burn
I can’t breathe when I see your eye smile,
it seems like you know that’s your charm
Yeah yeah yeah
La la, la la
Your eyes are whispering to me,
La la, la la
It’s like they’re asking me to approach you
Ooh la la la, please allow me,
ooh la la la, into your imagination,
I’ll go right in, so let me in
I’ll dance in your eyes
Ooh la la la, the moment our gazes meet
Right now, in this moment, the space between us
is filled with this strong trembling,
becoming a rhythm and drawing me in,
let your body move to it however you’d like
Yeah, she knows,
an odd smile that doesn’t let on,
seeing through the curiosity driving me on
and sending a sign
La la, la la.
It’s like you’re telling me to open the door
La la, la la.
to your slightly open heart and come right in
Should I really try making a move now?
What should be the first thing l say?
The moment l hesitate, thinking it over,
you get up and walk away
Even as you go further away,
like you’re telling me to look at your bold back,
your slow pace is vague, like it’s telling me to follow
Girl, just tell me what you like,
you like, you like, you like
It’s like you’re telling me to hurry
Ooh la la la, please allow me,
ooh la la la, into your reality,
I’ll approach you, so hold on to me,
tell me that you were waiting
Ooh la la la, the moment l reached you
Ah hoo, now I approach you
Ah hoo, you and I have grown closer...


All that was great
It was like a temptation ...
It is only in this world ...
I knew that was all ...
Sharp breathing.
The eyes are busy searching for answers.
My lips dry out.
We are on this endless journey ...
A little further, a little further
On this far road.
Runnin’ I’m runnin’
Chasing the sun
For a long day.
Run Run Run Run~
I realized that everything that man did
In the end, coming to an end ...
And then you, as if asking me to answer ...
You go your way.
Do not stop,
Do not follow my direction ...
The more I wander, the more I thirst for yeah yeah ~
Past the red desert
We find an oasis ...
A little further, a little further
On this far road.
Runnin’ I’m runnin’
Chasing the sun
For a long day.
Run Run Run Run~
We will go further, further still ...
Find a road that you never walked ...
Runnin’ I’m runnin’
Chasing the sun
Yeah I’m on the road~
The farther I am,
The more I crave ...
With this burning thirst, oh ~
A little further, a little further
On this distant road.
Runnin’ I’m runnin’
Chasing the sun
For a long day.
Run Run Run Run~
We will go further, further still ...
Find a road that you never walked ...
Runnin’ I’m runnin’
Chasing the sun
Yeah I’m on the road~
Run Run Run Run~
Yeah I’m on the road~

(Love) Confession

I am suffering by every move you make
I thought I knew you, but I don't
In every sight of yours, in every glance of yours
There is a truth and a lie, what can I say.
Love with you is a mystery.
The passion and the lust in your body
Every doubt of me relieve
And I have the feeling we are the only lovers.
I am burning sweet in your flame
I feel like a God in your body
I'm transforming into smoke that circles you with a kiss
And touches you every moment
Your shape is a sign on my mind.
It fills my gap* every night.
My undying love**
I have learn to pay for your mistakes, what can I say....
I'm burning sweet in your flame
I feel like a God in your body
I'm transforming into smoke that circles you with a kiss
And touches you every moment.
'It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationality...'


The hands that steadied me when I was struggling.
The eyes that comforted me when I was crying.
The dream we dreamed together when we closed our eyes.
The dream we dreamed together when we closed our eyes.
If I had held on to that hand just a bit tighter, if I hadn’t let go,
would I be different from what I am now?
If I’d met those eyes just a bit longer, if I hadn’t avoided them,
would I still be flying now?*
My dreams came true earlier than I expected
and the despair found me earlier, too.
The happy moments might have stopped somewhere between the two.
I pray every night, and even if
I yell out, asking for an answer,
In the end every day is the same as yesterday.
The people who comfort me,
and the ones behind them who mock me,
nothing has changed at all.
I looked to the ground
more than the sky,
and at the footsteps I worked so hard to make being erased one by one.
There I fill with loneliness, collapsed,
And eight hands reach out to me.
When I’m worn out, I hold tightly on to eight hands.
When I’m worn out, I hold tightly on to eight hands.
When I’m worn out, I hold tightly on to eight hands.
There’s nothing else to do, we just have to overcome it all.
I go over the dreams
we had together from the very beginning, and I raise my head.
The hate and betrayal filled my body,
And when I was worried whether
I could overcome the anxiety they held me tighter,
I can feel the warmth of the hands patting my head.
There’s still so many hands here to hold on to me.
When I’m worn out, I hold tightly on to eight hands.
Having forgotten how to fly, I lean on those beside me,
Because even with broken wings, together we can fly higher.
We have to know to forgive and love.
With my eyes closed, I heard that person’s unfamiliar voice,
And I pray to that voice once again.
When I want to give up on everything and let it all go,
When I’m tired, I hold tightly on to eight hands.
When I’m worn out, I hold tightly on to eight hands.

Sheep (Alan Walker Relift)

Big things sure enough
There's a monster coming from the forest
Sheep gang glorious
Run thru the city with a message for it
Look I’m the lead sheep in China
Within the forest, be careful bro
Mess with the food chain, there’s danger all around
Attack, protect
You don't know, that’s how the story goes
No one cares now
The footprint of the sheep wow
Easily forgettable, as if you’re flipping through a calendar
A sheep’s instinct, I’ll put it on you
A sheep’s attitude, I’ll put it on you
You can see my footprints on the concrete
Everything I pictured all around me
Gave one final warning
They’re callin for the sheep
A little untameable
A little unbelievable
A few conflicts, but it’s only because I’m too dazzling
A little involuntarily
I won’t do things that’ll harm others
The steps I take, just continue to work hard and work harder
Big things sure enough
There's a monster coming from the forest
Sheep gang glorious
Run thru the city with a message for it
Big things sure enough
There's a monster coming from the forest
Sheep gang glorious
As the hearts burn all the sheep are coming up
We are glorious
All the sheep are coming up
Baa baa
So baby I go
Trusting others in the end you’ll only get hurt
Baa baa
Be careful to not doubt the world
Just... It's not good to change yourself
Oh baby
A little untameable
A little unbelievable
A few conflicts, but it’s only because I’m too dazzling
A little involuntarily
I won’t do things that’ll harm others
The steps I take, just continue to work hard and work harder
You can see my footprints on the concrete
Everything i pictured all around me
Gave one final warning
They’re callin for the sheep
We are glorious
All the sheep are coming up

Monster (Chinese Ver.)

Versions: #2
She got me going crazy
Beauty making my heart tremble
You're so like a goddess from a painting
Shut inside a dream, yeah, yeah
I knock open the heart and head inside your heart
Invisible provocation in this night
Crazy vision, be a little curious
Come on, sink into love's wildness
Don't be afraid, love is the way
Shawty, I got it
You can call me monster
I'm creepin' in your heart, babe
This love corrodes and devours you
Love steals happiness, adds tears
And eliminates your love
The flame in the heart, branding me down
Love is left after the century
Come here girl, you call me monster
Do you hear it, the stars in my heart
She got me going crazy
(Oh yeah, she got me)
Breathing already blurry
(Oh yeah, oh yeah, she got me)
That drunkenness won't sustain too long
Missing you will lead to loss of control (Love is a little despicable)
Inexplicably attracted to you
That's right, my type
Tonight, two hearts fight
Soul splitting inside the body
I stand at the dangerous border
Don't be afraid, love is the way
Shawty, I got it
You can call me monster
I'm creepin' in your heart, babe
This love corrodes and devours you
Love steals happiness, adds tears
And eliminates your love
The flame in the heart, branding me down
Love is left after the century
Come here girl, you call me monster
Do you hear it, the stars in my heart
Trembling dreams make you shiver
After having created chaos
I'm sorry, you make me so crazy
You know you do
Everyone is fearing me, so I'm untouchable, man
But at last your heart is no longer able to resist me
The me who is hidden in the darkness
Thrills and shocks you
Such a self-contradictory me
Is all of your existence (How we do?)
Just use love to prove the result
Abandon your inner fear and follow me
Enjoy the fire of love given by fate
And savor being close to me
Your soul is already written in my heart
And my love has caged you
The moonlight traces our chasing footsteps
You can call me monster
I'm creepin' in your heart, babe
This love corrodes and devours you
Love steals happiness, adds tears
And eliminates your love
The flame in the heart, branding me down
Love is left after the century
Come here girl, you call me monster
Do you hear it, the stars in my heart
Creepin’, creepin’, creepin’
Creepin’, creepin’, creepin’
Yeah, oh, creepin’

Wolf (Beauty and the Wolf)

Versions: #2
Wild instinct is hard to resist How badly I want to swallow your sweetness whole
First sniff the fragrance, admiring your exquisiteness I use the elegance used to taste red wine to enjoy you
Ah Why did my arms lose strength and my appetite disappear, eh~ It disappeared
Why would I oddly misbehave, this isn't like me, am I sick? (Ah, what to do now?)
Wake up quickly, stop guessing randomly, this feeling is definitely not love
She is only tonight's dinner
Hey! Don't disrupt, tell me she's the prey and stop being suspicious
Hey! It's a different style Before the full moon rises, I must capture you
I'm a wolf, a wolf, awoo~ Ah, I love you! You're the beauty, I'm the wolf
I'm a wolf, a wolf, awoo~ Ah, I love you! You're the beauty, I'm the wolf
As if I walked into a maze you gave Struggling after falling into a trap will only hurt more
I watch as the original me in my heart slowly opens fiery eyes
Look at the fear in her eyes She's glancing around, but can't find a path to escape
I feel like that beast is about to tear apart my body
But she doesn't know I've already sunken into a wild love
Only want perfect, perfect, perfect you!
Become my love, my love, my love, woo!
Don't keep avoiding, avoiding, avoiding me! Aha!
Close in on the crazy, the crazy, the crazy wolf!
You've trapped, trapped, trapped, wolf!
Entirely blind, blind, blind wolf!
Hey! Don't disrupt, tell me she's the prey and stop being suspicious
Hey! It's a different style Before the full moon rises, I must capture you
I'm a wolf, a wolf, awoo~ Ah, I love you! You're the beauty, I'm the wolf
I'm a wolf, a wolf, awoo~ Ah, I love you! You're the beauty, I'm the wolf
I've had enough of conflicting, grow angry and roar (Oh, woah~)
Can't resist Once I'm addicted, it's hard to turn back (Yeah, hey~ yeah~)
This yellow full moon is laughing at me, not living as forthright as a beast
Only pursuing this ridiculous love
Desperately trying to transform me But it went crazy above the night sky
But it can't stop me loving her
As if I walked into a maze you gave Struggling after falling into a trap will only hurt more
I watch as the original me in my heart slowly opens fiery eyes
As if I walked into a maze you gave Struggling after falling into a trap will only hurt more
(Hey! Don't disrupt, tell me she's the prey and stop being suspicious)
I watch as the original me in my heart
(Hey! It's a different style)
Slowly opens fiery eyes
I'm a wolf, a wolf, awoo~ Ah, I love you! You're the beauty, I'm the wolf
I'm a wolf, a wolf, awoo~ Ah, I love you! You're the beauty, I'm the wolf

Rhythm After Summer

Hey, it’s gettin’ chilly outside
You know after the summertime ends
And the heat goes away
There’s nothin’ better than
Having you in my arms
I know this feeling.
The rhythm after summer, here
Right now, with you laying by my side
And the wind blowing past
What else could I need?
This is like a Sunday brunch
Every morning sharing a kiss
Oh, this is all reality (all night)
I don’t even care if this is a dream
Because when I wake up all I’ll see is your face
What we have is special, you and me
Oh, the rhythm in my soul,
It only responds to you, babe
Oh, you know I can’t control myself
When the music changes,
You’ll be dyed in the sunset
The rhythm after, the rhythm after
The rhythm after the summer
The rhythm after the sun
The rhythm after the summer
I run to you
After completely melting,
We’ve become one
I like this feeling
The rhythm after summer’s everywhere
A new air embraces us
I’m comfortable, even more thanks to you
Even more thanks to you
The scent of the wind has changed
The cooling sunshine is a bit lonely (the sunshine)
Feel it all
If you feel the same as I do,
We must share one soul
What we have is special, you and me
Oh, the rhythm in my soul,
It only responds to you, babe
Oh, you know I can’t control myself
When the music changes,
You’ll be dyed in the sunset
The rhythm after, the rhythm after
The rhythm after the summer
The rhythm after the sun
The rhythm after the summer
I run to you
After completely melting,
We’ve become one
Let me hear your melody,
So I can feel my heart pound again
So I can fall in love with you all over again
When this season comes back around
Our own small show,
And I dance endlessly
You’re my rhythm
(My only rhythm is you)
And you light up my nights
We want each other,
Baby, what else do we need?
(We’ve become one)
What we have is special, you and me
Oh, the rhythm in my soul
(Rhythm after)
It only responds to you, babe
You know I can’t control myself
When the music changes, (baby maybe)
You’ll be dyed in the sunset
(Oh, baby rhythm after)
The rhythm after
The rhythm after
The rhythm after the summer
(Rhythm after)
The rhythm after the sun
The rhythm after the summer
(Rhythm after the summer, yeah)
I run to you
(Rhythm after the summer)
After completely melting
(Rhythm after the sun)
We’ve become one
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>


From under the bed, I smell a cup of coffee
The falling sunlight is beige, I like it
Today, I’ll leave my alarm
To sleep in too
On my left is a half-read comic book
Slowly turning it to the next page
I feel at peace
The curtains are shut but the window is half open
The spring breeze finds me
Still slightly cold but the sunlight gives it heat
I like it like this
Yea, who cares? I just wanna be lazy
The world outside is busy
But today, I feel lazy
It’s not a special Sunday
But today, I’m gonna be lazy (lazy like I’m dreaming)
Everything’s perfect
There’s no special plans
But outside the blank is no good
Maybe happiness is simple
(Simple is sexy baby, whoa)
Short naps, silent conversations
This is just fine
Lazy afternoon, perfect for my mood
Slow music with moderate volume
Just like the lyrics, it would be nice
If I got into a blue convertible and felt the breeze
But right now, I’m lazy
The world outside is busy
But today, I feel lazy
It’s not a special Sunday
But today, I’m gonna be lazy (lazy like I’m dreaming)
Push everything back for a moment
Let time pass
We can break all the rules
I wanna stay in this moment
Think about it baby
Today yeah
(I’m lazy)
It’s special to me
(A slightly more special holiday)
A day for me, who kept running busily
(A day for me)
Just like this, again yeah
(It’ll be a lazy day today)
Close your eyes
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>


See you, see you later
You said cheerfully as you waved
Even though you knew that
Really, we would never meet again
Our feelings can’t be expressed with words
Because it’s us after all
But I understood from just looking into your eyes
Your bluff and your gentle lies
Baby don’t cry cry cry
Your dim smile
Please laugh one last time just like you always did
Don’t say goodbye bye bye bye
Even though we’re far away
I hope I will always remember that smile of yours
No, people don’t meet
Just to break up later
The number of precious memories we’ve shared
Are probably countless
Baby don’t cry cry cry
Your amazing smile
Spending the days smiling beside no one else
Don’t say goodbye bye bye bye
Every time you say “It’s not goodbye”
The feelings pour out again
Cry as time marches on
If someday I forget everything
I’d like to stay just like this, the scars and pain
Embracing it all like this
I will not cry cry cry
Wiping my tears and giving a smile
From here walking towards a different tomorrow
Don’t say good bye bye bye
From now on and always
Because you will always be here in my heart
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>


Shake, shake, shake
You, looking at me nervously from the corner of the dance floor
Whenever someone gets close (Say hey whatcha say?)
You shake your head side to side
Were you brought here by an overbearing friend
And happened to get lost? (Say hey whatcha say?)
Then I’m thankful to fate
Holding tightly onto the fading glass of ice
Moving our bodies to the music
Our eyes met and you smiled
Shake shake shake your body
Shake shake shake your body
Don’t hesitate shy girl
Gotta move yourself and
Shake shake shake your body
Shake shake shake your body
I put my hand on your hips and come on over baby
Round and round and round, tonight everyone’s saying
“We want more, we want more”
Your face becomes hidden, shake
(Shake, shake, come on girl, shake)
Gotta move along, everyone is looking at you
And you begin to change (Say hey whatcha say?)
No one can simply just walk over to you
Don’t worry about the hands on the clock
You can trust me, I’m not a bad guy
Just come as you are
Shake shake shake your body
Shake shake shake your body
Don’t be embarassed shy girl
Gotta move yourself and
Shake shake shake your body
Shake shake shake your body
Melt into the sound now, come on over baby
Round and round and round, everyone tonight is surely saying
“We want more, we want more”
It’s become a night we won’t forget
In the dark night your silhouette bathes in the light
Each time our eyes meet you teasingly shine
We rise and hake shake shake your body
Shake shake shake your body
It’s okay if you mess up, fall in love
Gotta move yourself and
Shake shake shake your body
Shake shake shake your body
Push back your hair and come on over baby
Round and round and round, tonight everyone’s saying
“We want more, we want more”
Your face becomes hidden, shake
We rise and hake shake shake your body
Shake shake shake your body
It’s okay if you mess up, falling in love
We gonna shake it tonight
We gonna shake it, shake it, shake it
We gonna shake it, shake it, shake it
We gonna shake it, shake it, shake it
We gonna shake it tonight
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Monday Blues

I can’t open my eyes
Outside the blanket is dangerous, I can’t get out
It’s still dark
But the alarm still wakes up so easily
Outside the bus, there’s too much traffic
Inside, there’s too many people, it’s suffocating
But when I met eyes with you
Felt like I woke up
Again Monday
It’s still a while to the weekend
Right when I was already getting so tired
You came to me like a holiday
What are you?
You always pass by in just one moment
Making me feel so dizzy
Your pretty face shook me awake
It’s still the same day
The lazy clock is getting even slower
Can’t see the end to my work
Keeps building up like fatigue
My footsteps on my way back home is so slow
I’m placing my body in the rattling wave
The moment I closed my eyes
I saw you again
Again Monday
It’s still a while to the weekend
Right when I was already getting so tired
You came to me like a holiday
(I’ll see you baby, girl, I’ll see you baby yeah)
What are you?
You always pass by in just one moment
Making me feel so dizzy
Your pretty face shook me awake
(You woke me up)
If we meet like this
If we keep staring at each other
I think I might misunderstand
I keep smiling for no reason
My heart keeps racing
I’m making it so obvious
We get on at the same time
We go in the same direction
So it feels like I’m taking you home
Wanna get a cup of coffee?
Do you like movies?
Do you have time right now?
Again Monday
It’s still a while to the weekend
Why are you making my heart flutter so much?
Every day, you’re a holiday that repeats
When I open my eyes
Why do I keep thinking about you?
I wanna see you again
So these days, I wait for each day like it’s the weekend, every day
(Today’s the day, today’s the day, maybe today)
I feel like you’ll look at me today
That’s why, that’s why, that’s why
That’s why, that’s why, that’s why
Today, baby, I wanna talk to you
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Tornado Spiral

Yeah, oh, ride on
Tornado Spiral
Tornado Spiral
Tornado Spiral
That’s right, come on!
Come on girls
Making me go so crazy
Ambitions and ulterior motives
If it’s what you desire,
I’ll get stuck in the traffic for you even on my day-offs
Going round and round my territory
Dancing and singing until late at night
Hey, that girl, she’s such a cutie
Let’s go speak to her
Even If we speak to her and she ends up ignoring us
That would actually excite me more
Strong pride? Gotta go
Stubbornness? No no no
I don’t have any of those things
The only thing I have is this baseless self-confidence
Tornado spiral
Let’s create one, anytime here we go
Tornado spiral
Let’s get sucked up by it and travel everywhere
Wow wow wow
So take a ride, take a ride
Tornado spiral
Take a ride, take a
Whoa-aha whoah-oho
Take a ride, take a ride
Tornado spiral
Take a ride, take a
Whoa-aha whoah-oho
Partying night and day
Let’s dance all night
Drink and make some noise, get your swag
Come on girls, it would be a waste, come here
Let’s go crazy
Stir it up, create some movement
Cut the air with your steps and skips
It all starts now, movement
I have no sense of tact
and no principles
This is the kind of tension that I desire
Always in a good mood
Instead of being tied by common sense
Aim for the top, Winner, You
Huge popularity? Gotta go
Expensive suits? No no no
I don’t have any of those things
All I have is the knowledge on how to enjoy life
Tornado spiral
Let’s create one, anytime here we go
Tornado spiral
Let’s get sucked up by it and travel everywhere
Wow wow wow
So take a ride, take a ride
Tornado spiral
Take a ride, take a
Whoa-aha whoah-oho
Take a ride, take a ride
Tornado spiral
Take a ride, take a
Whoa-aha whoah-oho
I got you spinnin’ around
I got you spinnin’ around
I got you spinnin’ around
Baby fall in love, burn it up Spark spark
I got you spinnin’ around
I got you spinnin’ around
I got you spinnin’ around
A dazzling universe wow!
Tornado spiral
Let’s create one, anytime here we go
Tornado spiral
Let’s get sucked up by it and travel everywhere
Wow wow wow
So take a ride, take a ride
Tornado spiral
Take a ride, take a
Whoa-aha whoah-oho
Take a ride, take a ride
Tornado spiral
Take a ride, take a
Whoa-aha whoah-oho
Yeah, Oh, Ride on
Tornado Spiral
Tornado Spiral
Tornado Spiral
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Beautiful Gangsan

The sky is blue and the clouds are white
The soft breeze blows into my heart, yeah
The trees are green, the river is blue
In this beautiful place, I am here and you are here
Let’s hold hands and go, let’s run to the wilderness
Let’s come together and talk about new hopes, yeah
The brightly shining red sun shines
With the ocean that overflows with blue waves
Beautiful world
The sky is blue and the clouds are white
The soft breeze blows into my heart, yeah
The trees are green, the river is blue
In this beautiful place, I am here and you are here
Let’s hold hands and go, let’s run to the wilderness
Let’s come together and talk about new hopes, yeah
The brightly shining red sun shines
With the ocean that overflows with blue waves
Beautiful world
How nice is this? In this place we live
I’m singing with you, the one I love
The brightly shining red sun shines
With the ocean that overflows with blue waves
Beautiful world
Beautiful world
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Promise (Chinese Version) (EXO 2014)

In the dark, I close the door, quiet and a little helpless
The stage with a changed cast Certainly regretful shadows
You wordlessly output everything for me but never said anything
I gather my courage and again open my eyes
Time is slipping away little by little
All that I've done for you might still not be enough
I'm struggling to hug you tight
Replacing you is impossible
Just like our promise
During the slipping time I use my tears to remember
Yearning for everything of the past
I want to say sorry But I love you so much
Can you please once again trust me?
Hug you in my arms Hands holding on tightly
As long as you're blissful, happy, I'm willing
To give everything All to you
At all costs, I guard your smiling eyes
(Your smiling eyes) Only for you
From some unknown point That smiling appearance isn't you
If your heart can no longer give me that kind of love
I will still remember those memories
So blurry that I feel unfortunate
Everything will get better It'll be passed
Comfort already can't comfort my heart
Because I know that someday you have to leave
Please don't leave I want to hold your hand
Already evading anyway The scene of promise doesn't have you
Know Then can I forever stay by your side
Breathing in sync We remember again
Thank you I'm sorry I love you
All is this is already not enough to express my everything
My love Just let me guard you
Yeah, and that broken promise
Time is slipping away little by little
All that I've done for you might still not be enough
I'm struggling to hug you tight
Replacing you is impossible
Just like our promise
Looking back at this road But my tears won't stop
I hide all of this in my heart
Carrying my dream And the love that you gave
All of the sweat spilling onstage
Hug you in my arms Hands holding on tightly
As long as you're blissful, happy, I'm willing
To give everything All to you
(You and I) In those beautiful times
You and I together Drips and drops of memories
You said declaratively We'll create miracles
(I know)
Feeling with the heart Knowing you will be beside me
(Deep breath Feeling with the heart Knowing you will be beside me)
Promising you I want us forever
(Don't sigh Promising you I want us forever)
I will not let anybody hurt your heart
This is my only firm thought
During the slipping time I use my tears to remember
Yearning for everything of the past
I want to say sorry But I love you so much
Can you please once again trust me?
Hug you in my arms Hands holding on tightly
As long as you're blissful, happy, I'm willing
I will bring true All of this
Oh, yeah
I promise you

Miracles in December (Chinese Ver.)

I yearn to see
See the you I cannot see
I listen attentively
Listen to the you I cannot hear
I see scenes I once wasn't able to see
Hear inaudible tones
You gave me superpowers
After you left me
I once was Too selfish
Only taking care of myself
I once was Too stupid
Didn't understand your heart
I now am Changing day by day
Though you're not by my side
But I'm changing because of you
Because of the love that you gave
Every time I miss you
The entire world is filled with you
The snowflakes under the night sky
Every crystal is one of your tears
Want you to be instantly in my sight
Want you to return to my side
This powerless superpower
Still can't redeem me
I once was Too selfish
Only taking care of myself
I once was Too stupid
Didn't understand your heart
I now am Changing day by day
Though you're not by my side
But I'm changing because of you
Because of the love that you gave
Freeze time's footsteps
Return to your side
That memory book
Flip back to the page of the past
You and I on that page
Oh~ ho You and I back then
I, who is not strong enough
Is changing each day Because of your love
You changed everything (My entire life)
All of this (My entire world) Oh
I once didn't know to
Thank and treasure having love
I once thought that even if
Love ended it wouldn't be a pity
But now I am Changing because of you
Though you're not by my side
My love still continues
Like there are no boundaries
Freeze time's footsteps (Oh, I still want to)
Return to your side (Return to your side)
That memory book (Oh, that memory)
Is full of sorrowful words
Disappearing with tears
Oh~ ho Go back again to that white season
I yearn to see
See the you I cannot see
I listen attentively
Listen to the you I cannot hear

Peter Pan (Chinese Version)

Versions: #2
Oh woah~ Oh woah oh oh oh woah~
Oh woah oh oh oh woah~
Oh woah oh oh oh woah~
An old diary forgotten in the corner
Flipping open the past omitted by dust
On that page You're still so radiant Remaining inside
The pictures of the past gradually wake
Heartbeat seeming as surging as that day
Too bad time can't backtrack as we wish
Your Peter Pan Is a little lonely after you left Go back to our Neverland
The memories are all still there Us gazing and smiling at each other is still there
I'm forever your Peter Pan I'm still left in time, anticipating
Through the clouds Fly over the memory sea To go see irreplaceable love
Oh woah oh oh oh woah~ Oh woah oh oh oh woah~
Oh woah oh oh oh woah~ Oh woah oh oh oh woah~
Your bullies have all been defeated and shooed away by me
That memory is clear and undamaged in my heart
That day, your heart Was given to me to keep Partnered with your kiss
Beside you My heart soared atop the clouds
My only princess, you're cuter than Wendy
Heart beating nonstop only because of you Eyes sparkling only when I see you
Your Peter Pan Is a little lonely after you left Go back to our Neverland
The memories are all still there Us gazing and smiling at each other is still there
I'm forever your Peter Pan I'm still left in time, anticipating
Through the clouds Fly over the memory sea To go see irreplaceable love
Pink residing on the face Feeling like it's strolling on the clouds
Baby boo, my heart is speeding Like exiting a painting, you
Back then, your eyes Had greeted me like a smile
Now, a window is still open in my heart, waiting for you to fly in
You who are kept in my fairytales Flies in my sky, sweety girl
My heart is still palpitating This lonely island is now without you
You who are etched in my memories Can never be wiped away, pretty girl
My heart is still palpitating This place doesn't have you (At that section)
Flipping past the last section with you (the last section)
Though it will be a little regretful (A little regretful)
Dispersing sorrow Using hopeful words to edit and replace (Dispersing sorrow~ To edit and replace~)
Making time's clockwork tick faster (Your Peter Pan)
Our story still has a half (Still has a half)
At some turn (Some turn)
Fate is still waiting There must still be beautiful arrangements


(Yeah you deserve it)
And I’mma do it like I do it like a gentleman, gentleman
Treat you like a gentleman, gentleman
(You got it going on)
You, stop giving me those cold eyes
Does no one believe a person can be kind?
No one thinks so, but even though no one thinks so
Even if asked what their type is (girl like) hmm
They would say “I like kind people”
So attached that it’s scary my mind
Try try until it comes undone
Oh baby baby baby
The coat that hides your heart
You can take it off, I’ll wait
I can’t see, your belongings too (Let go of it all)
Where you are, there’s no one like me (no one like me)
Can you tell me apart from a playboy?
I’m gonna treat you like a gentleman, gentleman
Treat you like a gentleman, gentleman
Gently getting down on one knee for you
Each time giving you my love
Gentleman, gentleman
Do you like a gentleman, gentleman?
Take my hand
And I’ll be your escort
Uh wearing those high heels
Uh it seems you’re getting lightheaded and losing focus
Walking home alone everyday
It’s hard, isn’t it, so take a seat
Oh baby baby baby
Those black lenses that hide those eyes of yours
Slowly take them off, take a good look
I give you my everything (Look into my heart)
Where you are, there’s no one like me (no one like me)
Is it that those bad men from the past have been piling up?
I’m gonna treat you like a gentleman, gentleman
Treat you like a gentleman, gentleman
Gently getting down on one knee for you
Each time giving you my love
Gentleman, gentleman
Do you like a gentleman, gentleman?
Take my hand
And I’ll be your escort
If you are afraid of love right now
Just let me
Take care of everything A to Z wooo yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
And I’mma do it like I do it like a gentleman, gentleman
Treat you like a gentleman, gentleman
(Cause babe, I got it all)
I’m gonna treat you like a gentleman, gentleman
Treat you like a gentleman, gentleman
Gently getting down on one knee for you
Each time giving you my love
Gentleman, gentleman
Do you like a gentleman, gentleman?
Take my hand
And I’ll be your escort
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Miss You

Kissing through the phone
Gazing at each other through the phone
Embracing each other through the phone
Our love is being tested
Hit it
Look, my heart is like a magnet, baby
It’s being attracted to you
It would be crazier to fight against these feelings
Although there is some distance between us
You cry on the phone
Say that it’s all right
Although I didn’t ask
Are you trying to make me worry?
Or are you trying to calm me down?
If that’s the case, Magnetic Love
Just believe in it, oh
Miss you
Our love is becoming more and more genuine
as it keeps being tested by distance
Miss you
I’m sure it’s destiny
I’m by your side, baby, always
Oh Oh Oh Oh Wherever you are
Oh Oh Oh Oh I can feel your presence
Yeah I’m going to a party tonight again, baby
But ever since I met you
There are no other girls to me on this planet
I only have eyes for you
Actually I feel like
I’m the one who should be more worried
They say once you fall in love
You become more beautiful
More radiant
But Magnetic Love
I will just put my trust in you, oh
Miss you
Our love is becoming more and more genuine
as it keeps being tested by distance
Miss you
I’m sure it’s destiny
Close your eyes, come on baby anytime
Oh Oh Oh Oh Wherever you are
Oh Oh Oh Oh Believe in me
Hello, It’s me
I just want to hear your voice, yeah
Polishing my appearance when I’m by myself
I want you to say those words to me when we meet next time “Jeez!”
The surprise is bigger because we don’t see each other that often
I’ve turned into a man you can hardly recognize
Love that is bound by distance
Is like a strong wind (The fire of love)
It will stop the fire but
Also make it burn stronger than before
Miss you
Our love is becoming more and more genuine
as it keeps being tested by distance
Miss you
I’m sure it’s destiny
I’m by your side, baby, always
Oh Oh Oh Oh Wherever you are (The heart is always)
Oh Oh Oh Oh I can always feel your presence
The time in which we’re apart from each other
Is testing our love
Even if we’re apart
I can feel your presence
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

King and Queen

The hard days I’ve gotten over to become stronger
Until I reach my destination
Tempt this path that’s connected to a new day
Don’t waver and continue, just go straight
Instead of becoming someone’s “Yes man”
I’ll open the path myself, building my own world
Getting stronger every time I recover from injuries
Ain’t nobody can tell me what to do
Come follow me baby baby
There’s nothing to be scared of
Baby baby just do as your heart tells you
In my life I gotta be the King
Yes, I gotta be the King
I won’t let anyone get in my way
No matter what happens from here on
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Just be by my side and laugh
That’s enough for me
The King and Queen
You hear the calling?
Once it reverberates in your heart
Throw your hesitation away
We don’t need it anymore
We can sway freely to the sound
Here we are all King and Queen
So come on and let’s go
Anytime we connect with other people
Our own world extends more
Spread the words and spread the love
If you’re satisfied, don’t turn around
Just continue believing like this
If you’re not here, a King needs a Queen
We become free when we dance
Don’t pay attention to anyone
Ain’t nobody can tell you what to do
Come follow me baby baby
There’s nothing to be scared of
Baby baby just do as your heart tells you
In my life I gotta be the King
Yes, I gotta be the King
I won’t let anyone get in my way
No matter what happens from here on
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Just be by my side and laugh
That’s enough for me
The King and Queen
Rise up, rise up, we don’t stop
Just keep your faith
We are gonna make it to the top
I only live once, you only live once
Never lie to yourself
You have to protect that pride yeah
Close your eyes and count to five
Once your heart has decided, look over
Wonderful world
Stars shining right now, whose is it?
It is mine, it is mine, it is mine
In my life I gotta be the King
Yes, I gotta be the King
I won’t let anyone get in my way
No matter what happens from here on
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Girl you gotta be the Queen
Just be by my side and laugh
That’s enough for me
The King and Queen
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

In This World

Baby, you know I love you
There are days where you can lose your way
Everybody what do you believe in?
You are living everyday
But there isn’t just one thing you need
Baby, let me know
What is the most important thing you need?
I want it to hold
I want it to be next to you
You are afraid of losing things
And you may even have sleepless nights
And when you feel it, we can go far away
Just remember me and we will be fine
In this world
You can’t see love with your eyes, let’s hold hands
In this world
The thing I need to live, It’s you
When you’re crying or laughing, I will be by your side
There are days where you dream
Everybody do you believe in you?
I want it to hold
I want it to be next to you
Those times when you feel like
You can’t do anything well and want to run away
And when you feel it, we can go far away
Just remember me and we will be fine
In this world
We don’t know the future, but let’s paint it together
In this world
The thing you need to live is My love
Even if you go down the wrong path, that’s not the end, I am here
The world is testing us
Can you believe me?
Can you believe in love?
Even when you look away
I repeat “I love you” over and over
In this world
You can’t see love with your eyes, let’s hold hands
In this world
The thing I need to live is you
In this world
We don’t know the future, but let’s paint it together
In this world
Let’s live on together, even if it’s scary it will be alright with you
When you’re crying or laughing, I will be by your side
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Ringa Ringa Ring

Yeah, I try to get to you
But I can’t get through
Yo, I got a message
Ringa ringa ring ring yeah
Ringa ringa ring ring yeah
Ringa ringa ring ring yeah
Ha-ah ha-ah
Ringa ringa ring ring yeah
Ringa ringa ring ring yeah
Ringa ringa ring ring yeah
Ha-ah ha-ah
What’s wrong? I’m a puppet on a string string
My heart is being controlled to sing sing
My mind is growing violent, my love is growing higher
Dive without looking ahead, love is bli-ind
Inside that bag of yours
My love is precious I’m shaking baby
It’s unbelievable Now I’m going crazy?
So just tell me
Have you fallen in love with someone you don’t know again?
Everytime I call you but I get a busy tone
Can I call you again?
It never stops ringing, a m-mysterious calling
I want to see you
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
It never stops ringing, a m-m-mysterious calling
I can hear it, yet another Ring ring ring ring
Hello, don’t gimme that
Ringa ringa ring ring yeah
Ringa ringa ring ring yeah
Ringa ringa ring ring yeah
Yo, I got a message
That’s all steal steal this heart
I can stop it, it will be stopped save save
take back my mind getting lost, losing my way
Our weight is 10:0, but mine love is bli-ind
In your heart you must have
Already noticed my love
Maybe you’re teasing me, now I’m going crazy
So just tell me
You’re so beautiful where are you, what are you doing now?
Everytime I call you but I get a busy tone
What should I do with these feelings?
It never stops ringing, a m-mysterious calling
(No calling)
I want to see you
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
It never stops ringing, a m-m-mysterious calling
(Your calling)
I can hear it, yet another Ring ring ring ring
I want to hear your voice, even if I search for your sound
I catch it but it just slips from my grasp like a dream
It never stops ringing, a m-mysterious Calling
(Your calling)
I want to see you
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
It never stops ringing, a m-m-mysterious
Calling I can hear it, yet another Ring ring ring ring
Hello, don’t gimme that
Busy tone, busy tone
Busy busy busy tone
Busy tone, busy tone, ring ring ring ring
Busy tone, busy tone
Busy busy busy tone
Busy tone, busy tone, ring ring ring ring
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Off The Wall

Something so unimaginable
That you couldn’t have fathomed it until yesterday
You already know, baby you already know yo
Let’s update your daily standard yeah
Right here, right now, we so fly
Turn it up, make it loud turn it up
Come, we can draw it by ourselves
This space is spreading endlessly
(Higher ground)
What you feel, these hands that
Overflow with color
Uh uh uh everybody
So what you waiting for, what you waiting for
Crossing the borderline, there’s no turning back
Out of the box, what you waiting for
Anywhere, anytime, just like this
Off the wall (It’s alright)
Off the wall (It’s alright)
And the brass goes
Trapped inside an invisible box of nonsense
You already know, baby you already know yo
So you want to do it the same as before? If so, the answer is no
Turn it up, make it loud turn it up
Come, we can draw it by ourselves
This space is spreading endlessly
(Higher ground)
What you feel, these hands that
Overflow with color
Uh uh uh everybody
So what you waiting for, what you waiting for
Crossing the borderline, there’s no turning back
Out of the box, what you waiting for
Anywhere, anytime, just like this
Off the wall (It’s alright)
Off the wall (It’s alright)
Off to a place no one has ever been
Let’s go leave our mark
Show me the scenery that
Only you can draw
Cut the chain and gain no more limits
Get ready for the slaying
Until it pierces through (That’s right that’s right)
Just running through
So what you waiting for, what you waiting for
Crossing the borderline, there’s no turning back
Out of the box, what you waiting for
Anywhere, anytime, just like this
Off the wall (It’s alright)
Off the wall (It’s alright)
So what you waiting for, what you waiting for
Crossing the borderline, there’s no turning back
Out of the box, what you waiting for
Anywhere, anytime, just like this
Off the wall (It’s alright)
Off the wall (It’s alright)
And the brass goes
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Sweet Dreams!

When everyone else is asleep at night
I’m alone, busy, in front of the mirror
With clothes I picked out yesterday
And shoes that I like the most
I’m pretty satisfied with myself
Where should we go?
Should we watch a movie?
When I’m with you, it’s a good time, oh love
I’m happy whenever I think about you
I don’t know why I’m acting like this
Why are the nights so long?
Why can’t I fall asleep?
I think I’ll stay up all night like this
I hope at least you get sweet dreams
Good night, see you tomorrow
Good night, see you tomorrow
Good night, see you tomorrow
Good night, see you tomorrow
It was an especially slow day today
But I got through hump day at the thought of you
I met you and it became a holiday
Even on dark weekdays
When I color them with you
It’s like a fiery weekend, oh love
I’m happy whenever I think about you
I don’t know why I’m acting like this
Why are the nights so long?
Why can’t I fall asleep?
I think I’ll stay up all night like this
I hope at least you get sweet dreams
Oh baby, time is ticking so slowly
Did the clock stop?
Oh baby, the night is too long
How are you right now? Good night
Why do I like you so much?
Why can’t I sleep?
Like this till morning, all night
Instead of me, have sweet dreams
Good night, see you tomorrow
Good night, see you tomorrow
Good night, see you tomorrow
Good night, see you tomorrow
Good night, see you tomorrow
When the sun rises in the morning, alright
Good night, see you tomorrow
I’ll see you tomorrow
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Diamond Crystal

Slipping through my fingers
Love is shaped like your tears
Slightly shaking despite hiding my hesitation
Your answer is “no”
We can’t go back to the path we’ve walked
While being huddled up to each other, goodbye
The more I embrace you
Even though we’re so in love
We both hurt, hurt each other
But I still wanted to be with you
Sorrowful diamond, diamond crystal
Love, this colorless, transparent ocean, oh
Color it as deep as you can, yeah
Don’t cry anymore
Or I’ll end up repeating it again
“Let’s stop…”
None of us said that
I had naturally let go of your hand
Our answer is “no”
Counting down on my fingers (Yeah so much)
The days until I can see you again (By my side)
Although I was dreaming, goodbye
The more I embrace you
Even though we’re so in love
We both hurt, hurt each other
But I still wanted to be with you
I want you to stay forever
Sorrowful diamond, diamond crystal
Only time moves on
Never losing its vividness
My heart remains beautiful
Despite shattering into pieces
Not everything turns into memories
It will continue shining brightly until eternity
I will continue loving you
Even if I’m miserable
It would have been okay if I broke
I didn’t want us to go separate ways
The more I embrace you
Even though we’re so in love
We both hurt, hurt each other
But I still wanted to be with you
Cause I thought we would always be here, together
Sorrowful diamond, diamond crystal
Crystal yeah
My dear diamond, diamond crystal
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Girl Problems

Uh alright, girl problems
Yeah, that’s right uh
The image of the vivid dress
That makes me come to my senses
Is it alright if I keep it to myself?
Sugar candy honey baby, a sweet trap
Is unfair because of its sweetness
Girl you should be mine
I have no intention of hurting you, baby
It’s not a game to me
Are you also feeling so happy, so happy
It’s obvious
The guy you spotted in town
Was just someone who resembles me
After all there’s only one answer girl
Cause you are the no. 1
Do you like strawberries?
Wanna catch a movie?
Oh yes, me too, always earnest
But girl problems in both hands
Do you like chocolate?
Is it sweet on your lips?
Oh yes, me too, it’s only you
But they’re real, girl problems
My phone won’t stop ringing
Too many unread messages
Tonight, anywhere
There’s no way I can escape
These are my girl problems
I’ve come to my senses, stinging cheek pain
The feeling in my hands, I’m blank on my bed
Sugar candy honey baby, a sweet trap
It’s unfair because the trap is waiting
The guy you spotted in town
Was just someone who resembles me
After all there’s only one answer girl
Cause you are the no. 1
Do you like strawberries?
Wanna catch a movie?
Oh yes, me too, always earnest
But girl problems in both hands
Do you like chocolate?
Is it sweet on your lips?
Oh yes, me too, it’s only you
But they’re real, girl problems
My phone won’t stop ringing
Too many unread messages
Tonight where should I go?
There’s no way I can escape
These are my girl problems
Reverberating high heel sound
The knocking on the door
Tonight, anywhere
There’s no way I can escape
These are my girl problems
Dear stars scattered all over the sky
Can I make a wish now?
(I wish my problems away)
Once that day breaks
I’m brand new yeah
Cause you are the no. 1
Do you like strawberries?
Wanna catch a movie?
Oh yes, me too, always earnest
But girl problems in both hands
Do you like chocolate?
Is it sweet on your lips?
Oh yes, me too, it’s only you
But they’re real, girl problems
My phone won’t stop ringing
Too many unread messages
Tonight where should I go?
There’s no way I can escape
These are my girl problems
Reverberating high heel sound
The knocking on the door
Tonight, anywhere
There’s no way I can escape
These are my girl problems
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>

Hey Mama!

I was busy all day long
I can’t even walk as usual
But this night is too cool to go home
I don’t have any plans yet
But my feelings are high
I don’t have plans, why don’t I call you
What you think about that
What you think about that that
That moon calls us so badly
What you think about that
What you think about that that
Hey Mama, at this very moment
Let’s make a night (Woo oh woo oh)
Just you and I (Woo oh woo oh)
Hey Mama, a night with nothing special
Let’s make a night (Woo oh woo oh)
Just you and I (Woo oh woo oh)
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
Forget everything and come here
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
Surprise me right now
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
Step into the night, get on the stars
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
Look at me rushing to you
(That’s right)
Yo, no need to dress well
So what if you came right after work?
It’ll take a long time if you get dolled up
But you’re already pretty
Actually you’re hot whatever you wear
It’s obvious even if we make plans
We don’t have enough time
Sun is downing now
I want to see you now
What you think about that
What you think about that that
I want to fly on this heat with you
What you think about that
What you think about that that
Hey Mama, at this very moment
Let’s make a night (Woo oh woo oh)
Just you and I (Woo oh woo oh)
Hey Mama, a night with nothing special
Let’s make a night (Woo oh woo oh)
Just you and I (Woo oh woo oh)
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
Forget everything and come here
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
Surprise me right now
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
Step into the night, get on the stars
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
Look at me rushing to you
(That’s right)
Ah yeah, are you ready? (That’s right)
Everybody put your hands up
Now 1 2 3
Change your daily life all
(Change, change everything)
Everyday is a party day
(It’s a party day, it’s a party day)
Change the whole world
Until everyone falls down, all night
Hey Mama, everyone stand up now
Let’s make a night (Woo oh woo oh)
Just you and I (Woo oh woo oh)
Hey Mama, a special night because we’re together
Let’s make a night (Woo oh woo oh)
Just you and I (Woo oh woo oh)
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
Forget everything and come here
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
Surprise me right now
(Let’s make a night baby)
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
Step into the night, get on the stars
(That’s right) (Ooh whoo whoo)
(Get on the stars, oh oh)
Look at me rushing to you
(That’s right)
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>


Let the tension move your body
Let everybody dance (Hurry up)
Let the tension move your body
Let everybody dance
A sight of relief at midnight, good work, let’s go on parade
Tomorrow is fast approaching, but it’s still Tuesday
Having to do this and that
Not cleaning up over here and there
Ooh everybody be free
Ooh everybody complete the mission
Ooh ooh ha ha now
Gotta do it, gotta do it, gotta do it, gotta do it
Don’t keep repeating that
Quit it, quit it, quit it, quit it
Because you don’t need to do it now
The moonlight that illuminates us
Are you trying to entice me? Let’s make a password
Call my name, call my name
Call my name, call my name
Everybody say CBX
An unexpected exciting
Guerilla guerilla party
We can’t wait for the weekend
Stand up everybody, dance right now
Throw away your routine
Guerilla guerilla guerilla party
Now that it’s begun
You can’t help but dance till the end
Everybody say CBX
Oh lalalalala in an instant all the party people go
Oh lalalalala
Stand up everybody, dance right now
Oh lalalalala guerilla guerilla guerilla party
Ooh we did it, let’s take our victory
An endles special night
The penlights that illuminates us
Forget everything around you, let’s cheer together
Call my name, call my name
Call my name, call my name
Everybody say CBX
An unexpected exciting
Guerilla guerilla party
We can’t wait for the weekend
Stand up everybody, dance right now
Throw away your routine
Guerilla guerilla guerilla party
Now that it’s begun
You can’t help but dance till the end
Everybody say CBX
Let the tension move your body
Let everybody dance (Hurry up)
Let the tension move your body
Let everybody dance
Let the tension move your body
Let everybody dance
Let the tension move your body
Guerilla guerilla guerilla party
An unexpected exciting
Guerilla guerilla party
We can’t wait for the weekend
Stand up everybody, dance right now
Throw away your routine
Guerilla guerilla guerilla party
Now that it’s begun, at last
Ah, let’s dance now
Oh lalalalala in an instant all the party people go
Oh lalalalala
Stand up everybody, dance right now
Oh lalalalala guerilla guerilla guerilla party
Once it’s begun, it’s the best
You can’t help but shout
Everybody say CBX
<<<난 니 꿈꿔 오늘밤 널 매일 밤 난 우리 둘이>>>