Превод текста

Резултати претраге страна 9

Број резултата: 477


BWV 248, II, 4 Recitative B: What God promised to Abraham.

What God promised to Abraham
He now allows to the band of shepherds
To be shown as fulfilled.
A shepherd had all beforehand
to learn from God.
And now also a shepherd must of the deed
that was promised in the past
first know of the fulfilment.

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio II, 9: Then go there, you shepherds, go.

Recitativ B
Then go there, you shepherds, go,
that you may see the wonder:
And if you find the son of the Highest
lying in a hard manger,
then sing to him in his cradle
in a sweet tone
and with the whole choir
this song for his rest!

BWV 248 II, 8 Chorale: Look, there lies in the dark stable.

8. Chorale
Look, there lies in the dark stable
one who has dominion over all!
Where once an ox sought food
now rests the Virgin's child.

BWV 245 20 Aria T: Consider how his back so stained with bleeding.

Consider how his back so stained with bleeding
In every portion
Doth heaven imitate,
On which, when once the waves and waters
From our own Flood of sin have settled,
The world's most lovely rainbow, arching,
As God's own sign of blessing stands!

In Your Smile

I know well that he's a jealous degenerate
That's why you've denied our love
How good that you've kept it quiet
How good that you've lied to him
How good for the three of us, it's for the best
Yet I know that some nights in your bed
In your dreams you curl up next to me
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because in my dreams I gave you a thousand kisses
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because last night I was yours and you were mine
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
I take comfort in knowing that you haven't forgotten me
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
Because the wind shouts your name at me and smells of you
Yet I know that some nights in your bed
In your dreams you curl up next to me
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because in my dreams I gave you a thousand kisses
And I know that the morning wakes up more beautiful
Because last night I was yours and you were mine
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
I take comfort in knowing that you haven't forgotten me
And I'm glad to know that I'm hiding in your smile
Because the wind shouts your name at me and smells of you


Sunflowers (Sunflower)
Once upon a time ,my friends,
We used to build house at trees.
In a sweet dream
we were looking at the ground and sky.
Our hearts were like birds, friends,
We opened wings to the world.
we weren't imprisoned to time,
We was living life freely.
We were children, we were bright stars back then.
The moon was enchanted, phosphorescence, sea,
then it is the last time we run.
From that time to now ,friends,
what we want?what we miss?
We are like rivers looking for the sea.
Let the windows stay open, let the rain falls at night.
May our sunflower dreams increase with the sound of rain ...

I've loved you for a long time

i've been looking for you for a long time
You disappear anyway.
Everyday I look for moments
I play in the casino..
i've been looking for you for a long time
Touching anyway.
Everyday only suffering
Everyday only movie.
You aren't perfect.
You aren't my type.
Why does everyone falling in love not with those who loved them?
These questions don't give me dormant
Everyone is talking about how bad am I
Everyone is talking about how bad am I...
Anastasia loved me
I have forgotten her.
Everytime I go back
to where I love.
Lara loved me
I haven't forgiven her.
Day by day I'm trying
to go back to where I loved.
i've been looking for you for a long time
You disappear anyway.
Everyday I look for moments
I play in the casino.
i've been looking for you for a long time
Touching anyway.
Everyday only suffering
Everyday only movie.

Без тебе ја нисам ја

Без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Ти си моја магија, аномалија
Са тобом хоћу одлетети у рај
Све ћу саградити под белим једром
Не треба ми пуно речи
Само буди са мном
На крају, без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Душо, ја нисам ја, душо, ја нисам ја
Спреман сам да издржим, да трчим
Спреман сам умрети, али са тобом дишем
Само не затварај врата
Пред мојим носем
Само ми веруј
И слатко ћеш спавати
Заједно смо градили
Ово је наш свет, наш свет
Како смо једно друго нашли
Веруј ми, драга и хајдемо
Овај свет нас чини болеснима
Без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Ти си моја магија, аномалија
Са тобом хоћу одлетети у рај
Све ћу саградити под белим једром
Не треба ми пуно речи
Само буди са мном
На крају, без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Душо, ја нисам ја, душо, ја нисам ја
Међу бројним сумњама
Ухвати се једног разлога и веруј ми
Говорили су ти да ће се ствари променити
Наравно да су ти говорили
Хоћеш ли поверовати? Не!
Па, како ме трпиш?
Да би ме трпела, мораш ме волети
Па, како ме трпиш?
Толико разлога да би ме силно волела
Заједно смо градили
Ово је наш свет, наш свет
Како смо једно друго нашли
Веруј ми, драга и хајдемо
Овај свет нас чини болеснима
Без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Ти си моја магија, аномалија
Са тобом хоћу одлетети у рај
Све ћу саградити под белим једром
Не треба ми пуно речи
Само буди са мном
На крају, без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Душо, ја нисам ја, душо, ја нисам ја

Without You I'm Not Myself

Without you, my dear, I'm not myself
You're my magic, you're an anomaly
With you I want to fly up to the heavens
I'll build everything myself under a white sail
And I don't need too many words
Just be with me, that's all
For without you, my dear, I'm not myself
My dear, I'm not myself, my dear, I'm not myself
I'm ready to endure, I'm ready to run
I'm ready to die, but to breathe with you
Just don't shut the door
In my face
Just trust me
And you'll fall asleep, rockabye
You and I built
This world of ours, our world
How did you and I find each other
Trust me, my dear, let's go
For this world has made us sick
Without you, my dear, I'm not myself
You're my magic, you're an anomaly
With you I want to fly up to the heavens
I'll build everything myself under a white sail
And I don't need too many words
Just be with me, that's all
For without you, my dear, I'm not myself
My dear, I'm not myself, my dear, I'm not myself
Through hundreds of doubts
You'll just need one reason to trust me
They told you things would change
Of course they did
Would you believe that? No!
Well, how can you stand me?
To stand me, you have to love me
Well, how can you stand me?
So many reasons to love me so much
You and I built
This world of ours, our world
How did you and I find each other
Trust me, my dear, let's go
For this world has made us sick
Without you, my dear, I'm not myself
You're my magic, you're an anomaly
With you I want to fly up to the heavens
I'll build everything myself under a white sail
And I don't need too many words
Just be with me, that's all
For without you, my dear, I'm not myself
My dear, I'm not myself, my dear, I'm not myself

I love you

You did want to know what tomorrow brings, but
it's difficult to predict who will break the shackles first
and you know, I wanted to tell you than and you know, I want it now
I was late to get it of my chest than and tell you
I do love you
I wanted to live all my life with you
now I've lost you
I don't know if I can bring you back
you used to come to me and I've caused you pain
and I didn't know than how precious you were to me
we broke up now and I'm still waiting for your
I do love you
I wanted to live all my life with you
now I've lost you
I don't know if I can bring you back
You did want to know what tomorrow brings, but
it's difficult to predict who will break the shackles first
and you know, I wanted to tell you than and you know, I want it now
I was late to get it of my chest than and tell you
oh my love
my lover
I belong to you
I do love you
I wanted to live all my life with you
now I've lost you
I don't know if I can bring you back

Moja jedina (Ne postoji niko drugi)

Sećam se kad sam te upoznao, nisam želeo da padnem
Osetio sam da su mi se ruke tresle jer si izgledala tako prelepo
Sećam se kad si me poljubila, znao sam da si bila ona prava
I, oh, ruke su mi se tresle kada si svirala moju omiljenu pesmu
Ne znam zašto, ali svaki put kada te pogledam u oči
Vidim na hiljade zvezda padalica i da, volim te
Ne mogu da verujem da si svaku noć pored mene
Obećavam da ću ostati ovde do jutra
I podići te kada budeš padala
Kada kiša postane teška, kada ti bude dosta svega
Samo ću te oboriti sa nogu i popraviti te mojom ljubavlju
Moja jedina
Moja jedina
Reci mi kako to radiš
Jedva dišem sa tim osmehom koji imaš
Imaš najbolji deo mene i sve što zaista želim je da ti dam sebe celog
Reci mi kako to radiš, kako me vratiš
Vratiš nazad u život i onda zaustaviš otkucaje srca, ne mogu da podnesem to
Ne znam zašto, ali svaki put kada te pogledam u oči
Vidim na hiljade zvezda padalica i da, volim te
Ne mogu da verujem da si svaku noć pored mene
Brinuću se o tebi noću
Voleću te bez pogovora
Nedostajaćeš mi u oluji
Iako ima milion razloga da odustanem
Obećavam da ću ostati ovde do jutra
I podići te kada budeš padala
Kada kiša postane teška, kada ti bude dosta svega
Samo ću te oboriti sa nogu i popraviti te mojom ljubavlju
Moja jedina, ne postoji niko drugi
Moja jedina, ne postoji niko drugi
Ti si moja jedina
Jednostavno ne postoji niko drugi, ouh, uoh
Moja jedina

It's Impossible Not To Love You

Maybe, I will know one day
That it is so diffcult to go away
You can be cute or bad
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
I know how these lips lie
But your lies will destroy you
You can be ridiculous or rough
But it's impossible to forget you
But it's impossible to forget you
When I come to know of your cheating
I feel hurt and disappointment
But I see tenderness in your eyes
And I greedily drink your love
And I greedily drink your love
You can be strange and far
And love can be ridiculously insignificant
You can be trashy and cruel
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
It's impossible
Maybe, I will know one day
That it is so diffcult to go away
You can be cute or bad
But it's impossible not to love you
But it's impossible not to love you
It's impossible

Због тебе

Осећам се лоше вечерас
И то само због тебе
Не иди, волим те много
Волим те
Не знаш, колико ме боли
Ох, колико ме боли
Хеј, саслушај ме
Немој убити осећања, драга
Колико тога смо заједно прошли?
Колико дана...
Осећам се лоше вечерас
И то само због тебе
Не иди, волим те много
Волим те

Без тебе ја нисам ја

Без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Ти си моја магија, аномалија
Са тобом хоћу одлетети у рај
Све ћу саградити под белим једром
Не треба ми пуно речи
Само буди са мном
На крају, без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Душо, ја нисам ја, душо, ја нисам ја
Спреман сам да издржим, да трчим
Спреман сам умрети, али са тобом дишем
Само не затварај врата
Пред мојим носем
Само ми веруј
И слатко ћеш спавати
Заједно смо градили
Ово је наш свет, наш свет
Како смо једно друго нашли
Веруј ми, драга и хајдемо
Овај свет нас чини болеснима
Без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Ти си моја магија, аномалија
Са тобом хоћу одлетети у рај
Све ћу саградити под белим једром
Не треба ми пуно речи
Само буди са мном
На крају, без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Душо, ја нисам ја, душо, ја нисам ја
Међу бројним сумњама
Ухвати се једног разлога и веруј ми
Говорили су ти да одеш
Заувек да одеш
Хоћеш ли поверовати? Не!
Како ме трпиш?
Што би трпела, кад ме просто волиш
Како ме трпиш?
Толико разлога да би ме силно волела
Заједно смо градили
Ово је наш свет, наш свет
Како смо једно друго нашли
Веруј ми, драга и хајдемо
Овај свет нас чини болеснима
Без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Ти си моја магија, аномалија
Са тобом хоћу одлетети у рај
Све ћу саградити под белим једром
Не треба ми пуно речи
Само буди са мном
На крају, без тебе, душо, ја нисам ја
Душо, ја нисам ја, душо, ја нисам ја

Волим те

Желела си знати шта ће
Бити наредног дана
Али тешко је предвидети
Ко ће попустити узде
Знаш да сам желео оног дана
И даље желим
Нисам се усудио рећи ти да..
Волим те
Желео сам провести читав живот
Поред тебе
Али сада сам те изгубио
И не знам да ли ћу поново
Бити са тобом
Долазила си ми али сам
Те повредио
Нисам схватао колико ми значиш
Сада смо раздвојени али и даље
Те чекам
Да ми кажеш само једну реч
Волим те
Желео сам провести читав живот
Поред тебе
Али сада сам те изгубио
И не знам да ли ћу поново
Бити са тобом
Желела си знати шта ће
Бити наредног дана
Али тешко је предвидети
Ко ће попустити узде
Знаш да сам желео оног дана
И даље желим
Нисам се усудио рећи ти да..
Љубави моја
Љубави моја
Припадам ти
Волим те
Желео сам провести читав живот
Поред тебе
Али сада сам те изгубио
И не знам да ли ћу поново
Бити са тобом

I've Been Waiting For You

I remember what you told me
Every word straight to my soul
You played with my feelings
Now I'm alone with them
What's with me? I trusted you
But probably for the last time
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't fall asleep alone anymore
I've been waiting for you, where are you?
It's killing me, I need more
It's hard to get used to
Don't look for my tracks
And forgive my soul for its love
It's all in the past, I don't trust you anymore
I'm scared of being alone
Listen up, my soul can't keep silent
I'm letting you go, but my heart is screaming
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't fall asleep alone anymore
I've been waiting for you, where are you?
It's killing me, I need more
It's hard to get used to
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't fall asleep alone anymore
I've been waiting for you, where are you?
It's killing me, I need more
It's hard to get used to
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't go on
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't fall asleep alone anymore
I've been waiting for you, where are you?
It's killing me, I need more
It's hard to get used to
I've been waiting for you, we never said goodbye
I can't fall asleep alone anymore
I've been waiting for you, where are you?
It's killing me, I need more
It's hard to get used to

How it happen, buddies

How it happen
Translation by Dmytro Zelenskyy - January 30th, 2016
How it happens, buddies,
we stopped to watch skies through the night?
Just by one third older -
eagerness appears turned light.
Why it happens, buddies,
that we live not like cranks anymore,
modern times reduced much
pleasure to zero.
Is it true, that Christmas
is not warming hearts by tree lights trail?
And instead of fairy
tale it’s just another lazy day.
Guys, aren’t you ashamed
looking into widely opened eyes,
our own eyes, as ten years ago
they were smart and wise.
Then we dreamed to grow up
quickly and be strong and big,
- “Wish to be an astronaut”
, “An officer”, “To drive a rig.”
And that was a tiny-mini
but most valuable dream.
Now we are so bored
keeping* modest thoughts
and stingy* schemes.
This is not a fiction
and the truth is simple quite -
childhood does not leave us,
watching thou and smiling from behind.
Our generation -
wretched adults are so glad of being right -
need to learn again
how to enjoy life from/like* a child.

Ono što osećam prema tebi

Neobjašnjivo je
Ono što osećam prema tebi
To je nešto izvan
Dozvoli mi, želim ti
Da se s tobom osećam isto
Ovde sam i neću se
Jer si uvek bila ono
Što sam oduvek sanjao
Ukoliko si spremna da se zaljubiš
Saznaćeš na šta sam spreman
Svakog jutra ću te buditi
Poljupcem kojim ćeš uzdahnuti
Ukoliko si spreman da me zaljubiš
Saznaću na šta si spreman
Svakog jutra budeći me
Sada oboje
Pružamo ljubav
I ne želim te pustiti
Zauvek te osvajati
Sada oboje
Pružamo ljubav
Ne želim te pustiti
Osvojio si me
Kada sam te ugledala po prvi put
Imala sam osećaj i mogu
Razlog koji je u prošlosti
U ljubavi pogrešio
I meni se isto dogodilo
Zaljubio sam se u tebe
Nikada nisam mogao zamisliti da ću biti ovoliko srećan
Priznaću ti
Život mi je poseban otkako
Si ti došla

U ratu

Postoji oluja
Koja se spolja ne primećuje
Znam da si iznutra u ratu
Iako se na slikama ne vidi
Ukoliko postoji način
Da ugasim sve tvoje strahove
Tražiću ga makar me zabolelo
Brišući tugu
Šta se desilo tvom ogledalu
Da ne vidi ono što ja vidim
Zašto se želiš menjati
Kada si sve ono što želim?
Aj, šta se desilo tvom ogledalu
Da ne vidi ono što ja vidim
Zašto se želiš menjati?
Želim biti poput tebe
Činiš da zvezde jače sijaju
Sa tim osmehom koji te rastužuje
Ali je tako savršen da želim ostati s njim (osmehom)
Biti kao ti
Činiš da se planeta okreće
Kada me poljubiš sa tom nevinošću
I ne primećuješ da moj svet obasjavaš
Biti kao ti
Biti kao ti
Biti kao ti
Ova knedla u grlu nestaje kada se probudiš
Kada mi kažeš da ćemo trčati ovde
Pozajmiću ti svoja krila koja su neprobojna
Kada mi kažeš da ćemo trčati ovde
Šta se desilo tvom ogledalu
Da ne vidi ono što ja vidim
Zašto se želiš menjati
Kada si sve ono što želim?
Aj, šta se desilo tvom ogledalu
Da ne vidi ono što ja vidim
Zašto se želiš menjati?
Želim biti poput tebe
Činiš da zvezde jače sijaju
Sa tim osmehom koji te rastužuje
Ali je tako savršen da želim ostati s njom
Biti kao ti
Činiš da se planeta okreće
Kada me poljubiš sa tom nevinošću
I ne primećuješ da moj svet obasjavaš
Biti kao ti
Biti kao ti
Biti kao ti
(Biti kao )
Ne postoji srce koji te voli više od mene
Zahvaljujem Bogu jer smo dvoje
I voleti te u ratu ispod zvezda ljubavi
Želim biti kao ti
Želim biti kao ti
Želim biti kao ti
Želim biti kao ti
Želim biti kao ti

Kaži mi

Roditelji su joj se razveli kada je bila mala
Od tog trenutka nije verovala u ljubav
Prolazile su godine i naši putevi su se spojili
U momentu smo se zaljubili
Od tog dana
Ne razdvajamo se
Uvek smo zajedno
I sada te pitam...
Kaži mi jesam li to što si očekivala
Da li sam ljubav o kojoj si sanjala
Nebo i svetlost noći koje su ti falile
Moja si i tvoj sam
Nema ljubavi poput naše
Kaže mi da me voli, želi i obožava
I ja joj uzvraćam da je moje blago
Kaže mi da me voli i da ne može bez mene
I da u njenom životu postoji san
Samo ga ja mogu ostvariti
Divno je ovo što imamo
Priča koja nema granicu a ni kraja
Iako mi je bilo teško izlečiti njeno srce
Ali sve se sa ljubavlju čini mogućim
Sada je naša veza neuništiva
Kaži mi jesam li to što si očekivala
Da li sam ljubav o kojoj si sanjala
Nebo i svetlost noći koje su ti falile
Moja si i tvoj sam
Nema ljubavi poput naše
Kaže mi da me voli, želi i obožava
I ja joj uzvraćam da je moje blago
Kaže mi da me voli i da ne može bez mene
I da u njenom životu postoji san
Samo ga ja mogu ostvariti
Od tog dana se ne razdvajamo
Uvek smo zajedno
I sada te pitam...
Kaži mi jesam li to što si očekivala
Da li sam ljubav o kojoj si sanjala
Nebo i svetlost noći koje su ti falile
Moja si i tvoj sam
Nema ljubavi poput naše
Kaže mi da me voli, želi i obožava
I ja joj uzvraćam da je moje blago
Kaže mi da me voli i da ne može bez mene
I da u njenom životu postoji san
Samo ga ja mogu ostvariti
Sebastián Yatra,
Pleši, devojko
Kevin ADG,
Chan El Genio,
Odavde do sveta, tata
Ostani uz mene
Sebastián Yatra.


Izmisliću svet samo za tebe
Jer je ovaj malen i nikada nećeš pronaći
Nekoga da ti izleči to ogromno srce ukoliko je ranjeno
Godine i ozbiljno neće proći
I dok lažljivci ne kažu istinu
Imaćemo kuću na Marsu kao vikendicu
Ti si princeza koja ako poljubi žapca
Pronaći će princa
A ja ću biti vojnik večno na tvojoj strani
Koji će ti život predati
Otišli su meštani koji su zbog veterana
Morali da se povuku
Potom je došao ciganin i čitajući ti dlan
Rekao mi je da ćeš leteti
Voleću te
Volećeš me
Ako ne postoji savršen kraj da poklonim ti
Pisaću samo za tebe, moraću ga izmisliti
Kupiću ti dinosaurusa koji će se zvati Huan
Imaće milion moći kao Supermen
Da bi išao na letovanje moraće da leti
Jer je malo veći i ne može stati u kombi
Ako svu našu ljubav prenesem na papir
I sve naše priče ostanu pod morem
Dok budeš plivala moći ćeš čitati
Kako bi novi svet mogla stvoriti
Voleću te
Volećeš me
Ako ne postoji savršen kraj da poklonim ti
Pisaću samo za tebe, moraću ga izmisliti
Voleću te
Volećeš me
Ako ne postoji savršen kraj da poklonim ti
Pisaću samo za tebe, moraću ga izmisliti
Iako te ne znam, poznajem te dobro
Ima nešto u mojim očima što ćeš uvek imati
I svake noći jednu novu priču ću smisliti
Jer ćeš čitavog života biti moja Elena

I breathe

I think about your look again
I see tears falling from your eyes
Vague memories two years later already
And again, I'm losing faith
Inside me everything seems to die
Weak spirit, wanting to leave
And I'm convinced that this is not my place
I think again, I feel like I could explode but
I promised to win this battle
Do not stop to get up, continue
I breathe, I breathe for you
Driven by seeing you again
I do not want to lose you
And I just breathe, I breathe for you
I do not even remember how I got here
Empty hands, I left everything when I left
How hard it has been to live life without you
But that's how it makes me survive because
I promised to win this battle
Do not stop to get up, continue
I breathe, I breathe for you
Driven by seeing you again
I don't want to lose you
And I just breathe, I breathe for you
In my picture you are saying nothing
Your gaze stayed
And I just breathe, I breathe for you
And even if a century goes by without you
You are always in my mind
And I just breathe, I breathe for you
I promised to win this battle
Do not stop, get up, continue
I breathe, I breathe for you
Driven by seeing you again
I do not want to lose you
And I just breathe, I breathe for you
I promised to win this battle
Do not stop, get up, continue
I breathe, I breathe for you
Driven by seeing you again
I do not want to lose you
And I just breathe, I breathe for you
I swore to you to win this battle
Do not stop, get up, continue
I breathe, I breathe for you
Driven by seeing you again
I do not want to lose you

We never prepare for so much love

I've been thinking about the things which we never did
And I've been thinking about the kisses which we didn't give ourselves anymore
Because you leave without me
Without me
Here imagining the things which I would like
I remember the times when you told me
'Stay, stay, don't go'
And I approached, I stayed
Looking at you
The full moon appeared
And he hid in the stars
So much, so much love
We never prepare for so much love
Looking at you
The whole world felt it
And it began in an instant
So much, so much love
We never prepare for so much love
I invented a way so that you come back
That you forget the things which hurt you sometimes
Remember that I've always been by your side
And they didn't allow us to persists
Because I solved it with him
That you and me, we were going to live
In the magical world
Something romantic
I will stay with you
He told me and I waited for you
Looking at you
The full moon appeared
And he hid in the stars
So much, so much love
We never prepare for so much love
Looking at you
The whole world felt it
And it began in an instant
So much, so much love
We never prepare for so much love
Looking at you
I realize that dying
It's easier than living without you
But the kisses remain
And in those memories I wait for you
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

In the war

There is a storm
Which isn't noticed from outside
I know that you are at war inside
Although in the photos is not seen
If there is a way
To turn off all your fears
I'm going to look for it, although it hurts me
Erasing sadness
What will happen to your mirror
That he doesn't see what I see
Why you want to change
If you are everything I want
Oh, what will happen to your mirror
That he doesn't see what I see
Why you want to change
I want to be like you
You make the stars shine
With that laugh which makes you feel sorry
But she is so perfect that I want to stay with her
And be like you
You make the planet spin
When you kiss me with that innocence
And you don't realize, you fill my world with light
For being like you
Be like you
Be like you
That dumpling in my throat, it heals when you get up
When you tell me that we are running from here
I lend you my wings which are bulletproof
When you tell me that we are running from here
What will happen to your mirror
That he doesn't see what I see
Why you want to change
If you are everything I want
Oh, what will happen to your mirror
That he doesn't see what I see
Why you want to change
I want to be like you
You make the stars shine
With that laugh which makes you feel sorry
But she is so perfect that I want to stay with her
And be like you
You make the planet spin
When you kiss me with that innocence
And you don't realize, you fill my world with light
For being like you
Be like you
Be like you
(For being like you)
There is no heart which love you more than me
I thank God that we are both
And love you in the war under the stars of love
I want to be like you
I want to be like you
I want to be like you
I want to be like you
I want to be like you
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.


In each melody I remember you again
And in every fantasy when you don't see me
I miss you, and every note hurts me
And in the monotony I saw that I couldn't find the strength to speak
So much to say, nothing to accept
It was never you, it's always been me
And today right at the end
I swear to you that I won't
I won't let you go
I don't want to live like that
And that fear which love gives me
Without you
This time it won't happen
I'm not going to give up
I won't let you cry for love for me
I won't let you cry for love
Every memory which doesn't go
Everything good which remains to us
The fantasy which I lived
We escaped from your parents
When you jumped, I followed you
And almost I could drown
You kissed me and I didn't understand
The night is young, why stop?
We can fall in love again
It already happened to us and it will happen again
We can fall in love again
All this love is not going to end
It's deeper than all the sea
And although sometimes we cry
You will understand that life, although it's hard
Heals a real love with tears
Because I
I won't let you go
I don't want to live like that
And that fear which love gives me
Without you
This time it won't happen
I'm not going to give up
I won't let you cry for love for me
I won't let you cry for love
For me
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

I'll be here

We started everything too late
There was no space in you heart anymore
Almost seven months being miserable
They made that my life find reason
And I confess to you that if with time
It was diluting the sadness for you
And although you're not here, I still think about you
I still feel you, I still love you
If in this life
You don't find someone
To accompany you
I'll be here
And if on your way
You feel the cold
And you remind me, don't hesitate, don't fear it
I'll be here
You kill me, you kill me every time when
You move away and you leave a life that we both dreamed about
But I understand that I wasn't the first
Go for him, it doesn't hurt if you try
You are not crazy, life is half crazy
If you will come back for us
And I confess to you that if with time
It was diluting the sadness for you
And although you're not here, I still think about you
I still feel you, I still love you
If in this life
You don't find someone
To accompany you
I'll be here
And if on your way
You feel the cold
And you remind me, don't hesitate, don't fear it
I'll be here
If in this life
You don't find someone
To accompany you
I'll be here
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

I miss you

We love each other so much
We look for each other, we wish each other
We were one, it was still only twenty-three
And that moment was so perferct
So far the suffering
It hurts that I cant do
This love which was invincible
It became so invisible
For the doubts of my heart
I'm insecure without you
Today paying for my mistake
I miss you
It's been so many days and I still miss you
Your smile and your silence hurt me
Today sunlight illuminates darkness
I miss you
Although sometimes I show you the opposite
And seeing you, the world comes out of my hands
You were a lie in this reality
And it's hell to love you and not have you
When I look at you, you look at me
You were smiling, you were telling me
That you were mine and I was yours
This love which was invincible
It became so invisible
For the doubts of my heart
I'm insecure without you
Today paying for my mistake
I miss you
It's been so many days and I still miss you
Your smile and your silence hurt me
Today sunlight illuminates darkness
I miss you
Although sometimes I show you the opposite
And seeing you, the world comes out of my hands
You were a lie in this reality
And it's hell to love you and not have you
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.


I'm going to invent a world just for you
Because this one is very small and you will never find
Who heals such a big heart if it's badly wounded
The years won't pass nor the seriousness
And even liars will tell the truth
We will have a house on Mars in timeshare
You are the princess which if kisses a toad
A prince will be found
I will be the soldier who always by your side
Will give you his life
The villains were gone that already by veterans
They had to retire
Then a gypsy came and reading your hand
He told me that you were going to fly
I will love you
You will love me
If there is not a perfect end to give it to you
I'm going to write it just for you, I'll have to invent it
I buy you a dinosaur named Juan
He has a thousand powers like Superman
To go on vacation he has to fly
Because it's a little big and it doesn't fit in the van
If all our love I write it on a piece of paper
And all our stories are on the sea
When you are navigate you can read them
So that you can invent a new world
I will love you
You will love me
If there is not a perfect end to give it to you
I'm going to write it just for you, I'll have to invent it
I will love you
You will love me
If there is not a perfect end to give it to you
I'm going to write it just for you, I'll have to invent it
Although I don't know you, I know you well
There is something in my eyes which you will always have
And every night I will invent a new story
Because all life you will be my Elena
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

I need you

I need you till the morning tonight
I need your peace and your warm cheeks
I need you both today and tomorrow
For all the days and years to come
Thousands of them come in my dream
And thousands of them want me to give myself
But I only say yes to you
I need you
And, baby, wherever I go
I always come back to the same place
Only to say yes to you again
I need you
I need you


I am only on the hop
I am only existing with coffee and airsteam
Since weeks in intoxication
Every day is planned
I catch the moments
Want to share them with you
No feelings any more for time
I am loosing my grip
But the lights fo your streets
Are my runway
I was so long not at home
So long not in your arms
But the lights of your street
Shine brighter then the city
I can´t wait any more
I am coming home tonight
Full of adrenaline
The heart beats twice as fast
Every night overexiceted
And the spotlights to bright
I catch the moments
It´s to hard for me to share them
Our lives are postponed
Parallel worlds bang
But the lights fo your streets
Are my runway
I was so long not at home
So long not in your arms
But the lights of your street
Shine brighter then the city
I can´t wait any more
I am coming home tonight
I am coming home
I am coming home
I am coming home
I am coming home
I am coming home

Lack of love

That I was going to hurt you and that I wasnt going to stay
That I would be the guilty and that you were going to cry
It's not true, it's not true, it's not true
There is nothing more difficult than learn how to lie
Pretending that I'm alive when I'm going to die
Inside, inside, inside
And everything is easy for you to forget
I never nothing else
It was always very late
I need you, love
Explain me what you needed, love
Is it all that I'm missing, love?
If the only thing I need, love, is that love which you don't give me
Why do you force me to leave you behind?
Why do you force me to feel pain?
If the only thing you need, love, is this love
And I began to accumulate the rage
No, I can't avoid the hatred
I only hope that in the end won't lack of love to you
If I find it elsewhere
I don't want to hide, I don't want to talk to you
I don't want that when I wake up I want to kiss you
I'm looking for a reason to forget you
And the more I try, it's harder for me to let you go
No, it hurts me the emptiness that you leave inside
It hurts me to invent false feelings
How will I live with so much suffering?
I need you, love
Explain me what you needed, love
Is it all that I'm missing, love?
If the only thing I need, love, is that love which you don't give me
Why do you force me to leave you behind?
Why do you force me to feel pain?
If the only thing you need, love, is this love
And I began to accumulate the rage
No, I can't avoid the hatred
I only hope that in the end won't lack of love to you
You don't know how to ask for forgiveness, you were so coward
Don't play with a heart, because in the end it breaks
I prefer to die of love, than of lacking love
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Chorus: Zion Hears the Watchmen Singing

Zion hears the watchmen singing
Her heart, with joyful hope is springing
She wakes and hurries through the night
Forth He comes, her Bridegroom glorious
In strength of grace, in truth victorious
Her star is risen, her light grows bright
Now come, most worthy Lord
God's Son, incarnate Word!
We follow all
And heed Your call
To come into the banquet hall