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Резултати претраге страна 10

Број резултата: 477


You're not here

Get away from your parents
And move in with me
We'll buy a little house by the sea
And roll around in the hot sand
Dump all your friends
Your city is the enemy, and I'm your best friend
We'll laugh and get drunk
We're young and not accustomed to being shy
Waking up in the morning, we'll go to the store
We'll buy some food, and give it out to cats
You don't want to go home again
Let's not go back, I'll be with you
I'll kiss you before bed
It'll just be the two of us all the time
Again I slept and woke up at lunch
Forgive me, I forgot that you're not here
But maybe you'll stay with me
And maybe then we'll go home
The sunset will bring a cold night
I'll be waiting for you there, where you were happy
Open all the windows in the house wide open
Don't let yourself die alone
Look for me in the dark streets
Look for me, if you just remember
And we could travel together
Experience sickness together
On our own, we're more useless
On our own is worse than together
We're stealing vinyls from the store
We're leaving traces of our lips on the shop window
We're going, lucky tickets on the tram
We're smoking in the kitchen, almost asleep
Romanticism of a sad Russia
I'm not like that, they asked me
Again the dream with you left a trace
Forgive me, I forgot that you're not here
But maybe you'll stay with me
And maybe then we'll go home
The sunset will bring a cold night
I'll be waiting for you there, where you were happy


You've always made me wonder
All nuts are tough to crack
But still I adore you
She you carry on your arm
Like a queen,
of honey
A majesty
Oslo's buzzing and everyone knows that
Dark like few but bright as day
Dark like few but bright as day
She says forget me now
You haven't got it
You've got to understand
A wish isn't enough
About getting to hold me
You need more than honeyed words
To get the one you want
To get, to get, to get the one you want
Dark like few but bright as day
Dark like few but bright as day
She's bright as day
Dark like few
She is bright as day

The neighborhood

Dear papa has no introspection and shame anymore
Dear papa, I think we're more alike than we vote1
Dear papa, we take an old Danish for old friends2
Before the dive you should get ready, or what?
Based in the neighborhood
Based in the same place
And the same old subjects, mountain peaks and place names3
It'd all be wrong
Dear papa, better to laugh than to show our teeth4
Dear papa, old tales that we both know
Dear papa, I let it slide even when it's not right
'cause no-one fights every battle, or what?
Based in the neighborhood
Based in the same place
And the same old subjects, mountain peaks and place names
It'd all be wrong
(Dear papa)
Same old subjects
(Dear papa)
It'd all be wrong
Based in the neighborhood
Based in the same place
Based in the neighborhood
It'd all be wrong
Based in the neighborhood
Based in the same place
We're based in the neighborhood
It'd all be wrong
  • 1. As in their thoughts and habits are more alike than their different voting habits would imply.
  • 2. 'Old Danish' (Gammeldansk) is a Danish hard liquor often drank in festive occasions.
  • 3. As in quiz subjects.
  • 4. In the way an animal displays their teeth before biting/attacking.


Got 'em in place
New eyeglasses with blinders without brims
that keep the world black
As it goes on on its own
And she's got it likewise
Gives no shits about what they think
Do we oughta grow up?
Should we have gotten
something that seems obvious?
That we've got something going on
Am I over deep waters?
Is it too good to be true?
Or just luck
That we've got something going on
Am I over deep waters?
Is it too good to be true?
Or just luck
The daylight has left
Like sand in a glass that's turned as soon as it's dark
So things will go on and on
And do what they did yesterday
So easy to take it easy
about those things we don't care to understand
In a diligent world
we're living without a meaning that seems obvious
That we've got something going on
Am I over deep waters?
Is it too good to be true?
Or just luck
That we've got something going on
Am I over deep waters?
Is it too good to be true?
Or just luck
Just luck..

You, true Son of God and Mary

You, true Son of God and Mary,
You, King of all the chosen,
how sweet to us is Your word of live,
by which the earliest patriarchs already
counted years as well as days,
that Gabriel joyfully
promised there in Bethlehem!
O sweet delight, o bread of heaven,
that neither grave, danger or death
can tear from our hearts.
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Ugledao sam te među tolikim ljudima
Sudbina je učinila da ti se javim
Predstavio sam ti se i ne znam kako
Si mi poljupcem odgovorila
Samo ti je bitno da te poštujem
Ti sa 19 a ja sa 23 godina
Počeo sam da planiram naše ponovno viđenje
Kada bih mogao da ti pokažem
Da nam ništa neće faliti dok smo zajedno
I da ću te voleti uprkos daljini
Samo treba da znaš
Da želim da ostanem
I da iako ne mogu, samo te želim pozvati
Da ponovimo sve jednom i više puta, ne znam
Kako da ti tražim da se zaljubiš?
Kada na kraju neću biti tu kada zaplačeš
Kako da ti tražim da maštaš?
I da prekratim našu distancu sa pesmama
Kako da ti tražim? Kada na kraju neću biti tu
Kada se zaljubim u tebe
Kada se zaljubim u tebe, uh
Sećam se svega šta ti se dopadalo
Tvoje košulje koja pada na stopala
Izraz tvog lica dok ti po prvi put pevam
Nosim sve to u sebi i ne odnosim ništa
Bez tebe nema ničega, sve sam ti ostavio
Znam da je suviše rano za
Ovakve reči, ali ću ih reći
Kako tvoja i moja ruka noću ne osećaju hladnoću
Bez tebe sati prolaze, ali
Dani su prazni
Kao u Marbelji sa talasima,
Bila si lepa i sama
Nedostaješ mi, nedostaješ
Ali te zovem i zaboravljam
Koliko te volim, volim te
Ali ova ljubav više nije moja
Znam da tvoje i moje usne
Kada se spoje ima magije
Kako bih voleo ostati
Ali sada nisi sa mnom
Uvek život teče ali ne sa tobom
Kako da ti tražim da se zaljubiš?
Kada na kraju neću biti tu kada zaplačeš
Kako da ti tražim da maštaš?
I da prekratim našu distancu sa pesmama
Kako da ti tražim? Kada na kraju neću biti tu
Kada se zaljubim u tebe
(Ti sa 19 a ja sa 23 godine)
Kada se zaljubim u tebe
(Ti sa 19 a ja sa 23 godine)
Iako budem na nekom drugom mestu
Srećan sam jer sam te upoznao
Iako ne budem mogao da te ponovo vidim
Ova pesma ti je posvećena
Pamti me


Among so many people, I saw you arrive
Something in destiny made me say hello
I told you my name and I don't know where
Like with a kiss you answer me
You only cared that I treat you well
You 19 and I 23
And I started my plans to see each other again
And if I could show you
That being together there is nothing missing
And that I will love you despite the distance
You just have to know
That I would like to stay
And although I shouldn't, I just want to call you
That we repeat the stories again and again, I don't know
How do I ask you to fall in love?
When in the end I won't be when you cry
How do I ask you to have illusionos?
And cut our distance with songs
How do I ask you? If in the end I won't be
When I fell in love with you
When I fell in love with you, uh
I remember everything that you liked
And your shirt which reaches the feet
That little face when I was singing to you for the first time
I take everything and I'm not taking anything
Without you there is nothing, I left everything to you
I know it's too early for these words, but I threw them
As your hand and my hand they don't feel cold at night
Without you the hours pass, but with empty days
As in Marbella the waves, you were beautiful and alone
And I miss you and I miss you, but I call you and I forget it
How I love you and I love you, but this love isn't mine anymore
I know that your mouth and my mouth, when they come together, there is a mess
How I would like to stay, but now you are not with me
Life always pass, but it doesn't pass with you
How do I ask you to fall in love?
When in the end I won't be when you cry
How do I ask you to have illusionos?
And cut our distance with songs
How do I ask you? If in the end I won't be
When I fell in love with you (You 19 and I 23)
When I fell in love with you (You 19 and I 23)
And even if I'm somewhere else
I'm easier because I could find you
And if I don't have the certainty of seeing you again
This song is yours
Remember me
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

The proof

The pillars of heaven go silent
When my final hour comes
Look for me underground
Where I have you to, to get accustomed to it
And even though the legend is of time
And even though the riots pass
And even though our loved ones betray us
Without proof there's no sin
Without proof there's no sin
That I don't have tattooed
The wind carried it away
Because at the end it's only flesh
Because at the end it's only flesh
And at the end it's only flesh
I have a mouth, don't speak for me
I aimed at what I wanted to say
I never left, it was just an interruption
Now you really have me in front of you
You have me in trance
Letting me do what I am used to doing
Alleviating your hunger
Telling you stories next to the fire
How she's growing, may it never give up
In the shadows bellydancing
She has sea eyes
And I learned to swim to get into them
She has sea eyes and mine were
Like those of a living dead
Dancing at the floor like a serpent
Waiting for the moon to decrease
Give me an electric shock, fire, current
So I'll do the tricks for you like always
I get up onto Pegasus and may he run
Because September was invented for something
Each Tuesday a life sentence
Each lyric mendekua, hymn that cheats
I am not afraid of failure and even less of
The Parcae
There is an obsession that bothers me
And some defeats at the back
I ended up like Rota, sold to the NATO
In the name of Sparta
Stuff about false flags
Scarcity, crimes and errors
If my mom cries, your mom shall cry
And there's no law anymore
I go down to hell looking for a proof
I shut myself into my bedroom
I prefer the noose to sounding like
The bands of today sound like
I, too, am not new, you know?
I protect what is mine like a lioness
Even if I do it softly
I know of some myths saying that
All your diplomas are falling off, they take themselves off
Listen, cousin, we are on air
See if this stuff inspires you
I write lies that are sold by the gram
My hands taste like parrafin
That girl does nice stuff
Very few jokes, theme of Sodom
Vanilla aroma and hazelnut cream
Some cinnamon, say it to him Ana
May they discuss me, there's no tomorrow anymore
My desires are revolting
At the end, I will dance gypsy dances
Lost on the street with a kind face
As if I didn't know anything
As if you ate sand
The pillars of heaven go silent
When my final hour comes
Look for me underground
Where I have you to, to get accustomed to it
And even though the legend is of time
And even though the riots pass
And even though our loved ones betray us
Without proof there's no sin
Without proof there's no sin
That I don't have tattooed
The wind carried it away
Because at the end it's only flesh
Because at the end it's only flesh
And at the end it's only flesh

you have a cancerous soul, and my boyfriend is a vichugan

Versions: #2
We had a good time yesterday
and my boyfriend is a vichugan
you have a cancerous soul, and my boyfriend is a vichugan
and my boyfriend is a vichugan
you have a cancerous soul
you have a cancerous soul
and my boyfriend is a vichugan
you have a cancerous soul
you have a cancerous soul
you have a cancerous soul
you have a cancerous soul
we had a good time yesterday
and yeah, it's pretty hardcore

3D at night

The way you are
A few people already have wondered
If you came alone
The way I am
I'm sure that you have an answer
And that you're very sure
The way she is
They'll all probably be heated up
In a second
I won't be able to stop
And nobody will interrupt us
Well, maybe you
3D games at night
If you want to see what we do
Come closer
3D games at night
Lace and ring from Donatella
Me, fresh, with snapback, no haircut
This crib is fire, I'm from the north
I need water on the beach to put everything out
We touch the clouds
The world sees that they put dashes on the story
The glass is passed like in the schoolyard
In the club, it's poured, but not soda
And there's still a girl with a dynamite chest
Even though none of them have silicone
Mine asks me if I want us to take her
And then I laugh, I look at her, and I start to pour
Aha, the glass is cold, but the situation burns
I feel that she'd like to leave, it resulted in Rose and lipstick stains
From six, we'll be three in her shower
3D games at night
If you want to see what we do
Come closer
3D games at night
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

How Do I Love You

I have met you,
When I had almost no hope
My heart whispered:
She is your fate.
How do I love you,
My dearest, my dear.
And it´s great, nice, lovely
That we´re together, you and I.
My love. You´re my happiness,
My joy, my life.
I´m so grateful to God
That you´re now mine.
How do I love you
My dearest, my dear.
And it´s great, nice, lovely
That we´re together, you and I.

I will never look for you

Versions: #2
Never I will write not a line, you shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Never I will look for your love, but love will find the way to you.
Starless night and silent day,
There were some dreams that went away
That’s too long for me to wait,
And too simple to get all that
I will never look for your trace
But love will find the way to you
I will never seek your address,
You shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Question that you never will hear:
Where were you? What’s in your past ?
Never I will look for you, dear,
But love will find you, my sweetheart.
Sky with clouds is blue and white,
You’re like fairy bird but still you are not mine.
I had prophetic dreams they told me
Not to seek you and never believe
I will never look for you hence
But love will find the way to you
I will never seek your address,
You shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Question that you never will hear:
Where were you? What did you do?
Never I will look for you, dear,
My love will find the road to you.
Listening music of wild winds
Hearing breath of my soul,
You will leave cold of streets
And fly to me
I will never look for your trace,
But love will find the way to you
I will never seek your address,
You shouldn’t wait my letter too.
Question that you never will hear:
Where were you? What’s in your past ?
Never I will look for you, dear,
But love will find you…

I Know You

I don't know how many words we need
For silence to disappear
She alone doesn't hear the rain
Striking against the windows
She knows nothing of love
Doesn't see the image in the window
How is it that you stand there quietly waiting
On damp, wet nights
And let this be only dreams
I know that somewhere near you
Will save me from loneliness
I know you, know, know
We walk along the edge, the edge, the edge
The sun gives no warmth, the ice will not melt
It doesn't happen this way, it doesn't happen this way...
I know you, know, know
I waste away, cannot find myself
My heart gives no warmth, at night I forgive
It doesn't happen this way, it doesn't happen this way...
I lull myself to sleep, but can't sleep
I catch crazy dreams
Bridges hanging with the fog
Shrouded in mystery
And all words are equally nothing
When you pass nearby
Is it not for us simple pedestrians forbidden
To call to each other at random
And let this be only dreams
I know that somewhere near you
Will save me from loneliness
I know you, know, know
We walk along the edge, the edge, the edge
The sun gives no warmth, the ice will not melt
It doesn't happen this way, it doesn't happen this way...
I know you, know, know
I waste away, cannot find myself
My heart gives no warmth, at night I forgive
It doesn't happen this way, it doesn't happen this way...
I know you, know, know...
I know you, know, know
We walk along the edge, the edge, the edge
The sun gives no warmth, the ice will not melt
It doesn't happen this way, it doesn't happen this way...
I know you, know, know
I waste away, cannot find myself
My heart gives no warmth, at night I forgive
It doesn't happen this way, it doesn't happen this way...

Изнад неба

И ево, ја више ништа не видим
Ништа не осећам
И ја више нисам ја
Завршио се још један дан, а то значи
Да ћеш ти ускоро отићи
И завршиће се мој живот.
Хоће ли тако увек бити?
Хеј, барем још данас не иди
И ја осећам како падам на небо
Како падам на небо, а краја нема.
И негде би требало да се зауставим,
Јер снаге је све мање
А ти одавно ниси сама
Хоће ли тако увек бити?
Хеј, барем још данас не иди
Изнад неба!
Изнад неба!
Мила моја, шта сам ја без тебе
Зашто души не даш да оде
Изнад неба!
Зашто тако високо летиш
Хладна вода не спашава од врућине
И душа ми не да да попијем сећања,
А твоје очи су моја опасност,
Те исте очи су и моја срећа.
Хоће ли тако увек бити?
Хеј, барем још данас не иди
И ја се не бих плашио, али ти долазиш
И започињеш абордажу*.
Боље би било да ћутим, али ти све знаш.
Боље би било да бежим, али ти ми не даш.
Хеј, хоће ли тако увек бити?
Хеј, од мене не иди.
Рефрен (2)

Awake, awake lost sheep

Versions: #2
Awake lost sheep
set yourselves free from sin's sleep
and turn over a new leaf soon!
Awake before the trombone rings out
which you terribly calls from the grave
on Judgment Day before the Lord!
My own translations are protected by copyrights. Commercial use only with my written permission, private use free if the author is mentioned.

By Thy Feet I'm Gonna Drag Thee

By thy feet I'm gonna drag thee
To the bushes at the curb:
Who would fuck a beauty queen bee
On the road? I'm not a twerp.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

O great love, o love beyond all mesure,

O great love, o love beyond all mesure,
that brought You to this way of martyrdom!
I lived with the world in pleasure and joys,
and You must suffer!
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

Do you want me to swear to you?

Do you want me to swear to you with my eyes
so that you believe me
do you want me to tell you that I'm innocent
would you declare me innocent?
my love, it's not allowed
for you to go away
and keep suspecting me
and talk bad to me
honestly, I don't accept
you treating me this way
your thoughts are not innocent
all of them are delusions
your fault, my love
is that you can't understand me
and my fault is that I
allow you to be unfair to me
it's not necessary at all
for you to accuse me of sins
you're hurting my feelings
even with just intentions
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


As long as there is a God in heaven

As long as there is a God in heaven
who soars above all the clouds,
such torment will endure:
cold and heat will torture them,
fear, hunger, horror, fire, and lightning
and yet not utterly destroy them.
For this pain would only end,
when God no longer is eternal.
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

Како да те заборавим?

Изненада све љубавне песме су посвећене теби
Посвећене теби, у тренутку
Како да те заборавим када си свуда
Када си обузела моје мисли
Одведи ме далеко од свих, јесен је прости изговор
Да ти пишем, да те подсетим свега
Шта ти могу пружити?
Осим сузних очију, а не бити узрок истих
Како те могу изненадити?
Знам да сам имућан, али не онолико колико су они
Шта ти могу пружити?
Овде је моје срце, узми га, покушај га купити са верношћу
Позови ме, останимо до јутра
Брига ме што морамо устати рано
Имам лет, ти имаш посла
Проведимо неко време заједно, толико си ми потребна
Тражио сам те, за љубав, међу свима, пронашао сам
Али онда сам изгубио себе
Не препознајем те, али тако си близу
Зашто си се толико променила?
Напорно трагам за тобом
Како те могу пронаћи?
Навикла си се на размену
Осећања за новац других
Изненада све љубавне песме су посвећене теби
Посвећене теби, у тренутку
Како да те заборавим када си свуда
Када си обузела моје мисли
Изненада све љубавне песме су посвећене теби
Посвећене теби, у тренутку
Како да те заборавим када си свуда
Када си обузела моје мисли
Прекасно је да се каже 'збогом', прекасно за љубав
Једино Бог зна колико сам те волео
Ствари које сам чинио за тебе, не можеш бити озбиљна, ја сам
Испунила си ми срце, а сада је празно
Све мрзим и мрзим
Што више нисмо ми, и нисмо заједно, нисмо заједно
У мојој глави си и на сваком месту
Твоја слика се појављује читавог дана
Шта је са мном? Остани са мном
Јер без тебе, сам тако очајан
Волиш када ти мушкарци хране уши
Не са чистом душом, већ са звуком новчаница
А ја шетам улицама, пролазим поред старих зграда
Ти трагаш за авантурама, док ја тебе тражим
Напорно трагам за тобом, како те могу пронаћи?
Навикла си се на размену осећања за новац других
Изненада све љубавне песме су посвећене теби
Посвећене теби, у тренутку
Како да те заборавим када си свуда
Када си обузела моје мисли
Изненада све љубавне песме су посвећене теби
Посвећене теби, у тренутку
Како да те заборавим када си свуда
Када си обузела моје мисли

We are all drunk

We're all drunk
Dead drunk
And everyone who is not drunk
Get the fuck out of here
He threw himself into the sea,
Commander Nobrum
He spend the day on the fishing boat
But never looked for his fish hook
So much wisdom and practice beyond the ordinary
They say it was attributed
To several bottles of rum
We are friends on land
We are friends at sea
Together we went to war
Together we are at the bar
We're all drunk
Dead drunk
And everyone who is not drunk
Get the fuck out of here
The butcher without a finger
Who works on the dock
He spend the day laughing
Of the lack that the finger makes
He said with a yellow smile: 'Listen well, my boy,
When working with the cleaver never drink too much'
We are friends on land
We are friends at sea
Together we went to war
Together we are at the bar
We're all drunk
Dead drunk
And everyone who is not drunk
Get the fuck out of here
Marquade fed the boilers of the old steamboat
Despite the wind, the heat was suffocating
The cast iron ceiling, the sun directly on the metal plate
Everything already solved with two bottles of grappa
We are friends on land
We are friends at sea
Together we went to war
Together we are at the bar
We're all drunk
Dead drunk
And everyone who is not drunk
Get the fuck out of here
We're all drunk
Dead drunk
And everyone who is not drunk
Get the fuck out of here
Dead drunk
And everyone who is not drunk
Get the fuck out of here
We're all drunk
Dead drunk
And everyone who is not drunk
Get the fuck out of here
(Somebody hold that dog, he stole my beer)
(I'll kick his ass)

I will never forget you

Versions: #2
At the dawn, you will come to awake me
Barefoot, you will say your farewell
I am sure, you’ll never forget me
And I know, we are parting forever.
Shielding you from the cold of the winter
I will say to me: oh, God in heaven!
I am sure, I’ll never forget you
And I know, we are parting forever.
Blinkless, as the wind’s getting colder
Hopeless eyes shine at me, so tender.
I will never look over my shoulder
And I know, we are parting forever.
They will sound so solemnly distant
These two phrases, meaningless altogether:
“I am sure, you’ll never forget me,”
And “I know, we are parting forever.”

A lot of you

Get out of my dreams
I'm begging you, listen
I am good with you
But without you
I will feel better
Forget those days
The two of us
Are no longer warm
There's too much of you
And no room for me
In my heart, there's too much of you
Too much of you
In my heart, there's too much of you
Too much of you
In my heart, there's too much of you
Too much of you
In my heart, there's too much of you
Too much of you
I will close this door
And double lock it
Alone my peace
Will replace the word ''We'
I will run away
Throw you out of my head
But something strange keeps pulling me to you
I want to leave, but your image
Lures and lures and lures
In my heart, there's too much of you
Too much of you
In my heart, there's too much of you
Too much of you
In my heart, there's too much of you
Too much of you
In my heart, there's too much of you
Too much of you

If You Sing to the Sky

Versions: #2
Cut through fact or fiction, and look up to the heavens, the eternity that flew away
If you sing to the sky, pay no heed to regrets.
Inevitable, inevitable, a future which will surely come to pass
For that reason, claw onward!
A mirage, paddling through a river of tears for so many years
Goodbye, I must go!
No matter what you lose,
The unforgotten bitterness and shame
Will adorn your heart
Cut through fact or fiction, and look up to the heavens, the eternity that flew away
If you sing to the sky, pay no heed to regrets.
Inevitable, inevitable, too bright to break off from,
To that future, claw onward!
Cherished desires can't be achieved without hurting someone
The ideals you don't mind losing will be your signpost
Laugh if you must, take the scorn with you too
Your voice that day, what you wanted to say, what you couldn't say
If you sing to the sky, shake free from your regrets.
Inevitable, inevitable, in throwing away, you carried too much
For that reason, claw onward!
Anguish becomes a sudden downpour.
The quagmire of scorn clings to your leg, not letting you go
Confined within a rain cloud
The isolated sky
Flight from the captured darkness
The things I gripped slipped out immediately.
The things I believed passed away too quickly.
And yet, with just this warmth they left behind,
This life is worth living.
Emerging from the muddy stream of disappointment
A streak of light shining from the dull, cloudy sky
By then, the rain had already lifted.
Cut through fact or fiction, and look up to the heavens, the eternity that flew away
If you sing to the sky,
Your voice that day crying something, what you wanted to say, what you couldn't say
If you sing to the sky, go along with your regrets.
Inevitable, inevitable, in ending, you lost too much
For that reason, claw onward!
Finite, finite, our slim remaining future
For that reason, claw onward!

i love you

if i could i would scream to the whole universe that i love you
and love is felt not just by talking
i read in your lips every word your heart said
love is a soul that shows so much in caring for someone
and i feel you and i swear i really feel you
and whatever i see in my life i would still hold on to you
my back my protection you are my support and my strength
and when im weak i will run to you to defend me
wave your hand and say i love you every second
you are my soul and if im in pain then you are my cure
beside i feel as myself and stay another one
one who owns this life even if i have my needs

How Do I Forget You

And suddenly all love songs became about you
Became about you, became about you in an instant
How do I forget you when you're all over the place
When you've hunkered down tight all over my mind
Take me away from everyone else, autumn is a simple excuse
To write you, to remind you of everything
What can I give you?
Instead of teary eyes, not being a cause for crying
How can I surprise you?
I know I'm rich, but not as rich as they are
What can I give you?
Here's my heart, hold it, try to buy it with loyalty
Call me, let's stay up till morning
I don't care that we have to get up so early
I've got a flight, you've got business
Let's spend some time together, I need so much more of you
I've been looking for you, for love, among everyone, I've been finding it but then losing myself
I don't recognize you, but you're so near
Why did you change so much?
I've been looking so hard for you
How can I find you?
You've gotten so used to exchanging
Feelings for the money of others
And suddenly all love songs became about you
Became about you, became about you in an instant
How do I forget you when you're all over the place
When you've hunkered down tight all over my mind
And suddenly all love songs became about you
Became about you, became about you in an instant
How do I forget you when you're all over the place
When you've hunkered down tight all over my mind
It's too late to say goodbye, too late for love
But only God knew how much I loved you
The things I do I do for you, you can't be serious, I am
You filled up my heart, now it's empty
I hate everything, and I hate
That we're no longer us, and we're not together, not together
You're in my head and all over the place
Your image flashes all day long
What's with me? Stay with me
'Cause without you, I'm such a shitshow
You like it when guys flood your ears
Not with pure souls, but with the crunching of money
And I'm walking through streets, past old buildings
You're looking for an adventure, while I, I'm looking for you
I'm looking so hard for you, how can I find you
You've gotten so used to exchanging feelings for the money of others
And suddenly all love songs became about you
Became about you, became about you in an instant
How do I forget you when you're all over the place
When you've hunkered down tight all over my mind
And suddenly all love songs became about you
Became about you, became about you in an instant
How do I forget you when you're all over the place
When you've hunkered down tight all over my mind

Now is the salvation and the strength

Now is the salvation and the strength and the kingdom and the might of our God
become [those] of his Christ,
since he has been cast out
who complained about them day and night before God.
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.


Come, let's make memories together
And pretend that the past is dead
The we spent apart is gone
We have been always together
Ever since mankind existed
Ever since love existed
If I had one more day to live
And the night took my breath away
My soul will always be with you, listening to you
Our journey will never end
Let's not to think about what's to come
And pretend that this life is forever
Let's live this moment together
Nothing can tear us apart
We fell hopelessly in love
And we're sharing every breath of air

Under the Moonlight

Sometimes I lose my way
I don't know where I'm going
I seek out luck in the time
That's yet to come
And I wouldn't be anywhere else
Except for here
In the madness of the days I've spent beside you
I've been so happy
I dream
About you
Under the moonlight
And I live lost minutes
Until the night's end
The rebellion that grows
And spreads
Between you and me
It's what will stay in our memories
Until the end
I dream
About you
Under the moonlight
I always wander through places
I know to be mine
Sometimes I follow the way
Sometimes I run out of luck
I swallow the sea, and my strong body
Carries onward without
Turning back
I always wander through places
I know to be mine
Sometimes I follow the way
Sometimes I run out of luck
I swallow the sea, and my strong body
Carries onward without
Looking back
Under the moonlight
Under the moonlight
Under the moonlight
Under the moonlight
Under the moonlight
Under the moonlight

i'm a ghost for you

if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
right with me, right now
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now
if i could, i would drown you
right with me, right now

I need You

Love towards You has come over me
I need You, only You
[All] day, [all] night, I'm only burning
I need You, only You
I don't take joy in wealth
Nor do I burden myself with indigence
With Your ishq1 I comfort myself
I need You, only You
The love for You is destroying me
A sea of ishq has swallowed me
Fill me up with Your might
I need You, only You
I'll tear off all shackles
I'll cross mountains while being crazy
The thought of You has overcome me
I need You, only You
Even if they'd kill me
[And] scatter my ashes around
A cry of the ashes they'd hear
I need You, only You
Yunus is my name
It hurts me since the beginning
From both the worlds [only] one voilition
I need You, only You
  • 1. Ishq is an Arabic word meaning 'love' or 'passion', and is a very important but rather complex concept of Sufism
Kadija te tuži, kadija ti sudi

One year

I met you in the spring
You looked at me first
I fell in love from an eternal summer
And that farewell in September
Yes it feels in October
November without you it hurt me too
December will come, you are still in my mind
Six months have passed and I'll finally see you again
February will come, I will be first
To give you flowers and telling you that I love you
It may be one year more than once
Without being able to see you
But the love is stronger
Time may move us away again
Without knowing where you are
But the love is stronger
Ooooh oh oh oh oh
I'll wait you because the love is stronger
I already told my friends, I don't need anything
And only you are in my mind
A thousand kilometros are subtracted when two souls are summed up
In the distance I can see
I only think, I only think about you
I only think, I only think about you
My cousins already know your last name
That for you I am lost
I hope it also happens to you
December will come
You are still in my mind
Six months have passed and I'll finally see you again
February will come, I will be first
To give you flowers and telling you that I love you
It may be one year more than once
Without being able to see you
But the love is stronger
Time may move us away again
Without knowing where you are
But the love is stronger
Ooooh oh oh oh oh
I'll wait you because the love is stronger
Ooooh oh oh oh oh
I'll wait you because the love is stronger
I met you in the spring
You looked at me first