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Letter of Farewell to my Wife

Yiying my darling,
With this letter I bid you a final farewell! I am writing this as a living person on earth but I will become a ghost in the underworld by the time you read this. Ink and tears flow in equal measure as I write. I can hardly go on and want to put my pen away, but I am afraid you would misunderstand my heart and think that I am so callous to forsake you or I seek death without knowing your wish for me to stay alive. So I have to overcome my sorrow to explain.
I love you to death! And love gives me the courage to face death. Ever since I met you, I have often wished that all the lovers in the world would find their fulfillment. But the reality is that the land is permeated in blood, and vicious thugs roam the street. How many families can claim true happiness? Just like Tang Poet Bai Juyi cries for the misfortune of a concubine, I could not be like the ancient sages who held themselves aloof from the ordeals of the common people. It is said: 'benevolence is to take care of the old as you would your own parents, to take care of the young as you would your own children.' As my heart is filled with love for you, that love makes me yearn for helping others to love whom they love. That is why I dare to die and to leave you behind. I believe that as you understand my heart, you would, even in your tears of sorrow, be glad to sacrifice my life and your well-being, for the long lasting happiness of all the people. Please do not be sad!
Do you remember? In one evening about four or five years ago, I once said” if one of us were to die, I wish that you would die before me.” At first you were angry when you heard of it. After I gently explained my intention, you still did not agree but could not refute me. What I meant was, I knew you would not have been able to bear the sadness of my death if I were to die first. My death would have left you in a cruel agony. I would rather that it was me who would bear the sadness of our separation in death. Alas, it is I who will have to die first!
I can never ever forget about you! I can visualize our family residence in Back Street, and mentally enter the front door, walk through the hallway, pass both the front and back parlors, into the smaller parlor after a few turns, and the adjacent bedroom where we have lived together. Remember that in the third or fourth months into our marriage, on a winter night of a full moon, sparse plum branches outside window sieved moonlight into exquisite shadows. Side by side, hand in hand, softly we talked. Every experience was shared. and every feeling was exchanged! Oh the memories left tear stains on my face!. I also remember about six or seven years ago, after I returned home from a period of desertion, you tearfully told me: 'you must let me know next time you go on a long trip. I will accompany you wherever you go.' I promised you then that I would. A little more than ten days ago when I came back home, I had wanted to tell you about this journey. However, when I was with you, I could not bring it up. Especially since you were pregnant, I was afraid you could not bear the sadness. All I could do was to take refuge in alcohol to inebriate myself. Alas, my wrenching agony at that time was beyond words.
It is my true wish to live out our lives together, but based on the current state of affairs - natural disasters can kill us, thieves and robbers can kill us, the upheaval in the breaking up of China by foreign powers can kill us, corrupt and despotic officials who abuse people can kill us. Our generation lives in a country where death can strike people at any time, anywhere. When that happens to one of us, could you or I bear to just helplessly watch the other die? Even if we escape death, what is to prevent us from being forced to separate from each other until our longing eyes become blind and our yearning bones turn into fossils? The pain of separation is worse than death. And just like a broken mirror cannot be restored, families separated hardly end in a happy reunion. We are fortunate to be alive and healthy today. But the number of people who had wished to live yet perished, and couples who had wished to be together yet were separated, is countless. Can true lovers like us bear with this? This is why I have made the decision to lay down my life, even if it means losing you. I will have no regrets. The success of of the revolution will be on the shoulders of my comrades. Yixin is five years old now, he will be a grown man soon. Please raise him well and make him like me. I suspect the life in your womb is a girl. If so, she surely will be like you, and I will be very glad. Or maybe it is a boy, then please educate him to follow my aspirations. So there will be two of me after my death. Great! Great! Our family will become very poor. Poverty is not a great hardship for a life lived simply.
I have no more words. If I should hear your wails from afar in the underworld, I ought to answer with wails of my own. I do not believe in ghosts, but now I wish they do exist. Nowadays people also claim that telepathy is possible via bio-electrical signals. I also hope the claim is true. So after my death, my spirit will still be at your side and you do not feel the sorrow of losing your spouse.
I had not revealed to you my aspirations. It is my fault. But if I had told you, I was afraid that you would have been worried about me every day. I could willingly sacrifice my life for my country a hundred times, but I cannot bear the thoughts of your worrying about me. I love you most deeply, and I am always anxious that I have not thought for you carefully enough. You are fortunate to marry be, but are unfortunately to have been born in today's China. I am so fortunate to have you, but so unfortunate to have been born in today's China. In the end, I cannot tend only to my self interest.
Alas! So much love, so small a handkerchief, and so many feelings from the heart left unsaid, but you can glean the rest. I can no longer see you now! I know you won't be able to let me go. Will you see me often in your dreams? I am tumultuous!
4/24/1911 2am
PS. Our aunts are all proficient in literature. Please ask them for help if anything is unclear, I really want you to fully appreciate what I meant.

Guitars of Nostalgia

Da da da da da da da
in the night will dream
with soft nostalgia.
They announce
that there will be a new dawn,
guitars and loves.
My desires are
those you will hear,
we will enjoy
in eternity.
in the night will dream,
love guitars.
All the roses
open in front of your window
and your smile shines
much more than yesterday.
I keep singing
in my dreams that I love you,
your whole world
is my world.
~ ~ ~
Da da da di da da da
They announce
that there will be a new dawn,
guitars and loves.
My desires are
those you will hear,
we will enjoy
in eternity.
in the night will dream,
love guitars.
Love guitars.

Chitala lopis****

Chitala lopis****
Is caught, it laughs got some tee-hees**
Chitala lopis****
Is bought, it will say: no, sorries
If you now really wanna eat
Pass to mouth and then go to chew it
In to stomach and outta bushes*
I'm so confused, baby with bushes*
Chitala lopis****
Is caught, it laughs got some tee-hees**
Chitala lopis****
Is bought, it will say: no, sorries
If the chickens now wanna eat
Wear shirts, then beanie don't forget it
Go for the tables with some rushes
I'm so confused, baby with bushes*
Chitala lopis...**** (Chitala lopis...**** Chitala lopis....****)
Baby with bushes...* (Baby with bushes...* Baby with bushes...*)
Chitala lopis...**** (Chitala lopis...**** Chitala lopis....****)
Chitala lopis...**** (Chitala lopis...**** Chitala lopis....****)
Chitala lopis...**** (Baby with bushes...* Chitala lopis....****)
Baby with bushes...* (Baby with bushes...* Baby with bushes...*)

Forgive me my love

You flicker in the dark, you wanted to leave

Hand on trigger

My hand is on the trigger.
Lone wolfs in the city.
What is in my coffee?
The fogs had fallen on me
I am on my way, who will catch, will throw, will shoot me?
I am spinning just like how tumble pigeons spin back to the same.
I am spinning
All the city under me
Crumbling in my hand
I am spinning, my heart is in the middle
Blue night wanders and sleeps on my wings
My hand is on trigger
While you are sleeping inside.
Knowing this truth was good
I am having delusions, it is making itself a home here.
Want to leave myself to the slopes
I wish i hadn't died for the sake of love
I wish sun would rise up to my hair
It would be great if I make it to the morning
My hand is on the trigger


honey-tongued, honey-tongued
Albağını honey-tongued.
whatever strangers say,
my own language is sweet
honey-tongued, honey-tongued
mother tongue is the sweet language.
either doctor and remedy,
is sweetly speaking honey-tongued.
shirin, it is coming to,
your hair is coming to your face
when Farhad is digging cliffs
he remembers Shirin.
like as Shirin, like as Shirin,
love beautifully like as Shirin,
I prefer young lovers,
to be like Farhad and Shirin
it is my mother tongue, it is my mother tongue,
the apple is sliced
what brings me happiness
is my own lovely my mother.


Izgleda da je ovako kako je, ha?
Mislim da je očigledno
Da se nikada nećemo gledati oči u oči
Smešno je
Koliko god te mrzim
Trebaš mi
Ovo je muzika koja će te ubiti
Imam predosećaj
Osećam da je kraj blizu
Užitak je postao bol
Čujem simfoniju kako svira
Desetine hiljada violina
Duše odplovljavaju kao pera na vetru
Rekli su da sam na poslednjem albumu bio žestok
Ne, zvučao sam kao opak reper
Koji devedeset posto
Ovih hipokrata pokušava da se reši
Ali zašto bih stavio čip u svoje rame?
Jedno vreme sam bio smatran za najbolesnijeg
Kučko, još uvek sam važan kao tvoj rajsferšlus
Istina, samo postajem bogatiji
Ali čak i da je ikada bilo sve u novcu
Onda bih odustao pre jebeno mnogo vremena
Kučko, začepi
Trebao bih otići i reći ovo sranje Tech N9neu ili Jiggi
Niko nije rekao ni sranje o 2 Chainzu od kada je ovde, sranje
Ne čudim se što si ljut, sada sam i ja
Gledam u nagrade, brojim ih
Ja sam L.L. Cool. veći i gluvlji, tako je
Prodam kao četiri miliona kada izbacim loš album(Šta?)
Revival je propao, vratio se i uplašio ih na smrt
Ali Rolling Stone zvezda, dobijem dva ipo
Pet, i smejaću se naglas
Jer to je što su davali nekada u moje vreme
Što je zapravo učinilo da se ne osećam tako loše sad, jer
Ako se desi Džejmsu
Može se desiti Shadiju
Ućinili su isto sranje Bradiju
Više ljudi me mrzi nego voli
Ova igra će učiniti da poludiš
Jer ćeš postati Š V O R C
Bio sam K, O Z A
Jednom kada se vrtela moja muzika
Na svakoj radio stanici
Rekli su da sam lirski neverovatan
Ali nemam ništa da kažem
Ali onda kada sam izbacio Revival i kada sam imao nešto da kažem
Rekli su da su mrzeli, prezirali me
Izgubio sam bes, pitom
Dobio sam ga nazad, kažu da sam previše ljut
Moram da mi nabavim Dre beats
Ne, treba da se smotam sa Tay Keithom
Fanovi me vuku na jednu stranu
Hejteri na drugu
Imam više kuka u sebi nego Swae Lee
Idem uzeti tegove i dizati dok mi se se tetovaža Hailie-na lica ne rastegne
Kažu da sam samo slab, zvučim kao beba
Kažem svoje mišljenje ali ne mogu da ga podnesu
Ali ja ga podnosim, pa kažem opet
I oni postaniu uznemireni
Ovo sranje je skoro komično
I čekaj, nisam mislio da budem neučtiv
Nisam ponizio Tech-a, ono nije bila uvreda prema 2 Chainzu ili Jay-Zu
Oni se verovatno osećaju isto jer u poslednje vreme
Umesto da budemo poštovani zbog dugovečnosti
I toga što možemo biti tako dugo na ovom levelu, nama
je rečeno da nikad nećemo biti što smo bili
Kučko, da sam upola dobar kao što sam bio
Još uvek sam duplo bolji nego što ćeš ti ikad biti
Jedini način kako si ispred mene je abecedno
Jer ako me uvrediš dolazim po tebe kao slovo V
Ubijam sve, pusti ovaj ritam, ovo je tvoj hvalospev
Ovo je tvoja sahrana, pripremi se da umreš
Ovo je muzika koja će te ubiti

The Eve on The Hill

Versions: #1
The horn is mourning on the hill, in the new evening,
The herds slowly climb it, the stars show the way, happy shining,
The waters weep into the wells, clearly springing,
Under an acacia tree, you, my darling, are waiting.
Holly and clear the moon pass through the skies,
You scout through the leaves with your very bright eyes,
The stars give birth, on the sky with clear nights,
Your heart is filled with longings, your mind filled with thoughts.
Rushing clouds fight with the sunrays at noon,
Old hidden houses dance under the full moon,
Broken and rusty well’s bucket squeak in the wind,
The valley is in a fog, the murmuring whistles left behind.
Weary peasants with their scythes on their back
Return from the fields


I sit at Plan B on my own for two hours
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
Three hours at Plan B on my own
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
[Verse 1]
Life is a bunch of nonsense but I'd like mine to be rare
You don't pick up the phone so I'm sending letters
It stopped raining already and worms are slithering into the city
They're probably all going on a date with you, those cunts
My once healthy lungs are now whistling
Rattling, buzzing, whistling, I drank gin before visiting the internist
I keep telling him about the lung but he doesn't want to listen to me
Tells me: 'Son of a bitch, go away'
Healthy brain keeps producing bad dreams
And memories chase me like that verse from 'Crybaby'
I gave you unique things like those Peweksy
But now you call me an 'ex-guy'
I don't have you, I don't have anything, only those lyrics
That keep biting eachother in my notebook like rabid dogs
Tiny bit away from madness, cold and dirt in the brain
And my heart is shaking like an epileptic
So many hours at Plan B on my own
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
Life is:
Race through space. Some tears, sometimes bliss
And then: a sticky cobweb in an empty wallet
Life is:
Race with flags between barricades
While death is chasing and yelling 'Stop, citizen!'
Open your briefcase please (okay)
Tell us your PESEL please (hmm, okay)
Please don't worry about the world or your own existence
Please remember that there's no soul, you're just a piece of meat
Tell us your PESEL please
[Verse 2]
To all the happy people: please stop fucking pissing me off
Because I'm planning to tear something off of every single happy person
And all those pretty teeth will roll down the pavement
If you keep shining them at me, fucking hell!
It's not a comedy, Antigone is meant to be your example
Here it's supposed to be a tragedy, an antique choir has to stand nearby
Please, go kill yourselves, seriously I can even give you a rope myself
Or some kind of a rifle, just all of you go sleep in coffins
I don't sleep, I swallow energy drinks
You see, how am I supposed to sleep when I hear those damn yells everywhere?
I hear conversations and sticky vomit from the parties
And there's even a violinist playing under my window, though he's doing quite well...
Besides that I wait, I wait for a call from her
Tobacco spinning in my lungs and concrete running in my veins
My life is running away again, I'm chasing the peloton again
But life is getting faster and it runs away with my woman
Ditch sleeping, leave sleep to the skeletons
I'm waiting for you at Plan B, I'll be waiting here forever
I write, and you say nothing, understand that you hurt and dishonor me
I've just seen you, are you having fun in the city? Kill yourself
I keep waiting, Saviour Square, come and save me
I won't bite or shoot, come and drink with me
After all I can see you're reading what I write
So tomorrow I'll write it all down and send it to the public
So many hours at Plan B on my own
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
Life is:
Race through space. Some tears, sometimes bliss
And then: a sticky cobweb in an empty wallet
Life is:
Race with flags between barricades
While death is chasing and yelling 'Stop, citizen!'
Open your briefcase please (okay)
Tell us your PESEL please (hmm, okay)
Please don't worry about the world or your own existence
Please remember that there's no soul, you're just a piece of meat
Tell us your PESEL please

Be Your Enemy

Versions: #1
Close your eyes
If it gets hard, you can lean on me for a while
The monologue inside your exhausted head
even without the noise, you can hear my heart
You can say anything
Be a little angry sometimes
You'll be comfortable if you're able to push it all aside
Relieve all the annoyance on me that got mixed in with your tears
I'll be your enemy, enemy
The words that haunted your nights, the words
Even if you return those to me,
cosily, cosily, I'll comfort you. It's okay, it's all okay
I'll be your enemy, enemy
Your heart that's easily wounded, your heart
If you can be weak,
I'm fine with painful words no matter how much they hurt

Broken Love

Once the winter weather passes through our minds
A little warmth inside us start to show It's kind
Even if I try to think of the better times
It just hurts me more but I feel so alive
Where’s my love
It used to be so alive
You were really all that I got
When the time
ended for you and I
It made a little void in my mind
I don’t want your love
All we did was fuck
Everytime I think of you
It’s just killing me
Why’d you have to leave
Why’d you have to be
I don’t want your
broken love
No more
Broken love
I’m so broken
Still breaking
all this love
I was stolen
Then woken
by all the memories
Like a fire
I burned down your phone
Now I'm gonna leave after burnt a lot of nights
Stay up all night


The night has come already and
Where I'm supposed to leave, I stop again
I'm looking at the sunset that you liked
If somewhere is just like me
You turn back coldly
I can't catch you, you're so far away
Now only more regrets have gathered
I can't climb over the wall, I'm right here
I'm still standing in the same place
I’m not going
The heart loses more places and leaves
Again going
The same day every day
Repeats itself again
I'm getting more used to it, hold me down
Now you're saying all these things
It's like waiting
I deny that you're not here
I can't catch you now, you're so far away
I can't let go of you, I stop here
I'm used to wait
I just fill my longing every day
I'm still standing in the same place
I’m not going
The heart loses more places and leaves
Again going
I can't go back, I'm right here
The green line drawn by the wandering footstep
I see you hovering around again yeah
I'm used to the memories, I erase you again
I'm still standing in the same place
I’m not going
The heart loses more places and leaves
Again going
I'm still standing in the same place
Again going

Next station

It's Jarzyna's birthday, I drove to Młociny
In the morning the hangover only came after I drove past Wawrzyszew
Constantly drunk, I go past Stare Bielany
Constantly buzzed, in old clothes, constantly sleepy
If I was religious I would go to confession
But I have issues with God, I think (that) as I see Słodowiec
The air escaping somewhere near Marymont metro
I didn't have enough to exhale again, I have to go ashore
Some boy eats a sandwich loudly
And it's only Plac Wilsona, I might pass out
An artist with a briefcase thinks he's some Matejka or Banksy
But he lacks imagination, Dworzec Gdański soon
(Next station) - Ratusz Arsenał
'Ł' said with front of the tongue, and I'm suffering right now
I close my eyes and pray to be at Świętokrzyska already
People came in with kebab, grinding meat in their mouths
(Next station): one liter of wine and half liter of vodka
And six cigarettes, so you can smoke and ponder your sadness
(Next station): one liter of vodka and half liter of wine
The end of June, winter is soon
Like a partisan in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
(Next station): in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
I hear someone playing on a chair, this must be the downtown
He's quite good, someone should buy him a drum already
I struggle with pain when I go past Politechnika
I think some guy wants my seat, he's standing and staring
(Next station): Pole Mokotowskie
A nun is reading God's Word sadly
Dead silence in the wagon, Racławicka metro is soon
Everyone's a little unkempt, everyone's tightening the belt
Gentlemen without wives, their penises are itching
They talk about women as we pas Wierzbno
My tongue meets my teeth and feels the aftertaste of wine
But that's the last remaining drop, Wilanowska soon
I have to get out, I cant do it anymore
Rain, storming from my temples to my hindbrain, and it's only Służew
I know! I forgot to drink any liquids
I move the water bottle, It's already Ursynów
At least I think so, I can't see well, I have to cut my hair
I'm really fed up with this, I go past Stokłosy
I think I drank with the demons yesterday
They begged me to share with them, Imielin soon
And now please be quite like monks from Shaolin
My head is hurting a lot, you hear me? Natolin soon.
And suddenly I know that I'm in trouble
The last station: Kabaty
(Next station): one liter of wine and half liter of vodka
And six cigarettes, so you can smoke and ponder your sadness
(Next station): one liter of vodka and half liter of wine
The end of June, winter is soon
Like a partisan in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
(Next station): in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
My family is probably praying and missing (me)
They probably went to a pilgrimage at Matka Boska Liecheńska
Because this party lasted around as much as the Congress of Vienna
But I come back, go into metro, Dworzec Wileński station
IPhone calling but I don't feel like talking
A minx from Praga is standing in a disco-baroque outfit
Now the train goes past the Stadion Narodowy station quickly
I used to buy GTA and Eminem's new albums here
Centrum Nauki Kopernik
A boy with dreads is holding a bag, and inside it is a greenhouse
The smell of marijuana eases my temple while I'm still drunk
I smile at it, but the guy dares to walk out
An accordionist got inside on the Uniwersytet station
He loves to play gypsy rhythms and scream
I give him two złoty because I like music too
Though I think metro's wagon is ruining his acoustic
Metro Świętokrzyska
People came in with kebab, grinding meat in their mouths
One of them so hairy he'd need a hundred tweezers
The hot sauce stains his hoodie somewhere around Rondo ONZ
I could stare at him all day
A simple travel in metro, and so many excitements come from it
But enough of this drive, I have to get out and look at the sky again
Last station Rondo Daszyńskiego
(Next station): one liter of wine and half liter of vodka
And six cigarettes, so you can smoke and ponder your sadness
(Next station): one liter of vodka and half liter of wine
The end of June, winter is soon
Like a partisan in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
(Next station): in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough

Famous (Korean Version)

(No drama, no drama)
No drama.
The curtain is up, so watch me.
Awakening in luxury,
Am I the one who shines in a blinding light?
Am I real me backstage?
(No drama, no drama)
At some point, I got used to the fact
That I couldn't find the correct answers to all my questions.
A black shadow covered me, but I couldn't free myself
(I don't know anymore what to do)
Famous (I'm so fabulous)
Famous (I'm so dangerous)
You scream my name with great delight.
Famous (I'm so fabulous)
Famous (I'm so dangerous)
Famous (So famous)
Everybody wants me (So famous)
(No drama, no drama)
If you want to be mine, you should know
That I don't need a special script or something like that.
You want me in your fantasies.
You should match me. Do me right.
Habitual bad romance,
Fake emotions.
This is all: a potion that is constantly destroying my body.
It's not even true love. It's just an illusion, a deception,
A fleeting passion.
Make sure there is no regret after its flame.
(Get rid of them all)
Famous, famous (I'm so)
Famous, famous (Famous)
I'm delighted with the spotlights, it is my catharsis.
Famous, famous (I'm so)
Famous, famous (Ooh!)
However, no one even knows how unbearable loneliness and inner drama are.
Drama, drama, drama.
No drama, drama, drama.
(That's right!)
Famous (I'm so fabulous)
Famous (I'm so dangerous)
Famous (So famous)
Fake drama (So famous)
The curtain is down, but watch me.
Awakening, I feel empty.
The curtain hides me again.
I'm gonna go even more crazy tonight.
Famous, famous (I'm so)
Famous, famous (Famous)
My heart trembles violently.
Famous, famous (I'm so)
Famous, famous
Famous (So famous)
(Everybody wants me)
(No drama, no drama)
So famous.


A little projection of my mind
Grows by subscribing of the instinct.
The dream that has blossomed
In the depths of the night illusions
Is nothing but a shadow.
Inside of me
Under under under
Under under under
Beautiful silhouette
Sweet voices
Drive me crazy, mmm
You are my messiah
You are my
(killing me)
(Killing me softly)
I'm blind and I can't help myself
You re-create my meaning.
Everything inside me is heating up with renewed vigor
I beg you let me take another hot breath...
Under under under
Under under under
Beautiful silhouette
Sweet voices
Make me crazy, mmm
You are my messiah
You are my
(killing me)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A (You are)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-ah-ah-ah (Umm)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My
You are You are You are
My my IDEA My my IDEA
A dangerous dream that consumed me
Turned out to be you.
Trembling deep in my heart
You are my messiah (Killing me softly)
Beyond awareness
I finally found your shadow.
Everything that is not in your field of vision.
The moment that made me believe
Take me out of my mind.
Blue light flies through me
When I look at you and me -
All my emotions are tainted in it.
It becomes an endless range
In my world, the absolute value of you blinds me
My my IDEA
You are you are you are (killing me)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A (You are)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-ah-ah-ah (Umm)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My
You are You are You are
My my IDEA My my IDEA
A dangerous dream that consumed me
Turned out to be you.
Trembling deep in my heart
You are my messiah (Killing me softly)
(Killing me softly Killing me softly)
The night that tore our hearts apart.
(Killing me softly Killing me softly)
I can finally see the whole truth...


Thinly intertwined people
A player you caught with both eyes
In a threadlike line of emotion
You're standing on multiple rows.
Clear vibration
I'm getting a little tremor.
Boldly crossing the line
I want to know you more.
First, get interested in me.
I'll sneak you in, too.
And then I'll paralyze my judgment.
Whisper it low and lure it in.
So as not to get wet by the sticky consistency
I control the sweetness.
Suddenly, the reason is entangled
You can't move.
Drawn into a deep instinct
I don't want to escape.
A heart spreading like a seeping poison
You fill me up.
You know, when I look around, it feels like it's tightening,
You won't be able to walk away easily.
With five keen senses
Now you're detecting me.
Growing wave
He's not a light-hearted man.
Shattered silence
Actually, I think he wanted this.
And then I'm going to explode.
The fantasy you've been drawing is in your arms.
At the last minute, at the critical moment,
Take aim at the free heart.
So as not to get wet by the sticky concentration
I control the sweetness.
Suddenly, the reason is entangled
You can't move.
Drawn into a deep instinct
I don't want to escape.
A heart spreading like a seeping poison
You fill me up.
at the touch of one's hand
Your warmth spreads.
It's no longer casual
I think it will be difficult.
Shake you up
Burn the child.
I paint it full of my own color
beyond one's ability
with all one's might
Wake you up with a strange sense
The novelty will be sweet.
A narrow mind in its stride.
You want more of me.
A heart spreading like a seeping poison
Fill each other up.
Draw deeper
Slowly lure

You'll hug me (Think Of You)

Everything starts to get boring
I'm worrying about every little thing.
Self-esteem depends on
What other people say.
It's time to stop
I'm exhausted enough.
What is it, mmm.
I'm greedy for this life.
Even if I'm young, sometimes
I allow myself to lean on you
And cry. Just give me a hug.
I'll hide my reddened face
In your hands and my forehead will feel
The warmth of your lips.
When tears form a sea
You still my only hope.
I love you, give me a word
Just one word.
When you feel tired
And when it hurts,
You know you can lean on me.
Give me a hug.
When you want to let go
And the feeling of loneliness is all around you,
You know you can just lean on me.
Give me a hug.
'It's time for you to finally wake up and
To take the responsibility'. -
These words split out from your lips
Unleash our emotions
I was only looking for consolation...
Why does everyone say that...
I try to seem strong
And laugh as long as I can play this part.
Even if everything looks so carefree
I allow myself to lean on you
And cry. Give me a hug.
I'll hide my reddened face
In your hands and my forehead will feel
The warmth of your lips.
When tears form a sea
You still my only hope.
I love you, give me a word
Just one word.
Even if it's all a lie,
Even if it's just a lie,
It's okay to lie.
The main thing is that I love you
I love you. Say that you love me,
Give me a hug.
I'll hide my reddened face
In your hands and my forehead will feel
The warmth of your lips.
When tears form a sea
You still my only hope.
I love you, give me a word
Just one word.
When you feel tired
And when it hurts,
You know you can lean on me.
Give me a hug.
When you want to let go
And the feeling of loneliness is all around you,
You know you can just lean on me.
Give me a hug.
Mmm hug me ...

I Think It's Love

How did I get to know you?
Would it be like this if anyone knew you
Why am I so happy to see you?
The excitement is a little overwhelming
Oh, my God. Even if I'm a little awkward,
I want to know more.
I want you.
No matter how much I close my lips,
Leaking words
Stand by my side.
I need you.
I want you to love me.
It's not something that anyone could contain.
I was just a kid.
I think you're the only one of mine.
I think it's love.
There's a lot I want to tell you.
When I stand in front of you like this,
All over my head
Full of you
I can't do anything.
I need you.
I want you to love me.
It's not something that anyone could contain.
I was just a kid.
I think you're the only one.
Maybe many days have passed
I'll remember even if I'm dull.
So I'm the only one who can do it.
I wanted it and I wanted it.
I love you.
I need you.
I want you to love me.
It's not something that anyone could contain.
I was just a kid.
I think you're the only one of mine.
(All I need is you in my life)
I just wanna love you)
I need you.
(All I need is you in my life)
I just wanna love you)
Oh, no one's ever been able to capture it.
I was just a kid.
I think you're my only love.
I think it's love.

The eternel feminin

If my Air means anything to you,
You would be wrong to embarrass yourself

Gemini Tale

Holding hands, squeezing tightly
We were shapeless in the drifting night sky,
Weaving a Gemini Tale
Same face, different voice
We were anxious
No words were needed
I could see it in your eyes
Where did you come from and how did we meet?
I don't know but
Stay as close as possible
Don't flow away, Gemini Tale
The changing seasons taught me how to say goodbye
There's no point in being alone
Being together is fine
Broken stars from the old days fall around our revolving field of view
Disappearing, too ephemeral
We were holding on
The changing seasons taught me how to say goodbye
There's no point in being alone
Being together is fine
Broken stars from the old days fall around our revolving field of view
Disappearing, too ephemeral
We were holding on


Versions: #1
I want to see, I want to get in
Baby nobody will do you harm,
Except loving you.
You go here, you go there
But you'll never find yourself
By escaping.
There's no force around
There're no love potions
Where are you?
Where am I?
Why are we on Sensation Street'?
So far from the sun, that's burning with love.
I give you bread, you want salt
Baby I'll never give you
What you ask me.
I give you God, you want more
Is it that you'll never understand
A poor boy?
Those bikes that ride so fast
Will only make you feel the wind
Nothing else, nothing else.
If you could just forget your mind
In front of me, I know your heart
Would say 'yes'.
There's no force around
There're no love potions
Where are you?
Where am I?
Why are we on 'sensation street'?
So far from the sun, that's burning with love.


I wish I could understand
The reason why you left me
My heart only had space for you
Come back here again so I can say it
If you want to be with me
I'll give you plenty of reasons to stay
Commas are not periods
Who's talking about the ending?
Who said that?
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses you
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses
We learn in time
Not everything works out as expected
My plans are not doing plans
As long as I have you by my side
Baby, you can't fool me
You're playing with a Gemini
The kind that if you go
I'm not coming after you, not coming after you
No, no
I'm not coming after you
If you want to be with me
I'll give you plenty of reasons to stay
(Yeah, yeah)
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses you
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses
If I had a time machine
I'd do everything exactly the same, damnit
You not wanting me is almost tragic
It's more than tragic
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses you
I know you are also thinking about when
We used to get crazy, fucking the night away
Tell me what you are going to do
Even my bed misses

Girolemin (Little Jerome)

Girolemin! Girolemin!
My father is a knife sharpener, I am the little knife sharpener
my father earns money, I can't even get five bucks.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
I came from far away with my grindstone
I make my grindstone spin fast to make a living.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
Three bucks for a pipe, three bucks for tobacco
even if I'm simple-minded, I deserve respect.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
I work for men and for women too
and most gladly for pretty young women.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
My father is a knife sharpener, I am the little knife sharpener
when my father dies, I'll be the knife sharpener.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.

In pairs

I enjoy being by myself in this one bedroom apartment
When you will take your clothes away I can breath again
My mom calls me too much, she asks me if I already downloaded Tinder
But I am not interested in getting to know anybody
I am already too old to believe in bedtime stories
There is no such thing as a happy ending
Those who say that it's worse being alone that together with somebody
They haven't been with you
Even though starting from daycare we learn how to walk
In pairs, hand in hand
Is it a must always to have someone next to you
In pairs, hand in hand
Luckily we aren't together anymore
It makes me sick to see lovebirds 1
Their stupid grins makes me think about it
How naive we were when we really believed that
Nothing bad would happen to us, mmm
I am already too old to believe in bedtime stories
There is no such thing as a happy ending
Those who say that it's worse being alone that together with somebody
They haven't been with you
Even though starting from daycare we learn how to walk
In pairs, hand in hand
Is it a must always to have someone next to you
In pairs, hand in hand
Luckily we aren't together anymore
I am already too old to believe in bedtime stories
There is no such thing as a happy ending
Those who say that it's worse being alone that together with somebody
They haven't been with you
Even though starting from daycare we learn how to walk
In pairs, hand in hand
Is it a must always to have someone next to you
In pairs, hand in hand
Luckily we aren't together anymore
  • 1. in Finnish lit. 'newly in love'

POL Smoke

I tell them arrivederci
I think about the times when I wasn't afraid of death (block block)
I drank, I smoked these hundreds - year after year
You don't pretend to be Greek here (you were there with me)*
In Wola they sprinkled me a feta
Foam on the face, I spit that foam on the sweater
The goods were selling by themselves, cousin, marketing was irrelevant to them
I was just a kid, money from my grandfather for drugs
(I'm ashamed)
Basically everyone has a secret
Not everyone puts it in the verse
Every new bang is 'ykhh, ekhh'
Karma returns like GetBack
Karma returns like a comet
Karma in the face like an airbag
Grim Reaper will ask about me (what?)
He shoot me down, bang bang
My dealer was Grzesiek
He writes, that there is a drought in the city
-I can't give you much
He says triple-perfect
Act: Wiatraczna roundabout
White day, five pm
Language school, speak up!
Everything irie, wagwan
I smoke drugs on the roof of Blue City
We smoke half spliffs here
Drug click-clak
Loading the cartridge into the fifa
I liked weed, when I didn't have it, I used to be hyperactive
Thank God - I threw these blunts before I got the hay of music, I would lose everything
I tell them arrivederci
I think about the times when I wasn't afraid of death (block block)
I drank, I smoked these hundreds - year after year
You don't pretend to be Greek here (you were there with me)
In Wola they sprinkled me a feta
Foam on the face, I spit that foam on the sweater
The goods were selling by themselves, cousin, marketing was irrelevant to them
I was just a kid, money from my grandfather for drugs
(I'm ashamed)
New year, new mill
I make pop, I make smoke
Rest In Peace Pop Smoke
I make the sauce, I lead the way
No, I don't care about gossip
Who and what does with whom
My nights are getting weirder and weirder
I wake her up, make a drink
I still remember how the police searched me in 09
Yesterday they would have found at least three
Today it's just a foil
It's a weird option that any face that has a wardrobe is hiding it
She burned the commodity, and her ambition burned out with the commodity
Today, the levels are divided into clicks according to this specificity
Who likes to smell, who likes to smoke, who likes to drink more
The sober are sitting in the square, they are incompatible
I know ex junkies who play body building out of boredom
I was in the first, second, third group
But not the fourth (never the fourth)
You don't want a white lump
You are blacklisted (blacklisted)
Would you like to join the club, you are not on the list of any
And if you don't want to drink vodka
See, you're gone even more
I say arrivederci
I say arrivederci

Waiting for

Breathing hard now that I'm relaxed.
My dry lips missed the long night, my love
Memories are always afterimages.
You're not getting caught.
I need to know you now. This dream that will never end.
(You) I know it's you. Hold it tight with that touch.
(Fake) Pretending not to. Just get deep. Low, low.
(Whoa) If you come and leave me, you'll come back.
(Wait) Na-na-na, na-na-na-na, tonight.
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Go ahead and analyze it. Rule you're coming to see me.
And it's also time to draw you. You get lonely all the time.
Why in the end I want a deeper dream no
Maybe it's not you, but I'm calling you. It's true.
(You) I know it's you. Hold it tight with that touch.
(Fake) Pretending not to. Just get deep. Low, low.
(Whoa) Even if you make a mess of it, you'll go crazy again.
(Wait) Na-na-na, na-na-na-na, tonight.
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
I'm a slave in this dream (Why, why)
So long (Why, why)
Gradually. Down, down, down. Swallow me deep.
It's you, it's you, it's you, yeah
(You) I know it's a dream, but I still hold you.
(Fake) Pretend you don't know, get deeper, low, low.
(Whoa) I wanted to have you by my side again.
(Stay) In this dream, Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na


La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la
I know well that you're bad for me
Your eyes and the way you move
I try to get away from you
But being brainwashed, all I can do is nod
I don't hate how your words make my feet entangled and dance
Cause I don't want to deny the truth that is was destined to be you from the beginning
So elegant, a criminal who hurts me
It's okay you soothe me just to torture me again
Ooh, I'm on a leash called you
It's painful as much as I can't breathe but also magnificent
So elegant, a criminal who destroys me
Not okay I try and shake my head
Ooh but I'm only getting dragged in more deeply
The moment I fall for you, is the end of my innocence
The syndrome called you
You lure me in and shake me
Behind your childlike innocent face
A frightening side of you, gives me goose bumps
My heart with an open wound is already full of your fingerprints
My hands holding yours that stabbed me are not clean either
So elegant, a criminal who hurts me
It's okay you soothe me just to torture me again
Ooh, I'm on a leash called you
It's painful as much as I can't breathe but also magnificent
So elegant, a criminal who destroys me
Not okay I try and shake my head
Ooh but I'm only getting dragged in more deeply
The moment I fall for you, is the end of my innocence
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
Destroy me more
So elegant, a criminal who hurts me
It's okay you soothe me just to torture me again
Ooh, I'm on a leash called you
It's painful as much as I can't breathe but also magnificent
So elegant, a criminal who destroys me
Not okay I try and shake my head
Ooh but I'm only getting dragged in more deeply
I don't want to get away, destroy me completely


I like cabriolets, an expensive car but I pour in cheap diesel
I go 'vroom, vroom' my lady screams 'oh my!'
Tequila, sex, marijuana, all cheap pleasures
But in summer my head can't think of anything specific
Too bad, that's just my fetish
Too bad, that's my appetite
When I was seventeen I would smoke grams and sachets
Not so much recently, but the vibe is the same as back then
Open your wallet check if you have enough for cigarettes
Two, three, eight, aw, sadly not enough
My people are like Martens boots
Your people are like velcro Nike
I see them when I go to parties in Warsaw
I used to be trapped at house by satanic verses
I have to wake up early because my schedule is full
But you won't find out about it from some cheap newspaper, no
I keep driving and change gears
I keep driving
I mix half vodka and half soda in a cup
A drink that I will cure with black coffee in the morning
Igi calls me, paparazzi caught us again - sucks
Us with the squad, thank God they blurred our faces
They chase us in a cavalcade
I wear a tracksuit, they want to catch me wearing some Balenciaga
They write, zoom in, and stare at my flaws
But they won't write about how me and my friend sold out a stadium
July's buses behind the window
159 cruises through the city here
I think about how I used to ride it to my highschool
I feel moved thinking about it when I'm hungover
I like when ice gets crushed a lot
I like people, I like loud, I hate silence
I like certain things, I don't like predicting
I want to progress through my road, I don't like hesitating
Everyone who has to know, knows it well, I don't have to say it
If you're not my friend I don't have to like you
I have to buy real estate, not vodka
I don't get into car crashes anymore like doctor Lubicz
This isn't 'Playing Manly' boy, it's not corporate music
Not minivans but oldschool Volvo cruisin'
If you're listening to this in a car then drive slowly, cousin
Rest in peace, young Leh, may your soul rest in peace
I keep driving and change gears
I keep driving
I think I'll make a third verse again, and then fourth, you know
I like nights that end in consternation, you know
When I get fined and when they steal my wallet, so
I'm sad that I haven't been punched in my face in a long time
I like when bottles break in a club
When alcoholics babble to each other sadly
I like, I like when various walls break in people
Fat-slim clouds above Warsaw are forecasting a fight
Tottenham didn't win, I'm pouring myself a lot of vodka
I smoke a blunt, I take a sip, pour another round
But this existence would be much emptier without sadness
I've seen a lot in my life but never a bitch in the mirror
I wake up half past five, Gucci Mane wakes me up
I feel like Bruce Wayne but I don't wake her up
Rock you, rock you like a hurricane
Studio day today
Wait, wait for me with rum, I'll be late babe
I keep driving and change gears
I keep driving (Shhh)
Fifi is making progress, beating records as if they owed me money
I'll find my way silently, I won't ask, and won't get lost
When I shave, the media cries after my damned mustache
Water after a drink, and only then a drink again
I am Bonaparte, and she's my Josephine
My rocket out of your league
With my rocket I play Rocket League
I drink wine at Saint-Gilles, call me Saint-Philippe
Mobb Deep is playing, I'm reading Moby Dick
A$AP Rocky with Moby is playing, I'm making another hit
They say 'street' and 'homies' but it's just sesame street
I keep driving and change gears
I keep driving
I want a cabriolet in my garage, not a maluch
I work for it on my own
I do cardio like Paluch
I don't despise anybody, I keep my guard up
I scream my head off for fans
I pick up a very expensive glass
I check my bank balance the next day
I have some expensive furniture, a few new paintings
But still the same faces around me, for years the same friends
At school friendships were more important to me
I can tell you that right away
Because I didn't care about the atomic number of potassium
In a country where people hate their own neighbors
'Helping disabled people, with my fucking tax money?
There's no way!
I keep feeling worried about young Poles
The only way out is to kill yourself or run away to the east
Or maybe not, because you're too afraid of Arabs
Of faggots, of enemies and your own neighbors
Hanging nooses on necks next to expensive ties
The only way left is to drink, cheers to my brothers
To liquor shops, to empty bottles
and full delivery rooms
Cheers (Dawid Podsiadło)
To government elections
To old promises, disguised as new
Cheers (Kizo)
To colorful magazines, to cheep beer
To scratch cards, and drawing games
To psychotropics and crisis brides
Cheap motels, condoms, and divorce papers
Cheers (Ras)
To cheap fruit vodkas
To gullible bosses and sick leaves
Cheers (schafter)
To the growing ozone holes
Free parking and cars
Cheers (Pezet)
To flowers from a gas station
For valentines, anniversaries, and women's day
Cheers (Rosalie.)
I finish and let the postcard go
Best wishes, yours Fifi, a common man

Two Złoty Dancing

A cursed soul, first communion
Dead people stare at me, grim reaper glances from the stained glass
The phantom has stab wounds and nails in both hands
Wound spills on a shoe, my dress is red
Or a 'Carol', a pastoral visit
Dad would leave the house and ride his Opel Vectra
The priest sips on coffee loudly and scolds me
He tells me about Satan and other important monsters from hell
Says I'll burn in hell forever if I'm not faithful
And I'll be heavily depressed until my death
Jesus died for me, and that's no small thing
Although I'm not sure why there's so many contradictions in faith
God can be anything except for second to none
He created the universe, look at all these wonderful planets
He created the man and so many various species
But he still needs a 20 from you
Interesting how greed is one of the deadly sins, right?
Where's loving your neighbor when they tell me to 'shut up', huh?
You are white, you are straight, you are straight
Don't you have anything else to be proud of, huh?
Children starve, there's not enough food on the table again
Their last supper was at the communion
Sparkling 2 złoty dance on a tray
Renovating the vicarage because not everyone is equally equal
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
My pastor was cruising on an axis with a merol car
He was so fat, I guess he didn't get the memo about fasting
He went 'vroom, vroom' in the car, playing only one radio station
Preaching about fruit somehow isn't fruitful
My pastor was cruising on an axis with a merol car
He was so fat, I guess he didn't get the memo about fasting
He went 'vroom, vroom' in the car, playing only one radio station
Preaching about fruit somehow isn't fruitful
In this building where I fight for my own soul
Expensive robes, expensive stone, expensive ore
Dear Lord if you exist you'd understand
You'd understand why I had to run away
Pastor was constantly riding the new car
I thought 'Someone up there must really like him'
Sometimes I talked to my guardian angel:
'Why do people keep stealing roses from grandpa's grave?'
Priest is talking about paranormal things
Fire in his eyes, some other boy is playing organs
I confess my sins terrified that he will tell my mom
I'm forgiven but I'm still anxious, no, no
It's not easy, it's not easy, i know that, my pulse is low
They're going to cut off my head, I'm no 'bad boy'
Just an evil boy that will end up in hell
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
My pastor was cruising on an axis with a merol car
He was so fat, I guess he didn't get the memo about fasting
He went 'vroom, vroom' in the car, playing only one radio station
Preaching about fruit somehow isn't fruitful
My pastor was cruising on an axis with a merol car
He was so fat, I guess he didn't get the memo about fasting
He went 'vroom, vroom' in the car, playing only one radio station
Preaching about fruit somehow isn't fruitful


[Verse 1: Taco Hemingway & CatchUp]
'03 classmate brought a CD, some files on it
Three people at a pool drinking, they're rather nice to each other
Both ladies had yellow thongs, he calls them both 'sweetie'
He touches the golden skin like Midas, and they scream like MIDI
A week ago a pussy and a bird in my speech was just Sylvester and Tweety (Tweety)
A week ago it was still Edd, Edd, Eddie, Johnny Bravo, and Dexter and DeeDee (DeeDee)
The guy at school had an illegal business converting sex to DVD (VD)
A week ago they'd stick out their tongue and now they mimic fellatio
It ruined many people's heads, just trust me
After school Fox Kids and at night porn
Then new stuff from eMule
(Hidden) in Baldur's Gate folder or in biology presentation
My friend described a gangbang to me while we were collecting money for WOŚP
My friend would swear up and down that this is how adults do it, because...
We were raised by pornography (we were raised by pornography)
We were raised by pornography (we were raised by pornography)
Most of us had both a father and mother at home (Most had father and mother)
But in those topics it was always the pornography that raised us (no, no, no, no)
[Verse 2]
Boys see what they want, and then boys want what they see
They want their own sex goddess, who's a virgin at the same time
They want Mary Magdalene in bed, who's a nun at the same time
To put it simply, they want a woman that's liked in both sheets and streets
That woman has to always want a threesome, even though she's not bisexual
You always say 'Homos are ew but lesbians are actually kind of cool'
Her only mission is to guess what cheap fantasies you have in your head
And she has to have big boobs and a 6-pack, but also drink beer and eat pizza with you because...
In a movie: they're in the best form, always want sex and ask the nicest
In a movie: you never come too early, no one will complain 'it's too painful'
In a movie: no one goes to the drugstore because he was supposed to pull out but stayed inside
In a movie: a man doesn't know objection because he knows no one will threaten him with prison
We were raised by pornography (we were raised by pornography)
We were raised by pornography (we were raised by pornography)
Most of us had both father and mother at home (Most had father and mother)
But in those topics it was always the pornography that raised us (no, no, no, no)
[Verse 3]
When a man watches Matrix he won't jump on buildings (no)
But show him porn about stepsisters and he will start dreaming about cousins (ey)
Although in the head its obvious, lust makes you forget that it's fiction
That's where my hard to grasp message comes from - that porn lies just like TV does
Love is a road toward pleasure but sometimes 'Werther' happens
Sometimes love is a beautiful trilogy and sometimes it's an awkward verse
You can *grunting* her hard, believe me, while still showing her respect
Don't think that it's unmanly, believe me, those thoughts make no sense

1990s Utopia

- Do you remember the color of the sky at the French Riviera?
- And the Venetian pink of that apartment near the canal?
- The white of your dress was beautiful (beautiful, beautiful, beautiful)
[Verse 1: Taco Hemingway & Katarzyna Kowalczyk]
Act 1.:
I'll have a flat stomach
I'll have a dashing walk
Bald like some God
Clothes made in Italy
To be fair i don't have my own words but I'll have my own SUV
When you don't have such goods they'd say 'Must improve', and you?
I'll have a nice wedding, like from Hollywood
White dress, white smile, shine of smooth legs
I'll make him bread with margarine so he loses weight
When he comes back from the forest with son I'll clean any dirt
[Chorus: Taco Hemingway]
You wanted life like from a commercial
The lector always knew how to live and where to go
The candidate says it will be normal here again
But what is this normal supposed to be, who is it for?
[Verse 2: Taco Hemingway & Katarzyna Kowalczyk]
Act 2.:
I'll have thick hair
I'll have a manly chest
Enough energy for more hours, maybe boss will appreciate it
I'll have the prettiest font on my business card
I drink in a pub with my friend, she texts me 'Where did you go?'
Sometimes he comes back at 3am, I ask him where he was this time
Sometimes he hits, but he's smart, tries to avoid the face
Back when I married him it was supposed to be passionate
But instead he gives me a second baby and new dish gel
[Chorus: Taco Hemingway]
You wanted life like from a commercial
The lector always knew how to live and where to go
The candidate says it will be normal here again
But what is this normal supposed to be, who is it for?
[Verse 3: Taco Hemingway & Katarzyna Kowalczyk]
Act 3.:
I wake up to fresh coffee
I dream about getting a promotion
Wife asks me 'Where's this aggression form?'
I tell her 'It's a manly thing'
She was supposed to leave me but she still looks over
(She) salivates when I tie a loop around my neck - a tie
I give the babies cereal, for him eggs from a cage
I see him for the last time when he leaves for work
I kiss my kids on the forehead, sit in a boiling hot bathtub
Gillette razor slits a vein, their mother's blood flows out
[Bridge: Katarzyna Kowalczyk]
In a life beautiful like in a commercial
There's no place for my own plans
In a life beautiful like in a commercial
There's no place for my own plans
In a life beautiful like in a commercial
There's no place for my own plans
[Chorus: Katarzyna Kowalczyk]
You wanted life like from a commercial
The lector always knew how to live and where to go
The candidate says it will be normal here again
But what is this normal supposed to be, who is it for?

Polish Tango

Versions: #1
Back in the 90s you had no identity
West kept going forward, west had no mercy
We had to help each other to not be overrun in the race
The world of ex-enemies predicted that we'd be hungry
They winked at us to stop fasting
And we were shocked - so many new things in shops
Plastic toys, cool new porn
Paint in colors of raspberries, bananas, blueberries, and peaches!
They call them 'gray flats'? What fucking gray flats
Everything here is vibrant - Girls, guys, and yorks
Purple bruises, probably because she was being naughty
He's got kefir for men, toffee flavored well-balanced protein
My country left it's cage and now it's in shambles
My country can be run by any loser
In my country the education is uneducated
On one side a fair and on the other Europe
I'm dancing polish tango
My legs are in mud because Wisła is a swamp
Our national colors are like Santa Claus which makes sense
Because I stopped believing in Poland long ago
I'm dancing polish tango
My legs are in mud because Wisła is a swamp
Our national colors are like Santa Claus which makes sense, sense
sense, sense...
Who are you? A little Pole
What's your sign? Bag full of white
Where do you live? Under supervision
In what country? This fucked up one
What is this land? It's my sandcastle
How was it conquered? With fearmongering
Do you love it? A lot, I'm serious
And what do you believe in? I don't believe in anything
Who are you? A little Pole
My beautiful scenery is all ruined with fucking billboards
Sometimes i happen to see a familiar face on one of them
I ask them to stop but they just laugh and say
'Okay dude fucking calm down...'
The entire flat is partying in Warsaw
I'm listening to my previews, call the cops if I'm pissing you off
I can hear those sirens ringing somewhere in Muranów
Those sirens keep wailing, those sirens went crazy
I'm dancing polish tango
My legs are in mud because Wisła is a swamp
Our national colors are like Santa Claus which makes sense
Because I stopped believing in Poland long ago
I'm dancing polish tango
My legs are in mud because Wisła is a swamp
Our national colors are like Santa Claus which makes sense, sense
sense, sense...
Their main mission is to tell you that you're doing great
Only you are right, the rest of the world is living a lie
The horizon is pretty but try to look more narrow
(Look more narrow, look more narrow)
Vaccines and 5G are the enemy
Adults are educated by random Facebook pages
Your nephew is a faggot because gender is in fashion
And the most anti-polish thing is hating coal
A little coal never killed nobody
I burn the black gold with my homies
Either way - God is with us, fuck you
Say your prayers, hallelujah, and go forward bitches