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Број резултата: 343


Ах, те твоје очи

Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)
Никад се нисам овако осећао раније
Чак и ако није била у питању ' узвраћена љубав'
Ти си ме одувала
Свака част*
Сад си сунце које се рађа
Сваког пролећа, ти си мој цвет
Ти си моја једина жеља од Бога
Свака част
Осетио сам љубав на први поглед чим сам те угледао
Време као да је стало
'Ударила си ме' у леву страну мојих груди
Без милости, попут најгорег окрутника
Није тешко заборавити твоје име
Оно што је тешко је...
а, а, а, а ....
Ах, те твоје очи, Ах, те твоје очи
Ах, те твоје очи, Ах, те твоје очи
Твоје очи су ми стално у мислима
Натерала си ме да се изгубим
Свака част
Твоје слике су по мојим зидовима
Кад слушам песме, видим твоје очи
Скроз си ме узела под своје
Свака част


André Balaceo feels shivers on his spine,
it's not the weather's fault, just a little bit the rain's fault.
His scarf is wet, shit!
I should've put on a K-Way, he thinks,
so he wears one.
Since friends are expensive, he doesn't have any,
he's up to scarifying everything so he could get himself some.
On the table, you see,
there's always a packet of toasts in case he receives (friends at home).
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
He discovers all of that.
It's after passing in front of a window pane
that he realizes he's dressed like Santana.
He's ashamed, a little,
he knows he can't do any better.
He shouldn't think about his clothes like that
'I can't go out wearing this, or that'.
They shouldn't put mirrors,
we should live in drawers.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
When it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold,
when it's less cold, it's three (Celsius).
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's cold, it's minus three (Celsius).
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
He discovers all of that.
'Should I go out? Shouldn't I go out?
And all of that will be of any use if I don't change my clothes?'
And then he takes off his K-Way:
he's a little less ugly.
The jacket, the burgundy tracksuit, the turtleneck,
the Clark shoes and the wrinkled polyester pants.
Oh my God, he's so handsome!
It was the K-Way making him look ugly.
Oh my God, he's so handsome!
It was the K-Way making him look ugly.
He discovers all of that.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's cold, it's minus three (Celsius).
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
In Paris, when it's grey, it's dark
And when it's minus three (Celsius), it's cold.
Elegance is not important unless we think it is.
He discovers all of that.
Yeah, I'm leaving.
We're leaving.

The usual

I woke up and bade my heart good morning
Dawn is breaking outside, but my life isn't changing
It just seems like another difficult Monday
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
I thought of you before I had my first cup of coffee1
The thought of me being in your life, and I felt better than I ever had
When will you return?
You have to answer me
I changed my entire world for you
When will you return?
Come on, don't be late
And if you ask what I'm doing, if you ask about me
It's the usual
It's the usual
Everything's the same if you're not here
The usual far away from you
I died tonight, just to see you again
  • 1. Literally, the thought of the subject of the song 'woke up' before the coffee.

I Have This Angel Face

I have this angel face
But I know about gossips
That no one do
I have a folder of screenshots
Audios, photos and videos
In my private group
I know who's pregnant
Who is cheating the boyfriend
And what they did last summer
Cause I have this angel face
But I own files
That would wreak a havoc
Havoc, havoc

My Miseries

I am a bird left alone
Without its' flock
My broadness was compressed
My dreams thrown into mud
Who will forgive me for my sins
People are playing God
Whom will I say what I have to say
When the culprit is the one who judges
My miseries, they are waves
Sea waves lining up
Just as one set of miseries goes disappears
There, the other set arrives
Like life stopped
On that crossroad that night
I can't see, I don't have a feeling either,
What way should I go
Who will forgive me for my sins
People are playing God
Whom will I say what I have to say
When the culprit is the one who judges

Наша песма

Рекла сам ти збогом
Закаснио си да се опростиш
И ако је ова исхитрена судбина хтела да нас повреди
Открила сам решење за бол
Написала сам песму
Коју си ми тражио док те још нивам волела
И обећао си да ћу се заљубити једног дана
Док си се смејао, сунце је миловао моје срце
Са цвећем
Отерао си моју тугу бојама
Доброту си нацртао руком
Поред тебе је расла наша илузија
Слепо, предали смо се
Иако су се многи противили
Сакрили смо нашу љубав, помирили смо се
На сваком углу је наша песма
Није било збогом
Довољно да се опростимо
И ако судбина не може то да предвиди
Научио си ме решење за бол
Била је то песма
Коју сам ти тражила док ме још ниси волео
Кад је све било само чиста илузија
Ко би рекао, сунце је променило твоје срце
Са цвећем
Запамтила сам твоју лепоту бојама
Ухватила сам те за руку изненада
Поред тебе је расла наша илузија
Слепо, предали смо се
Иако су се многи противили
Сакрили смо нашу љубав, помирили смо се
На сваком углу је наша песма
Реци баштовану да доносим цвеће,
Реци баштовану да доносим цвеће,
Реци баштовану да доносим цвеће,
Реци баштовану да доносим цвеће
Са цвећем
Отерао си моју тугу бојама
Доброту си нацртао руком
Поред тебе је расла наша илузија
Слепо, предали смо се
Иако су се многи противили
Сакрили смо нашу љубав, помирили смо се
На сваком углу је наша песма

My olive eyed

I planted you in the lands of my heart
I raised you my love with the tears of my eyes
Now I don't see her next me
Has my gazelle become mad at her servant? *¹
I should die haho my olive eyed*²
I should die mom my thick haired *³
I should die dad my basil/beam
My whole soul can't live without you
It will ruin the beloveds house from the bottom
The courage I've built up will go to waste*⁴
Become my gazelle so my heart can become healed
I should die haho my olive eyed
I should die mom my thick haired
I should die dad my basil/beam

When you left

Versions: #1
When you left my heart was left behind
Me and myself were face to face
Love is strong, it's all fire and flames
The cruel wounds are left open
With hope I told her come back
How was I supposed to know that she wouldn't return?
I was your soul, you were my soul
You cutting of from me was like death to me
I was close to you, you were far from me
I was always yours, you were the crazy one
I'm dead, you are alive
How was i supposed to know that you would kill me?
I was your Mem, you didn't become my Zin*
When you left, I became wild and crazy
I fell and never got up, I never became happy again
When you killed me in your dreams
My heart is alone from love for ever
I'll never be alive again, I'm waiting for my death

Three Good Tips

After a couple of glasses I crawled out of the bay window next to the cat
And I admit that the feeling is, I guess, almost melancholy, difficult somehow
You didn't come today after all, had to-do [list] full of other things
On the desk after you, is stack of quality magazines
They have three good tips, how to life a good life
How to train my calves and what goes well with fig
Three good tips, how to save sex life, avoid root growth1
And to die happy, to die happy
I forgot the coriander, you liked it with the couscous
I probably should have cooked more while everything was still fine
I'm cleaning up in a little buzz, am i supposed to enjoy my time alone now
In the room when you're gone, there's plenty of time to think
I have three good tips, how to life a good life
How i train my calves and what goes well with fig
Three good tips, how to save sex life, avoid root growth
And to die happy
I have three good tips, how to life a good life
How i train my calves and what goes well with fig
Three good tips, how to save sex life, avoid root growth
And to die happy
To die happy
To die happy
  • 1. In dyed hair

How beautiful your eyes are

You look at me and you smile, you have something bright
You talk to me and you make my travel with my mind
I look at you and I'm elsewhere
How beautiful your eyes are
How nice you look at me
How much I like it when you speak
How beautiful your lips are
What a nice smell
Kiss me all night long
I look at you and I smile
I have something to tell you
I talk to you and you touch me, tell me how much you love me
How beautiful your eyes are
How nice you look at me
How much I like it when you speak
How beautiful your lips are
What a nice smell
Kiss me all night long

Lonely Flower

What's the point of regretting now
What's the point of realizing now
The ugly wilting flowers
Make my heart ache
You'll forever be my beloved
I live for you and only you
Like a flower without thorns
I wanted to be beautiful
How do you turn away so coldly from those
Lovely blooming flowers in front of you
Even when spring passes and the flowers fall
I'll always be close as the clothes on your body
Love, what is love
Who are you to make my heart
Ache like this, what right do you have
I still can't find it out
How do you turn away so coldly from those
Lovely blooming flowers in front of you
Even when spring passes and the flowers fall
I'll always be close as the clothes on your body