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О, несрећна Ифигенијо

О, несрећна Ифигенијо,
Твоја породица је сатрвена!
Ти више немаш краљева,
ја више немам родитеља.
Пусти да се твој молећиви плач
помеша са мојим јецајима.
Ти више немаш краљева,
ја више немам родитеља.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

You laugh at me

You laugh at me
I laugh at you
We laugh, we laugh
Yet we love each other!
You don't go out with me
I don't go out with you
We're always distant
Yet we love each other!
You don't tell me where you are, where do you go,
I'm not looking for you nor are you looking for me!
And if someone is with you,
Sure, someone is with me then
And when you go to the movie theater
I don't get it at all
You choose such a film
I never enjoy
Go ahead, you're not alone
I'll find my peace
You laugh at me
I laugh at you
We laugh, we laugh
Yet we love each other!
You don't go out with me
I don't go out with you
We're always distant
Yet we love each other!
You don't tell me where you are, where do you go,
I'm not looking for you nor are you looking for me!
And if someone is with you,
Sure, someone is with me then
And when you go to the movie theater
I don't get it at all
You choose such a film
I never enjoy
Go ahead, you're not alone
I'll find my peace.

Париз Париз

Париз Париз
Осећам љубав, Париз Париз
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Бармен у шејкеру, пре свега елеганција
Цртица Сакре-Куир и две висине Доизнеау
Пјаф, неколико врабаца и Жозефине Бакер ...
Париз Париз
Један од Превера, али без ракуна
Попијмо последње пиће у близини Батеау Лавоира
Симон де Бовоар и два мајмуна зими ...
Задња нођ је створена за љубав
Ставите три ноте џеза у латинском кварту
Јеловник на таблу позадине бар-табака
И мрежаста чарапа на једном колену коју прелазим
тамо са тобом
О душо, само узми моје смрзнуте руке и чуј како кажем
Не дозволи ми да се претворим у песак и да се одувам
Мада ова препуна пустиња звана Париз
Осећам љубав, Париз Париз
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Мало јаванског језика,
блиског мом срцу
Једна турнеја по Моулен Ружу и две по Нотре-Даму
Прекривен макадамом, украшен шлепом
Из Антверпена или Амстердамског канала,
где си
Ох дете
само задржи овог усамљеног обожаваоца и чуј га како говори
Не дозволи ми да се претворим у песак и да се одувам
Вероватно си једина жена
Иако ова препуна пустиња
ко би могао рећи
звана Париз
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Париз Париз
Волим да волим,
Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
Ставите три ноте џеза у латинском кварту
Јеловник на таблу позадине бар-табака
И мрежаста чарапа на једном колену коју прелазим
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Волим да волим, Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу
- Одјави се, Катарина!
- Одјави се? Париз ... Париз ... Не, не могу
Никада се нећемо растати од ових осећања
Поспите, коначно, прашином из метроа
Али не узимајте превише
Париз ...
Париз би изгубио душу.
Поспите, коначно, прашином из метроа
Али не узимајте превише,
Париз, Париз би изгубио душу.
Париз би изгубио душу.
Париз Париз
Осећам љубав,
Париз Париз
Волим да волим,
Париз Париз
Осећања тако блиска мом срцу

Like all the time

[Verse 1]
That's what I will do
If I find a photo of you, I will put it in the garbage
If I hear that you are somewhere, I just am not going there
That's what I will do
Adults shouldn't need to behave like teens
Return to the car if you see each other
But I will go and I will fall down in the hallway
So what the hell are you doing now
You call me in the middle of the night like some drunken emoji
And now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Damn it not like this
My heart is yearning and I lost the count of days
Because I am thinking about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
[Verse 2]
I fell down
I stared into my morning coffee for a year
I went out on a date too but I hated all of them
Because I compared them with you
I don't know anymore why I had cold feet with you
Why such perfection made me fear too much
And what if I totally panic again
So what the hell are you doing now
You call me in the middle of the night like some drunken emoji
And now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Damn it not like this
My heart is yearning and I lost the count of days
Because I am thinking about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Damn it not like this
You call me in the middle of the night like some drunken emoji
And now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Goddamnit man
This doesn't work if you don't do as we agreed
Now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time
Like every single day and night
Like an ancient clock, every second it strikes
Like someone eating me up from the inside
Like, like, like, like
Like every single day and night
Like an ancient clock, every second it strikes
Now all I do is think about you all the time
Like all the time, like all the time

Our love (passage)

The world around me
Has stopped from worrying,
People, smile
For my happiness.
How I love everything,
What happened between us,
How I love everything,
What lies ahead!

An Air Kiss

I like to dream
I only don't know about what,
And this lesson too
Seems like it will never never end.
If through the windown-
If I gazed through the window more often...
Wow, I saw someone
Arrogantly staring at me!
An a, a, a, air kiss
Was s, s, s, sent by a boy
An a, a, a, air kiss
Was s, s, s, sent by a boy
And I saw him no more.
My thoughts are wandering
They rush, rush in a circle.
Maybe you are there as well,
My unknown boy?
If I knew,
For what reason, I constantly gaze through the window
And cannot move away -
I am waiting, waiting for air kisses.
An a, a, a, air kiss
Was s, s, s, sent by a boy
An a, a, a, air kiss
Was s, s, s, sent by a boy
And I saw him no more.


Don't make a fuss
I know you can't stay mad
Don't make a ruckus
After all that happened
Don't be shy
Say all you want on a dime
Don't be afraid guy
Today I feel pretty fine
Don't look at me like I'm maniac
Don't be like this, You'll make me insomniac,
I missed you so much don't go come back
What did I said to make you this mad
I won't yell at you this time , honest
I won't let you down, I promise
I am obsessive, you know who I am
Don't run away, I'll catch you flawless
Don't make a fuss
All you want on a dime
Don't be shy
Today I feel pretty fine
Don't look at me like I'm maniac
Don't be like this, You'll make me insomniac,
I missed you so much don't go come back
What did I said to make you this mad
I won't yell at you this time , honest
I won't let you down, I promise
I am obsessive, you know who I am
Don't run away, I'll catch you flawless
I won't yell at you this time , honest
I won't let you down, I promise
I am obsessive, you know who I am
Don't run away, I'll catch you flawless
I won't yell at you this time
I won't yell at you this time
I won't yell at you this time
I won't yell at you this time


We became face to face again in this city,
What can we do, we don't have another city
Maybe we could be happy,
Maybe we could be happy,
Maybe we are happy, we just don't know it..
How much time has passed since then,
I couldn't recognize you, forgive me!
I used to think that I would die without you,
I used to think that I would die without you,
I didn't die without you, forgive me...
This fate, this destiny was written without us
We were like a pair of rocks that were thrown by catapult
Perhaps in this world we were not 10-15 years,
Perhaps in this world we were not 10-15 years,
but hundreds of years apart...
Who will help us jump over this separation towards each other
Neither road, nor bridge won't come to our help
If you are dead, If you are alive, no matter what you are,
Wait, Wait,
At least let me kiss your hand...

Oh My Daddy

Silence is golden and we can no longer find the words
Outside it's raining buckets like it's raining text messages
I don't tell you this often, my daughter, but I love you so much
[I have] trouble expressing myself, sometimes I don't have the words
It's crazy how you've grown up, I haven’t seen the time go by
Your teary eyes are drowning in regret
I may not be the father you were expecting
But I swear on my life, my daughter, that I will change
It's only words (words)
Yes, only words (words)
I'll pick you up from school (from school)
I give you my word (my word)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
You're my daddy (you're my daddy), my very own daddy (my very own daddy)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
Don't listen to her (don't listen to her), pretend (pretend)
[Your] mom, I'm going to surprise her, I'm going to go all out
Tell her to forgive me, I’ve been too proud
You know, your mother, I love her even if I don't say it to her all the time
It's true that we fight, I’ve made promises in the wind
You know grown-ups are dumb, they act deaf and dumb
I have been blind and I didn’t see that she was suffering
I’d like one last chance, if you knew how much I blame myself
The only thing that matters to me is to make you happy
It's just words (words)
Yes, only words (words, words)
I'll pick you up from school (I'll pick you up from school)
I give you my word (my word)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
You're my daddy (you're my daddy), my very own daddy (my very own daddy)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
Don't listen to her (don't listen to her), pretend (pretend)
[On] my life (life), I swear I'm no longer the same (same)
I’ve come down with a bump (with a bump), I’m clinging to our ring (ring, ring)
[On] my life (life), I swear I'm no longer the same (I'm no longer the same)
I’ve come down with a bump (I’ve come down with a bump), I’m clinging to our ring (ring)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
You're my daddy (you're my daddy), my very own daddy (my very own daddy)
Oh my daddy, come home (home)
Don't listen to her (don't listen to her), pretend (pretend)

Maybe It's Not Our Fault (그건 아마 우리의 잘못은 아닐거야)

Honestly, I don't know exactly
Where the anxious feeling was born
And how it came to us
Even though it blooms without me knowing
And grows into a big scar between us,
Maybe it's not our fault
So we have to hold each other's hands
Not to fall into the sea
We have to make eye contact with each other
Not to lose each other
Whom we sometimes take for granted
Even though it blooms without me knowing
And often hurts us,
Maybe it will make us grow bigger
So we have to hold each other's hands
Not to fall into the sea
We have to make eye contact with each other
Not to lose each other
Whom we sometimes take for granted
The aching hearts that we are used to
Over and over, they don't let us go
Can we be happy?
So we have to hold each other's hands
Not to fall into the sea
We have to make eye contact with each other
Not to lose each other
Whom we sometimes take for granted

I knew it

I knew it... you would leave me
I knew it... you were selfish
Yet, I went along with it, hoping..
that, in you, I find the pleasure of my life
I knew it... you would leave me
I knew it... you were selfish
Yet, I went along with it, hoping..
that, in you, I find the pleasure of my life
I am not asking.. why your heart left me
I am not asking.. why you deceived me
I am only asking, why would my heart go..
to a heart it knows, never loved me..
I am not asking.. why your heart left me
I am not asking.. why you deceived me
I am only asking, why would my heart go..
to a heart it knows, never loved me..
I knew ..
Since the beginning, I had that feeling
that your heart is not feeling me
From the beginning, I was pretending
I didn't know what was going on
Since the beginning, I had that feeling
that your heart is not feeling me
From the beginning, I was pretending
I didn't know what was going on
From the beginning, my love to you
was based on a beautiful lie
Since the beginning, I've been running away
trying to escape.. the end.
And this is how it actually ends

Play once more time for me, Habanero

Who knows the daily burden
That you have carried?
Who knows of Chico's hardship and suffering?
Who knows the power of shadow
In bluer tropical night?
Who knows the stars' favor and envy?
Play once more time for me, Habanero
For I listen so gladly to your song
Play once more time for me

Come along for a little bit to Italy

Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit to the blue sea,
And we will do, as if life is a lovely journey.
Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit, since it's worth it,
For during the day the sun will shine there
And during the evening the moon will shine.
But then, but then
Shows a real Italian what he can do.
But then, but then
Catches the serenade by the starlight.
A night, a night in San Remo
Is for us so wonderful.
This night, this night in San Remo
Should never end.
Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit to the blue sea,
And we will do, as if life is a lovely journey.
Come along for a little bit to Italy,
Come along for a little bit, since it's worth it,
For during the day the sun will shine there
And during the evening the moon will shine.
But then, but then
Shows a real Italian what he can do.
But then, but then
Catches the serenade by the starlight.
Tike tike tik, tik tik tik
Tike tike tik, tik tik tik
Tike tike tik, tik tik tik . . .

The Time Has Come

The time has come
[For] the last fight,
The story of darkness and light.
May every day bring us
Inspiration and a tiny bit of hope,
What is [this] world? The Sun and the skies,
It is our time! No need for suffering!
I would travel back in time,
But it is impossible without [any] gates.
[I wish] to feel your touch,
To become a tear and fall off your eyelashes.
May everything happens as if it's the first time,
The clumsiness of movements and the shyness in phrases.
You'll always be [trapped] in my dreams,
[And] words of love on my lips.
But to bring back the time, I cannot bring back the time.
Why can I not? I do not want to understand this.
To continue on living like this, I cannot continue living like this.
So what to do? What must I do?
Every day I pray for us
But do you know what I'm afraid of?
The days without you [feel like] years,
The time goes by like a bitter eternity.
To end these, to end these...
I want to end these sufferings of mine. I know they can kill [me]
And your eyes, I still want to drown in your eyes,
I want to forget, I want to remember too, but there's no solution.
You're being sad and I am happy,
I know that you (f.)* are no longer mine,
I won't be left alone
Without you [I am]
Every day I pray for us
But do you know what I'm afraid of?
Days without you are like years,
The time goes by like a bitter eternity.
Like a bitter eternity.
What is [this] world? The Sun and the skies,
This is our time, no need for suffering.


Tell me why do I have to suffer,
What can you say about it?
Every moment, every second, everything reminds me of us,
But the time of goodbyes is approaching us.
The wind is cutting your wings, I feel it,
The pain, the pain, the suffering, body in flames.
I am left alone in the world of horrors and thoughts,
But only one step can save me from death.
Without repentance, numerous thoughts, without [a way to] return, the step is taken.
Reminisce, our lands have been so incredible,
Everything has changed and you're not the same.
Remember that I am not alone up in the sky,
But there is not enough space for me there,
All that seemed eternal will forever disappear in a second.
My thoughts are in your hands,
And in my heart, there is only pain and fears,
In the scary darkness is the last step,
But it isn't big enough to reach your Sun.
How to return, return everything,
How to hold back from the jump into the abyss of horrors?
An illusion is near, reality is gone.
I open up my eyes and there's darkness.
Without repentance, numerous thoughts, without [a way to] return, the step is taken.
I'll ascend up to the sky and will let go of ground,
I'll fly up high like a bird.
Reminisce, our lands have been so incredible,
Everything has changed and you're not the same.
Remember that I am not alone up in the sky,
But there is not enough space for me there,
All that seemed eternal will forever disappear in a second.

I Have Something To Say

I have something to say, there are so many words in my head,
I really want to scream, I've never wanted to scream so badly.
I want to hit, break, destroy,
[I want] to dream because I am alive,
I feel how the blood is pulsating in my veins
Because my spirit is brave.
I have, I have something to say to you,
In my head, there is an explosion of words,
Enough with this silence, we have to say [something],
We have something to say to you.
A word cuts like a blade,
A word flies as fast as a bullet,
I am thinking soberly,
My heart isn't quiet anymore.
I want to hit, break, destroy,
[I want] to dream because I am alive,
I feel how the blood is pulsating in my veins
Because my spirit is brave.
I have, I have something to say to you,
In my head, there is an explosion of words,
Enough with this silence, we have to say [something],
We have something to say to you.
I have, I have something to say to you...
In my head, there is an explosion of words...
I have, I have something to say to you,
I won't be quiet anymore
I won't be quiet no, no, no!

How Much More/Longer?

Get set!
Balance is being lost,
You're now a king,
Drugs and alcohol,
Run forward, you'll get into a web,
The last minutes of your life,
There's no air left for you.
How much more
Blood do you need
To forever
Satisfy your thirst for misery?
How much longer
Do [we] have to be patient for you
To understand?
You should not spill into where you drink from
And forget about who you are.
Recompense for neglect
[Is that] you will receive suffering,
Recompense for arrogance
Is eviction from your dear home.
How much more
Blood do you need
To forever
Satisfy your thirst for misery?
How much longer
Do [we] have to be patient for you
To understand?
Eviction knows no limits,
The worst of punishments,
There won't be any care left for you,
There won't b love,
Forget everything,
You can't get it back,
But always remember
It's better to live than it is to exist!
How much more
Blood do you need
To forever
Satisfy your thirst for misery?
How much longer
Do [we] have to be patient for you
How much more
Blood do you need
To forever
Satisfy your thirst for misery?
How much longer
Do [we] have to be patient for you
To understand?

The Final Step

The final step is the distance to the stars,
The final step, the direction is known,
The final step [slips] through fingers like the sand,
Life will escape, the path has long been chosen.
Like the sand, it'll escape,
The final step.
Only one final step is left to be taken,
Only left to rid [yourself] from empty thoughts,
And desperately yearn to enter a fight with screams,
And then fall like a loser, like a wall of dreams.
This river of life is too deep,
It's too harsh, it's [full of] fake sympathies,
To inhale oxygen with all might to fill up the lungs
It is not enough to flap broken wings.
Something drags [me/you] down to the bottom,
Like an eruption of fate is a whim,
I know that I am not alone,
But there's not enough...
Like the sand, it'll escape through your fingers,
Your life is a river, so intoxicating.
The time has sown scars on my body,
Not just scars.
These adornments are not to be removed.
What'll happen next?
I remember there were days of failure,
Drowned in a war.
We can't be broken down, we can't be defeated,
Wanted to live and this is our last chance.
We'll break down walls that imprisoned us,
The flame of resistance in hearts did not cease.
Something drags [me/you] down to the bottom,
Like an eruption of fate is a whim,
I know that I am not alone,
But there's not enough...
Like the sand, it'll escape through your fingers,
Your life is a river, so intoxicating.
The final step, a sip of blood,
Pull the trigger,
It is your last lesson.

The Snow Is Melting

I break the silence,
I won't leave you alone,
I won't abandon you,
I [am] the new light, the flame in the dark.
With our hands
We will melt the snow, will break the ice,
With hot hearts
We will melt all of this white world.
The sun slices clouds,
We did not see how
The snow is melting, the snow is melting.
With your hor lips tough
To save this whole world,
Whole world.
The sun slices clouds,
And we did not notice
How under our feet
The snow was melting.
Why don't you hear me?
And turn away from me?
Why are you ignoring
The pain that's in your heart?
Why is your hand shy?
Why are you afraid?
You do not live in vain,
Your life is in your hands.
The sun is slicing clouds,
We did not notice
How winter was running
Leaving behind white prints.
The sun is slicing clouds,
We did not know,
By giving a helping hand
You'll save the world!
The world, the world, the world.

I Don't Believe

Among the ideals
That we were taught
We cannot find such
That one would choose for himself.
The taught motivation,
The goal is hidden behind a curtain,
How to recognize with no makeup
Who's your friend, my brother?
Everything is like on a carnival
Masks, roles, medals,
What morals
Are gonna be disguised for us?
No, I don't believe anymore!
I don't believe all of ya'll's words
Instead, silence is better
I do not believe
I don't believe you all
No, I don't believe anymore
And my right to choose I won't give you.
I'll remain in silence,
I don't believe,
I don't believe you all.
Fight for your entry/exit,
Break your inner barriers,
And though the world around you is pale,
May everyone remain silent.
The taught motivation,
The goal is hidden behind a curtain,
How to recognize with no makeup
Who's your friend, my brother?
Everything is like on a carnival
Masks, roles, medals,
What morals
Are gonna be disguised for us?
o, I don't believe anymore!
I don't believe all of ya'll's words
Instead, silence is better
I do not believe
I don't believe you all
No, I don't believe anymore
And my right to choose I won't give you.
I'll remain in silence,
I don't believe,
I don't believe you all.

U bolesti i zdravlju

Okrutnost ovog sveta je istrajna
Hladan vetar govori za naše izgubljene
Šapuće reči, tkaje svetove
Njeno vreme je došlo, avaj
Čovek sa otvorenim očima
Zaustavio se u snu
Sa pogledom zadržanim u njegovom umu
Suze za njegovu mladu iskupljuju
Gledajući ovaj sveta kako se raspada
Kao snovi u lakom snu
Bezbrojne su noći koje su delili
Žal u njegovim očima
Ali je jutro svakako prolomilo
Svetlost u njegovom svetu zore
Sva lepota pretvorila se u trulež
Njegovo cveće, svo je nestalo
Zatvori oči večne ljubavi
Zaklapa lice šakama
Njeno lice izgleda tako živo
Na jutarnjem suncu
Ali je jutro svakako prolomilo
Svetlost u njegovom svetu zore
Sva lepota pretvorila se u trulež
Njegovo cveće, svo je nestalo
Snovi nisu ništa osim iluzije
Iluzije koju neko vidi
To je vizuela projekcija onoga iznutra
I prazna kao što je moje srce
Kao što je moje srce...

My freedom

Today I woke up in another place
I feel anxiety, the need to tell who I am
To not die, to not forget that life is a small breeze of freedom
Today I will be a song, I will fly behind the songs the folk singer from the field and the city
To not die
To not forget
That pain exists and with love I am going to cure it
I am an adventurer
An early morning in solitude
I am a guitar that sings to the wind
A mountain range that reaches the sea
Along my veins runs fire
My eyes shine in the darkness
and my starving voice has no fear
of singing forever of my freedom
Today I will bring you towards the interior
of my feelings
at the hidden side of the heart
to not die, to not forget
That we are of the moment
dust of the wind, fleeting luck
I am an adventurer
An early morning in solitude
I am a guitar that sings to the wind
A mountain range that reaches the sea
Along my veins runs fire
My eyes shine in the darkness
and my starving voice has no fear
of singing forever of my freedom
I will grow my mind to not forget
I will not leave my present in the hands of another will
I will go towards the front without looking back
Breathing, breathing
breathing, breathing
My freedom
I am an adventurer
An early morning in solitude
I am a guitar that sings to the wind
A mountain range that reaches the sea
Along my veins runs fire
Mi eyes shine in the darkness
and my starving voice has no fear
of singing forever of my freedom
and my starving voice has no fear
of singing forever of my freedom
and my starving voice has no fear
of singing forever of my freedom


Cathy is, without lies,
Is as beautiful as morning
Cathy is, without lies,
Is as beautiful as morning
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
Her eyes are so sweet,
She never mourns nor cries
Her eyes are so sweet,
She never mourns nor cries
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
From behind, from before,
I don't know how many suitors she had
From behind, from before,
I don't know how many suitors she had
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
From lawyers to carpenters,
And even the king's son
From lawyers to carpenters,
And even the king's son
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
She has chosen me,
Poor, poor little Pierre
She has chosen me,
Poor, poor little Pierre
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
Poor as a rat,
Those stars are inside his head
Poor as a rat,
Those stars are inside his head
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
In rain or sunshine,
I love her as she is
In rain or sunshine,
I love her as she is
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
From Saint-Pierre to Saint-Jean,
I love her all year
From Saint-Pierre to Saint-Jean,
I love her all year
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always
Cathy is, without lies,
Is as beautiful as morning
Cathy is, without lies,
Is as beautiful as morning
Catherine, time goes on
Time goes on, time goes on
Catherine, time goes on
I love you always

Play Me the Golden Oldies

Play me the golden oldies
Play me the golden oldies
Play me the old evergreens from Hollywood
Play me the blues, play me the ragtime from New Orleans
Play me the golden oldies
I love the golden oldies
The melodies from Paris, New York and Vienna
The happy polkas and the songs from old Berlin
Marlene Dietrich and Richard Tauber
The Monroe and the Fred Astaire
The Lilian Harvey and the Heinz Rühmann
And everything I adore so much
I'll admit that I'm excited like a small child
When I find a golden oldie in the record cabinet
Play me the golden oldies
Play me the golden oldies
Play me the songs that will never fade in life
The ever blossoming, ever beautiful melodies
The hits from Crosby, from Frank Sinatra
From Nat King Cole, from Chevalier
And from Hans Albers, from Louis Armstrong
Yes, they're nowhere near out of fashion
The Benny Goodman and the Glenn Miller
And many other great bands
Are still hits today, are still bestsellers today
That everyone loves and everyone knows
When I sing a song, yes, sometimes it occurs to me:
Maybe it will become a golden oldie one day...
Play me the golden oldies
Play me the golden oldies
Play me the old evergreens from Hollywood
Play me the blues, play me the ragtime from New Orleans
Play me the golden oldies
I love the golden oldies
The melodies from Paris, New York and Vienna
The happy polkas and the songs from old Berlin
The ever blossoming, ever beautiful melodies


Bambino, bambino, bambino,
You know nothing about worry and suffering.
Bambino, bambino, bambino,
You still have enough time for that.
You're sleeping under trees in the garden
And flowers are nodding at you.
You know nothing about hoping and waiting,
Nothing disturbs your childish peace.
It smells sweetly of flowers,
They dream secretly in the wind.
And small, smiling deer guard
My sleeping child.

We are Greeks

Let's go dance in the moonlight
Even if it's not possible since we've become monks
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
Night, people, a little company, let's go
We embrace and we sing:
We're not going to die, we're not going to die
You kid us, we'll kid you
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
And whoever doesn't have stock in the sun
Will be running for a lifetime because of foreign guilts
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
Night, people, a little company, let's go
We embrace and we sing:
We're not going to die, we're not going to die
You kid us, we'll kid you
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up
Night, people, a little company, let's go
We embrace and we sing:
We're not going to die, we're not going to die
You kid us, we'll kid you
We are Greeks, we'll find a way
We'll find a way to liven this place up

I'm Not Changing My Mind

You'd like me to come back, you'd like
and apologizing
and whatever you may say
I'm not changing my mind
You've broken my dreams, you've broken
and you lived far away from me
And you took other roads
You did what you did even though you knew you'd lost me
You made a big mistake
I'm not changing my mind.
How to come back, how
to touch you, how
And whatever you may say
I'm not changing my mind
How to come back, how
back again, how
Forget and don't cry
I'm not changing my mind
I agree that you are suffering, I agree
But I'm not going there
So what if I still want you?
You threw away that love, you threw away
You flew away to an another, you threw away
I'm not changing my mind
How to come back, how
to touch you, how
And whatever you may say
I'm not changing my mind
How to come back, how
back again, how
Forget and don't cry
I'm not changing my mind

Welcome Back ~Dear My Sister~

A lively sound of laughter leaking from the letter
It’s the greatest gift of all

people are weird and i don’t know what love is

people are weird and
i don’t know what love is
i really don’t know
light and easy mind
words that i can’t even remember
we become numb
beautiful things
where is all
you cowards
just like me
people are weird and
i don’t know what love is

The Holy Land

I found Jericho,
I too had my Palestine,
and the clear waters of the Jordan,
the walls of the asylum
were the walls of Jericho
and a puddle of contaminated water
baptised us all.
We were Jews in there
and the Pharisees were up high
and the Messiah was there too
blended among the crowd:
a lunatic screaming at the Sky
all his love for God.
We all, gang of ascetics
we were like birds
and every so often a dark
net imprisoned us
but we went towards the Masses,
our Lord's Masses
and Christ the Saviour.
We were washed and buried,
we smelt like incense.
And then, when we loved
we were given electroshock
because, they said, a lunatic
cannot love anyone.
But one day from inside the sepulchre
I too woke up again
and I too like Jesus
had my resurrection,
but I didn't ascend to the Heavens
I went down to Hell
whence I amazed look again
at the walls of ancient Jericho.

Goodbye, my dear girl

Do you hear the rustling of the trees in the wind?
The sky weeps tears for our love
Farewell to you and to love
It's raining, it's raining on our luck
Goodbye, goodbye my dear girl
You must not cry
The sun will shine again for you
Over the years
You will come to find
That for reasons of love
One lies to oneself
Goodbye, goodbye my dear girl
Your heart is free
The wonderful hours are now over
It is the end
Hold out your hands to me
Goodbye, goodbye my dear girl
And so long
Goodbye, goodbye my dear girl, I love you to death
Goodbye, goodbye my dear girl
Your heart is free
The wonderful hours are now over
It is the end
Hold out your hands to me
Goodbye, goodbye little girl
And so long