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Лицем у лице

(Строфа 1)
Лицем у лице
Моје драго лане
Усне уз усне
Распукло се кишовито небо
Руку на срце
Под звездама
Наги док пловимо
Образ уз образ
Признај свој злочин
У смртном часу
Пребожанствено је
Желим да се пресавијем
Желим ово блаженство
Ох, али нешто ми говори да се морам одупрети.
(Строфа 2)
Други живот
Друго време
Ми смо сијамски близанци који се преплићу
Лицем у лице
Нећемо лагати
Маске клизе да би откриле нову маску
Никада не можеш победити
Када сам у стању у којем сам
Ова опасност одушевљава
А мој сукоб убија
Кажу: Прати своје срце
Прати га стално
Али како можеш
Кад је оно подељено на два дела?
А ти никада нећеш знати
Никада нећеш знати
(Строфа 3)
Још један пољубац
Пре него што умремо
Лицем у лице
И сан о летењу
Ко си ти?
Ко сам ја?
Ветар у крилима
Два анђела који падају
Овако умрети
Уз последњи пољубац
То је пламен лажи
То су сузе осрамоћених
Лицем у лице
Страсти дишу
Не желим да останем
А онда не желим ни да одем
А ти никада нећеш знати
Не, Никада нећеш знати
Не, не
Никада нећеш знати
Никада нећеш знати
Никада нећеш знати
Никада нећеш знати

Heart of a person

Let's go home now, we did all work to do today.
Let's go home , it's getting tired now.
Let's go home, getting hungry
Let's go home, I am very exhausted.
How come every step to home
every step feels heavy
but let's go home
Heart of a person is so difficult, difficult
But tonight just sleep well, sleep well
let's sleep, it's too late
just sleep, today was also long
just sleep, there is no more power to think
just sleep, tomorrow will be long
How come every time I blink inside blanket
every time I blink
sleepiness is shaking off, but let's just sleep
Heart of a person is so difficult, difficult
But tonight, let's just sleep, sleep well
Heart of a person is so difficult, difficult
But tonight, let's just sleep, sleep well


Hajde, hajde
'Sve mogu skroz sam sa sobom' kažem, ali to se samo varam i čak i kada se varam, već znaš
Ako ti nisi tu ne mogu baš ništa
Ova soba koja je ovoliko mala, sada izgleda kao da se makar malo širi
Kada otvorim frižider, i dalje nema ničega
(Hajde) Usisaj je, molim te ― moju usamljenost i svu napuštenost, sama ti
(Hajde) Objasni mi, molim te ― to što me najgluplje stvari brinu ovoliko i sve moje loše navike
(Hajde) Nasmej mi se, molim te ― sa tim nevinim licem, kako bi mi se podsmevala još jednom
(Hajde) Prihvati je, molim te ― ovu tugu i patnju, hajde, hoćemo li pokušati da se razumemo? Hajde!!
Telo me boli, škrip, škrip. U poslednje vreme sam u stanju umora
Iako je bilo samo to što tebe više nema tu
Moji zagušeni uzdasi su jedino što se povećava, molim vas za jedan malčice prejaki lekić
Jer na ovoliko mokrom krevetu, ne mogu ni da zaspim
(Hajde) Usisaj ih, molim te ― moje srce, telo isto i sve što bi mogla da poželiš
(Hajde) Objasni mi, molim te ― kako ne bi morao da budem tvrdoglav, još jedan put mi objasni ti
(Hajde) Nasmej mi se, molim te ― 'prekasno je da shvatiš da treba da ostaviš' one loše tipove, kažeš mi
(Hajde) Prihvati me, molim te ― ipak ne mogu da se rastanem sa tobom
Baš ništa mi ne ide dobro, sve kao da je samo prazan pokušaj
Jer sa bilo kim drugim sem sa tobom, ne mogu da nađem ni stvari najvažnije mom srcu
(Hajde) Usisaj ih, molim te ― moje srce, telo isto i sve što bi mogla da poželiš
(Hajde) Objasni mi, molim te ― kako ne bi morao da budem tvrdoglav, još jedan put mi objasni ti
(Hajde) Nasmej mi se, molim te ― 'prekasno je da shvatiš da treba da ostaviš' one loše tipove, kažeš mi
(Hajde) Prihvati me, molim te ― ipak te volim više od bilo koga ja, tako da ne mogu da se rastanem sa tobom
Hajde, hajde, hajde


*Polo Boy Shawty on the track, so i'm killin it!*
Don't even think about playing with me, you'll definitely lose
I leave, run away, since I'm only playing with you like a PSP
I click on the X, I click on the O, and then after - on the triangle
You call me again
Don't even think about playing with me, you'll definitely lose
I leave, run away, since I'm only playing with you like a PSP
I click on the X, I click on the O, and then after - on the triangle
You call me again
Don't play with me baby, I'm not a PSP
I know that we'll oversleep today
Lightning won't become a star, you're not that cool
But I'm hitting on the stars, I'm replacing them
Huh? Wait? My Ramona Flowers
I'm your Pilgrim (ey!)
I beat all of your exes
Then why am I still alone? (ha!)
On me is Vetma today (ya!)
Fuck all your brands (ya!)
I remember I dressed you in Gosha1 (wow!)
Bought the entirety of Express (ya!)
Who are our opponents? (ey!)
They're just a bunch of girls (ya!)
And I can tell you (ya!)
I beat all of them
Don't even think about playing with me, you'll definitely lose
I leave, run away, since I'm only playing with you like a PSP
I click on the X, I click on the O, and then after - on the triangle
You call me again
Don't even think about playing with me, you'll definitely lose
I leave, run away, since I'm only playing with you like a PSP
I click on the X, I click on the O, and then after - on the triangle
You call me again
  • 1. Gosha Rubchinskiy is a Russian fashion designer

A blue face

We can run, we can more
Time will not reach us here
The blue dreams - the screen doesn't lie
It's better than the real world
Finally I have you
You're so beautifully shy
I know only you
Do you feel that way too, do you feel better?
You are like a night moth
You barely know me
It doesn't hurt at all
We can't sleep
You ask and you got it
I fall down in the moutains
I look for the colours of our stars
I can have them - they're all blue
Remember us well
Is is already daylight?
The of the plot
Look for me in the same dreams

Dunia Baru

Versions: #1
BoBoiBoy Galaxy! (Hey! x3)
Let everybody know, this is a brand new world
Together we keep fighting, till we are victorious
Together we search, for all these powers, through the Galaxy (Woah!)
All of these powers, become reality...
Show them what you're truly made of,
Make sure they will know,
This world belongs to both you and me! (Hey! x4)
Soar up to the sky we fight, All those clouds that's in our wake,
Yes, we are the only one
BoBoiBoy Galaxy!
We're here 'Till Forever, Let the wind guide us through all,
All those flaming lights,
I'll take them on regardless.
Together we search, for all these powers, through the Galaxy (Woah!)
All of these powers, become reality...
Show them what you're truly made of,
Make sure they will know,
This world belongs to both you and me! (Hey! x4)
Soar up to the sky we fight, All those clouds that's in our wake,
Yes, we are the only one
BoBoiBoy Galaxy!
Our victory is surely in our hands,
We're racing to the stars, I am a fighter (I am a fighter!)
And I'm sure to take you all head on!
Until the end of time, until we all unite...
Show them what you're truly made of,
Make sure they will know, This world belongs to us...
Show them what you're truly made of, Make sure they will know,
This world belongs to both you and me! (Hey! x4)
Soar up to the sky we fight,
All those clouds that's in our wake,
Yes, we are the only one
BoBoiBoy Galaxy!
BoBoiBoy Galaxy!
BoBoiBoy Galaxy!

U tvoje lice

Sukob, teror, čuj buku
Vi ste na ivici sile živce
Ali, moj Bože, tako si dobro
Nikada Opsada, nikada nemiri rustifi
Kada pogledaj me, šta vidiš, još jedan trofej kao mrtav ritmu
Zatvori oči, razmisli, pogodi šta sam ti oduzeo život
Ludilo i normalnost nije ono što nazivamo realnošću
Ono što ćete uvek želeti, bio je dan kada biste trebali umreti
Ne dam se letećem materinu
Ne dam se letećem materinu
Ne letim, ne dajem letenje, ne dajem leteći kreten
Nikada neću čekati bol ovog
Sa metkom u svoj pištolj dont zajebati mog sranja
Da li možete da držite moj ludi kao i do
Pa zajebi licemerje i jebi se i ti
Reci još jednu reč, dvostruko se usuđujem, hajde
To je moj svet ti u, to će vas odvesti dole u minut
Možete da promenite svoj izgled, a ja ću vam razapeti bes
Ali čini se da vam istina izgleda kao pesnica u tvoje lice
Ne dam se letećem materinu
Ne dam se letećem materinu
Ne letim, ne dajem letenje, ne dajem leteći kreten
Reci još jednu reč, dvostruko se usuđujem, hajde
To je moj svet ti u, to će vas odvesti dole u minut
Možete da promenite svoj izgled, a ja ću vam razapeti bes
Ali čini se da vam istina izgleda kao pesnica u tvoje lice

Pretty / Beautiful Face

No one can measure
Your beauty
As long as you can take pride in
Yourself and the only body you have,
You truly are
A beautiful person
A chiseled jawline
Born in 2000 and raised in Tokyo
The young and photoshopped you in the photo is pretty
Change your face, You change your future
Is beauty that wonderful?
No one can measure
Your beauty
As long as you can take pride in
Yourself and the only body you have,
You truly are
A beautiful person
Change your lip line, your eyes, your bones
To maintain your dignity
That was a little girl’s solution
A hundred years before 2019
That girl is my grandma
But she doesn’t look a thing like me
Is beauty spiritual?
No one can measure
Your beauty
As long as you can take pride in
Yourself and this one heart you have,
“She’s beautiful”
You will become beautiful.
The only one to survive the storm
Was a dingy.
Is beauty only the physical?
No one can measure
Your beauty
As long as you can take pride in
Yourself and the only body you have,
You truly are
A beautiful person
My reflection in the mirror is a stranger
Yeah, that day
You were secretly proud
Of the hidden genes
That made you beautiful.
The truth is you were beautiful.

Life After Death

I am the voice, the voice is my life
Music is life in general
You heard my voice over music
And then there was emptiness
And so, emptiness is death
Music after emptiness is continuation of life
So, here's a question: 'Have you heard my voice over it'?


I am the voice, the voice is my life
Music is life in general
Is there really nothing after death?
The judgment of god, the angels singing
And none of this will happen?
The eternal darkness, the silence
The silence of my voice
But the music, the music will continue
Music will still play
There would be other voices singing over it
7 billion voices
And mine? There won't be mine anymore, yeah
But I myself don't believe in this
I don't want to believe in this at least, it's much easier for me
May there be heaven, may there be hell, and the angels would sing
But just not the eternal darkness
It's much easier for me

My Face

The darkness will soon fall, and everyone will close their eyes
It's not easy to find out baby
Exciting drama
The unexpected moment
Ideal timing to approach
Don't rush
Can't run away
Can't already run away
My head was getting dizzy
Every single footstep spreads
Open the eyes in your mind
I got you, I got you
We're in trouble
I got you, I got you
Take a look, night is crumble
Find your, find your real face
Two, one, four steps
Let go of you, good in you, whatever it is
I'm in trouble
I'm in your mind
Fly deeper darkness
Hidden your face close up
I got your real face
Take it, you can get more distracted
Search, slowly digging, black
Elegant and intense taste
It's an addictive night, flow
Leave everything, yes
You want to aim like crazy
Beyond the distant consciousness, trance it
You're already looking for me
The more you get caught, the more undercover
Can't run away
Can't already run away
Lure you again so that you can't resist
Every trace that I left overlaps
I'm gonna wander your dreams
I got you, I got you
We're in trouble
I got you, I got you
Take a look, night is crumble
Find your, find your real face
Two, one, four steps
Let go of you, good in you, whatever it is
I'm in trouble
I'm in your mind
Fly deeper darkness
Hidden your face close up
I got your real face
I'll capture you
Your hidden face
Connect your hidden face
Oh, yeah, that's it
Your hidden face
Connect your hidden face
I'll capture you
Your hidden face
Connect your hidden face
Oh, yeah, that's it
Your hidden face
Connect your hidden face
We turn away, find my eternal way
In your lonely heart
Filled with ecstasies
This is our own paradise
Hey listen
Very instinctively and sensually
Find you
I got your signal in your sorrow
The moment we meet our eyes, everything is already done
Words are choked and frozen
Feels good, fall a little more
Now you
Yeah, you know I got you
Get your crime scene
I move stealthily
I'm gonna ruin you now
Hidden your face close up
I got your real face
Your hidden face
Connect close up
Your hidden face
I wanna do, I, I wanna do
I'll capture you
Your hidden face
Connect, close up
Your hidden face
Oh, yeah, that's it
Your hidden face
Connect, close up
Your hidden face
I'll capture you
Your hidden face
Connect, close up
Your hidden face
Oh, yeah, that's it
Your hidden face
Connect, close up
Your hidden face

Let me be

Cool night of silk calls along
It's allowed to hurt only for a moment
Yet your breath's touch
White as wings, noble
And it fades away from me, pity...
Outside of what was, outside of what will be
Outside this time - alone not lost
Outside of what hurts, outside what vanishes
Let me be alone, let me be...
What is made up? What is real?
The voice of blood is silent, doesn't recognize...
You are like a flower of paradise
You don't fit here
No! Don't search anymore!
Outside of what was, outside of what will be
Outside this time - alone not lost
Outside of what hurts, outside what vanishes
Let me be alone, let me always be
Outside of what was, outside of what will be
Outside this time - alone not lost
Outside of what hurts, outside what vanishes
Let me be alone, let me be...


To all of my brothers, salaam
Salaam to all of my brothers
To all of my brothers, salaam
Salaam to all of my brothers
Kicking into the store, letting out the store
I have thousands of reasons for this
At least I'm tired from the pictures on our streets
Poverty and Themis are blasphemy
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next
To all of my brothers, salaam
Salaam to all of my brothers
To all of my brothers, salaam
Salaam to all of my brothers
The one who asked to take a pic with me was the first lieutenant
I'm tired of searching for some job
I only woke up everyday, but I'm already worn out
20000 every month, or face 20 years behind the cell
The sensation doesn't leave, my life's rewinded
Dreaming for 21 years — and I'm already at the scaffold
To be honest, I don't know, what I am woven from
But it looks like, there's more in me, than a bottle of vodka
Aaah, they'll kill you in love
To know everything about life, the ABC book was enough for them
Joker on the sleeve, so fuck the king
Bullet in the head divides the brain in fractions
I'm shooting at the knees to make me laugh
I'm the face and voice of the generation, kill me
I take strolls til round the clock while being in love with the smell of the mask
I have lifetime, I'm not afraid of anything
Kicking into the store, letting out the store
I have thousands of reasons for this
At least I'm tired from the pictures on our streets
Poverty and Themis are blasphemy
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next
To all of my brothers, salaam
Salaam to all of my brothers
To all of my brothers, salaam
Salaam to all of my brothers
The taste of metal in the mouth, what now?
Knife right in the neck to hell, what now?
Still we're all in hell, what now?
Want my head?
Should've said that earlier
Life's a penny, like a battery
Charged, shortened AK singing like a flute
All my feelings are the laugh in the face of death
Kicking into the store — thirty holes
Who do you think you are to judge me, mortal?
Remember that we've got only the supreme judge
Your mother's the corruption, our mother is hope
But to you it's all just Bentley, but to us to the camps
No, I won't confess my fault to you
Spear under the ribs and may they beat me up
My father awaits me at the gates of heaven
But for now it's 105th, 162nd
To all of my brothers, salaam
Salaam to all of my brothers
To all of my brothers, salaam
Salaam to all of my brothers
Kicking into the store, letting out the store
I have thousands of reasons for this
At least I'm tired from the pictures on our streets
Poverty and Themis are blasphemy
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next
Brr, don't give a fuck what'll happen next


Ah, pussy, pussy, ha-ha-ha
Ooh, ooh, ooh
And I don't want to swim at the sea ​​full of ​​lies
Like sea ​​urchins
Expensive sneakers on my legs — I'mma G
R.I.P Nipsy, and I'm crazy — Gipsy
I'm not like that, I don't party
I'm not a retard, sorry
I don't know what's bad:
A retard with no money or a retard with money?
Or an earthquake, or hoes
That are subscribed to Esenin's VK
Young majors not getting out of the Mercedes
And I look weird
Like if I was Lena Lenina
I went to that room
These rappers became my shadow
I'm 2Pac's mixture, UGK, M.I.A scenes
I'm throwing money
Laughing in the face of comedians (ha-ha)
My hoe left me, now everything's not okay
Pussy (Pussy), you're a pussy
Ha-ha-ha-ha (ha-ha-ha), you're a pussy
Ha-ha-ha-ha (ha-ha-ha), you're a pussy
Ha-ha-ha-ha (ha-ha-ha), you're a pussy
Ha-ha-ha-ha (ha), ha-ha-ha-ha (ha)
Pussy (h-ha), pussy (brr), pussy
They call people like you a pussy
Pussy is a cat (*meow*)
I'm a cat, singing
Russian rap in english (*meow*)
Even if you're my friend
Then you're not really a close one
My dick stuck in her teeth
Like it's an toffee
When I come to the scene — it's a Pussy Riot
I came to her — it's the way of the Pussy samurai — it's the way of surrounding hell (for real)
The edges of the pussy — that's what
Drives us straight to the edge (Face)
They're suffering from shit and experimenting
Ladies pour compliments on Instagram
Saying: I have changed, you may listen to me now
Here's my dick, here's your mouth — warm my soul (pussy!)

I Don't Give a Fuck

Yah (ay), ya, ya (brr-ah)
Ay, Face, Face
Ay, ay, Face
*CaliBaset beat*
I'm smoking, and I don't give a fuck, I'm drinking, and I don't give a fuck
Eating pills, and I don't give a fuck
Fucked a bitch without a condom, and I don't give a fuck
₱20 thousand for my sneakers (yah, yah)
Wasting money on shit and I'm wasting them without stopping (ay, ay, ay brr-yah)
I'm smoking, and I don't give a fuck, I'm drinking, and I don't give a fuck
Eating pills, and I don't give a fuck
Fucked a bitch without a condom, and I don't give a fuck (wa-ah)
₱20 thousand for my sneakers (ay)
Wasting money on shit and I'm wasting them without stopping (ha)
In order to fuck with me, please present your papers
I'm not trusting all these bitches, I'm not trusting all these girls (wa-ah)
Face-dick face-control — you should be 16 years old (ya, ya, ya ay)
Russian rap sucks my dick, and I'm only 19 (ya, ya, ya ay)
Old school — ay, ya, new school — ay, ya
Give me your own women, rappers
Since they love me, not you (woo-oh)
Middle fingered all my teachers (ha-ha)
Your kids hear me, when they're crying at night (ya)
She loves me, yeah, she loves me
She doesn't love you, but me (brr-ah)
Yeah, I'm mediocre, and I don't give a fuck — your rhymes, your battles
We'll not listen how they fuck us up outside (brr-ah)
I'm smoking, and I don't give a fuck, I'm drinking, and I don't give a fuck
Eating pills, and I don't give a fuck
Fucked a bitch without a condom, and I don't give a fuck
₱20 thousand for my sneakers (ha-ha)
Wasting money on shit and I'm wasting them without stopping (woo-oh)
I'm smoking, and I don't give a fuck, I'm drinking, and I don't give a fuck
Eating pills, and I don't give a fuck
Fucked a bitch without a condom, and I don't give a fuck
₱20 thousand for my sneakers (ya)
Wasting money on shit and I'm wasting them without stopping (ay, ya, Face, woo-oh)
Take a guess, why is she silent with me (uh?)
She's busy working, and work's with her mouth (ay, uh, uh, uh)
I'm laughing at rappers, that they're thinking — we're baiting (ha-ha)
I fucked your girlfriend, that I became friends with her dad (dad)
«Gosha» on my legs, but «Vances» on my legs
They're on my dick like it's «Tanci» casting
You don't walk away, you don't walk up, yeah, I'm luxury-kid
I'm with a broken heart, bitch, but I'm still in love
We fucked a nigger — it was right at the bath
After that we fucked two moms — it was very strange (o-oh)
Follow yourself, fucker, since it's not necessary to follow me (o-ooh, ha-ha)
We probably banged your mom (pow-pow-pow)
I'm smoking, and I don't give a fuck, I'm drinking, and I don't give a fuck (o-ooh)
Eating pills, and I don't give a fuck (o-ooh, ya)
Fucked a bitch, and I don't give a fuck (ya, Face)
₱20 thousand for my sneakers
Wasting money on shit and I'm wasting them without stopping (brr-ah, ya)
I'm smoking, and I don't give a fuck, I'm drinking, and I don't give a fuck (o-ooh, ay)
Eating pills, and I don't give a fuck (Face, Face)
Fucked a bitch without a condom, and I don't give a fuck (Face, ya, ya)
₱20 thousand for my sneakers (ay)
Wasting money on shit and I'm wasting them without stopping
Ay, ya

Fuck Off

It's about to be a massive fuck up
Bitch's happy, just to touch me
Ay, you don't know, but your daughter does, fucking fool
Fuck off!
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
This bitch's happy, just to touch us
I am heartless, I don't have no feelings like a robot
You ask ZAKAT and Face to make way a bit
We ask to bang your girlfriend a bit
Yeah, we want these money, ya
We filled up the walls in VKontakte, ya
While you were saying shit on the internet, ha
We don't give a fuck at your comments, ya
Your city will pay me, remember that
I'm white, you're not even black
This bitch asks take off her shirt
If there is no SK — I'm not fucking her
Bullying with the boys just like that, drinking (???)
She says that she loves you but she lies to you
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
Your life is in the comments
I've got no heart
I've got money
You don't have them
Is your word worth saying?
It's worth of nothing
You're like a horde of donkeys
It's best to back off and not touch us
I'm not counting (???), I'm not spending money for no reason
See how me and FACE fucked you up, you stupid retard
Your words don't bother me
We bully every rapper with our success
I endured for long, but we owned you
Now fuck off, don't bother my nerves
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
You say 'fuck off' on the internet
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off

I'm fucking crazy

I'm fucking crazy, Face, I'm fucking crazy, Face
I'm fucking crazy, I'm fucking crazy, yeah, there is such thing
I'm fucking crazy (but who the fuck cares?)
I'm fucking crazy
I'm fucking crazy (I've got money)
I'm fucking crazy
I'm fucking crazy, but who the fuck cares?
I've got money and she's already sucking me off
I'm fucking crazy, but who the fuck cares?
She's fucking with me, she doesn't love me
She loves money, she loves clubs
You'll pump oil - she'll pump her lips
We film what's not allowed on YouTube
She'll say this phrase many times:
'Dear, it's too early, let's not do it now'
But she acts like literal whore with me
And she freezes you again and again, and again
She tells you that you're a virgin, but I know that you're not
I fucked her for breakfast and lunch
And at dinner I went to the restaurant with her
And I fucked her while you were kissing her
You gifted her flowers, and rolled on BMW with her
While me and the boys were just filming her for love
She doesn't need gifts, flowers or attention
She just wants to get fucked every day
I'm fucking crazy, I'm fucking crazy, I'm fucking crazy, I'm fucking crazy
I'm fucking crazy,
I'm fucking crazy,
I'm fucking crazy
I'm fucking crazy, but who the fuck cares?
I've got money and she's already sucking me off
It's your bitch, but she doesn't suck you off
I'm fucking crazy, but who the fuck cares?
I loved her since we studied at school
I still love her now and I can't complain about it
I thought back then how could she ignore me
Why does she need you, when she's with me
Come on, come one, come on, ask yourself about it
When I'm sitting at the cabriolet's driver seat next to her
You say something about love to her, but she really doesn't give a fuck
We're flying where it's hot summer every year
Violetta - 8 letter, don't know where are you
Stop, wait, what does Violetta has to do with it?
I remember this bitch and she was the first
To ride on my dick, that means she'll turn into someone
And you can't even brag about it
After that you'll tell how we were flexing, to our kids
On their concerts quieter than in a library
I'm not sick, but I'm at the pharmacy everyday
I'm fucking crazy, I'm fucking crazy
I'm fucking crazy, yeah, I'm fucking crazy
I'm fucking crazy, well yeah, I'm fucking crazy
I'm fucking crazy, well yeah, there is such thing
I'm fucking crazy, but who the fuck cares?
I've got money and she's already sucking me off
It's your bitch, but she doesn't suck you off
I'm fucking crazy, but who the fuck cares?


I'm perplexed
Facing dead end
About the direction I'm heading.
My uneasiness becoming progressively chaotic
With muse I push through.
I just want my..
restless shadow to disappear
But the situation has compelled
to confront everything.
Is this a revolution?
Or just an illusion?
Like a dream turned reality.
This rationale of mine, that rationale of yours..
Deciding the future, the future of me.
Is time is the causes
I'm in dilemma?
If there's ever paradigm shift,
I accept it promptly.
I just want my..
restless shadow to disappear
But the situation has compelled
to confront everything.
Is this a revolution?
Or just an illusion?
Like a dream turned reality.
This rationale of mine, that rationale of yours..
Determine the future, the future of me.
Revolution, (revolution), Revolution, (revolution), Revolution, (revolution)
Is this a revolution?
Or just an illusion?
Like a dream turned reality.
The rationale of mine, the rationale of yours..
Deciding the future, the future of me.
Is this a revolution?
Or just an illusion?
Like a dream turned reality.
This rationale of mine, that rationale of yours..
Deciding the future, the future of me.


Nothing is scary.
Bayu-bye, go to sleep, my Kalashnikov.
Be born, suffer, die, and to heaven.
We, we, we, are afraid of nothing.
Bayu-bye, go to sleep, my Kalashnikov.
Be born, suffer, die, and to heaven.
We, we, we, are afraid of nothing.
Bayu-bye, go to sleep, my Kalashnikov.
[Verse 1, FACE]:
I woke up, brushed my teeth.
Ordered food, kissed you in the lips.
I like the home vibe, I don't like clubs.
Young rock-star, pop-star Gubin (Andrey).
Last year I was driving my hair, just like I was Agutin (Leonid).
I'm not talking about humor, bitch, but we're shooting¹
Two whores from Volgograd are asking me to blow them.
Ha, again? No, we won't.
We go to bed since we need to continue driving south.
Why do I need whores, when I made the country go around.
'Are you FACE? Can I have a photo?' — Someone's girl is here.
Of course, you can have a photo, don't be shy, I'm not that rude.
Be born, suffer, die, and to heaven.
We, we, we, are afraid of nothing.
Bayu-bye, go to sleep, my Kalashnikov.
Be born, suffer, die, and to heaven.
We, we, we, are afraid of nothing.
Bayu-bye, go to sleep, my Kalashnikov.
[Verse 2: FACE]:
My father raised me, not a Ksiva.
For the sake of money, I won't shame a corporate party.
Guf broke my heart when he was trash.
Do you seriously believe that you can't say 'I slipped'?
You're such a pussy, that you made a TikTok.
I have a Yargin, I don't need a foreign Glock.
I love my region, I'm not talking about Block.
I have green on my map, it is not dill..
Remain a human even if you have money.
Don't expect others to make themselves a rag.
My Kalashnikov will chop those, who want to become a king.
You're over 20, but you can't be torn from your mother.
Be born, suffer, die, and to heaven.
We, we, we, are afraid of nothing.
Bayu-bye, go to sleep, my Kalashnikov.
Be born, suffer, die, and to heaven.
We, we, we, are afraid of nothing.
Bayu-bye, go to sleep, my Kalashnikov.

Along the Way

Me and my eyes, we have grown up together
with a restless soul asking around for a place that doesn't exist
between a thousand fresh bicycle mornings,
a thousand more sunsets behind the wires of the tram
and a pang of hunger for smiles and arms around me.
Me and my drawers of memories and addresses that I have lost.
I've seen the faces and voices of people I've loved leaving sooner or later.
And I've breathed an unknown sea during the long
and empty hours of a city summer
next to my shadow naked out of melancholy.
Me and my numerous shut-away evenings like when closing an umbrella
with my face over my chest reading me my pains and my problems.
I've walked those streets that bend themselves following the wind
and inside a sense of uselessness,
and fragile and violent, I've told myself, 'You'll see, you'll see, you'll see'.
Along the way, you'll see
you're not alone anymore.
Along the way, you'll find
a hook in the middle of the sky.
And you'll feel the street making your heart beat.
You'll see more love, you'll see.
Me, too small amidst all these people in the world.
Me who has dreamt on a train that has never left.
And I've run in the middle of moonlit white prairies
to rip one more day off from my ingenuity,
and young and aged, I've told myself, 'You'll see, you'll see, you'll see'.
Along the way, you'll see
you're not alone anymore.
Along the way, you'll find
a hook in the middle of the sky for you as well.
And you'll feel the street making your heart beat.
You'll see more love, you'll see.
And no song, not even this one, will be ever able to change our life,
but what is that that makes us move forward and say it's not over yet?
What is that which breaks our hearts amidst songs and love?
That which always makes us sing and love more?
So that tomorrow is better because tomorrow you.
(Along the way, you'll see...) So that tomorrow is better because tomorrow you.
(Along the way, you'll see...) So that tomorrow is better because tomorrow you.
(Along the way, you'll see...) So that tomorrow is better because tomorrow you.
(Along the way, you'll see...) You won't be alone.
(Along the way, you'll see...) No, no.
(Along the way, you'll see...)

Face Power

Money on my mind I got a whole lotta guap
You Chinese? You have some problems? no, no, no, Sounds good
I have red face bill blue face bill
The warehouse is full of gold and silver treasures from all over the world
Daddy told me not to wear that high profile
Young people like me will be met by bad women
I spent a bunch of cash, go out and earn it again
I’ll be curious about my arrangement. What can I do if I rob you of the limelight?
Brothers and sisters are so damn good, so Higher, so Gang
Got my brother 30 deep No place for them to play
YouTube make everybody know me do you know?
There’s no ditch that can’t be turned over, it’s just that your efforts are not enough
Mr. Enjoy Da Money Come like a surprise
My b----’s watch has a name of Longines
Time to business now All at my conference table
There’s not so much time. Smart people know how to do it
It’s not a joke Richard Miller is telling you
You think it’s Casio, maybe over 1200
Ooo no cap may I do the dash
My belt Ferragamo, it’s all VVS
Driving Infiniti at home and driving Lamborghini at abroad
Why are you still so slow, a little throttle, lazy to tell you
I have red face bill blue face bill
The warehouse is full of gold and silver treasures from all over the world
Daddy told me not to wear that high profile
Young people like me will be met by bad women
I spent a bunch of cash, go out and earn it again
I’ll be curious about my arrangement. What can I do if I rob you of the limelight?
Brothers and sisters are so damn good, so Higher, so Gang
Got my brother 30 deep No place for them to play
You see, he’s so handsome and cute. He’s really hot recently
Turn around and pour water
If the fire goes out, don’t blame me for not telling you
Get that real Mianzi
Hand over the works for shipment
Life is too short Not enough time
One day only 24 hours Only so much.
Play a game, have a beer, sleep in and dance
Ten years passed like this
Family, wife and friends look at you
Time can’t sustain your beauty
So dream big And do bigger everyday
Make history No matter what it takes
This is the only way To get your face
I have red face bill blue face bill
The warehouse is full of gold and silver treasures from all over the world
Daddy told me not to wear that high profile
Young people like me will be met by bad women
I spent a bunch of cash, go out and earn it again
I’ll be curious about my arrangement. What can I do if I rob you of the limelight?
Brothers and sisters are so damn good, so Higher, so Gang
Got my brother 30 deep No place for them to play
Face Shh be quiet


I go for a walk
I roll one and forget everything
I'm not bulletproof
Money doesn't stop hits
Love calls for me
But my heart is deaf
One last facetime and life goes back to normal
No amount of cash can dry your tearful cheeks
You run after me but I run after a thousand dollars
I answer because I don't know if you'll call again
I don't believe in love at first sight anymore because it brings back trouble
I see my grandmother when I stare into the mirror
I see her reflection even in the dark
I'm sentenced for 10 years, nothing is too much for you
This facetime may be the last time I see you
Two three millions and I keep avoiding them
I'm tired of their false modesty
True love can't be bought
But when you have it, you gotta invest in it
The more I get used to the problems money brings
The more I drink, I have to throw my bottle into the sea
If I lose myself, I'll lose my rare pearl
I feel the wind rising, where will it lead me
Money and women drag me down
But it'll require way more to calm the storm
I see my grandmother when I stare into the mirror
I see her reflection even in the dark
I'm sentenced for 10 years, nothing is too much for you
This facetime may be the last time I see you
I yell mayday mayday
To come back to my senses
I know the way back home
It's just that I lost the keys
The club's light brightens me
A serious face
Come and lock me up
I'd stay in jail forever for her
I need to freeze that image
Even with a filter
Life is less beautiful on facetime
Before everything ends, I'll tell you one last time
I'll never forget any of this
I see my grandmother when I stare into the mirror
I see her reflection even in the dark
I'm sentenced for 10 years, nothing is too much for you
This facetime may be the last time I see you
I'm afraid of calling you, calling you, calling you
When you can't pick up the call anymore
Calling you, calling you, calling you
Calling you

Lice u snegu

Nema više želja za prošlošću,
nema otezanja mudraca i vidovnjaka.
Očajavanja i groznica traju,
podmorske struje ovde su jače.
I ovde ležim, sviće još jedno jutro,
predaleko da domu stignem.
Vidim lice u snegu.
U mojoj glavi glas me doziva.
Vidim tvoje lice u snegu,
a napolju je sunce predaleko da bih ga osetio.
I ovde ležim, sviće još jedno jutro,
predaleko da domu stignem.
I ovde ležim, sviće još jedno jutro,
predaleko da domu stignem.
I da li bismo mogli živeti u buđenju ostarelih starućih laži
kada smo tako daleko?

We make ourselves heard

What are we doing with the parents
They kicked out of the church all the saints
Not even God is really up
Their cross is just a plus sign
What are we doing with the army
Mom cries, children cry, dad leaves
Instead of quiet we wait for war
But who is defending us from us
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
What are we doing with the power
Of whom that don't feel our pain
They'll better take the hand of our world
The hope is the last window
What are we doing with ours
Us, that are we waiting in vain
To have politicians with style
Not animals dressed like civils
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
Good, and now the we asked what it has to be done
That half of the country is sold, they're fighting for resources from Danube to Prut
I am afraid to even listen, if I would talk with the ancestors I would be ashamed to told them who I am
Those who sell us, those who lie to us, those who don't feel us
Let me tell my prayer in my mind
And if we all do it, maybe, finally, we will find out what it has to be done
Dress me in your impenetrable love
So I can offer them a true soldier in this memorable fight
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
What are we doing with the truth
In it is hiding our future
We will stay here until you don't lie anymore
What are you doing when you here us

I Need a Face

I have a face for the workplace, one for the street fight
A face for unwanted fatherhood
One like a poker player, one like an opera diva
A face for social media
A face for dialogue, that's deep
A face that pretends to be critical
A face for love, a face when she is gone
A face for anyone who harasses me with his compassion
I have faces for the countryside
A face when buying potency products for a good friend
A face that my ramblings of coral reefs and limestone layers
Looks like more than half-knowing
For my face, if someone says I can not laugh about religions
I always have one or two cactus in my pockets
If necessary, I'll talk to a plastic surgeon
I would like to be affected in my botox masks
I need a face right now
That looks like I care
I need a face right now
Something nice to wear
Creating lovely masks to hide
That I'm dead inside, woo
[Part 2]
I have a face for winning poses, one for games lost
Head in neck, I have a face for those up there
A face for bulging balls at the bus stop
A face for - all cases
A face for 'We do not lose the fighting spirit, guys'
A face for 'I really need a sick leave'
Emojis go out to my homies
While my face looks like I'm writing a threatening letter
I have faces for stories about workmates
They said, here something with things
My face instead of listening to her at nasty Laberflashs
Your faces aped like in a mirror fun house
Even if there's an error rate, with every stupid joke
I laugh like a guy choking on a cheese sandwich
Sometimes I mistake the look when you send me baby photos
With my saying-for-ever-farewell-face, happened
I need a face right now
That looks like I care
I need a face right now
Something nice to wear
Creating lovely masks to hide
That I'm dead inside, yes
Face to face
If nobody looks
I push the powerswitch
As a stimulus closure
Enjoy the time without voyeurs
Make the visage intimate
And push a new Buster Keaton strip
In my movies mind
[Part 3]
For those who have just switched on
I have more faces than cartoon designers paint
A face for the Oxford study, one for the Eastern Bloc whore
One for your well-intentioned cooking experiments
One for 'I did not fart' from the Knight Castle Knigge Course
A face in between
A face that tells my children without blushing
'I'm sure I'm dying drug-free', it's clear
I need a face right now
That looks like I care
I need a face right now
Something nice to wear
Creating lovely masks to hide
That I'm dead inside