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The Journey of Gathering a Conch(소라를 줍는 여정)
Try to gather a Conch
But it isn't easy
Shattered Conch cuts me and says 'no more'
I throw the Conch which I have in my hands
But gathers again when my tears dried
When the night comes, inside my pocket
Take out the Conch and open it
The white flesh of it is so
Pretty, pretty and pretty
Your shape settled by moonlight
Wonders if I could find or not tomorrow,
Thinking about my Conch, try to sleep
Sound of the wave is so nice
When the night comes, inside my pocket
Take out the Conch and open it
The white flesh of it is so
Pretty, pretty and pretty
Your shape settled by moonlight
Wonders if I could find or not tomorrow,
Thinking about my Conch, try to sleep
Sound of the wave is so nice
In the Hotel to the Paradise
What feels well? Tell me!
A Rendezvous with strictly closed door
Yeah how do you come
To such a Rendezvous
To have the things glad
and having it good together?
Where don't you get ripped off?
I give you the recipe cause of friendship
Yeah in the Hotel to the Paradise
There I always find
A beautiful room
The Stubenmaid hm, hm, she's called Alice
You ring for her,
And she is at the door.
She comes in late at night:
'My Lord, what is it?'
Yes, the Alice (?)
Do I find sweet (?)
Thats why I'm a regular in the Paradise
Husband, Husband
Does your spouse behave yourself now and then -
For reasons you can not
Officially discusses -,
Yes, does she throws you out,
Even from your house?
Husband, then be glad
You sleep much better elsewhere!
Yeah in the Hotel to the Paradise
There I always find
A beautiful room
The Stubenmaid hm, hm,
For sure (?)
You ring for her,
And she is at the door.
She comes in late at night:
'My Lord, what is it?'
Yes, the Alice (?)
Do I find sweet (?)
Thats why I'm a regular in the Paradise
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Delmano Hotel
I touched her skin with my fingertips
A long shiver, she looked at me
A straw fire on her face
A woman with blue skin
Her enchanting voice, 'What is your name?'
I replied 'What's the use of saying, I love you'
When love is nothing but a dream
Like the woman with blue skin
Ahhh ahh ahh ahh
In passing by the Delmano Hotel
Face and eyes full of water
From a simple hand gesture
From the woman with blue skin
A hundred times I've prayed to see her again
I have something to confess
Since the night where I dreamt
Of a woman with blue skin
Ahhh ahh ahh ahh
dunk shot
shout it out
on this unusually quiet night
i'm looking to the sky
i saw a star fall
like a meteor
as i watch the shooting star
and make a wish from my heart
just like a movie
this story becomes reality
i wanted to own a red car
with my pretty girlfriend
but no one will know about
that thing i wanted too much
dunk shot, if i can do it once
even if it's just once in my life
how exciting would it feel?
shout it out
yabala bahiya, yabala bahiya
shout it out, oh yeah
yabala bahiya moha ima moha irula
was i just dreaming?
there's nothing here
but there's an orange ball next to my feet
i wanted to own a red car
with my pretty girlfriend
but no one will know about
that thing i wanted too much
dunk shot, if i can do it once
even if it's just once in my life
how exciting would it feel?
shout it out
yabala bahiya, yabala bahiya
shout it out, oh yeah
yabala bahiya moha ima moha irula
it's a dunk shot
oh, i've been watching for so long
i'm becoming certain of my focus
go on, no more second-guessing
just believe and jump
i thought it was so far away but it's right in front of me
it's almost here, i can almost reach it, just a bit more
don't wait for the whistle blow
you make your own call
just do what you want
dunk shot, if i can do it once
even if it's just once in my life
how exciting would it feel?
shout it out
yabala bahiya, yabala bahiya
shout it out, oh yeah
yabala bahiya moha ima moha irula
oh eh oh ah oh, ah
oh eh oh ah, oh yeah
oh eh oh ah oh, ah
oh eh oh ah
yabala bahiya moha ima moha irula
Mogao bih umreti za tebe
Nešto u kartama
znam da je tačno
Ne želim da živim
tuđi život
Ovo je ono što želim da budem
i ovo je ono što dajem tebi
jer ja dobijam besplatno
Smeška se dok služim svoje vreme
Mogao bih umreti za tebe
O, ovaj život biram
Ovde sam da budem tvoj jedini agent
Da ti kažem o znamenitostima
koje su ove oči videle
Ono što zaista želim da uradim je
da to pretvorim u pokret,
lepotu koju ne mogu da zloupotrebim
Znaš da bih koristio svoja čula
Možeš videti
Samo je svuda
Uzeo bih to sve i onda
našao način da podelim
Dođi i idi
idi sa mnom
Lutaj sa mnom, Jo
sve je besplatno
Mogao bih umreti za tebe
Šta želiš da radiš
O, ovaj život biram
Mogao bih umreti za tebe
Šta želiš da radiš
O, ovaj život biram
Dođi opet i reci mi
gde želiš da ideš
Šta mi znači
da budem sam sa tobom
Zatvori vrata i
niko ne mora da zna
kako smo
Dođi i idi
idi sa mnom
Lutaj sa mnom, Jo
sve je besplatno
Mogao bih umreti za tebe
Šta želiš da radiš
O, ovaj život biram
Mogao bih umreti za tebe
Šta želiš da radiš
O, ovaj život biram
Čini da želim da kažem
Mogao bih umreti za tebe
Šta želiš da radiš
O, ovaj život biram
Mogao bih umreti za tebe
Šta želiš da radiš
O, ovaj život biram
She Told Me (Go Away)
She told me
'Feel pity on me. Go away!
He can come
You'll do me harm. It's time!'
And I didn't have any reason
To say no
And, with kisses, I fell into her arms
And asked her to stay
You know what went on?
He found us. And now
She suffers only because
She did what I wanted
And remorse is killing me
For the madness I did
For just a single pleasure
I made my lover unhappy
She told me
'Feel pity on me. Go away!
He can come
You'll do me harm. It's time!'
And I didn't have any reason
To say no
And, with kisses, I fell into her arms
And asked her to stay
You know what went on?
He found us. And now
She suffers only because
She did what I wanted
And remorse is killing me
For the madness I did
For just a single pleasure
I made my lover unhappy
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
All has not been as wanted at the beginning ...
All has not been as wanted at the beginning,
Though everything has been like at the people's,
But here for some reason they kept silent for a long time,
And the songs for them sounded differently,
But perhaps, that's not needed for them, so it's more difficult ...
And a bit merrier is wanted.
Now by all means!
We are feeling well, but by far more interesting,
If everthing wouldn't be so good,
And people thought of sad songs,
With me she isn't bored, I'm not bored with her,
She is loved and praised - songs with soul:
Now please have another drink!
Now be all means!
Since the Middle Ages similar idylls
Nobody of the people had seen:
They did not go to cineman without the other one,
They set one another's watches -
They became cunning to meet quicker,
You don't believe it? What? Because they were children?
Now by all means!
Smrtonosni hitac
Zvučiš kao kuja, kuja
Začepi jebenu gubicu!
Kad tvoji fanovi postanu tvoji hejteri
Jesi li završio?
Jebote, tvoja brada je čudna
U redu
Dereš se na mikrofon, tvoja čudna brada
Radimo ovo jednom
Dereš se na mikrofon, tvoja brada je čudna
Zašto se dereš na mikrofon? (llla)
Rijana mi je upravo poslala poruku
Sinoć sam ostavio modrice na njenom vratu
Ček, ti si me upravo si me kritikovao*? Baš sam zbunjen
Vrijeđaš me u jednom stihu, daješ komplimente u sljedećem
Dođavola, baš mi je žao što želiš da imam srčani napad
Gledao sam 8 Mile na svojoj traci za trčanje
Shvatio da sam zaboravio da ti uzvratim poziv
Evo ga onaj autogram za tvoju ćerku, napisao sam ga na Starter kačketu
Stan, Stan, sine, slušaj, čovječe, Tata nije ljut
Ali kako ćeš nazvati sebe po prokletom pištolju
I nositi mušku punđu?
Džin se probudio, oči otvorene, nesumnjivo
Obezbjeđuje dim, naložio vatru
Kažeš da me imaš na meti, ali si me okrznuo
Jedan moj poziv Interskopu i ti si nestao
Gomila je na tvoj odgovor vikala 'Wooo!'
Zato prije nego što umreš da vidimo ko može koga nadmašiti u pretjerivanju pri reagovanju
S tvojim otrcanim stihovima (Slim, ti si star) - aa, Keli, oh
Ali imam 45 godina, a i dalje sam prodavaniji od tebe
Do svoje 29. imao sam tri albuma koji su rasturili
Sad pričajmo o nečemu što ja baš i ne radim
Odlazim u usta nečije ćerke, kradem hranu
Ali ti si jebeni krtičnjak
Sad ću napraviti planinu od tebe, woo!
Ho, iskuliraj, ponašaš se kao da si stavio hromatsku cijev oružja u moju koštanu srž
Mitraljezac? Kujo, ti nisi ni luk i strijela
Kažeš da ćeš krenuti na mene kao na račun za telefon, raspršujući olovo
Praveći se mrtav, to je jedino vrijeme kad si miran (drži se)
Jedeš li žitarice ili ovsenu kašu?
Šta je u jebenoj zdjeli, mlijeko? Wheaties ili Cheerios?
Jer ja se serem u njih, Keli, potreban mi je materijal za čitanje
yo, Slim, tvoja posljednja četiri albuma su bila sranje
Vrati se na Recovery(oporavak), o sranje, to je bilo prije tri albuma
Šta ti znaš? Ups
Upoznaj se s činjenicama prije nego što kreneš na mene, mali glupane
Luksuz, o, jesi ti puko, kujo? Da, imao sam dovoljno novca 2002.
Da ga zapalim ispred tebe, kujo
Mlađi ja? Ne, ti si pokušaj mene, smiješno je ali je tako istinito
Radije bih bio osamdesetogodišnji ja nego dvadesetogodišnji ti
Dok ne dođem do starosti
Još mogu popuniti cijelu stranu sa bijesom desetogodišnjaka
Imam više fanova nego ti u tvom sopstvenom gradu, klinac, idi se igraj
Imam osjećaj kao da sam bejbisiterka Lil Teju
Imaš Didija, okej pa si potrošio cijeli dan
Snimajući video samo da bi sebi iskopao sopstveni grob
Uhvatio te na tvom bdenju, ja sam jarac
Nikad nisi stvorio listu kraj nekog Bilija ili Džeja
Kraj Tejlor Svift i te kurve Igi, stvarno ćeš da rasturiš (popušiš)
Keli, stavljaće tvoje ime
Pored Dža Rula, pored Benzina **- umri, drkačijo!
Kao i posljednji drkadžija koji je uzalud govorio Hejli
Mozak vanzemaljca, satanisto (da)
Moji najveći neuspjesi su tvoji najveći hitovi
Igra je moja opet i ništa se nije promijenilo osim brava
Zato prije nego ubijem ovu kuju, mwa, pošalji poljubac Džejd
Moram probuditi Praznik rada za ovo (šta koji?)
Bogat-osramoćen od strane nekog kretena koji koristi moje ime za namamljivanje klikova
U stanju blaženstva jer sam rekao njegovo prokleto ime
Sad moram povući okidač, meta
Da, kujo, otvori šampanjac za ovo!
Ovo je tvoj trenutak
Ovo je to, najviše što ćeš postići, zato uživaj
Morao sam ti dati karijeru da bih je uništio
Smrtonosna injekcija
Ideš na spavanje 3 metra ispod zemlje, daću ti 4 za trud
Ali da sam visok 120cm
Gledao bi gore u mene, i da se zna
Popušio bi kurac da budeš ja na sekund
Lizao jaja da budeš na mom kanalu
Dao svoj život da ovako očvrsneš
Ovo jebeno sranje je kao kad Rambo ostane bez metaka
Pa za šta je jebeni mitraljez ako je ostao bez municije?
Dosta mi je ovog utegnutog repera što mumla
Kako je moguće da se on i ja nadmećemo?
Morao bi da jebe Kim u mom flanelu
Daću mu svoje sandale
Jer on zna, doke god sam ja Šejdi, on će morati da živi u mojoj sjenci
Iscrpljujuće, oslobađam svoj izdanak
Kao cijev oružja, kujo, skini mi se!
Plešeš oko ovog kao sombrero, svi to vidimo
Jebeno si ljut
Jer su jaja mladog Džeralda duboko u Helzi***
Tvoj crveni džemper, tvoja crna koža
Ti se bolje oblačiš, ja bolje repujem
Je l' to prijetnja smrću ili ljubavno pismo?
Mala bijela čačkalica
Misli da je to zbog slike, samo mi se ne sviđaš, kretenu
Hvala što si me dissovao
Sad imam izgovor na mikrofonu da napišem 'Not Alike'
Ali stvarno, nije me briga ko je u pravu
Ali ti gubiš borbu koju si izabrao
Ko još to želi, Kels?
Pokušaj propada, Baden, Els
Jebeni nokti u ovim mrtvačkim sanducima meki kao Kotonel
Smrtonosni hitac, neću omašiti, i dalje sam sa doktorom
Ali šef ovog idiota gucka pilule i govori mu da ima vještinu
Ali Kels, dan kad ti izbaciš hit je dan kad Didi prizna
Da je on izbacio hitac koji je ubio Tupaka
Ah, dodijalo mi je da vas gledam izubijane
I i dalje koristite taj jebeni autotjun
Pa hajde da pričamo o tome (hajde da pričamo o tome)
Muka mi je od tvojih mrmljavih reperskih usta
Treba da izvadiš kurac iz njih
Prije nego možemo da i pričamo o tome (pričamo o tome)
Muka mi je od tvoje plave kose i minđuša
Samo jer se gledaš u ogledalo i misliš
Da si Maršal Meders (Maršal Meders)
Ne znači da to stvarno jesi, i nisi čak ni blizu
Zato ostavi moj kurac u svojim ustima i drži moju ćerku dalje od njih
Ti jebeni... o
I ja se samo igram, Didi
Ti znaš da te volim
You tried so hard to this day
Go ahead, be happy
Folding my hands, I pray that a tragedy will never happen again
Every night the moon shines high up in the sky
Tell me your endless worries
They won't disappear, but I'll look at them with you
Soar high in the sky
The light of the fireflies
Your collected voices will surely carry
So, don't be afraid
Please don't give up expressing your feelings
You're not to blame
Don't torment yourself anymore
Bravely, forgive all your mistakes you made in broad daylight
You were just at a loss during the stagnant period of your life
Don't hide your true self, wrapping yourself up in black clothes
Open up your mind
I'll hold you in my arms
Finally, I can see it now
The light of the fireflies
I wonder if my collected voices carry
Let's not be afraid to love
Please don't give up
Soar high in the sky
The light of the fireflies
Your collected voices will surely carry
I bet everything will be all right
Please don't give up expressing your feelings
Allow yourself fall in love
Please don't give up
Uzavrela krv
Okrećeš leđa, ti si slomljen čovjek
Mijenjaš stavove umirući da se rukuješ*
Ne očekujem da razumiješ
Samo nastavi govoriti sebi da sram ne postoji
Oni ne znaju ko smo mi
Oni ne znaju za nas
Oni ne znaju za zvijezde tvojih očiju
O, ljubav uzavrele krvi će te uhvatiti
Želiš da dokažeš da si bolji čovjek
Želiš dosegnuti stvari koje niko ne može
O, sve što ti je potrebno jeste da umakneš, da
Samo nastavi govoriti sebi da sram ne postoji
Oni ne znaju ko smo mi
Oni ne znaju za nas
Oni ne znaju za zvijezde tvojih očiju
O, ljubav uzavrele krvi će te uhvatiti
I onda ustaješ i ustaješ i ustaješ iznova
Pjevajući, ustaješ i ustaješ, da, nikog nije briga
I onda ustaješ i ustaješ i ustaješ iznova
O Gospode
Da, Gospode
Nikad nemoj klonuti duhom
Držiš svoje svjetlo iznad mene sad
Nikad nemoj klonuti duhom
Nikad nemoj klonuti duhom
Vrela krv
Vrela krv, da
Vrela krv
Vrela krv
I onda ustaješ i ustaješ i ustaješ iznova
Pjevajući, ustaješ i ustaješ, da, nikog nije briga
I onda ustaješ i ustaješ i ustaješ iznova
O Gospode
Woah, yeah
If By Chance You Came
If by chance you came
And if down at my chateau you'd found
The woman you liked
Would you be brave to change our friendship
For her, who once abandoned you?
If by chance you came
And if down at my chateau you'd found
The woman you liked
Would you be brave to change our friendship
For her, who once abandoned you?
I say so because this lady
Already lives in my shack, close to a stream
And to a blossomed grove
In the morning, she does the washing
In the evening, she does the kissing
And so we live of love
In the morning, she does the washing
In the evening, she does the kissing
And so we live of love
If by chance you came
And if down at my chateau you'd found
The woman you liked
Would you be brave to change our friendship
For her, who once abandoned you?
If by chance you came
And if down at my chateau you'd found
The woman you liked
Would you be brave to change our friendship
For her, who once abandoned you?
I say so because this lady
Already lives in my shack, close to a stream
And to a blossomed grove
In the morning, she does the washing
In the evening, she does the kissing
And so we live of love
In the morning, she does the washing
In the evening, she does the kissing
And so we live of love
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Come Back
I haven't slept for many nights
Rolling on my bed
Feeling so many things
That we can't explain
When we love
The heat of the sheets
Don't warm me well
There's nothing in the world
That can put away
This coldness from my chest
Come back!
Come live once again by my side!
I can't sleep without your arm
As my body is already used
Come back!
Come live once again by my side!
I can't sleep without your arm
As my body is already used
Come back!
Come live once again by my side!
I can't sleep without your arm
As my body is already used
Come back!
Come live once again by my side!
I can't sleep without your arm
As my body is already used
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
That's Why I Run So Much
My darling, every moment
That I'm not seeing you
Makes the nostalgia I feel about you
Only grow
Then, I run so much
I suffer so much
I run so much just to see you, my darling
And still, you ask me
Not to run this much
My darling, I can't bear
You being far from me
That's why I run so much
I run so much
Then, I suffer so much
Just to see you, my darling...
If you're by my side, I only walk slowly
I forget everything, I don't see time flying by
But if the time of taking you home comes
I run so that a new day will come fast
That's why I run so much
Then I run so much
I run so much
Just to see you
If you were always by my side
I wouldn't have
A reason to run
And slowly I would walk
I wouldn't run so much
Now I run so much
I run so much
Just to see you
I run so much
Then I run so much
I run so much
Just to see you
Then I run so much
I run so much
I run so much
Just to see you
I run so much
Then I run so much...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
We're gonna light up a fire
-That's it! We're gonna burn down the house!
-Yeah, haha, burn down the house.. Huh?
-Oh poor me!
We're gonna light up a fire, guys we are going to burn
the ugly beast, bring garbage and branches
Oh my God
We're gonna light up a fire, we're gonna light up a fire
No, no, no the house little birdhouse too!
Oh, we're gonna roast for good, nose and fingers
come on Rabbit help me here, don't stay still, work!
-Oh shoot! Oh my God!
-A match?
There's only one solution, we're gonna light up a fire!
-We're gonna light up a fire
No,no,no my little house and furniture!
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
Youth Photographs
We wrote messages at back of the school building
At the spot where no one is likely to find out
Uncharacteristically, I wore my uniform properly today
I'm sure that the reason why I look mature isn't just
Because I put the corsage on my bosom
Hey, let's take pictures for the last time
With funny face as usual
Now, strike a pose with your best look!
Now, give the peace sign with your best look!
I laughed so hard I cried, that's all
Ah, I'm not sad at all, my friends
Rather than copying the writings on the blackboard
I should have taken note of our memories
I realized that all ordinary day was anniversary
We're grown-ups from tomorrow
Let's act like a child today
Hey, fool around as usual
I want to take pictures with everyone
Now, strike a pose with your best look!
Now, give the peace sign with your best look!
You're too funny to hold back my tears, that's all
Ah, don't make me laugh, my friends
Let me pretend to be fine, please
Let me pretend to be tough to the end
The moment I leave the classroom
I'll have a good cry with my back to you
Now, stop the time and strike a pose!
Now, stop your tears and give the peace sign!
Thank you and goodbye
I'll never forget you
Ah, we'll stay friends after graduation
Now, strike a pose with your best look!
Now, give the peace sign with your best look!
I laughed so hard I cried, that's all
Ah, I'm not sad at all, my friends
Lesser cuckoos
When we go together to the town
I walk three steps behind you
Before any whim of yours
I honestly answer 'Yes'
Lesser cuckoos are lesser cuckoos
They don't become white cranes
But devoting myself to you
I sacrifice my woman life
When you come back
I welcome you with three fingers on the floor
Until you have a dream
Softly I rub your back
Lesser cuckoos are lesser cuckoos
They don't become white cranes
But while you sleep, close to your ear
I sing words of love
Lesser cuckoos are lesser cuckoos
They don't become white cranes
But the next time I'm born
I want to live near you
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
From all newspapers It became known
What's in the basement of your house
Is walking someone exactly like you
All machines are working in the hall
Posters of Virgin Mary
Are looking down, casting a shadow.
That's right, don't open to no one.
Stay and live as you do. Drink your tea.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Friends, what are your like?
Gothic is closer! Gothic Dark!
Easier, quieter, and you fell asleep.
Easier, quieter ...
Who will be your procurator?
Who will make you awake?
People are screaming: eat! sleep! Stop! go!
Only the old curved trees
Were able to do everything like it should be.
Who were asking them?
Bed! Table! Knife! To theirs back!
That's right, don't open to no one.
Stay and live as you do. Drink your tea.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Drink and you will not know who you were.
Friends, what are your like?
Gothic is closer! Gothic Dark!
Easier, quieter, and you fell asleep.
Easier, quieter ...
Annie Batungbakal
It's Annie Batungbakal from Frisco
Every night in the disco
She forgets her problems
When she shakes and dances
In the morning, dispatcher
At night, she's classy
When night comes, she's at Coco Banana
Annie Batungbakal, a snob in the disco
In the disco, she's the queen
It's Annie Batungbakal from Frisco
Spends all her pay in the disco
She forgets her problems
When she shakes and dances
In the morning, dispatcher
At night, she's classy
When night comes, she's at Coco Banana
Annie Batungbakal, a snob in the disco
In the disco, she's the queen
In the morning, dispatcher
At night, she's classy
When night comes, she's at Coco Banana
Annie Batungbakal, a snob in the disco
In the disco, she's the queen
It's Annie Batungbakal from Frisco
Got fired from her job
All her problems came rushing
She doesn't shake, dance
In the morning, dispatcher
At night, she's classy
When night comes, she's at Coco Banana
Annie Batungbakal, a snob in the disco
In the disco, she's the queen
Ako te nerviram, zašto ne odeš
Gubiš vrijeme sa svojim lažima
Slamaš me, sad je dosta
Jer bi to radio iznova i iznova
Nadam se da ćeš uskoro otići, ne mogu podnijeti više, o ne
Više nikad neću pasti na tvoje laži, o uo
Više nikad neću pasti na tvoje laži, o uo o
Upucao si me pravo u lice sa sačmarom
Upucao si me pravo u lice sa sačmarom
Upucao si me pravo u
Upucao si me pravo u
Upucao si me pravo u
Lice sa sačmarom
Jebeni Yellow Claw
Ako te razočaravam, puštam te da ideš
Brišem tvoju prljavštinu sa svoje duše
Pričaš puno, ali me ljutiš
Ono što pokušavaš da kažeš više nije bitno
Nadam se da ćeš uskoro otići, ne mogu podnijeti više, ne
Više nikad neću pasti na tvoje laži, o uo
Više nikad neću pasti na tvoje laži, o uo o
Upucao si me pravo u lice sa sačmarom
Upucao si me pravo u lice sa sačmarom
Upucao si me pravo u
Upucao si me pravo u
Upucao si me pravo u
Lice sa sačmarom
Lice sa sačmarom
Lice sa sačmarom
Light of the Fireflies
SHA LA LA I'm sure, someday, I'll obtain it
Softly in my fleeting heart, a light is burning
The 'urge' of wanting to see you, the 'innocence' that made me want to cry
The fireflies that flew into the fire of summer will not return
Don't say anything, just leave me with a kiss
Whilst being burnt, you nodded
Life, to the point of sadness, flickered
SHA LA LA I'm sure, someday, I'll obtain it
Softly in my fleeting heart, a light is burning
SHA LA LA Person dear to me, you, too, can see it
The dazzling moon softly illuminates tomorrow
Shining strongly, strongly
In my violent heart, the nearly lost memories
That had been blown out are gently lit again
I got the feeling that if I ran on in a daze, I'd touch it
So I go on, arm outstretched
Life, to the point of pain, flickers
SHA LA LA I want to go on singing forever
Softly in my shivering heart, a light is burning
SHA LA LA Person dear to me, so that I can reach you
Let these feelings softly be invited into the endless sky
Let them resound strongly, strongly
SHA LA LA I'm sure, someday, the fireflies will stop lighting
Softly in my disappearing heart, a dream is shining
SHA LA LA Person dear to me, don't you forget, either
Softly in the glittering summer, wishes are piling up
SHA LA LA I'm sure, someday, I'll obtain it
Softly in my fleeting heart, a light is burning
SHA LA LA Person dear to me, you, too, can see it
The dazzling moon softly illuminates tomorrow
Shining strongly, strongly
Reach the limit
Scream, scream with enthusiasm
Our body is the proof that we're alive
Try, try, believe
Nobody can judge my heart
Run, run, we always
Will choose the way of justice
Come on
Don't run away, don't fade away, don't let this flame go out
Let's catch up tomorrow
♫Enjoy the lyrics
Your support is welcome♫
Leave It Alone
I'm not a vitamin
I'm more poisonous than that
If you want a taste of me
Prepare to get addicted
While we're getting friendly
That it could turn to love
If you expect something like a salad
You're gonna get hurt
This double bed
Is wide, baby
Deep, deep inside
I'm thinking something
We're a man and woman, right?
Last night, who I was doing what where with
Leave it alone
Last night who I was doing what with
What good is that? It doesn't matter
You're just jealous, aren't you?
It's not divine judgement
Quit convoluting it with calling it love
Your nude back is
Cold, baby
I've got things I think about
People I resent, resent
We're a man and woman, right?
Last night, who I was doing what where with
Leave it alone
Last night who I was doing what with
What good is that? It doesn't matter.
You lighted up a fire and you're burning my life
what do you want, why don't you let me forget you?
I should have never met you
your love was bad me
and now I'm trying to move on
having you day and night on my mind
You lighted up a fire and you're burning my life
what do you want, why don't you let me forget you?
I can't get you out of my mind (x2)
When you put your arms around me
a big fire surrounded me
everything was alight in your kisses
(my) body, soul and heart
You lighted up a fire and you're burning my life
what do you want, why don't you let me forget you?
I can't get you out of my mind (x2)
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
In God's hotel
In God's hotel
there is a chimpanzee
so small, ugly and stutter
schizophrenic and drunk
He got no cash to pay
a rent so royal
moves from a place to another
and sets the rooms on fire
I can't afford to live
at the hotel, I sit and think
sing in the street, make a dough
but I guess that in a year
In a year I got an attic
with a garden view
and of too much light,
I'd drink with a chimpanzee
The Invitation From Pretty Cure
fly away, every time you aim for the top
Break down the fence and go beyond its limits
And leap into the other side of the unknown
Together we will face the wind as the time to grow up draws near
We will not be afraid of the pain that our memories bring, we will surpass it
Watch as we strike and bring down the towering wall
That is blocking us from reaching out future
We will surpass any and all encounters that we meet
My invitation from Pretty Cure has arrived
“My friends and I will never lose'
My hairs gets tangled as I run
Through these freshly opened roses that are decorated with smiles
With you beside me, I have no doubt
That the path each of us have chosen
The bridge the gap toward our progress
Don’t talk about a dream that has you shaking, instead grasp at its end
Though you are desperately clinging to life, remember to laugh every now and then
With the invitation from Pretty Cure in my chest!
Within my heart is a legendary warrior
When you forgive all things, you will discover your own strength
For the light and the darkness are standing next each other
fly away, Aim for the top each and every time
Break down the fence and go beyond its limits
And leap onto the other side of the unknown
My hair gets tangled as I run through
The freshly opened roses that are decorated with smiles
fly away Aim for the top each and every time
Leap onto the other side of the unknown
With you beside me, I have no doubt
That the path each of us have chosen
Will bridge the gap toward our progress
Butterfly Of Fire
Dark turns on, my life is rolling drop by drop,
the night is digging,
her deepest wound,
give me my chaffy ball,
to play outside,
with my shadow on earth.
Oh! Butterfly who fly over grief,
and from every love you ask,
nobody (of them)
met God..
Oh! Butterfly of fire
Two black gardens
The happiness to walk away,
(and) ashes too from the wings.
She's standing there on the porch, like so many times before,
and sees how the Sun sinks on the water.
She opens both the doors and lets in the breeze
which cools and anticipates the night.
The hotel is deserted for many long years.
She closes her eyes and thinks about how it was yesterday.
At night the memories come which she willingly urges forth.
Then she dreams herself away and begins to hum:
'Dance, dance, you who are young, in the evening you are red.
Invite my children to dance and sing. Tomorrow you can be dead.
The Gods need you now, tonight you have a price.
In the dawn everything can be finished. They play with your life.'
She thinks about the time, before the factory was closed down,
when the workers came for the Saturday dances.
Then the whisky glasses glittered of a hundred lit lights,
and the girls were there from the whole neighborhood.
How she went there all night between the tables, and saw to it
that the guests got food and drink and no anger.
She knew them so well, when she told them to be quiet.
It was like she was their mother.
'Dance, dance, you who are young, in the evening you are red.
Invite my children, to dance and sing. Tomorrow you can be dead.
The Gods need you now, tonight you have a price.
In the dawn everything can be finished. They play with your life.'
Then the bitter moment came of the curse,
when the industrialist raped the whole area.
They stood there, by the factory when the machines wore out
They stood there the whole day and half the night.
So quiet her sanctuary, and the lights were blown out,
and the people were driven from the place where the jobs had ended.
But now and then, when the summer wind caresses like tonight,
so she stands there and hums her song.
'Dance, dance, you who are young, in the evening you are red.
Invite my children, to dance and sing. Tomorrow you can be dead.
The Gods need you now, tonight you have a price.
In the dawn everything can be finished. They play with your life.'
Hot (Mandarin Version)
You really are good to me, baby baby
I want to lock you up in my closet when no one's around
I want to put your hand in my pocket because you're allowed
I want to drive you into the corner and kiss you without a sound
I want to stay this way forever I'll say it loud
Now you're in, and you can't get out
You make me feel hot
I'm about to go into shock
You really are terrible
It's truly non-stop
I can't take another breath
You make me cry out loudly
You're truly amazing
You really are good to me, baby baby
You really are good to me, baby baby
I can make you feel all better, just take it in
And I can show you all the places you've never been
And I can make you say everything that you've never said
And I will let you do anything again and again
Now you're in, and you can't get out
You make me feel hot
I'm about to go into shock
You really are terrible
It's truly non-stop
I can't take another breath
You make me cry out loudly
You're truly amazing
You really are good to me, baby baby
You really are good to me, baby baby
Kiss me gently
Always I know
Hold me, love me
Don't ever go
You make me feel hot
I'm about to go into shock
You really are terrible
It's truly non-stop
I can't take another breath
You make me cry out loudly
You're truly amazing
You really are good to me
You really are good to me
You make me feel hot
I'm about to go into shock
You really are terrible
It's truly non-stop
I can't take another breath
You make me cry out loudly
You're truly amazing
You really are good to me, baby baby
You really are good to me, baby baby
You're so good
Homie race up this bike
Homie race up this bike
Punch the fourth gear
and dart out this ride
Yo homie race up this bike
I'm the king here and
these streets are all mine
Homie race up this bike
Speed it up a little,
Forget your left or your right
Dash dash dash dash dash dash
Dash dash buddy
You can call me rascal or bully
Get out of the way
or get a sting in the underbelly
I've shredded smartass townies
in their own black ally,
I'm the local boy here
But don't try to mess with me
Blazin' fire trapped in my belly
Brick like my hand might just land better
Watch it buddy
Hosanna To Our God
Jesus, thou art the King of Kings
The path to truth and life
He is the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah
He is Emmanuel
Hallowed be His name
He is the Son of God
Let's lift Him high, that is love.
Hosanna, sing hosanna
Hosanna to our God
He is the Lord of victory
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Hosanna to our God
His is the Lord of victory
Sing hosanna.
He is Lord Jehovah, my closest friend
He is the sacred morning star
He came down and died for our sins
It is done, he conquered, I am freed
Hallowed be His name. He is the Son of God
Let's lift Him high, that is love.
'Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise!'
My Sister
You remember, sister
What you whispered to me then
What you promised to me then
How you wiped off my tear
How you saw my soul
When the sun was gone
To a different, different place
You remember, sister
What was lost in me then
Something was born in me
The weight at my feet
The shivers in my hands
And the freedom in my eyes
That's always returning, burning, racing with me
Both of us are fighting to maintain life
To reconcile with the storms, to speak to God
And to open up our eyes - there are beautiful things to see
With skies, without skies
And we are still here
You know, sister
It doesn't hurt me anymore
It doesn't eat me up anymore
The silk string is curling
And entangling with an iron wire
Only the light outside is falling
And always forgives, rejoices, redeems me
Both of us are fighting to maintain life
To reconcile with the storms, to speak to God
And to open up our eyes - there are beautiful things to see
With skies, without skies
And we are still here
Both of us are fighting to maintain life
To reconcile with the storms, to speak to God
And to open up our eyes - there are beautiful things to see
With skies, without skies
And we are still here
We are still here
We are still here
You know, sister
Cadillac Hotel
What in heaven makes us going there
The blue in your eyes reminds me,
of a swimming pool in the winter
at Cadillac Hotel
Tour-retour acting on l´amour, playing
the old game
the snake cure - so close
your highest gaol
Than the signs are changing
New tendency-consequences
Extravaganza Hi-Tech-Hexen
And the pressure
And the pressure
I´ve been waiting at Cadillac Hotel
I´ve been waiting
Waiting for your love
I lost you
At Cadillac Hotel
I can´t find you
Girl where are you now?
Cadillac Hotel
New memories are waiting, not serving
New memories give themselves, take them
Whatever you want
At Cadillac Hotel
And the hours before us stand waiting
waiting for the battle of our time
Last shadow game
At Cadillac Hotel
Then you call the Domina-Connection
for promotion
from nymphomanian quadrature
to the Singles-Market
Did we have everything
Did we have everything