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Број резултата: 1529



Cini, bacila si cini
Zarobila moje telo u potpunosti
Bacila si cini, pogledaj me sad
Napustio sam tvoju luku, ljubavi, ljubavi
Ali ti, ti ne gubis vreme
Kad tvoja kosa igra na vetru
Moje srce se ubrza, cujes li ga ?
Zacarala si me
Ne znam, reci mi kako
Tvoje oci me vode do ludila
I osecam svasta
Zacarala si me
Zabavljas se sa mnom
Uopste ne prestajes
Imas zlato na vrhovima prstiju
Ako me zelis
ovde ili tamo
pratim tvoje korake,
Ne gledaj me,
Ne gledaj me
Ukrala si moje noci
Predao sam ti zivot za ceo zivot
Ukrala si kisu
i podmetnula je u moj krevet, ljubavi, ljubavi
Ali ti, ti ne gubis vreme
Kad tvoja kosa igra na vetru
Moje srce se ubrza, cujes li ga ?
Zacarala si me
Ne znam, reci mi kako
Tvoje oci me vode do ludila
I osecam svasta
Zacarala si me
Zabavljas se sa mnom
Uopste ne prestajes
Imas zlato na vrhovima prstiju
Ako me zelis
ovde ili tamo
pratim tvoje korake,
Ne gledaj me,
Ne gledaj me
Sve sam zaboravio
kad me je dodirnula
Naterala me je da se okrenem, okrenem, da padnem pred njene noge
Vise se necu igrati
Video sam je kako vara
Naterala me je da se okrenem, okrenem, da padnem pred njene noge
Zabavljas se sa mnom
Uopste ne prestajes
Imas zlato na vrhovima prstiju
Ako me zelis
ovde ili tamo
pratim tvoje korake,
Ne gledaj me,
Ne gledaj me
Ne gledaj me,
Ne gledaj me


Versions: #1
Kao tracak mesecine u noci, izasla je iz senke
Kad sam je video, sve sam shvatio u trenutku
da bih mogao da izgubim glavu
da bih mogao da izgubim vreme
pevajuci pod njenim prozorom
ili, jos gore, da bih mogao da zaplacem kao dete
Kako noc odmice, krv je vrelija
Ona pita ko sam, izlazim li cesto
Predosetio sam nevolju, nesporazum
I onda
Ona pita da li bih mogao da pevam regeton
Svi gledaju i pocecu da preterujem
Za nju, cak bih pevao i regeton
U mojoj glavi, cuju se reci koje odzvanjaju
Svidja mi se regeton
Pevam regeton
Svidja mi se regeton
Pevam regeton
I dobro znam da je i drugi gledaju
Naterala bi i Stivija Vondera da se okrene za njom
Vidim ih da idu u pogresnom pravcu, situacija je ozbiljna
Pravi se red onih koji bi da pricaju s njom, ma nije valjda
Kako noc odmice, krv je vrelija
Ona pita ko sam, izlazim li cesto
Predosetio sam nevolju, nesporazum
I onda
Ona pita da li bih mogao da pevam regeton
Svi gledaju i pocecu da preterujem
Za nju, cak bih pevao i regeton
U mojoj glavi, cuuju se reci koje odzvanjaju
Izgubio sam kompas, ne znam kud idem, ne vidim repere
Nemam vise snage da se borim, voleo bih da se vratim unazad
Ona me naterala da izgubim glavu
Da, izgubio sam vreme
Pevao sam joj pod prozorom
Plakao kao dete
Ona pita da li bih mogao da pevam regeton
Svi gledaju i pocecu da preterujem
Za nju, cak bih pevao i regeton
U mojoj glavi, cuju se reci koje odzvanjaju
Svidja mi se regeton
Pevam regeton
Svidja mi se regeton
Pevam regeton

U mom narucju

Video sam te, odmah zamisljam
video sam te, shvatio sam
da cu napraviti prvi korak, da
Uvek si u defanzivi
Nijedan muskarac ti ne naredjuje
si stvorila distancu
Lepo sam rekao sebi da ne ide tako
Pravim se da je sve u redu
I da
Kad bi to ikako bilo moguce
Pokidao bih svaki trn sa ruze
samo da bih te imao u narucju
I da
Kad bi to ikako bilo moguce
izbrisao bih sve reci koje nas udaljavaju
samo da bih te imao u svom narucju
Na na na
Ta na na
Sa tom tvojom nedodirljivoscu
Prici ti cini se nemoguce
Pa ipak, siguran sam
da cemo na kraju biti par
Da li ti otezavas stvari
ili sam ja koji radi nesto pogresno ?
Pa ipak, siguran sam
da cemo na kraju biti par
Lepo sam rekao sebi da ne ide tako
Pravim se da je sve u redu
I da
Kad bi to ikako bilo moguce
Pokidao bih svaki trn sa ruze
samo da bih te imao u narucju
I da
Kad bi to ikako bilo moguce
izbrisao bih sve reci koje nas udaljavaju
samo da bih te imao u svom narucju
Na na na
Ta na na
Predosetio sam opasnost
Ali me nece spreciti da nastavim
Pusti me da uklonim sve barijere
koje si postavila
Predosetio sam opasnost
Ali me nece spreciti da nastavim
Pusti me da uklonim sve barijere
koje si postavila
Kad bi to ikako bilo moguce
Pokidao bih svaki trn sa ruze
samo da bih te imao u narucju
I da
Kad bi to ikako bilo moguce
izbrisao bih sve reci koje nas udaljavaju
samo da bih te imao u svom narucju
Samo da bih te imao u svom narucju
Samo da bih te imao u svom narucju

Ma hajde

Ma hajde, ma hajde
hajde, hajde
Kad su mi rekli Brate moj, u zivotu
jedan dan izgubis, drugi dan se smejes
Odgovorio sam Znas, prijatelju
kad pevam imam osmeh :d
Odrastao sam u svetu gde sam govorio sebi
pa i ako padnem, nesto cu nauciti
Nije me bilo sramota, tamo odakle sam
Ustanes i nastavis
Zivimo svoje decje snove
Osmehni se na sekund
Ma hajde, hajde
Sve dok mozemo da pevamo
Hajde, hajde
Nema brige
Hajde, hajde
Sve dok mozemo da plesemo
hajde, hajde
Nema brige
Provodimo zivot gledajuci da je casa poluprazna
Izmisljamo probleme
Gledamo korist
Zaboravljamo ono sto je stvarno vazno
Izvini ako ne cujem
Takav sam, bez komentara
Nisam vam potreban, ali bas me briga
briga me
Zivimo svoje decje snove
Osmehni se na sekund
Ma hajde, hajde
Sve dok mozemo da pevamo
Hajde, hajde
Nema brige
Hajde, hajde
Sve dok mozemo da plesemo
hajde, hajde
Nema brige
Ma hajde, hajde
Ma hajde, hajde
Hajde da idemo,
ostavimo svet neka se zabavlja
da sve promenimo
Hajde da idemo,
ostavimo svet neka se zabavlja
da sve promenimo
Ma hajde, hajde
Sve dok mozemo da pevamo
Hajde, hajde
Nema brige
Hajde, hajde
Sve dok mozemo da plesemo
hajde, hajde
Nema brige
Ma hajde, hajde
Sve dok mozemo da pevamo
Hajde, hajde
Nema brige
Hajde, hajde
Sve dok mozemo da plesemo
hajde, hajde
Nema brige
Hajde da idemo,
ostavimo svet neka se zabavlja
da sve promenimo
Hajde da idemo,
ostavimo svet neka se zabavlja
da sve promenimo

Dedicated to you

Dedicated to you
That you are the flavor of my kisses
That you can be an asshole but I like you
That you truly enjoy making love
Dedicated to you
That you collected me with broken bones
That you have blown my soul away
But you defended me in exchange for nothing
Don't tell me no
Let me stroke you
We fight a little more
Just to fuck
Who had said you can't
Feel bad and love, truly love
While watching you is not easy
To say what you are, you are for me
And I can not
And if you like to not breathe
Let's die a little bit
I know that to make peace, you are incapable
But don't tell me no
A star illuminates
in your eyes, a city
Na na na na na na
Dedicated to you
That you are a little crazy, a bit rebellious
That you eat too many candies
That you said all without saying anything
Dedicated to you
That you don't have the time for make-up
That you give all your blame to others
And you make me want without doing anything
Don't tell me no, let me look at you
That I am not alone, only like a dog
Who had said you can't
Feel bad and love, truly love
While watching you is not easy
To say what you are, you are for me
And I can not
And if you like to not breathe
Let's die a little bit
I know that to make peace, you are incapable
But don't tell me no
A star illuminates
in your eyes, a city
Na na na na na na

America, America

Down the mountain
A river cuts through the strange land and breaks
America, America
America, America, America
A shout of revolt to the sky
The jungle loose in
America, America, America
The macaw's song covers the ultimate sadness
Of whom only the last moon saw
And disappearing through the mountain range
Or maybe in the lap of America is sleeping
The flowers of my valley
Will open up smelling living blood
America, America, America, America
The wounded bird that can't spread the wings
I know it'll fly
Why didn't you die?
And when tonight
Turn into dawn
From the bed of ashes will return to his beloved
America, America
America, America
America, America
America, America

Maguva Maguva

O Woman.. O Woman.. Does this world realise your value?
O Woman.. O Woman.. Does your patience know no limit?
You are omnipresent, You are all over the world
You are always on the run in the house and outside
And yet you never complain about your exhaustion ever so slightly
Instead, you light up every path you walk
O Woman.. O Woman.. Does this world realise your value?
O Woman.. O Woman.. Does your patience know no limit?
Unless you open your kohl-rimmed eyes
the dawn doesn't break on earth
Unless your bangle clad hands move
all existence will come to seize
At every step you weave your love into every bond you develop
Your tireless struggles has victoriously made you reach the skies
You are a form of the primal energy (aadhishakti) that every temple prays for
Would there ever be light in
a world without you?
With your affection and with your love
every man is, in fact, just an infant
The source of every smile and happiness of everyone
has it's roots associated with you.....
O Woman.. O Woman.. Does this world realise your value?
O Woman.. O Woman.. Does your patience know no limit?

My dearest days

No matter how time flies, the bond we've sewn will never be untied
Oh, the more my memories of you fade, the more your voice will be burned into my mind
To hold your hand so tightly, and to hold you so closely
Even though I knew that I was destined to never be allowed to do these things,
I've always wanted to touch your smile, your tears, and your earnest thoughts
From the bottom of my heart...
My dearest days, please don't ever say goodbye
I wanna see you so much, I wanna see you again so much, I'll keep calling out until I reach you
I will never forget, even if my body disappears
The wind that blows on you, the flower that blooms for you
The future I chased with you, I really want to see you again
It's still in my heart, that most beautiful sunset in the world
Oh, your eyes that sparkled with hope greater than fear
Just by being able to look at each other so closely, I learned all about happiness
Even if there was sorrow awaiting us at the end of the road,
I've always wanted to protect your wish, your words, your single ray of light
Forever and ever...
I've always wanted to touch your smile, your tears, and your earnest thoughts
From the bottom of my heart...
My dearest days, please don't ever say goodbye
I wanna see you so much, I wanna see you again so much, I'll keep calling out until I reach you
I will never forget, even if my body disappears
The wind that blows on you, the flowers that blooms for you
The future I chased with you, I really want to see you again
My dearest days, now let's start walking again

It's Not What It Seems

It's not what it seems,
when she appears.
She wanders around and drops on the sofa.
They're not new things,
they're not problems anymore.
Every now and then she's alright with the rest.
Nothing will detour her, look at her.
Are you going to resist?
She won't stop, she won't say... when she's leaving.
Nothing will detour her, look at her.
Are you going to resist?
She won't stop, she won't say... when she's leaving.
She dreamt it a thousand times,
and every time,
she ends up devouring the city.
They're not new things,
but she reinvents herself,
defying the Laws of Gravity.
Nothing will detour her, look at her.
Are you going to resist?
She won't stop, she won't say... when she's leaving.
Nothing will detour her, look at her.
Are you going to resist?
She won't stop, she won't say... when she's leaving.

Тужан сан

Наточио сам себи чашу топлог и лежао будан,
молио сам господа да узме моју душу.
Мислио сам на тебе цео дан,
како имамо исто лице.
Заспао сам потпуно збуњен,
делови мене подсећају ме на тебе,
како бих икада могао да пожелим да није тако.
Само у сновима загрлим те чврсто
и док стојиш у води са мном
могу да ти кажем оно што желим
и надам се да то није само ружан сан,
надам се да то није само тужан сан.
Пробудим се и чујем како ми звони телефон,
чујем твој позив и пустим да ми телефон звони.
Кад сам сео у кола и одвезао се,
слушао сам стерео.
Живим по својим законима, остајем при своме,
држим главу високо до поноћног сунца.
Надам се да ће кривица избледети и ишчезнути,
ватрено крштење гута моју срамоту.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Don't wanna love again

Two times, two times,
Two times my love was broken,
You broke a promise, your oath of loyalty:
My pure love, you betrayed,
You closed your heart…
You made me wounded again,
I regret…
I regret…
I regret…
[That] I loved you
Two times, two times,
Two times my love was broken,
You broke a promise, your oath of loyalty.
God, why is my right1 fate like this,
And [it's] a failure again [that] I build love?2
Is it that I myself am not fit to be loved?
Broken and broken again I link love3,
I don't want don't wanna love again,
I don't wish don't wish to be betrayed,
I have heartache…
Two times, two times,
Two times my love was broken,
You broke a promise, your oath of loyalty:
My pure love, you betrayed,
You closed your heart…
You made me wounded again,
I regret…
I regret…
I regret…
  • 1. Not sure what 'tepat' means here
  • 2. I.e. I once again fail to build love.
  • 3. I.e. the love ties I make are broken and broken again

Dr.древние (Dr.Drevniye)

Dr.древние He's coming from the star, he's coming from the star.
Dr.древние He's coming from the star, Lalalalia
A fire of neurons like a nimbostratus cloud is
chasing you to the top floor.
It burns you, and it takes you away.
There's advertising voice like a heavy tank.
In a silent fire, blinking, doctor wakes up.
Dr.древние He's coming from the offshore, he's coming from the offshore.
Dr.древние he's coming from the offshore, Lalalalia.
A standard shadow with a drooping head.
The day to get water along the street of the murder.
You will dedicate day and night to Incubus without knowing.
You will lie down saying 'I can't find it'.
In a faint sun, In a sea roar, Doctor is coming.
Dr.древние he's coming to you, he's coming to you
Dr.древние he's coming to you, lalalalia.
Papier-mache tiger occupying the city.
With its stern voice, your thought will be taken away.
It determines who is insignificant.
You will be drown in the swamp of choice.
With silent hands, With a look, Doctor wakes up.
Dr.древние he's coming from the road, he's coming from the road.
Dr.древние he's coming if you notice, Lalalalia.
Dr.древние he's coming from you, he's coming from you
Dr.древние he's coming if you notice, he's from anywhere.

Every night of mine

I don't know why I love you
I only know that I wait for you
Since you're not here
I was looking through your eyes
I was breathing through your mouth
But now I lost you
Every night of mine without your love
Is to see happiness far away
Is to live just for the sake of living
Is to get lost in loneliness
Every night of mine without your love
Is to see my heart sad
It's a grey world without illusion
Every night of mine without your love
I don't know why I call you
I only know that I love you
I want to be with you today
Today my life is boredom
And in my world there's an emptiness
That is so hard to fill

A cruel ruler's afternoon nap

An unjust ruler asked a man of god 'What will be the finest act of worship for me?' 'The afternoon nap' replied the pious man'Since you don't hurt people during that short period '1
I saw a cruel one sleeping in the middle of the day
'this one better sleep than wrecking havoc' I thought
And when one's sleeping is better than being awake
Death suits him much more better than a sinister life
  • 1. Saadi's short stories in usually don't have a title.They are identified by a sequence no. The title is chosen by me

The Ruby Ring

Versions: #1
The city of wind is on the other side of frosted glass.
It is sad that my heart is talking to itself alone.
My life is without the weight of a single dead leaf.
I've been living this way since you have left me.
You took off your ring from your finger
while bending your back.
If you intend to return it to me,
I want you to put it in the rubbish bin.
'That's right, if you're talking about my birthstone. It's ruby.'
Such words swirl in my head.
That was the illusion of love
that we swore in the dazzling sun in August.
I like solitude,
don't worry, you can go out.
I want you to be out of my sight quickly
before I change my mind.
On the other side of frosted glass is the city of wind.
At the table with cold red tea left behind,
I was watching you straighten your collar
and get mixed with the crowd at nightfall.
And then two years have passed.
When I see a beige coat in the city,
I will look for a ruby ring on her finger.
I've been living this way after you left me behind.
And then two years have passed.
When I see a beige coat in the city,
I will look for a ruby ring on her finger.
I've been living this way after you left me behind.

The Hymn of Isis (Have an awe to Isis!)

May gods adore the mistress (Isis)
May gods adore the mistress (Isis)
It is she, the sole mistress
It is she, the sole mistress
Have an awe
to Isis!1
It is she who gave birth to the morning
It is she who gave birth to the morning
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west2
It is she who gave birth to the morning
It is she who gave birth to the morning
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west
And (the mistress of) the two lands together3
Have an awe to Isis!
The mistress of the west
It is she, the eyes of Ra4, greatly praised in nomes5
Have an awe to Isis!
The one who grants many things to the king of upper and lower Egypt6
  • 1. : Egyptian goddess
  • 2. The other world, the netherworld, the underworld
  • 3. Upper (south) and lower (north) Egypt
  • 4. : The highest of all ancient Egyptian gods
  • 5. regions
  • 6. The king of the united kingdom of Egypt

A revival of Ideon

Can you hear it? I'm sure you hear it. That far away roar.
Within the darkness, soul-stirring awakening commences.
A figure splits the ground and rises. Is it a sign of justice?
The power of legendary gigantic god tears the universe apart.
A bravely shout invites a lightning blow.
Don't shiver, concentrate your eyes on it. It is the time of revival.
Human beings and all the life forms, you will witness the beginning.
Space runaway Ideon, Ideon.
Space runaway Ideon, Ideon.
Can you fight? Can you still fight? That frightened soul.
Against urging evil power, show your courage.
A figure flies into space and shines. Is it a roar of life?
The power of legendary gigantic god tears the universe apart.
The death blow, is it going to attack ourselves?
Don't be scared and open your mind. It is the time of revival.
Human beings and all the life forms, you will witness the power.
Space runaway Ideon, Ideon.
Space runaway Ideon, Ideon.

The coat

When she borrowed my coat
Immediately my position changed
O cold, where are you from my blood
I am a flame that never goes out
Everyone around me cheered
A terrible cold and shivered
And I disagree about everyone
In me there is hidden warmth
because She borrowed my coat
Oh my coat, how happy you are?
Very close to me and at the same time very far away
I tried not to envy you
I wish I was my coat
O, what a stormy calm
She said

And Love

Versions: #1
And love looked at time and laughed
because it knew it didn't need it.
Pretended to die for a day
and to bloom again in the evening, without laws to respect.
Fell asleep in a corner of the heart
for a time that did not exist,
ran away without distancing itself,
returned without having departed,
time was dying and it was staying.


Don't make a reckless movement
She might scare
From a single strong movement
She can let go
She's tired to notice
And she goes up to the roof
Wholly believing
That she's made a serious
Another second
Everything's about to become better
I swear
Just move away from the fence
I swear
Just move away from the fence
And she goes up to the roof...

Беле руже

Била је то страст, у љубавном заносу, белу ружу сам ти понудио
И од тада се моје срце, тако жестоко везало за тебе
Твој сјај и белина, били су за мене нежна чаролија
И љубавне су наде моје све, да видим како долази тај наш дан
У капели су руже беле за младенце
Те беле руже одишу мирисом и лепотом
А млада носи носи једноставан букет
Белих ружа које одишу свежином
Беле руже аранжиране за младенце
Повезују њихове руке слатке и искрене
Са неба падају на тај благословени дан
Само беле руже, беле руже, беле руже
Иако си већ увела ружо, има места за нашу нежност
Мирис твој на нашу ме силну срећу подсећа
Немоћна си љубоморо, јер ти си ружо моја омиљена.

Someone else's spring

I see a mark of sin in your eyes,
I'll never confess.
I want to tell you, but I keep quiet again
Because you mean a lot to me.
Everybody knows what's going on between us.
I've never thought, that the feelings are beyond my control.
I'll do anything, just give me a chance,
Give me a chance to fly and not go crazy.
This guitar sound blows my mind.
The neighbors below must hear us,
So let's try to keep it down, we're not the ones
Who warm souls with songs of someone else's spring
I see a mark of sin in your eyes,
I'll never confess.
I want to tell you, but I keep quiet again
Because you mean a lot to me.
Let's not tell my mum where we've been,
She won't like it, it's not my style.
I'm yours from now on, I breathe your world.
I believe you and your idols.
This movie is not about us, you know it.
They all are fiction, they can't act our parts.
Questions are frozen in the air.
The things you said, you really meant it.
I see a mark of sin in your eyes,
I'll never confess.
I want to tell you, but I keep quiet again
Because you mean a lot to me.

Who's more precious humans?

Who's more precious humans?
Who's more precious humans?
Where did my soul go?
Who's more precious humans?
Up on my head.
I carried them on my head.
I will love them all my years a swear of God.
I carried them on my head.
All this love to them rewarded me on abandonment.
And I lost all my lifetime for them.
I am lost ... I am lost
I could not sleep at that time.
I am lost
Don’t torture me ...Don’t torture me
I am begging you, do not torment me.
Don’t ask me.. Don't ask me
About the tears that in my eyes don't ask me.
My problem I don't have patience.
I can't wait a moment.
The tears in my eyes.. The tears that in my eyes
Exposed me among the people.
The tears in my eyes.
The blame talk.. the blame talk
Believe me, my heart was melted
The blame talk
Oh, how much I love them.. Oh, how much I love them
The love who that is gone
Oh, how much I love them.
I silent, resistant and listen
Struggling to be patient and trying let my tears patience too.
My tears and my madness.
They are the cause, swear of God.
My tears and my madness.
Who's more precious humans?
Who's more precious humans?
Where did my soul go?
Who's more precious humans?
Up on my head.
I carried them on my head.
I will love them all my years a swear of God.
I carried them on my head.

Go Go

You used to tell me on this basis
Other than me, nobody lives in your head
I am alone without you
I am alone
I chose you from all the people
In fact, your heart is without feelings
It can not live without unfaithfulness
Go Go Go
You are not allowed to return
Stay away from my path and forget me
You were be my life and my soul
You left my heart broken
When I saw you with someone else
Go Go Go
The whole world does not concern me
Go and have fun with others
In the end, you will return and beg me to come back to you
Who has to leave once
Who has no loyalty
Sure, becomes traitor a hundred times
Go Go Go
You are not allowed to return
Stay away from my path and forget me
You were be my life and my soul
You left my heart broken
When I saw you with someone else
Go Go Go

Slepa , gluvonema

Versions: #1
Nestaje mi argumenata i metodologije
Svaki put kad mi se preda mnom pojavi tvoja anatomija
Jer ova ljubav vec ne kapira ni savete , ni razloge
hrani se izgovorima i nedostaje joj hrabrosti
Ovaj ljubav mi ne dozvoljava ostati na nogama
jer mi je vec slomila potpetice
Iako ustajem , ponovo cu pasti
jer kad se ti priblizis , nista nema vise svrhe
Tupava , slepa , gluvonema
nespretna , nestasna , tvdoglava
Sve sa to bila
zbog tebe sam se pretvorila
u bice koja nista drugo ne radi osim sto te voli
misli o tebi danonocno
i ne zna kako da te zaboravi
Koliko puta sam pokusavala ukopati te negde u secanju
svaki put je bila ista prica , iako sam rekla da vise necu
Jer ova ljubav zna da me nagoni da udahnem duboko
zbog nje sam buntovnik u svadji sa celim svetom
Kada bih se mogla otgnuti od tvog glasa
kada bih mogla pobeci od tvog imena
kada bih mogla sebi uscupati srce
i sakriti se negde da ne prozivljam sve ovo ponovo
Tupava , slepa , gluvonema
nespretna , nestasna , tvdoglava
Sve sa to bila
zbog tebe sam se pretvorila
u bice koja nista drugo ne radi osim sto te voli
misli o tebi danonocno
i ne zna kako da te zaboravi
neispavana , mrsava , ruzna , rascupana
nespretna , blesava, spora , nerazumna , uzdrmana
totalno nekontrolisana
ti to sve uocavas i nista mi ne govoris
vidis da u ovoj glavi samo za tebe ima mesta
ma ti me i ne slusas me sta govorim
Pazi dobro sta ces samnom da uradis
Tupava , slepa , gluvonema
nespretna , nestasna , tvdoglava
Sve sa to bila
zbog tebe sam se pretvorila
u bice koja nista drugo ne radi osim sto te voli
misli o tebi danonocno
i ne zna kako da te zaboravi

Together again

The role has been written for us by the lines in a list
But today we are not the same as before
Music, music calls us to follow it again
Who already believed in it, won't leave
Won't leave
Won't leave
We're together again, a night gives us all the rights
All mad words obtain the force again
Now that words sound just for us
Let the day wipe the trace of the flying star again
But any question will find the answer
Nobody gives us a happy for free
Just do understand, at last, everything is up to us
Just it's up to us
Just it's up to us
We're together again, a night gives us all the rights
All mad words obtain the force again
Now that words sound just for us

Fenerbahçe 100th Year Anthem

Versions: #1
You are the breath that I take every moment
You are the passion that always burns within me
Nobody can understand my love to you
You are a child who laughs and never rests
May you live long with your passion and vigour
Raise your flag up to the sky
May you live long with your passion and vigour
May your great name be written on mountains and stones
The glorious legend was born a hundred hears ago,
Be happy on your 100th anniversary - Fenerbahçe.
The glorious legend was born a hundred hears ago,
Be happy on your 100th anniversary - Fenerbahçe.
My heart beats with, and only with you,
It only laughs and cries with you
You are the sole love of my soul
Wherever it goes, it glows and burns with passion.
May you live long with your passion and vigour
Raise your flag up to the sky
May you live long with your passion and vigour
May your great name be written on mountains and stones
The glorious legend was born a hundred hears ago,
Be happy on your 100th anniversary - Fenerbahçe.
The glorious legend was born a hundred hears ago,
Be happy on your 100th anniversary - Fenerbahçe.


Volela bih se vratiti unazad
Reći ti da ne izlaziš iz mojih misli
Ali žao mi je
Više nema osećaja
Želela bih osetiti isto u tvojim očima
Reći da si i dalje deo mojih snova
Ali žao mi je
Više nema osećaja
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja
Želela bih osetiti isto u tvojim očima
Reći da si i dalje deo mojih snova
Ali žao mi je
Više nema osećaja
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja
Koliko god pokušavala trpeti, ne mogu
Sada samo se želim udaljiti
To su samo uspomene koje neću čuvati
Neću ih čuvati
Pokušala sam se vratiti nazad ali ne može se
Uvek sam ja pokušavala trpeti
Ali više nema osećaja
Više nema osećaja


Čak mogu reći i stvari koje ne želim
Ali tebe čekam ovde
Čak i kada ostanem bez reči
Očekujem tvoj poziv
Čak iako se svet
Okrene protiv nas
Nikada neću prestati
Slušati tvoj glas
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati
Ne (ne)
Čak iako budemo imali neke nesuglasice
Neću zaboraviti ovde one trenutke
Čak iako se svet
Okrene protiv nas
Nikada neću prestati
Slušati tvoj glas
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati
Ne (ne)
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati
Ne (ne)
Ne znam hoćeš li ostati
Ali reći ću
Da ja bez tebe neću ostati


West, west, west, west, west, west side
East, east, east, east, east, east, east, east
North, north, north, north, north, north
South, south, south, south, south, south side
East, east, east, east, east, east, east, east
North, north, north, north, north, north
South, south, south, south
I don't care where I hang out as long as it's not Kotka
It doesn't matter if it's the east or west, now at Malminkartano
I package the cassettes and and shirts
I get drunk, I drink booze
Because of the mask, whores want sex from me
From behind the mask, lassos fly into your hair
Finnish rap is clammy shit
I even feel second-hand embarrassement towards myself
Even the fans are stupid chickens, they suck my dick
Just kidding, I love you
Don't offer me marihuana
Don't offer cocaine
Give me money
I'm a poor and hungry alcoholist and at home I brew alcohol
Fuck swag, Takkinen is the Simo Silmu of Finnish rap
It sucks being sober, and I don't want to take some amphetamine
So I'll just be at the local bar I sit there everyday
Tomorrow I'll feel like crying
I'm using hand gestures like I was a fucking deaf-mute
Fuck Facebook likes, I don't care if someone doesn't approve
You can whine, yell at me with a red face
The compass point doesn't fucking matter, It's the same everywhere
West, west, west, west, west, west side
East, east, east, east, east, east, east, east
North, north, north, north, north, north
South, south, south, south
West, west, west, west, west, west side
East, east, east, east, east, east, east, east
North, north, north, north, north, north
South, south, south, south
North, south, east, west
The plan is to get drunk during the day
Red cases, empty fucking hash pills, bloody syringes, my man
Try to be sober yourself everyday in this goddamn scene
I conjugate words and these monkeys don't understand my message, tell me that I'll break one day
I go from the east to the west and south, I flee to the north, into the dephts of the forests
Somewhere hella far away where Fruity Loops and Qledi don't exist
Burn my notebooks filled with rhymes so I'd feel better
Get rid of my need to drink alcohol by drinking even stronger beverages and I crawl away
I throw up t every station, show a middle finger to the camera
The beers won't see the cashier instead they'll go under my fucking whores' dress
Fucking tactical, nobody knows Takkinen
That's the way it should be, even though I don't even want to wear this stupid mask
I'll throw it away and stop my rapper career
I don't care about wannabe gays, caps, cats or tags
The ugly or beautiful whores will never get close
West, west, west, west, west, west side
East, east, east, east, east, east, east, east
North, north, north, north, north, north
South, south, south, south, south, south side
East, east, east, east, east, east, east, east
North, north, north, north, north, north
South, south, south, south

A Walk

Versions: #1
I'm holding your hand and everything blurs
Calm me down once again, I really like
How you look in this ridiculous hat
I suggest neither we hide nor be in hiding
According to filmmakers, we all are loaded to the matrix
Street lights are on, I'm holding your hand
Accidently the stars were falling into my empty pockets
Leaving some hope
My knees froze
You were happy and drunk
And something important was in-between
I'm holding your hand so they can't kidnap you
The enemies in Volgas* are hiding in the alleys
Maybe we can warm up in the phone boxes
This sad saga will never end
I need and I don't, you are my loneliness
I am not being dramatic, I am holding your hand
Accidently the stars were falling into my empty pockets
Leaving some hope
My knees froze
You were happy and drunk
And something important was in-between
Intentionally the stars were falling into my empty pockets
Leaving some hope
My knees froze
You were happy and drunk
And something important was in-between