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Everything And Even More

Silent whispers
Starry Night
Unexpectedly come closer to me
An unbegun dream hovers in the air
Everything around is ringing so loudly
However I'm not lacking words
My gaze will translate everything for you
We danced danced
Every song was ours
Danced danced
Every dance was the only one
So unfair night
Everything is started insanely
We danced danced
Promise to be always and longer to me
Promise to be the never ending story to me
Promise to be always and longer to me
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
In your shirt, in warmth
I woke up in the unbelievably
unexpected dawn
Your breath in silence
In hair caught scent
Memories doesn't go away so easily.
We danced danced
Every song was ours
Danced danced
Every dance was the only one
So unfair night
Everything started insanely
We danced danced
Promise to be always and longer to me
Promise to be the never ending story to me
Promise to be always and longer to me
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
(I wish everything and even more)
(Everything, everything and more...)
(Danced danced)
(Danced danced)
Promise to be always and longer to me
Promise to be the never ending story to me
Promise to be always and longer to me
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
I wish everything and even more
Everything everything and even more
(I wish everything and even more)
(Everything, everything and more)

Future Start

So Hi Hi Hi! This happiness
Sings out with a Hi Hi Hi!
My heart dances in this sparkling season
This pounding in my heart is the first sign
Just brushing it off makes me feel funny
There's a bewildering melody to my excitement
I want a chance to call out to you
After school I ran into you by chance
Could this change our future?
Tell me! Tell me please!
Hi! Hi! Hi! That happiness
Hi! Hi! Hi! Surrounds you and me
Gets me and fills everything with joy
So Hi! Hi! Hi! This happiness
Sings out with a Hi! Hi! Hi!
My heart dances in this sparkling season
Future * Future * To the future!


I don’t want to say goodbye
Even if I can no longer see you
I know you’ll someday softly untangle my hand
But I never will
Just by closing my eyes
I can go back to those good ol’ days
Remember when you kissed my platinum ring
And made me take it off?
Fantasy a whole new idea
Fantasy though I already knew it
I loved you as if chasing after your gaze
So the two of us would have forever everywhere
Gentle night, from the window
Looking down on the whole town rushing to dusk
Even your horse running at a gallop
I’ve got no clue how to set it apart
Fantasy from tomorrow on
Fantasy you’ll only see me in a dream
But I’ll be always there in your arms
Forever stays here for the two of us

So That I Can Be the Reliable Me

That was a smile, and there again that was a frown
I remember all of them if I don’t close my eyes

Moja istina

Postoje laži na usnama
Postoje lažii na koži, koje bole
Ima laži, ima ljubavnika
Koji zbog minuta zadovoljstva
Rizikuju čitav svoj život
Ima bijelih laži
Ima laži iz milošte
Koje ne žele da povrijede
Postoje laži koje su nas stvarno povrijedile
aj, AJ
Prevara koje godinama
Kriju istinu
Povređuju nas
Aj, ja ću se skoloniti
U zemlju tvoje ljubavi(moja istino)
Ti si moja ljubav, moja radost
Istina mog života
Moja beba koja mi brzo skače u zagrljaj
Ti si moje sklonište i moja istina
Slušaj, ti si moja ljubav, moja sreća
Istina mog života
Moje dijete koje smiruje moju dušu osmijehom
Ti si moje sklonište i moja istina
Laži u pogledu
Postoje i laži na koži, skicirane
Ima laži, ima ljubavi
Koji zbog minuta zadovoljstva
Rizikuju čitav svoj život
Ima doktrina i zvukova
Nemilosrdnih diktatora
Koji lažno vladaju
Postoje laži u danima, na mrežama
I u moru, aj,
Prevara koje godinama
Kriju istinu
Povređuju nas
Aj, ja ću se skoloniti
U oazu tvoje ljubavi
ti si moja ljubav, moja sreća
Istina mog života
Moja beba koja mi brzo skače u zagrljaj
Ti si moje skrovište i moja istina
ti si moja ljubav, moja sreća
Istina mog života
Moje dijete koje smiruje moju dušu osmijehom
Ti si moje sklonište i moja istina
U nerealnom svijetu
Ne znam u šta da vjerujem
Ali ljubavi ti si moja istina, moja istina
Ti si svjetlst koja me vodi
Tvoj glas me smiruje
Kiša moje duše
I sva moja istina
Glas koji me umiruje
Kiša moje duše
I cijela moja istina
Sva moja istina

Today it’s Gonna be Ra-ri-ru-rain

Happy ra-ri-ru-rainy day!!
Happy ra-ri-ru-rainy day!!
Thank you for today, be happy!!
Splashing puddles (step in)
I’m not in high boots (step it)
Because it just feels great dancin’ with the rain
What are you gonna do then? (I wonder)
I wanna see you, and you? (that’s it!)
Because excitement is delivered one after another (it’s all around!)
Somewhere in the world (hi!)
They have the lovely weather (hi!)
It’s our turn! No matter the sky (it’s beautiful)
Dreams are expanding (they’re beautiful)
I’ll give you a hug, so let’s make memories!
Just say it’s fun (yeah!)
Let’s dance in a circle like it’s fun (hi! hi! hi! hi!)
Thank you! I’m so glad having all of you here
Say again and again (yeah!)
Let’s dance in a circle like it’s fun (hi! hi! hi! hi!)
The ones that I love, I’ll love them to the very end
Okay! (thank you!) Okay! (thank you)
Because we’ve yet, yet, yet to get started!
Happy ra-ri-ru-rainy day!!
Happy ra-ri-ru-rainy day!!
Thank you for today, be happy!!
Up the rain-soaked stairs (they’re slippery)
Don’t hurry, take it slow (they’re slippery)
In a little high spirits, with the rain you’re singin’
We’re finally here, whatcha wanna do? (I wonder)
Let’s do this once again! (that’s it!)
Nice and happy things I wanna give you some more of them (they’re all around!)
The world is super wide (hi!)
I am way too small (hi!)
But heart and soul, no matter what you are (keep it up)
Let our dreams expand (keep it up)
I’ll give you a hug, so let’s make memories!
A magical word, it’s nice to laugh (yeah!)
So let’s laugh, we’re laughing (hi! hi! hi! hi!)
A warm welcome! I wanna remind you of our connection
Let’s be friendly (yeah!)
So let’s laugh, we’re laughing (hi! hi! hi! hi!)
The ones that I love, I’ll love them to the very end
Okay! (thank you!) Okay! (thank you)
So let’s have more, more, more and more fun!
You and I, let’s make a ton of memories together!
Just say it’s fun (yeah!)
Let’s dance in a circle like it’s fun (hi! hi! hi! hi!)
Thank you! I’m so glad having all of you here
Say again and again (yeah!)
Let’s dance in a circle like it’s fun (hi! hi! hi! hi!)
The ones that I love, I’ll love them to the very end
Okay! (thank you!) Okay! (thank you)
Because we’ve yet, yet, yet to get started!
Happy ra-ri-ru-rainy day!!
Happy ra-ri-ru-rainy day!!
Thank you for today, be happy!!

If the breeze sighs

If the breeze sighs so charmingly
The fresh rose smiles
The shady hedge of fine emerald green
Fears not the summer’s heat
To dance, to dance, come gladly
Charming nymphs, flowers of beauty
Now that the delightful spring so clear
Descends from the high mountain to the sea
The bird presents its sweet poetry
And the sapling is abloom
A fair face in the shadow nearby
Must boast only of its beauty
This breeze sighs and brings coolness
And caresses a beautiful face:
In those lovely eyes, a furtive tear
Love’s escort, falls to a fair breast
The sky is cloudless and clear
The day will be full of joy
The evening takes on a glowing tinge
And nature is about to fall asleep
Sing, sing, joyful nymphs
Drive away the cruel winds!
Sing, sing, joyful nymphs
Drive away the cruel winds!

Sparkling Miracle Sparkle Rangers (TV Size)

Sparkling miracle Sparkle Rangers
Fire is a hot-head
A fire truck that has a burning spirit (Hype's maxed out, hype's maxed out)
Lively Shovellow
All right
A never gloomy shovel car (Oh heave ho, oh heave ho)
Mach is a speed star
With a turbo smooth voice
Jetter flies with a whoosh
Cuts with sharpness
Helico is a healer
With spinning propellers
Machines of mercy
Spark-sparkling Sparkle Rangers
Whether having fun or in trouble
Their over-overflowing courage explodes
And they will surely shine through
Spark-sparkling Sparkle Rangers
Whether pumped up or feeling down
You're as cool as any miracle
And with you
They can make miracles happen
Sparkle Rangers

Leteći Kitovi

Vode haosa
Ispunile su svemir
Poplava na zemlji opet
Moram pronaći kitove
Koji su nas jednom vodili
Ka suvim tlom života
Neću očajavati
Slomiću ovaj mrak oko nas
Ispod teškog mora
Potražiću let kitova
Ispod mora sam tražio
I imao drugačiji pogled
Na nas na zemlji
Tonući brod ljudi
Ali je izvan zvijezda
Našao sam ovo mjesto
Gdje su bili
I konačno su došli ka svjetlu
Preko vjetrova
Oni borave u svjetlu
Kao strijela na nebu
Našao sam se na višem tlu
Zato što ih vidim u svjetlu
Sada mogu da vidim kitove
Naziru se iz mraka
Kao strijele na nebu
Ne vjerujem svojim očima
Ali je istina
Veliki krajevi tunela u svjetlu
Kao obale oblaka skupile su se
Vidim masivan oblik mesa
Plivajuci džinovi u čistini
Najmoćniji mi prilazi
Na krilu sam, široko otvoren
Uče me kako da letim
Polako kretajući se u vazduhu
Oni plešu
Mnogo rečeno bez imalo riječi
Moćna prisutnost samo za govor
Preko vjetrova
Oni borave u svjetlu


Prestani se žaliti o sudbini i mjenjaj
Ustani na noge i uzdiži se
Svakim padom dobijaš bol, naučiš lekciju
Počni sada, otvori oči
Mrtva tijela padaju sa neba
Mi smo majmuni sa vizijom ubijanja
Kiša srama ispunjava rudnike
Nema druge krvi osim moje
Vrijeme je da otvoriš oči na ovaj genocid
Kada očistiš svoj um vidiš sve
Dobijaš zlato boljeg života
Kad promijeniš sebe, ti mijenjaš svijet
Tvoje srce kuca u mozgu
Dok te vuku golog u blato
Djavo pleše na kiši
Kako si mogao pasti tako nisko
Ne! Nikad vas nećemo pustiti
Pustite nas da ih gledamo dok umiru
Vrijeme je da otvoriš oči na ovaj genocid
Kada očistiš svoj um vidiš sve
Dobijaš zlato boljeg života
Kad promijeniš sebe, ti mijenjaš svijet


See, I'm stunned by your eyes
Sit in front of me
I defeat the world
I'm watching you deeply
Sit in front of me
I defeat the world
Come and burn easily this dry and empty desert (I'm like a dry and empty desert)
Come and light all these vigils 1
Become rain, fall, calm me down
Become Leyla2, make me Majnun2
Become rain, fall, calm me down
Become Leyla, make me Majnun
You are my only heart's love, my only wings and the only crown of my head
You are my only heart's moon, my only heart's king, my only friend
Love means the sweet sorrow of separation
Love means patience and patience
Become rain, fall, calm me down
Become Leyla2, make me Majnun2
Become rain, fall, calm me down
Become Leyla, make me Majnun
  • 1. Your love makes me sleepless
  • Referring to the well-known romance story 'Layla and Majnun'

Love, don't go

On your lips, love cannot be read
Tell me, what hurts?
One last kiss and we'll part
I'll become a stranger to you
I wanna share the sun and the moon with you forever
To give you a bright light when you're in sorrow
Let's start over, I still
love you
But your voice whispered back to me
We're not on the same path, so I'll leave our broken Paradise
Stop, stop, stop!
My voice is numb, goodbye to you
Love, don't go!
Love, don't go!
Love, don't go!
Love, don't go!
Love, don't go!
Love, don't go!
I lived for you
Forgave you every time
Loved you in spite of tears
And at night in silence, I waited for you to come home
I believed your empty words
It doesn't matter what happens next
I can't take it anymore
You leave a mark in my soul
Can't fix it all
I may still love you
But my voice screamed back to you
We're not on the same path, I leave our broken Paradise
Stop, stop, stop!
My voice is numb, goodbye to you
Love, don't go!
Love, don't go!
Love, don't go!
Love, don't go!
Love, don't go!
Love, don't go!

Let Me Go

Let me, let me go
Let me, let me go
Desires burn, they burn
Will tears break your heart?
Let me go...
It's all up to the eternity,
Once something flames up, it will only surround you.
My strawberry...
Loneliness is really harmful,
Will tears drown you?
How can I?
It burns until you're sixty years old
Loneliness tastes the death only once
My flower...
Your name will be written in the book,
'A woman with her hair shedding.
How can I know?
My head will be dizzy because of the pain,
We've walked for so long time, my friend.
Let me, let me go!
Let me, let me die at that moment.
Let me, let me go!
Let me, let me die at that moment.
Let me, let me go!
Let me, let me die at that moment.
Let me!


Up Up Up
Down Down Down
Swim swim


It's you really, not joking.
It's you really, not joking.
Guys, tonight.
Hang the decorations and hit the fire.
Tonight they're on the lights.
It is our beautiful night,
what a wonderful feeling
It was not on the map before this happiest feeling
I want to make a noise and write on every wall a song
Oh, all creation
My love is here
It's you really, not joking.
It's you really, not joking.
Guys, tonight.
Hang the decorations and hit the fire.
Tonight they're on the lights.
Honestly, the lie is a disappointment.
The moment you're back in time is perfect.
I came at the last minute and turned the events on me.
And I am afraid of my happiness passing out
Oh, all creation
My love is here
It's you really, not joking.
It's you really, not joking.
Guys, tonight.
Hang the decorations and hit the fire.
Tonight they're on the lights.
It's you really, not joking.
It's you really, not joking.
Guys, tonight.
Hang the decorations and hit the fire.
Tonight they're on the lights.

Here Comes a New Sense of Happiness

It’s getting closer and closer
I hear it coming Tan-Tan Ta Tan-Tan
Going up the stairs, who’s that?
It seems to be getting closer and even closer now
It’s a few inches away I see somebody coming for me
It seems to be getting closer and even closer now
It’s a few inches away I see happiness coming for me
It’s getting bigger and bigger, you know
Because my heartbeat could turn into a variety of melodies
I’d like to call it excitement and clip it out of the very scene
So I can add it to my menu as a new sweet, how’s it like?
Ice-cold strawberries, iced mocha with whipped cream
Chocolate syrup falling from above what a perfect match
I might be dreaming until I give it a name


Versions: #1
I want to see, I want to get in
Baby nobody will do you harm,
Except loving you.
You go here, you go there
But you'll never find yourself
By escaping.
There's no force around
There're no love potions
Where are you?
Where am I?
Why are we on Sensation Street'?
So far from the sun, that's burning with love.
I give you bread, you want salt
Baby I'll never give you
What you ask me.
I give you God, you want more
Is it that you'll never understand
A poor boy?
Those bikes that ride so fast
Will only make you feel the wind
Nothing else, nothing else.
If you could just forget your mind
In front of me, I know your heart
Would say 'yes'.
There's no force around
There're no love potions
Where are you?
Where am I?
Why are we on 'sensation street'?
So far from the sun, that's burning with love.

Future Puzzle

My heart looks like a puzzle with a lot of twists and turns
What are you all doing when you feel misfit?
Everything seems so brand new that I get confused

That's Why You Lose

Versions: #1
Sat 'n a pew, five minutes wi' you, m' wee pal
To watch the people, if any pass
To speak to you, of good times gone, or come back
And twixt the harp, of my hand, your li'l palm
Worse given, to puff-up, at the errant doves
To deal them kicks, there at the feet, just for fun
And to hear your laugh, which deciphers the walls
And knows, above all, to catch where I fall
Telling you a bit, 'bout when I was littler
Sherbet fountains sucked under the nose of shopkeepers
Pick 'n' mix, polo mints, and penny chews
And that's why you lose
Fat in the rain, five minutes wi' you, m' wee pal
To watch life go by, such as that's that
To till the whole Earth to puff-up your eyes around slits
To speak to you of your mammy a bit
And stamp in he puddles to make them spill
To wreck our shoes and to get our kill
And to hear your laughter like one hears the sea
To stop it

And It's Difficult

I'm putting rouge
On my face
So that they don't figure out
What really happened
That you and I are no longer together
I'm even rehearsing my smiles
So that it's not obvious
I'm suppressing my feelings
I'm crying on the inside
That you and I are no longer together
And it's difficult
Do I keep pretending?
That I'm happy
Even if the truth is
That you're really gone
And if tomorrow
When I open my eyes
You are in love with someone else
There won't be anything I can do
How do I tell
My friends
If I'll be the one to blame anyways
I was blinded
Because you and I are no longer together
And it's difficult
Do I keep pretending?
That I'm happy
Even if the truth is
That you're really gone
And if tomorrow
When I open my eyes
You are in love with someone else
There won't be anything I can do
Where did I go wrong?
I don't understand
The person who loved
Is the one who was left behind
Is the one who was left behind
And it's difficult
Do I keep pretending?
That I'm happy
Even if the truth is
That you're really gone
And if tomorrow
When I open my eyes
You are in love with someone else
There won't be anything I can do

Writing is my first home...

Writing is my first home of silence
The second erupts from the body moving behind the words
Extensive bare beaches where the sea has never been
A desert where the fingers whisper their last crime
To write to you continuously... sand and more sand
Building the tallest walls of nothing within the blood
This passion you've kept for the objects
This skin-memory which exhales a disaster I don't know
The tongue full of moss
We would scatter hemlock seeds throughout the fog of our dreams
The mornings came as a stellar howl
And I'd follow your trail of sperm to the waterside
Other bodies of salt crossed the silence
Of this home built on the precarious saliva of the twilight

The Girls of the Sado Riverside

The bomb cracks
And the rocket goes into the air
It bursts and burns completely
There is nobody that dances better
Than the girls of the Sado riverside
The girls of the Sado riverside is what is
They plow the land with toenails
The girls of the Sado riverside
Are like sheep
They have ticks behind the ears
It was one of those very crazy days
Where the sun beat hard on the heads
The girls saw that I was caught
And said never to show up there again
But I did not leave and I amused myself dancing with three
They wanted me to go to the deck at the back
But I didn't go and told them to give a bath to my canary
Who kicked the bucket with pain in an ovary
The bomb cracks
And the rocket goes into the air
It bursts and burns completely
There is nobody that dances better
Than the girls of the Sado riverside
The girls of the Sado riverside is what is
They plow the land with toenails
The girls of the Sado riverside
Are like sheep
They have ticks behind the ears
They have ticks, they have ticks, they have ticks, they have ticks,
they have ticks, they have ticks, they have ticks, they have ticks,
they have ticks, they have ticks, they have ticks, they have ticks,
They have ticks behind the ears!


She came out of the shadows like a glimmer in the night
When I saw her, I understood it all in just a few seconds
That I'd lose my mind
That I'd lose my time
By singing under her window
Or worse, I'd cry like a child
The more the night goes by, the stronger my blood gets
She's asking who I am, if I go out often
The mood felt awkward, like some kind of disagreement
She asked if I sing reggaeton
Everyone's watching so I'm going to exaggerate
For her, I'd even sing reggaeton
In my head I'm hearing these words that echo
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
And I know good and well that all the others look at her
She'd even make Stevie Wonder dizzy1
I saw them walking the wrong way, it's serious
Some people are getting in line to talk to her, it's a joke
And the more the night goes by, the stronger my blood gets
She's asking who I am, if I go out often
The mood felt awkward, like some kind of disagreement
She asked if I sing reggaeton
Everyone's watching so I'm going to exaggerate
For her, I'd even sing reggaeton
In my head I'm hearing these words that echo
I'm disoriented, I don't know where I'm going anymore, I've got no more markers
I no longer have the strength to struggle, I'd like to go back in time
She made me lose my mind
Yeah, I lost my time
I sang under her window
And cried like a child
She asked if I sing reggaeton
Everyone's watching so I'm going to exaggerate
For her, I'd even sing reggaeton
In my head I'm hearing these words that echo
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
Bewitch me with that reggaeton
Sing that reggaeton for me
  • 1. Considering Stevie Wonder is blind, this woman must be extremely beautiful.

Oh! Take my soul

Oh, take my soul
Take it, Lord
And your flame burns in my heart
And all my being vibrates for you
Just be my master, O divine king
Source of life, of peace and love
I cry towards you day and night
Hear my plea, be my support
Calm my fear
You, the only good thing in my life
Oh, protect me from treachery
Come, be my guide
Master of my faith
When the night cloaks everything from my eyes
Be my star
Shine from the heavens
Source of life, of peace and love
I cry towards you day and night
Hear my plea, be my support
Calm my fear
You, the only good thing in my life
Here is the dawn of a new day
The sky gilds itself in the most beautiful fires that exist
Source of life, of peace and love
I cry towards you day and night
Hear my plea, be my support
Calm my fear
You, the only good thing in my life

The wheel of the universe.

The wheel of the universe spun and spun
Just for kings, priests and barons

In my arms

I saw you, I imagined what would come after
I saw you, I understood right away
Too quickly
That I'd make the first move, yeah
You're always on the defensive
No man has control over you
Too quickly
You're isolating yourself, eh
I told myself that I wasn't up for it
I lie in front of you and act like it's normal
And if
If it were ever possible
I'd get rid of all your rose's thorns
Just to hold you in my arms
And if
If it were ever possible
I'd erase all the words that go against us
Just to hold you in my arms, eh
Na-na-na, na-na-na-oh
With your calm demeanor, approaching you seems impossible
Even then, I'd make sure that at the end of the day, we'd be a pair
Is it you who's making it difficult
Or is it me who got the wrong idea?
In any case, I'm sure that at the end of the day, we'll be together
I told myself that I wasn't up for it
I lie in front of you and act like it's normal
And if (and if)
If it were ever possible (if it were possible)
I'd get rid of all your rose's thorns
Just to hold you in my arms (in my arms)
And if (oh, if)
If it were ever possible (possible)
I'd erase all the words that go against us
Just to hold you in my arms, eh
Na-na-na, na-na-na-oh
I can feel the danger
But it won't stop me from carrying on
Let me take down all the barriers you've put up, yeah yeah
I can feel the danger
But it won't stop me from carrying on
Let me take down all the barriers you've put up, yeah yeah
If (if)
If it were ever possible (possible)
I'd get rid of all your rose's thorns (your rose)
Just to hold you in my arms (in my arms)
And if (if it were possible)
If it were ever possible (if it were possible)
I'd erase all the words that go against us
Just to hold you in my arms, eh
(Just to hold you in my arms)
(Just to hold you in my arms)
(Just to hold you in my arms, to hold you in my arms)
(Yeah yeah)


I'm looking at our history again, I stop at an image
I kept up my hopes but you turned the page
I keep believing that it was nothing but a passage
I chose to look at the sky after the story
You know we keep on going, we're looking for each other, I know good and well that you want me
I know you want me, we were together, I kept quiet
Yes, I kept quiet, my heart was cut in half, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele (if you want to)
Yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
You'll find me on this narrow path
If you see me with tears running down my face, it's no illusion
If you believe in miracles, let me jump of the roof
So that I can spread my wings so that nothing will separate us again
You know that we keep on going, we're looking for each other, I know good and well that you want me
I know you want me, we were together, I kept quiet
Yes, I kept quiet, my heart was cut in half, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele (if you want to)
Yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
You know we keep on going, we're looking for each other
You know we keep on going, we're looking for each other, mmh, I know good and well that you want me
I know that you want me, we were together, I kept quiet
Yes, I kept quiet, my heart was cut in half, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele (if you want to)
Yelele, yelele, yelele, give me love if you want to
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele
Yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele, yelele

The sorceress

Cast a spell, you've cast a spell
You've posessed my body wildly
Cast a spell, well look at how I look on the outside
I've left your harbour, love (Love)
But you don't have the time
When your hair dances in the wind
My heart is pounding, can you hear it?
You've bewitched me
I don't know, tell me how this came to be
Your eyes are leading me to my judgement
And I have too many feelings
You've bewitched me
You're having fun with me
You're never going to stop
You have gold on your fingertips
The sorceress
If you want me, whether it's here or there
I'll live in your steps
The sorceress
Don't look at me and my face
Don't look at me and my face
Stolen, you've stolen my nights
I gave you my entire life
Stolen, you've stolen the rain
And you put it in my bed, love (Love)
But you don't have the time
When your hair dances in the wind
My heart is pounding, can you hear it?
You've bewitched me
I don't know, tell me how this came to be
Your eyes are leading me to my judgement
And I have too many feelings
You've bewitched me
You're having fun with me
You're never going to stop
You have gold on your fingertips
The sorceress
If you want me, whether it's here or there
I'll live in your steps
The sorceress
Don't look at me and my face
Don't look at me and my face
I forgot everything when she touched me
She made me turn, turn, and fall at her feet
I don't want to play her game anymore
I saw her cheat
She makes me turn, turn, and fall at her feet
You're having fun with me
You're never going to stop
You have gold on your fingertips (The sorceress)
If you want me, whether it's here or there
I'll live in your steps
You're having fun with me
You're never going to stop
You have gold on your fingertips
The sorceress
If you want me, whether it's here or there
I'll live in your steps
The sorceress
Don't look at me and my face
Don't look at me and my face


I won't wait for tomorrow (Oh yeah)
I hope you'll do the same (There)
I'll show you the way (Come on)
I'll go with you forever
She comes from Neymar's country1 (Oooh)
She dances the Macarena2 (Come on)
I tell her jokes, she's breaking bars (Come on)
She smiles and I lose my grip
Baby, I'm dribbling 3 and I'm lying (Come now, yeah)
She has so many suitors
I saw you in a city, in a novel
Kiss me, yes, kiss me (Yes)
She's my woman, not my girlfriend (Where)
Tell me no or tell me yes
Just make me turn my head
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
My gadji4, my woman, eh
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed (Yeah)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
My gadji, my woman, eh (come on)
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
(Come now, yeah)
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
She wants to live a crazy life
A life that progresses in tandem
It's going too fast for me, wait
But I'll follow her all the same (Yeah, yeah)
She reads it in my eyes (Come now)
My heart is getting carried away
Since then, my sky is blue
Baby, I'm dribbling and I'm lying
She has so many suitors
I saw you in a city, in a novel
Kiss me, yes, kiss me (Yes)
She's my woman, not my girlfriend (Where)
Tell me no or tell me yes
Just make me turn my head
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
Ouh-lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
My gadji, my woman, eh (Lé-lé-lé)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed (Yeah)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Yeah-yeah-yeah)
My gadji, my woman, eh
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Hey)
Pepita5 you're my target (Come on)
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Reggaeton, hey)
(Pah, pah, yeah, come on)
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Hey)
Pepita, you're my target (Come on)
Baby, I've dribbled around you (Reggaeton, hey)
(Pah, pah, yeah, come on)
Lé-lé-ouh-lé-lé (Lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
My gadji, my woman, eh (Lé-lé-lé)
Your heart and mine are sealed
My gadji, my woman, eh (Come on)
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
Come on, give me your heart, your smile, my heart, yeah
  • 1. A reference to Brazil, where the footballer Neymar is from.
  • 2. popular song and dance from the 1990s.
  • 3. As in, playing basketball.
  • 4. a term that refers to non-Romani people.
  • 5. Lit. 'pumpkin seed', but is also a nickname for 'Josefa'.

Come on

Come on, come on
Come on, come on
When they told me 'My brother, in life you lose one day and laugh another'
I replied, 'But you know, my friend, as long as I'm singing, I'm smiling'
I grew up in a world where I told myself
That if I fell down, I'd grow
I didn't know shame, there or where I live
You pick yourself up and start again
We're living our childhood dreams
Give me a smile for just a moment
Come on, come on
As long as we can sing
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
As long as we can dance
Come on, come on
Don't worry
We spend our lives seeing the glass as half full
Making up problems
Asking ourselves if it's all worthwile
Forgetting what really matters
Forgive me if I'm not listening
If I'm like that, without making a remark
You don't want me here but I couldn't care less
(I couldn't care less)
We're living our childhood dreams (Childhood)
Give me a smile for just a moment (Just a moment, hey)
Come on, come on
As long as we can sing
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
As long as we can dance
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Eh, eh, let's go
Let's let the world go crazy
Eh, eh, let's go
So that everything can change
Eh, eh, let's go
Let's let the world go crazy
Eh, eh, let's go
So that everything can change
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
As long as we can dance
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
As long as we can sing
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Come on, come on
As long as we can dance
Come on, come on
Don't worry
Eh, eh, let's go
Let's let the world go crazy
Eh, eh, let's go
So that everything can change
Eh, eh, let's go
Let's let the world go crazy
Eh, eh, let's go
So that everything can change

Boundless Lighting

I'm holding this golden and mauve cloud on the tip of a piece of rush.
The parasol or the she-bird or the flower
The shock of haïr
Gets down from the ashes of the discolouring Sun.
The day is ruby-throated like a pigeon.
Quick, a mirror. Am I partaking to this mirage ?
If the parasol turns the ground to a Paradise,
Let's play
But they, that could defeat hail or storm,
My wings, will forget arms and work.
Lighter than the silver of the air where I cuddle
I run razing the nets and Escape from the dream.
Nature yields and defers and knows what I am worth.

Thirsty for Love

All this view right before you, you can't control yourself
What do you have over there that you don't have right here with me?
I can't understand you, you're insane
Going mad every other day
Friday night is like a movie, we've almost replaced the actors
You're kind of like somebody else, I don't know you sometimes
And like smoke, you swirl around all the time, hurting
My lungs are already burning
From breathing in your favorite shampoo
I wanted you to never end
So surely you're gonna spread rumors at work
That you left me 'cause you had no choice
And then you'll call me intoxicated after a party
Thirsty for love
Take a picture of yourself as if you're smiling
Someone will comment, 'You're the best!'
It hurts, it's nowhere near being okay
To skip over us like a page from a book
Friday night is like a movie, we've almost replaced the actors
You're kind of like somebody else, I don't know you sometimes
And like smoke, you swirl around all the time, hurting
My lungs are already burning
From breathing in your favorite shampoo
I wanted you to never end
So surely you're gonna spread rumors at work
That you left me 'cause you had no choice
And then you'll call me intoxicated after a party
Thirsty for love