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Резултати претраге страна 35

Број резултата: 1516


The Breath of Iran

This is the voice of the breath of Iran,
This is the voice of the breath of Iran,
Is it a pleasant joyful sparkling coming from the breeze of the dawn?
Or is it a wine coming from the spring of love on the edge of the chalice of me whose soul is thirsty,
This is the voice of the breath of Iran,
Is it likely that the breeze of time is once again a turning page?
Or does this thirsty soul garden spread the rose water?
What breeze is this which pours flowers?
It's an autumn that goes with death of the valors,
It's an autumn that goes with death of the valors,
This is the voice of the breath of Iran,
This is the voice of the breath of Iran,
Harken the gate of the light,
Harken the gate of the light,
With the voice of the morn steps, comes other voices,
This is the voice of the breath of Iran,
This is the voice of the breath of Iran.

The Gafieira Turn

Look at me there
Raising my flag
Raising dust
I am the gafieira...quite Brazilian
Look at me there
Raising my flag
And raising dust
I am the gafieira
Look at my swagger ('ginga')
My balance,
My way of dancing.
I am art,
I am the people,
I am there again
I came back to show
My swagger ('ginga'), my dance
For our children to learn
So that in the future
In the pure smile will help me live
With this help
In danger, I do not run from dying
But if it happens, the youth take action
To defend me
With this help
In danger I do not run from dying
But if it happens, the youth take action
To defend me

Gekiranger ending Mele

There's nothing that I am afraid of already,
how I am to die and be buried.
Even with the red, red coloured sky,
Overflowed with blackness again immediately .
The stars that are falling from the darkness in the sky
Uh-uh, often wishes can be crowded,
and the extent of this voice being blasted
If I became the star,
Will you, for me, be the one that wished for the light?
What if I became the rain,
Will you be that one that loved me?
The love that I yearn for, the sea that is not dirty,
The feather of the fighting angel torned apart.
Come, be prepared, from now on,
because I'll be seriously going out, to show you.
Yes, the power of love is violent and strong
because there's wings that can change fate
Come, be prepared, from now on,
because I'll be seriously going out, to show you.
because, this body, even if destroyed,
will become the light that protect you

Beautiful and ruined

You asked me to fly
But I can't
I'm used to getting back up because of all the falling
You hold me tight
Because you don't want me to go
First a chat and then loving each other on the freeway
Hidden from everything and from ourselves
Tomorrow again, if you want
And, come to think of it, while breathing you're screaming
Then stay here five minutes more
You know they'll turn into hours anyway
And we'll spend the night
With the car seats down and one more dawn
You stopped studying
You went to work
To get a few bucks and a fashionable dress
I feel a void inside
You, beautiful and ruined
By that story that hurt and changed you
But now ignore it if you can
Tomorrow is already too late for us
And, come to think of it, while breathing you're screaming
Then stay here five minutes more
You know they'll turn into hours anyway
And we'll spend the night
With the car seats down and one more dawn
Then stay here five minutes more
You know they'll turn into hours anyway
And we'll spend the night
With the car seats down and one more dawn
With the car seats down and one more dawn
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Don't Leave Without Me

I knew it was just an illusion
Some moments of pleasure and nothing more
A romance as fleeting as a passion
That is forgotten without even leaving a trace
But it didn't go that way
I lost myself
I want to break this pact between us out of love
I know about you
You've got someone already
Something I didn't want to know
Well, today I woke up to say
Don't leave without me
I want more of you
Don't leave without me
I want more of you
I want to have your horizon
Your sun in every night
So that I can one day be your world
More than anything, for eternity
I want to have your paradise
Your most hidden alcove
So that, with one wish, I can one day
Give you a kiss that lasts forever
I knew that this thing between us would come to an end
It was a case like so many others, futureless
A path without a destination, placeless
A story without a care for the departed
But even so
I lost myself
My traitorous heart
Wanted to hear the voice of love
I know about you
You've got someone already
Something I didn't want to know
Well, today I woke up to say
Don't leave without me
I want more of you
Don't leave without me
I want more of you
I want to have your horizon
Your sun in every night
So that I can one day be your world
More than anything, for eternity
I want to have your paradise
Your most hidden alcove
So that, with one wish, I can one day
Give you a kiss that lasts forever
Don't leave without me
I want more of you
Don't leave without me
I want more of you

You of Handsome Length*

You of handsome length*, halt so I could tell you!
You're going to foreign lands & your land is better for you
I'm afraid, you handsome, would go & set foot,
live with others & forget me.
1) You of handsome-y length, where in the west you're going, where!
Tell me to whom did we write this melody!
And the one abroad how wouldn't he return longing,
Hearing from us 'the ones who crossed the border'!
2) You of handsome length, come quickly
The one they said she loved you, bled (was devastated) waiting for you on the pavement
They say your role/position, sister, among us is light.
Those who don't know the history of our lands.
3) You of handsome length & of smiley tooth
Raised in the pampering of your mother & father
You of handsome length, the day they took you out of country,
My hair went grey & my back drooped/sagged
You of handsome length
Come and look what you'll lose
Get it back again
Wanna stay far, you
Wanna stay the same way
Don't worry about it
Yeah don't worry about it
Come on, worry about it
4) You of handsome length, you dear to me oh
By God you reminded me of myself oh,
5) Every time when disease progress in me
They say, 'Oh lucky you!'
You of handsome length

Tell Me You Only Have This With Me

I decided to call you up
To see if you were still alone
You can be bold
I've only thought about you ever since we met
Yeah, imagine I'm there with you
And tell if you're undressed yet
If you've al-already stripped off your shirt
I just want to hear
Tell me you only have this with me
Tell me that he never tells you all
The things I tell you at the break of dawn
You need to be loved
'Cause you only think about me when he's in the mood
But you know that I won't deceive you
Deep down I want you to be mine
Sometimes down below, other times up on top
I just want to hear
Tell me you only have this with me
I hear you breathe, your body talking
You don't want to hang up anymore
My phone's vibrating, you send a pic as you curve your body
All you want to do is show it off
Tell me what you want me to whisper softly in your ear
Because if we do it any other way, it won't make sense
Everything I do and don't show, I only do with you
You only have this with me
Tell me you only have this with me

Any Words

I wish you've never asked again
The same old question (how are you doing?)
You forget it in seconds
And I live in torment with it (how am I really doing?!)
And I reply by any words
And say I'm fine,
ِAnd I leave them & walk away so
I won't hear their question again
And you world, what happened to you?
Why are you antagonizing me?
What wrong did I do?
And why is my heart suffering?
Inside us the sorrows of (many) years
And we never show them
Inside our eyes a laugh, but
from inside we're tearing
And many hours pass
With us thinking in what passed
Is it true that time has gone so far,
like that without us noticing?!
And you world, tell the truth
Who is doing whom wrong?
Are we short in doing something,
Or did we do what we were supposed to do?
And I reply by any words
And say I'm fine,
ِAnd I leave them & walk away so
I won't hear their question again
And I go back to dreaming & living
Whether I get what I want or not
Am not getting but what I'm destined to get
So why the bother/grief
Never be upset, little bird
After a tear there's always a good deal
coming to you, but only on its time
Be patient, your God is great
And you world, tell the truth
Who is doing whom wrong?
Are we short in doing something,
Or did we do what we were supposed to do?
And I reply by any words
And say I'm fine,
ِAnd I leave them & walk away so
I won't hear their question again

Ако ме не волиш

Не проговараш ни реч, само ветар фијуче,
пролазе сати и смркава се.
Причај, не држи ме у неизвесности,
све могу да поднесем.
Ако ме не волиш и ако одавно желиш да ме напустиш,
нећеш наћи прави тренутак да то признаш.
Ако ме не волиш, реци то као да причаш неком другом,
кажи микао да се шалиш,
као да су речи у књизи.
Све ће бити готово једним „збогом“,
ако ме не волиш.
Не проговараш ни реч, гледаш кроз прозор,
напољу киша тече као река.
Причај, изједа ме сумња,
стави тачку, повуци црту.
Ако ме не волиш и ако одавно желиш да ме напустиш,
нећеш наћи прави тренутак да то признаш.
Ако ме не волиш, реци то као да причаш неком другом,
кажи микао да се шалиш,
као да су речи у књизи.
Све ће бити готово једним „збогом“,
ако ме не волиш..

Leaves, doesn't return

I don't know if you know my name,
I don't know if you remember my eyes,
You don't ask what I'm doing, how I am,
I am miserable.
Years are passing, we are faraway from each other,
Our sounds don't reach each other,
Nor did our sun appear,
We are both miserable.
What should I do, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do,
What should I say?
My rose, what should I say to you?
No matter what I do, it's not working,
My chance is not smiling,
Leaving, leaving, leaving,
My strength is leaving,
My heart is breaking,
My enthusiasm is escaping,
Does not return, does not return, does not return,
My sleep does not come.
What should I do, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do,
What should I say?
My rose, what should I say to you?
It is said to me 'Memo,
Her eyes and fortune are bleak,
I say: Don't go, don't go, don't go,
Your house is burning.
My heart is breaking,
My enthusiasm is escaping,
Does not return, does not return, does not return,
My sleep does not come.
This heart cannot be without you,
My heart shrinks again,
Go-come, go-come,
My hand stays empty.
My heart is breaking,
My enthusiasm is escaping,
Does not return, does not return, does not return.

Zaista bi trebalo da znaš

Naila Boss
Shola Ama
Da vas čujem
Prošle nedelje dok si se ti vozao
Tvoj najbolji drug mi se nabacivao jedan dan
Nisam htela da ti kažem
Zato sam to zadržala za sebe
Zaista bi trebalo da znaš
Ne igram se s tobom
Dragi, moraš znati
Jer tvoja ljubav je sve za šta živim
I ako mi pogledaš u oči onda ćeš znati
Oh bebo, zaista bi trebalo da znaš
[x 2:]
يا عيني يا ليلي
يا عيني يا ليلي
يا عيني يا ليلي
ليلي ليلي يا عيوني
Besna sam jer misliš da sam te povredila
Jer tvoja ljubav mi je sve
I ne čuvam tajne, ne ne
Samo zadržavam za sebe
Zaista bi trebalo da znaš
Ne igram se s tobom
Dragi, moraš znati
Jer tvoja ljubav je sve za šta živim
I ako mi pogledaš u oči onda ćeš znati
Oh bebo, zaista bi trebalo da znaš
Da li misliš da želim da odem
Kada mi toliko značiš?
Ali ako ne želiš da ostaneš
Onda me samo pusti
Najbolje bi bilo tako
Ako nećeš da mi veruješ
I veruješ kada ljudi kažu
Ti si jedini kojeg vidim
Dečko, znaš tu sam za tebe
Bilo šta da uradiš, dečko, znaš da te podržavam, huh
Kako možeš da misliš da bih ti ovo uradila?
Mislila sam da će ti ženica značiti više
Ne pokušavam da kažem da nisam bila tamo taj dan
Samo pokušavam da naznačim da nije bilo tako
Naila Boss, ime je istina, veština je istina
Znaš da ti pripadam, hajde
Ali ako pokušavaš da postavljaš ultimatume
Onda je ovo upravo stvar koju želim da objasnim
Da li misliš da ću biti u redu?
LSA, visokog kvaliteta, biću u redu, veruj
Ako je ljubav koju smo delili bila tako pogrešna
Šteta, jer sam osetila da je bila tako jaka
Dobro je, učini svoj korak
Jer znam da ćeš se vratiti za nedelju ili dve, da
Zaista bi trebalo da znaš
Ne igram se s tobom
Dragi, moraš znati
Jer tvoja ljubav je sve za šta živim
I ako mi pogledaš u oči onda ćeš znati
Oh bebo, zaista bi trebalo da znaš
[x 2:]
يا عيني يا ليلي
يا عيني يا ليلي
يا عيني يا ليلي
ليلي ليلي يا عيوني

Sensual Inspiration

Between you and I, this feeling has always existed
This sensation that says we both want us
We let off steam alone
Tell me where to go, I'll be there
You know well that you prefer me
And you make me lose control
[Randy & Farruko]
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
I want you to devour me, without conditions
Have you all to myself
Make you delirious
That you desire, when I'm inside you
And don't be afraid of what I make you feel
That you're touching the sky when I make you come
But don't fall in love, don't make illusions either, it's easier this way
When you get hot, just call me if you want to repeat it
I know what you're feeling
And that it's consuming you
And now you don't hold back your desires
And you want me to turn you on in calls
We're both crazy for doing it
[Randy & Farruko]
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
What do I have to do to see you?
So you can understand that I want to eat you
That it's you....that makes me hot
And it's you....that increases my desire
Tell me where to go, I'll be there
You know well that you prefer me
And you make me lose control
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
Baby, only you make me like this
You are for me
My sexual inspiration
[Jowell, Randy & Farruko]
Son Jowell & Randy
Farruko (Farru)
Oye ma' Viva La Music
Dayme & El High
Via La Music
Ronald El Killa
Kapital Music
DJ Sogg
Nota Loca
Sexual Inspiration, baby

With the speed of the world

In the morning birds start sparkling
Like your dew
From damned god's eyes
It's yellow summer.
At night animals are blareing
In a working burrow
And pine echo
Is limping along the hills.
Through the fires, through the woods - on an obedient carpet
At the sunrise, in reality, and with the speed of the world
It's the right time.
Grass is spiking from the heels of earth
Like from the bucket
And no one can satisfy
Its sweet sea
Round trees, tight elephants
Blue dust
The bless of aching shoes
A poor affair.
Through the glasses, through the years - on a shaggy carpet
In silver, in the wind, and with the speed of the world
It's the right time.
No one said it would be easy -
At the sunset of life
One resonant moon
One excessive wall
However, outside the window -
It's yellow summer
Sweet sea
It's the right time
It's the right time
It's the right time


tell me about Australia
i find it awfully interesting
maybe in that very place
i'll decide to throw my anchor
and conversing with the ocean
under the rain or while on pot
it will reveal to me its secrets
i'll understand and become lighter
and with transparent hands
i'll get up by my shoulders
tell me about Australia...
we'll chat about irony
i find it awfully interesting
is it stupid or honest?
i'll take a risk and get closer
your scents kind of disturb me
i don't know how to describe them
i don't know you at all
you see me for the first time
i forgive you in advance
on the other hand, you hate it
we'll chat about irony
tell me about Australia...


my consciousness flies
like a rocket towards the sun
it's not worth it to fear me
not worth it to fall in love with me
you're a very nice guy
but there's no one else like me
let's make an agreement
be with me
watch, i'll show you miracles
and we'll flow like rivers
into neon pharmacies
in the familiar crossings
lie our ice drifts
your still childlike skin
and young firm veins
the success of our ventures
what a crazy couple
be with me
watch, i'll show you miracles
babe, watch, i'll give you miracles

A dream blooms at night

La la la la ...
I was born only to cry
In this fleeting world1 lingering attachment and such
Though I don't have any
A dream blooms at night
I cut off my long black hair
And there's a man I want to send it to
Is he happy or unhappy?
A dream blooms at night
After all, men are flattering birds.
After all, women are shells of tears.
Embracing, being embraced, and tumbling over
A dream blooms at night
Where will the stars go after falling?
Where will I go after floating?
For the hum of someone without a place to go
A dream blooms at night
I was born only to cry,
In this fleeting world, lingering attachment and such
Though I don't have any
A dream blooms at night
A dream blooms at night
  • 1. Ukiyo (浮き世) is a very poetic word meaning 'floating world'. Floating refers to the temporary nature of human life on earth is. I choose to translate it as 'fleeting' because it's difficult to understand 'floating' in this context

Retiradas medley

Asaltantes con Patente (1932)
Like the most glorious day
today we want to celebrate
the bustling joy
that carnival brings us.
Among applauses and streamers
with pain bids farewell
the murga that always gave
a good color to the party
Warm greetings
give the Asaltantes
on its triumphal march
of walking knight.
And in the saddest times
that remember the orgy
they will think of the days
when they laughed joyful
and it was all joy. (Y ole!)
Los Patos Cabreros (1953)
Good night audience
with achieved satisfaction
the Patos are leaving
to make another neighbourhood merry.
The commision said
that it's very upset
because many neighbours
don't collaborate with the tablado.
When they whiped-around
and came to knock
they said 'excuse us,
we never go',
and they're all here.
They must cooperate
because the duty is bid
and this way the neigbourhood can have
a pretty carnival.
And if you don't want
to spare a dime
may the commision
don't beg either.
With the bustling Momo
we toast like an offering
our very funny verses
in these days of Carnival.
Many of the couples
who are in the tablado
are becoming old
and they haven't married,
only drinking mate
they program their illusion
and its mother yell
because they warm the benches
and she's standing.
May you have a nice wedding
that's our wish,
and soon the stork
come to visit you
and the next carnival
from that love cradle,
the Patos can have
a new spectator.
Linea Maginot (1940)
Los Patos are leaving
Los Asaltantes are leaving.
La Gran Muñeca is leaving
La Milonga Nacional,
Los Hongos are leaving
Araca la cana is leaving
With Bochinche and company
Linea Maginot is leaving
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Let Her Go

Tell me what she did except troubles
I don't want her to come, our love is over
Because of her I rejected my life my love
Let her, let her, let her go
Only once fortune will smile upon you
The one you call beloved will be value
Without it, this world will certainly return
Let her, let her, let her go
And right now let this love go
Let her, let her, let her go
She'll see how easy to be loved so hard to love
Let those doors close and you come back
That day will come when all her hope is gone
Let her, let her, let her go
Only once fortune will smile upon you
The one you call beloved will be value
Without it, this world will certainly return
Let her, let her, let her go
And right now let this love go
Let her, let her, let her go

Hate It! Hate It! Huge Ego!

I hate her guts! She just pretends to be nice
Does she think I haven't noticed? See! She looks at me like I'm trash!
I hate that popular girl! She only cares about trends
She hastily goes back to chatting - how shallow!
In that respect, I'm different! Look, I'm so unique!
I'm not like her, but, but, but! But! But!
Ah! I want to be loved! I want to be loved! More than her
I've gotten so big! Take a look at me!
Ah! I want to be praised! I want to be praised! I know how to do it
I just have to crush the trash under my foot like she did to me, right?
I hate humans! All they do is crowd together
They care about everyone else's mood, but they ignore me
I'm different from everyone! I have a sense of self!
I'm not a side character, see, see, look at me!
Ah! I want to be loved! I want to be loved! More than anyone else
I've gotten so big! I won't let you ignore me
Hey! I want to be praised! I want to be praised! Is this not enough?
I'm the most special person in the world - I have to make myself understood!
I hate it, I hate it, my ego is huge, but nobody pays attention to me
I don't care if you think I'm embarrassing myself. I'm special.
It's not my fault, but, but but but but...
Ah, I want to be forgiven, I want to be forgiven, I'm all alone
I've gotten so big, hey, hey, hey...
Ah! I want to be loved! I want to be loved! More than anyone else
I've gotten so big! What do I do?
Ah! I want to be praised! I want to be praised! Where is everybody?
In a world with nobody but me, I don't even know what my face looks like anymore!

I'll do work someday

When having too much work causes distress
It's time to run away to the sun
And I'll leave a message in voicemail
I'll do work someday
Damn, this went well
I think I slept through the morning's traffic
I don't even feel bad about that
I'll glide on out of here and thank myself
You and Juha can take care of Finland's risings.
I won't even put pants on
And don't think I'm a lazy dude
God rested on the 7th day aswell.
When having too much work causes distress
It's time to run away to the sun
And I'll leave a message in voicemail
I'll do work someday
I shout go go go, let's go
I don't care where I'll go
To the work: no no no no no
I promise I'll do work some day
I get a stamp on my Passport and I forget about money
I grab an Ice tea, or a Mango lassi
I look at people's holiday photos, and think me too
I don't think about where I get my bread from, only Ray-Bans
Please tell me that your job is fun
I'm just waiting to get home from work
I'm drinking in the pool, writing on the to-do list
that there's space for more mojitos
Am I even alive if I don't enjoy life
A burnout is a dangerous disease
The migratory bird is nesting inside me
It can't take the two week summers
When having too much work causes distress
It's time to run away to the sun
And I'll leave a message in voicemail
I'll do work someday
Heading to Tenerife with my brother
Or to a campfire with Loiri
I have seen enough action
Heading to Tenerife with my brother
Damn, I'd even go pick berries
The migratory bird is nesting inside me
It can't take the two week summers
When having too much work causes distress
It's time to run away to the sun
And I'll leave a message in voicemail
I'll do work someday
I shout go go go, let's go
I don't care where I'll go
To the work: no no no no no
I promise I'll do work some day
I promise I'll do work some day


Versions: #2
The night (darkness) like an island surrounds us
Even the sunrise is dark
Waves of (your) memories burn me
My body cries like a death
I melt as we part, seperation seems to be my only friend
I part from love of my life
You filled my heart like a river that flows in mountains
You came like oceans in a parched land
Let me get lost, as (your) dreams be my only support
The night (darkness) like an island surrounds us
Even the sunrise is dark
Waves of (your) memories burn me
My body cries like a death
This lotus is alone now out of the pond
Its sun without light, burns itself
Two souls search for their pair in a single path
But time keeps the check time after time
Is that a life, if i live without you
Come to me, You are my life! my life...
Will you come...
Will you come.....
Everyday my heart comes to life, only to die again daily without you
My heart wil be always filled with you, celebrating you till it beats
The cukoo's did not stop singing, even when it's nest broke as the tree fell...
The moon waits patiently, even when the night is done and dusted...
The raindrops fall on the sea, that is how the love of the sky reaches the earth likewise, my body is getting seperated from you, but
My love will always reach you!
You go....go, go, go(come)!!!


Versions: #4
I’m walking on a sea of dry leaves
The angels fly over Berlin
They are singing with me a Hallelujah
While the rain falls inside of me
I miss your voice
I am in no-man’s land
I am short even of breath
Back to the sun
Another day passes without you
There is no point going even further
Neither all the fame, neither all the money
There is no point if you are not with me
And the solitude is stuck in my bones
There is no po-po-point
No, no, no
No one guesses what destiny holds
Our path is still (only) half done
I throw my Chanel handbag from Chinatown
To the wet ground and I start to run
I miss your voice
I miss touching you
Smelling you, seeing you
Back to the sun
Another day ends without you
There is no point going even further
Neither all the fame, neither all the money
There is no point if you are not with me
And the solitude is stuck in my bones
There is no po-po-point, no-no-nothing
No-no-nothing, no, no, no
There is no point going even further
Neither all the fame, neither all the money
There is no point if you are not with me
And the solitude is stuck in my bones
There is no po-po-point
No, no, no

I Wanna Shout

Versions: #2
Sometimes sunshine, sometimes cold, sometimes hot,sometimes warm
Sometimes my heart was like stone sometimes broken
Sometimes my wound is hot cannot understand fresh pain
Sometimes you wanna shout you can't cuz' you have hoarse voice
Always boogeymans something like that in your dreams
To divorce is easy for single cuz' they're silly and runaway
I wish there might be peg-slingshots instead of guns
The spring weathers may come before than gulls
Every morning say to the mirror 'Where I am?'
And said by myself I'm a passenger who is on the way
I met new bodies on every stop and I feel bad
When the train moves you were on the stop i was on the train
Maybe on the other stop or in the other city
or on the other bed or in the coffin
Sometimes solution on beating sometimes on the dancer boy
Sometimes solution on run away or on clinker
Have the gulls gone by leaving the sea?
See how the songs are angry
She loves or not, the leafs are tired
Let's smile they say you got rid of yourself from her
They don't understand me
I wanna shout behind of you,they let me do it!
The situation is different just go if you came for seeing someone
The life is faithful for someone the situation is not that for the others
If you respect, stay but if not the solution is running away
Obviously, the glass doesn't like to be spilled over
Writing those things is really hard it's like breaking walls
Sometimes look at the past similar with throwing all the future to the bin
To light dreams up in silence like lighting tobacco up
To leave is like jumping of a cliff
Have the gulls gone by leaving the sea?
See how the songs are angry
She loves or not, the leafs are tired
Let's smile they say you got rid of yourself from her
They don't understand me
I wanna shout behind of you,they let me do it!
The wounds are thief in my heart
Tomorrows are stealing the yesterdays
The wounds are thief in my heart
Tomorrows are stealing the yesterdays


Živim da me želiš
srce je tvoje, dodirni me
U očima se kriju reči
gledaj me, vidi me
Daj mi krila
kao ples na kiši bićeš zauvek
Vidi, vreme je poludelo, dodir u noći
biću tu
(Dobar dan!)
Padaju zvezde, zagrljene
pored tebe sve je magija
(Vrela sam)
tvoje nevaljale oči
nešto žele da mi kažu, jasno vidim
(Slatka si kao karamela)
Skupi hrabrost i reci (Ole ole ole)
pred svima me ljubi (Ole ole ole)
za ljubav treba malo ludosti
želim da budem tvoja najslađa karamela
Ne razmišljaj ni o čemu (Ole ole ole)
pred svima me ljubi (Ole ole ole)
za ljubav treba malo ludosti
od jednog poljupca se topim kao karamela
(Jedan, dva, tri)
La la la la
la la la la
Šapućeš mi u tajnosti (Poljubi me)
posle mi kažeš diskretno (Mnogo te volim)
tvoje nevaljale oči
nešto žele da mi kažu, jasno vidim
(Dame i gospodo, a sad na ples)
Skupi hrabrost i reci (Ole ole ole)
pred svima me ljubi (Ole ole ole)
za ljubav treba malo ludosti
želim da budem tvoja najslađa karamela
Ne razmišljaj ni o čemu (Ole ole ole)
pred svima me ljubi (Ole ole ole)
za ljubav treba malo ludosti
od jednog poljupca se topim kao karamela
(Jedan, dva, tri)
La la la la
la la la la
Skupi hrabrost i reci (Ole ole ole)
pred svima me ljubi (Ole ole ole)
za ljubav treba malo ludosti
želim da budem tvoja najslađa karamela
Ne razmišljaj ni o čemu (Ole ole ole)
pred svima me ljubi (Ole ole ole)
za ljubav treba malo ludosti
od jednog poljupca se topim kao karamela
(Jedan, dva, tri)
La la la la
la la la la
Od jednog poljupca se topim kao karamela
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.


Katalonski Ciganine, dođi ovamo, baš lepo
Ne razumem te
Nisam frankofon*
Cvet je uvenuo od starosti
Često se pitam gde su moji prijatelji
U hotelu uveče, umoran od turneje
Potpisujem autograme,mastilo i znoj samo teku
Kidam laticu po laticu
Pitam se da li me volite
Dođe mi žuta minuta kad su mi ljudi za petama
'Kendji, reci mi šta nije u redu?
Zašto me ne pratiš na instagramu?'
Svet naopačke, ali stojim pravo
Usamljeni vuk, gledam samo napred
Nije to moj pravi život, fotke koje objavljujem
I kakav sam, srce moje
U svom sam ludilu, u svojoj sam osami
Pun mesec i moj glas odjekuje
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Ako zavese padnu, već je sve rečeno
Nema tu ništa lepo, prijatelju
Na pesmu sirena neću nasesti
Ako se približe, već sam otišao
U hotelu uveče, drugog dana
Ne spavam od slika koje me opsedaju
Živim na brzinu, vozilo uvek spremno za pokret
Dosta sam kidao, mislim da me volite
Dođe mi žuta minuta kad su mi ljudi za petama
Pokušavam da ih urazumim jer me vraćaju u kuću
Ujedinjene zveri i instinkt im je zakon
Usamljeni vuk, ne verujem u sve što vidim
Nije moj pravi život sve što kažu
Noć me je slagala, moje srce
U svom sam ludilu, u svojoj sam osami
Pun mesec i moj glas odjekuje
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Usamljeni vuk, imam tako malo prijatelja
Ljudi koji me prate su mi porodica, porodica
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Prijatelju, prijatelju, prijatelju
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

Marija Marija

I opet počinje
Govorim joj o ljubavi i u tišini
Moje oči uživaju u pogledu na njene kukove
Između nepoverenja i onoga što misli
Hvatam njene krivine i povećavam svoje šanse
Pitam se šta ćemo još ludo da uradimo
Hvata me grč u vratu
Želim da čujem sve njene melodije
Provešćemo tako celu noć
I kao i uvek, ponovo počinje
Reci mi, reci mi, reci mi
Marija, Marija, Marija
Reci mi šta želiš da radiš u mraku
Marija, Marija, Marija
Reci mi šta želiš da radiš u mraku
Sjajno je
Ona se plaši aviona, ali bi da je stalno na sedmom nebu
Da joj kažem šta osećam ne bi vredelo
Ona mi pravi scene sedam dana nedeljno
Uvek pratim njene želje
Čuvam njene minijaturne slike
Dajem maksimum od sebe, ona daje minimum
Kažem 'vidimo se', ona mi kaže 'neću biti tamo'
Od njenog srca samo rikošeti
Nema više ljubavi, samo savesnog ponašanja
Želim da umireš za mnom
Želim da umireš za mnom
Reci mi, reci mi, reci mi
Marija, Marija, Marija
Reci mi šta želiš da radiš u mraku
Marija, Marija, Marija
Marija, Marija, Marija
Reci mi šta želiš da radiš u mraku
Marija, Marija, Marija
Reci mi šta želiš da radiš u mraku
Stvar je u tome što me dovodiš do ludila
Temperatura je usijana kao ova noć
Sve je avantura
Devojčice, kako si fina
Gledaj, moja Marija, svojim telom bi me izlečila
Marija, Marija, Marija
Reci mi šta želiš da radiš u mraku
Marija, Marija, Marija
Reci mi šta želiš da radiš u mraku
Marija, Marija, Marija
Reci mi šta želiš da radiš u mraku
Marija, Marija, Marija
Reci mi šta želiš da radiš u mraku
Marija, Marija, Marija
Reci mi šta želiš da radiš u mraku
Marija, Marija, Marija
Reci mi šta želiš da radiš u mraku
Marija, Marija
Tvoje telo, Marija
Umirem, Marija
Tvoje telo, Marija
Umirem, Marija
Tvoje telo, Marija
Umirem, Marija
Tvoje telo, Marija
Umirem, Marija
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

Take me

Take me, take me,
I'm the water for your thirst,
Tame me, take me,
Gently, gently one more time
[Verse 1]
Met a boy in Ibiza
But the boy, he was a cheater
I think this one is a keeper
Cool like cola in the freezer
And now he wanna wanna be mine
Be a player on my team, huh
Be part of my life
He's coming in hot gasolina - solina, gasolina,
I love when he calls me pretty, pretty, yeas pretty
Oh, he got me like
Take me, take me,
I'm the water for your thirst,
Tame me, take me,
Gently, gently one more time,
Get closer to me now,
yeah, you got me feeling like crazy
Tame me, take me,
Gently, gently one more time
[Verse 2]
Came in looking like a treat
Hop into my two-seater
I think this one is a keeper
Hot like the summer in Antigua
Now he wants some him and me time
Fly me out to Costa Rica
Got me burning, papito
He’s coming in hot gasolina - solina, gasolina,
I love when he calls me pretty, pretty, yeas pretty
Oh, he got me like
Take me, take me,
I'm the water for your thirst,
Tame me, take me,
Gently, gently one more time,
Get closer to me now,
yeah, you got me feeling like crazy
Tame me, take me,
Gently, gently one more time

Uzmi me

Uzmi me, uzmi me
ja sam voda za tvoju žeđ
Uzmi me, uzmi me
nježno, nježno, ponovo
nježno, ponovo
nježno, nježno, ponovo
Upoznala sam jednog momka na Ibici
ali on je bio varalica
Mislim da ovog novog treba da čuvam
hladan je kao Kola u zamrzivaču
I sad hoće da bude moj
da igra za moj tim
da bude dio mog života
i u život mi unosi vatru
kao benzin-enzin-benzin
Volim kad me zove 'Bonita' / 'Lijepa'
Lijepa, da, Lijepa
Zato sada govorim
Uzmi me, uzmi me, ja sam voda za tvoju žeđ
Uzmi me, uzmi me, nježno, nježno, ponovo
Približi mi se sada
o da, za tobom ludim
Uzmi me, uzmi me, nježno, nježno, ponovo
Kad si ušao, izgledao si opasno
uskoči u moje auto s dva sjedišta
Mislim da treba da ga čuvam
vreo je kao ljeto u Antigvi
Sada želi da provodimo vrijeme zajedno
letjeli smo za Kostariku
zbog tebe gorim, mali
sa sobom donosi vatru, kao benzin-enzin-benzin
Uzmi me, uzmi me, ja sam voda za tvoju žeđ
Uzmi me, uzmi me, nježno, nježno, ponovo
Približi mi se sada
o da, za tobom ludim
Uzmi me, uzmi me, nježno, nježno, ponovo

Sheekayyo (شيكايو)

Be careful, Mr. driver
Slow down, Mr. driver
We're going to die, Mr. driver !!
Starting with a prayer for the prophet I'm going to tell you our eternal story
What a crisis, the same accident repeating every now & then [x2]
I'm riding a bus with people
Crazy they are & I'm at loss among them
And we're going down a bridge on top gear
And the driver is driving into a channel
Sheekayyo oh Sheekayyo
Our driver is peerless
And the driver is content & laughing.. & there isn't even any brakes
Whenever I tell him we're going to drown Mr. driver, he's not listening or caring [x2]
And the passengers are divided in two
And among them we are poor/pitiful
Some people drumming & encouraging (him)
And some people wishing the bus would catch fire
Sheekayyo oh Sheekayyo
Our driver is peerless
O Pasha, you have human-beings on board
Feet off the accelerator!
O Pasha, go left
Don't you have kids (to fear for) !
Mr. driver, by the life of your father,
Let me get down here please!!
And at this historical moment
While we are bubbling in the water
The story ends, my dears (dear as my eyes)
And see you (meet you) in the next accident
You the one going on the channel take a detour to the salty (sea) 1
We've been in the water since yesterday
Sayyed, o Sayyed 1, in fiasco we start the morning & end the day
Why don't you cheer, Ms. mother of Farouk
Your son is entangled in water
Our driver here is peerless


I shouldn't fall in love
I'll have to concentrate myself
Not let myself be taken by animal instinct
I cannot hide it
It's obvious in my walk
That he has me crazy and I have to scream
If he asks me again
I'll have to answer him
That by his side I feel
Stars on my skin
And I feel how they turn, turn, turn
I feel how they fall in a spiral
I feel how they look at me, look at me, look at me
I feel that they hear me breathe
And they tell me that this dream is real
In my crystal world
Imperfect and abnormal
He will be my beginning and my end
If he asks me again
I'll have to answer him
That by his side
I feel stars in my skin
And I feel how they turn, turn, turn
I feel how they fall in a spiral
I feel how they look at me, look at me, look at me
I feel that they hear me breathe
And they tell me that this dream is real
And they become iridescent
And despite stealing its love
The stars shine as brightly as the sun
And I feel how they turn, turn, turn
I feel how they fall in a spiral
I feel how they look at me, look at me, look at me
I feel that they hear me breathe
And I feel how they turn, turn, turn
I feel how they fall in a spiral
I feel how they look at me, look at me, look at me
I feel that they hear me breathe
And they tell me that this dream is real
I feel how they look at me, look at me, look at me
I feel that they hear me breathe
And they tell me that this dream is real

Mislim na tvoj pogle'

Strah me je kada izađeš
sa osmijehom na ulicu
jer svi mogu da vide
tvoje rupice na obrazima
I vazduha kada prođe
jer ti podiže glavu
I zlata koje na tebi
jer ti veže vrat
I neba i mjeseca
jer ti želiš da ih gledaš
Čak i vode koju piješ
kada ti pokvasi usne
Mislim na tvoj pogle', tvoj pogle', on zabija metak u moje grudi
Mislim na tvoj pogle', tvoj pogle', on zabija metak u moje grudi
Mislim na tvoj pogle', tvoj pogle', on zabija metak u moje grudi
Mislim na tvoj pogled
Mislim na tvoj pogled..
Strah me je kada izađeš
sa osmijehom na ulicu
jer svi mogu da vide
tvoje rupice na obrazima
Strah me je kada izađeš
sa osmijehom na ulicu
jer svi mogu da vide
tvoje rupice na obrazima
Tako lijepa da prijeti
kad ćutiš, bojim te se
Hladna kao snijeg
kada pada s neba
Kada izađeš i zatvoriš vrata
mislim da se nikad nećeš vratiti
I iako te ne zgrabim jako
osjetim da će to biti moja krivica
Mislim na tvoj pogle', tvoj pogle', on zabija metak u moje grudi
Mislim na tvoj pogle', tvoj pogle', on zabija metak u moje grudi
Mislim na tvoj pogle', tvoj pogle', on zabija metak u moje grudi
Mislim na tvoj pogle', tvoj pogle', on zabija metak u moje grudi
Mislim na tvoj pogle', tvoj pogle', on zabija metak u moje grudi
Mislim na tvoj pogle', tvoj pogle', on zabija metak u moje grudi
Mislim na tvoj pogle', tvoj pogle', on zabija metak u moje grudi
Mislim na tvoj pogled
Mislim na tvoj pogled..
Strah me je kada izađeš
sa osmijehom na ulicu
jer svi mogu da vide
tvoje rupice na obrazima
Strah me je kada izađeš
sa osmijehom na ulicu
jer svi mogu da vide
tvoje rupice na obrazima


I get shut by myself in the room,
and i listen to the radio while dancing
Lights everywhere, music and rhythm
and you in my mind, i can't believe it
Tonight the moment comes
for you to have a party
so that i can come see you again
even if I am a shy kid
maybe I will tell you I love you
I'm dreaming of things and getting crazy
at the party where I see you and I get dizzy
I only look at your eyes and travel
Only with you I want to dance
I'm dreaming of things and getting crazy
at the party where I see you and I get dizzy
I only look at your eyes and travel
Only with you I want to dance
I get dressed and brush my hair,
I get embarassed, I hide and I lose my words
I wrote you a song
to sing it for you sweetly on some piano
My heart gets filled with color
and it beats loudly
so that i can come near you again
even if I am a shy kid
maybe I will tell you I love you
I'm dreaming of things and getting crazy
at the party where I see you and I get dizzy
I only look at your eyes and travel
Only with you I want to dance
I'm dreaming of things and getting crazy
at the party where I see you and I get dizzy
I only look at your eyes and travel
Only with you I want to dance
I'm dreaming of things and getting crazy
at the party where I see you and I get dizzy
I only look at your eyes and travel
Only with you I want to dance