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Loudest in sleeping breaths
Mind and body diverge
Atlantic, the setting sun lingers
It's evolving reality, sink, sink. No one knows the bottom
Steady on now, hello
What we know is the same as loneliness
Steady on now, hello
Consciousness so clear it hurts
Deeds sitting quiet, an obvious hollow
Freezing sky, mirage of shooting stars
Tempted into those depths
This sinking ship shall rise
By my hand, once more
Incomplete, something's wrong
This sinking town shall rise
By my hand
The history we cast aside that day
Without a writer it's come to a halt
This ship that does not know how
Unable to move, it begins to rot
If you stop breathing, then without loss
You can drown with the seaweed
Ah, I don't need reasons
I can't go back to the last station
Deeds sitting quiet, an obvious hollow
Freezing sky, mirage of shooting stars
Tempted into those depths
This sinking ship shall rise
By my hand, once more
Incomplete, something's wrong
This sinking town shall rise
By my hand, but
It melts between the waves, abandon your senses
Lost and forgotten from this decaying voice
Everything disappears, and whatever's left
Are blurred lanterns, blooming like lingering emotion
If you conceal this flower, no one will know
At this rate I'll be swallowed
Project the mirage
No one needs, I don't need
Tempted into those depths
Sinking ship, hide my consciousness
In blue, mirage
Incomplete, everything's wrong
Sinking end, to the water's shore
We won't come back again
TL Note: I hope this translation was helpful for you! If anyone ever sees any errors or has any suggestions about my translations, please let me know. -nmuth

I Like Everything (I Don't Like Anything Any More)

It's streaming live
Around the world on screen
I still don't even know where I'm headed today
Let alone tomorrow
Forward and back
Here you travel by boomerang
Maxed out battery
For now, everything's great
I like everything
I don't like anything any more
I switch filters
Life is out of focus
I zoom in here
An emoji goes out there
I never get tired
Traveling the world from my couch
I'm going to delete my profile
It can't just be about sharing
I've already got more than a thousand followers
I already scroll through mindlessly
I'll peek one more time
Just to quench my thirst
I control everything from here
Don't go offline
I like everything
I don't like anything any more
I switch filters
Life is out of focus
I zoom in here
An emoji goes out there
I never get tired
Traveling the world from my couch
But when I go to sleep at night
I dream about me sending you my location
And you coming to experience me live and in color
And taking my hand


Papada papada
Papada papada
Papada papada
Sunce u očima
Vetar nosi ništa nas ne pitajući
Prijateljstvo, izdaja
'volim te' i 'voleo sam te'
Vreme je da pogledamo istini u oči
Jer sam imao previše poverenja
Ljudi, bliski i daleki
Životne nedaće
Hteo sam da skinem zvezde, ali Luna* mi je zabranila
Ona zna da neću dobro podneti povratak u stvarnost
Jer sam imao previše poverenja
Ti voliš sve što nisam
Ti voliš sve što nemam
Život iz snova sanjaću bez tebe
Papada papada papada papada
Papada papada
Iznenadni topli osmeh, pijan od radosti ispod toliko bola
Pevaću onom ko to poželi
Bože, kako sam te voleo boemski
Živeti za trenutak, zašto ostati zadovoljan
Voleli smo se, a da se nismo stvarno voleli
Dobre i loše godine
Životne nedaće
Buketi uvelog cveća
Veze po maloj ceni
Ona zna da neću dobro podneti povratak u stvarnost
Jer sam imao previše poverenja
Ti voliš sve što nisam
Ti voliš sve što nemam
Život iz snova sanjaću bez tebe
Papada papada papada padadada
Papada papada
Odlazim, odustajem
Odaberi plan B
Znam da voliš samo sebe
Razočarala si me
Odlazim, odustajem
Odaberi plan B
Život iz snova sanjaću bez tebe
Razočarala si me
Odlazim, odustajem
Odaberi plan B
Znam da voliš samo sebe
A imao sam poverenja
Ti voliš sve što nisam
Ti voliš sve što nemam
Život iz snova sanjaću bez tebe
Papada papada papada padadada
Papada papada
Papada papada papada padadada
Papada papada
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

A Look

A look that doesn't burn
Is a deceitful look
It's a mask and nothing more
A chance to be in charge
And not think of others
There are so many who live off their wits
Their wits, hand-outs and I remain
And so it goes, they're not going to stop
Our weapons aren't real
There are many buttons, but none are OK to touch1
It's so urgent that the people
Wake up and that you all
Go away! [x7]
Such a secret look
Is a covert dictator
And you don't lie, just cheat
You don't convince, but steal
It seems like you enjoy it
They kiss each other's hand
Pirates and spoiled brats
And in the vis-à-vis they're going to find out
How surprising reality can be
The first stone, it's really going to hit its mark
And it's so urgent that the people
Wake up and that you all
Go away! [x7]
My annoying party, my uncomfortable clothes
I change my principles to bring about your end
The streets won't be silenced and the battle erupts
The bonfire is lit and somebody will burn
And it's so urgent that the people
Wake up and that you all
Go away! [x7]
Go away! [x7]
Go away! [x7]
  • 1. Refers to the voting booth, where there are many options, but none are any good.


My injured feathers are
Waking to a miracle
Dancing once again
Riding the wind of a dream
Across a sparkling rainbow
To continue this journey
Look up at the sky, come on!
Open the door to the unknown!
To the future, in the sky
The feeling remains
Believe it! It's my soul
Anywhere we go
Lead the way! In the sky
Bring everyone along
Believe it! It's my soul
Lightly, soar high
An unstoppable passion
In the uncountable stars
Their radiance increases
A great number of ages
We've met by chance
Like we're calling to each other
Power is infinite!
No matter where, I'll go meet up with you
To the future, in the sky
My heart remains
Believe it! It's my soul
Fulfill my dream
Lead the way! In the sky
An endless dream
Believe it! It's my soul
Lightly, soar high
Nana nana...
Honest wings can't be dirtied by anyone
Nana nana...
On a journey without an end
Look up at the sky, come on!
Open the door to the unknown!
To the future, in the sky
The feeling remains
Believe it! It's my soul
Anywhere we go
Lead the way! In the sky
Bring everyone along
Believe it! It's my soul
Lightly, soar high
Lead the way! In the sky
An endless dream
Believe it! It's my soul
Lightly, soar high
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

More Pireja

More Pireja
najlepše od svih
od Dželepi obale* do stadiona Karaiskakis*
noćima sam šetao kao da sam mornar
Pireju moj, Pireju moj, sa svojim Saronskim zalivom*
tvoj ponos je tvoj Olimpijakos,
tvoj ponos je tvoj Olimpijakos
Pireju moj, Pireju moj, sa svojim Saronskim zalivom
I ja sam dete Pireja, mora i kopna
Rođen i odrastao blizu Terpsitee*
i učio mašinstvo na Prometeju*
Pireju moj, Pireju moj, sa svojim Saronskim zalivom
tvoj ponos je tvoj Olimpijakos,
tvoj ponos je tvoj Olimpijakos
Pireju moj, Pireju moj, sa svojim Saronskim zalivom
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

Guerrilla Struggle Diary

Somewhere in the world 
We're witness the history
Find the words that inspire 
Continue to fight constantly
Let’s keep fighting fearlessly
What we live now will become history
Unleashed from the chain of domination 
We are going to live
If the world is unreasonable 
Keep on fighting without hesitation
Let’s keep fighting fearlessly
What we live now will become history

Fifteen Years

When i feel like this
I'm coming back to fifteen years old
Starting all over again
I'll find myself smiling
Your love today
Will feed me tomorrow
Here is the man
Who caught himself crying
Living and not learning
Here is the man, that's me
Who says yourself safe
Who says yourself mature
Your love today
Will feed me tomorrow
Here is the man
Who caught himself crying
Living and not learning
Here is the man, that's me
Who says yourself safe
Who says yourself mature
Your love today
Will feed me tomorrow
Here is the man

The sea of Piraeus

The sea of Piraeus
the sweetest of all,
from Tzelepis' coast¹ up to Karaiskakis²
at nights I used to walk as if I were a sailor.
Oh my Piraeus, my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf)
that your pride is your Olympiacos,
that your pride is your Olympiacos
my Piraeus, oh my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf).
I'm also a child of Piraeus at sea and in the land,
I was born and raised close to Terpsithea³
and I studied engineering here at Prometheus⁴.
Oh my Piraeus, my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf)
that your pride is your Olympiacos,
that your pride is your Olympiacos
my Piraeus, oh my Piraeus, with your Saronic (gulf).


If the world should end now
I would be happy
I'd wish the whole world could see
What you change in me
If everyone around us could feel this high
Evil would shut down
I'd wish the whole world could feel
What you light in me
When the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
When life in me runs out
I know I did it
And I could never ask for more
Then what you infused me with
If everyone around here could see it just so
The wars would end now
Cause you create a fire in me
When peace comes my way
When the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
Yeah, then I think of you
(Then I think of you)
When the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I only think of you
I can thank no one but you
When the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I only think of you
I can thank no one but you
Ooh, yeah
Ooh, hey
Cause when the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I only think of you
I can thank no one but you
Cause when the sky opens
And when people talk about miracles
Then I only think of you
Yeah, then I only think of you


I have not could finish the history just between us
I have tried to erase my memory just between us
Still the recollections hurt
You went away and froze the time
You left me without asking for pardon me
When you are not, when you are not
It is opened a wound that another love could not have closed
When you are not, when you are not
I have realized that I could not have given up your hand
For you I have been so a coward
And now it is late to give you the heart
And though you swore not to forget me, I stick to the pain
When you are not, when you are not
I lack the air and one forgets me that I do not know to breathe
Without I you do not know breathe
Without I you do not know breathe
Without I you do not know breathe (oh, uoh)
Without I you do not know breathe
A love always has given thousand promises just between us
I have waited for you but you do not return, only I remain I
And though you change the end of the story
And go away without saying ' Sorry '
I will finish this history
When you are not, when you are not
It is opened a wound that another love could not have closed
When you are not, when you are not
I have realized that I could not have given up your hand
For you I have been so a coward
And now it is late to give you the heart
And though you swore not to forget me, I stick to the pain
When you are not, when you are not
I lack the air and one forgets me that I do not know to breathe
Without I you do not know breathe (oh, oh, oh-uoh)
Without I you do not know breathe (not, not, not, not)
Without I you do not know breathe (ia, ia, ia)
Without I you do not know breathe (oh, oh-uoh)
Without I you do not know breathe
Violettacastillo45 alias Marina

Previše je

Ovo što mi radiš nema smisla
Ne znam više kud udaram
Kao na stanici metroa
Za tebe sam samo broj
Izluđuješ me, dovodiš me do ivice (strpljenja)
Propustila si sve naše sastanke
Puno puta si me ispalila
Da bih bio OK
Ne razumem što me zaobilaziš
Ovo što radiš nije u redu
Gde si provela ovu noć
Ovo je previše
Odustajem hej hej
Znaš da ovo nije da bih te nervirao
Da bih ti objasnio sve sam pokušao
Provodiš život stresirajući me
Na kraju ću da te ostavim
Bilo je dobro dok smo se voleli
Ali onda je ono loše prevladalo
Čak više ne mogu da nađem reči
Reci da i dalje možemo da se spasimo
Oko tebe se trudim
Čak su i tvoje drugarice na mojoj strani
Šta još hoćeš od mene
Nemoj da sve pokvarimo
Svađajući se i dalje
Eksplodirajući i napadajući se
Imam da ti kažem stvari koje ti se neće dopasti
Nemam želju da te ostavim
Ali reči ne treba olako izgovarati
Hoćeš li se jednog dana promeniti?
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

Na vrhu

Svakog dana ista borba
Biti srećniji nego juče
Ova ruka me drži kad padam
Srca se otvaraju samo zimi
Ne čekaj leto da bi se opustio
Ima dana kao što je ovaj kad sve ide naopako
Jedan osmeh, jedno sunce
Kad se sve smrači
(Bio sam) slomljen, izmučen, napet
Tvoj osmeh te večeri me svakako spasao
Idem tamo, idem tamo, na vrh
Idi napred
Na vrh
Na vrh
Ne pokušati znači biti poražen, umreti, a da nisi živeo
Nije bitno kakvi smo, naši putevi su utabani
Od ludaka do genija tanka je linija, kaži sebi
Videćeš svetlo na kraju tunela
Jedan osmeh, jedno sunce
Kad se sve smrači
(Bio sam) slomljen, izmučen, napet
Tvoj osmeh te večeri me svakako spasao
Idem tamo, idem tamo na vrh
Idi napred
Na vrh
Na vrh
Idem tamo, idem tamo, tamo na vrh
Idem tamo, idem tamo
tamo na vrh
Idem tamo, idem tamo
tamo na vrh
Idem tamo, idem tamo,
tamo na vrh
Idi napred
Na vrh
Na vrh
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.


Versions: #4
What is it that you manufacture?
What makes you so special?
When I talk or think of you
It's impossible being impartial
It's not a damage of my perception
Nor a lack of common sense
You've become everything and beyond
The world knows it, it's no taboo
It is so surreal
What makes me miss you this way when you are not here
What makes me idolize you this way, it's all of you
I'm lost, I live anchored almost like a bird to its blue sky
I love you
Yellow, you've got me inside your pocket
Purple, I've already let go of the past
In red, because my eyes bleed from cying you
When you're not by my side
Sky Blue, whatever it takes
Gold, because I'm not gonna lose you
Your love is a rainbow of colors
And I'm dying to have you
It's delicious to see you arrive
To see the effect that you cause
With your angelical smile, you fill the room with light
Only in you I find satisfaction
And there's so much left to discover
It's all a sweet confusion
and your skin is the plenitude
It is so surreal
What makes me miss you this way when you are not here
What makes me idolize you this way, it's all of you
I'm lost, I live anchored almost like a bird to its blue sky
I love you
Yellow, you've got me inside your pocket
Purple, I've already forgotten about the past
In red, because my eyes bleed from cying you
When you're not by my side
Sky Blue, whatever it takes
Gold, because I'm not gonna lose you
Your love is a rainbow of colors
And I'm dying to have you
It is so surreal
What makes me miss you this way when you are not here
What makes me idolize you this way, it's all of you
I'm lost, I live anchored almost like a bird to its blue sky
I love you


Catalan Gitano come here, beauty, beauty
I don't understand you
I am not francophone
The flower of age has finished wilting
I am often alone, tell me, where are my friends?
At night at the hotel, weariness is all around
I sign sheets, ink and sweat don't make any colour
The flower on the gun, I pull in the stride
Tugging so often I think that you want me
I'm crazy only during the happy hour where the hounds are
Kendji, tell me what's wrong?
Why aren't you following me on Insta?
The world is on the other side but I'm fixed in place
A lone wolf, I see nothing but what's in front of me
My real life isn't the photos I publish
And me, I am like my heart
I am in my craziness, I am in my solitude
A full moon and my song echoes
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
If the curtain falls it's what one already completely said
There's nothing beautiful about it friend, friend
I won't succumb to the siren song
If someone approaches I've already left
At night at the hotel, the second of the day
I don't sleep a wink, the images are there to make me drunk
I live on the run, a car ready to roll
Tugging so often I think that you want me
I'm crazy only during the happy hour where the hounds are
I take them back because they take me back home
The animals united and instinct makes up their law
A lone wolf, I don't believe everything I see
My real life isn't everything that's said
The night lied to me my heart
I am in my craziness, I am in my solitude
A full moon and my song echoes
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
A lone wolf, I have so few friends, friend
I roam in a pack, it's family, family
Friend, friend, friend
Friend, friend, friend
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Jedna žena

Jedna žena
Jedna žena
S kojom mogu sanjati
Jedna žena
Jedna žena
I ništa više
Jedna žena
S kojom mogu pričati
Jedna žena
S kojom mogu sanjati
Jedna žena
Želim da te volim
Jedna žena
I ništa više
Neću uvek reči
Ponekad ću preterati u tome
Da bih te držao u blizini
Tražiću načine
Da bi ostala
Ponovo sve do zore
I zamišljam naše osmehe, naše boli, naše radosti
Biti srećan tako
I da nam je to dovoljno
I zamišljam kako ti govorim, ponovo, tiho
Ako me želiš
U svom životu
Jedna žena
S kojom mogu pričati
Jedna žena
S kojom mogu sanjati
Jedna žena
Želim da te volim
Jedna žena
I ništa više
Jedna žena
S kojom mogu pričati
Jedna žena
S kojom mogu sanjati
Jedna žena
Želim da te volim
Jedna žena
I ništa više
Zajedno ćemo provesti zime
Sumnje i ljutnje
Da bismo sebi napravili raj na Zemlji
Voleo bih da ti sve kažem
Kroz jedan osmeh
Ponovo zavodeći
I zamišljam kako ti govorim ove reči tiho
Ako me želiš
U svom životu
Jedna žena
S kojom mogu pričati
Jedna žena
S kojom mogu sanjati
Jedna žena
Želim da te volim
Jedna žena
I ništa više
Jedna žena
S kojom mogu pričati
Jedna žena
S kojom mogu sanjati
Jedna žena
Želim da te volim
Jedna žena
I ništa više
Dajem ti obećanje da ću te čekati
Ako mi srce ostane slobodno
Čujem tvoj glas skriven u vetru
Neću propustiti svoju šansu
Prekinućeš ćutanje
S tobom je sve počelo
I sve počinje
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

Makeup Wearing Messiah

I'm not an ass
but I have one of those too
I do as I please
and I'll give you small tip
I'm beautiful
and even if you disagreed
I don't want to hear it
don't want to give a fuck or grimace
Because I have dignity
I have the right
and I have the power, I'm sturdy
I have the skills
dreams, courage, I have faith
I won't promise that dimwits will gain enlightenment by following me
I'm not reaching for the stars because I'm going to be the moon
For your information, the world is mine and my kin's
as we carry out the revolution inch by inch
Welcoming lap, open arms
raise the flags up high
You see a high-heeled
makeup wearing messiah
I don't apologize
I'm not going to atone
A hopeless case
I suppose I should feel regret
Or so you say
and I almost believed you for a moment
no, I won't yield
but instead strut like a winner
And even though I could fail
I'm not reaching for the stars because I'm going to be the moon
For your information, the world is mine and my kin's
as we carry out the revolution inch by inch
Welcoming lap, open arms
raise the flags up high
You see a high-heeled
makeup wearing messiah
Should I
just swallow
curtsy a little and blush
Mind my own business
and not always get angry over everything
What if I haven't been given
even an ounce of humor at birth
I'd look pretty
use my manners
start fitting in
For your information, the world is mine and my kin's
as we carry out the revolution inch by inch
Welcoming lap, open arms
raise the flags up high
You see a high-heeled
makeup wearing messiah

Across the City

Versions: #2
Drops, drop-speckled windows
My heart got soaked
By the rain throughout
I don't know whether you love me or not
Either way, you'll be mine
My thoughts are about you
My songs are for you
It all happened so fast
We were together so briefly
I'm losing you, I'm losing you
I'm flying overhead, across the city
Looking for you
I don't need a reason
I want to hug you
So that I never lose you again
You see, you and I are so young
I'm flying overhead, past the city
We're separated by telephone lines
Tell me where to find you
So that I never lose you again
Amidst all the spells of hot and cold
The sun, the sun isn't warming things up
It's not making my heart any warmer at all
I don't know whether you believe me or not
Either way, you'll open the doors
Without you, there are no smiles
The stars have vanished from the sky
I'm making mistakes
It's as if I both exist and do not
I'm losing myself, there's no me without you
I'm flying overhead, across the city
Looking for you
I don't need a reason
I want to hug you
So that I never lose you again
You see, you and I are so young
I'm flying overhead, past the city
We're separated by telephone wires
Tell me where to find you
So that I never lose you again
Amidst all the spells of hot and cold
I'm flying overhead, across the city
Looking for you
I don't need a reason
I want to hug you
So that I never lose you again
You see, you and I are so young
I'm flying overhead, past the city
We're separated by telephone wires
Tell me where to find you
So that I never lose you again
Amidst all the spells of hot and cold

Wave Breaker

Love breaks all a bit
May its pain don't go away, be thankful
And let the cherry cry on its tree
Everyone is kind of exiled to themselves
Your childish laugh
Is a wound from past
Love is the homeland for us
Days pass by, and
We grow up, for sure
Love is foreign lands for us
Moonlight, wave breaker
Salt in the wound, what I've left from love*
Moonlight, a knife on the skin
Who goes is exiled, and who stays is runaway
Love is a homeland for us, love is foreign lands for us

Always like Aira

Forever an old soul, some day1 I'll be big in Finland
Even though I often hear my name in the nights of my hometown
When you know already when you're young that dreams are true
But you have to close your soul in a box for them
and lose the key so that the insides couldn't be stomped on
'Cause I won't shoot myself here because of others
You can write about me on Jodel2 when I pass out in the toilet
When I stress myself to death in here anyway
When I'm feeling bad I return to the day on the lawn
when the world was open for us
And we didn't measure success or love
or who is teflon or who breaks down in asphalt
Thanks to that person who knew the pace of time
I got to live freely for a long time, like I wanted to
And here we are dancing
I'll be here always like so, always like Aira Samulin3
Life begins so slowly
That you don't even notice that it's passing by
Life begins so
Slowly I'm beginning to understand your finiteness
And we promised to
Always be young, always young, always
Always be young, always young, always like Aira
From time to time life breaks you to pieces
But I assemble myself as fast as I broke apart
How to let go of the pain when it becomes a lifestyle
I have a reason not to stay lying in bed
I'm making you to ask yourself why do you want to love me
I don't want to know this world without you
We grow up in a crystal ball
Staring at the skyscrapers in New York
Maybe with a pram (baby carriage) in our hands, no crises, nothing to worry about
staring at the buddy in there everyday
When we meet it the first time it has eyes like yours
Personality like mine, can you imagine the end result?
I want to sing so loud that even the deaf will hear
And change the world even if some people will think I'm crazy
And here we are dancing
So I'll be here forever like Aira Samulin
Life begins so slowly
That you don't even notice that it's passing by
Life begins so
Slowly I'm beginning to understand your finiteness
And we promised to
Always be young, always young, always
Always be young, always young, always like Aira
  • 1. used to be / some day. I'm not sure if they're referring to past or future, just guessing
  • 2. social platform used in ia Finland
  • 3. Finnish celebrity who's of respectable age but still very lively and cheerful. In Finnish media she's referred to as being forever young

Keiko's My dreams bloom at night

What blooms red is a poppy
What blooms white is a lily
What can bloom the same it's me
My dreams bloom at night
When I was 15, 16 and 17
My life was dark
Even if the past was too dark
My dreams bloom at night
Yesterday a boy called Mah, today Tommy
Tomorrow George or Ken
Love goes fleeting
My dreams bloom at night
Neon blooming at night is a lie
Butterflies flying at night are a lie too
With lies as snacks, I pour sake
My dreams bloom at night
I'm not someone who looks ahead
I'm not someone who looks back
If I look somewhere else I'd see sadness
My dreams bloom at night
I was a fool from A to Z
Although a fool has no regrets
There are only boys I can't forget
My dreams bloom at night. My dreams bloom at night.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Goldfinch

The goldfinch spread her wings
And flew far away
To seek food for her younglings
Her soft baby chicks
Tweet tweet tweet tweet
It's spring today, the nest is teeming with life
Five tiny adorable baby chicks
And at noontime
The goldfinch, she is back
And they all sing and rejoice
How happy is the family
Tweet tweet tweet tweet
It's spring today, the nest is teeming with life
Five tiny adorable baby chicks
Nighttime is nearing
The goldfinch spreads her wings
And they all close their eyes
Getting a good night sleep
Tweet tweet tweet tweet
Silence all around, they're all sleeping by now
Five tiny adorable baby chicks

Your Love is Entwined with my Breath

I swear to God, the sun has never risen or set
without Your love being entwined with my breath
Neither have I confided in anyone
except to talk about You
Never have I mentioned Your name in gladness or in sorrow
Unless You were in my heart, wedged in my obsessive thoughts
Nor have I touched water to quench my thirst
Without seeing a glimpse of You in the glass
Were it possible for me to reach You,
I would come to you at once, crawling on my face or walking on my head
I say to our minstrel that if he is to sing
Let him sing about my grief at the harshness of his heart
What cause have the people to foolishly blame me? They have their own faith and I have mine

Hear Me Out, My Love

Wait, do not interrupt me,
Be patient, do not rush,
Respond to me as I am calling out to you,
Hear me out, my love. (x2)
I am sincere and straightforward,
Why should I swear if I have committed no sin?
There is no more strength in me,
Hear me out, my love. (x2)
There is no lie in what I say,
I am the one suffering for you,
My heart is about to burst
Hear me out, my love. (x2)
I am someone who speaks the truth,
I am someone who stays loyal to love,
Praise me for my effort,
Hear me our, my love. (x2)

Predajem se

Ne pratim novosti, volim da ih sam izmišljam
To je moja nomadska strana
Pomešan ritam, dve, tri stvari
Ples čak i u oluji
Kao moja gitara, volim da sam naštimovan
Izgleda da sam nadaren
Jednostavan i delotvoran
Moja voljena, ostani kraj mene
Jer se predajem
Da, danas se predajem
Šteta za one koji još spavaju
Noćas, ne, nemam sna
Sve dok zvezde sijaju plešemo
Žao mi je, ali predajem se
Šteta za one koji još spavaju
Noćas, ne, nemam sna
Jer vidim
Njene oči, njen pogled
Postiđene, ali pune smelosti
Kako volim taj pogled
Kako volim njen pogled
Njene oči, njen pogled
Vode me sve do kraja sveta
Nikad neću zaboraviti koliko
volim tvoj pogled
Čak i bez ljubavi*
Idem napred, osmeh na usnama
Prati me - bežaću ti, beži - pratiću te
Tango propuštenih prilika
Nema slučajnosti samo sastanaka
U tvom pogledu ne vidim ništa osim nas
Uhvati me za ruku
Ako ti zaigra srce, zaigraj oko mene
Jer se predajem
Da, danas se predajem
Šteta za one koji još spavaju
Noćas, ne, nemam sna
Sve dok zvezde sijaju plešemo
Žao mi je, ali predajem se
Šteta za one koji još spavaju
Noćas, ne, nemam sna
Jer vidim
Njene oči, njen pogled
Postiđene, ali pune smelosti
Kako volim taj pogled
Koliko volim njen pogled
Njene oči, njen pogled
Vode me sve do kraja sveta
Nikad neću zaboraviti koliko
volim tvoj pogled
Njene oči, njen pogled
Postiđene, ali pune smelosti
Kako volim taj pogled
Njene oči, njen pogled
Vode me sve do kraja sveta
Nikad neću zaboraviti koliko
volim tvoj pogled
Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

Igraj, prijatelju

Ako nemaš snage
Da ideš i ideš
Sledi svoj put, prijatelju
Sve će se promeniti
Daj snage i radosti
Svom srcu
Pusti da ode ono loše
I osetićeš se bolje
O o o o o
Oslobodi se
i počni da živiš
O o o o o
Budi zahvalan životu
i bićeš srećan
Igraj lalalalalalaa
Znaj da se nemoguće
može dostići
Otvori svoju dušu, prijatelju
I pusti da te vodi
Ne gubi nadu
Ostvariće se
I tvoj život ubuduće
biće blistav
O o o o o
Oslobodi se
i počni da živiš
Budi zahvalan životu i bićeš srećan
Igraj lalalalalal
Hajde hajde hajde
Dođi da igraš sa mnom
Hajde hajde hajde
Sledi svoj put, prijatelju
Hajde hajde hajde
Dođi da igraš sa mnom
Hajde hajde hajde
Sledi svoj put, prijatelju

It's Not The Time

Don't you ever show coyness to me,
My heart gets tired of losing to you.
If my crime is loving you,
It's not a punishment to me if you pull a long face.
Today isn't mine,
It ends just like you.
Didn't you have a time at all?
You can't come now, it's not the time
Don't you ever show coyness to me,
My heart gets tired of losing to you.
If my crime is loving you,
It's not a punishment to me if you pull a long face.
Today isn't mine,
It ends just like you.
Didn't you have a time at all?
You can't come now, it's not the time


My lips are a thin line, frost nips at my face
I have your embrace at night and you have your job
When you leave in the morning my jaw trembles
and on my lips there's only a silent 'Stay'
Stay, stay, stay, stay
You open my coat buttons, I got it from you
and you have someone else and I only have a suspicion
When you turn around and face away
my heart skips a beat
And I don't care even though you come home drunk
and touch me like an object
I bear it and ask you to stay
And I don't care even if I can't find the purpose in life
I'll stop searching, I'll ask you not to leave
Just stay
Stay, stay, stay
Hammer cocked and the love is loaded
You're so handsome, soon you'll be lifeless
You fall to the ground and longing pierces you
You belong with me and that's where you'll stay
And I don't care even though you lie with your face on the table
and stare at your cold hand
I bear it because I know you'll stay
And I don't care that they'll stop asking soon
that they'll stop stalking my window
I smile, I bear it because you'll stay
Stay, stay

For love

Sky, above my head is bright-bright Sky
If you are with me, melancholy leaves my soul so quietly
Without your love,
And one-winged I wouldn't be able to fly
Please only don't stay silent,
Please only answer me.
For love, would we be able
This world divide for two?
For dreams, happiness in our eyes,
Would we be able a star in heavens light?
For love, would we be able
This world divide for two?
For dreams, happiness in our eyes,
Would we be able a star in heavens light?
My soul with yours speaks tenderly, tenderly
I am certain, my beloved,
That our paths crossed not in vain,
Only you alone could find the key
That would my heart unlock.
Please only answer me,
Please only do not stay silent.
For love, would we be able
This world divide for two?
For dreams, happiness in our eyes,
Would we be able a star in heavens light?
For love, would we be able
This world divide for two?
For dreams, happiness in our eyes,
Would we be able a star in heavens light?
For love, would we be able
For love, would we be able
This world divide for two?
For dreams, happiness in our eyes,
Would we be able a star in heavens light?
For love, would we be able
This world divide for two?
For dreams, happiness in our eyes,
Would we be able a star in heavens light?
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


Dođite kod nas

Dođite kod nas, pozivam vas
U svoju predsedničku palatu
Ima poslugu, džakuzi i kuhinju sa pogledom na nebo
Dođite kod nas, pozivam vas
U svoj beskrajni vrt
Kod nas su večeri magične
i porodica za stolom
Dođite kod nas, pozivam vas
U svoj bazen pored vode
Uvek ima sunca, nikad nije mrak
i kuvari iz velikih restorana
Hajde, ne budite stidljivi
Ovde ćete biti počašćeni
kao nigde, biće vam
bolje nego u Njujorku ili Parizu
I kao što se kaže,
dođite kod nas kad god poželite
Nije raj
Ali da se promeni rutina
Nema potrebe za zahvaljivanjem
Kad god možemo
Život nije mirna reka
Ne biramo kako ćemo se roditi
Da li smo odavde ili s nekog ostrva
Pravi problem je neznanje
Putovao sam kroz hiljadu mesta
Lica na hiljadu prozora
Imao sam sreću i zadovoljstvo da vas upoznam
Srećemo se ponovo u dobrom raspoloženju
Dočekujemo vas otvorenog srca
Pričamo o svemu, o našim uspomenama
Ako vam je potrebno, znate gde da dođete
I kao što se kaže,
dođite kod nas kad god poželite
Nije raj
Ali da se promeni rutina
Nema potrebe za zahvaljivanjem
Kad god možemo
Ne treba napustiti karavan***
Moj džakuzi je samo tuš
Nema Balija ni Havane
Samo se putuje i ništa luksuzno
Veliki kuvar je mama
Nema posluge ni kućnog bioskopa
Ali tu je sreća
Ali tu je sreća
I kao što se kaže,
dođite kod nas kad god poželite
Nije raj
Ali da se promeni rutina
Nema potrebe za zahvaljivanjem
Kad god možemo
I kao što se kaže,
dođite kod nas kad god poželite
Nije raj
Ali da se promeni rutina
Nema potrebe za zahvaljivanjem
Kad god možemo

Nikad nije prekasno

Kod nas nema stranaca***
Kod nas znamo kako da pomognemo
Kod nas znamo kako treba voleti
Kod nas znamo sanjati
u sreći, kako se suočiti s opasnošću
uvek ima nešto za ručak
uvek ima neko da popriča sa mnom
kada mi je srce malo ranjeno
Kad bi znala koliko sam puta molio nebo, molio da me čuje
čekao sam tamo na rubu puta da sreća dođe
po mene i odvede me
u zaklon pod moju zvezdu, sutra je novi dan
za moju porodicu i moje
To je moj život, moja priča
na talasima snova i nada
jer nikada nije prekasno
nikada prekasno u njih verovati
Nikada ,nikada nije prekasno
U mojoj kući govorimo glasno
da bismo se ohrabrili
To nije loša sudbina
nego sunce na mom licu
U mojoj kući tragači zlata
svima je glava u oblacima
Peva se, pleše se napolju
vidiš, to je moje jedino nasleđe
To je moj život, moja priča
na talasima snova i nada
jer nikada nije prekasno
nikada nije prekasno u njih verovati
Nikada, nikada nije prekasno