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Moja voljena

Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš
Začas si postala ključ mojih noći
Dve čašice i kažeš mi da smo više od prijatelja
Ona koju poznajem više nije ovde, ovde, ovde, ne
Proklet onaj ko se napije pa se zaboravi
Čovek je životinja, žena takođe
Toliko leda da sam izgubio želju, želju, želju, ne
Sudbina me pozvala, previše sam video
Kakva je kad popije
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, molim te na kolenima
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, moja voljena
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, molim te na kolenima
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, moja voljena
Moja voljena
I mislio sam da zaslužuješ moja osećanja
Razočaran sam, kao što vidiš
Ona koju poznajem nije više tu, nije tu, nije tu, nije tu, ne
Izvini ako govorim neumereno
Izvini za moje strahove i strasti
Nisam ni anđeo, ni previše dobar, dobar, dobar, ne
Sudbina me pozvala, previše sam video
Kakva je kad popije
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, molim te na kolenima
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, moja voljena
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, molim te na kolenima
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, moja voljena
Moja voljena
Mamice, živiš svoj život, ali zaboravljaš ko si
Mamice, živiš svoj život, ali zaboravljaš ko si
Mamice, živiš svoj život, ali zaboravljaš ko si
Mamice, živiš svoj život, ali zaboravljaš ko si
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, molim te na kolenima
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, moja voljena
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, molim te na kolenima
Zašto ne želiš da se promeniš, moja voljena
Moja voljena
Moja voljena
Mamice, živiš svoj život, ali zaboravljaš ko si
Moja voljena


Imam jedno pitanje da ti postavim
Ali nemoj da se uvrediš
Reci mi da li kod tebe večeras ima mesta
Ne želim da se namećem
Obećavam da ću biti diskretan
Ali da sam stalno sam noću
da, dosta mi je
Hej, šta bi te zadovoljilo?
Reci mi šta mogu da ti ponudim
Reci mi nekoliko svojih želja
Ćao, lepa, neće biti greške
Džentlmen do kraja
Prema tebi biću učtiv*
Ne trebaju ti gaćice
Ni štikle nisu dobrodošle
Razmenićemo samo ideje
Reći ćeš mi šta misliš
Ali ništa ne treba da te brine
Recimo samo da se nikad ne zna
Hej, šta bi te zadovoljilo?
Reci mi šta mogu da ti ponudim
Reci mi nekoliko svojih želja
Ćao, lepa, neće biti greške
Džentlmen do kraja
Prema tebi biću učtiv
Pogrešio si broj
Nije trebalo da mene zoveš
Možeš samo da dobiješ koka kolu lajt
Na ivici kauča
Da te ohladi
Rekla sam ti deset puta
Jer mi slepci koji mi se nabacuju govore da se ne brinem
Dođi, ali ne pokušavaj ništa glupo, čudno
Ili ću te oterati
Treba da znaš da nisam laka
Veruješ da imaš diplomu iz muvanja
Ali da bi me osvojio
Moraćeš na večernji kurs
Izvoli, dođi
Ali sa stilom
Sladoled Haagen Dazs Macadamia**
Malo da popričamo
Verujem ti
Biće kao da nas tata posmatra***
Ćao, lepa, neće biti greške
Džentlmen do kraja
Prema tebi biću učtiv

Don't Leave My Hand Without You

Heart, does heart give up?
Easy to say
I don't let myself go by the board
Heart doesn't listen,if it's easy then it's bad
Things are getting deep
It's hard, like a bird in a cage
It doesn't see the sky
When missing blue, love cries
Instead of undrained words
You come here
Without rebelling at your loneliness, your silence, your captivity
Maybe again, shout from night
This time sun
Don't think that these hearts are injured on every skin
Such a pain preponderate to every life
Even illicit touches to your beauty, do not give up
(Be) Always pure, always sinless
Don't think that you're down,injured
You came out alive from every war
Even if you turn into fire don't give up
Don't leave my hand without you

Moja ljubav

Dušo, ostavljam obroke sa strane
Odavno sam izgubio apetit
Još otkako si me ostavila
Priznajem da sam se ponašao kao đubre
Bila si u pravu, bio sam lažljivac Regular smile
Promenio sam se odtad, zar ne primećuješ?
Zbog tebe bih srušio sve zidove
Šta kažeš na poslednji susret?
Briga me što ljudi kažu da sam propalica
Zbog tebe bih srušio sve zidove
Šta kažeš na poslednji susret?
Žao mi je što sam te pustio da odeš
Moja ljubav, moja ljubav
Ona je sreća u mom životu, bez nje neću izdržati
Moja ljubav, moja ljubav
Ona je jedina žena na svetu koju želim u svom naručju
Fiksirana mi je u glavi
Prijatelji, u lošem sam stanju
Ubola me smrtonosna injekcija
Prvi put sam je video na trgu Gambetta
Srce mi je ranjeno, a tebi je to samo sitnica
Prijateljice ti ne daju da mi se obratiš
Da saznam da si zauzeta, to bi me uništilo
I uprkos svoj ljubavi koju ti dajem
da li ponekad pomisliš na mene?
Pomisliš na mene, e !
Zbog tebe bih srušio sve zidove
Šta kažeš na poslednji susret?
Briga me što ljudi kažu da sam propalica
Zbog tebe bih srušio sve zidove
Šta kažeš na poslednji susret?
Žao mi je što sam te pustio da odeš
Moja ljubav, moja ljubav
Ona je sreća u mom životu, bez nje neću izdržati
Moja ljubav, moja ljubav
Ona je jedina žena na svetu koju želim u svom naručju
Fiksirana mi je u glavi
Prijatelji, u lošem sam stanju
Ubola me smrtonosna injekcija
Prvi put sam je video na trgu Gambetta
Smejem se, smejem se, ali
Loše mi je, loše mi je
Daleko si, predaleko si od mene
Ne spavam više noću
Moja ljubav, moja ljubav
Ona je sreća u mom životu, bez nje neću izdržati
Moja ljubav, moja ljubav
Ona je jedina žena na svetu koju želim u svom naručju
Fiksirana mi je u glavi
Prijatelji, u lošem sam stanju
Ubola me smrtonosna injekcija
Prvi put sam je video na trgu Gambetta


Moju snagu i moj osmeh
Nebo mi je darovalo
Prate me i noću i danju
Iz senke me vode na sunce
Svoju snagu i svoj osmeh
Poklanjam ti
Osmehni se, prijatelju
Daj svetu svoje snage
Osmehni se životu
Moje oči su moji prozori
Moje srce je otvoreno
Moj glas te doziva
Prijatelju moj, požuri
Sa braćom (prijateljima) je sve veselije i
kad su dani teški
jedan osmeh može srušiti zidove
Dušo, približi se
I otkriću ti tajnu
Imam cigansku krv
Krećem se kao vetar
Moj glas te doziva
Prijatelju, požuri sa svojim osmehom i svojom verom
Otvori svoje tamne oči
Jedan osmeh može srušiti zidove
Dušo, približi se
I otkriću ti tajnu
Ne gledaj unazad, šta će biti, videćeš
Život je samo jedan i sve počinje sad
Ne prestaj nikad da sanjaš
Ostalo nije bitno
Svoju snagu, svoj osmeh poklanjam ti ja


[Carolina Deslabdes]
Znam da ponekad ne vidim
Znam da zaslužuješ bolje
Znam da te ponekad rastužujem
Da ne čitam tvoje znake
Ali novi dan će svanuti
A sa njim i šansa za novi početak
Ukoliko ljubav nije umrla
Imam ceo život da ti pokažem
[Diogo Picarra]
Da ne znam živeti bez tebe
Ne znam ni kako govoriti bez tebe
Šta bih postao ukoliko bi otišla
Znam da bez tebe ne znam živeti
Znam da bez tebe ne znam ni govoriti
Tako mi užasno trebaš
[Carolina, Agir e Diogo]
Da bih disao/la, vazduh, vazduh
Da bih disao/la, vazduh, vazduh
Znam da te nikad nisam zaslužio
I znam da sam te razočarao
Mnogo si više od onog što sam tražio
Ali dajem sve od sebe, mmm
Ali novi dan će svanuti
A sa njim i šansa za novi početak
Ukoliko ljubav nije umrla
Imam ceo život da ti pokažem
[Carolina, Agir e Diogo]
Da ne znam živeti bez tebe
Ne znam ni kako govoriti bez tebe
Šta bih postao ukoliko bi otišla
Znam da bez tebe ne znam živeti
Znam da bez tebe ne znam ni govoriti
Tako mi užasno trebaš
Da bih disao/la, vazduh, vazduh
Da bih disao/la, vazduh, vazduh
Znam da ponekad
Ne zaslužujem to što mi pružaš
Da bih disao/la vazduh, vazduh (yeah)
Da bih disao/la vazduh, vazduh
Da bih disao/la vazduh, vazduh
Da bih disao/la vazduh, vazduh
Da bih disao/la

Ne gledaj me više

Ne gledaj me više
Preklinjem te, pusti me da te zaboravim
Ne mogu da mu radim ovo
Ne igraj se sa opasnošću
A ti se igraš sa opasnošću Regular smile
Prošlo je više od nedelju dana
Otkako te on opisuje kao da si pesma
Priča samo o tebi
Živi u oblacima otkako si mu u naručju
Vratio mu se osmeh
Jer ti si njegova budućnost
Ti si postala njegova radost
Ali sve se promenilo kad sam shvatio da je pričao o tebi
O ooooo ma šta ja ovo radim , o blagi bože Regular smile
O ooooo samo jednu noć smo proveli zajedno
O ooooo ne približavajmo se više vatri
Prošlo je više od nedelju dana
I višê nije novost
Zar nisi srećan zbog mene?
Ti si moj prijatelj, a osećam da se udaljavaš od mene
Svaki put kad sam s njom
Vaši pogledi nisu više isti
Postajem paranoičan
Prijatelju, da li nešto kriješ od mene
O ooooo ma šta ja ovo radim , o blagi bože Regular smile
O ooooo ima li nečeg između njih dvoje ?
O ooooo da li naše prijateljstvo pada u vatru?
O ooooo
Soprano i Kendji
Prijatelju, prijatelju, reci mi da si iskren
Ako nisam, nek me bog baci u vatru
Onda reci i oteraj mi sumnju
Voleo sam je jedno veče pre nego što si joj dao prsten
Ali zašto mi to nisi rekao u lice ?
Zato jer te nikad nisam video tako srećnog
Ti si moj brat, između nas ne sme stati nijedna žena
Naše prijateljstvo mi je važnije od njenih lepih očiju
O ooooo ma šta se ovo desilo, o blagi bože Regular smile
O ooooo da li je naše prijateljstvo palo u vatru
O ooooo nijedna žena ne sme stati između nas

Lepe mamine oči

Kad mi je hladno
Ona me greje
Poput sunca u prirodi
Kad mi je loše, ona se moli
Sve mi govori u tišini
Kad patim
Ona pati sa mnom
Kad se smejem, ona se smeje naglas
Moje pesme su često za nju
Ona će uvek biti moje čudo
Kad nisam na visini
Ona me diže iznad neba
Ona je najsjajnija od najsjajnijih
Ona je život, ona je med
Njena krv teče mojim venama
I stotine sećanja
Sija moje srce sa hiljadu zvezda
Ona je moje traganje, ona je moj gral
Oh, moj Bože, ostavi mi
Lepe mamine oči
Uzmi mi sve ostalo
Ali ne i toplinu njenih dodira
Ona me donela na svet
Ona me još uvek svake sekunde nosi
Ona će me uzeti sa sobom
Nikada je neću iznzveriti
Kada sam povređen, ona je nežna
Kao milovanje u postojanosti
Kada odustanem
Ona postaje lavica
I ja oslabim sa strpljenjem
I kada me obmane raskoš
Ona me lagano spusti na zemlju
Ona je u ovom paklenom svetu
Moja zvezda među zvezdama

Wherever You Are

You'd say you'd be back when you left,
Seasons passed by since you left,
They tell me you forgot me,
Tell me they are lying, I won't doubt your love.
Dreams always lie and you know it,
You are as real as if you are holding my hand,
You are the memory reviving in front of my eyes,
You are the longing feeling burning in my chest.
Wherever you are, it's my heaven,
Wherever you are, let me know, I've lost you.
If I only knew you weren't in anyone's heart,
Wherever you are, wait for me there.
Wherever you are.
While searching for you on these streets,
If it's someone's hair or lips that remind me of yours,
I'll stop at my every step,
As if you are in front of me all the time.
If you call me from the other end of this world,
I'd recognize your voice from far away.
Somehow I'll find you if I search,
Maybe in summer, maybe in winter, maybe in spring..


[Verse 1]
Been a while since I felt you
You've been putting it off and now I present you the end
In your glance you conjured up
Never were you good at lying
I don't see it in your eyes, the desire
That intense flame burning for me
This doesn't make sense anymore
Better leave be, why suffer
[verse 2]
You say that you're alone, that don't have enough
But I have given you all of me
Gave you everything, gave you everything
You call me and you have me
Just for your convenience
Excuse me, but I don't want anymore drama.
I follow your path, but nothing fits here
I love you, but it's a lie
I've been loyal, lie
I never lied to you, lie
Listen baby, if you itch, it gets worse
I love you, but it's a lie
I've been loyal, lie
I never lied to you, lie
Listen baby, I have what you need
Gave you everything, gave you everything
Gave you everything, gave you everything
[Verse 3]
Listen, baby, everything. everything, i gave you
You believed in your friends, you didn't believe in me
For one mistake, don't leave it like that
There were more times I've made you happy
I want you, baby, I love you baby
Why not dare yourself to try it again
The time passes and I think of you
It's that you have my whole world backwards
[Verse 2]
You say that you're alone, that don't have enough
But I have given you all of me
Gave you everything, gave you everything
You call me and you have me
Just for your convenience
Excuse me, but I don't want anymore drama.
I follow your path, but nothing fits here
I love you, but it's a lie
I've been loyal, lie
I never lied to you, lie
Listen baby, if you itch, it gets worse
I love you, but it's a lie
I've been loyal, lie
I never lied to you, lie
Listen baby, I have what you need
Hey... Dabruk

White and black (We choose, we are chosen)

Versions: #3
We choose, we are chosen,
How often this does not match!
I after you follow your shadow,
I get used to mismatches!
Who will err?
Who will guess?
Different [kinds] of happiness
Will rain on us
Often the simple
Seems absurd
The black is white
The white is black
I get used to [it], I'm glad to see you!
You won't know, indeed and don't need to!
You won't know - indeed and [neither] will you be able to -
That it didn't work out - together it didn't work out!
Happiness - such a difficult thing:
The shrewd1 and the purblind2.
Often the simple seems absurd,
The black is white, the white is black.
  • 1. Lit. 'farsighted'
  • 2. Lit. 'shortsighted'

My secret love

The power of Cat Noir, Cat Noir's Cataclysm
It is a force that has no equal
A clue has to be, this wrapping paper
I used the same one for Adrien's
Adrien disappears and Cat Noir appears
To protect him is hard to bear
But the explanation, my speculation
It is that a villain is going after Adrien
I will give him protection, without qualms or fear
He is my secret love
I will save you, my power I'll use
You are my secret love
Even if you're confused, I'll be with you.
You are my secret love
You can't imagine, no, what's in my heart
You are my secret love


Every day I'm Marinette.
A normal girl with a normal life.
But I hide something that nobody knows about.
It's my secret.
Every day
I go to school
'Cause he's there
So lovely
When he looks at me
I'm hiding myself speedily
What does he think about me, who knows?
Oh oh oh
He turned my head
Oh oh oh
I think I'm dreaming about him
Oh oh oh
And when somebody has trouble I change fastly
I have a great gift
The evil spell goes out
This is how the power of Miraculous works
I have a great gift
And I have heat in my heart
The spirit of love gives me strength
It's me, that Cat
Who worships her
But all my efforts are for nothing
When she's close
My heart's a lot lighter
I owe so much to her
Oh oh oh
Love guides me
Oh oh oh
I always wanna be with her
Oh oh oh
Let happiness last longer,
Change fastly
I have a great gift
The evil spell goes out
This is how the power of Miraculous works
I have a great gift
And I have heat in my heart
The spirit of love gives me strength / x3
I have a great gift

My love gives me strength

I saw this not once so I'm certainty sure
Cat Noir was here and his magic
Snow gives me clue, my Adrien was running through here
Because from my gift this trace left
Adrien disappears and then Cat appears
And for me it all becomes clear
Yes, I see it clearly that
Something bad happened here, the villain kidnapped him
But I show up who don't know what fear is
Because love gives me strength
Who cares about darkness and cold, let a miracle happen
My love gives me strength
I'll search the whole world, you're worth it
My love gives me strength
Can you guess what I wanna tell you?
You are my love

My secret love

There is only one thing of causing so much damage
And that's Cat Noir's Cataclysm
And this thing left behind confirms my fear
It's from my present to Adrien, that's it
Adrien vanishes and Cat Noir arrives
He must be looking for his protection
That's why I think, what I suspect
It is that a villain wants to find Adrien
My presence is vital, protecting him is essential
He is my secret love
And with all of the power, I'll save you
You are my secret love
Even if you don't know who I am, I'm always there
You are my secret love
What would you do if you knew the whole truth?
That's why you're secret, love

The boy I love in secret

There's no other power
That can bring so much damage
The Cat Noir's Cataclysm, it's sure
And this card
Didn't fall from the sky
But from the present I gave to Adrien
Adrien disappears
And Cat Noir steps in
He must be working to protect him
The only explanation
To these questions
Is that some supervillain
Is after Adrien
He can count on me
I'll get him out of there
Because he's the one whom I love in secret
I'll do everything in my power
To help him at my best
You're the one whom I love in secret
Even if I have to hide
I'll be by his side
You're the one whom I love in secret
But what would you do
If you knew the truth?
That's why I love you in secret

Only you choose

They'll be no darkness tonight.
Hold tight,
Let your love light shine bright.
Listen to my heart,
And lay your body next to mine.
Let me fill your soul,
With all my tears.
You're a woman, I'm a man.
This is more than just a game.
I can make you feel so right.
Be my lady of the night.
You're a woman, I'm a man.
You're my fortune, I'm your fame.
These are things we can't disguise.
Be my lady of the night.
Love, if you wish to love,
Forget, if you've decided to forget,
But don't say that life goes on without you,
Enjoy it, she's yours.
There'll be sun or snow,
Someone happy, but someone not,
But the paths and aspirations
Only you choose.
There'll be sun or snow,
Someone happy, but someone not,
But the paths and aspirations
Only you choose.
There'll be sun or snow,
Someone happy, but someone not,
But the paths and aspirations
Only you choose.
There'll be sun or snow,
Someone happy, but someone not,
But the paths and aspirations
Only you choose.
You're a woman, woman, woman, woman, woman, women...

The Worst

If they told you I'm the worst
And what are you going to suffer because of my love
All that is true, so I lie to you
So I lie to you
At least I'm honest
I'm not going to tell you that I love you
Because it's not true
I don't believe in Romeo nor Juliet
If love is to suffer I'm not interested
If you knew me that way and you liked me that way
To lie to you I will hurt you and I won't change
I'm the worst
I can break your heart
And take me as a prisoner
For stealing your kisses
I'm the worst
I can break your heart
And take me as a prisoner
For stealing your kisses
I'm the guy who leaves and doesn't know when he arrives
The guy that drives you crazy and plays with your mind
With me you lie down, but you don't wake up
I'm the guy who forgets your birthday
The guy that gives you pleasure but that hurts you
Even if you want to leave me, you come back to my side
I don't believe in Romeo nor Juliet
If love is to suffer I'm not interested
If you knew me that way and you liked me that way
You don't want to change me, you're late, I won't do it anymore
I'm the worst
I can break your heart
And take me as a prisoner
For stealing your kisses
I'm the worst
I can break your heart
And take me as a prisoner
For stealing your kisses
That's why the new thing is pure sex
We are relaxed and we don't want stress
And you see, we had a good time
You don't explain to me and I don't explain to you
I'm the worst
I can break your heart
And take me as a prisoner
For stealing your kisses
I'm the worst
I can break your heart
And take me as a prisoner
For stealing your kisses


I dream during the day too, honest
But, boy, I never see you when I do
And you must feel cramped
Being in someone else's head and verses
The feds told me everything
About you and your adventures
You seemed different at first
Desperate, genuine
You would look at me and not believe
That you were so beloved
If we ever get on TV
We'll ruin the good movies
There's so much I never told you
And there's no point anymore
Let the trains take you anywhere
Just not to my stop
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you
Boy, with nothing to fall back on, you gave me
Your heart on your sleeve
The [capital] city mayor is tearing the apartment buildings
Where each day about a thousand
Of your obsessive messages
Would make us implode
Sometimes, you wouldn't hear me at all
As if you and I were in different dimensions
Even if winter lay outside my window
I wouldn't care about the temperature
I'd run out in a dress without coat
Just to hug you in the end
You fell madly in love, head over heels
And it'll probably always be that way
Do you remember when we first met?
That was forever ago
If I could, I would never have shown up back then
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you

Bell of my homeland

Little morning bell of my homeland
so many secrets encased in its cries,
how many kisses have you extinguished passions,
with happiness have you made hearts beat?
Little morning bell that on other days
dissipated all my melancholy,
little bell of my homeland
so many secrets encased in its cries.
The son1 of the bells are filled with happiness
from the sorrowful sanctuary of my heart,
little golden bells whose melodies
recall to mind forever my first love.
I planted madrigals in the wheat fields
my sensual kisses that have been extinguished too,
and that little bell sounds sorrowful
my love buried its plaintive sound.2
I planted madrigals in the wheat fields
my sensual kisses that have been extinguished too,
and that little bell sounds sorrowful
my love buried its plaintive sound.
  • 1. Mexican son
  • 2. lit. 'voice'.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.



What bothers me the most is that
It's so difficult being with you
It's like I was going out with the Devil himself
At times I feel like I want to strangle
I don't even know whose neck, mine or yours
Whatever, I need all help possible
Just do it like the Chinese and put water
onto the crown of my head, one drop at a time
Couldn't you take me into your arms
Leave out the raging
We would spend a heavenly evening
Then I start to wake up
from dream to ordinary
This is like an emotional
The second thing that annoys me is that
I don't move even a millimetre myself
I'm crying under the duvet, I do it without tears
And stay to watch you causing trouble
Who's the real fool here again
who won't bend even in front of the truth
I'm regretful and especially shameful
every time I see my reflection
Couldn't you take me into your arms
Leave out the raging
We would spend a heavenly evening
Then I start to wake up
from dream to ordinary
This is like an emotional
You brought me hay about once or twice
I thought it equaled different kind of love
But it doesn't go like that
How on Earth did I get interested in you?

What will the Holy Father say?

Look how they talk to us
about freedom
while they deprive us of it
in reality,
Look how they proclaim
while authority torments us.
What will the Holy Father say
who lives in Rome,
because they're cutting his doves' throats?
Look how they talk to us
about paradise
while bullets rain down to us
like hailstones.
Look at the enthusiasm
at the ruling
knowing that they were killing
What will the Holy Father say
who lives in Rome,
because they're cutting his doves' throats?
The one who officiates death
like an executioner
eats his breakfast in peace.
The wheat will look beautiful
across the sown field
watered by your blood,
Julián Grimau.
What will the Holy Father say
who lives in Rome,
because they're cutting his doves' throats?
Under more injustice,
Sir prosecutor,
my soul has more power
to sing.
With this they put the rope around their neck:
the fifth commandment doesn't have a stamp.
What will the Holy Father say
who lives in Rome,
because they're cutting his doves' throats?


Love me! Take me! Kiss me! Get me closer
I can’t hide it, my blooming feelings whenever I see you
I’m drawing us out on the blue sky, I can only see you
I can’t stop, I don’t wanna wake up from this dream
I’m trapped in these times that are filled with you
I’m kissing you
Click clack, each step I take
If I follow the sound of the stars
I remember the night that was especially bright
With my hands gathered
You shine and appear like a star
Making me dizzy, kissing my hand
A miracle that came from the stars
In my sweet dream
My fantasy, you, baby
Hold my hand, it’s party time
I believe in you, our paradise
Feels like it’s forever, I want to cherish this heart
Shining on your heart that allowed me to dream
Let’s just stop like this
Tick tock, when I see the starlight
I remember the night
that was especially bright
With my hands gathered
You shine and appear like a star
Making me dizzy, kissing my hand
A miracle that came from the stars
In my sweet dream
My fantasy, you, baby
Stories I couldn’t tell you but I kept in my heart
The day I mete you again
I will tell you
Love me! Take me! Kiss me! Get me closer
You shine and appear like a star
Making me dizzy, kissing my hand
A miracle that came from the stars
In my sweet dream
My fantasy, you, baby
Hold my hand, it’s party time
I believe in you, our paradise
пожалуйста любите моих детей - пак чимина из bts и ли дэхви из wanna one !!


Tell me what I can even do
How I can ever forget you
Without your embrace
How I'm ever going to live again
How do I even breathe
If you were my air
I'll be lost
Without your love to light my way
Like a night that has lost its moon
Like a river that no longer finds the sea
I have surrendered to this absence of you
To the raw truth that I shall love you no more
I live each day
Thinking about what I've lost
My soul is empty
Engulfed in my longing for you
And my world fell silent
It's wintertime in my heart
And the void that lies in your place
Won't let me escape this loneliness

The door of summer

With the haircut I have
You say I look like a different girl
You look a little shy
Walking in front of me
'You're beautiful' was really
What I wanted you to say
You're always on the other side
Of a veil of hesitations, right?
Fresh fresh fresh
Open the door of the summer
Take me somewhere
Fresh fresh fresh
The summer opening it's doors
Wraps our naked bodies
A car passing by
Is splitting us
You on the other side of the street
You're shouting something
You say 'I like you'
Probably can't be a lie
With everyone looking at you
Something's wrong with you
Fresh fresh fresh
Open the door of the summer
Take me somewhere
Fresh fresh fresh
The summer opening it's doors
Is beckoning our naked bodies
Fresh fresh fresh
The summer opening it's doors
Wraps our naked bodies
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Life with you

The city is out of glass and as it falls
it breaks into hundred pieces of old mirror
and let them say you cant fix whats broken
the miracle happens when you are there
And as i have arrived in ruin
with closed eyes i take the turn
i get lost in the road, but i find salvation at the end
that's how life is, life with you
Chorus x2
In the era i put a cross out and i start again
and to zero i say no and i continue
its life, life with you
Stronger and softer with every lie x2
From light to sand and from sand to the deeps
and from the deeps to rock bottom and from rock bottom to the shore
it needs decisiveness to endure to overturn what's written
and it's my decision the life with you
Up and down our lives in the seesaw of this world
and we all belong to ourselves and we all belong to time
up and even down and even up up i deserve it
and every time i say i continue and every time i say i continue
Chorus x4

O wonder, O how wondrous

O wonder, O how wondrous!
A hidden form, so hard, so high,so steep,
surpasses in its lofty honor—
where Living Height itself
reveals the mysteries.
And so, O Disibod,
you shall arise at th’ end of time
as first you rose—
the flow’r of all the branches
of the world
comes to your aid.

Leave me like this

Versions: #2
Don't look at me anymore
Don't wanna see you in my bed
Be far away
Become a memory
Give up on my feelings
Leave my heart alone
Don't look at me, don't come back
Leave me just like this
Don't steal the color of my lipstick (off my lips)
Let it stay on my lips
Let the couch in front of me be empty
Let only our song play
Don't worry, I won't fall down
Don't look at me, don't come back
Leave me
Just like this

Knife in the skull!

Infantry! Infantry!
I've been called up for warring,
But, at the most important moment, who would've thought
My rifle'd have ended up jamming1?!
With determination, the order was to kill.
I hung the enemy's skin up on the flagpole.
This is why I'm called Knife in the Skull.
It's Knife, it's Knife, it's Knife in the Skull.
Patrol, patrol, patrol all night long
In the jungles, at wars, in the Mendanha and Madureira neighborhoods
Hear, hear the Skull's laughter!:
Yahaha, yahahahaha, yahaha, yahahahaha.
  • 1. Or malfunctioning. It's when one's gun stops working perfectly.

Love Me, Dear

If I were without you, I would have to die,
[Because] a meaningless life really has to expire.
My love [for you] is still attached [to me],
I only love you and nobody else.
[I wish I could] give you my love forever,
For [your] whole life and you would never give it to anybody else.
Even though I know that I am old
And it might be wrong to hope if I'm so unlucky.
I pray to god
And ask him to help me and to be compassionate.
Even though my life will perish
I ask for fortune so that my dream can come true.
I just beg you to love me,
Only for one day and I would do anything [in return].
I promise that my love is nothing but true
I would never forsake it, so that it can be [my] dream.

미라큘러스: 레이디버그와 블랙캣 (Milakyulleoseu: Leidibeogeuwa Beullaegkaes) (Miraculous Ladybug Korean Opening)

In the daytime, I'm Marinette,
Just an ordinary, common girl.
But there's something special about me.
'Cause, It's a secret.
Ladybug, flying high!
No one can stop you!
Ladybug, wherever you are,
Call me anytime

Miraculous׃ Las Aventuras de Ladybug (Castilian Spanish Opening)

By day, I'm Marinette
A normal girl with a normal life
But there's something in me that nobody knows yet
That I have a secret
It's Ladybug, coming to win
Her heart is her power
It's Ladybug, you will see
The evil will never impose
It's Ladybug!