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I'm Dying

I'm dying to steal a kiss from you
And now that I'm losing my mind
Perhaps this is how I'd be so bold
And how my heart would shed its fear
I'm dying to love nice and slowly
Haste shouldn't rush us
You already know that life is a journey
And I want to enjoy it
If I die
If I die
From love, so let me
And when I die, let it be from loving you
I'm dying to travel through time
If my soul can't be seen
What happens if life abandons it
Or perhaps becomes just a recollection
So if the recollection lasts
May my memory remain full
I want to fill it up by gazing into your eyes
And at a full moon
If I die
If I die
From love, so let me
And when I die, let it be from loving you
If I die
If I die
From love, so let me
And when I die, let it be from loving you
Loving you
I'm dying to live with you
All I have left to do
Is to ask God to alter time
And turn it into an eternity
If I die
If I die
From love, so let me
And when I die, let it be from loving you
If I die
If I die
From love, so let me
And when I die, let it be from loving you
And when I die, let it be from loving you
If I die, I'll die from loving you

Winter's coming

Get ready for a rough ride, honey,
winter will be tough this year.
The days of plenty are over,
we're having misery for dinner.
I have to get snow tires fitted
to my old rusty crate.
With gas getting more expensive by the day
they know they hold us by the balls.
I'm stuck in the traffic every morning
together with millions of human beings
fighting over a bit of highway
without thinking too much of where it's headed,
all alone in their cars,
humming FM tunes
all just as aware as I am how tough life is
but you got to keep on playing.
A truck accident on the Mercier bridge, it's a bumber to bumper crawl.
Code red on the subway. Jammed solid every day.
A guy gets cut in and honks the horn, shaking his fist
like a caged lion, stuck in the traffic jams.
Come on, law abiding citizens dreaming of beaches and vacation resorts
in the middle of the Canadian winter. Your job is the only cure.
You'd better watch out though, burn out is on the prowl.
You're working, old chum, and your life flashes past under your nose.
Money gets the whole planet going.
Looks like it's pretty serious
since in the higher-ups world
losers don't really belong.
They simply chuck
night and day
their rubbish advertising at us.
They are never out of bullshit to sell.
In the shopping mall parking lots
the war rages on yet again.
Cars a mile around
and packet shops.
Santa just showed up,
yey we're not even past mid-November.
Sweet Jesus must feel depressed,
the merchants have come back to the temple.
Pay later, buy now.
Credit or cash.
Visa, American Express.
I even cash bullshit checks.
I am the junk dealer,
the cheap dreams seller.
American Dream incarnate.
Fun does come cheap,
come on, step into the dance.
Buy a nice car on credit.
No interest for a year.
Put your ass on heated seats.
Your bland lives will be changed
by my neatly packaged illusions.
Now if you're not happy
there is no refund here.
I loan my life to an employer
with working days and sweat drops.
To think we're all whoring
to buy some nice cushions
and realize yet another new trinket
doesn't put joy into your heart.
Because happiness can't be bought
in a cardboard box anyway.
And yet in front of my beer glass
my throat is a parched earth.
I'd gladly have a pick-me-up
to wash away my bad weather,
buy as always I don't have a penny in my pocket,
even now that winter is coming.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

It Shines, It Rains

Versions: #2
You don't understand
Why you're being tormented
By the kiss of bad luck
You crawled slowly up the stairs
Only to be struck by lightning
At the very top, but
My friend,
Do not waver
My friend,
Easy on the crying
Nothing is going to happen
We won't achieve anything
Don't try to stop the rain from pouring
There is a time to be King
There are times to trip (and fall)
That's just how life is
(The Sun) Shines, (The Rain) Pours
(The Sun) Shines, (The Rain) Pours
Such is life
(The Sun) Shines, (The Rain) Pours
Don't take pity on yourself
Don't think you're worthless
That's one big lie
Tomorrow the sun will shine
Only for those who are patient
to wait...
So my friend,
Don't you give in
My friend,
Keep your head held high

Universal Love

You moved to my heart
without my permission, without a reason.
I promised that I would say no.
I was surprised while under construction,
healing the damage that had happened,
without warning we are now two.
Before you arrived
I found myself remodeling.
When I least expected it
you took over everything.
If you bring me the sun
I will not forget you, no,
it is posible
to give new hours to the clock.
Universal love that lives here today.
You moved to my heart
with the suitcase full of illusion,
You have created dreams in the room.
Before you arrived
I found myself remodeling.
When I least expected it
you took over everything.
If you bring me the sun
I will not forget you, no,
it is posible
to give new hours to the clock.
The universal love that lives here today,
is uncontainable
I was embraced by the calm within the tremor.
We sail between the heavens
and fearless of the open sea.
The universal love that lives here today,
is uncontainable
I was embraced by the calm within the tremor.
If you bring me the sun
I will not forget you, no,
it is very possible
to give new hours to the clock.

Drugi životi

Versions: #2
Ne znam šta sam to uradio u prošlim životima
Koga sam morao da spasem da bi me spasila ti?
Možda sam izlečio u ratu hiljadu rana
Da bih danas u tvom zagrljaju pronašao mir.
Ne znam da li sam pronašao ja tebe
Ili si pronašla ti mene
Ne znam šta je to bilo
Šta sam to uradio, još uvek ne mogu da poverujem
Mogao bih da se zakunem da je to neko Božje delo
Kada te gledam i samo mogu da se zahvalim
Šta se desilo da bih mogao da te zaslužim
Još uvek ne mogu da poverujem.
Ne znam šta sam uradio u drugom vremenu
Da bih se sad našao u ovom trenutku pored tebe
Možda sam bio voda koju si pila u pustimji
Da bi danas bila ona koja je došla da me oživi
Ne znam da li sam pronašao ja tebe
Ili si pronašla ti mene
Ne znam šta je to bilo
Šta sam to uradio, još uvek ne mogu da poverujem
Mogao bih da se zakunem da je to neko Božje delo
Kada te gledam i samo mogu da se zahvalim
Šta se desilo da bih mogao da te zaslužim
Još uvek ne mogu da poverujem.
Ne znam šta je to bilo
Šta sam to uradio da još uvek ne mogu da poverujem
Mogao bih da se zakunem da je to neko Božje delo
Kada te gledam i samo mogu da se zahvalim
Šta se desilo da bih mogao da te zaslužim
Još uvek ne mogu da poverujem.
Još uvek ne mogu da verujem.

Vrisak rata

Reci skrivene, prinudne tisine,
lazi koje su rekli da bi ukrali nekoliko komada,
koliko zemlje su digli da bi nam pokazali njihovu velicinu,
ono sto su stvarno postigli je da nam daju tugu.
I toliko bola kojeg daju, vise nas nece videti da patimo,
koliko vredi ono sto jesi, koliko vredi ono sto dajes,
vec su nam oduzeli sve, ali nece moci da nam oduzmu
nadu da jednog dana sve mora da se promeni.
Vristim iz srca
Sta umisljaju da su te kukavice?
Nek se usude da posalju,
ako ne znaju koliko vredi
ustajanje ujutro
da bi isao na posao
poljubac oprostaja,
sveca koja treba da se ugasi.
Traziti par zelja
koje ces mozda videti da se ostvaruju
da li ce znati da budu srecni,
ako ne znaju da se smeju,
vec su nam oduzeli sve,
ali nece moci da nam oduzmu
nadu da jednog dana
sve mora da se promeni.
Nek se usude da nas gledaju u oci,
nek se usude da nas zakljucaju sa katancima,
vec smo toliko cekali
i necemo ocajavati,
jer sve sto se podze jednog dana mora se spustiti.
Nek se usude da misle da su vecni,
nisu primetili da su bolesni,
da cemo ovde biti svi
spremni da podrzimo
pad njihove istorije
i put do njihovog kraja, da,
put do njihovog kraja, da, eh.
Nek se usude da misle da su vecni,
nisu primetili da su bolesni,
i da cemo ovde biti svi
spremni da podrzimo
pad njihove istorije.
Samo ce ostati secanje
o sazaljenja koje daju
i put do njihovog kraja.
Put do njihovog kraja.
Put do njihovog kraja.


Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu ,Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu ,Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
Put your head back and look up,I’m a super giant Gulliver
Push back all the annoying little things and trust me,
I’m the new leader to lead you
No matter how hard you jump,
you just come up to my kneecaps
No matter how much energy you use and run, it’s only my one step
The nauseated eyes are not enough, there are only so many rumors
Even if you all talk,all you’ve ever seen
is the tip of the iceburg
Quickly sink down and listen closely
They call me a curly hairy man,
no a bearded club
Hey kids, peekaboo, that’s just my leg hair
Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R. Eh
eh eh S.J. J.U.N.I.O.R.
Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R.
Eh eh eh S.J. Eh eh eh S.J.
(Gulliver, you can’t place me in your small eyes)
Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu ,Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu ,Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu ,Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu ,Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
You’re buzzing about with that mosquito like voice
Are you gonna keep buzzing like that?
Baby, are you? Baby, baby?
You know you already lost, right? Right?
You agree?
Now now, I’m here,
on top of your head
Hey, hey, look at these kids,
they’re overdoing it again
They say a talkative fox in a place without a tiger is the king
So was this how you played without me?
But you know, as you see, S.J. has returned
Please exit slowly, SuJu is coming
Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R.
Eh eh eh S.J. J.U.N.I.O.R.
Eh eh eh S.J. S.U.P.E.R.
Eh eh eh S.J. Eh eh eh S.J.
(Gulliver, you can’t place me in your small eyes)
Super Giant, like an excalibur S.J. Gulliver
Super Giant, like an excalibur S.J. Gulliver
Super Giant, like an excalibur S.J. Gulliver
Super Giant, like an excalibur S.J. Gulliver
Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu,Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu, Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu,Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu,Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu,Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu,Gulliver Gulliver Gu-Gu
A train is fast, if it’s fast it’s an airplane,
airplanes fly high, if it’s high it’s Gulliver
Gulliver is S.J. Gulliver is S.J.
S.J. in the house,
make way for the new king!!
A train is fast, if it’s fast it’s an airplane,
airplanes fly high, if it’s high it’s Gulliver
Gulliver is S.J. Gulliver is S.J.
S.J. in the house,
make way for the new king!!
A train is fast, if it’s fast it’s an airplane,
airplanes fly high, if it’s high it’s Gulliver
Gulliver is S.J. Gulliver is S.J.
S.J. in the house,
make way for the new king!!
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

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Ušće reke

Oh, ušće reke
Oh, ušće reke
Oh, ušće reke
[Strofa 1]
Želim da živim takav život
Da živim život vernog
Želim da se poklonim do poda
Sa svima ostalima da budem neko
Želim da stvaram ljubav
Ne želim neprijatelje
Oh, to je prokletstvo čoveka
Uvek živi život, živi život, živi samo da udovolji
Oh, ušće reke
I gnev davaoca
Sa rukama grešnika
Oh, ušće reke
Oh, ušće reke
I gnev davaoca
Sa rukama grešnika
Oh, ušće reke
[Strofa 2]
Oh, ja sam alkalan
Uvek se držim bazičnog
Ja preterujem
Ja sam samodestruktivan
I pun sebe
I ja sam anksiozan
Oh, ja sam samouveren
Ja sam nervozan
I hodam tamo-amo, oh, hodam tamo-amo
Oh, ušće reke
I gnev davaoca
Sa rukama grešnika
Oh, ušće reke
Oh, ušće reke
I gnev davaoca
Sa rukama grešnika
Oh, ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
Oh, ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
Oh, ušće reke
I ja propadam
Oh, ja propadam
Ja propadam
Oh, ja propadam
Ja propadam
Oh, ušće reke
I gnev davaoca
Sa rukama grešnika
Oh, ušće reke
Oh, ušće reke
I gnev davaoca
Sa rukama grešnika
Oh, ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
Oh, ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
U-u-u-ušće reke
Oh, ušće reke

Look at me

Versions: #2
You pain me so, seeing you
So sad and so alone.
After flying so high,
How hard it is to fall...
You can't complain about your life:
You've been given everything,
You had a surplus of affection,
And you threw it away.
What surprises destiny gives us,
You left me to find another nest.
Today you return looking for a shelter
That I won't give you...
Look at me, I'm not the same as before,
This smile is for someone I love so much.
Look at me, it's a pleasure to greet you.
Today you live so sad and I am so happy...
You look strange,your eyes lost their shine,
The past hurt the man, I'm sure of it,
You were feeling like a king, the world was so
Today you've shut up and you're low,
who could have say that...
What surprises destiny gives us,
You left me to find another nest
Today you return looking for shelter
That I won't give you...
Look at me, I'm not the same as before,
This smile is for someone I love so
Look at me, it's a pleasure to greet you.
Today you are living so sad and I am so happy...
Today you are living so sad and I am so happy...


Rocks got worn out by sea
I wore out my soul
Without tears, without laughter
Rocks were worn out by the sea
I wore out my love
Without pain, without sin
Don't leave me now
In the bottomless abyss
Stay with me
I still need your light
Don't leave me now
While I'm begging you
Stay with me
So that my soul can find peace
Don't leave me now
Don't leave me now
Without hope ...
Rocks got worn out by sea
I wore out my soul
Without tears, without laughter
Like rocks
The time got worn out
The sea calmed down
And a new day is rising

A Thousand Universes

What I need is more than a new phone.
I always want more to fill me, I'm empty.
I have anger in my eyes and a little amazement, too.
My life is a drop that dives into the sea.
As you're thinking who you are, I don't know what takes me.
I don't know what kills me, in this place here, the people who think wind up losing.
I don't believe anything anymore, I have tried to change.
I lay my doubts on a thread in order to see them fall
And when I play music,
solely when I play music I can tell you
Here's who I am: I'm a point in the void.
Damn, damn the people who don't know they are
alone after they cry alone, damn the people
Damn, damn the people who don't know they are alone
after they cry alone, damn the people, ugh, damn them!
What do you believe we are if we're not small sentences?
What do you believe we are if we're not big schemed illusions with names?
You want a message of hope? Well, change the artist.
You want to hear me say that it will be fine? Well, change the artist.
That's how I am: bipolar with drama:
I'm who spits out questions onto paper
And I pray. Even if I don't believe it after all,
somebody hears and learns of my anxieties. I believe in the war
of unconsciousness in conflict inside an alone soul.
We are a thousand universes inside a sole person.
Take it or leave it, or you understand me, whatever, it's the same.
The whole word knows how to deceive with ocean advertising,
where everyone is the same.
nobody asks for anything but the set.
Now it's over, come back and be nothing.
Damn, damn the people who don't know they are
alone after they cry alone, damn the people
Damn, damn the people who don't know they are alone
after they cry alone, damn the people, ugh, damn them!
Damn, damn the people who don't know they are
alone after they cry alone, damn the people
Damn, damn the people who don't know they are alone
after they cry alone, damn the people, ugh, damn them!
Damn, damn the people who don't know they are
alone after they cry alone, damn the people
Damn, damn the people who don't know they are alone
after they cry alone, damn the people, ugh, damn them!

Looking For You

Addicted to you
A song to me
Tirelessly in my
Marathon stories
About you
And the joy
You bring, in my life
You continually be a star in my thoughts
At day and night
In every minute that passes by
I look for you
I look for you
In my thoughts and dreams
In every turn of destiny
I look for you
Longed for you
Even the whole day
That we be together like in cinema
In our ending
Bring you home
Say goodnight, then kiss
And say goodbye, oh
At day and night
In every minute that passes by
I look for you
I look for you
In my thoughts and dreams
In every turn of destiny
I look for you
'Even if I try to forget you'
'I always find'
'Your voice and song'
'When the rain comes'
'Even the land we shared'
'You seemed have forgotten'
'When your heart suddenly left'
'Together with someone'
At day and night
In every minute that passes by
I look for you
I look for you
In my thoughts and dreams
In every turn of destiny
I look for you
In school, in flag ceremony
Up to home time daily
I look for you
I look for you
And even if you have a child
And get married one day
I will look for you
I will look for you

Where will the stream take the boat

You can never step in to a river and stay at a peaceful spot
When the water's always flowing forward
But everyone can't live as they're changing their paths
You'll stay at home if you never know for sure
Where will the stream take the boat, the road's going there already around the bend
And I look again where will the stream take the boat
And I realize again why I'm not flying
I can not know, what will the day bring with it when the stream carries
I'll get, I'll get completely
I don't know what makes the river go around bends like this
When my place to be is probably home
With a strict man who builds steep walls
And I can forget my dearest dream
Where will the stream take the boat, where will the stream take the boat?
And I look again where will the stream take the boat
And I realize again why I'm not flying
I can not know why am I chasing a dream
The stream will take it with it
The stream will take it with it
Will I leave for a peaceful stream to worship traditions?
So should I marry Kocoum, is it my destiny?
Or is my heart still lying somewhere
Where will the stream take the boat?
You are allowed to use my translations, if you just remember to credit me :)

Universal Snowfalke

Should have just
Should have just been like others
Be quiet like others, mouths shut
Quiet about Teemu Selänne 1
But talking brought the bread and took it from the front of me
I don't dare to screw up here
I am the stickman, who will vlog me to the death?2
I touch the screen, search for gut feeling
Reality is tough, my home is sack fluff
Kali Yuga, I can't hesitate anymore
Summer recreating, my ass doesn't fit into the seat
The spirit of Hegel, taming the drudge
The black snow falls
The mouth is open, I shut it
There wasn't anything own, I was just imagining
Not my own fingerprint, the unique retina
Dodge, we're cutting a lot to a bunch
Cane bundle, skinhead cross flag
I don't see, I don't see
The road to anywhere here
Cut off my head, I can't get away otherwise
My head, my head, full of shit is my head
These eyes, pierce them so that I can't see shit anymore
Morning exercises, a hundred trade union moves
I wake up at six, squeezing to the traffic to hurry
Pasi told me to buy Air Maxes
We had team jumpsuits like it would always be penkkarit 3
I am drooling over my neighbor's cattle and wife
You grow straight, I am attention whoring
A moment will be granted, that 15 sec
So that you will turn yourself in and that you can be cleaned out
Bullying smaller ones is the only common delight
I shout my own facts 120 kg on me
Freedom of speech, bullshit disease
Jackets open, dummies, it's mass season now
My whole life I have stood on my head
If I had chosen correctly, I'd be a specialist doctor
But I just can't sign this
I amn't for or against this, I just want to detach
I don't see, I don't see
The road to anywhere here
Cut off my head, I can't get away otherwise
My head, my head, full of shit is my head
These eyes, pierce them so that I can't see shit anymore
The glass is not half full, it's shattered
The water turns into wine, now it's urine
The words shattered to the sayers' teeth
And all snowflakes are identical
The glass is not half full, it's shattered
The water turns into wine, now it's urine
The words shattered to the sayers' teeth
And all snowflakes are identical
This is the return of the beginning of the end
Long knives and cowardice
Think hard about what you want
-when it comes true afterall
'So I have changed?'
The other mirror to the other one
I am stuck on a bar stool
The Earth rotated to the right
Who has the means to say
'No minimum wages!'
50's stone house
Being mad at mom
Oh, so we are now picky
When shitty jobs aren't good enough for us?
We should be kilometers when we are born
But we just owe our lives
I don't see, I don't see
The road to anywhere here
Cut off my head, I can't get away otherwise
My head, my head, full of shit is my head
These eyes, pierce them-
...And all snowflakes are identical
  • 1. Teemu Selänne
  • 2. Risumies
  • 3. Penkkarit

Making it through winter

While others involve themselves in love,
make unreasonable promises to one another and show off a lot,
for me the distant future is the day after tomorrow.
Petty horizon, for some obscure reason I can't see any farther.
I turn my self off
people who open their hearts to me
It's not like I found that funny, no, I don't
I believe in passion, but, without explanations, I trace my steps back
That's why I'm proud, so proud that we made it through winter.
I never had enough of you, I saw nothing of the cold.
Oh I like it, I like it, I like it, it drives me to despair.
(I'm) proud and lost at the same time.
While others picture themselves as
inventors and precursors on that matter,
I have a certification for mediocrity.
I might as well skip my turn, I had and still have other priorities.
Soon as you take my hand I am a prisonner
If you whisper (sweet words) to me
I stare into space.
I don't give a tuppenny toss about the language of love
because I reject its provisions2,
for instance having a single opinion for both on all things.
That's why I'm proud, so proud that we made it through winter.
I never had enough of you, I saw nothing of the cold.
Oh I like it, I like it, I like it, it drives me to despair.
(I'm) proud and lost at the same time.
While others torment themselves in love,
negociating, arguing and lying to one another,
I break my records on a calendar3
since I'm wandering with my distant future after February
And so I'm proud, so proud that we made it through winter.
I never had enough of you, I saw nothing of the cold.
Oh I like it, I like it, I like it, it drives me to despair.
(I'm) proud and lost at the same time.
  • 1. lit. 'my heart looks into it(self) [to see] whether it drags on/elongates'. Either his heart does an introspection, or it's about the horizon in the previous line. The sentence makes no sense whatsoever to me. Your guess will be as good as mine
  • 2. that's 'clauses', as if the language of love was a contract. That's one lame metaphor
  • 3. a convoluted way of saying this love story lasts longer than ususal
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

On My Wings

I've fought my way back
I can breathe again
Here around my heart
A lonely bird
Suddenly returning home
Can I see myself?
'Cause I stand up
And I brush off the dust
And I'm the bird in your cage
But now I'm, now I'm, now I'm
Back on my wings
You've been like lead
Weighed heavily like a stone
A net around my heart
A lone bird
Can be caught anytime
But I'm freeing myself
'Cause I stand up
And I brush off the dust
And I'm the bird in your cage
But now I'm, now I'm, now I'm
Back on my wings
We've always been like the grains of sand in an hourglass
And I've not known how I would get it turned around
And you've kept my trapped in a cage of eternity
And I've not known how I would find my way back out
'Cause I stand up
And I brush off the dust
And I'm the bird in your cage
But now I'm, now I'm, now I'm
Back on my wings
'Cause I stand up
And I brush off the dust
I was trapped in your cage
But now I'm, now I'm
Back on my wings
Back on my wings
Back on my wings
Back on my wings
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Live your life

Let me speak to you a bit
I know that you will listen to me
I've been born more than a thousand times
And do not wish to die anymore
I've escaped many wars
I'm tired of crying
And now that I've returned
I want to live more
Some are born with everything
For others, there is almost nothing
The destiny's the same
We're born, we live
Beginning and end (buddy)
Buddy, you have to live your life
Because times flies without stopping
Enjoy everything now
That from this one to the other, nothing you will take (buddy)
There are friends that are loyal
Some come and others go
This life is a game
It is a wheel that never stops (buddy)
Lift up your head, and don't be afraid
For whoever criticizes you, does not look in the mirror
Search for happiness and be quite strong
Don't look behind
Buddy, live this life
Buddy, stop thinking
And do your will
Buddy, live
Live until the end
Buddy, you have to live your life
Because times flies without stopping
Enjoy everything now
That from this one to the other, nothing you will take (buddy)


Today, nothing can stop us
This is our night (Show me)
If you can please me
And you are as sexy as they say, then show me
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
They’ve told me a lot of things about her
And I want to see all these things
If she really moves in the bed like everyone says
I want to have her
I wanted to have her before I even saw her
That devil still isn’t mine
And I already feel like I don’t want to lose her
I want to be a part of her horniness
I have a thousand ways to make you come
Everything’s easy with me, ask for what you want
With you, everything is considered, baby, I don’t fail
Is someone disagrees, calmly, I’ll shut it down myself
And to go in search of all of this, I moved from PR
And I stayed in Medallo because...
We haven’t done it yet and I already want it again
Curiosity kills and with you I’m dying
I know that you’ve already been told the same thing about me but until we do it...
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
You’ve got me thinking about all of the things I want to do to you
And I’m here imagining things that you wouldn’t believe
And if you give me the opportunity, I’ll be your best necessity
And it depends on what you give me
I’ve been told that you have initiative
It’s a sin how good you look
Do things to me that make me write to you again tomorrow
If you see me, it’s true that you have initiative
It’s a sin how good you look
Do things to me that make me write to you again tomorrow
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
Andy Rivera
What’s up Andy
From PR to Medallo you heard the ones that never fail
The rude boys...

Cvet sveta

Oni dolaze da vide gorucu vatru u tvom srcu
oni hoce da budu svedoci ovoj ljubavi od pocetka
Oni te cuju kada places
ova ljubav je daleka i siroka
kada se smesis , zvezde se poklope
Cvet sveta
i moje dete
Kada spavas, nezno andjeli dodju
kao dijamanti, kao moja ljubav
oni zele da znaju da je to istina
ima neko na svetu drag kao ti
Oni te cuju kada places
ova ljubav je daleka i siroka
kada se smesis, zvezde se poklope
Cvet sveta
i moje dete

Before the end of the river

He wants me to stay calm, like the river
But those aren't calm at all
How does it come that I pass the same drop of water every time?
Water is always in movement
But people usually do not know how it all works here
They care only for their own survival
The end is already there?
The end of the river is where?
I watch and learn
Before the end of the river
And along the beach, seagulls are there free
I don't know why I dream of such things
And the end of the river: Nearby
Is it nearby?
Maybe I'll find the luck behind the tree or at the waterfall
Or should I just keep looking better?
Maybe the luck is with my future husband
But isn't that just another one's plan?
Before the end of the river
Before the end of the river
I am looking for the luck
Before the end of the river
And on the beach, somewhere in the sand
Don't know which for
What does my dream do here?
Before the end of the river
Before the end of the river
I choose the quiet side?
Quiet, calm and gallant
And then I marry Kocoum?
Is the end of the river already here?
Oh, Wait for me, let my dream come true
Before the end of the river

Tomorrow will arrive

I know you would die without the internet
But for me, I prefer ether
But you, you have to go out a little, de-you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little
And breathe a moment
It is true that life is not easy, but there is nothing simpler
I go and you say you're not wrong when you say wi-fi
Since you're not wrong attached to 'I'm wi-fi
You knew that I was waiting for you
Ask me what I did while you were not there
If you can not be perfect
What is love if there is no respect
I know you would die without the internet
But for me, I prefer the ether, the blue sky
But you, you have to go out a little, de-you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little
And breathe a moment
Everything sounds stronger than before
And I will watch the moon shining in the city
Today I want to lose myself
Like light in the trees
Eyes closed and alive in half
Tomorrow will arrive
I know you would die without the internet
You stay awake, it's like watching a movie
When you already know how it will end, how it will end, how it will end
And your life slips
I know it's not easy to resist
My fault or yours but it ends here
And there's no more what you wanted, what you owe me
Without making cries
What you break, you take it
If you want to save yourself, try now
With your words I will write a verse
And do not tell me you regret it
No, no, no, no
I know you would die without the internet
But for me, I prefer ether
But you, you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little
And breathe a moment
Everything sounds stronger than before
And I will watch the moon shining in the city
Today I want to lose myself
As a point between the corners
The eyes, his smile in half
Tomorrow will arrive
Tomorrow will arrive
Tomorrow will arrive
Tomorrow will arrive
Everything sounds stronger than before
And I will watch the moon shining in the city
Today I want to lose myself
Like light in the trees
Eyes closed and alive in half
Tomorrow will arrive
My modern art
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Ovom rijekom

Ovdje smo
zaglavili sa tom rijekom
pod nebom koje opet i opet pada ole dole dole
opet pada dole
Kroz ovaj dan
kao na jednom oceanu
cekajuci ovde
nikad ne uspem zapamtiti zasto smo dosli dosli dosli
pitam se zasto smo dosli
govoris mi
kao iz daljine
i ja odgovaram
sa utiskom izabranim iz nekog drugog vremena vremena vremena
iz drugog vremena.


It is night again.
A huge navy blue emptiness
Not even starry tonight in the sky
What's the time, again? ?
Believe me, I don't care
It's been a while I've no rest
The lovers I'd hoped come back
They stayed over and gone from the hearts
All the tears I thought would never drop
Flowed silently silently silently inside me
I missed falling asleep thinking thinking thinking thinking 'someone'
I thought love was your eyebrows your eyes your lips your words
If you ask me to come back, I can't love nor say I love you
This love tired me
One comes one goes..you thought it's my end?
You've got me.


Day of wrath and doom impending
David's word with Sibyl's blending
Heaven and earth in ashes ending
Oh, what fear...

Hladna crvena rijeka

Preporođeni dani
Bore se preklopljenih ruku
Bol ostavljen ispod
Beživotni opet žive
Teci, teci, teci
Hladna crvena rijeko
Teci, teci, teci
Hladna crvena rijeko
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
Ovaj život me je ostavio hladnog i prokletog
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
Ova ljubav me je odvela do kraja
Ostani reformisan
Obriši ovaj savršeni svijet
Mržnja ostavljena ispod
Mračni ratni pas lutalica
Teci, teci, teci
Hladna crvena rijeko
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
Ovaj život me je ostavio hladnog i prokletog
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
Ova ljubav me je odvela do kraja
Teci, teci, teci
Hladna crvena rijeko
Pokušaj da pronađeš razlog za život
Pokušaj da pronađeš razlog za život
Pokušaj da pronađeš razlog za život
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
(Pokušaj da pronađeš razlog za život)
Ovaj život me je ostavio hladnog i prokletog
(Pokušaj da pronađeš razlog za život)
Ne mogu da osjetim u potpunosti ništa
Ova ljubav me je odvela do kraja
Teci, teci, teci
Hladna crvena rijeko

We are the Crystal Gems

We... We are gems!
We always save the day!
You think we won't,
But we, of course, will!
And people believe in us, fear is against us.
Garnet and Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven!

Hei tu ceata!

Hey tu ceata, tu ceata groasa
De ce dintr-odata brusc infuriata esti ?
Tu vatre sud calatoresti ,
Trimite salutari pentru iubirea mea
Iubirea mea, al tau prieten ,,,


Gelidi occhi mi fissano da dietro, come un bianco trifoglio
Continuo a nascondermi
Mi stai sopraffando
Freddi cuori con niente altro dentro, mi sento morto
Non c'é più nulla da dire
Ho il cuore spezzato
Non dirmi che il mio amore non è abbastanza
Non dirmi che il mio cuore non è abbastanza per stare con te
Non vedi che sto morendo dentro?
Non vedi che sto impazzendo a causa tua? Addio, sto tremando
Occhi pieni di lacrimi mi fissano
In questo modo é ancora più dura
Tristi ricordi dal passato, perchè ho sofferto?
Troppo stanco per tirare avanti, ho perso il mio scopo
Continuo a nascondermi da me stesso
Mi sento così inutile
Non dire adesso che non puoi vivere senza di me
Non dirmelo perchè non hai nemmeno provato a stare con me
Non vedi che dentro soffro immensamente?
Non sai quante volte ho pianto a causa tua, addio
Sto tremando
Non dirmi che il mio amore non è abbastanza
Non dirmi che il mio cuore non è abbastanza per stare con te
Non vedi che sto morendo dentro?
Non vedi che sto impazzendo a causa tua? Addio, sto tremando

A veces, quiero gritar tu nombre

Sufro por cada rastro
Por los castigos y las fantasías
Sufro por el aroma
Tuyo y de las paredes
Sufro por debilidad
Por la soledad y la desesperanza
Sufro por el aroma
Tuyo y de las paredes
A veces, quiero gritar tu nombre
Ven, toma mi alma, toma todo lo que tengo
A veces, quiero gritar tu nombre
Esta noche, te daré todo
Sufro por la estafa
Del dar y el recibir
Sufro por el aroma
Tuyo y de las paredes
A veces, quiero gritar tu nombre
Ven, toma mi alma, toma todo lo que tengo
A veces, quiero gritar tu nombre
Esta noche, te daré todo

To Live Is To Have You For Me

Every time the sun hides the afternoon
And the moon gives the blue of the sky
You come like this, honey
Without warning me
You touch my heart
And rekindle in me
All the emotion of loving
That a great love makes us live
I simply feel at this moment
That I want you so much and I need you
And when i think about having you here
Cries my heart
Because you didn't want to come back to me
Love is just like that
It does not always brings happiness
When it hurts, it hurts for real
And we lose the illusion
But when it comes it causes so much good
It sets the dreams and passion free
Why don't you come?
Come back, my love, let me be happy
Forever with you
To live is to have you for me
Why don't you bring the sun?
And make dawn come again
And light the blue in the sky
For us to never have to say goodbye again
Every time the sun hides the afternoon
Why don't you come to me?
I can only love you
Make someone happy this way
Bring yourself to me, my love.

Addicted to you

Addicted to you, a song for me
Reckon you're tired of my marathon-like stories
About you and and the happiness you bring
In my life, makes you the protagonist in my mind
In the morning, the evening, every minute that passes
I am looking for you
I am looking for you
Sa isip at paniginip, bawat pagpihit ng tadhana
In my mind and dreams, every turn of fate
I am looking for you
I am looking for you
Wishful of you, even though all day we were together
Like a soap opera
And our ending, escort you home
Then say good night, then there's a kiss, then say bye-bye
(Ad Lib:)
(Though I try to forget you,
I always find
Your voice and music
Every time it rains
Even the land we grew up in
Seemed already forgotten
The heart suddenly left
And is with someone else)
At school, during flag ceremony
Until going home every day
I'm looking for you
And even if you bear children and end up with him someday
I will still look for you
I will still look for you

Život je poput reke

Dok godine prolaze,
Vidiš svet na drugačiji način,
Tišina postaje tvoj prijatelj.
Nemoj se plašiti starenja
Život je još pun radosti,
I lepoti prošlosti
raduje se tvoj um.
Kada dani postanu kratki,
I zima stigne,
Tvoj život postaje sve sporiji i sporiji.
Život je kao reka kad se širi,
Reči su izgubile svoji silinu,
Sećaš se svog jutra,
Ulij se u beskrajno more.
Život je poput reke izjutra,
Život je poput beskrajnog mora,
Život je poput reke izjutra,
Život je poput beskrajnog mora.