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Let this night be mine

Don't want you to leave,
T'is such a very cold night
Protect me with the warmth of your arms,
Till the day comes back again.
Your pillow can't wait anymore
Let it caress your face
Maybe it'll persuade you 1,
Maybe it won't.
Tomorrow very early in the morning
You'll talk to me,
And if you're still bent
On leaving this nest
Then it'll be in vain
Trying to hold you.
But let this night be mine,
Don't let me die tonight2
Tomorrow very early in the morning
You'll talk to me,
And if you're still bent
To leave this nest
Then it'll be in vain
Trying to hold you.
But let this night be mine,
Don't let me die tonight2
  • 1. Lit. Maybe it gives you some advice
  • Lit. Postpone my death

It's gone

Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised if I go away
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised
Don't act surprised
If you're always suffering and crying
In the bathroom it's because you choose to
It's not my fault, I wasn't trying to harm you
You fell in love when I least expected love
Because I don't want to relive the past
I won't share my heart
It was crushed and hasn't recovered
I don't share it but when I do, it's without reserves
And I always end up giving too much
There wasn't a connection, so it's better to stay as we started
This situation, I'm truly sorry it got out of hand
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised
Now we're trending because of our breakup
People don't understand that this never worked
Accusing me through social media as if it was my mistake, mistake
I keep it together, it's better for me
Love leaves, leaves, it's gone
Forget about TBT's1
I already ditched you and I don't want to see you, don't want to see you
Don't be looking for me, looking for me
Don't say you love me, you love me
Our relationship can not be, can not be
Find yourself someone who makes you feel what I couldn't
Just don't be looking for me, looking for me
Don't say you love me, you love me
Forget that time I kissed you, I was confused2
And if I said 'I love you'
I promise it won't do it again
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised if I go away
Don't know why you waste your time on me, babe
I've been telling you for some time, the love is gone
It died, that relationship of ours didn't work out
It's not my fault if you had hopes
Since the beginning I made it clear, don't act surprised
Oh oh, Ovy On The Drums, On The Drums, On The Drums
Adso Alejandro
Say it Mosty, Mosty.
  • 1. ThrowBack Thursdays
  • 2. enredo lit. entanglement

And I Already Loved You

God was overworking, he wouldn't rest
He was creating The First Day
The Nothingness was about to be born,
Neither dawn nor night existed.
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you.
The river was without water,
The sea, without the water and shores
The sun was barely warming
The birds didn't even know how to fly
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you.
And I already loved you,
I dreamed of you,
I knew you,
I searched for you,
I adored you,
And for your love, I was dying already.
And I was already calling out for you
With words that didn't exist,
I searched for you, I adored you
And was feeling you in my soul.
And I already loved you,
I already loved you,
I loved you.
The rules of love weren't there,
No kiss in a mouth would burn,
Barely the song of the waters,
The music and the rhythm were sleeping.
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
I dreamed of you,
I knew you,
I searched for you,
I adored you,
And for your love, I was dying already.
And I was already calling out for you
With words that didn't exist,
I searched for you, I adored you
And was feeling you in my soul.
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you,
And I already loved you.


What does your look say?
What strange thing do your eyes have?
When I look at your photos
A rare obsession stops me
My God, you who are the creator
Of all the most beautiful things
In the world
Why don't you listen to my requests?
You made doctors for all ills
But why didn't you create one
Who can heal a love sickness?
I would like the earth to spin backwards
To make me small and be born again
And not have to miss you again
Nor to look at you in your photographs
Nor to carry you melted in my chest
Like if you were part of me
Barranquilla, city of singers
Of vallenatos1and accordions
She adorns your streets, tell her
That I wish her to be happy
That it's the last song that I compose
That I don't think I'll fall in love again
But tell me, how did you manage, black one
To forget about me?
People criticize me
Because now I'm no longer a party animal
For your departure, black one
I feel colder, I die in silence
Take good care of my children
Because you know that I love them
Lord, give me strength
To continue with this song
I remember your birthday the October month
I swear that I try and I've been not able to
Look for the remedy to forget it
I would like the earth to spin backwards
To make me small and be born again
And not have to miss you again
Nor to look at you in your photographs
Nor to carry you melted in my chest
Like if you were part of me
Barranquilla, city of singers
Of vallenatos and accordions
She adorns your streets, tell her
That I wish her to be happy
That it's the last song that I compose
That I don't think I'll fall in love again
But tell me, how did you manage, black one
To forget about me?
  • 1. musical genre and dance

Sve tvoje

Vetar ti carlija kosom
te lepe oci me ubijaju
Bas mi se svidja tvoj miris
i boja tvoje koze
i kako delujes na mene
Svidjaju mi se tvoja usta
tvoje usne
i kako me ljubis s njima
S tobom se zelim probuditi
Uraditi to posle pusenja
vise nemam sta traziti
izvan ovog gde jesam
kombinujes se s morem
taj bikini ti je sjajan
Ne postoji gravitacija koja me moze podici
cinis me tako losim
Ubrazala si moje otkucaje ( srca )
jer mi se sve tvoje svidja
svaki deo , koji izabrem
jer mi se svidja tvoje sve
jer mi se svidja tvoje sve
jer mi se svidja tvoje sve
Peta Avenija , ona ne ide u mall
ali znas da sam za tebe uvek u pripravnosti
Raptor ( Ford ) cu staviti na 4x4 ( pogon na sva 4 tocka )
Jogger ( vrsta trenerke ) large i majica small
kao dijeta Keto
zbog tebe se kontrolisem i ostajem smiren
iako te zelim ... ...
ta guza me je zablasavila
mikro doza , rola , oxy ( vrsta lsd-ija )
ljubljenje tih usana glossy ( sjajnih , blistavih )
vec sam joj dao sa svih pozicija
sampon od kokosa i njen Channel Wallet
za njom sa otkinuo od glave do pete ....

Nije isto

Toliko si ljudi, reci mi
Sa kime trenutno pričam
Zar ne vidite da niste isti?
Jesi li od onih 'ostani sa mnom,
Obećavam da ću ti dati oluje, loše trenutke...?'
Ja ti obećavam, ako me slušaš devojko, daću ti umetnost
Što nije isto što i
Ostani i videćemo
Ostani i videćemo
(Ostani i videćemo)
Nije isto jesam i biti
Nije isto biti i ostati, ma kakvi
Niti je ostati isto što i stati
Nije isto
Biće da niti jesmo, niti hoćemo,
Niti mislimo da ostanemo
Ali različito je nagoditi se i boriti se
Nije isto... drukčije je
Nije isto umetnost i prezasićenje,
Nije isto biti fer što i kako ti dobro ide... videćeš
Nije isto ti i neka druga, shvati
Nije isto
Znaj da postoje ljudi koji pokušavaju da nas zbune
Ali imamo srce koje nije isto
Osećamo... drukčije je
Važi, možda i zaslužujem
Dobro, ali svoj glas ti ne prodajem
Vrata, i sve ono što misle o nama
Čitaj mi sa usama, ja nisam na prodaju
Važi, možda to i zaslužujemo
Dobro, ali glas ne prodajemo
Vrata, i sve ono što misle o nama
Čitaj mi sa usana, briga me
Vrata, vazduha, gušim se
Ne radi se o tome na kojoj strani želiš biti
Jer biti na jednoj strani i držati se po strani...videćeš
Ne znam kako da ti kažem, nije isto
Živeti je najopasnije što ima život
Govore na televiziji
Da je jedno srce na slobodi
Da nije isto
Da je opasno... da je drukčije
NIje isto dosta ili dovoljno
Niti je isto govoriti, dati mišljenje, nametati ili naređivati
Crne liste, bele ruke... videćeš
Nije isto
Ne pobeđuje onaj ko najviše želi...
Ne znam da li sam dovoljno jasan?
Danas niko ne želi da bude isti
Šta te briga,
Nije to kao neki 'izam'... to je instinkt
Važi, možda i zaslužujem
Dobro, ali svoj glas ti ne prodajem
Vrata, i sve ono što misle o nama
Čitaj mi sa usama, ja nisam na prodaju
Imam pomadu za sve bolove
Lekove za sve vrste grešaka
Takođe recepte za razočarenje

Pokloni mi stolicu gde te čekao

Upoznala nas je tvoja drugarica
Ona što kaže da predviđa budućnost što dolazi
(Ne znam šta još da ti kažem)
Sedeći u prolazu na obali
Sećaš li me se?
Pokloni mi stolicu
Umornu sa ugla gde sam te čekao
Gde sam te uvek iščekivao, ljubavi
Ja mogu da ti poklonim koji osmeh
I napišem pesmu
I istačkanu maramu
Poklanjam ti vreme da je staviš
I obećanje, devojko
Ako te sretnem jednog dana
Obećavam da ću ti dati odjednom
Sve one poljupce koje si zaslužila
Mostom nade
Tražio sam mali kutak za smeh
Misleći da je vredelo voleti te
Proveli smo trenutke tako srećne
I videli smo mestašca za zaljubljivanje
Ulica misli
Vodi me do one obale
Ne znam da li se sećaš
Pokloni mi stolicu koja ima umetnost
Prolazim kraj tvojih vrata skoro svakog dana
Prolazim a ti odluči kada ćeš se pojaviti
(Kada ćeš se pojaviti)
Čak su se vratile i rime
Slike koje se igraju, zakačene ne znam za šta
Sigurno je bio april
Vfratile su se sve, sve osim jedne
Koja me je zaboravila
Marama je da te isplačem
A nema leka za onog ko komponuje
Ako te nekad sretnem u svom kukavičluku
Planiram da ti dam odjednom
Sve one poljupce koje si zaslužila
Mostom nade
Tražio sam mali kutak za smeh
Misleći da je vredelo voleti te
Proveli smo trenutke tako srećne
I videli smo mestašca za zaljubljivanje
Ulica misli
Vodi me do one obale
Ne znam da li se sećaš
Pokloni mi stolicu koja ima umetnost
Prolazim kraj tvojih vrata skoro svakog dana
Prolazim a ti odluči kada ćeš se pojaviti
Mostom nade
Tražio sam mali kutak za smeh
Misleći da je vredelo voleti te
Proveli smo trenutke tako srećne
I videli smo mestašca za zaljubljivanje
Ulica misli
Vodi me do one obale
Ne znam da li se sećaš
Pokloni mi stolicu koja ima umetnost
Prolazim kraj tvojih vrata skoro svakog dana
Prolazim a ti odluči kada ćeš se pojaviti
A ti se još uvek ne pojavljuješ
Misleći da je vredelo voleti te
Proveli smo trenutke tako srećne
I videli smo mestašca za zaljubljivanje
(I videli smo mestašca za zaljubljivanje)
Ulica misli
Vodi me do one obale
Ne znam da li se sećaš
Pokloni mi stolicu koja ima umetnost
Prolazim kraj tvojih vrata skoro svakog dana
Prolazim a ti odluči kada ćeš se pojaviti

Uvek je noć

Pričaj mi kako pada noć
Dok pričaš misliću
Kako si lepa, kakva je sreća biti
Polovina jedne popodnevne priče
Koji posmatram dok te slušam
Jer su moje oči tvoj glas
Približi se, i kad budemo koža do kože
Moje ruke će te crtati
Tvoj miri će mi reći tvoje godište
Kraj tebe, spojeni ne znajući zašto
Sigurno mi se primećuje
Sjaj iluzije
Jer kraj tebe mogu da zaboravim...
Da je za mene uvek noć
Ali ova noć je kao zalazak sunca
Ako uspeš da mi se život prikaže
Tvoje oči će biti one što sijaju
A Mesec neka izbrišu
U mojoj večnoj tami
Nebo ima ime, tvoje ime
Šta ne bih dao pogledam
Makar bilo samo na tren
Hladno je, kasno je i moraš da se vratiš
Neko te čeka, sigurno
Još jednom nam je vreme odletelo
Vratićeš se? Reci da ćeš se sutra vratiti
Kao što jesi svakog popodneva
Da mi ispričaš kako umire dan
I otišla je... Ona se udaljila od njega
Ali, kao u pismima... dve tačke
Post skriptum, zaboravio sam, nisam se predstavio
Samo sam bio slučajni svedok
Sve dok me odjednom nije zapitao
'Bila je lepa, zar ne?'
'Više od meseca' rekao sam, i nasmešio se
Nikad više neće prekoravati sebe
Što pokušava da osvane
Neće se gubiti u noći
Jer njegova duša danas sija većom jačinom
Nego milion sunca
Ali, u njegovoj večnoj tami
Ponekad se čuje na sav glas
Šta ne bih dao pogledam
Makar bilo samo na tren
Što pokušava da osvane
Neće se gubiti u noći
Jer njegova duša danas sija većom jačinom
Nego milion sunca
Ali, u njegovoj večnoj tami
Ponekad se čuje na sav glas
Šta ne bih dao pogledam
Makar bilo samo na tren
Šta ne bih dao pogledam
Makar bilo samo na tren

Hollywood Stars

Everyone has left the function
I stayed in the blue theater
For the love of a fictional light
Forever stargazing, Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
From so much seeing them in black and white
My skin begins to lose color
And I transform into an super hero
My shadow breathes on them
Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world

From The Heart

Latino Gang, Gang
Ra’ Rauw
I know you're doing well
I truly know you're doing fucking well
But I don't want to accept this at 1001
In Instagram you look hapoy
And your sky is not gray anymore
Babe, tell me with who
are you passing the hours
Tell me, who devours you?
My heart2hurts
And from the heart
I miss the taste of your mouth, yeah, yeah
I miss the taste of your mouth, eeeh
I miss the taste of your mouth...
Ra’ Rauw
I miss your smeel in the house, ye...
And your good coffee in my cup
I miss the breeze
When you would open the windows,
But now I don't have no one to open them
I don't have my sun anymore
Not even if I go to the beach
And even if it's at one hundred degrees,
It's always raining in the terrace
What I do is to look for you
Babe everywhere
Trying to fill what you took with you
And now, who saves me?
Tell me, who takes away from me the gray days?
Thereś not an angel landing from the sky
You wanted to fix it, but I never wanted, baby
J Balvin, man
Let go! Let go!
I know you're doing well
I truly know you're doing fucking well
But I don't want to accept this at 100
Over there you look hapoy
And your sky is not gray anymore
Babe, tell me with who
are you passing the hours
Tell me, who devours you?
My heart hurts
And from the heart
I miss the taste of your mouth
I miss savoring you
I call your body Picasso,
'Cause you're art
I'm forced to think about you
When mom3feels like mentioning you
I live in a novel4
Titi and Catalina,
But I drown my sorrows,
Behind the curtain
Now in the mornings
I don't see you in the kitchen
And at coffee time I have
to call the neighbor
Babe you're not Juliana,
But you indeed were bad
You left me empty
And took away my wings
Now, what I do without you?
Oh, oh, oh, oh…
The same you do without me...
Oh, oh, oh, oh…
Let go!
I know you're doing well
I truly know you're doing fucking well
But I don't want to accept this at 100
In Instagram you look hapoy
And your sky is not gray anymore
Babe, tell me with who
are you passing the hours
Tell me, who devours you?
My heart hurts
And from the heart
I miss the taste of your mouth, yeah, yeah
I miss the taste of your mouth, eeeh
I miss the taste of your mouth...
Ra’ Rauw
Rauw, hey
J Balvin, men
Rauw Alejandro
Latino Gang, Gang
J Balvin
We are the Familia
Mo’ Mo’ Mosty
Say it to me Colla
J Balvin, men
Rauw Alejandro
Latino Gang Gang
Duars Entertainment
With the Sensei5
Oh yeah…
  • 1. %
  • 2. 'cora' is the apocope of 'corazón'
  • 3. ?
  • 4. soap opera
  • 5. plural

Little water of balance

Ready for the adventure
With your velcro sneakers
You fall down, you clean yourself up and you get up
You get scared and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again.
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take care of her
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take her away
Daughter of the highway
Wearing 4-wheel skates
The blows hug you in their own way
You stumble and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Let go, let go, let go, let go.
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Until I'm worn out from walking
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
If I die it will be from a somersault


(Moj Bože, kakva pri-vla-čno-st, yeah-yeah)
Imam pri-vla-čno-st, yeah-yeah
Ne znam šta se desilo
Mojim usnama se dopalo kada sam ti ukrao poljubac
Bila je samo igra koja se otela kontroli, pravila su prekršena
Sada iz mog uma tvoje ime ne izlazi
Ako želiš ponoviti, znam gde
Slatkice, doći ću iako bude daleko
Očajan sam kad te ne vidim
Moj Bože, kakva pri-vla-čno-st, yeah-yeah
Imam pri-vla-čno-st, yeah-yeah
Sa tobom pri-vla-čno-st yeah-yeah
Imam pri-vla-čno-st, yeah-yeah
[Verso 1]
Od prvog trenutka kad sam te video
Bez razmišljanja krenuo sam ka tebi
Maštajući sam te skinuo
Zdravo, kako si, šta ima?
Mnogo dobro ti stoji ta boja karmina
Očajan sam za njenim bokovima dok hoda
Zaljubljen sam u nju
Sada iz mog uma tvoje ime ne izlazi
Ako želiš ponoviti, znam gde
Slatkice, doći ću iako bude daleko
Očajan sam kad te ne vidim
Moj Bože, kakva pri-vla-čno-st, yeah-yeah
Imam pri-vla-čno-st, yeah-yeah
Sa tobom pri-vla-čno-st yeah-yeah
Imam pri-vla-čno-st, yeah-yeah
[Verso 2]
Ugasi svetlo, reci mi šta čekaš
Sada ću okusiti tvoju kožu u mraku
Telefon na režim rada u avionu, ništa se ne čuje
Do sutra ostaješ u mom krevetu
Slatkice, reci mi voliš li agresivno
Ili da se polako, nežno spustim do tvog pupka
Dobro razmisli želiš li da ti ostanem samo drug
Sada iz mog uma tvoje ime ne izlazi
Ako želiš ponoviti, znam gde
Slatkice, doći ću iako bude daleko
Očajan sam kad te ne vidim
Moj Bože, kakva pri-vla-čno-st, yeah-yeah
Imam pri-vla-čno-st, yeah-yeah
Sa tobom pri-vla-čno-st yeah-yeah
Imam pri-vla-čno-st, yeah-yeah
Oh-oh, yeah
Ra-Rauw, ey
Rauw Alejandro
Reci mi, Eydren
Mr. NaisGai, yeah
Reci mi, Colla, eh
Duars Entertainment con Los Sensei


(Intro: Anuel AA)
Real till death, ¿you heard, baby?
We transform the hotel in a cathouse
24 hours are not enough for what I want
Baby, if you were Death I would die
The night screams sex
Inside those lips, baby, make me prisoner
I open those two legs and I pass through you
Baby, I would like
Eat you all day long
What I´d do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
It´s not fighting but resisting when I put it inside you
Fixed boobs, fear we leave it in the drawer
The abdomen is like an athlete's
I swear that ass is from another planet
Has the mahon tighter than a coso*
Vin diesel, I stick it fast and furious
They say bad things about me, they say I´m a mob
It´s cause I got combo, you know, they´re jealous
You´re a drug when you move that booty
It has me amazed like a junkie in the shootins
She twerks by herself all the Luny´s classics
I bought her an Uru so she can go to the uni
She has a boyfriend, ¿what happened?
She left him, but something happened
You go with the fruit, change the route
When he call you, tell him 'fuck you, motherfucker'
Real till death, brr
Baby, I would like
Eat you all day long
What I´d do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
She did nothing wrong but wants me to punish her
Moans like an anime doll
Like a serie pegas, looking she follows me
And me, crazy watching her bite cushions
Baby, you kill me, you go too far
With that foto, maid, you´re on point
I wait for you at home, I´ll give you what you like
When I see you again, I´ll tie you to the bed
Mi tongue to your skin, I like having you face down
You cannot lie to me, I know you love me
You owe me something and you know it
Let´s don´t let this night to end
No one knows
Baby, I would like
Eat you all day long
What I´d do to you
If the clock would gave us more time
Baby, you´re mine, what I would do to you
If the clock would gave us more time

Tattoo (Remix)

[Intro: Rauw Alejandro]
This is the remix
And I brought Camilo
[Chorus: Camilo & Rauw Alejandro]
You are to eat you whole, whole, that's how you are
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there (Ra-Rauw), yeih
[Verse 1: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo, Both]
I don't even know what to do
(I don't know) when I'm close to you (wuh)
Your brown eyes took over me (yih-ih)
I'm dying for one of those kisses that aren't from friends, hey
(Of those that aren't from friends)
I realized that I live for that smile
[Verse 2: Camilo]
I want to know you like nobody knows you
Tell me you want me to put it on speakers
To show you that I am yours
I tattoo your name on my ribs, yeah-eh-eh
What do you have? I don't know
That kills me and I don't know why
Show me that secret little tattoo that is invisible
Because you, you, with that tattoo
You are to eat you whole, whole, baby, aha (whole)
[Chorus: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo]
You are to eat you whole, whole
That's how you are (that's how you are)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there, woh-oh-oh (yeah-eh)
You (you, you, you, you) are to eat you whole, whole
That's how you are (that's how you are, baby)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo (that tattoo)
Oh, you make the note never go down (no, no)
Nothing is needed if you are there
(Nothing is needed, baby)
[Verse 3: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo, Both]
It says, hey (na-na-na-na)
It's that I don't want anyone else (uh-uh)
That it's not you in my bed (ah!)
Baby, when you wake up
Pick me up before you go (hey)
Your mouth is only what I eat for breakfast (muac)
I always take advantage of the opportune moment (yoh)
There is none like me
Let me be your number one (yah!)
[Chorus: Camilo & Rauw Alejandro]
You are to eat you whole, whole, that's how you are (uh-uh)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there
(Nothing is needed, nothing if you are there, baby), yeh
You are to eat you whole, whole
That's how you are (oh, yeah)
You look so rich, that little face and that tattoo
Oh, you make the note never go down
Nothing is needed if you are there
(Nothing is needed, baby)
[Outro: Rauw Alejandro & Camilo]
Ra-Rauw Alejandro
This is the remix
For the bad and good girls, hehe
Hey, nothing is needed
Nothing, if you are there, baby

Kako mi nedostaješ

Postoji dečak koji živi u meni
I bori se da te ima
I proživljava trenutke
Sada već daleke, i čini da mislim
Dok mešam stvarnosti
Primorava me da slušam
Tvoj glas kako govori iz daleka
'Kako mi nedostaješ'
Ne mogu više
Zašto se udaljavaš
Ono što ti je teško da shvatiš
Da iako si deo prošlosti
Ne vredi mi da utoneš glavom u moj džemper
Ono što ti je teško da shvatiš
Da iako si deo prošlosti
Jer i ja sam patio
U ovom vremenu kad se nismo viđali
Kako si mi nedostajala!
Gubim svakog trena malo više
Borim se da te imam do kraja
Još uvek slušam iz daljine
'Kako mi nedostaješ'
Koja je to sila
Što nas još uvek spaja?
Ono što ti je teško da shvatiš
Da iako si deo prošlosti
Ne vredi mi da utoneš glavom u moj džemper
Ono što ti je teško da shvatiš
Da iako si deo prošlosti
Jer i ja sam patio
U ovom vremenu kad se nismo viđali
Kako si mi nedostajala!
Ljubiš me, tonem i znam
Da niko na ovom svetu ne bi razumeo
Zašto želimo da se vidimo
Ljubiš me, tonem i znam
Da niko na ovom svetu ne bi razumeo
Zašto želimo da se vidimo

Kako mi nedostaješ (MTV unplugged verzija)

Postoji dečak koji živi u meni
I igra se da te ne voli
Ali toliku buku pravi ovaj zaborav
Da nisam mogao da te čujem
I setim se da više nisi tu
Kada naiđu talasi na moru
Takođe i kada ne
Kada se osećam spokojno
Kad mi nedostaješ
Danas se može desiti
Danas je jedan od tih trenutaka
I kada dođe april mesec
I kada želim da odem u pustinju
Na kraju uvek napravim novi pokušaj
Da saznam nešto o tebi
Kada odlučim da se popravim
Kad kažem sebi ovo nije život
I u ovom svetu ne pronalazim olakšanje
Pojavljuješ se u daljini
Ne znaš koliko si mi nedostajala
Ljubiš me, tonem i znam
Da niko na ovom svetu ne bi razumeo
Ni tvoju vatru ni moju žeđ
I kada naiđu talasi na moru
Kada je mir i oluja
Takođe i kada ne
Kada se osećam spokojno
Kada mi nedostaješ
Danas se može desiti
Danas je jedan od tih trenutaka
I kada dođe april mesec
I kada želim da odem u pustinju
Na kraju uvek napravim novi pokušaj
Da saznam nešto o tebi
Kada odlučim da se popravim
Kad kažem sebi ovo nije život
I u ovom svetu ne pronalazim olakšanje
Pojavljuješ se u daljini
Ne znaš koliko si mi nedostajala
Ti me ljubiš, tonem i znam
Da niko na ovom svetu ne bi razumeo
Ni tvoju vatru ni moju žeđ
TI me ljubiš, ja tonem i znam
Da niko na ovom svetu ne bi ugasio
Ovu vatru i ovu žeđ
Ni tvoju vatri ni moju žeđ
Zašto želimo da se pomirimo


The most beautiful, those eyes and their lips
you look in the mirror, full of complexes
and he wonders if he's going to like someone today
the small face is painted the smile
And it was then that he drowned in his mouth
had a good time with pure problems
Oh, I couldn't say what happened there
and it was so that the heart was lost ..
Miss, madam,
To what extent this should affect
No no
Miss, miss
With love, fire and alcohol you don't have to play
My beautiful girl, I'm here thinking of you,
madam, little lady ...
Between laughter and laughter the make-up was run
The moon is running all night today
She couldn't say how or where or what happened
the night is young she screamed at the top of her lungs
And it was then that he drowned in his mouth
had a good time with pure problems
Oh I couldn't say what happened there
and it was so that the heart was lost ..
- CH -
I didn't know the heart could be so weak, for you or for me, my beautiful girl, I think of you, and today I am here so, so, so!

Free me

I've had enough of this lie
Silly, ludicrous bravado
Now the bridges are burned
And I can't go back
And I'm not at all what I want to seem
Hiding the pain habitually
Under a dark iron mask
I just wanted to find
Shelter for a tired soul
Where gardens shine with gold
Where could I make my dreams come true
In the gloom I was weak
With all humility like a slave
Surrendered to the abyss of passions
And the reckoning came only now
Set me free
Don't let me go crazy
In a world where most people have emptiness in their hearts
In the stormy flow of the masses
A whipping stream of passers-by
I'm flaunting my life
I became something like them
With a smile on dead lips
Peace of mind in boiling veins
Carelessness in sad eyes
I might seem happy
Oh, how I would like to find
Retreat of a runaway soul
There where once were gardens
Now they have faded, alas
In that place only deception reigned
But I recognized it late
Trusting in sweet dreams
There I lost a piece of myself
Set me free
Don't let me go crazy
In a world where most people have emptiness in their hearts
I'm all alone here
I fight with my last strength
In order not to become a stranger to what I served

The girlfriend

You and I have something
You and I have something
You and I have something to kill
You and I have blood
You and I are hungry
You and I have something to kill
One two three
Four five
Your heart reinvents you
Six seven
How does it feel
To not have pending
Anything more between you and I?
One two three
Four five
Your heart reinvents you
Six seven
How does it feel
Not to have pending
Anything else between you and I?
You and I under the moon
You and I under the moon

Heal heal

Heal heal, heal heal
If you dont heal today, there may not be tomorrow
Heal jungle, heal beach
If the sea doesn't heal, the mountain no longer heals
When your wounds make rivers
I’ll bathe in your waters
When your fears are my own
I’ll hug your skirt
Hopefully it won’t be too late
To learn to love you
Heal heal, heal heal
If you dont heal today, there may not be tomorrow
Heal jungle, heal beach
If the sea doesn't heal, the mountain no longer heals
Like we believe the lie
Nothing happens here
If we sing this song
We clean the soul
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
And we return the calm
If I don’t say it I forget, I forget
And the party is over
If I don't see it, I don't stay blind
And the party is over
If I don't see it I don't stay blind
Heal heal, heal heal
Let them change the topic, and likewise we change nothing
Hashtag jungle, hashtag beach
The world isn’t what you see on your screen
We were selfish to love you
To bring you to the world
The future never mattered much
As when I see you
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
Your awakened senses
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
The sun and the wind
The sand, the drizzle
The guilt, the hills
The time, the oil
The fog that covers everything
Lock, bottle, whale, elephant
Storm, activist without school
Terror without sequel
Memories of my grandma
My life isn’t for sale, my family isn’t for sale
The future isn’t for sale isn’t for sale, isn’t for sale
If I don't say it I forget, I forget
If I don’t say it I forget

What does oblivion taste like?

What does oblivion taste like? 'Today they asked me
And almost without thinking, I told them that it's your lips
Still, I haven't recovered and I can't get used to it
Not to miss you so much
What does oblivion taste like? It tastes raw to me
And at a thousand dawns, all your fault
Almost forcefully kisses, looking for other people
And finding you in non of them
And what does oblivion taste like? What a stupid question
To me taste like you and that's what scares me
No matter how much alcohol I drink, I can't get it to heal
The wound was deep
And what does oblivion taste like, if not so much fear?
To never see you again, to not be anymore your owner
Of waking up with someone thinking it's you
Looking for you in his body
So if they ask: 'What does oblivion taste like?'
I tell them like your kisses
Oh, pain
How much you hurt
And what does oblivion taste like? What a stupid question
To me taste like you and that's what scares me
No matter how much alcohol I drink, I can't get it to heal
The wound was deep
And what does oblivion taste like, if not so much fear?
To never see you again, to not be anymore your owner
Of waking up with someone thinking it's you
Looking for you in his body
So if they ask: 'What does oblivion taste like?'
I tell them like your kisses

I forgot you

Versions: #1
I also know how to play
And I would have had fun with it
It is better than to cry
And to feel badly hurt
If your goodbye hurt me
Why would I deny it
But it was for the best
I lived a hell by your side
To cry, to cry for you was the worst thing I could have done
Maybe my biggest error was how much I loved you
And today I ask for your forgiveness, for one day saying I would never forget you, that I would always love you
I forgot you
And I still had shots of tequila left
Between you and me
I never believed one of your lies
I forgot you
And the truth is, it was easier than I thought
It hurt
But I didn’t die like you thought I would
The truth came out just as ,
I was falling in love with you

The Effect

Who knows if tomorrow I won't see you again
Let's forget about the right thing
I want to misbehave
I'll let you know
The note has already done the effect....
Because you dance on me like this
As if we were in bed
How sexy* you must feel
Naked with nothing
Tell me when we're going to leave
That we're running out of time
You have to decide already
If you come or leave it for later
Baby, today
I put on my clothes for you
Because like this, freaky
Was it how you danced on me
Moving you, twerking
In the back I saw the G-string
I'm sorry, if freshness (?)
Made me see you like this
The meeting between you and me got erotic
Forget if it's the right thing
And live up in the moment
If me, mami
You allow me to flow
You will see how easy
I will take you to ecstasy
There is not much left
So they closed this place down
We are already horny
What is it that we do here?
Because you dance on me like this
As if we were in bed
How sexy you must feel
Naked with nothing
Tell me when we're going to leave
That we're running out of time
You have to decide already
If you come or leave it for later
Nobody's watching
And nor is it seen
There's little light
My mind is thinking
With desire to know how you look in bed
If you knew what this effect causes me to do
Experimenting several positions with you
It's that you still don't know me
Like Calderón, this is for you to enjoy
I know,
That this would happen,
That you would end up
At down in my bed
After this night
All is forgotten
And if you wnat another day
At any time, call me
I know,
That this would happen,
That you would end up
At down in my bed
After this night
All is forgotten
And if you wnat another day
At any time, call me
Because you dance on me like this
As if we were in bed
How sexy you must feel
Naked with nothing
Tell me when we're going to leave
That we're running out of time
You have to decide already
If you come or leave it for later
Who knows if tomorrow I won't see you again
Let's forget about the right thing
I want to misbehave
I'll let you know
The note has already done the effect
Ra Ra Rauw
Ra Ra Rauw Alejandro
Checho, Checho, Checho Corleone, baby
Tell me Niguel with Nais Gai
Duran the Coach
Duars Entertainment
With the Sensei
Tell me Colla
Pina Records


It was so hard to reach what we reached, conquer what we conquered
I fought until my last breathe to give you another great victory
I was your general, as many minded to everything
I trusted my king
And now, after countless battles, you acuse me of treason
That's how you pay loyalty
You despise me, you demote me, you sentence me without mercy
May the gods forgive you
I won't
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad
Alexander conquered half the world
No one doubts of his genius and bravery
But besides him where many others
No man alone can row
One more day
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad
Who could have said what was about to happen
Who could have said you would change
Tell me when you changed good for bad


Cain, what have you done to your brother?
Cain, your hands are dirty
Cain, what reeks in your conscience
That you are not able to sleep and time troubles you?
Cain, I don't judge your insanity
You paid for your misadventure with your mistake
Perhaps the bloodline that engenders you
Comes from rage and misery
Cain, what have you done to your brother?
Did you do it so you could keep his flock?
Cain, I don't expect you to explain it to me
I merely do not understand what you did
Cain, you attended the academy
Of military grade and strategy
You finally found yourself among the troops
Your skin is green, your clothes also
Cain, what do you feel when
The rage of a rifle explodes on one's face?
You later discover that it was a boy,
But he got in your way.
Cain, what have you done to your brother?
It was not your decision, they decided for you
Cain, what will your children say
If they are still alive in this chain of events?
Cain, when you return to camp
You will surely be more than a Sergeant
And so you rest your head
Because the homeland will crown your nobility
Cain, what do you dream when you sleep?
I bet it's hiding places and serpents
Could it be that at the razor's edge
Your life overflows and declines?
Cain, do not feel guilty
You appeased the rebel, the indomitable
Cain, the humble hut that burned down
Was just a strategic mistake