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Број резултата: 53


There's a universe of little things

why there are stars that shine
but are invisible?
and there are people that I never get to know
no matter that I could see them
the little blue wounds of the dawn
spread through the sky, touching me...touching you,
touching you.
There's a universe of little things
that wake up only when you call them
Everything that's beautiful is waiting for your glance
I have a loving feeling, breaking down if you're not here
There's a universe made of little things
which fly over your head, following your whisper
There are dawns that never end,
there's a whole sea hiding beside your lips.
And I swear, my darling, that's real
...you can ask your skin
you don't remember yet? my love.
when I talked to you about my universe, don't you see?
You didn't believe me...right?
that there're places...
where the love hides...
A whole universe of little things,
where she waits for
the clouds, one after another
there's no promise that beats those doubts
there's no touching, resisting the moon
And I swear, my darling, since yesterday
the moon is part of your skin
I swear, my darling, I'll find you
exactly near that place,
you and me and the sky, the sky
in the places, where love hides
Because there are stars that shine around...I know
and there are places I was never able to know.
so, come and let's see...together the silver sun
splashing into the seas...
the silver sun splashing into...the seas...
of little things.
There's a universe of little things
where the hurt ones grow flowers
to put them on the borders
There's a look, that whispers in my back
when the secrets are been told
or hidden
Yes, I swear, my darling
that I can make
from this universe another one for you
and swear to me, my darling
that it's gonna be real
you, and I and the sky, the sky
And I swear, my darling
that I can make from this universe another one for you
and swear to me, my darling
that it's gonna be real
that those places are real
and the dawns come
because there're stars that shine
but they are invisible
and there're places I was never able to know.

Ako bi ti znala

Ako bi ti znala da tvoje sećanje
me miluje kao vetar,
da srce mi je ostalo
bez reci da bih ti rekao
da je tako veliko ovo što osećam.
Ako bi ti znala kako je za tobom žudeo
svaki prostor mog tela,
kako pulsiraju tvoja sećanja u duši
kada ostane tvoje prisustvo ovde u mojm grudima.
Dodji, predaj mi svoju ljubav
da bih smirio ovaj bol što te nemam,
da bih izbrisao sa tvojim dodirima moju patnju,
da bih posadio hiljadu novih ruža u tvom stomaku.
Dodji, predaj mi svoju ljubav
da ovaj moj život u svakom poljupcu ti dam
i nek se izgubi u prošlosti ova oluja,
nek mi ne bude dovoljan ceo svet
da bih te voleo.
Ako bi ti znala da je kao vrisak
koji eksplodira u tišini,
ova praznina da te imam samo u snovima,
dok mi viče srce
da budem tvoj vlasnik.
Ako bi ti znala kako iskrvari
u tvojim očima moje čežnje,
kada me gledaju bez saznanja da umirem
da ti predam strast koju nosim unutra.
Dodji, predaj mi svoju ljubav
da sam spreman da te zaljubim bez ikakve mere,
izbriši zauvek iz mog života
sve suze koje žive
i svaku noć bez tvojih poljubaca
u uglu mojih patnji.
Dodji, predaj mi svoju ljubav
da ovaj moj život u svakom poljupcu ti dam
i nek se izgubi u prošlosti ova oluja,
nek mi ne bude dovoljno sve vreme da bih te voleo.
Ako bi ti znala...

The Desire is Gone

I must have been crazy about you,
I must have been,
that I even wrote you
some love verses
in those days.
Today I deny
my illusive mind of
that aspect
because it seems
that you are not a muse
nor I a poet.
You took advantage and with me
you showed me your irrelevance
when I found myself in the last degree
of unconsciousness.
If in my madness I desired to have
you for a whole week
now that I am conscious,
just by looking at you
the desire is gone.
Today I dismiss
my illusive mind of
that aspect
because it seems
that you are not a muse
nor I a poet.
You took advantage and with me
you showed me your irrelevance
when I found myself in the last degree
of unconsciousness.
If in my madness I desired to have
you for a whole week
now that I am conscious,
just by looking at you
the desire is gone.

Pusti da te ljubi

Pusti da saznaju
kako te volim
i kako me volis.
Pusti da nas gledaju,
kada se zaljubis,
ne zali se,
pusti da moja dusa sija.
[Marc Anthony]
Reci mi sta da radim,
sta da radim sa tobom,
ne izazivaj mi bol,
molim te svojim zivotom,
stvarno nemam strah,
ali sada je to kada zelim...
[Alejandro Sanz]
Da me pustis da te gledam
i da te ljubim, ako mogu.
Ti si potreba
i samo sa par poljubaca
mozes da istopis moju vatru,
mozes da zapalis moje more,
ako mi ne das poljubac sad,
tvoje usne odnosi vetar
i kako da mu kazem zao mi je
ovog tela koje zeli da voli.
Ti si slucajnost,
najlepsa koja mi je nebo donelo,
ko je rekao da sam budan,
ako ne prestajem da sanjam,
ako mi ne das poljubac sad,
tvoje usne odnosi vetar
i kako da mu kazem zao mi je
ovog tela koje zeli da voli.
Na na na na
Pusti da te ljubi
Pusti da te ljubi
Pusti da pokusa
Pusti da te pozove
da se zaljubis u ovu noc,
jedna noc ovde od hiljadu.
Zaljubio sam se,
nikada ne zaboravi,
nije bilo lako,
jer umirem u tvojim profilima,
uhvatila si me,
ne veruj.
Pusti da te ljubi,
obeca ti
i pusti da te zaboravi.
Ti si potreba
i samo sa par poljubaca
mozes da istopis moju vatru,
mozes da zapalis moje more,
ako mi ne das poljubac sad,
tvoje usne odnosi vetar
i kako da mu kazem zao mi je
ovog tela koje zeli da voli.
Ti si slucajnost,
najlepsa koja mi je nebo donelo,
ko je rekao da sam budan,
ako ne prestajem da sanjam
ako mi ne das poljubac sad,
tvoje usne odnosi vetar
i kako da mu kazem zao mi je
ovog tela koje zeli da voli.
Koje zeli da voli...
Koje zeli da voli...
Koje zeli da voli...

Daj mi tvoju ljubav

Ti si moje slepilo, moje ospice.
Ti si moje postojanje vecno, moja vecna strast.
Ti si moja sloboda i moj zatvor, ti si moja jedina ambicija.
Ti si moja himera, moja konfuzija.
Rastes kao loza u mom srcu.
Ti si moja snaga, moje disanje.
Ti si moja velika opsesija.
Moj sever, moj vodic, moja propast.
Moj uspeh, moja sreca, moja greska.
Ti si moja smrt i moje vaskrsenje.
Ti si moj vazduh i moja agonija nocu
i danju.
Preklinjem te, molim te da mi das tvoje prisustvo,
nocu i danju daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Preklinjem te, molim te.
Daj mi tvoju radost, tvoj dobar humor,
daj mi tvoju melanholiju, tvoju tugu i bol.
Daj mi tvoju aromu, daj mi tvoj ukus.
Daj mi tvoj ceo svet.
Daj mi tvoj osmeh i tvoju toplinu,
daj mi smrt ili zivot,
tvoju hladnocu i tvoju pozudu.
Daj mi tvoj mir, daj mi tvoj bes.
daj mi tvoj skriveni prekor.
Daj mi, daj mi tvoju smelost i tvoju otvorenost,
daj mi tvoju mudrost, daj mi tvoju gresku.
Sve lose i sve najbolje.
Daj mi tvoje vecno prisustvo nocu i danju.
Preklinjem te, molim te da mi das tvoje prisustvo
nocu i danju daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Preklinjem te, molim te.
Da mi das, da mi das tvoje prisustvo
nocu i danju daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Preklinjem te, molim te.

Nemam ništa

Ja nemam strah,
ono što ja imam devojko je tajni plan
koji je veoma teško da nam se ostvari.
Imam neke rakete,
ja želim da te vidim ujutru kako mi šaputaš na leđa.
Ja nemam poljubac,
koji uspe da te natera da se predaš i zagrliš me
i da svi strahovi mi odu.
Ja nemam umetnost,
ono što imam je nešto što sam na koži istetovirao dušu.
I ja nemam ništa,
ako mi okrene dzepove, devojko
ja nemam ništa,
ali te gledam u male oci.
Nemam ništa,
ali imam tvoj pogled,
ali imam tebe.
I ja nemam ništa
samo tebe.
Ja želim da te grlim,
želim da spavam sa tobom i da se probudim grleći ti leđa,
da ne bih zaboravio,
jedino što želim je da ti me imenuješ
i da svi strahovi mi odu.
Ja nemam ništa,
ono što imam je nešto što sam na koži istetovirao dušu.
I ja nemam ništa,
ako mi okrene dzepove, devojko
ja nemam ništa,
ali te gledam u male oci.
Nemam ništa,
ali imam tvoj pogled,
ali imam tebe.
I ja nemam ništa
samo tebe.
I ja nemam ništa,
ako mi okrene dzepove, devojko
ja nemam ništa,
ali te gledam u male oci.
Nemam ništa,
ali imam tvoj pogled,
ali imam tebe.
I ja nemam ništa
samo tebe.

Shared Stories

She slept away the afternoon naked by the window
Nobody outside, no lights, no white doves
She doesn't play in the wind, the bells don't ring to her
All silence if you lack me, if you lack me
The rain will cry with me
And streets below the enemy's front door
Step out, they bully me after that I forget
Barefoot dreams through the road
We all have a love
A time for giving, a cycle
We are only another time
Or always the same at the start
Give me your hand, return with me
We are alone and (we share the) same story
She slept away the afternoon and between her dream she gave you
When you arrived, the moon had felt something
'I am nobody's', You left to be with me
If it is to love you, I forget it all, I forget it all
We all have a love
A time for giving, a cycle
We are only another time
Or always the same at the start
Give me your hand, return with me
We are alone and (we share the) same story
Give me your hand, return with me
We are alone and (we share the) same story

Gypsy Love

Versions: #2
Come and stay with me.
Give me the heart
my life, I'm dying
slow in my prison
Go tell me what you feel take off modesty,
and stop suffering, escape with my love
And then I'll take you wherever you want
without fear and without borders until the sun rises.
With you I am capable of anything,
I do not care what comes
because I already know where I'm going.
I am your gypsy, your pilgrim
the only key to your destiny
the one who takes care of you more than his life
I am your thief.
And even if it costs us our lives
And although it hurts what hurts
This war has won our love
This war has won our love
I was born for your eyes, for nobody else.
I will always be on your way
Soul of my soul,
storm heart
tell me where to go.
And then I'll take you wherever you want
without fear and without borders until the sun rises.
With you I am capable of anything,
I do not care what comes
because I already know where I'm going.
I am your gypsy, your pilgrim
the only key to your destiny
the one who takes care of you more than his life
I am your thief.
I am your gypsy, your partner,
the one that follows you, the one that awaits you
I'm going to love you even if they take my heart out.
And even if it costs us our lives
And although it hurts what hurts
This war has won our love
And even if it costs us our lives
And although it hurts what hurts
This war has won her
Our love

With a Look

It's easy to say 'I want you' when we're alone
Difficult is to say when everyone is listening
With a look, with a look
I'll teach you to say I love you without speaking
As long as we have a secret to hide.
The craziness of wanting you like a fugitive
Has taken me to the place where I'm hidden
With a look, with a look.
How much more the injustice [will] grow, you will see
For much greater is our power to fight.
Words of a new language
That I invented for us two
For the persecuted lover, who has to hide [the] voice
When you want to learn
There will be no silence. It will not be missed
Use the voice to break it
With a look and nothing more.
With a look and nothing more.
Whatever may happen, I will continue to deny what passes. Expose my heart in this fragile showcase
With a look, with a look.
We will love in this righteous darkness
Until you understand and I need not beg.
Words of a new language
That I invented for us two
For the persecuted lover, who has to hide [the] voice
When you want to learn
There will be no silence. It will not be missed
Use the voice to break it
With a look and nothing more.
With a look and nothing more.
With a look...

Throughout the years

Sunlight wakes me.
I open my eyes and see you,
my soul will bask1 in a warm light,
for my loved one is by my side.
You know very well that
you're the only one I love and need.
I know I sometimes hurt your feelings,
but be assured I mean you no harm and forgive the fool.
And throughout the years, your smile
will warm me from early morning on.
And our love will live always
as long as you and I are alive.
See how the path we walk together
is illuminated by the light of our love.
Be assured nothing but happy days
are awaiting ahead of us.
Be assured that we were united
by the very hand of Fate2
Thus we shall walk through life
whatever might happen, hand in hand.
And throughout the years, your smile
will warm me from early morning on.
And our love will live always
as long as you and I are alive.
  • 1. lit. 'warm itself'
  • 2. 'by signs of Fate'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

In Any Language

When you leave
you go in silence
I don't want apologies
nor do I want words
forced from you
With a single hit
destroy my soul
Well at least
it will be a slow
death for me
(Chorus x2)
If you turn your back on me
let it be forever
And even though you torment from
the regrets
Never come back
I do not stop you
You know what you're doing
But do not blame me
if from today onwards
they treat you very bad
I know that you can't
look at me in front
Because I'm sure
as you look at my eyes
you'll find anger
That's what you try
do to my life
In any language
and on any terrain
Its called betrayal
(Repeat Chorus)


Without realizing he was already outside,
he was clinging to the window bars,
and screaming to the prison guards who where inside:
'Let me out!'
Just learning.


Da postanem hladna
To je baš jednostavno,
Da inspirisana se da ne verujem u ljubav,
Zaboravila sam tvoje ime,
I više neću da otvorim srce moje nikome,
Jesam cinična - to ne krijem,
Jesam pametna - to sam znam,
Pa znaj, boginja sam, ali nisam tvoja.
Nisi sa mnom, nisam sa tobom,
Nisam tvoja, sa mnom nećeš moći,
Ostavi me, ne verujem ja,
Dosadili mi ste drugovi,
Zavrištat ću da hoću zaboraviti Roberto.
Alehandro, Alehandro,
Ko da su titlove u ovom filmu
O samouverenoj laži
Posle noći
Opet su pitanja,
Ali ne treba mi više takva veza.
Jesam cinična - to ne krijem,
Jesam pametna - to sam znam,
Pa znaj, boginja sam, ali nisam tvoja.
Nisi sa mnom, nisam sa tobom,
Nisam tvoja, sa mnom nećeš moći,
Ostavi me, ne verujem ja,
Dosadili mi ste drugovi,
Zavrištat ću da hoću zaboraviti Roberto.
Alehandro, Alehandro,

You Don't Need to Say It

You don't need to look at me
you don't need to say it
you don't need to explain it to me
when you cry or laugh.
It doesn't need to be said
that I want to die by your side
I love you...
You don't need to stay
I don't need to insist to you
You don't need to cry
since we'll see each other above.
It doesn't need to be said
that I want to die by your side
I love you...
We don't need to dream
that it's a lie that death
doesn't exist when there's love
This very story continues
only the scenery changes
on love's stage.
You don't need to lie
You don't need to ask for it
You don't need to miss me
since I will find you some day.
There's no need to say...
We don't need to dream...
I don't need to insist to you
You don't need to cry
since we'll see each other above
It doesn't need to be said
that I want to die by your side
I love you...

I've Got Another One

And I don't know what's it about her
That with just one look like that
She made me fall in love
The heart in a second
She robbed from me
You can't imagine how she
With me touching her just that one time
Enters, my glowing damnation
If you see her, tell me maybe
Tell her that I can't exist without her for another day
Let her know that I'm losing my mind
For that reason tell her also
That I can't take another night
That it's not the same as she isn't here anymore
She always leaves, leaves
I know that she comes back
Because there isn't anyone who
Would do her like I do
I always want a little more
That's why she comes back
But things have changed
And I swear to you, if she was out of our hands
Today I've got another one who loves me more
Oh oh oh oh
Now I've got another one who doesn't ever leave
Oh oh oh oh
Today I've got someone who doesn't ask me for more
Oh oh oh oh
Now I've got another one who doesn't ever leave
Oh oh oh oh
You know that I haven't stopped thinking about you
Although the right thing to do is to forget about you
When you're playing games, you know that in the end you'll burn in the fire
I loved you so much, so much, oh
But your lies I don't so much anymore, not so much
That's why I'll continue easing you out
I'm going to Rumba all night
You don't deserve my love
You only want to make me die of love
I'll continue easing you out
I'm going to Rumba all night
That's why I'll go on with lies
That I don't, I don't anymore for her
She always leaves, leaves
I know that she comes back
Because there isn't anyone who
Would do her like I do
I always want a little more
That's why she comes back
But things have changed
And I swear to you, if she was out of our hands
Today I've got another one who loves me more
Oh oh oh oh
Now I've got another one who doesn't ever leave
Oh oh oh oh
Today I've got someone who doesn't ask me for more
Oh oh oh oh
Now I've got another one who doesn't ever leave
Oh oh oh oh
I don't know what's it about her

When I Forget You

I love you so much and too much
Darling of my life
For that great passion
That you left on
You would tell me crying
I love you, my love
And me without realizing
I believed everything
And like that time has passed
Trying to forget you
But by god I haven't
I try to remember you
But when I forget you
Love when I forget you
It Maybe difficult
But it will not be impossible
I will take you out of my heart
And fill the emptiness
With another love so big
And so clean like mine
I can not blame you
For the evil you did to me
Maybe I didn't give you
What you deserved
I hope that in your life
You have all the good things
While I try
To remember you less
I will do the impossible
So that you feel my forgetfulness
Even though in my heart
You'll be what I want the most
But when I forget you
Love when I forget you
It maybe difficult
But it will not be impossible
I will take you out of my heart
And fill the emptiness
With another love so big
And so clean like mine

A Spanking

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me
I won't hurt you with the horns
A spanking with cactus leaves
Is what you take as false and treacherous
How I love you, how brutish, what an animal
How I was giving my love lightly
A spanking with cactus leaves
A lesson is what you deserve
You hurt me
I know you did me wrong
You took out the copper and dark interests
You'll suffer, you'll cry
You might not miss my kisses
But you're going to miss my money
(There wasn't much, but my father didn't give it to me
I earned it myself)
Dance , dance
Scratches with maguey spines
Today I feel like playing cat in your cheeks
You made me a box and then you 'made' me 'dude'
I'll see you pawning the earrings
A gargle with tacks and turpentine
today I'm going to kick me out and your kisses
I'm happy because I know that today you're going
Also I will also go out there after other bones
You'll suffer, you'll cry
You might not miss my kisses
But you're going to miss my money
You'll suffer, you'll cry
You might not miss my kisses
But you're going to miss my money
It's okay ... touch

Little by little you go entering into my absence

Little by little you go entering into my absence
drop by drop filling my empty glass
there where I am shadow you don't cease to appear
because so alone in you the things become real
you avert the absurd and you grant me meaning
what I remember of myself is what you are
it arrived to your ears like an invisible sea.

You only ask

Snout in the dog's muzzle, are you who appears?
Are you who navigates in the solitary river of my blood?
Do you offer a path to my crippled tracks?
In you, has my consciousness led its mirrors astray?
Why must you have been you and not death instead?


Don't search for a place Deliver my ashes to the wind
that of me nothing else lingers but this order of letters
I have advanced only to precipitate myself in the beginning
there where reigns the pure origin without its work.