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Број резултата: 458


Everything will be alright

Υοu suddenly ended our journey
We suddenly lost our connection
You said to be civilized about it
So I played my part
And finally, we're sending wishes and gifts
Just the typical stuff, we shouldn't gain momentum 1
Now that your heart is in order
You asked to learn if I am okay
Everything will be alright, everyone tells me but
I'm the only one who knows the facts
How much I want you, in what paranoia I live
What happens when I find myself behind the spotlight
Suddenly everyone always experiences this
Suddenly you pulled out a gun
We are big kids you said and so
I acted like a big kid
And in the end, sugar burns yesterday
And in the end, we act cool
Ιn action, the break-up for us is a party
Why do you worry if I'm okay
Everything will be alright, everyone tells me but
I'm the only ones who knows the facts
How much I want you, in what paranoia I live
What happens when I find myself behind the spotlight
  • 1. take it slow, don't get comfortable

O, Paokara

It's a big club
the one and only
there's noone else
PAOK is a god
In Toumba created it's nest
and it's children seem like 'eagle's chicks'.
In Toumba created it's nest
and it's children seem like 'eagle's chicks'.
PAOKara, there's crazyness in my mind
whenever you'll play, I'll follow you
I'll die for you and I live only cause of you.
Its name is full of
history and grace
and embodies Macedonia's
greatest achievement.

Two months

Two months,and a week after,two days are coming
He went from me and his absence is being long
Yeah my heart hasn't seen a man like him
I hope he meet with my heart and see my heart
My heart is saying I'm crying for him
The time is by my side
And my heart,my soul
I did hurt him and ı broke him so much but my heart Why?
I never sleep,live and be relax
Cause my love has gone from me
Oh curtenlly words are coming tomarrow
When I need him
He will forget things who ı do him
The time is by my side
And my heart,my soul
I did hurt him and ı broke him so much but my heart Why?

How could he know

It was six in the morning
You were sitting at a bar, alone
With a look that hated
The bum it loved
But immersed herself into the smoke
I asked a guy what you were looking for
He said ''let it be man, don't ask
She's like that every night
She's involved with bums
She's not for us, man''
How could he know that she's staying up late for me
How could he know that she's hurting for me
How could he know that she had believed me
And I've destroyed her, how could he know
The bum she loves is me, how could he know
I was ashamed to look him in the eyes
And tell him the whole truth
That you're a lady who's given me value
And that I'm the only bum
I asked if you love somebody
He said ''let it be man, don't ask
We're already late and the bar's closing
What do you want from a prostitute''
How could he know that she's staying up late for me
How could he know that she's hurting for me
How could he know that she had believed me
And I've destroyed her, how could he know
The bum she loves is me, how could he know

I didn't ask much

I've heard way too many stories
but none of them is similar to this one
I lived too many questions for you
without knowing what's happening and why
I wasn't asking much , only a hug
and a few sweet words, a few words from you
and you came like a threat like a deathly bullet
to destroy a whole life
I've heard way too many stories
but this one is going to be in history
I've done the craziest sacrifices for you
and I'm still doing them and I don't know why
I wasn't asking much , only a hug
and a few sweet words, a few words from you
and you came like a threat like a deathly bullet
to destroy a whole life
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for Lyricstranslate.com
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το Lyricstranslate.com
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Little Ships

A white page
how can I get there
with what words
if only I had a thousands voices
so that you could hear to whichever one you wanted
to choose
Two white pages
I have more for you to burn
I'm helpless, look
noone can catch you
one is a little ship
the other is a paper plane
Little ships and paper planes
they set off on a journey
how many wins, that many losses
if you can withstand they'll find you
And if you learn the truth
to what the kids say
if a paper plane catches you
pinch it on your heart
A paper page
who is missing from you and what
so that I can send you
what you are asking in life
and to see if it will get
in a sheet
Little ships and paper planes
they set off on a journey
how many wins, that many losses
if you can withstand they'll find you
And if you are learning about love
on your journeys
inside a little ship
get inside, and learn to love

Vreme neće čekati

Ne pokušavaj da se boriš protiv toga
Znaš da sam tu
Čekam te
Znam da ti se sviđam
Ovaj trenutak
Samo kaži šta želiš
Uzmi šta ti treba
Sve je tvoje
Samo ako želiš
Posegni za ljubavlju
Ne plaši se
Veruj mi na reč
Vreme nas neće čekati
Samo te želim poljubiti
Ne želim propustiti ovaj trenutak
Vreme nas neće čakati
otvori srce
reci da nećeš propustiti ovaj trenutak
Ne želim te požurivati
Ali vreme ne čeka
ne ignoriši ono što postoji među nama
Samo te želim voleti
ne znam hoću li
samo iskoristiti priliku i...
Samo kaži šta želiš
Uzmi šta ti treba
Sve je tvoje
Samo ako želiš
Posegni za ljubavlju
Ne plaši se
Veruj mi na reč
Vreme nas neće čekati
Samo te želim poljubiti
Ne želim propustiti ovaj trenutak
Vreme nas neće čakati
otvori srce
reci da nećeš propustiti ovaj trenutak
Veruj mi na reč
Vreme nas neće čekati
Samo te želim poljubiti
Ne želim propustiti ovaj trenutak
Vreme nas neće čakati
otvori srce
Reci da nećeš propustiti ovaj trenutak
Vreme neće čekati
Vreme nas neće čekati
Vreme neće čekati
Vreme nas neće čekati


Sad je pravo vreme, oduzet sam
Ako mi pročitaš misli,stićićemo do vrha
Ostavi sve iza sebe,biću tvoj izlaz
Danju i noću
Nema potrebe za skrivanjem,ja igram na ovaj način
Oseti vibracije i ostani kraj mene
Duše mogu biti razdvojene,ljubav će se konačno uzdići
U tvom srcu
Priđi,priđi,priđi mi malo bliže
Iz mraka u svetlost
Priđi,priđi,priđi mi malo bliže
Bićeš moj satelit
Malo ćemo se zabaviti,totalno opustiti
Mogao bih biti taj,koji će ti osvetliti put
Probudi strast,učini da se osećam jakim
Do zore
Pitaj me šta želiš, molim te ne oklevaj
Otkrij obmanu,nikada nije prekasno
Ako želiš znati gde je moja istina
Pogledaj me
Priđi,priđi,priđi mi malo bliže
Iz mraka u svetlost
Priđi,priđi,priđi mi malo bliže
Bićeš moj satelit
U svemiru, između zvezda letimo polako
U svemiru između zvezda osvetljavaš mi put

Volim, ne volim

Volim, ne volim
Koliko je ostalo lišća...ne znam
Tepe sam iščupala i bacila
Oporavljam se
Da li tu sad postoji još neko?
Da li je porediš samnom?
Šta ćeš ako ona ne bude bila poput mene
Njeni delovi ti ne odgovaraju
Da li ću se umarati zbog toga?
Da li ću sebi slamati srce zbog toga?
Nemaš zamenu za lošu mačku Šarefetina*
Kaži, kako ti nije bilo žao mene?
I mog srca i mojih pluća
Ne mogu sebe da pronađem
Ne mogu da se povratim
Svake noći u mojim snovima
Uvek tebi dajem za pravo
Da li ću se umarati zbog toga?
Da li ću sebi slamati srce zbog toga?
Nemaš zamenu

Mi znamo

Sta radimo mi znamo
Mi znamo
I to znamo samo ti i ja
Sta radimo,mi znamo
Mi znamo
Sta radimo,mi znamo
Mi znamo
I to znamo samo ti i ja
Sta radimo,mi znamo
Mi znamo
I to znamo samo ti i ja
Da li znaš koliko daleko,koliko daleko
Vodiš moja osjećanja
Da li znaš koliko daleko,koliko daleko
Mi mi mi mi yeah
Ako me pokusas osvojiti
Ne znaš sta ce ti se desiti
Jer me ne možeš zamijeniti
Osjećam nešto kada gledaš u mene
Ne mogu se zaustaviti
Ne mogu se zaustaviti
Ona se osjeća odlično kada je
blizu Gent Fatali-a
Ja volim djevojku,ona voli dečka
Upoznali smo se na plazi
I zajedno gledali zalazak sunca.
Hmm uzmi to
Sve sto si mi dao uzmi
Sve sto si mi dao uzmi to
Ali ako me želiš imati učini to
Sada učini to.
I ako me voliš niko
Nas ne može rastaviti
I ako me volis bicemo
Zajedno zauvijek.
Sta radimo,mi znamo
Mi znamo
I to znamo samo ti i ja
Sta radimo,mi znamo
Mi znamo
I to znamo samo ti i ja
Da li znaš koliko daleko,koliko daleko
Vodis moja osjećanja
Da li znaš koliko daleko,koliko daleko
Mi mi mi mi yeah
Hey sta radiš danas
Daj mi taj kolac
Izgledaš kao bomba
Nije kasno
Pogledaj u nju,koja slatkica
Tvoj miris je nevjerojatan
Pridji mi jer nemamo vremena
Nismo vise mali
Od trenutka kada sam te vidio
Ne postoji niko drugi za mene
Gledaš me kao kraljica
Sudbina je u našim rukama
Ne,ne možeš ti bez mene
Budi mi blizu
To nisam očekivala
Bez tebe mi dan ne prolazi
Ne znas kako se osjećam
Kada smo zajedno
Sta radimo,mi znamo
Mi znamo
I to znamo samo ti i ja
Sta radimo,mi znamo
Mi znamo
I to znamo samo ti i ja
Da li znaš koliko daleko,koliko daleko
Vodis moja osjećanja
Da li znaš koliko daleko,koliko daleko
Mi mi mi mi yeah
Hajde idemo u Zurich
Spakovat ćemo kofere i imamo novac
Hajde idemo u Zurich
Spakovat ćemo kofere i imamo novac