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Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 42


Among the Worlds

Versions: #1
Among the worlds, in flickerings of stars
One only name of Star, I am repeating.
Not due to being in love with fine stars
But because with others, I am languishing.
And if my doubts are heavy very much
I'm searching for an answer by only Her
Not due to it is light from Her so much,
But because it is no need for light with Her.

Dinosauruski Sentai - Zverski Rendžeri Dinosauruski Sentai - Đurendžeri

Đurendžeri, đurendžeri!
Najjači ratnici svih legenda
Đurendžeri, đurendžeri!
Nada koja blista vekovima
Dinosauruski Sentai, Đurendžeri!
Zar ne čuješ glasne korake
Koji gaze preko udaljene zemlje?
Pet očnjaka nam napokon dolaze
Molim da nam je pokažete! Fantaziju koja vodi do budućnosti!
Đurendžeri, đurendžeri!
Najjači ratnici cele večnosti
Đurendžeri, đurendžeri!
Uvek u tvojoj blizini
Dinosauruski Sentai, Đurendžeri!
Medalja blješti zlatnim sjajem
U trenutku kada srca vezujemo u jedno
Jutro pobede nas čeka
Obećana nam je fantazija bez kraja!
Đurendžeri, đurendžeri!
Najstrastveniji ratnici svih vremena
Đurendžeri, đurendžeri!
Hajde da pređemo preko duge
Dinosauruski Sentai, Đurendžeri!
Đurendžeri, đurendžeri!
Najjači ratnici cele večnosti
Đurendžeri, đurendžeri!
Uvek u tvojoj blizini
Dinosauruski Sentai, Đurendžeri!

Earthenware Vessel

Tsuchi no Utsuwa
I'm full of crap
From that stake
Hikari spills and shines
Tsuchi no Utsuwa
I'm full of cracks
From that crack your
Ai overflows
Even me like this
Shu as it is
Will love me
That's why
I want to answer with all of me
Please use it
What only I can do
Because there is always

То је стварно добар осећај

Претвараш моју ноћ у дане
Води ме тајанственим путем
Осећам се као нови човек
Као да сам се родио још једном
То си ти, знам да си ти
Ти изазиваш жељу и бол
Заплети ме у свој ланац
Учинио си ме робом своје љубави
Али осећам се као небо горе
То си ти, знам да си ти
И то је заиста добар осећај
Ти ме љуљаш и вртиш
Натерао си ме да молим и крадем
За твоју слатку љубав
Али то је стварно добар осећај
Ти ме љуљаш и вртиш
Натерао си ме да молим и крадем
За твоју слатку љубав
Твоја магија испуњава ваздух
Треба да знаш да ми је стало
Тебе обожавам
Остављајући ме да молим за још
То си ти, заувек ти
И то је заиста добар осећај
Ти ме љуљаш и вртиш
Натерао си ме да молим и крадем
За твоју слатку љубав
Али то је стварно добар осећај
Ти ме љуљаш и вртиш
Натерао си ме да молим и крадем
За твоју слатку љубав

Crne linije

Crne linije
To je sve što vidim
Crne linije
Koje nas drže
U našem kavezu
Crne linije
One su sve što imamo
Crne linije
Sećaš li se kako je bilo
Sredinom zime
Crne linije
(Razmisli, razmisli uvek)
Duž pepeljasto-sivog horizonta
(Razmisli, razmisli o tome što radiš)
Crne linije
(Sve ima svoju cenu, razmisli uvek)
Kao svetla koje traže po gradu
(Razmisli, razmisli uvek)
Proleće stiže
Crne linije
(Moraš misliti o budućnosti, sagledati širu sliku)
I ja uporno ostajem ovde
(Moraš dati nešto, moraš završiti nešto)
Crne linije
(Razmisli, razmisli uvek)
Lažemo kao mala deca
(Sve ima svoju cenu, razmisli uvek)
Ne marimo za to
Crne linije
Bele linije
(Razmisli, razmisli uvek)
Vidim svetlo u tunelu
(Razmisli, razmisli o tome što radiš)
Bele linije
(Sve ima svoju cenu, razmisli uvek)
Kao pravi put ka Bogu
(Razmisli, razmisli uvek)
Ako veruješ u tako nešto
Bele linije
(Moraš misliti o budućnosti, sagledati širu sliku)
Ne vode nikuda
(Moraš dati nešto, moraš završiti nešto)
Bele linije
(Razmisli, razmisli uvek)
Imamo mikroskopsku šansu
(Sve ima svoju cenu, razmisli uvek)
Da ostarimo

The Protector

Versions: #1
I tried to be special
hunted, thin and lustrous pale
but with spots I am born
I had almost forgotten
I wanted to be spiritual
a sparkling personality
but that requires
genes and predispositions
and that, I don't have
And it takes hundreds of years
to hide the flaws - I am light years away
disfigured and cross-eyed - and it stings like chlorine
like new cold sores, a third class sheep
when everybody is listening to you
can you protect me?
I only wanted to escape from myself
cut off my inadequacy
but with the spots I have hidden
(I am) already doomed
I wanted to be intellectual
well-traveled, urbane, disgustingly young
but the heritage weighs heavily
genes and predispositions
everything was a mistake
And it takes hundreds of years
to hide the flaws - I am light years away
disfigured and cross-eyed - and it stings like chlorine
like new cold sores, a third class sheep
when everybody is listening to you
(hundreds of years)
can you protect me?
(light years away)
can you protect me?
(hundreds of years)
can you protect me?
(a third class sheep)
can you protect me?
(hundreds of years)
please, protect me


We'll head to a dark tunnel, that's the wonderland
A place where everything comes out delicious, that's the wonderland
Gradually, it'll heat up, there in the wonderland
Scattered on top, the cheese will melt, and start to bubble up
Slowly baking to perfection, this is the wonderland
Hey, once it's done, can we go see everyone?
Here we are in the dark tunnel, this is the wonderland
A place where everything comes out delicious, that's the wonderland
Gradually, it'll bake, there in the wonderland
Wafting an enticing scent, and baking up light and fluffy
Slowly baking to perfection, this is the wonderland
Hey, once it's done, can we go see everyone?
Here we are in the dark tunnel, that's the wonderland
A place where everything comes out delicious, that's the wonderland
Slowly, it'll bake, there in the wonderland
The gooey cheese will stretch, and maybe bring a smile to your face
Soon, we'll arrive at the outside world—this is the wonderland
Okay, once it's done, can we go see everyone?
Domino's Pizza!


The eyes forgot the deep of blue,
To them, the sun's motes are not golden,
Ardent, I single vision view,
Within the amethyst beholden.
Headier than the blooms of Spring,
And more fascinating than a thought,
Violet lights are shimmering
There, as they grow colder, iron wrought.
And the heart, filled with shame and fright,
Harbors tender yet deceitful dream:
To crystalize in candlelight
Within the cold shimmer of its gleam.

At the EFEE protest

The square was full of the the meaning that the fires seem to have.
At the corners, in the streets, full of comrades, workers, students
And you shining in the middle of the crowd,
and you were, my light, a dark red flake in a fiesta
A fiesta i've never seen before in my humble life.
The square was empty and crazy as i was from the love bites, like a dog
with my protest slogans torn, i am poured into love for you
I'm looking for you in the lecture hall, in the hallways and in the streets,
asking for information and material
To light up the reasons for my longing,
The square is full and something from your face still survives
in the fight of the comrade, in the agony of this country for life,
in the children and the workers, the civilians, the soldiers,
in the signs and in the sound of the trigger
The protest is on fire and everything becomes apparent.


Versions: #4
You have thought about everything that is said about me
You can believe all that you have heard about me
You can ask questions about the truth
Whether you have one or a thousand
Answer right from your heart now
Your pity I can do without
If this is all we have time for
So hold me tight
Hold me darling now
Stockholm awakes slowly
On drugs and with grief
The snows rents out its innocence
To all of Kungsholms Torg
It feels like when I came here
Way back in 93
A pitiful row of footprints
An unknown continent
Let go, please let go now
I can stand, walk, or crawl away from here
If this is all we will have time for
So hold me tight my darling now
The city awakes slowly
And I am drunk again
The snow rents out its innocence
Because everyone just feels like crap
It feels like when I came here
Way back in 93
A pitiful row of footprints
An unending continent
Stockholm awakes slowly
And I am drunk again
The snow rents out its innocence
To all of Kungsholmen
And it feel like when we came here
To the land of possibilities
You can follow my tracks home
Columbus was my name

La Belle Epoque

Versions: #3
I am the hand that holds the flag
I am the pickpocket in the central
I am the bomb in the terminals
In the bag that is left
I am the first cold rain
I am the frost where nothing grows
I am the half year of darkness
In the land that God forgot
I am teargas in the handbag
I am in the Rave commission
The stranger enemy politics
I am the suicide statistic
I am the crowd, Rohypnol
I am jealousy, the alcohol
I am those quick SMS loans
I am the drive to the school playground
All for all and one for one
All for all and one for one
All for all and one for one
So we begin again
I am the fog at the memorial
The wind on the bridge over the road
I am the suspicious neighbor
Fucking Finns, Norwegians, Danes
I am the knife in the pocket
I am all the weapons we exported
I am the soldiers in the villages
I am the minors
I no longer vote
I am Melodifestivalen
I am those that go in the road
I am those that go in through the windows
I live in the largest city
I send money to Save the Children
And my computer is full of pictures
That should never have been taken
All for all and one for one
All for all and one for one
All for all and one for one
So we begin again
I am the hand that rocks the cradle
I am the state and the capital
I am the safety manual
Anonymous comments
I am online bullying
I am the Big Mac you are eating
I am Mosques and Cathedrals
I am the Bible and the Koran
All for all and one for one
All for all and one for one
All for all and one for one
So we begin again

Kevlar Soul

Versions: #2
Summertime, I am silence and the wind
My land is your land, all is free
Summertime, I am the listener, like tears against your cheek
My dream is yours...
As long as my heart beats, I remember you near
You made a hole in my kevlar soul
And you became my sore, and I am bleeding to death
Come make a hole in my kevlar...soul
Summertime, where is the brain, here is the violence
My land is my land, only mine
Summertime, in the socialist directors folder everything is black and white
Your dream is mine
As long as my heart beats, I remember you near
You made a hole in my kevlar soul
And you became my sore, and I am bleeding to death
Come make a hole in my kevlar...soul
As long as my heart beats, I remember you near
You made a hole in my kevlar soul (My dream is yours now)
And you became my sore, and I am bleeding to death
Come make a hole in my kevlar...soul (Your dream is mine now)
As long as my heart beats, I remember you near
You made a hole in my kevlar soul (My dream is yours now)
And you became my sore, and I am bleeding to death
Come make a hole in my kevlar...soul


Prvi put kada sam te video
Trenutak kada se sve promenilo
U sećanju je slika
Koja se nikada ne menja
Šta god da se desi
Sećaš li se kako smo pričali?
Trenutak koj me je ubio
I sve što mi je falilo
Je iznenada postalo korisno
Imao sam prednost
Promenili smo planove koje smo imali
Napravili nove od nule
Bila si sve što nikada nisam imao
Bio sam izgubljen
Sve je bilo izgubljeno
Sve je bilo izgubljeno
Bio sam izgubljen
Ovaj grad je bez imena
Sve ulice su puste
Sve kuće su propale
Ovde dolaze zaboravljeni
Unapred osudjeni
Idem kroz park
Ruku pod ruku sa duhom
Ovde je sve ponovo poraslo
Izvan se nalazi pustinja
Vidim samo pustinju
Planovi koje smo nekada imali
Su ovde kao sećanje na san
Kada jutro dodje
Sada smo tako daleko daleko daleko daleko
Od cilja
Od oproštaja
Sve je bilo izgubljeno
Bio sam izgubljen
Postoji li neki smisao u izvinjenju?
Postoji li neki put koj nas vodi kući?
Postoji li uopšte kuća na kraju puta?
Možeš li da oprostiš?
Ja mogu da oprostim
Imam samo svoje proklete reči
Sve te velike prazne reči
Postoji li neki smisao u čekanju?
Oproštaj oproštaj?
Izgubio sam tempo
Popustio stitsak oko stvarnosti
Bio sam tako ponosan jednom
Bio sam elitista
Izgubio sam svoje tragajuće svetlo
Gore u staroj kući
Zaboravio sam svoj podsticaj
Nema više srca
Ako se ne zabavljaš
Izgubio sam sebe
Sve u mom svetu se srušilo
I sada na kraju, izgubio sam i tebe
Izgubio sam
Sve je izgubljeno
Sve je izgubljeno
Izgubio sam
Postoji li neki smisao u izvinjenju?
Postoji li neki put koj nas vodi kući?
Postoji li uopste kuća na kraju puta?
Možeš li da oprostiš?
Ja mogu da oprostim
Imam samo svoje proklete reči
Sve te velike prazne reči
Postoji li neki smisao u čekanju?
Oproštaj oproštaj?
Nasledili smo naš greh
Naš večni greh
Imamo naš greh
Naš večni greh
Naš pravi greh
Je što dopuštamo sebi da verujemo...

Možda dolazi nova promena

Ljubavi, leto dolazi polako
Eh kad bi mogla da vidiš
malu Švedsku kako se menja
Kuće i ulice su prazne
Vreme odmora je kao vanredno stanje
Autoput seče centar
preko trgova i betona
u iznenadnoj oluji grada
Ljudi zaboravljaju da su noći kratke
a san prevari mene
i moju tugu
Ali ljubavi, noću se vraćaš
i sve je oprošteno
u jednom čudnom srećnom snu
I u trenutku kada se budim
senka nade je u mojoj sobi
Ljubavi, znam da si budna
Signal stiže do tvog dela sveta
Ali ne dobija nikakav odgovor
U toploti vazduh stoji nepomično
Eh da možeš da vidiš
kako proces gubi brzinu
Ljubavi, noću se vraćaš
i sve je oprošteno
u povraćenom snu
I u trenutku kada se budim
senka nade je u mojoj sobi
Ljubavi, shvatio sam da u mraku
i dalje postoji nada za promenu
ali tako dugo joj treba, tako dugo
Novi početak, imam nove misli
ali sve u šta si se zaljubila
i dalje je ovde
Sve se promenilo
ali ja se osećam isto
Ljubavi, noću se vraćaš
i sve je objašnjeno
u povraćenom snu
I u trenutku kada se budim
senka nade je u mojoj sobi
Senka nade nestaje iz moje sobe


Versions: #3
I dreamed about
A childhood friend yesterday
Like the telecommunication dreams
About swallows in the spring
I awoke from the noise
From machines in deep sleep
I awoke so happy
Over just having dreamt
She waves through a window
Her mouth is like a sore
So my heart breaks
It has been a lonely year
I will never ignore you again
I will never forget how it feels
My New Years Resolutions
I film now
Big feelings, big words
But everything important that I say
I have stolen from a book
I read something about kisses
Something everyone knows
But they never catch
In the movies you see
She waves through a window
Her mouth is like a sore
So my heart breaks
It has been a lonely year
I will never ignore you again
I will never forget the love
My New Years Resolutions

The Last Song

Versions: #4
Your sun warmed hands
Cool, still ocean winds played in your hair
I remember it like it was yesterday
We drove through Malibu
When it was finally spring
It would be a cold night
It would be a long fall
And you smiled through your freckles
With tears in your eyes
Everything was in your eyes
Everything is in your eyes
We left blood stains in the tracks
But in my memory the winds blow
Your Wayfarers in your hair
You cried sun warmed tears
Courtney sang about Malibu
And everything could be ours
It will be a cold night
It will be a lonely night
But I would not change anything
Even if I had known that this was
The last time, last
Time we saw each other
Last song, last
Song you get
The last song, last
Time we saw each other
This is the last song, last
Song you get
We took the car to Roosevelt to get the kids
Before winter break
They stood in line
They sang in the choir
It felt like they sang for us
A last song
We are on the run again both you and I
We come from somewhere else
Than where we are right now
And they sang for us
A last time
A last song
They sang for us
Sjärnorna är uppe
En föll ner
Och flög iväg
Flög iväg
This is the last time,
Last time we meet
Last song
Last song I give you
Last time
Last time
We meet
Last song, last song
I give you


Versions: #3
Sleep is so near
Under all the covers it is cool
Swept and hidden in blankets
Plastic, nylon, cellofane
My mouth against the thermometer
Cheats me and makes me weak from fever
And it feels like
I have forgotten something...
I drop my clothes
I drop the heat
Degree for degree
Now my hands are shaking
Worse every day
Like cesium and oxygen
I burn completely clear
And it feels like
I have forgotten something...
She is awake
I know that she is awake
I am awake
She knows that I am awake
We are awake
It looks like we
Recently awoke
And are waiting...
So near that I can smell it
Now I can relax
And outside on the stairs
The frost makes you let go
It has made it to October
Now the grass is freezing and going away
And I hate everything
That bends and goes away
She is awake
I know that she is awake
I am awake
She knows that I am awake
We are awake
It looks like we
Recently awoke
And are waiting...
Think, if I am wrong
I can be wrong...


Versions: #3
I tried to be special
Narrowly hunted and glazed pale
But with spots I am born
I almost forgot
I wanted to be spiritual
A sparkling personality
But you have to have
Genes and talent
And this is not me
And it will take hundreds of years
To hide the mistakes
I am lightyears away
Deformed and cross-eyed
And it burns like chlorine
Like new mouth sores
A third class receives
When everyone listens to you
Can you protect me?
I just want to flee from myself
Cut away my imperfection
But with spots I forgot
I am already doomed
I wanted to be intellectual
Well bred, disgustingly young
But the legacy is heavy
Genes and talent
Everything was a mistake
And it will take hundreds of years
To hide the mistakes
I am lightyears away
Deformed and cross-eyed
And it burns like chlorine
Like new mouth sores
A third class receives
When everyone listens to you
Can you protect me?
Can you protect me?
Can you protect me?
Can you protect me?
Please protect me

Honesty Respect Love

Versions: #3
I knew where you have been
Where you once came from
And once your story was also mine
Like music you just hear
When you can speak the same language
When you share all the secrets
Big ones as small
And I stole something you wanted to give to me anyway
I tried to love what I took
But honesty, respect, love just died
And I stole what you were ready to give me
You forgave me, I could not look you
In the eyes, sorry darling
I will do it soon again
I know which way you go
When you are alone in your bed
And we go back again and again
Like a book you just write
When you have wasted every word
About meaningless things that are obvious, meaningless, meaningless
I stole what you wanted to give me anyway
I tried to love what I took
Bu honesty, respect, love just died
And I stole what you were ready to give me
You forgave me, I could not look you
In the eyes, sorry darling
I will do it soon again
And I stole what you wanted to give me anyway
I tried to love what I took
but honesty, respect, love just died
And I stole what you were ready to give me
You forgave, I could not look you
In the eyes, sorry darling
I will do it soon again