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It's You

I can't come next to you,
So everyday I'm standing still and looking like this
Though I can't
Come into your heart, I know
Like destiny, everyday I'm all about you
It’s you
Even when I close my eyes
It’s you
I only see you
It’s you
Like that starlight in the sky
You are the only one person shining on my heart
It’s you
It’s you
Though yet there's no me in you,
In your eyes - I am there
Though I can't come into your arms,
Yet you're the only one for me
It’s you
Even when I close my eyes
It’s you
I only see you
It’s you
Like that starlight in the sky
You are the only one person shining on my heart
It’s you
Because It's the first time, I don't know
How I can give everything to you
I will always keep you by my side
It’s you
You do already know it
It’s you
That we feel the same
It’s you
Looking at the same place,
We're walking together an endless road
It’s you

Није играчка

Nisi igračka (Not a toy)
Život je kratak, ponekad težak,
Od čarki s’ igrališta, do borbenih ožiljka,
Od rascepanih porodica, do rascepanih srca,
Život je iluzija, ne moze biti razbijen,
Živi sporo, svaki dan kao san,
nikad ništa nije onako kako deluje,
nadam se da ćeš imati divan dan.
Ti nisi igračka, mi svi imamo izbor,
Ti nisi igračka vojnik,
Nemoj da trpiš i da se boriš, nego se udruži.
Ti nisi igračka vojnik.
Pozdravi se, a onda je vreme da se ide,
Ne idi, učini dom domom,
Sloboda je izbor, odluči sam,
Krvoprolići, zbog neznanih razloga,
Planeta zemlja, slobodno je lutati,
Ako je vreme da se sazri,neka seme bude zasejano.
Ti nisi igračka, mi svi imamo izbor,
Ti nisi igračka vojnik,
Nemoj da trpiš i da se boriš, nego se udruži.
Ti nisi igračka vojnik

My new love

Who did not pass my heart
I've always gone out of my life
I'm very tired and very tired
From the cruel (friendly)
I'm tired or I'm fired
Nanny is my heart
My new love
Be my world back to you
Be human, stay with me
My deal is enough for me
bleedr in my heart
Your place is my side
I'm happy next
My new love
I found the love you wanted
I lie in love

Arm Yourself With Wings

Arm yourself with wings
Arm yourself with a song
Arm yourself with everything you longed to dream about once
Follow me upstream
Past the old church courtyard
Far past the run-down power plant
Where we played when we were little
So arm yourself with wings, with wings, with wings
I couldn't sleep a wink tonight
Because I knew you were on your way
I laid and listened to the cries from the restaurant
And the air was heavy and hot
I got up and tried to write something
There is so much I have to keep up with
And the darkness feels nice and warm against my body
I saw that the moon was almost full
So arm yourself with wings, with wings, with wings
Arm yourself with wings, with wings, with wings
There's a place down here in the harbour
It's just where the long-haul trucks drive by
Down there, they say that the wind is the best and if you wish for it,
It blows where you want it to
It's the the most beautiful there at night
Where the crystal ships arrive
You can see them from several miles away when you stand on the rooftops
You're going to be able to see when we go
So arm yourself with wings, with wings, with wings
Arm yourself with wings, with wings, with wings
Arm yourself with wings, with wings, with wings
Arm yourself with wings, with wings, with wings
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Proofreading and corrections are encouraged// Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

Come With Me

Come with me when I travel
Come with me where I'm going
Come with me all the way
Come with me
Come with me, we'll get lost
Come with me, wherever you want
Come with me, come with me
Come with me
Come with me when I leave
Come with me where I'm going
Come with me all night long
Come with me
Don't say anything about us leaving
Don't say anything, don't say anything
Come with me, come with me
Come with me
Come with me when you want
Come with me everywhere
Come with me all the way
Come with me
Come with me, we'll get lost
Come with me like you want
Come with me all night long
Come with me
Come with me all night long
Come with me
Come with me all night long
Come with me
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Proofreading and corrections are encouraged// Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

Вера у човечанство

Znam da idalje imam veru u čovečanstvo,
Živeći u svetu izgrađenom na sujeti,
Zar su ljudi oko mene izgubili razum?
Potrbno je više jasnoće,manje histerije.
Da, ja idalje verujem u čovečanstvo,
Život je dar, kada mogu da milodrdno dajem,
Jednom sam bio slomljen, niko me ne može slomiti,
Niti me može okovati, nastavi vedrino.
Tako da, ja idalje verujem u čovečanstvo,
Budućnost zemlje može biti svetla ili izazovna,
Držimo je u našim rukama, i našim rukama budućnost će uspeti,
Nema više razaranja, nema više razaranja


Да ли сте ми то рекли или сам само халуцинисао да ли је то био само пријатан сан или живим, у сањарењу Одустао сам од покушаја да волим људе, уживо, љубав и живот, где нису исти, али смо једнаки, и одустао сам од свега што ми доноси тугу, време да погледамо унапред за боље сутра.
али можда сам превише сасвим, за овај луди свет ме окружује Изгубио сам у мозгу Ох опет, мислим да сам насао тако донт, иди јурити дуге, могао би бити посуда од злата, негде на путу који си посекао, Не идеш да јуриљ линију, јер вас стално добија, али без тебе где си добро
Не идете на лице на фацебооку, погледај у моје лице, то ће те довести у лоше књиге живот је само кратак, омогућимо му бољи, мало позитивности, у кишним временима, Не желим ништа да узмем осмех који доносиш Не желим краљицу или краља нема потребе за жељом за прстен волети брзо, живи споро то је начин на који треба да иде то је начин на који ћете расти, онда ћете с временом знати
(Serbian with English letters below)
e stvari ili sam ja samo halucinirala da li je to bio san ili ja zivim,
dok sanjarim odustala sam od pokusaja da zamolim ljude,
zivi,ljubav i zivot , gde nije isto ali smo jednaki,
i odustala sam od svega sto donosi tugu,
vreme je da gledam napred za bolje sutra.
ali mozda ja sam previse normalna,
za ovaj ludi svet oko mene izgubljena sam u mom razmisljanju oh evo ponovo,
mislim da sam se pronasla nemoj ici juriti dugu,
tamo moze biti cup zlata,
negde na putu na kom si posejao,
nemoj ici juriti liniju,
jer te stigne svakog puta,
ali bez toga da si okej nemoj ici na facebook,
pogledaj u moje lice,
ako te podseti na lose knjige zivot je samo kratak,
napravimo bolji, malo pozitivniji,
u kisnom vremenu,
nemoj traziti nista samo se nasmej nemoj traziti kraljicu ili kralja nemas potrebe traziti prsten voli brzo,
zivi polako to je put kojim treba ici to je put kojim ces sazreti,
nakon toga ces znati

Love Virus

Oh Oh Love
Oh It’s Love
I want to know - I mean,
These times I'm a bit strange
I keep thinking of you
It's not been for long, I'm not used to it,
I feel this for the first time
Guess love is coming to me
Like an unknown miracle
Between you and me
Between two of us
This feeling is spreading like a fragrance
Making my heart pound
Making me dizzy
Is it what love is?
Oh Oh Love
Oh It’s Love
Oh Oh
My heart is growing towards you
Oh Oh Love
Oh It’s Love
Oh Oh in the sweet fluttering
Love Virus
Why didn't I know it was you?
A person who has taken my heart
After all those times, finally
To be honest, whenever I saw you,
Don't know why, but I've been hiding
Guess destiny is like playing hide-and-seek -
It's running away
Between you and me
Between two of us
This feeling is spreading like a fragrance
Making my heart pound
Making me dizzy
Is it what love is?
All my day is filled only with you alone
Like that harsh cold
It doesn't seem to end
Will hug that me?
Between you and me
Between two of us
This fluttering is approaching like a breath
Make me hear only you
Make me see only you
I guess I've found my last love
Oh Oh Love
Oh It’s Love
Oh Oh
My heart is growing towards you
Oh Oh Love
Oh It’s Love
Oh Oh in the sweet fluttering
Love Virus


I've got a lot of things to say to you
But when I stand in front of you
Baby, I've got a lot of things to say to you
But when I stand in front of you
What I have to say when I meet you
I wrote down in notepad
Sometimes I took it out, and I practice it
Did you have meal?
Would you like to go to the cafe with me?
Have you ever been to the Galaxy coffee shop?
The distance between you and me
It's about equivocal 10cm
Show me the truth
I have a headahe
Only one more step
I've got a lot of things to say to you
But when I stand in front of you
Baby, I still have something to say about it
But when I stand in front of you
The script in my imagination is
probably the same as the romantic comedy
Something is wrong, it seems like a documentary
going loco crazy
Over my head with a rainbow color
A white paint was poured
Forget about it today
So I'm sorry
A slight smile, your eye smile
Daily changing clothes, even your small shoes
The moment that they move in front of me
Someone seems to be erasing my head clean
The distance between you and me
It's about equivocal 10cm
Show me the truth
I have a headahe
Only one more step
You don't know how cute you are
I'm really exciting differently everyday to you
The moment I confess in front of you
I want to hold you and kiss your cheek
I've got a lot of things to say to you
But when I stand in front of you
What is this?
Baby, I've got a lot of things to say to you
But when I stand in front of you

The wave

Versions: #2
Darling, I'm writing to you a poem
I would like to live in a wave
to make me come and go,
and to enter into your thoughts,
to slip myself into your hair, to hide myself in your neck,
to be drunk with your perfume and dance into the abyss.
Take me with you, in the most beautiful dream
on your body , at the bottom of your kiss,
you will be the wave and I will be the blowing wind.
I promise you silver and gold journeys..
Darling, within your eyes
are opened sorrowful moments
I'll march within the sorrow
to close your wounds
And when I get to the edge and the black is lost
I will engrave a tear, a precious promise...
Take me with you, in the most beautiful dream
on your body , at the bottom of your kiss,
you will be the wave and I will be the blowing wind.
I promise you silver and gold journeys

Strengthen Into the World

Versions: #2
The words are relaxing
And the emotion is still numb
Every word right in its place
And the heart remains closed
And the days are so beautiful
This winter's nights
Remind me of magical days
Two minutes are enough
Give me your hand and we'll walk away
Both in body and in heart
You'll let one touch your pain
And the days are so beautiful
This winter's nights
Remind me of magical days
Don't worry, I'm here...
I can see that in life
The wheels turn everyone around
The wars, the inversions
At the end come around
Strengthened to the world
The times aren't easy
Fading in the shadows
Waking up in a fright
And escaping the absentmindedness
And the days are so beautiful
This winter's nights
Remind me of magical days
Don't worry, I'm here...
I can see that in life
The wheels turn everyone around
The wars, the inversions
At the end come around
Strengthened to the world


Vreme nije novac ali ga ipak nemoj trositi.Voli iskreno,nemoj povrsno.Osecaj se svojim i suoci se sa strahom.Ne varaj,ne kopiraj i ne lepi.Ako to zelis,pokreni se i uzmi,ne gubi vreme!


hladne zimske ulice
u UK
da li cujes
bol u onome sto kazem?
Zato ovo radim za sebe,
na svoj način
možda vidiš moj osmeh ako ne ujedam,
sreća je recipročna polovini onoga što vidim,
oko mene-
Ja možda gledam nesigurno,
još uvek jednostavno-prijatno
vidim lepotu u svemu
A ti_-Da li uživaš u letnjem povetarcu?
ili načinu ,načinu kako vetar prolazi kroz drveće.
Na mesečini ja osećam šta opisujem,
nešto me zove,
gledam prema svetlu
O kako prelep znak,(ali..)
Ne znam da li sam to ja-ili društvo?
ili gravitacija,brzo me vraća u realnost
pa ponekad ja poželim da budem sama,
ne prikrivena ili sigurna,
da istražim potpuno novi put u životu,
tako da hvatam svaku priliku u životu
Da li je ovo život koji vodimo?-o ne,
onda da li je ovo san koji sanjam? — ne
da li je ovo pesma koju pišeš? ne mislim tako,
Koja te čuva noću? ne mislim tako,
Ideja,o pravoj moći,
većina je bogata ali siromašna u životu i ideologijama,
ljudi su zarobljeni,
nemaju osećanja,ili nikada se ne izvinjavaju,
yatim besmislene etikete u prodavnicama,
i deca u prodavnicama,
oni su na bloku prodaju kamenje,
gube vreme,
jure snove umesto da ih stvaraju,
mnogi od njih su lažnjaci,
nikada ne daju ,samo uzimaju,
i ja,ja sedim pozadi i slušam,sanjarim o ćudima,sanjarim i razmišljam
o čemu bi trebala da razmišljam dalje

I'm Not in Love With Your Eyes

Versions: #2
Confused, troubled! Mismatched, why, what is it?
I want to nonchalantly peek at the answer, a bad habit, isn’t it
It’s ambient unrest! However, in the middle of comprehending,
I’m always getting saved by a whirlpool of bitter thoughts
A wrong virtual image, infused with a wrong vision of the future
I think it’d be best to stop soon, but
So that I can at least hear your voice properly
I’ll get wet in a storm, I won’t mind because I’ll leave it to the bath towel
In a world shined on by the golden wavering sun, I’ve already
Thought a little about trying to live, you might be why
I might die regretting it Things like guarantees are after all useless
In a naive moment, being deceived?
I ate up sentiment! In the middle of running side-by-side with the unexpected
Catching up, getting ahead, doing it over again is human nature
Feeling sad and grumbling, instantly coming to an agreement and resetting
It can’t be that simple to do, huh?
I’m not in love with your eyes but I understand
When you lose something important, that breaking feeling
A shining rainbow-colored happiness, even if such a thing doesn’t exist
There are still things created from a teaspoonful of simple machinery
My confidence is in high spirits, I’ve gotten used to failing severely and things I was afraid of
And I fell into a never-ending loop, it’s a disease, a disease, well, just a little until the tide pulls
I’m not in love with your eyes but I understand
When you lose something important, that breaking feeling
A shining rainbow-colored happiness, even if such a thing doesn’t exist
A thing created from a teaspoonful of simple machinery
Could you try to believe me a little, even though it’s true there’s no guarantee
You can hold my hand, after all

Done all I had to

she hurt me and then she cried and went on complaining
and she's sold our love with sadness and crying
I loved and gave
came to take and found nothing
consoled without complaining
and was patient with her
we made amends and then blamed one another
we fought and made peace
I made compromises and she didn't like it
so what should I do?
Done all I had to and the rest is in God's hands
gave her love and loyalty, gave her everything
all of this happened because I spoiled you
and made you take my heart for granted
you made me cry, you hurt me
go away for God's sake
she grew over me and let life take her away
she forgot about our love, nights and our longings of the past
now she doesn't let a night pass by without a fight
grief, and nights of desertion and blame
I made her take me for granted, there's nothing left to say
Done all I had to and the rest is in God's hands
gave her love and loyalty, gave her everything
she laughs to me, I say it's love and illusion
she shuns me away, I say maybe she's playing hard to get
and because she meant so much to me, I put with her
and because I kept my silence, I became a toy in her hands
no, I won't be weak another day before her eyes
Done all I had to and the rest is in God's hands
gave her love and loyalty, gave her everything
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


If You Aren't Here

Even the shine from twinkling stars straightens tears...
If you aren't here...
Even the small flowerbud sprout by the window...
Means nothing at all.
I could say 'I love you', and my heart would be relieved...
But when I look at you, I can say nothing...
I just turn my eyes away...
Nor my blue note, or my polished shoes, or my treasures...
If you are not here...
I feel lonely.
How many summers have now passed by between us?
If you aren't here, even a picture of beach I took...
When we were romping around looks so monochromatic...
A thing that time has left behaind.
Because I just want to tell you the truth...
Listen, I get speachless every time I see you...
Please, stay here forever...
A postcard I forgot to send you falls deeply in my heart...
I wrote there...
'I love you'.
If you are not here...
There is nothing.


Neyi söyleyemeden duruyorsun önümde?
Başladığın sözün ayaksız kaldı(sonu gelmedi)
Kaygılanıp dur, düşünme beni
Şu anda da kız deyip duruyor musun hala?
Sana olan duygularım gerçek idi
Sen şaşırdın aldandın da
Bahtımı(mutluluğumu) -ömürdeki
Sonsuza dek yaraladın
Uzaklaş, ne kadar uzağa gidersen git
Hiç bir zaman geri dönme
Dönme artık yanıma, yanıma
İncitmedim deme, renkten renge girip karşımda
Yalanların yeter artık yeter
Verdiğin sözün nerede? O yerine getirilmeyecek mi?
Sen benim için ulaşılmaz hayali bir ceylansın.
İncitmedim deme, renkten renge girip karşımda
Yalanların yeter artık yeter
Verdiğin sözün nerede? O yerine getirilmeyecek mi?
Sen benim için ulaşılmaz hayali bir ceylansın.
Pişman oluyor musun şimdi?
Hatırlayıp mutlu zamanları
O kadar sana değer vermiş idim
Hepsi de şimdi uzaklaşıp gitti
Sen beni düşünme artık, özleme
Yalvarışlarla hüzünlenme karşımda
Seni unutmak artık zor değil
Yalvarıp artık incitme
Uzaklaş, ne kadar uzağa gidersen git
Hiç bir zaman geri dönme
Dönme artık yanıma, yanıma
İncitmedim deme, renkten renge girip karşımda
Yalanların yeter artık yeter
Verdiğin sözün nerede? O yerine getirilmeyecek mi?
Sen benim için ulaşılmaz hayali bir ceylansın.
İncitmedim deme, renkten renge girip karşımda
Yalanların yeter artık yeter
Verdiğin sözün nerede? O yerine getirilmeyecek mi?
Sen benim için ulaşılmaz hayali bir ceylansın.
İncitmedim deme, renkten renge girip karşımda
Yalanların yeter artık yeter
Verdiğin sözün nerede? O yerine getirilmeyecek mi?
Sen benim için ulaşılmaz hayali bir ceylansın.
İncitmedim deme, renkten renge girip karşımda
Yalanların yeter artık yeter
Verdiğin sözün nerede? O yerine getirilmeyecek mi?
Sen benim için ulaşılmaz hayali bir ceylansın.
İncitmedim deme, renkten renge girip karşımda
Yalanların yeter artık yeter
Verdiğin sözün nerede? O yerine getirilmeyecek mi?
Sen benim için ulaşılmaz hayali bir ceylansın.

Enlightened Mind Looking At The Moon

Lucid dream in kingdom of Heaven
Go palace to meet Moon princess
Her skin is snowy white
Her body pretty like a precious gemstone
Her aura like a beautiful flower under full moon
The dragon sings melody
Don't dare to compare to fairy elves
Exotic beauty of the exile
Depends on the luck of life
As a weak lady I give my fate to a strongman
How gentle! Hear the young lady's whisper
My heart is more drunk than alcohol aroma
Hoping that the time goes slowly
to keep the lucid dream more longer
For me stay and protect you
Together drinking and making poems
Now I want to stay with the fairy
If it will costs all of my citadels
Girl: I engrave your kindness in my heart ( never forget )
Other version:
My heart is pumping for love
Hey fairy elf with elegant beauty
Like a passion bucida molinetii colour
Pinky cheek with the smell of rose
Alluring the soul of hero
Looking at your damaged armor
Hey Hero where are you come from ?
Please stop and rest for a moment
Let's drink some peach wine with me
We see the star to hope for wedding day
My ear hears gentle sound from golden bird ( the woman )
Make my soul drunk by spicy yeast wine
Hey pretty gentle Moon princess like flower
Make my heart loves you secretly
Wishing to stay with you in the aroma of love
Next to honorable man is a beautiful lady
Flowers wish their love durable
We share our love and our minds
Hoping that ochna and bamboo never far away
Nguoi do thai

I want to live

I want to live
In this dream that intoxicates me
Again this day!
Sweet flame,
I keep you in my soul
Like a treasure!
This intoxication
Of youth
Alas, don't last just one day!
Then the time comes
When we cry
The heart gives way to love
And happiness flees without return.
I want to live
In this dream that intoxicates me
Again this day!
Sweet flame,
I keep you in my soul
Like a treasure!
Away from the gloomy winter
Let me sleep
Before stripping it.
Sweet flame,
Stay in my soul
Like a sweet treasure
For a long time, again!
~ TheBomb.com? More like TheBomb.net.mln! :D ~

Clarification in footnotes:
'Lit' = 'literally'
'Or' = there is an alternate way to translate the line/phrase

A Doll with a Human Face

Versions: #2
The world is as if divided into two
Behind a blue window
Weeps quietly a sexless mannequin
A doll with a human face
The lonely nights
He asks the sky for one thing:
To make a fire burn in his heart
From the original spark
To make it sweet
To make it hurt
To repent afterwards
And so weeps the sexless mannequin
A doll with a human face
He will become a tumbleweed
He will wait for the fire of hope to die out
To exchange one glassy captivity
For a thousand of others
And while he is chained by silence
Behind a blue window
Weeps quietly the sexless mannequin
A doll with a human face

Anybody would tell

It is easy to tell the memories
the times that we spent together
the excitements that tells you
that breaths taken in
sleepless and lonely
when I was not thinking about it
suddenly, I met with your eyes
what was there hiding for?
How we were in love, madly
how we were believed in our love
Anybody would tell
that lived what a beautiful dream was that
What's matter if it is true or not
that is a closed page from now on
maybe you at that days
were scared from something
as holding tight to my love
you were like hiding
What ever, it came and went
when I was not thinking about it
suddenly, I met with your eyes
what was there hiding for?
How we were in love, madly
how we were believed in our love
Anybody would tell
that lived what a beautiful dream was that
What's matter if it is true or not
that is a closed page from now on


Aww vidi tatinu devojcicu
To je tatina bebica
Mala pospana glavica
Do juce sam ti menjao pelene
Brisao te i puderisao.
Kako si postala tako velika?
Ne mogu da verujem, sada imas dve godine
Bebo ti si tako dragocena
Tata je tako ponosan na tebe
Sedi dole kurvo
Ako se mrdnes ponovo prebicu te na mrtvo ime
(Eminem kao Kim)
Ne teraj me da probudim ovu bebu
Ona ne mora da vidi sta cu da uradim
Prestani da places kurvo, zasto me uvek teras da se derem na tebe?
Kako si mogla?
Tek tako da me ostavis i da ga zavolis iz cista mira
Oh, sta nije uredu Kim?
Da li sam preglasan za tebe?
Steta kurvo, konacno ces da me cujes ovog puta
Na pocetku, ja sam kao uredu
Zelis da me izbacis napolje? To je uredu!
Ali ne da bi mi on zauzeo mesto, da li si ti poludela?
Ovaj kauc, ovaj TV, ova cela kuca je moja!
Kako si mogla da dopustis da spava u nasem krevetu?
Pogledaj Kim
Pogledaj svog muza sada!
Rekao sam, pogledaj ga!
Sada nije tako privlacan, zar ne?
Picko mala!
(Zasto radis ovo?)
Jebeno umukni!
(Pijan si! Nikada se neces izvuci sa ovim!)
Mislim da me boli kurac!
Hajde, idemo da se provozamo kurvo
Sedi napret
(Pa, ne mogu tek tako da ostavim Hejli samu, sta ako se probudi?)
Brzo cemo se vratiti
To jest, ja cu, ti ces biti u gepeku
(1) - Za sada toliko, tako si me pogresno odradila kurvo
Ja ne zelim da nastavim
Da zivim na ovom svetu bez tebe
(Ponavljanje 1.)
Stvarno si me sjebala Kim
Stvarno si me proracunala
Da si znala da sam te varao, ti bi se vratila da me proganjas
Ali tada smo bili deca Kim, imao sam samo 18 godina
To je bilo davno
Mislio sam da smo rascistili racune
To je sjebano!
(Volim te!)
Oh Boze, moj mozak juri
(Volim te!)
Sta to radis?
Promeni stanicu, mrzim ovu pesmu!
Da li ti ovo lici na veliku salu?
Tu lezi cetvorogodisnji decak prerezanog grla
U tvojoj dnevnoj sobi, ha-ha
Sta? Mislis da se zajebavam?
Volela si ga, zar ne?
Seres kurvo, nemoj da me jebeno lazes
Kakav jebeni problem ima ovaj tip pored mene?
Jebi se seronjo, aha, izes mi
Kim, KIM!
Zasto ti se ne svidjam?
Mislis da sam ruzan, zar ne?
(Nije to!)
Ne, ti mislis da sam ja ruzan
Bezi u kurac od mene, ne pipaj me
Kako si jebeno mogla da mi priredis ovo?
Kako si jebeno mogla da mi uradis ovo?
(Ponavljanje 1. (2x))
Hajde, izlazi napolje
(Ne mogu, plasim se)
Rekao sam da izadjes kurvo!
(Pusti mi kosu, molim te duso ne radi ovo)
(Molim te, volim te, vidi mozemo jednostavno da uzmemo Hejli i da odemo)
Jebi se, ti si nam ovo uradila
Ti si to uradila, to je tvoja greska
Oh moj Boze, pocinjem da pucam
Saberi se Marsal
Hej, secas li se kada smo otisli na Brajanovu zurku?
I bila si toliko pijana da si sve povratila po Arciju
Bilo je zaista smesno zar ne?
To je bilo smesno zar ne?
Vidis da sada sve ima smisla, zar ne?
Ti i tvoj muz se svadjate
Jedan od vas dvoje pokusa da uzme noz
I tokom te borbe, on slucajno presece svoju Adamovu jabucicu
I dok se to desava
Njegov sin se tek probudio i udje unutra
Ona panici i njemu grlo biva preseceno
(Oh moj Boze!)
I oboje su sada mrtvi i onda ti sebi preseces grlo
I sada je to duplo ubistvo i samoubistvo bez oprostajnog pisma
Trebao sam da budem pametniji kada si pocela da se ponasas cudno
Mogli smo da...HEJ! Gde si posla? Vracaj se ovamo!
Ne mozes da pobegnes od mene Kim
Ovde smo samo mi, i niko vise!
Samo otezavas sebi!
Ha! Ha! Imam te!
Ha! Samo napred, vici!
Evo i ja cu da vristim sa tobom!
Zar ne kapiras kurvo? Niko ne moze da te cuje
A sada jebeno umukni i spremi se za ono sto ti sledi
Trebalo je da me volis
(*Kim se gusi*)
(Ponavljanje 1. (2x))
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Every Heart

Tell me babe, how many do I shed my tears?
Every Heart Every Heart is not a gentle yet
Shall I do? I can never say my loneliness
Every Heart doesn't know so what to say oh what to do
(I) was afraid of darkness cause I felt that I was left alone
So I prayed for help to (the) distant million stars
Round & Round the planets revolve round the sun
And we always seek after love and peace Forever more
Growing growing woe baby we can work it out
Look up at the sky Every Heart is shining all today
Show me now, What kind of smile do I come across
Every Heart Every Heart can take a step towards the dreams
All of us what to take a lasting happiness
Whenever you feel sad, I wanna hold you & give you a sound sleep
Someday Every Hearts gonna free and easy
We have peace of mind
Someday all the people find the way to love
Goes & Goes the time goes on we are not alone
We live on together and we will find some precious things
Sometime we will smile sometime we will cry somehow
Don't forget believing yourself - Tomorrow's never die
There is the warm heart places on my mind
In my earliest day's there and it's so sweet
There are many stars they have talk with me so kind
They say yes always time's a friend of mine so shine
Round & Round the planets revolve round the sun
And we always seek after love and peace Forever more
Growing growing woe baby we can work it out
Look up at the sky Every Heart is shining all today
Goes & Goes the time goes on we are not alone
We live on together and we will find some precious things
Sometime we will smile sometime we will cry somehow
Don't forget believing yourself - Tomorrow's never die
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

A Future Without You

What should I protect?
Without a doubt, there was only one thing
An echoing cry
A sound made in vain deep within the forest
The reason I could hold back my tears
Was because of the warmth when our fingers touched
A future without you
Is a future without meaning
I'll never let go of you again
The world I see with you
Is a world I've never seen before
We travel across time and space on a distant journey
Singing voice of truth
Echo in the darkness as I make a pledge in my heart
I'll never stop
Even if I'm inside a storm, until I reach the eternal paradise
The soul can never be destroyed
No matter what fate is passed on
I want to escape with you
Even if this world ends
We'll never look back again
I can make it with you
An infinite movement begins
Someday they'll tell stories about this endless dream
A future without you
Is a future without meaning
I’ll never let go of you again
The world I see with you
Is a world I've never seen before
We travel across time and space on a distant journey
We travel across time and space on a distant journey
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Everyone knows who Juanita is

Everyone knows who Juanita is
She seems to be cross- eyed
And her teeth are crooked, the nose is hooked
And her...ribs are kinda saggy
And her hair is like weeds
And she slouches day and night
And if I wasn't so ugly
She would take me as a husband


Time goes by and withered your appearance
Time has left its traits in your *appearance*(literally: forehead)
*Time*(literally: age) flies by fast as raindrop falling from sky
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
Those who sing and play at night
are silenced by today's unpleasantness
Those who waste money and play at night(not presented in lyric 1:24-29)
are silenced by today's unpleasantness(not presented in lyric 1:29-35)
(Those in) droughts cried for missing (the waters of) Ocean
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
(repeat last two line)
The World,The World,The World,What the world gives it will eventually take it away(repeat)
How many has *dedicated their lives*(literally: burned themselves) for their children
How many has *dedicated their lives*(literally: twisted their lung) for their mother
(repeat last two line)
Even the water will not stay in your body after you drink it
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
And how many has achieved by working diligently
What the world gives it will eventually take it away
Don't get tied to your desire, forget it
One day opportunity will come, wait for it with hope
And be aware of the *death*(literally: coffin) passing by you
What the world gives it will eventually take it away(repeat)
The World,The World,The World,What the world gives it will eventually take it away(repeat)

I want to shout I love you

Starting my run in the middle of town, bright sunlight at my back,
as always, you tapped my shoulder
I'm so enthralled by you yet for reasons unknown,
your arm won't be linked to mine.
Before I realized it, you stole my gaze, and it began.
I won't let you go. I won't have any doubts. Crazy for you.
*I want to shout 'I love you.' Let's try to change tomorrow.
I want to smash this freezing moment in time.
I want to shout 'I love you.' Let's be brave and take a step forward.
I want you to receive these warm emotions.
On the noisy floor, across from me at the crowded table,
I'm lost in your casual glance.
It feels like I'm in love with you, yet it's like I'm being toyed with.
I can't lie to my soaring heartbeat anymore.
When will it change, this frustrating friendship?
I want to tell you. I want to make sure. I take you away.
I want to shout 'I love you.' Let's leave everything behind.
I want to find the words to melt your heart.
I want to shout 'I love you.' I won't let you leave me tonight.
Let's end the days we don't get past just gazing at each other
I wanna cry for you
I wanna cry for you

'Oταν πέφτει η νύχτα

When a long night comes, I get lost again
I don’t have you
I never witnessed my dreams
Where there is no place to wake me
I’m stopping and waiting for you
I need your love, take me
I need you now, hold me tight
In memories I’ve missed
I’m crying alone
I need your love, in your arms
I need you now, hold me tight
Only you can wake me up
Long nights, don’t make sense
I don’t have you
I’m still waiting for you
I need your love, take me
I need you now, hold me tight
In memories I’ve missed
I’m crying alone
I need your love, in your arms
I need you now, hold me tight
I’ll wait forever here
I’ll wait for you until it ends
I’ll walk with you someday
I need your love, take me
I need you now, hold me tight
In memories I’ve missed
I’m crying alone
I need your love, in your arms
I need you now, hold me tight
Only you can wake me up

The restless Cinderella

Versions: #4
You drink and stare at the other tables
Secretly glance yourself from the mirror
Pitch black stars are staring back at you
You hope that somebody would notice you too
There's no friends in your table
Everyone knows your Cinderella story by its name
In the past the heaven was open for you too
Until the evil hand caught the runaway
And life is easy then when there is someone
To hold onto
You don't have to go to sleep to cry
Yourself to dreams
And life is from day to day mockery
From strangers for even you
From day to day the restless Cinderella turns
Herself to a martyr
The colorful lights of the night are party for everyone (yeah yeah yeah)
Candles are lit and people have fun
Your left feet stomps to the beat of the music
The lights just don't shine to the face of the real hero
The night darkens and people are going away
You wouldn't leave when there's still plenty of time
Hopeless tomorrow waits you outside
The price of love is worthy of the name
thank you for reading this. if there's no source, i've made the whole translation all by myself and i give you the permission to use it anywhere, if you just remember to credit me :)


Frost's drawing ornaments on the window
But our boys don't like sitting in the warm room
Boys, boys are racing the snow hills.
Boys, boys impossible not to be jealous of them
Waltz is playing on the prom
The first time boys are shy seeing girls
Boys, boys, the heart started beating suddenly
Boys, what is your Future?
When the alarm sounded in homeland
Boys are standing in the soldiers range
Boys, boys, the first time on the battle
Boys, boys, defended homeland
Sailing in the oceans, flying high in the sky
Serious men with a boy sparkle in the eyes
Boys, boys, even the years pass
Boys, boys, are always boys for us


I wanna go to the farthest place
I wonder what kind of people I can meet over there
I wanna go to the highest point
I wonder the place I can see beyond
One small water bottle, a dusty camera,
A stained map being put into my bag
Over the hill and through the forest path
While I touch the ground with my light steps
I walk along the endless path slowly
I sit down without any thoughts as well as I take a break
Even thought I am lost it is important that I don't rush
Someday I will figure it out
As this path teaches me eventually
The wet ground, the footprints in front of me
The sky I see for the first time, but the same old path
Over the hill and through the forest path
While I touch the ground with my light steps
I walk along the endless path slowly
My heart becomes excited from seeing a new scenery
I act extravagantly from something trivial
I walk while whistling
I walk along the path even though I trip over occasionally
One small water bottle, a dusty camera,
A stained map being put into my bag
Over the hill and through the forest path
While I touch the ground with my light steps
I walk along the endless path slowly
The road that I'm familiar since childhood
I sometimes do yearn for it
So I'm off for a journey, for the wider world

Тек тада

Волети ме није тако тешко
Само ме чврсто грли као што то чиниш сада
Иако наша будућност остаје неизвесна
Управо ми се та неодређеност допада
Кога је брига шта други кажу?
Не можемо да живимо једно без другога, шта није у реду с тим?
Можемо да наставимо да се волимо, то је сигурно
Када неко други почне да ти се допада
Када се навикнем на живот без тебе
Тек када такав тренутак дође, када је крај једини начин
Тек тада ћу те пустити да одеш
Волети те није тако тешко
Само још један осмех, још један додир биће довољан
Волети једно друго није тако тешко
Ако нам се свакога дана погледи сретну као да нам је то први пут
Кога је брига шта други кажу?
Не можемо да живимо једно без другога, шта није у реду с тим?
Можемо да наставимо да се волимо, то је сигурно
Када неко други почне да ти се допада
Када се навикнем на живот без тебе
Тек када такав тренутак дође, када је крај једини начин
Тек тада, тек тада
Желела ти то или не, волећу те и бићу ти веран
Тек када посрнеш и не можеш да наставиш даље
Тек када такав тренутак дође, када је крај једини начин
Тек тада ћу те пустити да одеш
Тек тада ћу те пустити да одеш
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)