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It's not like before
Without you
Today I'm again
Blank and doing nothing
Guess you have tamed me
Because even without me knowing
My time without you
Is just stopped
Stories only we knew
Promises only we shared
Without you
All of that is just meaningless memory
Day by day without you
I'm withering
I'm colored
With tears that made my eyes wet
You're already done with all of that
I'm not yet
Please, don't go like that
Don't leave me
I'm so scared
Being here alone
Two people were standing
Where have you gone?
That we have broken up
Is too hard for me
Because I'm still there
On that way we often walked
I keep thinking of that song
We listened together to
It hurts even more
Day by day without you
I'm withering
I'm colored
With tears that made my eyes wet
You're already done with all of that
I'm not yet
Please, don't go like that
Don't leave me
I'm so scared
Being here alone
Two people were standing
Where have you gone?
Love is you
For me it's only you
Love is you
Love is only you
Love is you
It hurts so much
Please, don't
Leave me like that and go
I lost the way
That I walked with you
After walking for a long time
I realized you were not there
If you haven't gone far,
Will you come back to me?
Please, look at me
Don't avoid me like that
I'll behave well
Like back then
I'm really sorry
For not giving you a good farewell

Down to the Terminal

Kiss me like a warm wind
Kiss me a hundred meters up in the air
Kiss me like Hermine kissed Harry
Kiss me
So that something can become god
So that something can become god again
I know that they're closing up now
And I know that they want me to leave
The flies are beginning to look more and more like spaceships
And I think I'm starting to understand
And the girl from the circus is playing sober
When she's clinking empty bottles out on the courtyard
Over by the roundabout some dogs are fighting
And behind Ritz Hotel rain is coming
Kiss me like Sirocco
Kiss me 30 stories up high
Kiss me like Hermine kissed Harry
Kiss me so that something can become god
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
God again
So that something can become god again
I'm swigging up
My 'Sugar-Conny' drink
I'm going down to the terminal
It feels like a black-and-white, old film
Kiss me like a warm wind
Kiss me a hundred meters up in the air
Kiss me like Hermine kissed Harry
Kiss me
So that something can become god
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
So that something can become god again
God again
So that something can become god again


Oh my hopeful states...
my quick deceptions...
all beliefs...
my humor...
always looking for a mistake in myself...
minding worthlessly ...
my tears which are flowing, without a reason...
give consequence to everyone...
Farewell to all of you...
From now on,
I won't be nobody's nobody.


Everyone thinks to know,
To know how everything is
When they know absolutely nothing
Then just let them say nothing
Everyone is dreaming
Has much on their mind
Your pockets will suddently get different
If you believe in the world again
I want more than, than the wish
Everyone has in their mind
Your face is more important than yourself
I want more than, than the boundaries
Everyone wish for
I do not want to be the way I should
Yes, being yourself, that is good
Everyone thinks to know,
To know how everything is
When they know absolutely nothing
We were born in this world
And we then see how everything goes
Everyone thinks out loud, yes
Just as if you did not exist
I want more than, than the wish
Everyone has in their mind
I do not want to be the way I should
Yes, being yourself, that is good
I want more than, than the wish
Everyone has in their mind
Your face is more important than yourself
I want more than, than the boundaries
Everyone wish for
I do not want to be the way I should
Yes, being yourself, that is good
Yes, being yourself, that is good

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.



[Verse 1]
Now she sits there again
Behind her scrap book for the 117th time
And loses herself in memories yet again
And she knows what she should let be
They are dreaming just to lament
One should live here and now
But she can not let it be
[Chorus 1]
Because she yearns
For that time when the days flew by
When they danced in the Dansetten*
Both Friday and Saturday, and the whole night together
[Verse 2]
Now she reads the letter from him
Him as she knew him once
But the writing has faded
She will never see him again
Because it's pure nostalgia
Like a little worm that gnaws
In her melancholy
[Chorus 2]
But she yearns
For that time when the days flew by
When they danced in Dansetten
And the disco ball that danced with them
[Chorus 2]
Yes, she yearns
For that time when the stars sparkled down
When they danced in Dansetten
And the whole world, it danced with them

Silence in the World

It becomes silent in the world, when we are gone
It becomes silent in the world, when we are gone
We always need to go and lay out plans,
Never can we be who we are
The soul's shooting star - always travels out
Never can we be who we are
No one knows why we shall leave
No one knows why we travel together
The only thing we have, it is a dream of the future
And we shall always have it all together
It becomes silent in the world, when we are gone
No one knows where the dreams come from
No one knows why we dream them
The only thing we know, it is that the time goes
And where we will be next year
No one knows where we came from
No one knows where we shall go
The only thing we know, it is that the time goes
And eternity takes its place
The only thing we know, it is that the time goes
And eternity takes its place
It becomes silent in the world, when we are gone
It becomes silent in the world, when we are

Sweet water (fresh water)

Versions: #2
My love is like a desert land
doesn't give herself easily, if at all
To my performances she is no audience
Even though she wants me already
She turns down (reject) all manners of a wooer
It is actually (specialy) then, that I love her more
My love is like a desert land
She has a shiny and purity cleanliness
that if I'm a bit dirty
Even though she already wants me
She won't let me get near, she won't accede
It is actually (specialy) then, that I love her more
She doesn't like it when I talk
She says I'm lying,
even in silence (when I'm silent)
As if I'm not worth
even a spit
She certainly doesn't forget
And still, doesn't forgive
For long long days
She would have left a long time ago
If she hadn't thought
That she would find fresh (sweet?) water in me.
My love is like a desert land
pricks like flint, stings like a scorpion
penetrates the bone like a cold East wind
Even though she already wants me
She dries me out to see if I'd stay
It is actually (specialy) then, that I love her more
It is actually (specialy) then, that I love her more
It is actually (specialy) then, that I love her more.

It Seems You Were Born Alone

Once upon a time, in an ancient place
It seems you were born alone.
Crying and frustrated- but also laughing
The cradle was rocking.
Before long you grew up splendidly...
Then I guess you said you'd go on a trip.
With anxiety and hope in heart,
You embarked courageously.
Though you were born crying,
There aren't only tears.
There's laughter, anger, fighting,
and sleeping peacefully.
That's just a normal day.
That's just a normal day.

Ништа не траје заувек

Ништа не траје заувек
Али се надам да ће моја љубав
Заувек бити прелепа
Ништа не траје заувек
Али се надам
Да сам некоме посебан
Ништа не траје заувек
Али се надам да ће глас мога срца
Ипак трајати заувек
Чак иако сада ниси уз мене
Када све ово прође
Надам се да ће ово остати прича без сенке
Надам се да ће бити вечна, драгоцена успомена
Када све ово прође
Надам се да ће постојати само љубав
Ништа не траје заувек
Али се надам
Да ће се овај свет постати топлији
Ништа не траје заувек
Али се надам да не заборавиш
Драгоценост ове блискости
Чак иако сада ниси уз мене
Када све ово прође
Надам се да ће ово остати прича без сенке
Надам се да ће бити вечна, драгоцена успомена
Када све ово прође
Надам се да ће постојати само љубав
Ла, ла, ла, ла, ла, ла, ла, ла
Када све ово прође
Када све ово прође
Ништа не траје заувек
Ништа не траје заувек
Ништа не траје заувек
Али када све ово буде прошло
Ништа не траје заувек
Ништа не траје заувек
Ништа не траје заувек
Али када све ово буде прошло
Ништа не траје заувек
Ништа не траје заувек
Ништа не траје заувек
Али када све ово буде прошло
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

My name is Kim Jong-Un

(Chicken Noise)
My name is Kim Jong-Un
I got a lot of things to do
Missile Test in the morning
Then I'm off to the supermarket
Then at around 4'
I'll inspect the troops
With big fat bazookas
And dildo bayonettes
Even the kids are playing war
Even though there's nothing to eat
My name is Kim Jong-Un
I'm immune to criticism
And if someone's a pain in my neck
I'll shovel his grave
(la la la la...)
Listen up, Yankee-Trumpel-beast
I have warned you once:
My military is top in shape
And camouflaged quite well
The boys are really great in shape
Can even do Karate
And everyone has strapped a bag
with an atomic bomb to his belly
My name is Kim Jong-Un
I am a busy guy
At daytime I instruct the firing squad
And the evenings I'm off duty
I let the country go to hell
But I love my fat gut
My name is Kim-Jong-Un
I still have work to do
We're practicing for the end of the world
no need to mess around
(Bomb goes off)

Anywhere if I could dream

Night song of the road that no maps can mark
Hearing speed become breathless, suddenly I think of sound of waves
You would be asleep now but I imagine the sand we step on together
You are hopeless, but anywhere if I could dream even for a while with you
I know that I'm withering away, so anytime If you want me
You would be awake now but I think of the dream where we entwine together
You are hopeless, but anywhere if I could dream even for a while with you
I know that I'm withering away, so anytime If you want me
Night song of the road that no maps can mark
I know that I'm withering away, so anytime If you want me
Please pick me up anytime
Anywhere if I could dream

The Words In My Heart

I've been sick for a few days now
It's hard to sleep,
It's hard to breathe,
Because my heart is overfilled with you
Even if I'm by your side,
My heart can't go to you
I'm just always longing for you
Today too
Longing became tears
I want to tell you
I want to call you
I swallow the words in my heart
But they always keep coming and coming
At the end of my lips
No matter how I shout
Guess you can't hear them
Those words of love to you
That I say
Everyday only by myself,
Only with my eyes
The time I'm waiting for you
Became one long day
Became as natural
As breathing
I want to tell you
I want to call you
I take the words in my heart out
To the very end of my lips
But hide and hide them again
No matter how I shout
Guess you can't see my feelings
You don't know
How many tears I had to erase and erase
Behind my bright face
It's the first time
I feel something like this
Even when you're by my side, I still miss you
At least once
I want to call your name and be in your arms
I want to tell you
I want to make you hear
I swallow the words in my heart
But they always keep coming and coming
At the end of my lips
No matter how I shout
Guess you can't hear them
Those words of love to you
That I say
Everyday only by myself,
Only with my eyes


I thought I could catch them
The moments I dreamed of
So I walked strongly
With faith without reason
I kept going without giving up
I thought if I gave it my all
It will all happen before my eyes
In the end, I’ll get it, I pray every day
I’m only looking ahead as I run
At the end of this dark tunnel
There will be a bright light
I ran endlessly, locked up in hope
Yea, I wanted to see that bright light
I thought I just had to go a little more
It felt like I could reach if I held out my hand
But why does it feel like I’m running in place?
It’s not enough yet, right?
If I wanna run again, I need to hold it in and get up
But there are so many things that make it hard to handle my reality
As if they’re trying to make me fall
But I’m trying to endure cuz I don’t wanna lose
It’s a dream I wanna fulfill with all I am
But why does it keep making it harder for me?
Why don’t they know how earnest I am?
Why are they playing with me?
I don’t expect much, that’s the only thing
But the more time passes, the more I wanna crumble down
Why must I throw myself into the responsibilities of the world?
Why do I have to endure that pain?
The world won’t leave me alone
I try telling myself that it’s not my fault
I can only avoid it and hide
If there is a God, please hear me out
This is all that I can do
And I hate it
I can only walk on a path of thorns
But I’m closing my eyes and shouting in my heart
I pray for my dream
I’m dreaming again
The dream I wanted
I pray with my hands together
Sometimes, I stop and look at the sky
Because I still have a dream to fulfill
i have a dream woo woo
i have a dream woo woo
Inside the endless despair
I thought I was the only one suffering
But the only thing I could do
Is to hope and pray
I need to endure, if my seat breaks
I must put it back together stronger
But the more I hope, the more I suffer
I’m curling up into a ball again
I know better than anyone else but I must start again
I must pick up the pieces
Of the memories that I thought of thousands of times
This is just a phase
But time is not passing
It’s alright even if it’s late, who cares?
In the end, some day, I’ll fulfill it
So what? Don’t compare me with others
All I have to do is have fun and walk on the path I want
If it’s hard, I can take a break, because I’m gonna get up again
I’m doing a good job, just like I am now
I’m dreaming again
The dream I wanted
I pray with my hands together
Sometimes, I stop and look at the sky
Because I still have a dream to fulfill
i have a dream woo woo
i have a dream woo woo


She's still not sure with herself
That she's allowed to dream too
And it already came true
Now the fear from the light
Makes breathing hard for her
And surely there is someone to blame
Her skies are thirsty
For fireworks
The mind might understand it's a mistake
But for the heart
Every day is Independence Day
She's still not sure with herself
How old she is today
And it's her birthday soon
This loneliness takes up all of her space
And here there's someone at the door
So she might run away again
Or perhaps she'll trust the time to take
And make all the decisions for her
It's all up to God

When Night Falls*

When the long night comes
I get lost again, without you
I’m wandering in a dream I’ve never had before
In a place without you, who can wake me up
I’m here, waiting for you
I need your love, take me away
I need you now, hold me tight
In the lost memories
I’m crying alone
I need your love, in your arms
I need you now, hold me tight
Only you can wake me up
After the long night passes
I lose all meaning, without you
I’m still waiting for you
I need your love, take me away
I need you now, hold me tight
In the lost memories
I’m crying alone
I need your love, in your arms
I need you now, hold me tight
I’ll wait for you here forever
I’ll wait for you in the end
Some day, will you hold my hand? Will you walk with me?
I need your love, take me away
I need you now, hold me tight
In the lost memories,
I’m crying alone
I need your love, in your arms
I need you now, hold me tight
Only you can wake me up


Looking at your figure gradually away, my sight becomes blurred
Every time when I hold your hand, I always feel at ease
Those years have left traces on your face
I can only say that I love you. Do you know that I really miss you?
*I've been trying to work hard, not to let you worry
Thank you for giving me courage selflessly
**I can only think of you, but cannot hold you tightly
Every time when I hear your voice, I just want to return to your arms
You gave me all the encouragements. Protected me so that I wouldn't feel wronged
But you would never do anything to enjoy yourself
You always said, 'Don't afraid, you can come back at any time'
Which helped me to stand up after getting hurt and falling down
I know you do not expect anything, just want to see me live happily
Looking at your figure gradually away, my sight becomes blurred

I ran to the doctor

you pushed on my wounds even though i told you not to
there is no going back
don't frown your face
bring me my treatment
I ran to the doctor like a patient, i memorized the roads
is this fate and put handcuffs in my hands?
you pushed on my wounds even though i told you not to
there is no going back
don't frown your face
bring me my treatment
I ran to the doctor like a patient i memorized the road to you
is this fate that brought me and handcuffs to my hands

My friend,none of their business

I don't know how many times we got a raw deal
By swearing not to love we can't forbid the love
If both of us are becoming happy with messages
Don't hesitate,if we speak face to face we become very happy
Let's not content ourselves with good wishes
I don't want the time to go to waste with things like tactic etc
By saying “let's hope for the best” let's not stand around
In my opinion,if we want something a lot it happens.Why not ?
I fell asleep with my phone in my hand
I daydreamed with my head in the clouds
How many times a human fall in love ?
Ahmet KADI

Paldangdam (팔당댐)

Paldang Dam Saturday night
My cell phone is ringing nonstop
I won’t reply, no no, won’t seem easy
Girls rush over like water flowing like the Paldang Dam
I got the feel, I felt it
I saw you falling for me
Honestly, I’m too ordinary
it doesn’t matter
Cuz I can talk, period
woah woah slow it down
It’s too early to end, it’s still Saturday night
Don’t go all in on me
I’ll be honest, your outfit today
woah woah, I don’t really like it
If you have that body, you should wear something that shows it off
I feel like you hid too much of it, how sad
Shallow people keep coming and going
DAM how you doin‘ baby
I’m busy finding her among the deep waters under the dam
Paldang Dam Saturday night
My cell phone is ringing nonstop
I won’t reply, no no, won’t seem easy
Girls rush over like water flowing like the Paldang Dam
woah woah woah woah
I said slow it down girl
I can definitely tell you’re cute
But today is Saturday night
Honestly, I want you to show me something different
I get that you’re nice but
girl what else do you have
There’s definitely something I wanna know more
please be bad girl
I’ve got the feel, I felt it
I saw how she fell for me
but I ain’t got no feel about you
no freakin’ special ‘bout you
it doesn’t matter
Shallow people keep coming and going
DAM how you doin‘ baby
I’m busy finding her among the deep waters under the dam
tonight in the dam
in the dam
Saturday night
My cell phone is ringing nonstop
I won’t reply, no no, won’t seem easy
Girls rush over like water flowing
Tonight, I’m the director of the dam
Tonight, I’m the director of the dam
Tonight, I’m the director of the dam
Tonight, I’m the director of the dam
Paldang Dam Saturday night
My cell phone is ringing nonstop
I won’t reply, no no, won’t seem easy
Girls rush over like water flowing like the Paldang Dam
Saturday night
My cell phone is ringing nonstop
I won’t reply, no no, won’t seem easy
Girls rush over like water flowing like the Paldang Dam


Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Now I go inside
Now I go inside
Now I go inside
Now I go inside
Today is my Day!
Too long crisis, today is my day
Now I go inside there and get in cash
purple, yellow and green, brown and blue exactly how it was planned
My loan is minimal, I have debts everywhere
Hate again, it goes hard down, but in a few hours
everything is paid by me
The pistol is released, the stomach is making noises
I dont want to think about it, I make it, I do it
'Think about your parole helper', ah, fuck this bitch
I take the gun and go inside the bank
Give the money, where is the safe?
'Please, this doesnt make any sense'
Shut up, where is the safe?
The bag full of money, i grab them
Now fast going away
I´m escaping with the E-Bike and call a cab meanwhile
In the direction of hmm....
I shook them off and I´m laughing like a psychopath
Sorry Mr. banker
but your money is my money now
i have to pay for a lot of things
Fuck the government, fuck the judge, fuck your father
Today was payday, yeah man!
Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Now I go inside
Now I go inside
Now I go inside
Now I go inside
Today is my Day!
I go all in, today im doped with cocain
six weeks planned through, every detail, just to loose today
Only colored paper, smell the money, chab, i go for the safe
Get the millon and the money and now just escape
Roll a broom as a reward plus haze fucks up hard
Making euros on the street for the new GLE
We want money without a limit, dont go to sleep anymore, just thinking
How can I get the jackpot tomorrow? Fuck the world, I end it all
Take the Mac-10 out of the basement, take the skimask, park the car
there will be shootings in the bank, Bullets through the walls
It feels like a dream, nose numb, money in front of my eyes
If i trust my eyes, it means, that im finally out
No hate in the ghetto anymore, nothing to do with dirty jobs
I have a nice white record, but I fucked the state brother
yearlong crisis was standart, but today everything is going to change
Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Hands are sweating, bones are trembling, skimask on
Now I go inside
Now I go inside
Now I go inside
Now I go inside
Today is my Day!

I want to see you this afternoon

A little before the early summer
In a quick pace​ to make love
Flowing clouds in an open roof
A blue sky hourglass
A come and going familiar shoreline​
When the next signal arise
Rewind the cassette tape
Favorite song for you
Let's get ready softly
I love you
I want to see you right now
Ah~ I love you
Step on the accelerator
Free Way
2 distanced people
Counting long weekdays
Let's not see each other only by phone
Let's take warmth in our arms
If you are
Staring at each other, that's all
Only You
Ah~ If you are
I don't want anything anymore
For My Love…
For example, soon
I'm going to pick you up
Just for that
The fine pointer's beats
I'm almost hear it
Seems so nice
I love you
I want to see you right now
Ah~ I love you
Step on the accelerator
Free Way
Ah~ I love you
Cherishing this moment
Ah~ I love you
1 second is painful
Ah~ I love you


Hey what’s your name girl
I wanna get to you know better
wanna get to know ya
My eyes on you already
Let’s talk about us lady
By the way, my name is (Samuel)
And I’m 16
Whoa, I think I saw you before
Whoa, where do you live?
Whoa, how old are you
tell me everything about you
Oh my God, you’re sixteen too?
Sweet 16 16 16
Sweet 16 16 16
You’re more beautiful than flowers
Can’t you just look at me?
Our feeling matches, her and me
Our encounter is destiny
I wanna hold your pretty hand
Don’t think about running away
I already followed your Instagram
Don’t treat me like a child
I’ll make you sweet 16
When I first saw you around town
Was when my teacher scolded me for having long hair
But now time has passed and you’re a lady
You’re still so pretty
Do you remember me? I’m the kid who was good at rapping
The kid who won a prize at a piano competition
Now I’m a rap star
That all of Seoul knows
But you probably remember me as a stupid guy
I should’ve been braver back then
But that’s why the music is here
After the beat starts
We became sixteen again
Girl Ima make you sweet sixteen
Look, there’s money in my shoe box
Babe relax your mind
Breathe out
If you’re thirsty, have a drink
Let’s give thanks to our fate and let’s cheers
We’re on the same vibe
I feel you, whatever you say
I can feel it, that’s crazy
Whoa, this doesn’t make sense
As if we’ve already known each other
Whoa, it’s so perfect
Our conversation is unraveling more and more
Whoa, can’t deny this chemistry
Why is that? We’re both 16
Sweet 16 16 16
Sweet 16 16 16
You’re more beautiful than flowers
Can’t you just look at me?
Our feeling matches, her and me
Our encounter is destiny
I wanna hold your pretty hand
Don’t think about running away
I already followed your Instagram
Don’t treat me like a child
I’ll make you sweet 16
Dance dance dance dance dance dance
I’ll make you sweet 16
Dance dance dance dance dance dance
I’ll make you sweet 16
Out of all the sixteens
That exist in the world
I’ll make you the happiest girl
This year, once you’ve met me
You can’t never forget
You’ll be the sweetest one
So come and take my hand
Sweet 16 16 16
Sweet 16 16 16
You’re more beautiful than flowers
Can’t you just look at me?
Our feeling matches, her and me
Our encounter is destiny
I wanna hold your pretty hand
Don’t think about running away
I already followed your Instagram
Don’t treat me like a child
I’ll make you sweet 16

Your Bands

My favorite bands aren’t very popular for some reason
Your favorite bands are all really really popular
My favorite movie is Sion Sono’s “Guilty of Romance”
Your favorite movies are sappy love stories
You always say that my favorite things are weird
But are your favorite things really your favorite things?
We don’t have a single thing in common but I want to be next to you
My favorite bands aren’t very popular for some reason
Your favorite bands are all really really popular
My favorite music is the kind you can only hear at live houses
Your favorite music is always playing on TV
You look me right in the eye and sing my favorite music to me
You even actually noticed I was crying that day
Out of all these days when we haven’t had anything in common,
this moment right now is so precious to me
My favorite bands…
If my favorite bands ever got really really popular
Then someday they could definitely definitely be your favorite bands too
If my favorite bands ever got really really popular
I’d wanna go to their concert with you,
and skip holding hands on the the way home


I am sorry, it's my fault, thank you, it's thanks to you
you habit of spatting words easily
I know it's difficult for you as well
perhaps you think I am an idiot
If I told you with a crying face that I am having a difficult time
would it be better?
so who's going to have a harder time? If I whine about being in pain
will everything be okay?
Perhaps me and you trapped
each other in a delusion
no, you can't understand me
when I look at your worried eyes
Baby I’m so Lonely so Lonely
it seems I am alone
when I see you so tired, to you
am I a burden perhaps? am I too much for you?
Baby I’m so Lonely so Lonely
it seems I am alone as well
still, I hate to make it obvious to you
I am more accustomed to endure this alone
please understand me
We are together but we don't walk together
loneliness and suffering, the difference between them is a memory
why do you keep on writing things differently though?
Baby I’m so Lonely so Lonely
it seems I am alone as well
still, I hate to make it obvious to you
I am more accustomed to endure this alone
please understand me
Leave me alone
Baby I’m so Lonely so Lonely
it seems I am alone
Baby I’m so Lonely so Lonely
it seems I am alone as well
still, I hate hiding from you
I am more accustomed to endure this alone
please understand me
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Poput zvezde

Kada je vetar hladan, nosi topliju odeću
Čak iako ja nisu tu, nemoj da preskačeš obroke
Uvek se toplo smeši, kao ona sjajna zvezda
Ti svetlucaš unutar mene
Ako pokušam da te zamislim na zvezdanom nebu
Osećaj žudnje me boli, ali i svetluca
Pod belom svetlošću zvezda
Naše srećne uspomene
Nestaju u daljini
Poput zvezde, ti si moj anđeo
Poput zvezde, ti si moj anđeo
Pesme koje smo slušali zajedno nestaju
Više ne mogu da čujem tvoj glas iz snova
Ali, uvek se smeši tako, za mene
Ti uvek svetlucaš unutar mene
Ako pokušam da te zamislim na zvezdanom nebu
Osećaj žudnje me boli, ali i svetluca
Pod belom svetlošću zvezda
Naše srećne uspomene
Nestaju u daljini
Na trenutak, ili baš tako na jedan kratki trenutak
Ja stojim, setim se tebe i
Pitam se da li sama plačeš?
Ti i dalje živiš unutar mene
Ako pokušam da te zamislim na zvezdanom nebu
Osećaj žudnje me boli, ali i svetluca
Pod belom svetlošću zvezda
Naše srećne uspomene
Nestaju u daljini
Poput zvezde, ti si moj anđeo
Poput zvezde, ti si moj anđeo
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)