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Број резултата: 40



My friends and my cousins understand me
Because I have a very happy heart
Let us make love
Let us make love
We are gypsies who have heart (x2)
Don't tell me no (x2)
Don't tell me no (x2)
Let us make love
Let us make love
We are gypsies who have heart (x2)
My friends and my cousins understand me
Because I have a very happy heart
Listen to the words and the song of love (x2)
Let us make love
Let us make love
We are gypsies who have heart (x2)
Don't tell me no (x2)
Don't tell me no (x2)
Let us make love
Let us make love
We are gypsies who have heart (x2)

One love

Versions: #2
One love
I lived only one love
And she was telling me
The words of God
Crying for you
It's all with love
One love
I lived only one love
Crying and already tormented
And she was telling me
The words of God
Crying for you
It's all with love
Now to live beside you
I am going to fall in love with you
Without your kisses, I can't live anymore
and I cant remember anymore
I would have wanted
for understanding it,
to have one love, or to know what I would want
already tormented
The words of god
Crying for you
It's all with love

I’ve been waiting for you

Surrendered into your depths
the waves have become bigger.
I’m yearning for you, I’m feeling like I’m falling into the abyss
and I’m missing your wings.
In the glass, your voice
is calling out ‘I love you’.
The nights have turned into knives, that cut in two all the happiness
I experienced into your embrace.
And I’ve been waiting for you, even though I knew
that your heart beats into other arms.
And yet I’m still holding on, I’m giving my soul and body
so I can die once again in your embrace.
I’m still here praying again
for the time to go back so I can see you,
so you can see in my eyes how much I’m hurting,
so I can tell you my last ‘I love you’.
I tried and failed to forget you,
I couldn’t save myself from you.
As much as I struggled to get over you,
how could I forget a love so divine.
How could I forget your shape,
time has stopped with you.
Come and drive away the rain that penetrates my soul
bring the sun with a glance.
And I’ve been waiting for you, even though I knew
that your heart beats into other arms.
And yet I’m still holding on, I’m giving my soul and body
so I can die once again in your embrace.
And yet I’m still holding on, even though you brought me to my knees
and didn’t keep the promises you made.
I cannot believe you’ve never loved me,
stay with me cause I’m fighting unequal battles.
Come over, I’m hurting, come back today
come over and save my fading heart.1
My sun is filled with clouds,
but I want you to know that I’d be waiting even longer.
  • 1. Honestly I'm puzzled with this sentence. Εφήμερος is something that has the lifespan of a day, so it's temporary and ephemeral. The sentence says 'come and erase my heart's ephemeral', so my logical question is what ephemeral? There should be a noun following the adjective and there is not. I changed the translation a lot but really it didn't make any sense in English the way it was.

Shaka Taka

(Chorus x2)
A guitar is playing, white sand under feet
And your eyes are bright blue like the coast
And thw wind spreads your smell everywhere
And the short skirt won't let me calm down
Two, three and
Shaka taka, hey, hey
Shaka taka nananana x4
It's a hot summer, it's a hot day, and you're alone, I'm alone too
If we were to meet somewhere halfway
So you'd taste a bit, so I'd taste a bit of you
I feel that we have a lot in common
And I would like us to swim in the open sea
And to play the song of our love
One, two, three and
(Chorus x2)
So it would be nice for us like earlier
I'm crazy about you, I really don't know what's going on with me
Serves me right, when I get drunk with you
Come, take me now so I'd taste love
I feel that we have a lot in common
And I would like us to swim in the open sea
And to play the song of our love
I feel that we have a lot in common
And I would like us to swim in the open sea
And to play the song of our love
One, two, three and
(Chorus x2)
Shaka taka, hey, hey
Shaka taka nananana

Ne zovi

Ali ne prekidaj to što nameravaš da učiniš
Ne počinji da dižeš frku, ako ćeš da izgubiš
I ne pokušavaj
Jer sve mogu da vidim
Ne plači kada me zadržavaš
Ne govori da si dobro, kada si skroz pogubljena
Ne laži
Jer sve mogu da vidim
Pokušavaš da mi se uvučeš u misli
Nastavljaš da zoveš i traćiš moje vreme
Jer ja znam, znam, znam da si učinila to
Pišući mi narušavaš vibracije
Jer si čula da mi je sasvim dobro
Devojko, ti znaš, znaš, znaš da si učinila to
Ne zovi me kada ti je žao
Ne zovi me kada si tužna jer smo tako ostavili stvari
Ne zovi me kada ti je žao
Ne zovi me zato što si besna što se završilo kako jeste
Ne zovi me kada ti je žao
Ne zovi me kada si tužna jer smo tako ostavili stvari
Ne zovi me kada ti je žao
Ne zovi me zato što si besna što se završilo kako jeste
Ne zovi me kada ti je...
Prekini s tim što pokušavaš da dokažeš
Nema varnice kada uključiš osigurač
Ne pokušavaj, jer znam sve o tebi
Ne plači kada si sasvim sama
Kažeš da si dobro
Ali si prepuštena samoj sebi
Ne laži, jer znam sve o tebi
Pokušavaš da mi se uvučeš u misli
Nastavljaš da zoveš i traćiš moje vreme
Jer ja znam, znam, znam da si učinila to
Pišući mi narušavaš vibracije
Jer si čula da mi je sasvim dobro
Devojko, ti znaš, znaš, znaš da si učinila to
Ne zovi me kada ti je žao
Ne zovi me kada si tužna jer smo tako ostavili stvari
Ne zovi me kada ti je žao
Ne zovi me zato što si besna što se završilo kako jeste
Ne zovi me kada ti je žao
Ne zovi me kada si tužna jer smo tako ostavili stvari
Ne zovi me kada ti je žao
Ne zovi me zato što si besna što se završilo kako jeste
Ne zovi me kada ti je...
Počinješ iznova
Kao da nisi ti ta koja je sve završila
Kažeš da si iskrena
Ali i dalje se pretvaraš
Pojavljuješ mi se u porukama
Samo da mi kažeš da si uvređena
Ali čak i kapiram
Jer si izbačena iz prijatelja
Povređuješ me jako
Zašto me uvek povređuješ tako jako?
Zašto igraš gorko-slatko?
Ovo bi trebalo da je slatko
Zašto se igraš kao da sam Jay
Zašto se igraš kao da si Bey?
Zašto si učinila to?
Zašto pokušavaš da se igraš sa mnom?
Ne zovi me kada ti je žao
(Kladim se da se osećaš tako loše, kladim se da se osećaš tako loše sada)
Ne zovi me kada si tužna jer smo tako ostavili stvari
Ne zovi me kada ti je žao
(Kladim se da se osećaš tako loše, kladim se da se osećaš tako loše sada)
Ne zovi me zato što si besna što se završilo kako jeste
Ne zovi me kada ti je žao
(Kladim se da se osećaš tako loše, kladim se da se osećaš tako loše sada)
(Kladim se da se osećaš tako loše, kladim se da se osećaš tako loše sada)

Ever since you left from here

Versions: #2
That I call you, can’t forget you and I
can’t be without you
That I’m starting to go crazy
Ever since you left from here
That I will never find again
My desires to live
And you think that I am dying
Well now you see that’s not how it is
I ripped your photos when you walked away from here
I burned your letters and I never thought of you again
And I laughed when I heard your friends say
That you were asking everyone about me
I spent every night dancing without you
It doesn’t hurt me much anymore that you are not here
I don’t care what you think of me
Even though you think the world won’t turn without you
I’m no longer crazy to see you again
I no longer drive by your house
I no longer call to see if you are there
I’m no longer crazy to see you again
And my friends keep telling me
That I’ve changed and I’m better off without you
Now I don’t remember why I liked you so much
Now my phone got its ringing back
It’s my friends that always wanted to give me their
Boom Boom Mami Mami Boom Boom Mami Mami
Now I don’t need to call you and I’m convinced
It doesn’t hurt me much anymore that you are not here
I don’t care what you think of me
Even though you think the world won’t turn without you
I’m no longer crazy to see you again
I no longer drive by your house
I no longer call to see if you are there
I’m no longer crazy to see you again
And my friends keep telling me
That I’ve changed and I’m better off without you
I no longer spend my nights thinking
If it was me that had messed things up
I no longer have to wait around
Because the phone for me is ringing
And though you left and I haven’t seen you now I’m convinced
That I couldn’t be with you, you were not for me
And if you are still convinced that I’m crying for you
Stop being so stuck up you are not for me
I spend whole nights dancing without you
It doesn’t hurt me much anymore that you are not here
I don’t care what you think of me
Even though you think the world won’t turn without you
I’m no longer crazy to see you again
I no longer drive by your house
I no longer call to see if you are there
I’m no longer crazy to see you again
And my friends keep telling me
That I’ve changed and I’m better off without you
I’m no longer crazy to see you again
I no longer drive by your house
I no longer call to see if you are there
I’m no longer crazy to see you again
And my friends keep telling me
That I’ve changed and I’m better off without you

Toliko nedostaješ

Svet bez tvog dodira
ne mogu da zamislim...
Ako ne osetim tvoje usne
nemam razlog da živim.
Srce mi je prepolovljeno,
ali tu sam...
Čekam čas da dođeš
da ti kažem da te volim.
Toliko nedostaješ da ću umreti
Nisam ugasio tvoju vatru
Iako si otišla, ja čekam
jedan poljubac kao prvi put
Toliko nedostaješ da ću umreti
Nisam osetio drugi zagrljaj
Iako si otišla ja čekam
Moje srce nikad ne kasni
Toliko nedostaješ, celo telo te traži
Moja logika staje, ali srce i dalje kuca
I sve što pita je gde je ona koju voli
Zašto nije ovde, čije usne ljubi...
Želim vreme unazad... unazad da ga vratim
Sve te reči koje si izgovorila da bih te se sećao...
Toliko nedostaješ, boli me pola srca
I sa pola srca ću te voleti.
Koliko brzo prolaze dani
a tebe nema.
Žedne usne traže
tvoje poljupce.
Sećanja se vraćaju,
toliko slatkih reči.
Vratila bih vreme bar malo
da te zagrlim.
Hiljade sećanja kovitlaju se mojom glavom
Teraju me da se svađam sam sa sobom
I da si pogrešna, i da si prava, i da si kriva, i da sam kriv
Opet ću te voleti...

Djobi Djoba

Aj mala
ja te pronalazim
samu na ulici,
osecam se zaljubljeno (zaljubljeno),
osecam se tuzno sam.
Djobi Djoba,
svakim danom te volim vise.
Djobi Djoba, Djobi Djoba,
svakim danom te volim vise.
Djobi Djoba, Djobi Djoba,
svakim danom te volim vise.
(ponoviti jednom)
Nije mi bitna
koja nas razdvaja.
Ja sam zadovoljan, povlacim se (povlacim)
i ne govori mi...
aj Paragvajac, ja, jaj...
(Refren x2)