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Број резултата: 161


The Desire is Gone

I must have been crazy about you,
I must have been,
that I even wrote you
some love verses
in those days.
Today I deny
my illusive mind of
that aspect
because it seems
that you are not a muse
nor I a poet.
You took advantage and with me
you showed me your irrelevance
when I found myself in the last degree
of unconsciousness.
If in my madness I desired to have
you for a whole week
now that I am conscious,
just by looking at you
the desire is gone.
Today I dismiss
my illusive mind of
that aspect
because it seems
that you are not a muse
nor I a poet.
You took advantage and with me
you showed me your irrelevance
when I found myself in the last degree
of unconsciousness.
If in my madness I desired to have
you for a whole week
now that I am conscious,
just by looking at you
the desire is gone.

In the kingdom of trolls, the main troll ...

In the kingdom of trolls, the main troll
And citizen
Was, of course, the king himself -
Only he alone.
It happened that he was really cruel -
Often whipped!
He was terribly truthful
This king.
Ten time per hour he got angry
Poor king.
Every evening he set
A new password.
He began to beat his subjects
To the last.
It's true, he loved the truth
Most al all.
Maybe somebody will the truth
Tell him secretly,
But under the cruel king
Were no fools.
And the king called - what fun! -
Competition of buffoons:
Who makes faces most successfully
Money or stof.
What a goal? And in the joke is salt,
A quota of truth is there.
The king learned the truth
Of trivialities.
But ever more they writhed
Soon were finished!
And mournfully ended
The competition of the fools.

Pusti da te ljubi

Pusti da saznaju
kako te volim
i kako me volis.
Pusti da nas gledaju,
kada se zaljubis,
ne zali se,
pusti da moja dusa sija.
[Marc Anthony]
Reci mi sta da radim,
sta da radim sa tobom,
ne izazivaj mi bol,
molim te svojim zivotom,
stvarno nemam strah,
ali sada je to kada zelim...
[Alejandro Sanz]
Da me pustis da te gledam
i da te ljubim, ako mogu.
Ti si potreba
i samo sa par poljubaca
mozes da istopis moju vatru,
mozes da zapalis moje more,
ako mi ne das poljubac sad,
tvoje usne odnosi vetar
i kako da mu kazem zao mi je
ovog tela koje zeli da voli.
Ti si slucajnost,
najlepsa koja mi je nebo donelo,
ko je rekao da sam budan,
ako ne prestajem da sanjam,
ako mi ne das poljubac sad,
tvoje usne odnosi vetar
i kako da mu kazem zao mi je
ovog tela koje zeli da voli.
Na na na na
Pusti da te ljubi
Pusti da te ljubi
Pusti da pokusa
Pusti da te pozove
da se zaljubis u ovu noc,
jedna noc ovde od hiljadu.
Zaljubio sam se,
nikada ne zaboravi,
nije bilo lako,
jer umirem u tvojim profilima,
uhvatila si me,
ne veruj.
Pusti da te ljubi,
obeca ti
i pusti da te zaboravi.
Ti si potreba
i samo sa par poljubaca
mozes da istopis moju vatru,
mozes da zapalis moje more,
ako mi ne das poljubac sad,
tvoje usne odnosi vetar
i kako da mu kazem zao mi je
ovog tela koje zeli da voli.
Ti si slucajnost,
najlepsa koja mi je nebo donelo,
ko je rekao da sam budan,
ako ne prestajem da sanjam
ako mi ne das poljubac sad,
tvoje usne odnosi vetar
i kako da mu kazem zao mi je
ovog tela koje zeli da voli.
Koje zeli da voli...
Koje zeli da voli...
Koje zeli da voli...

Daj mi tvoju ljubav

Ti si moje slepilo, moje ospice.
Ti si moje postojanje vecno, moja vecna strast.
Ti si moja sloboda i moj zatvor, ti si moja jedina ambicija.
Ti si moja himera, moja konfuzija.
Rastes kao loza u mom srcu.
Ti si moja snaga, moje disanje.
Ti si moja velika opsesija.
Moj sever, moj vodic, moja propast.
Moj uspeh, moja sreca, moja greska.
Ti si moja smrt i moje vaskrsenje.
Ti si moj vazduh i moja agonija nocu
i danju.
Preklinjem te, molim te da mi das tvoje prisustvo,
nocu i danju daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Preklinjem te, molim te.
Daj mi tvoju radost, tvoj dobar humor,
daj mi tvoju melanholiju, tvoju tugu i bol.
Daj mi tvoju aromu, daj mi tvoj ukus.
Daj mi tvoj ceo svet.
Daj mi tvoj osmeh i tvoju toplinu,
daj mi smrt ili zivot,
tvoju hladnocu i tvoju pozudu.
Daj mi tvoj mir, daj mi tvoj bes.
daj mi tvoj skriveni prekor.
Daj mi, daj mi tvoju smelost i tvoju otvorenost,
daj mi tvoju mudrost, daj mi tvoju gresku.
Sve lose i sve najbolje.
Daj mi tvoje vecno prisustvo nocu i danju.
Preklinjem te, molim te da mi das tvoje prisustvo
nocu i danju daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Preklinjem te, molim te.
Da mi das, da mi das tvoje prisustvo
nocu i danju daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Daj mi tvoju ljubav.
Preklinjem te, molim te.

Nemam ništa

Ja nemam strah,
ono što ja imam devojko je tajni plan
koji je veoma teško da nam se ostvari.
Imam neke rakete,
ja želim da te vidim ujutru kako mi šaputaš na leđa.
Ja nemam poljubac,
koji uspe da te natera da se predaš i zagrliš me
i da svi strahovi mi odu.
Ja nemam umetnost,
ono što imam je nešto što sam na koži istetovirao dušu.
I ja nemam ništa,
ako mi okrene dzepove, devojko
ja nemam ništa,
ali te gledam u male oci.
Nemam ništa,
ali imam tvoj pogled,
ali imam tebe.
I ja nemam ništa
samo tebe.
Ja želim da te grlim,
želim da spavam sa tobom i da se probudim grleći ti leđa,
da ne bih zaboravio,
jedino što želim je da ti me imenuješ
i da svi strahovi mi odu.
Ja nemam ništa,
ono što imam je nešto što sam na koži istetovirao dušu.
I ja nemam ništa,
ako mi okrene dzepove, devojko
ja nemam ništa,
ali te gledam u male oci.
Nemam ništa,
ali imam tvoj pogled,
ali imam tebe.
I ja nemam ništa
samo tebe.
I ja nemam ništa,
ako mi okrene dzepove, devojko
ja nemam ništa,
ali te gledam u male oci.
Nemam ništa,
ali imam tvoj pogled,
ali imam tebe.
I ja nemam ništa
samo tebe.

So far away

We all see ourselves finding, right or wrong,
an exit in the sky,
inside it rains and it seems that it won't stop,
and it will stop.
A smile is seen reflected in a piece of paper,
and your eyes are fogging,
with those faces saying that everything will be alright,
and it will be alright.
Singing despise the flames,
la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la.
I don't want to remain seated,
I don't want to go back with to your side,
I believe that I like it this way,
the time has already passed and I want to know why,
being so far away I don't want to see you.
Singing despise the flames,
la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la,
shouting with all my will,
la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la.
Stop crying, 'cause the night is long,
the cold that brought you here doesn't hurt you anymore,
it doesn't exist here anymore,
the cold that brought you doesn't exist.
I don't want to remain seated,
I don't want to go back to your side,
I believe that I like it this way,
inside it rains and it seems that it won't stop,
and it will stop.
Singing despise the flames,
la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la,
shouting with all my will,
la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la.

Strap on a broom and fly far away

Though you may not care about anything
The life of a dolphin
You will swim at the end of the century
In your fishbowl
If you don't know whether you're a rat
Or just another amorphous mass
You only need to give the mirror a kiss
If you do not want to understand
That the witches are wintering
Strap on a broom and fly far away
Far away
Very far away
Though you may not be able to
Though you may die

Song of remoteness

In my nights I see you in each star
and I call you and I look for you among dreams,
I break the promise that I recorded in my chest
and I return to the memory of when I loved you yesterday.
Love and hatre fight in my blood
in order to keep you or to burn you in their fires
all my reasons take you away from my life,
but there are so many wounds that you come back again.
Love, love of yesterday
my verses shout what I feel
and the moment that I live when remembering you
while I implore more light (hope) for my fortune (luck)
always looking for true love,
true love...
In my chest for my hopes
I have open the way again,
so the happiness that went away returns
and in another spring blooms love,
from failure I want to erase its shadows,
its ghosts of doubts and pains
and on another sky the star of my dream
will light my heart, happy again.
Love, love of yesterday
my verses shout what I feel
and the moment that I live when remembering you
while I implore more light (hope) for my fortune (luck)
always looking for true love,
true love...

Shared Stories

She slept away the afternoon naked by the window
Nobody outside, no lights, no white doves
She doesn't play in the wind, the bells don't ring to her
All silence if you lack me, if you lack me
The rain will cry with me
And streets below the enemy's front door
Step out, they bully me after that I forget
Barefoot dreams through the road
We all have a love
A time for giving, a cycle
We are only another time
Or always the same at the start
Give me your hand, return with me
We are alone and (we share the) same story
She slept away the afternoon and between her dream she gave you
When you arrived, the moon had felt something
'I am nobody's', You left to be with me
If it is to love you, I forget it all, I forget it all
We all have a love
A time for giving, a cycle
We are only another time
Or always the same at the start
Give me your hand, return with me
We are alone and (we share the) same story
Give me your hand, return with me
We are alone and (we share the) same story

Далеко од тебе

Научила сам од грешака у мом животу,
пронашла сам се у улицама без излаза,
нисам се зауставила ниједне секунде да тражим истину.
Изгубила сам време са твојим глупостима,
слушала сам те, сад видиш, из љубазности,
оставила сам дуге вене због чекања,
јер да изгбим није ми свеједно.
Касно, учинило се касно, ништа више...
Већ сам те додирнула толико пута да ме озбиљно спаљујеш.
Могло је бити, али то је онда могло бити,
сломили смо љубав можда од толико љубави,
остао си један корак од мене
и могло је бити, и поново могло је бити,
наздравимо још једном за оно што никад није било,
није стигло да буде,
ти само на корак од мене,
ја 7.000 километара далеко од тебе.
Осетила сам да се чак и под раздваја,
дешифровала сам без знања шта си ми причао.
Умрли смо већ толико пута,
шта је битно, шта је битно...
Фразе, само фразе, шта је битно...
Већ сам те додирнула толико пута да ме озбиљно спаљујеш.
Могло је бити, али то је онда могло бити,
сломили смо љубав можда од толико љубави,
остао си један корак од мене
и могло је бити, и поново могло је бити,
наздравимо још једном за оно што никад није било,
није стигло да буде,
ти само на корак од мене,
ја 7.000 километара далеко од тебе.

A forgotten word

Even we speak a mutual language, all the words are speaking
You still understand different than me.
The word is different if you say it, also different, if you hear it.
The left hand wouldn't know what the right one want.
I know the melody and you know the word
I tell the truth and you the good.
My truth it isn's surely fit with yours.
But both of us are waiting for the sold, lonesome, kidnapped, stolen
One-two forgotten words.
All people are good whom find the word
All the words are as well good if are for people
All people are different, that's what is good
So how long should I wait more?
To be heard a forgotten word.
I feel what you feel and I see what you see
I still say it different than you are expecting
I can think anything you before outspeak it
I stumble on a stone, but you will fall.
I wear the left shoe, you wear the right one.
The shoelace band us it is not special
What is good for me, it may not fit with you.
But both of us are waiting for the sold, lonesome, kidnapped, stolen
One-two forgotten words.
All people are good whom find the word
All the words are as well good if are for people
All people are different, that's what is good
So how long should I wait more?
To be heard a forgotten word.

Far Away from You

I propose we start again,
Let's get out there, let's walk.
And when the sun comes out, I hug you to give you my warmth,
Please, I can't be so far away from you.
We went out to travel, to breathe in the sea.
We went out to search to see if there was something more.
And I realized that while traveling alone I missed you a lot,
Because I can't be so far away from you.
I swear to you I can't be so far away from you, I swear to you I get lost in the tide.
I want us both to escape by the hand, to where nobody ever arrives.
I swear to you I can't be so far away from you, I swear to you I get lost in the tide.
I want us both to escape by the hand, to where nobody ever arrives.
Without any reason we said goodbye to eachother,
And each of us went after an emotion.
And nothing else happened, now we're alone, you and I,
Please, I can't be so far away from you.
There's nothing to think, nothing to say,
With you I want to be to see you laugh.
With you I want to go out, have dinner, kiss, and go to sleep,
Please, I can't be so far away from you.
I swear to you I can't be so far away from you, I swear to you I get lost in the tide.
I want us both to escape by the hand, to where nobody ever arrives.
I swear to you I can't be so far away from you, I swear to you I get lost in the tide.
I want us both to escape by the hand, to where nobody ever arrives.

A Short Poem About Long-Lasting Love

The spring outside the window smells of first rain,
And though autumn has colored hair with gray
- I love you still.
We won't leave by the same train,
Because it wasn't written in the Book of Fate,
- I still love you.
The words of hope which into the poem I compose,
Throw on my grave and remember, Dear,
- I love you as before.
Although into the Unknown carried by momentum's force
Maybe I will meet you in the endless blue one day
- And love I will.

Freedom, Equality

We thought we were playing 4-4-2 ... Let's forgetting 4-9-31
We are all in front of the same screen but we do not look at each other
Push yourself, push yourself
Those who do not care and those who live only for that
All here, all here
It's Le Pen2, but even Marine3 retweets messages from Pogba4
Marry her, marry her5
We are waiting for the linesman to raise his white flag6
Push yourself, push yourself
And it is very crowdy down the Champs (Elysées), we say
Freedom Equality ... Mbappé!7
Freedom, we write your name on pigeon wings8
Do not push
From zero to equal, we all have the same religion
All here, all here
Time and rules bury me, and that until the shelling
But all this is not a war, I think you just drank too much
Push yourself, push yourself
We took too many red cards we want a place on the bench
On the bench
And it is very crowdy down the Champs (Elysées), we say
Freedom, Equality ... Mbappé!
Liberty Equality Mbappé ...
Gaul has a hangover, and that will change the era9
Change the era
Let the world know that, even in the shit, sing the roosters10
Do not push, do not push
To bend the torso to control a center coming from the right
Or withdraw to have the correct reactions11
Ngolo Kanté
If the change is now12 I think it's time to get started
All here, all here
No more free will, now the master is cheap
Let's leave with singing, the more we attack the better we defend ourselves
And it is very crowdy down the Champs (Elysées), we say
Freedom Equality ... Mbappé!
Freedom, Equality .. Mbappé ...
Freedom, Equality .. Mbappé ...
Gaul has a hangover, and that will change the era
Let the world know that even in the shit, sing the roosters
Freedom, Equality .. Mbappé ...
Freedom, Equality .. Mbappé ...
Freedom, Equality .. Mbappé ...
Freedom, Equality ... Ngolo Kanté!
  • 1. 9-3 is le département de la Seine Saint Denis, the department of France have the most important number of migrants from Africa. This is also the department where the three singers used to live.
  • 2. The lyrics are not 'C'est le peine', because you can clearly hear 'le' instead of 'la'. The singers mean that the spectators are too patriotic for her taste.
  • 3. Maine Le Pen
  • 4. The singers know that it is important to speak against the Le Pen family, in order to be invited on TV shows.
  • 5. It is not clear who should marry Marine. Anyway, this looks like a criticism of the physical style of Marine Le Pen, instead of criticizing her political ideas.
  • 6. Maybe the singers think that the end of the game is given by the linesman when he would raise a white flag.
  • 7. 'Freedom equality fraternity' is the national motto of France.
  • 8. A famous poem by Paul Eluard, says he writes Liberté on all sorts of materials. The singers imagine this word written on the most common animal in Paris which is the pigeon.
  • 9. The singers think that a victory of a team that contains many black people will remove racism, and stop the continuous raising of the party of Marine Le Pen.
  • 10. The rooster is the national animal of France.
  • 11. Of course, the singers are meaning that the correct reaction is to avoid anything coming from the political right.
  • 12. 'Le changement, c'est maintenant' was a motto from the French socialist party.


You and me somewhere else
I think of your apartment
You and me elsewhere
I dream of your apartment
I think of what you do when you come home
Do you take all your clothes off? Do you go grab the white wine
I think of what you eat - do you watch TV while eating?
I wonder if you'll open your window and smoke a Prince
I wonder if you'll call your mother or father
I think of your ex - how many exes you have
I think of you in the shower
Do you sleep naked?
You and me somewhere else
I think of your apartment
You and me elsewhere
I dream of your apartment
I walk around in your apartment
I just woke up
You let me sleep and left
I drink coffee from your mug
Was it a greater life for me?
Was it a better life for you?
Here in our apartment
You and me somewhere else
I think of your apartment
You and me elsewhere
I dream of your apartment
I don't know why I think of you so much
Perhaps it's not even you I think of
Perhaps it's myself and my life
And the idea of how it'll turn out
Do you think I've seen you?
Perhaps it's just that time passes
Do you think I've seen you?
Perhaps it's that the sun is shining, and it makes me so fucking sad
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Do you think I've seen you?
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Under a United Flag

[Nikollë Nikprelaj:]
In those mountains where the snow ages
The brave grow up with the oaks
I took the name malësor (Highlander)
For freedom, I hit the martina!1
They have split Hoti and Gruda 2
They have cut off Plav and Guci 3
Over the years they have cut off my route
I am an Albanian in Montenegro!
[Kastriot Tusha:]
Albanians the sons of the eagle
Under a united flag
Over the centuries I tell the world
I am forever an Albanian!
Throughout the generations history
Has raised us warriors
Albania will always be
As long as there is Albanian land and blood!
Always! Always!
Albania will be!
As long as there is Albanian land
and blood
and land and blood!
[Selami Kolonja:]
Where the rays of education shine
Where the fields have snowdrops4
Where they sing the songs of Naim5
From Struga to Tetovo!6
Where Albanian blood seethes
Where our mothers raise us with troubles7
In the mouth of Radika of Gostivar8
Where the Drin flows into Great Debar9
[Enkelejda Arifi (and Chorus):]
How they cut and attacked you
(Chameria! Chameria! Chameria! Oh Chameria!)10
How they burned you Chameria
(Chameria! Chameria! Chameria! Oh Chameria!)
A blight cut your path
(Chameria! Chameria!)
Refugees with neither land nor home!
You don't tell me why they killed you11
They expelled you in their disloyalty
They left your parents without graves
Oh, you martyr Chameria!
[Kastriot Tusha:]
Albanians the sons of the eagle
Under a united flag
Over the centuries I tell the world
I am forever an Albanian!
Throughout the generations history
Has raised us warriors
Albania will always be
As long as there is Albanian land and blood!
[Nikollë Nikprelaj:]
Over the centuries you have been split up
You have always sought freedom12
While fighting for the flag
you have never been seen as Kosovë!13
The blessed day has come
Throughout the centuries you have waited for it
Side by side today you are lined up
The newest republic!
Albanians the sons of the eagle
Under a united flag
Over the centuries I tell the world
I am forever an Albanian!
Throughout the generations history
Has raised us warriors
Albania will always be
As long as there is Albanian land and blood!
Albania will always be
As long as there is Albanian land and blood!
  • 1. Not quite sure what this means.
  • 2. Albanian tribes and lands in present-day Montenegro.
  • 3. Other places in Montenegro.
  • 4. A plant with a drooping white bell.
  • 5. Naim Frashëri, an Albanian poet.
  • 6. Cities in present-day Macedonia.
  • 7. This could also be 'Where our mothers raise us with aunts'.
  • 8. Radika is a river and Gostivar a city in Macedonia, though the river is interestingly not in Gostivar.
  • 9. The Black Drin River from Albania flows into Debar Lake in Macedonia.
  • 10. Chameria is a region in Epirus, Greece by the Albanian-Greek border
  • 11. This could also be translated as 'Why not tell me how they killed you'.
  • 12. A double negative is used here: You have never not been tired of fighting for freedom.
  • 13. The nation of Kosova was never recognized until recently.

Seasoned Heart

My romantic failures take me away from you
I'm afraid of getting into an illusion
I've been in a few relationships, but I haven't had love
And that's what's left me with
A seasoned heart
It's scared to death of getting hurt
Seasoned heart
In order for it to surrender itself again, it has to hear
That you will love me strongly
That our longing when away from each other will be madness
That if it's not going to be like this, forget about it
If you really want me for yourself, promise me
My romantic failures take me away from you
I'm afraid of getting into an illusion
I've been in a few relationships, but I haven't had love
And that's what's left me with
A seasoned heart
It's scared to death of getting hurt
Seasoned heart
In order for it to surrender itself again, it has to hear
That you will love me strongly
That our longing when away from each other will be madness
That if it's not going to be like this, forget about it
If you really want me for yourself, promise me
That you will love me strongly
That our longing when away from each other will be madness
That if it's not going to be like this, forget about it
If you really want me for yourself, promise me

You left because of a mistake

You left because of a mistake,
you don't want to understand
that truly I love you
and you don't want to come back.
There's sadness in my soul,
Anguish in my existence,
Forgive me if you love me
like you used to say, until death do us part.*
Forgive me if you love me
like yoou used to say, until death do us part.
God**, you who can make it happen,
you know how I suffer,
make my lover come back
and understand that it was a mistake.
Then when we're together
I ask you to give us your blessing
I want us to come together soon
eternally in understanding.
Then when we're together
I ask you to give us your blessing,
I want us to come together soon
eternally in understanding.
Remember the pact
that we made one time:
To love eachother forever
when we met,
but today it's incomprehensible
that you left because of a mistake,
You don't want to hear me out,
You leave me suffering
God, you who can make it happen,
you know how I suffer,
make my lover come back
and understand that it was a mistake.
Then when we're together
I ask you to give us your blessing,
I want us to come together soon
eternally in understanding.
Then when we're together
I ask you to give us your blessing,
I want us to come together soon
eternally in understanding.

You chose to stay

When everything will have already been said...
Will that happen someday?
We will move onward,
all the usual will crumble.
It will happen on the day
when a ray at the speed of light
is slower than thoughts,
thoughts of yours and (your) spirit.
He vowed to forget it,
she -- not to forgive.
You chose to stay,
I -- to fly away.
And which of us will be the first,
which will be the last?
It has no bearing at all,
you're mine, I -- yours.
The cosmos is so inconsequential,
the hole of a button -- big,
the saddest things are happy,
the sweetest thing is sleep.
It will happen on the day
that a ray at the speed of light
is slower than thoughts,
thoughts of yours and (your) spirit.
He vowed to forget it,
she -- not to forgive.
You chose to stay,
I -- to fly away.
And which of us will be the first,
which will be the last?
It has no bearing at all,
you're mine, I -- yours.
When everything will have already been said...
It will surely happen.
We will move onward,
all the usual will crumble.
It will happen on the day
when a ray at the speed of light
is slower than thoughts,
thoughts of yours and (your) spirit.
He vowed to forget it,
she -- not to forgive.
You chose to stay,
I -- to fly away.
And which of us will be the first,
which will be the last?
It has no bearing at all,
you're mine, I -- yours.
And which of us will be the first,
which will be the last?
It has no bearing at all,
you're mine, I -- yours.

Russian dolls

There's three of us, like the musketeers.
No news from d'Artagnan yet.
Three like the primary colors.
On the podium, we share gold, bronze and silver.
The achievements we'd like to write home about1
Each of us will grant you a wish, we are fairies, you twat2!
One of us has put the big bad wolf on ice at home3.
We are threezophrenic4, made of weird cells.
Three little chicks in the middle of the storm, out of control.
A new three-part work that has to be completed like a Tetris.
Extreme satyres, coming from a battle on Venus
but each of us protects the others like Russian dolls!
Like Russian dolls, like Russian dolls
Like Russian dolls, like Russian dolls
Like Russian dolls, like Russian dolls
Adversaries of the romantic attitude like legionaries led by Pyrrus5
Like Russian dolls, like Russian dolls
We being sisters is not only a pretence, if you think so you're being lazy.
Prey for all an all for three6, the result won't evolve.
Invulnerable when the birds of prey fly, despitethe spasms we hold our rank and place.
We are inseparable like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
Even if it was a heaven-sent, no way one of us would buzz alone.
We are always out of time but we want the world and we want it now.
Careless utopists, we rush down life's slope off-piste.
In a bad mood, we might have thought we were no good,
beyond the wall we build up Valerian7 steel characters.
You know us, prepare for another damn stanza.
There will be three of them, and inseparable like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
Like Russian dolls, like Russian dolls
Like Russian dolls, like Russian dolls
Adversaries of the romantic attitude like legionaries led by Pyrrus
Like Russian dolls, like Russian dolls
We being sisters is not only a pretence, if you think so you're being lazy.
You'd have loved us to spare your life in the arena.
No peck on the cheek from the king, we want the queen's jewels8
As one since childhood, between us no striking days.
If the first one falls, the second one catches her, and the third one helps her up.
Hush! We're haveing fun, we should show that we're working hard...
Like Russian dolls, like Russian dolls
Adversaries of the romantic attitude like legionaries led by Pyrrus5
Like Russian dolls, like Russian dolls
We being sisters is not only a pretence, if you think so you're being lazy.
  • 1. a laborious pun based on 'ça ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard' (it doesn't break three legs of a duck) meaning 'it's nothing to write home about'. She says '[there's three of us, like] the number of duck legs we'd like to break'
  • 2. ??? might be some subcultural reference I'm missing
  • 3. ??? I don't really get it. Some feminist private joke, I guess
  • 4. ??? invented word whose wittiness eludes me
  • What a pile of convoluted nonsense...
  • 6. 'one for all and all for one' turned into a word salad
  • 7. yep, the pain-in-the-ass guy in Besson's flop, and a nice comics character if you care to read them. Complete nonsense here, just anoter laborious rhyme
  • 8. back to the 3 musketeers, apparently
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

The tide

Being a stranger to what I see sends me back into my entrenchments.
I no longer have any clue, despite all my degrees.
Though I'm a cartesianist, I stand leaning over the void.
The Optimist1 might vanish in the Bermuda triangle.
Arms outstretched, a ball chained to my ankle, I topple over because of ballast2
Standing alone and confused3, lulled by a chanson de geste.
First at the bow, riddled by doubts, I remove the cape of good hope4.
Might my clandestine dreams in the hold be leaving France5?
My books are blank but their pages are dog-eared6
I no longer can tell North from South.
My books are blank but their pages are dog-eared
The abscissa are disordered7
Presently the sea is calm, but who knows how long that will last?
Fear crushes us since they fight like clans8
On a night blue wave, the Optimist capsizes.
The abscissa are disoronate, or maybe that's the other way around.
In my head it's a jungle, my neurons tangled like vines in branches.
The fake flowers of the magicians are withering, they are out of doves under their sleeves9
While we dream of reigning10 and weaving our webs,
at night, I hoist the sail to christen the stars anew.
The weights on my shoulders will not bend me.
On the treasure map there are precious few clues.
They can build hell, I won't fall into their abyss.
They'll have to throw me into it... With my voice in chains11
I will sing so that the ropes get tight,
on the top of my voice so that Orpheus hear me better than Eurydice12
My books are blank and their pages are dog-eared
The abscissa are disordered
Presently the sea is calm, but who knows how long that will last?
Fear crushes us since they fight like clans
On a blood red wave, the Optimists are many.
The abscissa are disoronate, the given order topples over13.
Presently the sea is calm, but who knows how long that will last?
Fear crushes us since they fight like clans.
  • 1. that's the name of a popular small sailboat too
  • 2. that sounds heavy in French and I don't really get the idea, except she feels overburdened
  • 3. the verb means 'having lost one's compass'
  • 4. the pun also works in English
  • 5. a rather convoluted and politically correct allusion to clandestine immigrants. Something like 'racism makes me want to leave France'
  • 6. I don't get the idea. 'vierge' can mean 'virgin' and 'corné' can mean 'horned'. Maybe some allusion to purity vs demons or something?
  • 7. that can be read as 'abscissas are ordinates'
  • 8. terrible pun on the Bataclan. Do I need to elaborate?
  • 9. another possible pun on 'la Manche' (the English Channel), alluding to debatable immigration politics in France, with the suppression of the Sangatte transit camp
  • 10. another pun on 'araignée' (spider)
  • 11. another tiresome hijacking of 'pieds et poings liés' (feet and fists chained), a common expression for 'having no choice whatsoever'
  • 12. ??? I fail to get the reference there
  • 13. ???
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Nearby a slender shadervani

Nearby a slender shadervani[1]
where water is murmuring
every day walked
the sultan's dear daughter
Every day one young boy
used to stay nearby the shadervani
as time passed
he became more and more pale
One day she asked him
she, the sultan's dear daughter
'Tell me young boy, where are you from
from which tribe are you from?'
'My name is El Muhammed
from the tribe of the old Asra
who lose their life for love
and die when they love.'


Please sit down, I'll invite you to a game that you'll probably like
Reset our boundaries, if you don't choose then I will make up
Tell me what you prefer
Being the official Trump look-a-like?
Or the petty officer of Hitler?
Tell me, even if it's wrong
Yes, tell me what you want
Bite the dust, fall from high
or waiting patiently for the war to start
and those who flout the rules?
Life goes fast, it's about being ahead of it
Come, let's defy the void.. Acrobates!
Life goes fast..
Tell me what you prefer
If you could make a choice
Would you rather be
the prey of a pervert
or never be in love?
Yes, tell me what you want
Adventures with an unbeliever
or the routine with a regular girl
without ever longing for her?
Tell me, even if it means asking anything
To drink to forget
that she has forgotten you?
Is life rosy in a glass of red wine?
Were you with her last saturday?
Life goes fast, it's about being ahead of it
Come, let's defy the void.. Acrobates!
Life goes fast..
Tell me, you know-it-all
the things we read in media
is it because they're afraid of us?
Or afraid of living in the future?
Yes, tell me what you want
Being misunderstood
or not deserving to be heard and being locked up?
Tell me: truth or dare?
Tell me what you want... Tell me!
Life goes fast, it's about being ahead of it
Come, let's defy the void.. Acrobates!
Life goes fast..

Gypsy Love

Versions: #2
Come and stay with me.
Give me the heart
my life, I'm dying
slow in my prison
Go tell me what you feel take off modesty,
and stop suffering, escape with my love
And then I'll take you wherever you want
without fear and without borders until the sun rises.
With you I am capable of anything,
I do not care what comes
because I already know where I'm going.
I am your gypsy, your pilgrim
the only key to your destiny
the one who takes care of you more than his life
I am your thief.
And even if it costs us our lives
And although it hurts what hurts
This war has won our love
This war has won our love
I was born for your eyes, for nobody else.
I will always be on your way
Soul of my soul,
storm heart
tell me where to go.
And then I'll take you wherever you want
without fear and without borders until the sun rises.
With you I am capable of anything,
I do not care what comes
because I already know where I'm going.
I am your gypsy, your pilgrim
the only key to your destiny
the one who takes care of you more than his life
I am your thief.
I am your gypsy, your partner,
the one that follows you, the one that awaits you
I'm going to love you even if they take my heart out.
And even if it costs us our lives
And although it hurts what hurts
This war has won our love
And even if it costs us our lives
And although it hurts what hurts
This war has won her
Our love

With a Look

It's easy to say 'I want you' when we're alone
Difficult is to say when everyone is listening
With a look, with a look
I'll teach you to say I love you without speaking
As long as we have a secret to hide.
The craziness of wanting you like a fugitive
Has taken me to the place where I'm hidden
With a look, with a look.
How much more the injustice [will] grow, you will see
For much greater is our power to fight.
Words of a new language
That I invented for us two
For the persecuted lover, who has to hide [the] voice
When you want to learn
There will be no silence. It will not be missed
Use the voice to break it
With a look and nothing more.
With a look and nothing more.
Whatever may happen, I will continue to deny what passes. Expose my heart in this fragile showcase
With a look, with a look.
We will love in this righteous darkness
Until you understand and I need not beg.
Words of a new language
That I invented for us two
For the persecuted lover, who has to hide [the] voice
When you want to learn
There will be no silence. It will not be missed
Use the voice to break it
With a look and nothing more.
With a look and nothing more.
With a look...

Daleko odavde

Kuda idu deca
(Šta želiš da kažeš)
Gde se kasnije igraju
(Na šta misliš)
Kuda odlaze suze
(Ne znam o čemu pričaš)
Koga ću kasnije okriviti
(Mene ne gledaj)
Kada se nebo ponovo natmuri
(Na šta misliš)
I nema više, nema povratka
Kada bude kasno
I svetla se ugase
Kada dan postane noć
I ne može se vratiti nazad
Ja ću biti sa tobom
Pitati te šta smo to učinili
I ukoliko ostane samo nada
Želela bih da ponovo budem sa tobom
Daleko odavde
Ostali su daleko
I ne zaustavljaj se
Odlaze, odlaze i ti možda
Ne želiš ostati
I pretvorićeš bombe od vremena
Ne osećam tlo
Kada više, nema povratka
Kada bude kasno
I svetla se ugase
Kada dan postane noć
I ne može se vratiti nazad
Ja ću biti sa tobom
Pitati te šta smo to učinili
I ukoliko ostane samo nada
Želela bih da ponovo budem sa tobom
Daleko odavde
Ref x1
Jedna nada
Želela bih da ponovo budem sa tobom
Daleko odavde
Daleko odavde

In Any Language

When you leave
you go in silence
I don't want apologies
nor do I want words
forced from you
With a single hit
destroy my soul
Well at least
it will be a slow
death for me
(Chorus x2)
If you turn your back on me
let it be forever
And even though you torment from
the regrets
Never come back
I do not stop you
You know what you're doing
But do not blame me
if from today onwards
they treat you very bad
I know that you can't
look at me in front
Because I'm sure
as you look at my eyes
you'll find anger
That's what you try
do to my life
In any language
and on any terrain
Its called betrayal
(Repeat Chorus)

At Night

At night, we don't sleep we dance, and when we don't dance we think
We're looking for the answers to untold questions
Why did you go out so late
Only to please others ?
To count your drinks on the counter
And look like a jabberring jerk.
You dance but you'd like to sit down
Close to be or not to be falling
You'll do the same tomorrow night
You're leaving, you're raising your glass and cheers
Why did you go out so late
Even the smile of the girl you're checking out
Barely met your eyes
Doesn't stop the doubts, just delayed them
At night we lie, we take trains for an unknown destination
At night we lie, we take trains through the plains
At night, we don't sleep we dance, and when we don't dance we think
We're looking for the answers to untold questions
At night we don't sleep, one shot or two, we'll see
You're empty, your glass half full
Why did you go out so late ? Why did you go out so late ?
You're not counting sheeps
Atnight you draw them
Like an exasperated saint
You're waiting for the little prince to make a decision
At night time flies so fast
We have to seduce with subtelty
Smoking pots make the slobs come to life
We don't know if we exist, we dodge, we investigate
Come on one more, we think we're incorruptible like Eliot Ness
We dodge, we don't listen to that guy
What makes me go on if the dance starts
We invite esteem, we aim for the exquisite
Just like fools we wallow in that kind of words :
Cheers !
At night we don't sleep we dance
At night...
At night, we don't sleep we dance, and when we don't dance we think
We're looking for the answers to untold questions

Away we went

Independent, like the air,
Descemer Bueno
Micha, Enrique Iglesia
I don't want this night to pass and be over,
I want it to be endless,
she knows how to get inside my head,
smoothly, she destresses me,
she knows what button to push on me,
'cause she has the power and the magic to impress me.
When I'm with her, is like drinking passion entirely out from the bottle,
when she surrenders, I fall, drunk,
drunk in love, between her arms
when she kisses me, her taste takes me to heaven,
and I get lost into her universe,
I take a one-way trip,
and ask her, ''Let's go, further away''.
We started in the ground,
and then took off
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away
we started in the ground, (we started in the ground,)
and then took off, (and then took off)
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away.
I want the feelings to win, tonight
keep them rising, free like the wind.
She knows how to make me fall in love,
please me and have some fun,
she knows what button to push on me,
'cause she has the power and the magic to impress me.
When I'm with her, is like drinking passion entirely out from the bottle,
when she surrenders, I fall, drunk,
drunk in love, between her arms
when she kisses me, her taste takes me to heaven,
and I get lost into her universe,
I take a one-way trip,
and ask her, ''Let's go, further away''.
We started in the ground,
and then took off
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away
we started in the ground, (we started in the ground,)
and then took off, (and then took off)
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away.
Away we went,
no stops or luggage,
or customs office, so you won't be left with the desire,
that if you don't open the door, I'll climb out the window,
that if you call yourself Eve, don't hide the apple from me,
that it's not a little, daddy, I have quite a lot... quantity
that with your daddy you won't be afraid of the dark
we started on the ground, the bed and then the couch,
and we leave the bathroom if you ask me for more, later.
We started in the ground, (we started in the ground,)
and then took off, (and then took off)
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away.
We started in the ground, (we started in the ground,)
and then took off, (and then took off)
you and I, away we went,
you and I, away we went, away.
We started in the ground, (we started in the ground,)
and then took off, (and then took off)
you and I, away we went, away.
you and I, away we went.
Just learning.

When I was in love with you

When I was in love with you, you were at the dentist’s
When I was in love with you, you went shopping
When I was in love with you, you lost weight
When I was in love with you, you became a vegetarian
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you, you went to Jūrmala
When I was in love with you, you counted your freckles in front of the mirror
When I was in love with you, you filed your nails
When I was in love with you, you engaged in fortune telling
When I was in love with you, you were fighting for women’s rights
When I was in love with you…
You truly had a very bad cold and really needed to stay at home, for else it would have gotten even worse, and besides, people who take penicillin get so weak that they just want to sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep or, at best, read some once-popular novel which they picked up cheap when it was on sale last spring
When I was in love with you, you complained about the hot weather
When I was in love with you, you would just listen to Beatles records
When I was in love with you, you painted your lips pink and your nails purple
When I was in love with you, you were wasted twice
When I was in love with you…
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you
Was in love with you


Without realizing he was already outside,
he was clinging to the window bars,
and screaming to the prison guards who where inside:
'Let me out!'
Just learning.

Otišli smo daleko

Samostalni kao vazduh
Descemer Bueno
Micha, Enrique Iglesias
Ne želim da ova noć prođe i završi se
Želeo bih da je beskrajna
Ona zna kako da se uvuče u moju glavu
I nežno me uznemiri
Ona zna koje dugme da pritisne
Jer ima moć i magiju kojom me impresionira
Kada sam sa njom, to je kao da pijem strast iz flaše
Kada se ona preda, napijem se
Napijem se od ljubavi u njenim rukama
Kada me ona poljubi, taj ukus me vodi u raj
I izgubim se u njenom svetu
Krenem na put u jednom pravcu, bez povratka
I tražim joj da 'Idemo još dalje'
Počnemo na podu
A onda poletimo
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko, daleko
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko
Počnemo na podu (počnemo na podu)
A onda poletimo (a onda poletimo)
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko, daleko
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko
Želim da ove noći pobede osećanja
Da nastave da se pojačavaju, slobodna poput vetra
Ona zna kako da učini da se zaljubim
Zna da me zadovolji i zabavi
Ona zna koje dugme da pritisne
Jer ima moć i magiju kojom me impresionira
Kada sam sa njom, to je kao da pijem strast iz flaše
Kada se ona preda, napijem se
Napijem se od ljubavi u njenim rukama
Kada me ona poljubi, taj ukus me vodi u raj
I izgubim se u njenom svetu
Krenem na put u jednom pravcu, bez povratka
I tražim joj da 'Idemo još dalje'
Počnemo na podu
A onda poletimo
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko, daleko
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko
Počnemo na podu (počnemo na podu)
A onda poletimo (a onda poletimo)
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko, daleko
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko
Otišli smo daleko
Bez stajanja, bez prtljaga
Bez carine da ne bi ostala sa željama
Jer ako mi ne otvoriš vrata, provući ću se kroz prozor
Jer ako se zoveš Eva, ne sakrivaj jabuku od mene
Jer to nije malo, imam ogromnu količinu
Jer sa mnom se nemoj plašiti tame
Pa počnemo na podu, u krevetu i na sofi kasnije
Tu je i kupatilo, ako poželiš još
Počnemo na podu (počnemo na podu)
A onda poletimo (a onda poletimo)
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko, daleko
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko (daleko)
Počnemo na podu (počnemo na podu)
A onda poletimo (a onda poletimo)
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko, daleko
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko (daleko)
Počnemo na podu (na podu)
A onda poletimo (a onda poletimo)
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko, daleko
Ti i ja smo otišli daleko