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How embarrassing

He was a very minor poet.
He thought he was valuable
but like a professor
said to him, his poem didn't worth even
the time that a proof-reader would take to read it.
He was a boastful poet.
Despite of being sentimental,
instead of the heart
his most accomplished poem only reached to the pancreas
or luckily a little upper, to the sternum.
He was a disastrous poet.
My grandmother in her free time
wrote better than him.
He wasn't an ordinary poet
because the comparision
between his work with a million
of the most mediocre works of his time,
would make him look bad or leave him grounded in a corner.
He was an inept, a retard.
His poetry wasn't such
because it was all bad.
He couldn't stick a word and if the horses pardon me
he wrote in the style like an untamed.
He was a terrible,
stupid, philistine, propagandist,
copycat, sappy and dumb poet.
When they pushed the button
and came the chain reaction
that a neutron expanded
all over the planet, there wan't left any poem
of the greatest writers of the civilization.
Our poet died,
and look what happened:
his poetry was safe.
And it was the only thing that from our culture
have rescued the aliens when they visited the region.
And in libraries of distant galaxies,
the only thing that is from us is his work.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The black sheeps can have gray hair

Help me doctor, if you can please.
I'm getting saner, I'm getting worse everyday.
Now everything around is like a big sleepiness.
Help me to get out of this shock, this horror.
My greatest fear, my greatest danger
is that my life becomes a Knorr Suiza broth cube.
I can't believe the things I did yesterday.
First I went to the workplace that has me very irritated.
Then I went eating. And later when I came
home, I watched TV wth my wife.
Doctor, I feel sick. It's anti natural.
Little by little I'm becoming like the normal people.
I sense a brutal vertical falling.
I don't know if it's a stomach problem.
I don't know if it's temporary, if the process is gradual.
I don't know if I have cure not if it will create habit.
Doctor, what can I do? I don't want to suffer
this disease that crushes me and wants me to become
a knitting needle, and wants to make me
follow the weave in a crochet that I want to break.
I don't know what happened to me. Explain me doctor.
I was a black sheep and now look at my color.
I look like a power sugar alfajor, or better
a puddle of that thing called liquid paper.
And if there's a stain in my weak illusion
it's only by the effect of the carbon paper.
Help me doctor, if you can please.
I'm getting saner, I'm getting worse everyday.
Now everything around is like a big sleepiness.
I feel myself driven by a sewer pipe.
And what is worse, the place is tempting.
So please, help me.
No. Don't. I don't care. I'm fine like this.
I pay the consultation and well,
I'll come another day on any case. Bye.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


If we start of from the sure base
that to the monday always follows the tuesday
and that after the wednesday gives twenty four hours
including all the minutes, the seconds
and the quarters one after another,
and bearing in mind that theorem that holds,
that after the thursday comes the friday,
and that days ago the wednesday yielded to the thursday,
and that the saturday isn't anything
but an evil continuation of the friday
that sometimes ends in sunday,
transforming suddenly into monday,
then in tuesday, wednesday, thursday,
friday, saturday, sunday and monday,
tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday,
and after in saturday and sunday
without ever skipping any monday,
nor a tuesday, wednesday, and maybe
stretching the thursday to a friday,
the saturday yearning for a sunday
destroyed by a sure monday,
invincible and hard like a tuesday,
like an unyielding wednesday
buried under a robust thursday
dead at the foot of a friday morning
that at night an expected saturday replaced,
but for few hours,
until the sunday became monday,
the one that became tuesday,
tuesday to wednesday, thursday and friday,
then saturday, sunday and monday,
if we start of from the sure base,
of what color is death?
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Time issue

Emm. Tell me. Can I ask you something?
Yes, of course.
In fact it's not a question. It's something I have to tell you.
Well, tell me. I listen.
Bah, to read to you in fact. Well, look. This is the issue. I feel like kissing you. Can I kiss you?
How do you know?
How do I know what?
How do you know that I can't kiss you.
Well, you can. But I don't want you to do it.
No, why?
Because it's too soon.
Ah, eh. So, I'm not indifferent to you?
No, of course not.
And you don't hate me either?
Hating you? Not at all.
So I can kiss you.
No. I said no.
I told you, it's too soon.
But you don't love me?
Well, I don't know. It's not something one can say lightly.
I don't say it lightly, I'm talking to you seriously.
I know, but you gotta give time to these things.
You might be right.
What happens is that I find hard to contract my feelings.
What feelings?
I already told them.
No, you didn't.
It's true, I didn't. Well, look. Are feelings of kissing you.
Will you let me?
Why? Because it's too soon?
Yes. It isn't the moment for that yet.
And for what is a good moment?
For talking.
About what?
Oh, I don't know. Chatting. Exchanging ideas.
And after?
After what?
The ideas.
I don't know. We'll see.
Why? It will be too soon too?
Well. But in some moment it will not be soon.
Yeah, I suppose.
Well. What difference is between that moment and now?
A time difference.
Yeah. But since the first time you said that it was too soon, a lot of time passed, I guess.
Yeah, but if it's soon, wait some more.
How much approximately?
I don't know. Love can't be timed.
Ah, so you feel love?
I don't know. I still don't have it clear.
If we kiss, you could clear yourself up.
We had talked about that. Aren't enough the reasons I gave you?
Which? The ones that it's still too soon?
What happens is that that reason doesn't hold for a long time. As time goes by, it loses validity.
Well. Then I will give you another reason.
That it's too late.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Persist and you'll succeed (1996)

I passed by your house yesterday
and I saw you sunbathing
eating hot dogs with mustard
with a glass of BOLS gin
and by seeing the apperitif
and by seeing you too
instead of having appetite
I lost it
So I went looking
for some Bach flowers.
But at the flower shop they said
'Sorry, I have none left.'
I passed by your house yesterday
to sing a song to you
you were at the balcony
and I sang it with the heart
and when I remember this
I feel like crying
you were with the walkman
playing the radio at full volume
So I thought DON'T THINK
that I'll get desperate
Tomorrow I'll come with a microphone
and an 800 watts power.
I passed by your house yesterday
and I glanced at you
next to the window
with a pretty nightgown
I went to buy a pajama
of that same color
and the Colon shops
were already closed.
So I went all over
from the Centro to Peñarol
and the only thing I saw was a weird man
who was wearing a baby doll.
I passed by your house yesterday
and I brought in a folder
my philately collection
in case they called your attention
but you weren't interested
about the Canada stamps
neither the Dominican
neither the Madagascar ones.
So I said to myself MAN
with some perseverance
you'll find
someone who will buy them.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Neurasthenic poet

Your skin is the region where old indescribable farmers harvested the substance of the purest sensual love.
The peace of your look is the funeral prayer that protects our souls from the perpetual misunderstanding of which cannot scape neither the most accurate words that we can find when we want to express what we feel.
Your voice is the harmony that modulates with its lasting charm the perfect agreement of life with time, which is governed by the beat of your walking, which is like a pendulum that rocks the swingings of the suspended hours in the tireless magic of the convulsive whirlwind in which I dance madly since I met you.
Your mind is the hideout in which live the liberated ideas from the hustle and bustle of successive exchanges in already past debates and symposiums, where were refuted the turbulent principles that backed them.
Your spirit is the essence that beats in the eternal transformation that wraps all the energy of the life underneath the dusty corners of the store in which I keep the pieces of the furnitures that could resist heroically our yesterday quarrel.
Your hands are the pulses of the beat in which passes the existance, blessed by the Holy Providence that was placed before me the morning when I took you out of the mud of the brook where you were splashing.
Your eyes are three doors that each of them lead to the Eternal Fire of the breath of a dragon chained to a bed leg at the bachelor flat of a corrupt diplomat.
Your face is the immeasurable mirror that calms and distributes with peacful parity all the lights refracted on the callus that are made in the cracked scabs of your skin because of that trashy make-up with which you plaster on.
Your lips are a bridge between the light and the frightening darkness, which I drag in my caothic wandering through a desert in which crowd around the ghosts of outdated mirages, turned into threads of an immaterial cloth where is hidden on every point of its effervescent weave a thought living on it since those long nights we spent, trying together to open that attached file in which came the serial number missing in the pirate CD that we bought with all the desires, the illusion and the hopes of playing Súper Mario.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Perfume of artificial flowers she had
kept in a bottle
of smoke coming from
her dreams of wood stove.
Dresses made with flowery fabric
all alike
and the pattern
was of artificial flowers
that looked so natural.
Perfume of artificial flowers
taken from genealogic trees
and floors of three air-conditioned environments.
Bottled perfumes
in secretive and dark cells
in secretive and dark cells
built by old priests.
Words of perfumed senses she said
and always repeated them
looking for some truth
that she had lived in them.
Words that like flower arrangements
of funerals
were the soul
of many acclaimed rituals
celebrated in her manners.
Perfume of grammatical flowers,
scent of wallpapers painted
with flowers on the walls of an old office.
Perfumes of funeral
I felt when she said goodbye
I felt when she said goodbye
saying that she didn't want flowers.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Not by the force

Once upon a time there was a country where the workers and the employees were earning very low wages, the youngs couldn't get a job and had to emigrate, the rents were way over what the people could afford, the retirement pays weren't enough for anything and besides they had to beg for them doing hours and hours of lines before the cash register, to later lose them at the hands of thieves who in turn did line to wait for the old men who came out of earning.
One day, that country, whose government had been elected democratically, fell under the responsability of a dictatorship which forced the workers and the employees to earn very low wages, prevented the youngs from getting a job, forcing them to emigrate, imposed rents that were way over what the people could afford, and retirement pays that weren't enough for anything, and which besides had to be begged doing hours and hours of lines before the cash register, to later be snatcheedd from the hands of their owners by thieves who in turn did line to wait for the old men who came out of earning.
But the population of that country opposed a strong resistance to the de facto government, ending defeating the dictators, and making very clear to them that, if it was a matter of living poorly, they had to do it by own will, and not because some bunch of captains felt like it.
So, after the democratinc restoration was conquered, and over the ruins left by the dictatorship, our heroes focused meticulous and thoroughly in the construction of a country where the workers and the employees earn very low wages, the youngs can't get a job and have to emigrate, the rents are way over what the people can afford, the retirement pays aren't enough for anything and besides they have to beg for them doing hours and hours of lines before the cash register, to later lose them at the hands of thieves who in turn did line to wait for the old men who came out of earning.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Bumps in the road to the civil registry

He was about to get married, he was four months away
he had almost thirty seven of engagement
and he met Manón and he met Manón
and he left the other
It lasted a year then they talked about marrying
they fixed a place and a three months stay
but at the month he met María Inés he met
and he hooked up with her
She was better than the others indeed
they bought a dining room and said that in two months they'd marry
but he got excited with Raquel
and he went on with her.
How good Raquel, where were you all these years
they went to register and bought a freezer
and then he came upon, and then he came upon
with a steamy truck
He rode the truck whose name was Yolanda
he said: 'we'll get married on May'
but on the April thritieth, but on the April thritieth
he traded her for Marilín
Mary got a bedroom and washing machine
he put his half of dining room and freezer
and in two weeks they had to marry
but he prefered Anabel
With Ana was all fine, so petite and delicate
it's what I always needed without knowing it
next thursday my dear, next thursday my dear
we'll marry, yes sir
A quarter of freezer and half bedroom
whatever lacks will be found in an auction
but on the sunday previous to the wedding happened
that the girl resigned
It happened that she went to try with another friend
and by finding him better she suggested him if he didn't have
the lacking seven eigths of the old dining room
and the man said OK
After saying that they'd get married that friday
the young eligible went to get a taxi
but if she said yes, but if she didn't say no
was at the Sarandí street 1
Three days of passion with that cab driver
I'm happy with you and they went to the court
but she said 'yes' instead of 'I do'
and she traded looks with the judge
Judge me please was saying that night
the girl to the magister and the man was saying
leave it, don't make me do extra hours,
girl and come here
After some hours of yells and whispers
thee guy understood that she'll always love him
and proposed her to do everyday
the continued fun by civil
They went to wed to a countryside town
and a young female servant was introduced to them
but insteand of marrying the couple
she hooked up with the old man
The man liked her as she was young and colleague
the other returned promising as revenge
to marry the first fool
who comes to sing to her balcony
The judge and her new girlfriend also
came to the city and she wanted to go to the church
to get married but when she reached the altar
she started crying
The priest happened to be a former boyfriend
who in a quarrel traded her for the cassock
but that dormant fire lit again
and the vow was voided
They loved each other madly and then in an attack
of sudden sanity they talked about marrying
and as I lost the trace to them
I didn't know if any of them married
  • 1. Is where the Civil Registry is in Montevideo
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Excuse me if I bother you with this Sonatina

Excuse me if I bother you with this sonatina.
Excuse me if I bother you with this sonatina.
Of course it bothers me, it's predictable and stupid.
Why do you bother me with that trivial tune you play?
Trivial might be your grandmother but not this sonatina.
I had to study music for a lot of years to be able to compose it,
so you'll have to listen it. And if this music maybe bothers you,
I'm gonna say excuse me if I bother you with this sonatina.
Excuse me if I bother but you'll have to stand it now.
Excuse me, you'll have to forgive me but I don't have the intention
of listening to that music. So please, leave me alone.
I really think that you are hurrying up too much
just by rejecting what you still don't know yet.
It's true buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I am in my right
to choose whatever the hell I wanna listen to.
Yes is true, but just give me nothing more but a minute
to apologize, because it wasn't my intention
of making you complain at all. I just want you
to lower yourself to listen just a couple tempos
of this sonatina, if you don't really bother.
I don't know how to tell you what I had
said more than once previously, but for God sake,
I don't wanna listen to the sonatina anymore.
I really think that you are hurrying up too much
just by rejecting what you still don't know yet.
How do you know if the continuation of this sonatina
really doesn't leave you sighing of delight?
So I'm gonna say excuse me if I bother you with this sonatina.
You'll see that after that, you're gonna thank me after that.
Come on, give me a break. I really don't believe this silly music
can provide me anything unknown on the remaining tempos.
You're totally and absolutely wrong. But,
if you do want me to demonstrate it to you,
it is necessary that you have a little patience for me.
So you're gonna have to allow me to bother you with this sonatina.
No. I will not allow you that.
What I do want is to be alone for a while so I can
concentrate myself in a music that I do wish to sing.
I wish to sing like the mockingbird when it flies while singing to the springtime.
Beware that you are not singing to the mockingbird
but without realizing you are getting so attracted
just for this sonatina.
Just stop it, because I can't stand it anymore.
I don't want sonatinas. I want a bossa nova. (How about it?)
Excuse me if I bother you with this bossa nova.
No. No. Please don't start playing one of those silly stupid musics.
Ah, so I thought that you wanted something like this, but indeed.
For another minute you are needing me to bother you with this sonatina.
Just say it straight away. Just don't keep it to yourself.
No, you don't have to worry, because that's not my problem.
My problem is I don't want sonatinas. I prefer some rock and roll.
Okay so, excuse me if I bother you with this piano riff.
I don't forgive you and I say excuse
me if this ending is bothering you.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Small Deviation in the Behaviour of the Three Wise Men

Look if suddenly the three wise men
in the middle of the road to our lands,
start to think 'What a precious, well made toys.
They deserve special treatments, another kind of benefit.'
Look if suddenly the three wise men...
Look if Balthazar or any of them
suddenly gets down of his camel
and laying in a cloud with boooks and dolls,
he plays the indifferent, the fool, the dolt.
Look if Balthazar or any of them...
Look if sorry of their kindness,
they think in their own needs.
And not happy with making the children happy,
they hog all the tricycles, all the skateboards.
Look if sorry of their kindness...
If the Magi Melchior, so old and bearded
suddenly wishes to play Ludo,
or if with nonstop obsession eyes he starts
to wind up a monkey toy, to ride a wooden horse.
If the Magi Melchior, so old and bearded...
Look if the three were misleaded,
by a different, selfish star,
and told them 'Wise men, think of what you're doing.
You can't gift it all. Realize that you're going broke.'
Look if the three were misleaded...
I don't want you to get dissapointed.
Think that these are just suppositions.
You know that the kings are the parents. You can sleep quiet
that for now nobody is thinking of sending you to an asylum.
I don't want you to get dissapointed...
I just supposed that on a Janurary sixth,
the magi didn't bring neither a rattle.
Who suddenly sick of a strange selfishness,
they put prices to the toys and place a toy shop.
I just supposed that on a Janurary sixth...
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

I will be as silly as you

The prodigal came back when I though of your love.
I knew I owed you more after we separated.
Who was as silly as you in this world?
Like you always gave me so much.
Why the heaven brought you hope?
But there was no results at the expected days.
I hoped that I could be as silly as you were before.
May I love you more than you love me.
All complaints just complain about me. I even didn’t think about you before.
I made you be lonely with silence for your life.
I couldn't meet you when I returned back.
If I didn't lose my deepest love, I never understood.
Why do I think of you today?
I feel my sadness by nature and silence.
Who was as silly as you in this world?
Like you always gave me so much.
I prayed that God could send you back to me.
Let my ordinary life with a new song.
I hoped that I could be as silly as you were before.
May I love you more than you love me.
All complaints just complain about me. I even didn’t think about you before.
I made you be lonely with silence for your life.
I couldn't meet you when I returned back.
You will know that I will love more than before.
All complaints just complain about me. Why I didn't cherish you before.
Being resentful, I broke all your wishes.
The only one who I owed is you.

Darrospide Pastas (2002)

LM: Well. This recital is... is going to be broadcasted live by a radio station that had the courtesy of supporting this, and well, I know that on any moment we will talk with the hosts of the program. I don't know if it will be heard here in the... through the speakers the... through the sound system the voice of the hosts.. yeah they're there.
Hostess: Well, we're making contact with Leo Masliah live from the place where he performs. Do you hear me Leo?
LM: Yes, I hear you.
Hostess: Do you have a good feedback?
LM: Yeah, yeah. Perfectly. I hear you.
Hostess: I'm asking you if you have a good feedback? If you hear me? (The Darrospide Pastas jingle plays)
LM: Yeah, hello. You hear me?
Hostess: Wait, they're playing the music too loud, I can't hear what you say. Are you there Leo?
LM: Yeah, I hear you. Go on.
Hostess: Well. I don't know if... (Change of Darrospide Pastas jingle) I don't know if you're listening to me but here we have all set and ready for this simultaneous broadcast from the studio and... the place where you perform tonight, that you know Leo, that I can't name it because it's not found among the sponsors of this show. But the one that is found is, of course, this envelope brought by the commercial manager of DarrospidePastas . (Change of Darrospide Pastas jingle) Which has the questions that we will ask you tonight. Do you hear me?
LM: Yeah, yeah, I'm listening to you clearly.
Hostess: There's some technical difficulties over here because I'm not receiving the audio of your microphone, but well, I assume that you like all the audience, are following the alternatives of this instance sponsored by Darrospide Pastas. (Change of Darrospide Pastas jingle). Which delivered to me as I said, the envelopes with all the questions of this contest that has you as the only participant tonight. Given that our production team found out about your fondness to the Darrospide Pastas, which you're an everyday consumer of it. Right, Leo? How lucky, Now I hear you. Finally our specialist solved the inconvinient.
LM: But I didn't speak.
Hostess: What, sorry?
LM: I didn't say anything.
Hostess: Speak louder Leo, that I'm not... ah yeah. Now. I hear you well.
LM: But what do you listen if I..
Hostess: What? Not this again. Well it doesn't matter, we'll do the questions of Darrospide Pastas which molds and widens the palates of adults and children. Let's see, wait that we'll listen to the jingle (The Darrospide Pastas jingle plays)
LM: Well, eh...
Hostess: Because I don't know if you know this Leo that today almost everybody orders Darrospide Pastas
LM: Yeah, well...
Hostess: Ah no. Sorry. There's a last minute correction. They're informing me here that now everybody orders Darrospide Pastas.
LM: Yeah, err...
Hostess: Let's see if you Leo can play with your piano a bit from where you are, the Darrospide Pastas jingle for our sponsor to listen to you. (Leo plays the jingle's music) Very good, very good. I see you're doing the homework. Well Leo, here is the first question. Fo you hear me?
LM: Yes.
Hostess: Not you, pass me to Leo.
LM: But it's me.
Hostess: Are you sure? Your voice sounds too sharp. Well, it doesn't matter. It must be the equalization of your headphones. Besides the important is not the voice (the music stops) but the concept of what you're going to say. Well Leo, here goes the question. Are you ready?
LM: Yeyeyeah, come on.
Hostess: Could you tell us to our sponsor and to all the audience that listens to us, not only through the broadcasting network of the country, but also through internet? Could you tell us?
LM: Yes. What?
Hostess: Wait that I don't understand the writing of our sponsor. I do understand the logo. It's very obvious that it's the Darrospide Pastas logo, as it can't be any other, but... there, that's it. Well, this is the question: Could you tell us, what did you have for lunch today?
LM: Yes...
Hostess: Do I repeat the question or you understood it?
LM: No, I understood it perfectly. Today I lunched Darrospide Pastas.
Hostess: Correct. Perfectly answered. ('It's important, don't forget, Darrospide Pastas' and the jingle goes on) When you come here to the studio, our assistant will deliver our award to you, which is a pack of Darrospide Grated Cheese. And while we wait for the second question, we're going with the music that the very factory of Darrospide Pastas bring us. (Change of Darrospide Pastas jingle).
LM: Well, now I will continue with the songs I had prepared.
Hostess: Leo, Leo do you listen? (The music goes down)
LM: Yes, what?
Hostess: We're not on the air now. Listen. I wanna ask you something, because we couldn't have the chance of talking just you and me before making the connection. And what I wanna know is if the answer you gave was right, you know? Because beyond the advertising appearence that has the thing, for the public to know that you consume Darrospide products. The company matters that this is true. Do you understand? That it isn't just a slogan.
LM: Yeah, no, but it's true.
Hostess: You're sure, right? You ate pasta today?
LM: Yeah, of course.
Hostess: What pasta?
LM: Noodles.
Hostess: Yeah, but which.
LM: I don't know. Some that are like gold braids. I don't know what's the name of the shape...
Hostess: But you looked at the brand? Did you look at what the pack said?
LM: Yes.
Hostess: What did it say?
LM: It said Darrospide.
Hostess: Ah, good. Good. Because it's the brand that we want to promote, you know?
LM: Yeah.
Hostess: But...
LM: What?
Hostess: Beyond the promotion, speaking frankly, just between you and me. Don't you think that those pastas really have a special taste that overcomes by far the taste of all the other pastas?
LM: Yep.
Hostess: I swear that the first time I tasted them, I couldn't believe it. It might happened to you too, I think.
LM: Yep.
Hostess: And the most incredible is that everytime I taste them, that sensation is repeated. Does it happen to you?
LM: Yep.
Hostess: Not that you repeat the pasta. But that the sensation repeats for you, I mean.
LM: Yeah yeah.
Hostess: It would be good that you tell it to your friends, don't you think so? Or with other people you know, that you're confident with. Becasue there are many people who don't know it, do you undertand? People who never tried Darrospide. And maybe they're buying any other brand.
LM: Yesssssssss.
Hostess: You'll tell them? Can I count on you?
LM: Mmmhh.
Hostess: And you think that you have real chances of convince them? Or at least you'll give it all from your side? You'll give the best of you so they tomorrow understand the need of consuming these products?
LM: Yep.
Hostess: Well. Then I get calm. Attention, attention that we're now on the air. (The Darrospide Pastas jingle plays)
Ok, we have the second question ready in this contest sponsored by Darrospide Pastas. Are you Nervous Leo?
LM: Yeah, a little.
Hostess: Well, well. All will work out, don't worry. What Darrospide wants to ask you, and beware because this question has a slight similarity with the previous one, but listen well because it's about other thing.
LM: Yeah, I hear you.
Hostess: The question is (Change of Darrospide Pastas jingle) What did you eat yesterday?
LM: Yesterday?
Hostess: Yes. Yesterday. Because the other question was What did you eat today? But now it's What did you eat yesterday? You need me to repeat the question or are you in conditions to give us an answer?
LM: Wait, wait. Let me think. Yesterday...
Hostess: Yes. Yesterday. Well, think of eat valmly. Time is running, but you still have some seconds to tell your audience...
LM: Yes. Wait. I know. I remember. Yesterday...
Hostess: Yes.
LM: Look. I think yesterday... I ate pasta. (the music stops)
Hostess: Pasta, just that?
LM: No, with butter.
Hostess: Ah. You lost. I'm so sorry. The right answer was 'I ate Darrospide Pastas'. (the music returns) But it doesn't matter. Darrospide can sort out perfectly without your help. Anyway, you have here a chance to get even, because here I have the third question of this series that the experts of the marketing section of Darrospide Pastas have prepared. (Change of Darrospide Pastas jingle) Like you and surely all the audience know, the Darrospide egg noodles, are elaborated with Darrospide eggs. Now. The Darrospide eggs are composed by a Darrospide yolk, a Darrospide egg white and as natural, a shell. What Darrospide asks you Leo is, if you can tell, which is the brand of the Darrospide egg's shell. Is the question clear?
LM: Yeah, I think so.
Hostess: Well. (Change of Darrospide Pastas jingle) Good luck in the name of Darrospide and we're waiting for you to tell us the brand of the Darrospide egg's shell. Do you know which is?
LM: Let's see, let's see. I'm not sure. I'd risk a brand, but I don't know.
Hostess: Tell it, come on. Tell it without fear.
LM: Philips!
Hostess: No man, no. What a dumb. (Change of Darrospide Pastas jingle) I'm so sorry that you were wrong again, The brand was Darrospide. And let's see Leo if we can cut the losing streak with the last question I have in front of my eyes. It's this one: If you go to a supermarket and you see that in the pastas stand there are no more Darrospide products left, what would you do?
LM: Well. Generally I'm a consumer of Darrospide Pastas but I think that in a case like this, I'd have to...
Hostess: Wha-wha-what? Buying another brand??
LM: Err...... yeah, I think so.
Hostess: NO GODDAMMIT, NO NO AND NO. You were wrong again. (Change of Darrospide Pastas jingle)
LM: But you cheated. Because you made me believe that the answer was coming from that side.
Hostess: No, I didn't make you believe anything. With all the previous questions you could have an idea of which was the spirit and the life philosophy that the Darrospide company wants to promote. The answer was: I would look immediately for the working supervisor and tell him: 'Quick, Quick, reinstate the stock of Darrospide Pastas.' But you weren't able to score. You didn't make the intellectual effort that our sponsor was expecting. So well. Then the musicians complain that they don't have sponsors. That they can't fund their performances. We at the radio know to value what is quality about pastas. That's why, we keep counting with the Darrospide support, which sponsors the next block of our show. Well Leo, it was a pleasure, Keep goping with your things and we'll meet again doubtlessly, when Darrospide Pastas requires and decrees it.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


I told you, do you remember?
I told you and I was right, five years ago, when I said that Noticias would be the best magazine in the country. Because it wasn't in that time, of course. But I knew that it was GOING to be.
In that time it was very bad, I never bought it.
I that time I was buying Condorito. It was way better. Even Coné, the comic of Condorito's nephew, was better. And it's still very good. When the Noticias guys get distracted, I say that Coné... can block their way any time.
Just like Caras, fame and money together. I had fame and money, but the problem is that I didn't have them together. That's why I failed. Because I had a lot of money and also a lot of fame, I had fame of thief. And the fortune didn't last too long. It lasted little.
I bought a yatch and I made a sweet sixteen party. Of sixteen million dollars. I invited sixteen people: I gave them a million dolar each. And they didn't want to stay neither for a dance. I had almost all the food for me. I ended inviting the orchestra musicians.
The clarinetist, specially, ate a lot, but the problem is that he was eating in B flat, so instead of taking the food to the mouth, he was taking it to a higher tone, he was taking it to the nose.
The horn player too, he was weird, he was eating through the horn. And the rest too, he was doing all with the horn. It was like a part of him.
And the girl who played the celesta too, she was completely integrated to the instrument, when she was playing it it was like if she was touching herself. It was almost obscene, I'd say. And her name was Celeste. I fell in love with her. But she didn't cared about me, she was very screwed with the tuba player.
Bah, the player was who screwed her with the tuba. She couldn't get out of there. She had the tuba screwed around her neck. More than a tuba, it was a boa. A big boa. Sometimes she tried to convince the flautist to play something to make the boa dance, to loosen it so she can scape. But the flautist was bery bad, he was playing so bad that the boa instead of loosen it was getting angry, and was squeezing Celeste even more.
It ended up strangling her, this is a very sad story, I... I don't wanna bring you down, but well, that was it.
That was it, that was it, it went by.
It killed her, that was it, that was it.
Don't cry, it already killed her. It's over. Don't cry.
Don't cry because I don't have handkerchiefs to give you. I mean, I have but, it's not in a good state because with the weather these days, the changes of temperature, and all that, I caught a cold, I got sick. I also had to stay in bed. I had a fever. And a doctor came to see me, but I don't know, he didn't see me in the end. He came to my house, and all, he came to see, but he didn't see me. He started to look at other things, of my house, that who knows, might interested him more.
He looked at the furnitures, he looked at the kitchen, he even opened the kitchen placard,
he started to... look er.... the pan, the pots, the ladle I have, yeah, he started looking at the ladle, the slotted spoon... he also looked at the kettle, there, he remained a while completely moveless, looking a tthe kettle,
he looked like the picture 'Artigas en el Hervidero'.
I think it's a Juan Manuel Blanes picture, isn't it? I think so, I'm not sure, I don't know, but they're paying so much attention to Blanes, now, in Europe. They published a huge book of pictures in one of those art publishers, I don't know if it was Taschen or... that other, that published the drawings of... who was?, that painer... the one who pained... an artifact, like some kind of, like a forefather of the helicopter I think, I don't know his name. Err..... an italian who appeared in some part over there, that as in all the kiosks some time ago.
In that time I remember that in the kiosks were also, a Batman comic, the Para Tí magazine, the one I was telling you and also was Noticias.
I told you, do you remember?
I told you and I was right, five years ago, when I said that Noticias would be the best magazine in the country. Because it wasn't in that time, of course. But I knew that it was GOING to be.
In that time it was very bad, I never bought it.
I that time I was buying Condorito. It was way better. Even Coné, the comic of Condorito's nephew, was better. And it's still very good. When the Noticias guys get distracted, I say that Coné... can block their way any time.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

You won't catch me anymore

I believe in God, I believe in Buddha, I believe in the I Ching,
I believe in all the mormons and in the Tao te Ching,
I believe in Christ, in Jesus and the ayatollahs,
and I swear for God that I believe in Satan.
I believe in ufos, I believe in love,
and also I believe in hatred and in remorse.
I believe in the Pastor Gimenez1, I believe in Rasputin,
and I even have a secret faith in Goofy,
but I don't believe in you, I don't believe you anymore,
not even when you tell the time, you won't fool me,
and I don't know if you lie or you are delirious,
but I know you won't catch me anymore.
I believe in Krishna, I believe in Thor, I believe in Beelzebub
and in the good intentions of Patoruzú,
I also believe in the pyramids and in the Guru,
I believe in all what Pedro Romaniuk2 says
I'm a believer of the FIFA, I believe in Havelange,
and I swallow the tale of Silvio Soldan's hair.
I believe in Yeltsin, in Walesa, I believe in Arafat,
I believe in Viscontea and in the editorial Salvat,
but I don't believe in you, I don't believe you anymore,
not even when you tell the time, you won't fool me,
and I don't know if you lie or you are delirious,
but I know you won't catch me anymore.
I believe in Bayer, I believe in Philips and in the RCA,
I believe in all what the publicity says,
I believe in laws and treaties, I believe in the NATO,
I believe in Carlos Castaneda and his Don Juan
I believe in angels and witches, I believe in Iemanjá,
I believe in elfs, I believe in gnomes, I believe in Saravah.
Quetzalcoatl, Maradona and in Maracaná,
I believe in all what the Jehovah witnesses say,
but I don't believe in you, I don't believe you anymore,
not even when you tell the time, you won't fool me,
and I don't know if you lie or you are delirious,
but I know you won't catch me anymore.
I believe in all the range of religion,
and also almost all what the TV says,
I believe in Alberto Migré and in Abel Santa Cruz3,
in the pope, the Quran and the divine light,
I believe in the destiny a lot, and more in the karma,
I believe in myself and in Zarathustra and Saint Thomas.
I believe in democracy and the feudal order,
I believe in the difference between good and evil,
but I don't believe in you, I don't believe you anymore,
not even when you tell the time, you won't fool me,
and I don't know if you lie or you are delirious,
but I know you won't catch me anymore.
  • 1. Argentinian Televangelist
  • 2. Argentinian ufologist
  • 3. Argentinian producers of telenovelas
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Don't stir the past

Don't stir the past
Don't come up with the things that happened
Let the dead live in their graves
Let the living die in peace
Only the future matters
The past is a very dark dream
Close the windows to the nightmares
Follow the flight that nothing happens
Cross the street that nothing is coming
Pass to the other side and you'll be safe
Don't stir the past
Don't come up with the things that happened
Don't come up with the things that who knows if they happened
Don't stir the past
Don't investigate in the barbacue embers
Let the dead die
Let the living live and of you, I don't know
The present is a bridge
made with little resistant cords
If people is careful
When they pass to the other side
A match, a scissor
And it's a finished issue
Don't look back
Just march straight forward
If someone turns around or turns his head
He'll become a salt statue
Don't resell the fish
Don't lift the patridges that you hunted
Don't stir the past
Don't come up with the things that DIDN'T happen
We are even now
I believe I have absolved all the tortures I received
But in case I left some foreign debt, pay it, hee hee
Don't stir the past
The brain must be pretty washed
In the big wheel of history
We must give a push to the memory
Don't stay, untangle
Those brain beltways
Of your foolish and stubborn lacrimals
The future is safe
The past is what could happened
If you care about it, you get upset
You gotta play the fool and work.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

A Love Song For Francisca

In a house in the barrio of San Pedro
Francisca shows her entire body,
she puts the money between her breasts,
drinks dark wine and some gin.
She dresses in green, she dresses in pink,
and she undresses very quietly.
The Mondays that Francisca doesn't work,
with a little basket of flowers and her little daughter,
they go running through the woods,
the roads and the fields.
She says that the kisses,
the sparrows and flowers
on Mondays have more perfume.
In a room at the end of the house
the men go by, the men go by.
No one offers her a job
because they are afraid they would be without her.
Cinammon skin, eyes of green grass,
long hair and breath of wheat.
The Mondays that Francisca doesn't work,
with a little basket of flowers and her little daughter,
they go running through the woods,
the roads and the fields.
She says that the kisses,
the sparrows and flowers
on Mondays have more perfume.

Difficult Silence

This merciless rain caught upon us
you touch me and feel no guilt
your eyes are a storm as well
they don't look like lie or hope
your eyes are a storm as well
they don't look like lie or hope
Difficult silence, difficult kiss
before the farewell I wanted you so much
before the farewell, it's of no avail
I wanted you so much, I wanted you so much
before the farewell I wanted you so much
before the farewell, it's of no avail
Difficult silence, difficult kiss
You step into the rain's lakes
you're sinking in an end of a season
and I'm not gonna make more questions
I'm afraid of your answers
and I'm not gonna make more questions
I'm afraid of your answers
Difficult silence, difficult kiss
before the farewell I wanted you so much
before the farewell, it's of no avail
I wanted you so much, I wanted you so much
before the farewell I wanted you so much
before the farewell, it's of no avail
Difficult silence, difficult kiss
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

María Clotilde

Waiter, serve me a glass.
I loved her madly.
And one day by whim,
she left without saying anything
and I never knew to where.
Waiter, bring me a snack.
I don't know the reason why
she could have left me.
She who always said
she would die by my side.
Waiter, go and cook me
a good dish of ravioli.
I never had news again,
a letter, a call,
a note at least.
Waiter, come immediately
to polish my shoes.
I don't conceive that she forgot me.
Me who I was for many years
her reason to live.
Waiter, wash these clothes.
Then solder that pipe
and check that socket.
Some say she returned
to find old flames.
Waiter, you should change
the washer of that tap.
Then wash the floor.
I know I shouldn't
even remember her.
Waiter, come on, let's go.
Come to dismantle the car.
How do you want me to drive
with the brake like that?
I can't sleep in the night.
Waiter, what's going on
that the mixture isn't ready?
Then come and I'll show you
the measures of the table
that I told you to do.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Maria Julia

Maria Julia. How can there be so many hurdles
to arrange our first date?
It irritates me, when I dial your number
to be listening the frying of french fries,
that mixes with the black smoke
of a burning of bakelite.
And that turns off my desires of talking.
Maria Julia. When I finished dialing
on the tube I don't know what's going on,
that I can't distinguish the call sign
from a hallucination caused
by the LSD or by the
Maria Julia. When I get to listen to a voice
on the line, why is it that it speaks chinese?
I'm never able to link with who speaks
a more familiar language than the palestinian.
I don't know what to do to achieve
one day to dodge the cruel destiny
that the argentinian caught with ENTEL.
Maria Julia. To deactivate the blocks
of the receiver, I know that you propose
as solutions, that people talk privately,
out of the state scope.
But that's not right and I'll tell you why.
Maria Julia. I don't want to have to pay
a transnational to talk to you.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Land of shadow and of love
Soft shore to the heavy sky
Where my heart has stopped over
Where dancing is wild
Where the nights are filled with stars
Where in the enchanted shadow
Every dream offers refuge
To simple hearts
Fierce Brazil
Where in the warm and limpid evening
The shacks' shadows ascend
The gauchos' wild singing
Where everything is wonderful
The Southern Cross deep in the skies
Fills your eyes with so many dreams
So that you'd want to stay there forever
But the wind speaks to you of returning
And the mirage one beautiful day
Is no longer just a spot on the pebble beach(1)
Where everything is wonderful
The Southern Cross deep in the skies
Fills your eyes with so many dreams
So that you'd want to stay there forever
But the wind speaks to you of returning
And the mirage one beautiful day
Is no longer just a spot on the pebble beach(1)
Beautiful dream
Farewell Brazil
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!

Lonely moon

Full moon so much reaching
through the sky without finding
anything but traces of your whiteness
or a stone that someone threw
In a time that didn't kept going
and in your rounds didn't cross
that star that led me
to the spell that makes leave the world
the influx of your look
Full moon of clarity
foreigner in the eternity.
Full moon of vacuity
a sorrow of immensity
it makes its way when while passing
the twilight comes out to thresh
Your soul in pain of loneliness
in your rounds didn't cross
that star that led me
led me to the roaming
glow of your look
Lonely moon I look for a place
at the shadow of your glow.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Mom, I want your punitive claims over me to expire

Don't come over me
give me a chance
You're too impulsive
I want to explain you
Don't grumble me, mom
I know I misbehaved
but if I didn't do it
others would grumble me
I swear that no, no, mom
I didn't want, mom
to vote the impunity law
No, no, mom
I didn't want to vote, mom
the impunity law
But if I didn't do it
the military, mom
I know it wouldn't let me
come out and play
So don't grumble me, mom
you gotta understand
I didn't want to miss again
to play to have the power
But mom, I didn't like to vote
mom, the impunity law
No, no, mom, I didn't like to vote
mom, the impunity law
It's a dreadful law
but it would be worse
to dig my own grave
for defending the honor
So don't grumble me, mom
it wouldn't be legal
your claim of punishing me
doesn't run with the new legislation
But, mom, my feelings are not
on the side of impunity
No, no, mom, my feelings are not
on the side of impunity
What happens is that I have a seat and it waits for me
I have to go to legislate
It's not like any seat
it worths a Uruguay
So don't grumble me, mom
I just wanted to take care
that the banking keeps supporting me
and the cow keeps breastfeeding me
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The guitar classes of Miss Cunegunda Lopez of Garcia

At the guitar classes of Miss Cunegunda Lopez
of Garcia in front of the Cinemascope
I gave my first steps with my hands
on the guitar with my brothers
Our fathers were sending us with the stave notebook
And while the class was ongoing they were doing shopping
I learned a lot of pieces that I don't know well where did they came from
Though if miss Cunegunda
were teaching us them it's for something
The odd thing that happens is that nowdays
when I go to the guitar concers I don't listen to those pieces
but in our end of the year auditions they were playing these
My guitar teacher was also teaching me beautiful songs
I still keep recordings
of when my aunts gave me a kiss
and told me boy show your progress
and as they were songs that they also had learned
when they were young then they helped me and sang along
The memory I keep of my happy days of student
is very pleasant and if I kept going forward
all that was thanks to that professor
who my song remembers tonight
And despite she went to heaven like a pigeon
I keep her signature in the lower part of my diploma.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The lifting turtles

We're the lifting turtles. We come to peel you.
The pocket, the purse, we'll empty it.
Your destiny is marked, don't pretend to dodge
the cleaning service that we'll give you.
We're Blanes and Figari, the turtles of the place.
But watch out, because we don't know to draw.
We only make maps of the traffic routes
of the CUTCSA buses that we'll purify.
We request you to move to the back that its empty.
The bills, the coins, the Master Cards,
all, all that you have, we'll take out form you.
But if you see us put the hand here you better
remember when you were looking there.
We're the lifting turtles and under the shell,
we have nothing that could be called a heart.
Because we grope anybody in a rush
without seeing if it's old or a baby.
Buaaa, buaaa, mommy, mommy, the lifting turtles stole me.
Never have a lot of attachment for any property,
because one day you have it and the next day is gone.
It's more convinient for you to direct your affection
towards to things that aren't of good quality.
We're the lifting turtles. Manuelita was left behind.
She went looking for her turtles, she got lost and will never return.
At Paris, the dry cleaners also told us
that they locked her in a jar full of turpentine.
Glup. Glup. Glup.
We're Blanes and Figari, real cleaners.
Dry cleaning is our highest speciality.
We treat your clothes with care and softness
and we only charge with what comes at your discretion.
We're the lifting turtles. We will strip you
from your goods so you can't waste them.
A tombstone in the skin will make you remember
all the wool we sheared you passing.
Meeeee. Meeeee. Meeeee.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The tragedy of going to watch Titanic

The other day I went to watch Titanic. I couldn't watch it. I went to the cinema and all that, but the people was very frenzied. That movie made an uproar, and I don't know, there were a lot of people at the cinema who were making noise, and couldn't stand the anxiety, and it's weird, because it's a movie that even if you didn't watch it, everybody knows how it ends, but anyway, there was an amazing uproar at the movies and I started to ask some people to not scream, and a woman said to me “shhh!” and another guy from behind yelled 'Stop, shut up!' and another answered 'Can I know why don't you shut up?'. And I said to them 'shhh!” and someone from some placed yelled at me 'silence!', and a woman said 'you ask for silence and you're screaming', and I said to the woman 'shhhhhhhhhhh' and another guy from the front said 'shut up, you sound like a chicken' and the one next to him told him to shut his mouth and another guy told him 'and why don't you preach with the example?'. And a woman with anxious voice asked 'could you shut up, please?', and the man next to her immediately said 'shhht!” and she asked 'shhht what' and he said 'shut up' and she asked 'I have to shut up? not you?' 'You two shut up' said another guy. 'Sorry: the three', said another who got in. And another said 'keep talking, anyway...'. 'You don't let me listen!', said another. 'You neither', replied a woman. 'The talking didn't reach the toilet for the shit to come out', said another woman. And the partner of the first woman came out to defend her and went to where the other woman was because he wanted to insult her, but then he recognized her and said 'Olga! What are you doing here!' and she said 'what are YOU doing here, you said that you had to do extra time at work, and who's that woman with you?!'. And another woman from another seat said 'finish this stupid soap opera! I came to watch the movie!'. 'Then, if you came to watch the movie, why don't you shut up', replied another voice. 'Finish it once and for all!', said another guy, and started to call out the usher. Another one said 'shut up, don't you see that with those calls you don't let us listen?' and the other said 'I'm calling the doorman to silence people like you'. 'If the doorman comes, I'll ask him to take you both out', said a woman. 'Chitón!' yelled another guy. 'Chitón?' asked another, 'you think you came to watch George of the Jungle?'. 'Stop, don't you see that if you keep going like that they'll suspend the play?!' yelled another woman. 'I paid my ticket', said a guy 'you can't suspend the play'. 'Give us back the money!', yelled nother guy. And a girl said 'they'll give back the money only to those who behaved. To the disturbants like you, they'll give you none'. 'And they'll fine you for talking', he replied. 'And they'll kick your ass out', said another voice over there. 'Come here to tell that', screamed the other. 'Why don't you go fight outside and leave us alone watching the movie?', protested another. 'Stay in your issues', they replied. And another said 'if you all shut up, we'd be enjoying an excellent show'. Another one answered 'if you refrained from saying that, you'd have done an important contribution to the silence of the cinema'. And another asked 'Why don't you see the rafter in your eye instead of the mote in the other's eye?'. 'Shut up, rafted!' they yelled at him. And the thing kept going through all the movie. When it ended, I went home frustrated but I turned on the TV and fortunately was beginning –and I could watch it fully– my favorite show: The Love Boat.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


She had a pallet.
She had children.
She had news paper.
She had a window.
She had thread.
She had for the ticket.
She had.
She had Primus alcohol.
She had a bottle.
She had clothes hanging.
She had. She had.
She had half hour.
She had a bucket.
She had bride pictures.
She had. She had. She had.
She had detergent.
She had stamps.
She had to do the beds.
She had. She had. She had. She had.
She had a manger.
She had cavity.
She had green onions.
She had. She had. She had. She had. She had.
She had a potty.
She had soup.
She had to blame Marcelo.
She had. She had. She had. She had. She had. She had.
She had a cigarette.
She had fear.
She had the clean room.
She had. She had. She had. She had. She had. She had. She had.
She had a washbowl.
She had a dog.
She had fifty grams.
She had. She had. She had. She had. She had. She had. She had. She had.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Time Stops

When no one can see and no one can hear,
So quietly, silently filling the heart,
Tell me, have you been searching long for what we have found together?
Don't go yet, stay until tomorrow,
It isn't scary to wait for the night.
When we are together,
Oooh, time stops.
When we are together,
Oooh, I'm like a little child.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.
When sun rises and birds start singing,
I want to see your face every morning, love.
Your voice, I hear it even through the noise
And music turns silent,
Say it again,
Just a pause, just a background, because You are the most beautiful song for me.
When we are together
Oooh, time stops.
When we are together,
Oooh, I'm like a little child.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.
When we are together,
Oooh, time stops.
When we are together,
Oooh, I'm like a little child.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.
I'm not afraid to fall, I'm not afraid to fail,
To get to know love.

The foreign debt

For lacking of pecuniary resources,
the foreign debt in Uruguay
will be paid, because there's no other option,
with the cultural heritage
Uruguay will pay with ,
with , with Brazilian yerba mate,
with and the one who flee,
with shippings of young blood.
Uruguay will pay with Agua Jane,1
with ,
and the 1815 Land Regulation, with Lena3
and with the Jugolín jingle.4
Uruguay will pay with the great doubt
of how was a real ,
with and the sack man,
with Jorge Curi5, with .
Uruguay will pay with the foreign debt
with the 'tá, with the vo and the 'tas ahí,6
and they will give it, as a receipt,
a pool table and Lee jeans.
Uruguay will pay with Super 8, with ,
with the CASMU7 and with ,
just like Argentina pays it with ,
with ,
with ,
with ,
Uruguay will pay with its folklore,
with the ,
and they will give it, as a receipt,
a rock and roll and Frank Pourcel LP.
Uruguay will pay with the foreign debt
that one day two or three people took on,
and four or five renew it daily
with documents written in english.
Uruguay will pay with ,
Uruguay will pay with democracy,
with freedom of thought and speech,
and they will give it, as a receipt,
more misery, more hunger and repression.
Uruguay will pay with ,
with ,
and with Lysate Heart11.
Uruguay will pay with the foreign debt
with a briber, with four potato chips,
with an evil revision of the ,
with a Florencio award12 to the IMF.
It will pay, it will pay, it will pay, it will pay, it will pay with ,
with labels of Pulidor13 and with .
It will pay, it will pay, with Walter Bonfiglio14 and the trolleybuses poles
with interests, ,
with , with Radio Sarandí.
It will pay with Barrán17, it will pay with ,
and with that achieved to survive.
  • 1. A brand of bleach
  • 2. Serafín J. García: Poet and writer
  • 3. Ruben Lena: Music composer and teacher. Known for writing many folklore songs, specially 'A Don Jose'
  • 4. Del abuelo al chiquilin, todos toman Jugolín
    Es el jugo refrescante que a la sed le pone fin.
    Jugolín, sabor tan fresco que a la sed le pone fin.
    Jugolín refresca la vida. Jugolín refresca la vida.
    Jugolín refresca la vida. Jugolín refresca la vida.
    (From the grandfather to the kid, everybody drink Jugolín
    It's the refreshing juice that puts an end to thirst.
    Jugolín, fresh flavor that puts an end to thirst.
    Jugolín refreshes life. Jugolín refreshes life.
    Jugolín refreshes life. Jugolín refreshes life.)
  • 5. Playwright
  • 6. Popular expressions menaning: stop, hey and are you there
  • 7. Assistance Center of the Medical Union of Uruguay
  • 8. Uruguayan Federation of Housing for Mutual-Support Cooperatives
  • 9. Miguel Ángel Pareja: Painter
  • 10. A children novel written by Francisco Espinola
  • 11. A medicine that was used by cancer patients
  • 12. Uruguayan theater award
  • 13. Brand of powder soap for washing pans
  • 14. Bandoneo player who had a radio show in the 80s
  • 15. A comedy TV show
  • 16. Manuel Martínez Carril: Movie critic and film curator
  • 17. José Pedro Barrán: Professor in history
  • 18. Television announcers
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The case-hardener woman

That morning the sun didn't come up.
But Mrs Juana never found out.
Early in the morning she went to work.
Doing brush-strokes, doing case-hardening.
Machines, rings, metal noises.
Mechanics, crickets, screeching ritual.
Then at the exit, Juana in the crowd,
among the stampede, she ran to the door.
In the cold night over the concrete,
Juana was hiding in her jacket.
When she got home, her son was shivering.
'Son, what happens to you? Tell me please.'
'Mom, I'm cold, the sun didn't come up.'
'Come on son, if you are my sun.'
Without understanding, Juana kissed him.
And later tired, she went to sleep.
That morning the sun didn't come up.
But Mrs Juana never found out.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The date

A man sitting alone on a table of a bar near a window that was open. A girl comes walking by the street. She passes next to the window and the man says... (something that it's written in this paper). Shee looks at him and asks him: 'Are you talking to me?'
He turns red and answers: 'Yes, but I apologize'
She says: 'Can I come in?'
He says yes, while he takes his hand to the jacket pocket and checks the limited content of his wallet.
She says 'Don't worry, I'm thinking of paying for what I use'.
The girl, seen from the street, opens the door of the bar. While she says 'hello', she moves away from the table the chair in which she will sit, for being able to do it. It's about the opposite chair to the man's in the table.
The man lights up nervously a cigarette and then he extends the box to the girl saying 'Sorry, I didn't offer you, do you smoke?'
She says: 'No.' And then she says: 'So... you like me?'
He replies: 'Yes, but I don't know, anyway...'
They lok at each other in silence. The man says: 'Don't be offended, but I wish to know if you sitted with me by reasons of work'.
The girl caresses him and says: 'No, stupid, I'm here because I fell in love with you'.
The faces of both come closer. They kiss. Then the girl says: 'Oh, I gotta go!'
He answers: 'Wait, when will we meet again?'
She says 'The sooner the better, I hope'.
He says: 'Well, we will meet at eight at Sarmiento and Abel Giménez'.
She answers: 'The time is fine for me, but I don't know which is Abel Giménez'.
He says 'It's the second street after Mulligan'
She says 'Mulligan? I don't know the street. Let's meet better at the bar of Uruguay and Trostky'.
'Uruguay and what?' he asks.
'And Trotsky' she answers, He asks: 'What's that street? What name had before?'
'I don't know, I always knew it as Trotsky' she says.
'And tell me, wouldn't it be fine at Sandokán and Paraguay?' he asks. And adds: 'I always stop there'.
'Look, I know Paraguay' she says, 'but not Sandokán'.
He answers: 'well, where do you want to meet?'
'Here' she says.
'Impossible' he replies, 'at that time this place is so packed in like sardines'.
'Well' she says, 'I'll give you my house address, I think it's the best'.
The man writes while the woman says: 'Reconquista and Florida'.
'Reconquista and Florida don't cross!' he says, lifting the veaw from the paper.
'You tell me that?' she says. 'I live there.'
He answers: 'I know perfectly that they don't cross, I worked all my life on that zone'.
'Well' she says, 'if you think they don't cross, then don't come'.
'Of course I won't go' he says. 'I don't like pranks'.
'You know?' she says. 'You're an imbecile, if I say that I live there is because I do live there.'
'Look, don't keep going with that because you won't fool me, you big idiot' he says.
'I never saw such a stupid guy' she replies, 'we could had a good time tonight in my house...'
'Yeah, yeah, go to hell' he says.
'You motherfucker' she says.
The man gets up irascible and spills everything on the table over the girls skirt yelling: 'Don't mess with my mother!'
Behind, the bar's waiter draws the attention of a police agent about what is going on. Boxing scene between the man and the girl. The polceman comes close yelling 'stop, stop'. Then he takes the two contenders to a police station.
Later the man is sleeping in a cell. A policeman opens the door saying: 'Wake up, Gómez '.
'Eh?' he says, sitting up.
The agent says: 'you may leave', and he leads him to a room where he delivers his personal goods. Gómez takes possession of them and says:
'I wish to make a question. Could you give me the address of the woman who came with me?'
'No sir!' answers upset the policeman, 'I forbid you to see that woman again. If you don't get along with her leave her alone and this is it, did you understand?'
'Yes' says Gómez.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The rabble

At the courthouse door,
The friends, the relatives
All equally dressed,
Very happy and toothlessly smiley
Were waiting for the newlyweds.
The bride very late
Has arrived and for a long while.
Maybe to boast
About her cheap pink shoes,
She moved among the people.
The broom wasn't appearing
And mistrusting looks
Were exchanging the aunts
Of the brida and the sisters in law,
Combed with occasional curls.
Time kept passing
And the bride suddenly
Saw coming something horrorful.
Something that before the decen people
Would make her come off badly.
When it became obvious
That the wedding wouldn't happen
The least indulgents
With gossips and empty rumours
Were explaining the happening.
For consolating the bride
I think they were insulting,
The traitor of her wishes
For deceitful and hypocrital
How ugly to leave this girl so bad.
But for the inside the attendees
Were pondering unsatisfied,
That she prematurely
Had called him to his house.
Well done, let him pay the consequences.
Suddenly came to the courthouse
Some terrible news.
The broom had killed himself,
There's a wake instead of party.
Orchestra, let's change the repertoire.
The boy had died
On the way to the wedding
Very close to the harbor
In a very violent car crash.
I'm sorry, said the clerk to the bride.
It was an original wake.
There was a lot of pastry.
The bride cried for the wedding,
His father cried for the waste.
What a night, what a play to give up.
But the rabble doesn't forgive
And among condolences and wine,
Somebody mentioned the zone
Where the boy had died.
Damn, the novice went to train.
Other said that the deceased
Having regrets,
Had came speeding to the harbor
To fade away.
I think, that this was his thought.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.