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Like Hendrix I always rock
I push the pedal down
Start the hassle
Today I'll go full speed
And I won't stop at all
I enjoy the world when I fly in the sky
like an eagle
I've done what I have wanted since I was a kid
Because inside me lives a wild child
A son of freedom
Even though I can't resist danger
I do things with the power of peace and love
I am, always, lit
Like Jimmy
Girls ignite like matches
You better remember my name
You won't become a winner by chance
Get out the way, I'm coming
I want danger and speed, to feel alive
I want to live like Hendrix
I'll consider later, try first
I want to live like Hendrix
But I don't want to die tonight
I won't let life push me off the edge
I want to feel alive
I want to live like Hendrix
I want, I want to live like Hendrix
Like Hendrix, babe
I'm made in heaven
Even though I play with my life
I don't want to die at twenty seven
I'm a forerunner, I expand your consciousness
I don't lose to anyone, I'm better than you realize
Reformer of the scene
Haters get lost like navigators
I don't ride a bike but the rubber burns
I don't play hockey but a big stage
In my lap a foxy lady
Gang the hardest games
Dressed in hippie clothes
In my head tripping ideas
I don't have time to die when I'm just playing games, I'll never get enough of this
I'll make my guitar burn
At home and on stage
Purple haze and purple bandana
They try to hate a star
Even though secretly they adore me
I want danger and speed, to feel alive
I want to live like Hendrix
I'll consider later, try first
I want to live like Hendrix
But I don't want to die tonight
I won't let life push me off the edge
I want to feel alive
I want to live like Hendrix
I want, I want to live like Hendrix
But a death at young age is not what I'm looking for
I dodge the underworld's bullets on a string like Matrix
Tomorrow is tomorrow, I need to live in moments
I want to live like Hendrix
But a death at young age is not what I'm looking for
I dodge the underworld's bullets on a string like Matrix
Tomorrow is tomorrow, I need to live in moments
I want to live like Hendrix
But I don't want to die tonight
I won't let life push me off the edge
I want to feel alive
I want to live like Hendrix
But I don't want to die tonight
I won't let life push me off the edge
I want to feel alive
I want to live like Hendrix

Ljubav, ne - Zabranjena ljubav

Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav ne, (ljubav ne)
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav ne, (ljubav ne)
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, nije moguća
Ne, nije moguća.
Da, ti si imao dušu pesnika
Meni si posvećivao svoje sonete
I naši susreti su bili ne zna se gde
U nama je živela zabranjena ljubav
Želeo sam da usput govorim
ljudima koji se nikad ne smeju
Da si ti, drukčija, da si prava
I da se vremenom nećeš promeniti
Ali ti sa mnom više nisi.
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav ne, (ljubav ne)
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav ne, (ljubav ne)
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, nije moguća
Ne, nije moguća
A ja sam bila kao na nebu ptica
Koja odleti, ne vrati se
Menjao se život, smenjivala lica
Tako je prošla zabranjena ljubav
No, imam samo jednu pesmu
Sačinjenu noću na jednom prozoru
Dok sam gledao kako poput lopova
Odlaziš s njim iz moje kuće
I ti nisi moja više
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav ne, (ljubav ne)
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav ne, (ljubav ne)
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, nije moguća
Ne, nije moguća
I ti nisi moja više.
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav ne, (ljubav ne)
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav ne, (ljubav ne)
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, nije moguća
Ne, nije moguća.
A ja sam bila kao ptica na nebu
Koja odleti, ne vrati se
Ja nisam s tobom, ali čujem ti glas
U srcu si sa mnom ponovo
I ti nisi moja više
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav ne, (ljubav ne)
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav ne, (ljubav ne)
Ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, ljubav, nije moguća
Ne, nije moguća.

It's not beer that kills

Versions: #1
I found a wisdom’s crown –
Learned where all dangers lie:
In beer nobody drowns,
In water people die.
All those deep-water bodies –
They cause so much mayhem!
Beer never killed nobody,
Water killed bunch of them!
Let's say, an accused plotter,
My friend-salesman, so dear,
Just only once with water
Slightly diluted beer.
Shaking with all his body,
He cried in court, “Oh damn!
Beer never killed nobody,
Water killed bunch of them!”
When in fight with your spouse,
And you’re upset, my dear,
You won’t go to bathhouse,
You’ll come to have a beer.
Here you won’t feel noddy,
You’ll grunt and say, “Oh damn!
Beer never killed nobody,
Water killed bunch of them!”


Like how I want to see you again
I won't lose you again
As if it were yesterday
Dancing at your side
Hugs like this, I feel like you never left
That if you came back you're going to stay at my side
The sad nights stay in the past
Like nothing has happened
Like you promised me.
Kisses that arrived, kisses that left, eh
Like erasing real love, eh
Like a December that tastes like January, eh
I, through stupidity, wasn't sincere, oh-oh-oh
I suffer from amnesia to forget how much I loved you
How much anesthesia must I take in order to stop feeling this wound
I don't know if I can forgive myself because you're not mine anymore
I don't know if I can recover without the love of my life
Dancing at your side
Hugs like this, I feel like you never left
That if you came back you're going to stay at my side
The sad nights stay in the past
Like nothing has happened
Dancing at your side
Hugs like this, I feel like you never left
That if you came back you're going to stay at my side
The sad nights stay in the past
Like nothing has happened
Like you promised me.
Like you promised me
Like you promised me

You are.

I would like those eyes to see me, my heart,
I know they have hurt you,
I know they have lied to you.
I would like life to give me the chance,
To be able to give you,
Those wasted years.
Because I don't see the future, my love,
if it's not with you.
No, I don't stop worshiping you,
Even if I try, girl,
I don't stop loving you.
No, I don't even want to think,
That in another body,
I would calm my desire to love.
Because it's you,
All my life,
My temptation, my heart, my vitamin,
My intense love,
My partner.
Because this union can’t be otherwise.
I would give anything
For giving you that smile back.
Because to heal your heart,
I’m not in a hurry.
I would like you to give yourself, my love,
don't hide anything.
Release the feeling
because there is desire in your eyes.
Because I don't see the future, my love,
if it's not with you.
No, I don't stop worshiping you
(I can't stop thinking about you)
Even if I try, girl,
I don't stop loving you.
( Look, I try and I can't forget you)
No, I don't even want to think,
(I don't want to, I can't)
That in another body,
I would calm my desire to love.
Because it's you,
All my life,
My temptation, my heart, my vitamin,
My intense love,
My partner.
Because this union can’t be otherwise.


Otišao sam, najtužnijeg dana na svetu
I morao sam da otkrijem kako da živim
Bez tebe svakog sekunda
Otišao sam, da hodam po hladnoći
Ponekad da bi naučio da letiš
Moraš da skočiš u prazninu
I naučio sam toliko o tome šta želim biti
I nije bilo dana kad nisam mislio na tebe
Nikad nisam prestao da tražim kako da se vratim
I uspeo sam konačno
I sada kad smo ovde
Razumem kakav je kurs
Smešim se i mogu da verujem da može biti
Kada smo ti i ja zajedno
I sada kad smo ovde
Razumem sve tako jasno
Mislim da sam time što sam bio daleko
Naučio da želim da budem kraj tebe
Vratio sam se najboljeg dana mog života
Nije bilo teško uvek ostavljaš
Upaljeno svetl
Vratio sam se, i već si čekala
Uzeo sam te za ruku i rekla si nežno
Što ti je trebalo toliko dugo?
I naučio sam toliko o tome šta želim biti
I nije bilo dana kad nisam mislio na tebe
Nikad nisam prestao da tražim kako da se vratim
I uspeo sam konačno
I sada kad smo ovde
Razumem kakav je kurs
Smešim se i mogu da verujem da može biti
Kada smo ti i ja zajedno
I sada kad smo ovde
Postalo je sve tako jasno
Priznajem da sam time što sam bio daleko
Naučio da želim da budem kraj tebe
Opet sam sa tobom
I razumem kakva je kurs
Smešim se i mogu da verujem da može biti
Kada smo ti i ja zajedno
I sada kad smo ovde
Postalo je sve tako jasno
Priznajem da sam time što sam bio daleko
Naučio da želim da budem kraj tebe


Two athletes fly from one side of my soul
to the other
Hurling abuse and wisecracks about life:
And I don’t know their names.
In my barren soul I always hear
The swinging of trapezes. Two athletes
Fly from one side of my soul to the other,
Happy to find it so empty.
And I hear
Hear sounds in space
Again and again, the creaking of trapezes,
Again and again.
A faceless woman singing,
standing upright on my soul,
A faceless woman on my soul prostrate on the floor,
My soul, my soul: I keep saying this word
Don’t know, like a child
beckoning his mother into the light,
In muddled sounds and cries, or just to make
Clear what makes no sense.
My soul. My soul
Is like hard soil that gets ridden over,
without as little as being seen,
By horses and wagons, trampled by feet,
and by nonexistent Beings,
my blood gushing from their eyes, today, yesterday, tomorrow. Headless
Beings will sing on my grave
An unintelligible song.
And they’ll scramble for my soul’s bones.
My soul. My
Dead brother is smoking a cig next to me.

Rose of Cairo

It was probably a long time ago
Maybe in life, or maybe in a dream.
It was probably in the movie
Where everyone played passionately
On heat stones, that burned out by East
every day for hundreds of years
The red flower of Passion
It danced for me only.
I just remember how I was cooling
In the heat from the frost ...
I just remember - I wanted
To name you the 'Rose'.
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
The star of the unreal world -
Rose of Cairo!
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
With eyes more beautiful than a sapphire -
Rose of Cairo!
The plane flew far away
As if a leaf has been torn out from a fairy tale,
Just it carries all my thoughts
To the distant heat of the East,
Where everything was almost yesterday
Maybe in life, or maybe in a dream,
Where our game wasn't over
Where you gifted your dance to me.
I just remember how I was cooling
In the heat from the frost ...
I just remember - I wanted
To name you the 'Rose'.
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
The star of the unreal world -
Rose of Cairo!
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
With eyes more beautiful than a sapphire -
Rose of Cairo!
Rose of Cairo!
Rose of Cairo!
Rose of Cairo!
Rose of Cairo!
I just remember how I was cooling
In the heat from the frost ...
I just remember - I wanted
To name you the 'Rose'.
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
The star of the unreal world -
Rose of Cairo!
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
The Purple Rose of Cairo!
With eyes more beautiful than a sapphire -
Rose of Cairo!
Rose of Cairo!
Rose of Cairo!
Rose of Cairo!
Rose of Cairo!

Black Christmas Eve (Fisherman of my land)

In the white beach
with hot sand,
In the white beach
with hot sand.
There's a murmur of cumbia
and a smell of moonshine.
There's a murmur of cumbia
and a smell of moonshine.
The night on her black suit
has thousands of stars,
and with little moonbeams
she lights up their altars.
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land.
The bagpipes whine,
the drums sound,
The bagpipes whine,
the drums sound,
on the fishermen's
Christmas Eve.
on the fishermen's
Christmas Eve.
Throughout the rancheria1
lovely altars can be seen,
among millets2and drums
they play their songs.
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
The canoes dance
forming a row,
The canoes dance
forming a row,
while the rower sings
his plain song
while the rower sings
his plain song
Throughout the rancheria1
lovely altars can be seen,
among millets2and drums
they play their songs.
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman
  • a gropu of ranchs
  • flutes made of that plant

Hoću da znam zašto

-Premlada si
-Nemaš ukusa
-Nerviraš me
-Ljubomoran si
-Ne baš
-Više nego ja
-Ne zanima nas
-Dosađujemo se
-Do smrti
Nisam te naterao to da kažeš
Hoću da znam odakle
Ova strast
-Moja priča
-Ne poznajem je
-To je tako
-Tvoje uspomene
-Zaboravi to
-Iznesi ih
-Slepa ulica
-Ne zanima nas
-Nikad me ne zasmejavaš
Hoću da znam odakle
Ova strast
-Okrutan si, nula si
-Prenagla si
-To ti smeta
-Poljubi me
-Poljubi me
-Vidiš, nemaš ništa da kažeš
Hoću da znam odakle
Ova strast


Versions: #1
- You've eaten not only flowers,
Along with flowers you've eaten my dreams.
And now the soul is empty,
And now the lips are silent.
It's difficult to live, my friend, in this world alone,
Everything is uncertain, everything is so cold for heart and mind.
If your cow's life had been failed by love,
Then you, Pestruha, would have known, why.1
- There are other flowers in fields,
The dreams will return back to the heart,
It's funny to feel blue about them,
Time has come long ago to forgive.
Please, stop frowning harshly,
Seeing darkness everywhere.
- No way I can understand you, cow,
- Lean your ear closer to me. - Feel me better, Pestruha,
- It's very hard without sympathy for my heart.
- It's difficult to live, my friend, in this world alone,
Everything is uncertain, everything is so cold for heart and mind.
If your cow's life had been failed by love,
Then you, Pestruha, would have known, why.
  • 1. 'Пеструха (many colored)' is the caw's nickname

A Small Part

In this play
I've got a very small role.
It has only four words:
'We will break through, my king!'
Ten lunges with a rapier
And, when the way is clear,
Dying enemy thrusts
The blade into my chest.
I'm lying on the forestage
The fly is crawling on the forehead
Of fading battle
I hear thunder and fire.
In this play
I've got a very small role.
It has only four words:
'We will break through, my king!'
But soon the priest will arrive
Will mumble over me.
And the king, with downcast eyes,
Will say: 'He died like a hero'.
While hiding my pain behind a yellow mask
I'll ask him during intermission,
'How will you deal with your enemies?
After all, I am dead, my king'.
And the king will answer sadly:
'Don't worry, my boy.
In this play, I am also
an anti-hero'.
And in the next act
He'll be shot at the wall
Maybe for the good
Of our damn country.
In this play
I've got a very small role.
It has only four words:
'We will break through, my king!'

Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong, Those Matters of the Love

Versions: #1
Eh, je-je-je-jey-eh-jey ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... Those matters of the Love ...
Occurred to me some days ago
arriving at the Station:
I went up, she got off,
I saw her and she at me saw ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... ¿Will be the Love? ...
LF: Hi, ¿could I go with you?
CL: ...
LF: ¿Has the cat got your tongue?
CL: No. I'm going to study, ¿why?
LF: No, no, ... for nothing ... but ...
¿Couldn't you play hookey?
CL: ¿What?
LF: No, ... I say if you can skip school ...
CL: No, ¿what for?
LF: I don't know ... to chat ¿no?
CL: ¡No!
And so•we went walking
by the street Santa Fé:
she be pleased with a rose,
a carnation I prefer...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... Goes prowling the Love ...
She is fragile, tender and sweet.
Look that find her I (just so) ...
I'm thinking and smile:
'For me that exist (a) God ...'
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... In the matters of the Love ...
LF: So ... heat, huh? ...
CF: uh-huh ...
LF: Tell me ... you let me ... ¿would let me give you a kiss?
CL: No.
LF: Be niiice ...
CL: No.
LF: But ...
CL: ¡No!
LF: Okay, okay ... ¡Goodness! ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... No a•ccord in the Love ...
If she say that 'The Bee Gees',
I say 'The Tremeloes'.
If she say that 'The Beatles',
I say 'The Rolling Stones'.
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
CL: You got angry ...
LF: No.
CL: Yes ...
LF: No ...
[ La-rai-ra, la-rai-ra-ra ... ]
If she say that 'Los Gatos',
I say 'Pintura Fresca'.
If she say better Favio,
I say 'Palito' Ortega ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... For sing to Love ...
CL: Did you see? ... got angry ...
LF: No.
CL: Liar. Your ears are going to grow...
so, ¿do you give me a kiss?
LF: ¿What?
CL: If you give me a kiss ...
LF: Oo-ee ... I love you, love you, luv you!
It's monday and I wait her.
For sure that she will come.
Today I'm loving the world entire
and the world entire is loving me.
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... 'Cause there is Love ...
She will miss school.
I will miss the wo•orkshop.
(If) she gift to me a kiss,
a carnation to her I gift ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
... And, it was the Love ...
Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong
LF: ¿Do you know how I love you? ... If one day you'll lack me ... ¿Do you like the cinema?
CL: Yes.
LF: ¿And the music?
CL: uh-huh, ... Vivaldi, Bach ...
LF: Right ... but really, to me ... ¿do you know who likes me?. Leo Dan.
CL: ¿Leo Dan?
LF: Yep ...
CL: Wow, ¡Me too!
LF: ¿Yeah ... ?
CL: Yes ...
Ding-Dong Ding-Dong
Ding-Dong Ding-Dong
Ding-Dong Ding-Dong
Ding-Dong Ding-Dong

Чезнем за тобом

Чезнем за тобом,
већ јуче сам чезнуо за тобом
и увек ћу чезнути за тобом -
волео бих да будем сам
са тобом!
И кад се томе смејеш
и шта год да учиниш поводом тога -
и данас дубоко у себи ја чезнем
за тобом!
Не знам шта није у реду с тобом!
Није у реду са мном!
Није у реду с тобом!
Не знам шта није у реду са мном -
ни како си ти?
Ја, ја, ја,
ја чезнем за тобом,
већ јуче сам чезнуо за тобом
и увек ћу чезнути за тобом -
за тобом!
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

Galaxy of wishes

I swear I don't have to have more
More than I have once in a month
The spaceship of dreams lands at my windows
I roam the stars
The world of my unfulfilled wishes deep below
A-a-a, a-a-a, a-a-a
I swear that you can just wish to
Sail to where even the rocks can dream
At the gates of the secret worlds, find the key that unlocks
The world that's right here
It is just a place of eternally unfulfilled desires
A-a-a, a-a-a, a-a-a
A-a-a, a-a-a, a-a-a
I already have that key and I want to take you with me
Take you to a place where I can hear the bells ring
Everything you desire, even the most secret dream
Behind the constellation of childhood
Still awaits you a world of secret wishes
A-a-a, a-a-a, a-a-a
In the Galaxy of wishes
A-a-a, a-a-a, a-a-a
In the Galaxy of wishes
A-a-a, a-a-a, a-a-a
In the Galaxy of wishes
A-a-a, a-a-a, a-a-a
In the Galaxy of wishes


Justin Quiles, Chencho Corleone]
She has me crazy 'e head (This is the remix)
Just thinking that someone kisses you
You did it to me madly
And like Natti, mommy, you are the tough one, the tough one
I don't even know where it is, I don't know
I don't know about her since she left
We only stayed once and I remembered
We swore it would happen again
[Chencho Corleone, Natti Natasha, Wisin]
That night was not enough
Lust is what goes through my mind (Through my mind)
Of how she gave herself
And she enjoyed it
And she had me.
That night was not enough (Natti Natasha)
Lust is what goes through my mind
Of how I gave myself
And i enjoyed it
And it had me wrong
[Chencho Corleone]
You have me anxious
Being a brainiac, punished, crazy for not seeing you
One night for me, for you, is not enough (No)
Still no 'left' indecent positions' (Aha)
Of those that are not said, of those that consent you
Tell me, where is he?
Where can i make you mine
How do you see it that I had you face to face?
And it doesn't leave my mind, how does it feel?
How you look at me impatiently
[Natti Natasha]
You know well where I am and when you can call me,
But e 'that you have your girlfriend and you can't escape
And when I feel like it, someone usually pampers me
And I also have a toy 'I don't have to wait for anyone.
I know that you are hot and that there was something pending
And just imagining it damages my mind,
Nobody kisses me like you, or treats me like you,
But this fiery body needs more than one ...
And she calls me 'when you feel like it,.
When you have time to sleep in my bed.
Just call when you feel like it
When you have time to sleep in my bed.
(Mr. 'W')
You have me bad, you have me half crazy,
I only want from your saoco (A little)
You don't know what I feel when I touch you, (Hard, hard, hard)
I know that you want to too and I'm not wrong (Turn on!)
Vodka with China, like in the pool,
Like that night that I made you mine
You well knew that I would eat you and that I would return
I want to see you in lingerie again (Terminator), wouh
Why don't we take advantage and go
And we finish what we started?
You are candle and I am your magician
I show up at your house (And what you want I do to you)
[Chencho Corleone, Wisin, Miky Woodz]
That night was not enough
Lust is what goes through my mind
Of how she gave herself
And she enjoyed it
And had me
That night was not enough, (Hey baby)
Lust is what goes through my mind (Yeah

Oil portrait of a woman with a hat

Versions: #1
A woman has missed out on
Getting to scream and to moan
This beautiful madness has lost a chance to have her brief waist under my own
She has missed my way to hold her hand
She has missed my footprints in her sand.
I see a light full of doubts
Which threatens to shroud us in clouds
I see a dog barking up to the Moon with a figure that is reminiscent of mine
I see more I see that it missed me
I see more I see that it got lost.
Cowardice is a cover
For a man, not for a lover
Coward loves don't grow to be real loves
Nor even turn to stories, they simply stay there
Not even memories can save them
Not even the best of poets can.
An unnameable woman
Flees like a terrified pigeon
And I quickly dry off my old boots, go back to my own roots and turn back the clock
Love beware of me, dismiss me not
I can sing you the song that I've got.
A woman who's quite near
Like a painting by none but Chagall
Falling into the center of fear
And I who am not good burst in more than one tear
But then I was crying for myself
And now I cry for this woman's death
But then I was crying for myself
And now I cry for this woman's death.

I’m forgetting you

I am getting over you,
On memories bailing!
As if November's yellow
corpse coffin I'm nailing.
I do not know anything,
and I don't want to know.
It's you I'm extinguishing -
dousing your golden glow!
Do you believe it will last
this autumnal beauty?
You are dying within me!
You're dying completely.
And my soul is the carnage
of the angry affronts,
and, for the first time, disparage
all the passion at once!


April, it is your gentle hand
that out of
Nature's bosom releases
a cornucopia of perfumes
and flowers
filling air and earth.
April, grace and charming smile
of Aphrodite,
sentiment and soft breath

Be Good If You Can

It's finally over, this has ended too
The school yard is empty
The year is over, that's the point
My package is ready, it's sitting on the treshold
Being good is so hard right now
You couldn't even imagine
There's so much to do
But I won't promise to be good
Don't leave me out of anything good now
The seventh summer doesn't last long
Even if the game was sometimes rough
I didn't show it but it hurt me too
Being good is so hard right now
You couldn't even imagine
There's so much to do
But I won't promise to be good
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
Is it true that it won't hurt
When I finally grow up?
Is it true I'll think of
Grownups differently?
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
Don't leave me out of anything good now
The seventh summer doesn't last long
Even if the game was sometimes rough
I didn't show it but it hurt me too
Being good is so hard right now
You couldn't even imagine
There's so much to do
But I won't promise to be good
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!
The one important thing is: be good now
There's not much left until tomorrow
Let the game be sacred for us again
Just one more time!


And it all goes around again
I don't know where I'm going wrong
Maybe I'm not looking for the right crazy one
To understand me
And it all goes around again, again
Do not interpret our karma
Calm down cause for your weapon
I am bullet proof
But I really know
The things you said
The effect of the poison
Leaves scars
You deny
But I'm aware that you lie
You deny
But I'm aware that you lie
I know that you lie
Frequently you lie to me
Frequently you lie to me
Lost inside the mind, a vibe that it is felt
Don't know if it's an illusion or real, so, just feel it
The light that stands out, it transcends
And it takes away the guilt that was born in us
I've been told that the life is
A nest full of open mouths
Waiting for you like a prophet
But I found the way
That breaks the handcuffs that hold us back and then
I threw you into the abyss that only hurt me
And I let go of your hand
Kill, die, live, suffer
Lie, cry, deceive...
For what?
I know that you lie
(I know, I know)
I know that you lie
(I know)
I know that you lie
You deny
But I'm aware that you lie
You deny
But I'm aware that you lie
I know that you lie

Bye, bye

Bye, bye illusion of my life,
my heart I feel dismaying,
and I feel a deep sorrow at my departure.
To other shores I go in order to forget!
To other shores I go in order to forget!
Bye, bye, how sad to have been in love
and then to have to give up
that hope that one has dream for so long,
and to which it's so hard to renounce forever,
and to which it's so hard to renounce forever.
I will live carrying with grief
the cross of your coldness that so cruelly
you put, with rancor, in front of my eyes,
turning over the bitterness of the bile.
I will stop suffering only
the day I may forget you,
but that, I have never been able to attain

Bye, bye, woman who, in my way,
made fall the rock of grief.
I am already leaving to fulfill my fate,
without a reproach, and without rancor,
without a reproach, and without rancor.
I will live carrying with grief
the cross of your coldness that so cruelly
you put, with rancor, in front of my eyes,
turning over the bitterness of the bile.
I will stop suffering only
the day I may forget you,
but that, I have never been able to attain


I'm Gonna Fight

Hey, look at me, I survived
I was in the gutter, almost fell down
I prayed on bended knee
God, make me be stronger than I was yesterday
You saw me on the ground, didn't hold out your hand
Walking faster, looking like a hurricane
You saw me on the ground, didn't hold out your hand
Walking faster, looking like a hurricane
I got clever, I rose and shone
Now I can see I was walking so absent-mindedly
Now, now I'm gonna
Now, now I'm gonna
Now, now I'm gonna
I'm gonna fight
I know how to turn things around
I learned my value, I'm divine
And I got up to move on with my life
I'm ready, ready, ready
Ready to love myself
You saw me on the ground, didn't hold out your hand
Walking faster, looking like a hurricane
You saw me on the ground, didn't hold out your hand
Walking faster, looking like a hurricane
But I got clever, I rose and shone
Now I can see I was walking so absent-mindedly
Now, now I'm gonna
Now, now I'm gonna
Now, now I'm gonna
I got clever, I rose and shone
Now I can see I was walking so absent-mindedly
Now, now I'm gonna
Now, now I'm gonna
Now, now I'm gonna
I'm gonna fight
I'm gonna fight
I'm gonna fight
I'm gonna fight
I got clever, I rose and shone
Now I can see I was walking so absent-mindedly
Now, now I'm gonna
Now, now I'm gonna
Now, now I'm gonna
I got clever, I rose and shone
Now I can see I was walking so absent-mindedly
Now, now I'm gonna
Now, now I'm gonna
Now, now I'm gonna
I'm gonna fight


Please don’t look at me like that
Because I can’t dream anymore
If I know that you’re real
Although every flaw that you have
Every weakness that you show
Is honestly1 irrelevant to2 me
Even faults that everyone else knows about3 you
Don’t exist for me anymore
And I build you [your]4 own pedestal
That you[‘ll] never leave again
Until you’re no longer within reach for me
And I build you [your] own pedestal5
That you[‘ll] never leave again
Until you’re unreachable for me
Please don’t come too close to me
Because you already stand where your belong6
Far enough removed 
Dreams, goods and even life
There’s nothing money can’t buy
In this kind of world, I will become
Who! (Who?) Who! (Who?) The hunter of justice!
I will become strong… I never want to
lose another precious friend again
“Alright, bring it on!”
I’ll beat up any bad guys (whoo! )
My name is, my name is (there!)
Leorio! The super x hunter
People call me a simple idiot
With no class, “well, sorry about that!”
My trademark sunglasses
Even at night I won’t take them off!
Right now, regardless of appearance
Make money! (make money!) haggle! “I want money!”
The smiles of my friends make me happier than anything
And everyone says…
“Hey, old man Leorio”
“… I’m not an old man!! “
A nice older brother figure with a gentle heart
My dream is, my dream is (there!)
Leorio! The super x doctor
Go! Don’t lose! (there!)
Leorio the super x hunter (whoo!)


Loving Loving Loving
Loving Loving Loving Loving
Loving Loving Loving
Loving Loving Loving Loving
Studio, at my show
Studio, at my show
Get on right now
Right now right now
Come out yeah
Let's go, come with me Yeah
Let’s go oh, Turn it up
Turn you up yeah, go up higher yeah
Be honest, yeah, be honest
They know nothing, others are not for you
Your body is different, Hope up in my AUDI
Every moment like it's your first, feeling brand new
Woo, this night is yours, choose
Whatever you want new shoe
Yeah we with the crew
Crew, Yeah we with the crew
Loving Loving Loving
Loving Loving Loving Loving
Loving Loving Loving
Loving Loving Loving Loving
Studio, at my show
Studio, at my show
Right now even tho I ain't got a
Drop top, baby don't worry
I can do whatever I want
Come see me at the studio
Pipe it up alcohol in my cup
Come to my show if you love music
Show me your most honest self
I'm loving your long, straight hair
I think about you, how can I impress you?
I added you to my daily plans
Happiness plus positivity, I can proudly call u baby
Now it comes into sight back then I
I focused on the hate every day, it's gone now
Go back to the basics every moment, feeling brand new
Boo, this night is yours, choose
I've prepared Cinderella's glass shoe
I'm with my MKITRAIN crew
Shawty know I want her too
Okay cool call me anytime
30 sexy always on the move
Loving Loving Loving
Loving Loving Loving Loving
Loving Loving Loving
Loving Loving Loving Loving
Studio, at my show
Studio, at my show

80 Double D

You are never never an 80 Double D
you're as flat as a floe in the Bering sea
You are never never an 80 Double D
zip those tits back up for me
You are a cheater, a true cheerleader
you can finish off a guy
thirty seconds, first try
but little teaser, stick with your cheers
I'd rather go with Britney Spears
You are never never an 80 Double D
you're as flat as a floe in the Bering sea
You are never never an 80 Double D
zip those tits back up for me
You are never never an 80 Double D
you're as flat as a floe in the Bering sea
You are never never an 80 Double D
zip those tits back up for me
you're telling every,
Dick, Tom and Harry
'pal you're not nearly hung enough
with what you carry'
go grab a mirror, and take a look
you're as flat as a goddamn book
You are never never an 80 Double D
you're as flat as a floe in the Bering sea
You are never never an 80 Double D
zip those tits back up for me
You are never never an 80 Double D
you're as flat as a floe in the Bering sea
You are never never an 80 Double D
zip those tits back up for me
you are so sporty,
wrapped in your hoodie
and there's an earthquake
when you shake your booty
but your two mammaries could turn me gay
they're not even a sixty A (NEVER !)
You are never never an 80 Double D
you're as flat as a floe in the Bering sea
You are never never an 80 Double D
zip those tits back up for me
You are never never an 80 Double D
you're as flat as a floe in the Bering sea
You are never never an 80 Double D
zip those tits back up for me

Like a Movie

Like a scene from a pretty fairy tale
You stand in front of me
Circling back after a long long time
Like destiny with you yeah
Do you remember that moment
You were the brightest among the crowd
The moment our eyes met
It's as if time stood still
Like a movie like a lie
This moment holding your hand
I longed for like a child
The moment I dreamed of you and I
The main characters of a pretty movie you & I
There is no sad ending you & I
Even without words you & I
The main characters of a pretty movie you & I
With stars as lighting
with borrowed songs of birds
We dance alone in the night sky
I want to show you everything
in this moment
Even the beating of my heart
Do you remember that moment
You were the brightest among the crowd
The moment our eyes met
It's as if time stood still
Like a movie like a lie
This moment holding your hand
I longed for like a child
The moment I dreamed of you and I
The main characters of a pretty movie you & I
There is no sad ending you & I
Even without words you & I
The main characters of a pretty movie you & I
The world is asleep
the night has ended The moment I wish a small wish
To stay forever when today is gone and tomorrow comes
I'll prommise even if this last scene comes to an end
I'm here for you
Like a movie like a lie
This moment holding your hand
I longed for like a child
The moment I dreamed of you and I
The main characters of a pretty movie you & I
There is no sad ending you & I
Even without words you & I
The main characters of a pretty movie you & I

I Only Ask God

I only ask God
to not be detached from pain,
that the dried-up death don't find me
alone and empty, without having done enough.
I only ask God
to not be detached from injustice,
that I don't want to be slapped on the other cheek,
because those teeth already ripped out the luck from me.
I only ask God
to not be detached from war,
It's a giant monster and it strikes hard
all the poorly innocence of people.
I only ask God
to not be detached from delusion,
If a traitor can do more than a few,
may those few not be easily forgotten.
I only ask God
to not be detached from future,
hopeless is the one who has to depart
and live into a different culture.
I only ask God
to not be detached from war,
It's a giant monster and it strikes hard
al the poorly innocence of people.

Repeated Sticker

It looks like our mouths already knew each other
During the kiss they spoke the same language
Everything that came from nothing
Without taking, nor putting
You were everything that was missing
I became a fool in the day that I criticized
Cachaça, party and the schemes are a thing of the past
The single lifestyle stayed for another life
I want for you to forever be
My repeated sticker
Babe1, answer me one thing
Do you want to be my date?
My love?
To live in the bed
But only sleep a little bit?
Do you want to be my date?
My love?
To live in the bed
(Show to all of Brazil how you guys sing in São Paulo)
Babe, answer me one thing
Do you want to be my date?
My love?
To live in the bed
But only sleep a little bit?
Do you want to be my date?
My love?
(Now do the L, the L, the L, the L
And make noise for Lauana Prado)
(Heeeeeey, Lauana Prado and Léo Santana
Beautiful thing
Make two L's, I want to see it, come who'll come
Sing with me then São Paulo)
It looks like our mouths already knew each other
During the kiss they spoke the same language
Everything that came from nothing
Without taking, nor putting
You were everything that was missing
I became a fool in the day that I criticized
Cachaça, party and the schemes are a thing of the past
The single lifestyle stayed for another life
I want for you to forever be
My repeated sticker
Babe2, answer me one thing
Do you want to be my date?
My love?
To live in the bed
But only sleep a little bit?
Do you want to be my date?
My love?
To live in the bed
But only sleep a little bit?
(Make it clear and say it)
Babe2, answer me one thing
Do you want to be my date?
My love?
To live in the bed
But only sleep a little bit?
Do you want to be my date?
My love?
To live in the bed
But only sleep a little bit?
Oh babe 1
Oh babe 2
  • feminine
  • masculine

Goodbye Perhaps Forever

Goodbye perhaps forever,
shed me a tear
and then I will leave.
Our summer, you know,
is a countdown
that you cannot stop.
Blue umbrella up there, up there
flying in the wind,
you call me and I do not hear you.
Happiness that goes, that goes,
burns out in a moment.
October is already here inside,
inside of us.
Goodbye perhaps forever
and to make it less painful
I will not even give you a kiss.
(Our love, you know,
is a countdown
that you cannot stop.)
Blue umbrella up there, up there
flying in the wind,
you call me and I do not hear you.
Happiness that goes, that goes,
burns out in a moment.
October is already here inside,
inside of us.
Goodbye perhaps forever,
shed me a tear
and then I will leave.
Our summer, you know,
is a countdown
that you cannot stop.
(Goodbye you cannot.)


I'm just going through the desert and it's hot
Searching for love, I walk endlessly and it's pretty hot
Will my love come when the desert ends?
Even hoping is a burden and it's still hot
If I keep walking with the hot sun at my back,
then someday will the endless sandy field disappear?
And the hope just ends in a mirage
If I keep walking, leaning on the countless stars,
then someday will my love be around the blue oasis?
Will my love be there, when the desert ends and the grassland starts
I promise myself that I won't give up a single hope
I walk in search of a place to beat my lonliness
There's no way to express it anyway yeah yeah yeah
Even if my body gets burned
Even if all those fly away
My heart longing for only you is still...
I'm just going through the desert and it's hot
Searching for love, I walk endlessly and it's pretty hot
Will my love come when the desert ends?
Even hoping is a burden and it's still hot
Even if I walk without any promise, expectancy gets bigger
But only the sand in my shoes gets piled up
and there's nothing left deep in my heart
There's no way to express it anyway yeah yeah yeah
Even if my body gets burned
Even if all those fly away
My heart longing for only you is still...
I'm just going through the desert and it's hot
Searching for love, I walk endlessly and it's pretty hot
Will my love come when the desert ends?
Even hoping is a burden and it's still hot
The hot sun, you who has fallen by the heat
The endless sands, you who has fallend by the boredom
My heart for you who flew away and disappeared
But I'm just walking without any regrets
There's no way to express it anyway yeah yeah yeah
Even if my body gets burned
Even if all those fly away
My heart longing for only you is still...
I'm just going through the desert and it's hot
Searching for love, I walk endlessly and it's pretty hot
Will my love come when the desert ends?
Even hoping is a burden and it's still hot