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[Stih 1]
Ja sam na krovu
Vi ste u svom sedištu u avionu
Krvario sam iz nosa
Tražim život tamo
Čitam tvoj horoskop
Upravo si uzimao kokain u mojoj kuhinji
Nikad ne slušaš
Nadam se da ti već nedostajem
Kad bih bio plava ptica, leteo bih do tebe
Ti ćeš biti kašika
Umočiću te u med da bih mogao da se zalepim za tebe
Dan, naterao si me da proklinjem dan (Ooh)
Dan, naterao si me da proklinjem dan (Ooh)
Dan, sve vreme me zoveš (Ooh)
Neću zaspati do svanuća (Ooh)
[Stih 2]
Iz Njujorka
Ja sam na brzini razočaranja
Mi smo na biciklima
Kažemo: 'Tamo je život'
Imaš protivotrov
Uzeću jedan da ponesemo ponesemo, molim
Uzmi sliku, iseci mi sredinu
Trenutno nemaš vremena za mene
Kad bih bio plava ptica, leteo bih do tebe
Ti ćeš biti kašika
Umočiću te u med da bih mogao da se zalepim za tebe
Dan, sve vreme me zoveš (Ooh)
Neću zaspati do svanuća (Ooh)
Dan, naterao si me da proklinjem dan (Ooh)
Dan, naterao si me da proklinjem dan (Ooh)
Dan, sve vreme me zoveš (Ooh)
Neću zaspati do svanuća (Ooh)
Kad bih bio plava ptica, leteo bih do tebe
Ti ćeš biti kašika
Umočiću te u med da bih mogao da se zalepim za tebe

ALIVE (Živa)

Pa, ne želim da budem u centru pažnje
Izgleda da sam samo malo drugačija
Ne izbirljiva, više detaljnija
Čudno je bolje od dosadno
Ay slušajte devojke, malo sam osetljiva da osetim tu energiju, znate?
Samo mrzim ljude koji ne mogu da shvate nagoveštaje i samo su uplašeni
Ay slušajte devojke, ali je nešto posebno kod njega
Teško objasniti, ima taj osećaš koji se preliva
O moj bože!
Želim da te upoznam, imam te!
Zbog tebe se osećam ŽIVO
Osećam da sam živa
ŽIVA sam, moji svakodnevni bezbojni dani su sada kao duga
Moje srce je kao duga
Zbog tebe se osećam ŽIVO-iv-iv-ivo
Zbog tebe se osećam ŽIVO-iv-iv-ivo
Baloni baloni u mom srcu
Zbog njega mi srce ludo lupa
Drugačiji je od tih lepih dečaka koji imaju prazno srce
Znaš, onaj bez kompleksa inferiornosti
Taj narcisistički tip baš koliko i ja
Ay slušajte devojke, malo sam osetljiva kad su u pitanju osobine, znate?
Samo mrzim ljude koji su nepromišljeni i bezobrazni
Ay slušajte devojke, ali način na koji on priča
Teško objasniti, ima taj osećaš koji se preliva
O moj bože!
Želim da te upoznam, imam te!
Zbog tebe se osećam ŽIVO
Osećam da sam živa
ŽIVA sam, moji svakodnevni bezbojni dani su sada kao duga
Moje srce je kao duga
Zbog tebe lud-
Zbog tebe ludim
Zbog tebe lud-
Zbog tebe ludim
ŽIVA sam, osećam da sam živa
ŽIVA sam, moji svakodnevni bezbojni dani su sada kao duga
Moje srce je kao duga
Zbog tebe se osećam živo-iv-iv-ivo
Zbog tebe se osećam živo-iv-iv-ivo

Г-дин Плаво Небо

Сунце сија на небу,
нема ниједног облака на видику,
престала је киша, сви су у игри.
Зар не знаш
да је диван нови дан, хеј!
Док трчиш низ авенију,
погледај како сунце сјајно сија у граду.
По улицама где је једном било греха,
данас живи г-дин Плаво Небо, хеј!
Г-дине Плаво Небо, молим вас реците нам зашто сте
морали да се кријете толико дуго,
где смо погрешили?
Хеј ти, лепог лица,
добродошла у људски род!
Прослава, г-дин Плаво Небо чека горе
и данас је дан који смо ишчекивали.
Хеј, г-дине Плаво,
тако нам је драго да будемо с вама.
Погледајте, видите шта радите,
свако вам се осмехује!
Г-дин Плаво Небо, г-дин Плаво Небо,
г-дин Плаво Небо...
Г-дине Плаво, добро сте урадили,
али ускоро ће пузећи доћи г-дин Ноћ,
сад је његова рука на вашем рамену
Нема везе, вас ћу се сећати...
овако ћу се вас сећати.
Г-дине Плаво Небо, молим вас реците нам зашто сте
морали да се кријете толико дуго,
где смо погрешили?
Хеј, г-дине Плаво,
тако нам је драго да будемо с вама.
Погледајте, видите шта радите,
свако вам се осмехује!
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

강박 (Red Lights) (Crvena Svetla)

Versions: #1
Ne mogu da dišem bez tebe pored mene
Tako da li možeš molim te da dođeš bliže
Drži me čvrsto, baš sada
Nije bitno koliko god da se trudim da pobegnem, nema odgovora
Dok ne zaspem u suncu, još dublje
Stvarno želim da znam yeah
Već sam izgubio kontrolu oh
Ludim, van kontrole
Ostajem budan cele noći ponovo
Trenutak kada zatvorim svoje oči
Sve što vidim su crvena svetla
Znaš da ne mogu da te ostavim na miru
Znaš da ne mogu da te ostavim na miru
Jednostavno ne mogu da te ostavim na miru
Oseti moju ljubav oh
U mračnoj noći
Oseti moju ljubav oh
Znaš da ne mogu da te ostavim na miru
Sada, mi reci da me mrziš
Ne mogu da te izdržim više
Ali znam, ti i ja
Ne postoji drugi način
Nije bitno koliko god da se trudim da pobegnem, podešavam mikrofon
Dok mesec ne zaspe, još dublje
Stvarno želim da znam yeah
Već sam izgubio kontrolu oh
Ludim, van kontrole
Ostajem budan cele noći ponovo
Trenutak kada zatvorim svoje oči
Sve što vidim su crvena svetla (crvena svetla, crvena svetla)
Znaš da ne mogu da te ostavim na miru
Znaš da ne mogu da te ostavim na miru
Jednostavno ne mogu da te ostavim na miru
Ludim, van kontrole
Ostajem budan cele noći ponovo
Trenutak kada zatvorim svoje oči
Sve što vidim su crvena svetla, crvena svetla, crvena svetla
Jednostavno ne mogu da te ostavim na miru
Oseti moju ljubav oh
U mračnoj noći
Oseti moju ljubav oh
Znaš da ne mogu da te ostavim na miru

Svetlost mog života

Lutajući kao list na vetru
tražila sam nekoga
Držeći se ljubavi što protresla bi mi dušu
Raj ili ništa
Onda si ušetao u moj život
U bljesku svetlosti
Nikada nisam nekoga poželela više
Ti si taj koga sam čekala
Svetlost mog života
Ti si vatra u mom srcu
Kad sam izgubljena
Znam da ću osetiti kako plamtiš u mraku
Ti si svetlost mog života
Svaka zvezda na nebu
Sija jače kada si uz mene
Ti si svetlost mog života (oh, to si ti)
I sanjajući, osećam te pored sebe
Ne, ne sanjaš
Jer se davim u tvom poljupcu
Umirem u tvojim rukama
I kad čujem da me zoveš
Dušo, kao da sam ponovo rođena
Svetlost mog života
Ti si vatra u mom srcu
Kad sam izgubljena
Kad si izgubljen, znam
Osećaću kako goriš, kako plamtiš u mraku
Ti si svetlost mog života
Svaka zvezda na nebu
Sija jače kada si uz mene
Ti si svetlost mog života, da
Tvoja ljubav je lampion na kiši
Dovodi me kući iznova i iznova
Goreći kao večni plamen
Svetlost mog života
Ti si otkucaj mog srca
Kad sam izgubljena
Kad si izgubljen, znam
Videćeš me kako sijam
Sijam u mraku
Ti si svetlost mog života
Kao zvezde na nebu
Samo me ti možeš provesti
Ti si jedini koji to čini ispravno
Samo si ti zapalio noć
Ti si svetlost (ti si svetlost) mog života


[Part 1: Kontra K]
Adrenaline, dođi, brzinski ćemo popiti viski sa ledom
I takođe zatvorski trening u mom bekstejdž delu
Kakva trava, uspeh me čini euforičnim
Kad ti se dlake na potiljku dignu kada kreneš ka bini
I čuješ 10.000 ljudi kako vrište jedno ime
San ne može biti stvarniji
Da, dođavola, nazovi to srećom i sigurno neću reći ne,
Nažalost, ne uglavnom
Jer čak i slepi pas zaslužuje ovaj jedan dan u životu
Kad samo njemu sunce sija
I da, kako mi ono prokleto blista
Uživam u usporenom trenutku
Pravim polaroid u glavi za vreme posle mene
[Hook: Kontra K]
Uključite sve reflektore koje imate
Pojačajte farove dok ne zasvetle
Ovde smo, očistite kamere
Van, šta sam dosad uradio?
Juče slomljen kao klošar ali danas na top listama
Dušo, uključi reflektore
Pojačajte farove dok ne zasvetle
Ovde sam, uključite kamere na telefonima
Šta si uradio?
Ovo svetlo čini snove tada stvarnim, ej
[Part 2: Skepsis]
Čitavog života skoro ništa nisam imao
I znam kao da je juče bilo
Kako sam se pitao kakav je osećaj biti u bekstejdžu
Nema čemu da se smejemo ali 10.000 ljudi ispred bine
Svima vraćamo osmehe na lica
Živa smo čudovišta, posle nastupa si mrtav
Ilo ste kao mi ili niste shvatili
Podilazi te jeza čitavim telom kada sranje eskalira, ej
Hajde da poludimo, važno je šta se dešava
Iako svako od nas sada ima zlatnu ogrlicu zahvaljujući Koniju
Još uvek nismo siti i uzećemo sve iz vašeg grada
Dođi i proveri
Želeo bi da si deo toga
Hej, daću ti nešto
[Hook: Kontra K]
Uključite sve reflektore koje imate
Pojačajte farove dok ne zasvetle
Ovde smo, očistite kamere
Van, šta sam dosad uradio?
Juče slomljen kao klošar ali danas na top listama
Dušo, uključi reflektore
Pojačajte farove dok ne zasvetle
Ovde sam, uključite kamere na telefonima
Šta si uradio?
Ovo svetlo čini snove tada stvarnim, ej
[Outro: Kontra K]
Uključite sve reflektore
Šta si učinio?
Juče slomljen kao klošar ali danas na top listama
Dušo, uključi reflektore


As we walk on the same path
Compromising our different minds
There's no end
Regardless of how I feel
I'm in trouble, it's getting gray
Please hold on to me
The lonely night surrounds me
Even if I stretched out my hand and shout
I can't reach you
I can't feel you
I'm so lost
Dream daydream, every day
I have a dream that maybe
Continue to be daydream
Always in chaotic maze
Because I love you, love you, love you
All the reasons in my life
It's you, it's only you
Even if I wake up from a dream, it's still a dream
Walk in a daze
Follow the traces of where you are
Find your breath, find your warmth
I'm having a dream, that I won't wake up from
A drama unfolding in my mind
It will never happen
I convince myself
The remaining emotions
My heart is overflowing
Your voice echoed throughout my body
Even if I stretched out my hand and shout
I can't reach you
I can't feel you
I'm so lost
Dream daydream, every day
I have a dream that maybe
Continue to be daydream
Always in chaotic maze
Because I love you, love you, love you
All the reasons in my life
It's you, it's only you
Even if I wake up from a dream, it's still a dream
From what I expected
You were always different
Perhaps this time, too
Frozen to the bone
Touch my fingers
So that I can come back
Even today daydream, without a break
I have a dream that maybe
Continue to be daydream
Always in chaotic maze
Because I love you, love you, love you
All the reasons in my life
It's you, it's only you
Even if I wake up from a dream, it's still a dream
Walk in a daze
Follow the traces of where you are
Find your breath, find your warmth
I'm having a dream, that I won't wake up from

The Hymn of the Sun

Sun, sun, like a brilliant eye,
Shines forever on the mountains.
Upon the earth, upon the meadow,
The flower will always blossom.
The winter was already gone,
Will you come with your song?
Then we dance before the cold night.
The soil wet and the river flows by,
Sing the song and even never cease!
Remember the flower and its song!
Have you heard or sung it?
Remember the flower and its song!
Have you heard or sung it?
Shout! When you meet the flower.
Shout! In the feast or at the festival.
Shout! For the perpetual life!
Please remember this song forevermore.
Sun, sun, the brilliant eye,
Shines forever on the mountains.
Beneath the skydome, upon the meadow,
The flower will keep blossoming.

It's a Saturday Evening

It's a Saturday evening tonight,
the harmonica's playing for a dance.
Come all who are cold,
come and take a chance.
Take her by the waist,
whoever you choose.
Come and sing and laugh
come and dance with me.
Listen to the cheerful tones
slip through the window now
All your grief is far away,
come and step up to dance.
Take her by the waist...
And when darkness falls on the world,
then take the girl by the hand.
Then the dew settles on the ground,
leading you to the beach.
Take her by the waist...
Lay a kiss on her lips,
stroke her curls so sweet and tender
far from everything which we toiled over before
and away from all quarrels.
Take her by the waist...
Your desert is
there in the warm twilight,
what's happened here since
is freely in your mind.
Take her by the waist...


I'm leaving the store, everything is new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD 1
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
All my chains and clothes are new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
[Verse 1:Hawk]
Wandering in another city
I feel everyone wants me to fall
I am under the gun
I said I won't get involved, I don't want to be in trouble again
Ouh-ouh-ouh baby, voodoo baby
I have so many issues as money, baby
Everything's boring when you're not here, baby
Around me wolves,snakes,predators, eyy
When you undress, when you surrender yourself to me
So good that makes me wonder if I could drink you
She says ''Cum on me''
She says ''don't cum in me''
I'm rolling up a cigarette for you to smoke
Night and substance abuse
Dancing with guilt
[Chorus: Light]
I'm leaving the store, everything is new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
All my chains and clothes are new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
[Verse 2: Light]
You have casted a voodoo spell,baby
We are in a gang, suwoop baby
I met you, I said what it do baby
Put in you belly a new baby
And that's true, baby
Young superstar, everyday shopping
Fucking and fighting, everyday dirty tricks
Put the gun down, you won't shoot anyone
You say that you'll leave but you don't convince anyone
I have room service for 15 thousand
They introduce themselves and I just say 'nice to meet you'
We are in South France, tasting grapes
I said, s'il vous plaît, come and give me a blowjob
Big coupe, baby
Four guns in the van, I'll go on tour, baby
If they're with us, they know they'll get paid, baby
And that's true, baby
I'm leaving the store, everything is new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
All my chains and clothes are new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
  • 1. The rapper refers to MDMA drug or ecstacy


I hid it inside my heart, the loneliness I used to embrace
I clutched it so close to me it hurt, that bright future
As I wield my blade I head onto an unknown tomorrow
I'll take this heartbeat with me towards the audience's thundering applause
The 'brilliance' lit up
That dark painful road for us
Tears are frustrating, aren't they?
Let's join our hearts, Stage Girls
99 Seize it! ILLUSION!
Reach it! All the way to the finale, come on, run!
I face you and the stardust
If I'm with you then we can breathe life into this two-dimensional world
That only exists on paper
The stage is my life!
It seems as though it's encouraging me, this beautiful light
Let's go even higher! Aiming for a bigger place
With your naked feelings, you have to become a strong arrow
It's as fragrant as the swaying leaves, and those true words
'The stage is our life!'
Someone taught them to us
We'll show you our way of life
Let's join our dreams Stage Girls
Become a burning star!
In your heart we don't need any tricks, you're perfect the way you are
That 'brilliance is nothing but the reflection of an illumination
So I don't want to show you any lies
The stage is my life!
I'm sure you learned through trial and error
Repeating it over and over again until you could walk by yourself
It looks as though you wanted your figure to be dyed 'blue'
And now you're smiling
Reach it! All the way to the finale, come on, run!
I face you and the stardust
If I'm with you then we can breathe life into this two-dimensional world
That only exists on paper
The stage is my life!
Reach it! All the way to the finale, come on, run!
I face you and the stardust
Become a burning star!
In your heart, we don't need any tricks
The stage is my life!
Shine bright
99 ILLUSION is my life!

Don't need

It’s enough
Don’t torture me, I can't love you anymore
It’s all in vain
Open your eyes, don't lie to yourself
Don't need, don't need your feelings
Don't need
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
I can't love you
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Forget, don’t torture yourself
Too bad that I can’t give you feels that matches yours
We don’t have love anymore, it’s fire is gone
Don't need, don't need your feelings
Don't need
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
I can't love you
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Forget, don’t torture yourself
Tears of eyes
Don’t drop without heart’s order
My head’s imaginary
Can’t stay in place wheres no truth
Tears of eyes
Don’t drop without heart’s order
My head’s imaginary
Can’t stay in place wheres no truth
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
I can't love you
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Forget, don’t torture yourself
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye

Rock n Roll je kralj

Slušajte svi, da vam kažem o rok n rollu
Osetite taj ritam i stvarno će vam uzbuditi dušu
Rekla mi je dođi sa mnom, u zemlju pretvaranja
Rekla je rock n roll je kralj
Ona voli rock n roll i pušta ga celu noć
To je sve što mi ikada govori kada je pozovem na telefon
Kaže da osetiš taj ritam, ustajte na noge
Kaže da je rock n roll kralj
Oh pusti neka te gitare sviraju
Sviraj mi, sviraj mi
Oh neka ta pesma odzvanja
Tako je suđeno
Rola se kao tremvaj koji dolazi niz prugu
Prevrnula je Betovena i vratila Čajkovskog
Voli taj ritam koji vozi, ona igra niz ulicu
Rekla je da je rck n roll kralj
Oh pusti neka te gitare sviraju
Sviraj mi, sviraj mi
Oh neka ta pesma odzvanja
Tako je suđeno
Kada ona svrati a ja slušam radio
Kaže da ne mogu to da radim jer sve što želi je da sluša rock n roll
Sada ću ostati ovde gde muzika svira
Kaže da je rock n roll kralj

Sun! High! Gold!

(Sun! Sun! High! uh~yeah!)
The sun is calling!
Ringing your door bell
“Let’s hang out together!”
This is the golden season
(Sun! High! Sun! High!)
I wanna show you yeah I really wanna
Kept you waiting! The sunflowers are blooming
There’s no way of ranking memories
Anyway, these moments are golden
Late-blossoming flowers have
So much energy inside them
My hopes and dreams
Bursting at the seams
‘cuz I wanna
I wanna be your sun!
Giving you a smile in return
I’m gonna smile
Even more than you do!
Bathing in the sun
Let’s watch the golden flowers blooming here and there!
Together with you, forever
Miserably running, fiercely churning
Going beyond the pouring shower
radiantly burning, brilliantly blazing
Basking in the scorching sun
These are shining golden days
I’ve spent with you
(Sun! High! Sun! High!)
(You guys, one, two, Sun! High!)
It took a long time but they finally bloomed
The sunflowers are now in full blossom
Memories are easy to be beautified
But the process of growing is still gold-tinged
Strength to fight against the north wind
I couldn’t have it all on my own
Someone so dear to me
You were there for me, above all
I wanna be the sun!
If these are too high hopes
Let’s talk one on one
And break out a smile on our lips!
Bathing in the sun
Hear the applause crossing the wind
Repeated over and over again
Here and there, making some noise
Out in our ensemble
Feeling great, feeling high
Everyone, assemble!
So involved in watching
Shining golden dreams
(yeah yeah yeah… yeah!)
I wanna be the sun!
Even hotter than anyone
I wanna ignite your heart
Bathing in the sun
The golden flowers come into blossom all over the place
I’m sure this is love, this is undoubtedly love
Thank you!
Miserably running, fiercely churning
Going beyond the pouring shower
radiantly burning, brilliantly blazing
Basking in the scorching sun
These are shining golden days
I’ve spent with you
(Sun! High! Sun! High!)

Shine A Light

The darkness in my heart, the light of my dream
The moment I suddenly plunge into nothingness (that moment)
The light rises from the bottom of my heart
I recall the time that’s gone by
Don’t forget my wish
Until it all comes true
My miracle has come alive and
Opens my eyes
The downpour of starlight
Lights up my eyes
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
The moment I’ve waited for has arrived
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (want)
I’ll shine brighter on you
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
More than anything in the world
You’re my shining STAR
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
Forever and always
You’re the only one
Hey, have you noticed?
The planets that revolve around you
Keep shining on you every day (everyday)
I can’t stop these feelings
This world is overflowing with you
My racing heart goes on and on
A singular light
If I could be together with you
It would be the perfect dream
We can run and fly
Hold me in your arms, starlight
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
The moment I’ve waited for has arrived
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
I’ll shine brighter on you
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
More than anything in the world
You’re my shining STAR
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
Forever and always
Your sweet scent fills the air
And shows me the way
Always and whenever
As I breathe in now
I’m pouring out gratitude
Because you give it to me
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
The moment I’ve waited for has arrived
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (want)
I’ll shine brighter on you
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
More than anything in the world
You’re my shining STAR
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
Forever and always
You’re the only one

Zaslepljujuća svetla

Pokušaću pozvati
Iskreno, dugo sam sama
Možda me ti možeš naučiti da volim
Ništa više ne konzumiram
I ne bi imao puno toga da radiš
Ako me okrzneš, zapalićeš me
Gledam okolo
Grad greha je hladan i prazan
Nikoga nema da mi sudi
Ne vidim jasno kada nisi tu
Rekoh, ooh, zaslepljen sam svetlima
Ne, ne mogu zaspati dok ne osetim tvoj dodir
Rekoh, ooh, utapam se u noći
Oh, kada sam ovakav, ti si jedina kojoj verujem
Hej, hej, hej
Ponestaje mi vremena
Jer vidim kako sunce obasjava nebo
Pa sam krenuo na put prebrzo, dušo, oh
Grad greha je hladan i prazan
Nikoga nema da mi sudi
Ne vidim jasno kada nisi tu
Rekoh, ooh, zaslepljen sam svetlima
Ne, ne mogu zaspati dok ne osetim tvoj dodir
Rekoh, ooh, utapam se u noći
Oh, kada sam ovakav, ti si jedina kojoj verujem
Zapravo ponovo sam te pozvala (Da bih te obavestila)
Jer imam nešto da ti kažem (Reci preko telefona)
Ovoga puta neću te pustiti
Rekoh, ooh, zaslepljen sam svetlima
Ne, ne mogu zaspati dok ne osetim tvoj dodir
Hej, hej, hej
Hej, hej, hej
Dođi, spavam sa upaljenim svetlom
Čekajući te da dođeš
Radije bih da budem pored tebe
Dođi, spavam sa upaljenim svetlom
Čekajući te da dođeš
Radije bih da budem pored tebe
Rekoh, ooh, zaslepljen sam svetlima
Ne, ne mogu zaspati dok ne osetim tvoj dodir