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Пробудим се сваке ноћи
И не знам коме бих се помолио
Негде у светлости
Све се мења
Плашим се са стране
Смишљајући како да слажем
Неко држи светло
Које храни нашу ватру
Дошао сам да се борим
Дошао сам да се борим за тебе
Не желим твоје лажи
Не желим твоје лажи, треба ми истина
Дошао сам да се борим
Дошао сам да се борим за тебе
Нико неће покушати
Нико неће покушати, ако је то тачно
Нећу чекати на знак
Не налазим никог крај кога бих остао
Али има нешто у тој светлости
Што нам спашава животе
Дошао сам да се борим
Дошао сам да се борим за тебе
Не желим твоје лажи
Не желим твоје лажи, треба ми истина
Дошао сам да се борим
Дошао сам да се борим за тебе
Нико неће покушати
Нико неће покушати, ако је то тачно
И сада могу да ти се супротставим1
Не, нећу те бацити на колена
Ако успем да те нађем, нећу те повредити
Нисам ја такав
Дошао сам да се борим
Дошао сам да се борим за тебе
Не желим твоје лажи
Не желим твоје лажи, треба ми истина
Дошао сам да се борим
Дошао сам да се борим за тебе
Нико неће покушати
Нико неће покушати, ако је то тачно
  • 1. Алтернативно: И сада могу да ти изађем пред очи

Sunce i mora

Vatra duboko plave boje, kao poljubac na ustima
Zagrljeni zajedno idemo korak po korak preko talasa
Reci mi da ćeš biti mesec u mojim noćima
Reci mi da ćeš me želeti čak i kada preterujem
Odvedi me na vrh sveta jednim poljupcem
Daj mi razlog da budeš moj jedan jedini
Promenio si sunce i mora u meni
Stvorio si put za mene
Sve boje i svi ukuse
Na našim telima
Ronimo duboko u svoje vode i svoje snove
Ovo što proživljavam se više nikada neće vratiti
Reci mi da ćeš biti mesec u mojim noćima
Reci mi da ćeš me želeti čak i kada preterujem
Odvedi me na vrh sveta jednim poljupcem
Daj mi razlog da budeš moj jedan jedini
Promenio si sunce i mora u meni
Stvorio si put za mene
Sve boje i svi ukuse
Na našim telima

Vermilion (Drugi deo)

Izgledala je kao da je obucena svim sto je moje
Rasirena po mojoj sramoti
Sva muka i bol
Procurela je i pokrila me
Uradio bih bilo sta da je imam
Da je samo za sebe imam
I sada ne znam sta da radim
Ne znam sta da radim
Kada me ona cini tuznim
Ona je meni sve
Neuzvraceni san
Pesma koju niko ne peva
Ona je mit u koji moram da verujem
Jos jedan razlog je sve sto mi je potrebno da je ostvarim
Ne znam sta da radim (x2)
Kada me ona cini tuznim
Ali, necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni (x4)
Zamka u mom grlu
Pocepan na komade
Ja necu - ne
Ne zelim da budem ovo
Ali, necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni
Ona nije stvarna
Ne mogu da je ucinim stvarnom
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)


Izgleda da je ona obucena svim prstenjem...
Bivsih kobnosti
Tako krhka, ali i tako nepostena
Ona idalje vidi
Klimatske ruke koje pritiskaju
Njene hramove i moje grudi. Ulazi u noc
Kada se vecno... vratila kuci
Oh (Ona je jedina koja me cini tuznim)
Ona je meni sve i vise od toga
Svecano hipnoticna
Moja Dalija, okupana posedovanjem
Ona je meni dom
Postanem nervozan, izopacen kada je vidim, i gore od toga
I stres je zapanjujuc
Sada ili nikada
Ona se vecno vraca kuci
Oh (Ona je jedina koja me cini tuznim)
Tesko je reci sta mi je privuklo paznju
Fiksiran i lud-- Privlacna vaš
Izrezi mi ime na mom licu, da bih mogao da prepoznam
Taj feromonski kult koji terorise
Necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni (x4)
Ja sam rob, ali ja sam i gospodar
Bez uzdrzavanja, i neproverenih kolekcionara
Ja postojim zbog svoje potrebe, da zalazem sebe
Ona je nesto unutar mene, sto prezirem
Necu dozvoliti da se ovo nakupi u meni (x8)
(Ona nije stvarna, ne mogu da je ucinim stvarnom) x2
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Trčanje sa lavovima

Ako želiš da vidiš, jednostavno otvori oči
Ako želiš da dišeš, idemo napolje na otvoreno
Izvan otvorenog
Nema potrebe da stojiš zaključana unutra
Ovo kraljevstvo je tvoje i ovo kraljevstvo je moje
Dozvoli mi da ti pokažem
Samo mi dozvoli da ti pokažem
Nema potrebe da budeš uplašena
Ne moraš se skrivati
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trči sa lavovima
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trčiš sa lavovima
Ako želiš da govoriš, samo otvori usta
Ne brini za reči, snaćićemo se
Samo probaj
Samo probaj
Nema potrebe da se bojiš
Nema potrebe da se kriješ
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Mi imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trči sa lavovima
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trčiš sa lavovima
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Pa mi imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Trči sa lavovima
Trči sa lavovima
Hajde, hajde pusti svoja osećanja
Hajde, hajde uzmi sada svoju slobodu, trči divlje
Trčiš sa lavovima
Jer imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez
Pa mi imamo ljubav koja ne može biti stavljena u kavez

Music Makes Me Happy

(Music makes me happy, yeah)
I play guitar, drums and bass
Piano, ukulele, I'm almost out of space
I play so much the neighbours are stressed out
I play so much it hurts in the end
So listen to what I'm saying
Sing along with me boys and girls
Get up and put your hands to the top
Don¨t be shy, nothing is the wrong way
Music makes me happpy (yeah, yeah)
Music makes me happy, yeah
Music makes me happy (yeah, yeah)
Music makes me happy, yeah
Sing along, just be yourself
If you haven't tried it before
Sing along anyway
Music creates life for us, music creates energy
Music sets all the emotions free
Music is incredible when I am happy
Music is my support when I am sad
So give me your tunes
And let me feel your vibrations
Come along to the place of the rhythms
Make your heart jump
Make it noticeable in your body
Music makes me happpy (yeah, yeah)
Music makes me happy, yeah
Music makes me happy (yeah, yeah)
Music makes me happy, yeah
Sing along, just be yourself
If you haven't tried it before
Sing along anyway
Sing along, just be yourself
If you haven't tried it before
Sing along anyway
Sing along, just be yourself
If you haven't tried it before
Sing along anyway
Sing along, just be yourself
If you haven't tried it before
Sing along anyway
(Music makes me happy)
Music makes me happpy (yeah, yeah)
Music makes me happy, yeah
Music makes me happy (yeah, yeah)
Music makes me happy, yeah

I just can't wait for that day

Simba: I'm gonna be a king without any enemies
Zazu: I've never seen one with this little hair
Simba: I'm gonna grow an awesome mane someday
My roar is almost deafening you know - REOW!
Zazu: Ha! Any roar is closer to developing than that one
Simba: I just can't wait for it
Zazu: Sorry, but you've still got a long way to go before you become king!
Simba: Go do that
Zazu: I said you had to...... what!?
Nala: Come do this
Zazu: I didn't say that...... huh!?
Simba: No more bossing me around
Zazu: What the!? You're not understanding what I need you to do!
Simba/Nala: And no more 'don't do that's
Zazu: Wait a minute! Listen to here!
Simba: We'll run around every day
Zazu: There are more pressing matters!
Simba: Free to do things my way
Zazu: You need to listen to me clearly right now
Simba: I don't need to hear your protests
Zazu: If you keep ignoring me like this, then I'll leave
I won't be a part of that kind of Africa
This child has become unbearable
Simba: I just can't wait for it
Simba: Look left, then turn right
Wherever you look, I'm standing in the spotlight
Zazu: Not yet!
Chorus: We'll all sing on the earth and under the sky
For our King Simba
Simba/Nala: I just can't wait for that day
I just can't wait for that day
Yes! Soon I will be king

I never love

I never love, I am bluntly saying this to you
and if you loved me, tell me why this is any of my concern
Don't get gloomy without reason towards bitterness and pain
I never love, I never settle
My life is unstable, I like freedom
just like gypsies, who don't live in the same city
Don't get gloomy without reason towards bitterness and pain
I never love, I never settle
Even if we part ways, so what, this should not scare you
a better boy is suitable for you
Don't get gloomy without reason towards bitterness and pain
I never love, I never settle

In the wheel of life

Versions: #3
Ndabe zitha
Nkosi yethu
Mholi wezwe lethu
Lefatshe la bonata rona
Lea halalela
Busa le lizwe bo
Busa le lizwe bo
Busa le lizwe bo
Lethu busa ngoxolo
Is'khathi sifikile
Is'khathi busa iyo
Is'khathi sifikile
Busa lomhlaba
Is'khathi sifikile
Is'khathi sifikile
Busa Simba
Busa Simba
Ubuse ngo xolo
Ubuse ngo thando
Ubuse ngo xolo
Ubuse ngo thando
Ubuse ngo xolo
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
Try to create a world
which human struggles
Yet everything remains the same
In the wheel of life
In the wheel of life

This Is My Singing

Sleep, sweet Kovu
Dream and tell me that
When you grow up, my lion
You will be the king
I have always been persecuted
I'm exiled and alone
If I think in that brute
I know I'm a beast
But a dream lets me
Cheer up and not cry
And it makes me be a kitten
And it helps me rest
It's about seeing Simba agonize
To capture his princess
And hear his lionesses scream
This is my singing
I've already tried to forget
And we must turn to forgiveness
But there's a little problem
I don't want to see them live
Do you count with any friend
To defeat Simba?
I prepare my own battles
For the great happy ending
It's music to hear howling
It's a relief to break, to fight
It's magical, and I'll love it
I shall not be tamed
Scar is gone, but Zira is still here
Raising this kid
Until his soul carries
The instinct for evil
Sleep, termite
I mean, my precious dainty gift
When you grow up, little rascal
You will be the king
The earth already pounds the drum
It already roars with its rancor
The great revenge
Will triumph
Listen to the clamor
Kovu is going win
Stop, oppressors
It's time to fight
The sky is going to cry
This is my singing

An Only Child

today i will cut mustafa's hair
i am from south milan but it seems like africa *
on the tram i won't listen to indie music nor rihanna
with u be at peace with urself is my dilemma
yes i know, i have a punchable face
i have eastern facial features, what can i do about it
walking home isn't very cool, but
not for someone like me who wears old puma
i have a sister and a brother
[who are] halfway around the world
maybe for me, maybe they miss me
i have many friends, i'd admit it's a search for love
maybe for me, maybe they'll forget me
i'm sorry if i have nowhere to go
why won't i come back
the north star takes me where i need to go
my mother only has me
i will never be an only child
i'm sorry if i upset you
listen to me or listen to this song on karaoke
i feel like i have a little of something
the worst of me
today i will cut mustafa's hair
but if u want to dance i will stay right here
from the ceiling to the carpet
far away from the worst bar in caracas *
you lie down and u feel like ur in las vegas
i have a sister and a brother
[who are] halfway around the world
but i am okay
i don't think about having any time
to understand the things i have missed
i'm sorry if i have nowhere to go
why won't i come back
the north star takes me where i need to go
my mother only has me
i will never be an only child
i'm sorry if i upset you
listen to me or listen to this song on karaoke
i feel like i have a little of something
the worst of me
the worst of me
the worst of me
my mother only has me
i will never be an only child

Circle of Life (Crimean Tatar)

Versions: #2
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Siyo Nqoba
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
This world is both bitter and sweet
You'll quickly understand this
Darkness for (to) light, emnity for (to) friendship
And wealth along with poverty
This life, my friend, is so different
Every answer gives birth to questions
But this living is a very big present
Now, you came to this world (From now on, you are in this world)
Go out, the truth is hidden on the roads
Understand this secret, understand this
A great love, if you understand this secret
Embrace your friends and step towards the sky
Go out, the truth is hidden on the roads
Understand this secret, understand this
This love is one and only, if you understand this secret
Embraces your friends and steps towards the sky

Hakuna Matata

Versions: #2
Hakuna matata-what a wonderful phrase!
Hakuna matata-not a loss of senses!
That you won't worry anymore until the end of your days
Make it your motto
Hakuna matata!
(Hakuna matata?
Yes, it's our motto!
What is a motto?
Nothing at all, don't let him die from the motto!*
Listen, kid, these two words will solve all your problems!
Very true! Take Pumba for example...)
Yes, when Pumba was young
A young warthog
(Very nice.
Thank you.)
The smell he gave out was awful and terrible
All the savanna creatures left in a hurry
My soul is sensitive, but my skin is rough and thick!
It hurts me when my relatives turn their backs to me!
And oh, the embarrassment
He felt so ashamed
I will yet change my name
G-d isn't guilty**
And I always suffered so..
What is the feeling?
Every time that-
(Hey, Pumba, not in front of the kid!
Oh, sorry)
Hakuna matata-it's such a wonderful phrase
Hakuna matata-not a loss of senses
That you won't worry anymore until the end of your days
(Yes, sing, kid)
Make it your motto
Hakuna matata
Hakuna matata
Hakuna matata
Hakuna matata
That you won't worry anymore until the end of your days
Make it your motto
Hakuna matata
Hakuna matata
Hakuna matata...

Improve your memory with a click

'Hello! If you've clicked on this file
then surely you have memory lapses.
I wrote it because I couldn't access my email inbox and I thought:
I don't remember passwords, let alone my history!
In a few years I will forget who I am
what I think, what I like, what I despise.
Indeed here you are, like the Memento guy
Ok, listen to this piece and the rhymes inside of it.'
Don't be afraid of getting old
the age you display attracts, see Persepolis
Don't be afraid of singing offkey
unlike popstars, bells play for centuries
In a world where everyone is competing
don't ride, get on Pegasus' back
and remember to honour the silence
pretending to leave a flower on Marcel Marceau's tomb
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
Don't praise modernity, it's plastic
in the '30s, modernity was the swastika
It's tense in here, you're not breathing, you're wheezing
it's a summer cruise, but in the hold of an Admiral
Travel in the car, on a monocycle, on a gilder
not in your room with the finger on the atlas
Souls ache because they don't ever go anywhere
and then, when they could, no one does.
At night, turn your phone off
It's a device and it's stealing your smile (*)
Respect the mass, but your bodily one
not the one blaming everything on politicians and 'it's a shame!!'
Accepting pain to appreciate life
is like swallowing an ember to appreciate pizza
Ridiculous, thinking about those who have it worse doesn't make it any better
unless you're cynical
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
Remember: your sixth sense is that of guilt
and everyone takes advantage of it, at least once
so it's okay to open up with others
but at least put a door at the entrance.
Defend yourself and defend culture, not by taking to the streets
but by taking the street to go to the cinema or the theatre
When the Odeon closed down (*) everyone complained
yeah, but no one ever went there in a whole year.
It's not true that your degree is useless
what's useless is debating about glutes in thongs
Not everyone loves you, they are wary of the icon
Become a saint and you'll be ad-Myra-ble, like St. Nicholas
Listen to what you like, not what's liked by who's liked
Forget about Karma, everyone got away with it
If you're elected mayor be thankful, inaugurate Kiss Square
and see who's startled.
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
Nothing weird if, at tea time
I don't think at all about the plate of consommé turkey breast
that I put in the fridge yesterday at lunchtime.
Nothing weird if, to avoid serious misunderstandings
I put up a sign - I don't deny it -
of eloquent verses on the white door
'Remember about the plate of consommé turkey breast'.
Nothing weird if only now
they tell me, light black on yellow, that in the fridge
there's still, untouched, the plate of consommé turkey breast.
Nothing weird if, when I close the fridge door
it's not only its inner light that dims on the food and fades away
but mine too - slowly on the brain.


Macloud, kakav udarac?
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (huh)
Novac, Roleks, sve je moje (ne, ne)
Poslovi rade na svom (voo, voo)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara
(O Bože)
[Deo 1]
Osmeh od milion dolara, osmeh od milion miliona dolara (hehe)
Žele da budu isti, ali ne znaju za konopce
Četrdeset i tri, četrdeset, četrdeset i četrdeset
Gram teži ovu ogrlicu, plaćam je sa dolarskom novčanicom (voo, voo, da)
Minimalno 18 karata,
Čak ni tvoja tata ne bi ti ovo kupio
Dobila si Gucci i Pradu (voo)
Ali ti si još uvek gubitnik (da)
Postavi fotografiju sa hashtagom
Uklanjam sve tvoje gotovine (haha)
Ovde imam deset miliona u gotovini
Mislim da je to zbog moje karme
Ja sam to sam izgradila (aha)
Došlo je vreme da se potroši bilo šta
A ono što se dešava je neverovatno (voo, voo)
A ono što se dešava je neverovatno (rrah)
[Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (peng, peng)
Novac, Roleks, sve je moje (da.)
Poslovi rade na svom (voo, voo)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (rrah)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (huh)
Novac, Roleks, sve je moje (ne, ne)
Poslovi rade na svom (voo, voo)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara
[Deo 2]
Moj osmeh vredi milion (haha)
Tamo sam, gdje bi htjeli biti (gdje bi htjeli biti)
Ne ponašaj se kao milioner (milioner)
Dobijam više, sve više i više, daj mi više (vu)
Sve ću ih pobiti (da)
I uradim samo ono što želim (da)
Govoriš o automobilima i vilama
Zaustavi svoj film
Dušo, nisam što ASAP
Brejkdens, lažni-prijatelji
Mic-check na hightechu
Suviše daleko za ostale
G, G, G, G, G-klasa
Moram da znam i da se pozdravim
G, G, G, G, G-klasa
2EUROGANG, druga klasa (rrah)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (peng, peng)
Novac, Roleks, sve je moje (da.)
Poslovi rade na svom (voo, voo)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (rrah)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara (huh)
Novac, Roleks, sve je moje (ne, ne)
Poslovi rade na svom (voo, voo)
Imam osmeh od milion miliona dolara

My lullaby

Sleep, my little Kovu
Dream what you can muster
One day when you grow up
You will be our king
I was exiled over night
No one asked if I was suffering
When I think of that cat
I get pretty angry
But I have a dream that chases
The depression away
It extinguishes all suffering
And raise my mood
It's about Simba's last moment
When her daughter squirms in my mouth
The lioness pride's hierarchical fall
Is my lullaby
What once was should be forgotten
Old feuds should be put away
But I'm one of the bad one
I think that's hypocrisy
I know someone who is so brave
That he will solve your conflict
That battle will be too bloody
But I appreciate such things
A potpourri of pesky floggings
As a counterpoint of tormented screams
A death dance that is tough and long
Is my lullaby
Scar is gone, but Zira is here
And she has bred forth
Another son with magnificent genes
Just wait until he becomes just as bad
Sleep, you little furball
Oh, sorry, don't get offended
One day when you grow up
You will be our king
Then he'll make every lion stiff with fear
With the sound of his deep roar
We will cheer
All day long
The time is coming soon
Kovu is on his way
I know we will win
And end Simba's forced rule
He's nearing his end
In my lullaby

That's My Song

Sleep, cute Kovu
Dream and sleep now
When you've become a great lion
You will be the king
Exiled and persecuted
Alone and unprotected
When I think of that beast
It increases my tension
But I have a nice dream
That makes me smile
It makes me a pussycat
And it helps me sleep
That Simba does not breathe anymore
And I can catch his daughter
That Nala cries of affliction
That's my song
The past and my rivals
I have tried to forget
And although it's insignificant
I would like to kill them all
Did you finally find someone
that will drag him to you?
Blood will be spilled
That's a work for me
The melody in my roar
And the counterpoint in its moaning
What a symphony of destruction
That's my song
Scar is gone, but Zira is still here
And the lion I will educate
To turn him into a beast
With passion for evil
Sleep, flea-face
I mean, how cute
When you've become a great lion
You will be the king
Drums call to fight
And Kovu roars with fierceness
The cruel revenge
Will finally come
I can hear the voices
Kovu is the best
From our cruel revenge
And bloody rebellion
The time has arrived
That's my song

Next Level

Women wrote this word 'fidelity'
Men read and re-read it, but didn't understood it.
You should know that when a woman wants to find out something
She finds three things at once.
It's true.
For each womanizer there is one expert woman.
And we won't care about anyone who comes along.
After all,
We pay chocolate milk for immature guys, and not attention.
When we meet someone different from all others
It's something else.
It's next level.

I do want

Versions: #2
I wanna show you a path aside to the sea
A place where nobody can arrives
where the wind’s friend, and the breeze’s a sigh
that blows holding your body’s shape.
Woman, I want that you are at my side
Awaking with my singing slept on your skin
And despairing the forgiveness saying to you
Close to your ear, my in loved verses,
my verses of love
I wanna lost in your body and drop anchor
in your harbor my ship that’s empty of love.
Writing in the sand my cry and my pain
Letting the waves take away my ache.
Woman, I want that you are by my side
that share with me your life
And next when the autumn wind fondle tour temples
To be together and jointed as yesterday was.
I wanna show you a path aside to the sea
A place where nobody can arrives
where the wind’s friend, and the breeze’s a sigh
that blows holding your body’s shape.
Woman, I want that you are at my side
Awaking with my singing slept on your skin
And despairing the forgiveness saying to you
Close to your ear, my in loved verses,
my verses of love

Be ready everyone

Though the mental side is non existent
And smarts aren't guaranteed
I'll explain my vision in detail
My goal, honour and pride
When I look at hanging tongues
It's clear that you don't understand a thing.
Who puts their trust in uncontrollable cowards?
When facing royal blood!
But now it is do or die.
This day will make our names.
The moment has come.
The thread of fate has been spun.
Will we get a bite?
You'll find out.
I know that its nonsense
To reward you slaves
When I finally retrieve my share
And justice will conquer the palace
Be prepared
Yeah, we're prepared! We're prepared!
.....for what?
For the death of the king!
Is he sick?
No you fool, we will murder him,
and Simba too.
Great idea! Away with kings!
Away with the king! Away with the king!
La la la la la la !
Idiots! There will be a king!
But you just said...
I will be king!
Follow me, and you shall never go thirsty or hungry again!
Long live the king!
Long live the king! Long live the king!
It delights that the king is a kind one
That king will be dearly loved
You must know that duties await you.
Though the organization will be changed.
You'll get rewards and honour
While I am in charge
But let's be crystal clear
Without me, neither fame nor fortune!
Be ready for a coup
Be ready for a bloody feat
Insidious design
(We want food)
A test of endurance
(No crap)
Endless rejection
(Let's eat)
So we rally
(till we burst)
And we'll win the crown
And after that
I'll reign for thousands of years!
Yes, the fields shall be coloured with blood
Be prepared!
Yes, the fields shall be coloured with blood
Be prepared!

Feel love in darkness

- I know what's going on
- What?
- Three becomes two
- Two?
- Because they're in love dude
They'll be together
- Aw
- Nightfall is close
And it's looking magical
A romantic atmosphere
Smells like a wreck
I feel love inside me
This beautiful night
And the world around me
(Looks like) It shines with happiness
I love her my God
But how can I tell her?
She's asking about my past
The tormented past
What's going on?
Why isn't he talking to me?
Where is the child
He's hiding in his heart
Feel love in darkness
Full of beauty
And the whole world around us
Magic and happiness
Feel love in darkness
See in front of you
Love will take you to the skies
If only you want it
- He's afraid of fire
And torment
- He found his match
Aw that poor guy

Be Strong [Be Prepared]

Prick up your stupid ears
Let my word enter your consciousness
Strain your mind, let it steam!
Because I bring miraculous news
So much missing in the head
Your glance is dull and empty
Who's the wrong king, and who the true one -
May both the wise and the stupid get!
Are you ready for the chance of a lifetime?
Ae you ready for a new order?
Because the time comes for revulsion to reign
And what's ahead of us?
No problem for you
Because a prise will be on the way for all who crawl
When I finish my hunt for the throne
And when darkness covers the light
Be strong!
Yes, be strong! We will be strong! And why?
For the King's death!
And he is sick?
You fool, we'll kill him, Simba, too.
That's right! Who needs a king? No king, la la la la la la la!
You idiots! There will be a king!
Hey, you said...
I will be the king! Hold on to me and you will never be hungry!
That's right! Long live the king! Long live the king!
Where ever you go, we will follow
And earn your blessing
One must know how to give back for that gift
Finish your assignment
Future brings us rewards
Most of them go into my pocket
But think well know about who you are
Without me - you are deaf, dumb and blind!
Be strong, the whole world is already changing
Be strong, a gruesome takeover is abut to happen!
I've been planning for a long time with whatever means
And mile by mile, I'm getting closer to the goal
When I become the king
I will be praised by everyone
Because I carry the future and the key
It's no time to joke around now
Be strong!
It's no time to joke around now
Be strong!

Tell me what you miss

Tell me what you miss
And I'll get it for you.
You if you're okay
I'll love you,
What do you miss, tell me
so you can be well
We haven't even started
And the night is ahead.
You're walking around in my head
And in my dreams all of a sudden
What's going on and I need
To see you again.
Something changes when I look at you.
Your eyes are shouting loudly
Between us we live miracles.
Tell me what you miss
And I'll get it for you.
You if you're okay
I'll love you,
What do you miss, tell me
so you can be well
We haven't even started
And the night is ahead (x2)
Something changes in my heart
And I see it all magically
Just the two of us I sign it
It's going to be fun.
Something changes when I look at you.
Your eyes are shouting loudly
Between us we live miracles.
Tell me what you miss
And I'll get it for you.
You if you're okay
I'll love you,
What do you miss, tell me
so you can be well
We haven't even started
And the night is ahead

The tavern

It used to be beautiful, I recall
in those old times,
my tavern
seashore, sorrow and tsikoudia*1,
burdening my heart
with my dream.
And every evening,
Vardis is pondering
with his lute, *2
and with his wine
he is embroidering this whole world in his amanes *3
And Stavros in the furthest corner
for a pair of cherry lips
he's slowly getting drunk,
and the water goes down
when Vardi's lute
erases his pain.
And Myros starts dancing,
the ground is his only enemy
golden palaces
in some wide, wide sea
he remembers, red as fire
his two eyes.
I remember every daybreak,
I was wishing the sun won't come out
in your arms
my dream was a sailboat
me wandering the world
with your kisses.
My steps*4 are heavy,
maybe it was fake
your love
I am asking the passers-by in the alleys
if they ever saw brown eyes
like yours.
How to judge a lifetime
and a morning star
in the ruined tavern
an old dream of mine
has remained.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

- Why don't you sleep with us?
- My Pumbaa is your Pumbaa.
Puppy lion:
-Sleep well
-Sleep well
- See insects in the dream
Don't be afraid, my little one
Oh my little one
Don't be afraid, little one.

Can it really be love

I see it coming
She is the A and O
They will fall in love believe me
Then we are just two oh!
This tender meet
Is like a magic spell
It is so romantic
But the disaster is just beginning
Can it really be love
In the gentle evening breeze
The harmony
Full of deep peacefulness
With everything what we are
How should I explain it to her?
Whether she understands it too?
She wants the truth, the past
Who knows if she will leave too
What does he want to hide?
He is doing it the whole time
Why doesn't he want to be a king
Cause as king he would be free
Can it really be love
In the gentle evening breeze
The Harmony full of deep peacefulness
With everything what we are
Can it really be love
Do you feel it everywhere?
Finally together
In the protection of the darkness
The love woke up
And if he falls in love tonight
Then there won't be a way back
The beautiful time of carefreeness
Is over my friend too bad
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Into your eyes
the sky cradles
when it dreams
in my thoughts
your are the moment
when everything comes back
And just like that....
if you're with me
it becomes life
that life that....
without you
it's an ..'ehhhh'.. day...
you are better
of what I live thru
of this words
a sunrise that's growing at the edges of a better world.
Flower in the jungle, water in the desert
I'm lucky that I can caress you
my golden tiara observed from up close
my milestone in my pathway
salt of life, shadow underneath a mulberry tree
spotlight in the night and me in the open sea
you're my blood that runs thru my veins
the emotional part of every my feeling
You are... better
of what I live
of this words
a sunrise that's growing at the edges of a better world
you are....
and in your eyes
sparkles.... the star light
in my thoughts
the point.... where everything shines
and like that
if you are with me
becomes life...
life that without you it's a 'ehhh' day..
You are... better
of what I live
of this words
a sunrise that's growing at the edges of a better world
you are....
And into your eyes
it cradles.... the sky
when it dreams.

Oboji me

Versions: #2
Ako veruješ u Boga,
onda verj u sebe,
ne daj me đavolima
ako možeš da me vidiš,
kakvo crnilo me pere,
hajde, momogni mi, oboji me,
Oboji plavom, i dodirni me
snagom vetrova,
oboji žutom, nek' zauvek miriše
na jasminov cvet
Oboji me, oboji me
oboji me, i pre svega
Uzmi boje, koje su od scrca
oboji dane, u stare uspomene
U boji sve, što nam živi, oboji me
Oboji me u jednu crnu, belu
malu, dok šetam po oblacima
a nebo, oboji u kišu
koja u svetlo rozoj mi se smeje
Oboji ljubav, i njome
dodirni najslabije
oboji sreću, u jednu
tamno zelenu, koja se ne gasi
Oboji me, oboji me
oboji me, i pre svega
Uzmi boje, koje su od scrca
oboji dane, u stare uspomene
U boji sve, što nam živi, oboji me

The Mandatory Smile

You are beloved and you will be missed
Someone who is hurt says it to you
It was a bad decision
Not wanting to come back to me
I know I will not find it
But I will look for oblivion ..
The separation depresses me
Because you were mine for a long time
You were someone special
But I didn't tell you
I could live without you
When I didn't know you ..
The meeting with friends
It worked without a drink
I never raised my hand
To talk about loneliness
The name of a person
That now causes me to cry
It's called my better half ..
The Mandatory Smile
For photographs
It's not available
Maybe because I'm not doing that well
I promise you guys good face
As in the old days
As soon as I feel good ..
If you don't find happiness
Don't keep experimenting
I didn't want to tell you
But I've been looking for you
I'm still in the same place
Because I'm waiting for you ..
The meeting with friends
It worked without a drink
I never raised my hand
To talk about loneliness
The name of a person
That now causes me to cry
It's called my better half ..
The Mandatory Smile
For photographs
It's not available
Maybe because I'm not doing that well
I promise you guys good face
As in the old days
As soon as I feel good

By closing your eyes

[Verse 1]
I closed my eyes to calm myself
In the moonlight, I like this place
I have to leave right away, I may have understood
I was locked up in my pain
[Verse 2]
In fact, I'm scared
Even at home, that I was sad, every day,
I am filled with love, I had tears in my eyes
I can change the dark colors of my life
Where to swim?
Until when the rain,
Will it finally stop? I do not know
Walk even wet
I am looking for my nest,
In this black city,
I see a huge rainbow
[Verse 3]
Closing your eyes, to slow down
Illuminated by the moon, I must leave
I am so alone, locked up
I am waiting for the weather to clear
Safe in my heart
[Verse 4]
Having to fly, on it's own
Lose my way
I found the light
Where I did not think
Buried in me
The warmth of my hands, motivates me
[Verse 5]
I'm not afraid, even in thunderstorms
Today, every day
Not even afraid in the dark, late
Until the next day
That life allows me to pass with faith
An infinite awakened awakening, the eternal joy
Where to swim?
Until where to run?
Clear my troubles at the river
As I know a sunny place unconsciously
The ice started to melt, slowly
If it starts to rain suddenly
I see a huge rainbow

Be Ready

I know that your ability to remember
Is shit like a bull's ass
But dumb like you are, give attentions (pay attention)
My words are of importance
I can see with your faces
That the lights aren't working
But we're speaking of kings and followers
You can't be thoughtless
Be ready for life's day
Be ready for great ideas
A new time
Is coming to us
And what do we do?
Be quiet and listen
I know it feels bad
But you'll get food
After I get what I deserve
My plans will be the storm
Be ready!
Yeah! Be ready. We'll be ready! For what?
For the king's death
Is he ill?
No, idiot! We'll kill him. And Simba too.
Good idea! We can live without a king!
Without a king, without a king! La la la la la la
Idiots! There will be a king!
But you said...
I'll be king! Follow me and you'll never have hunger!
Hooray, yes! The king will live well!
The king will live well!
It's great that we'll soon be the followers
Of a new king who will be loved
But you know that you must, I hope,
To perform my plans well
The future has many things
I will get more than you will get
I must tell you that
Without me you will get nothing!
Be ready for the year's plot
Be ready for the best plot
Evil planning (We'll have food!)
Dreaming (More food!)
Two things that (Again!)
Will make the king (Food times two!)
Me, loved, awaited, deserved
Respected, needed
I won't miss my one chance
Yes, I will soon be the king and the god
Be ready!
Yes, he will soon be the king and the god
Be ready!
tośé ŋöŋe' ŋëk? can séðe zya kyoyeŕ.
please don't spread any of my conlang translations etc without my consent

Music Box

A dusty box set
and inside a picture
with your first boyfriend
cavalry lieutenant ...
On the hand-embroidered tablecloth
the pretzels with a tea
in your Venetian living room
the 5 - 4 - 23 …
Boat trips
your babysitter, a Chopin nocturne
a kiss on your hand
a camellia
a lapin muff
and deep in your tired eyes you have left
that strokes your white hair
and takes you away…
Jesus, Jesus, you may say,
how funny I was!
You’ll smile, but you’ll feel a lump in your throat:
how beautiful you were
and what are you now?
An old music box
that no longer works…
In the reading room, after lunch,
lying on the sofa
you were reading eagerly a novel
with some phrases a bit risqué …
And on Thursday morning at a concert
with your parents at the “Odeon”
you were very bored
and were already thinking of the Charleston.
Baths at the beach
your horse
and a bamboo parasol
your braids, your dance card
and the cuckoo clock …
Now they have left you alone
now they have ran away
and maybe your picture
comforts you a little …
Jesus, Jesus, you may say,
how foolish I am!
And from your sweater you’ll pull out a handkerchief
and you will wonder
if staying down here on earth is good for something
to an old music box
that no longer works…