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Милион црвених ружа

Ја тако често пишем о љубави, да ће љубав муцајући написати причу о мени.
Направили смо договор са њом.
Истетовирао сам твоје име на левој руци.
И, заправо недеље су летеле
Теби су сви говорили: 'Он новца нема'
Каква љубав, дођавола?
Мишљење твог тате је јаче
Ти лажеш хиљаде пута, бацаш хиљаде фраза,
Онда хиљаде суза, али где си сада ти?
Јака на речима, али падаш на крају акције
Ти си била најбоља, сада си мој страх
Мене заиста, засмејава твоја истина,
Јер си ти у њу јако сигурна,
Само зато што си тако често лагала
Да си сама у то све поверовала.
Волим и мрзим те, и мрзим што те волим
Температура се у мом срцу ближи према нули
Волим и мрзим те, и мрзим што те волим
Милиони, милиони, милиони црвених ружа
Из прозора, из прозора, из прозора видиш ти
Ко је заљубљен, ко је заљубљен, ко је заљубљен и озбиљан,
Свој живот за тебе ће претворити у цвеће
Имаш девет живота, тако да ми врати мој, и остаће ти осам
За све си ти кућна мачка, али опет, и опет ти молиш у госте.
Нема потребе даље измишљати, јер тешко да ће све бити као раније
Да, ја се играм са ватром, али нека боље је тако, него да се скривам у лажи
( О, дођавола)
Откривај своје карте, тамо је срце на пику
Јер ја сам ти само потребан, када имам лове, и кад сам на врху
Милион момената! Пружио сам ти их све! Да заборавим? Нема проблема!
Али ја сам их се сећао и сећам се сваке из исечених и поклоњених ружа
Волим и мрзим те, и мрзим што те волим
Температура се у мом срцу ближи према нули
Волим и мрзим те, и мрзим што те волим
Милиони, милиони, милиони црвених ружа
Из прозора, из прозора, из прозора видиш ти
Ко је заљубљен, ко је заљубљен, ко је заљубљен и озбиљан,
Свој живот за тебе ће претворити у цвеће (х2)
У животу се тако догађа...
Јер сам је ја претворио у цвеће

In the white way

Versions: #2
My white luck and my white life
Why do you hide in the greyness in the night?
I see my vision in your white
And I know the after of the after.
If I had courage to say the 'come here',
Now I wouldn't have the fire in the blood.
If the craziness had a colour, it would be white.
If it had a body, it would be again a lie.
See how the hands are rolling on the wall
Like they are dancing with my silence.
And there I were searching for the lyric
That would explain my quiet life.
I turn the silence into a word
And I give it to anyone who explains to me.
My future will have to select
Which one of my pasts will come back again.
Nothing important.
I live only in the white way...
My white life luck and my white life,
My coloured friends are saying good.
My problem, my overstatement
And everything that is late to send an answer.
If the cause had the courage to stand up,
Now it wouldn't be the fire in the blood.
If the fear had a colour, it would be white.
If it had a body, it would be like me.
If they love you, let them learn how to say it
And if they don't tell, learn how to steal it
And if you wanna see the real things burning down,
You have to stand up to the height of the fire.
And they are sorry for you, because you haven't felt it.
And you are sorry because you knew it first
And because no one had learnt
That for years your silence was a noise.
It's my right to bet for a little things.
It's my right to go pass.
And the place they are saying I have never gone to
I didn't even had the time to forget it.
And to anyone who asks me why I'm always leaving
With this tone of white in the look,
I tell a phrase like I'm evading
With a hope that he would be like me...
Nothing important.
I live only in the white way...
Nothing important.
I live only in the white way...
Nothing important.
I live only in the white way...
Nothing important.
I live only in the white way...

jedan od milion

mislim da mi je trebalo neko vreme da se izgubim
trebalo mi je malo dusevnog mira
nesto dusevnog mira da bih ostao
zato sam tumarao dole do seste ulice i Los Andjelesa, 90610
mozda medjugradski autobus ide u mom pravcu
policija i crnci, tako je
sklonite mi se s puta
ne treba da kupim nista od vasih
zlatnih okova danas
ne trebaju mi nikakve lisice za ruke
da mi stegnete za ledjima
treba mi samo moja karta, do tada
hocete li malo da me zaobidjete ?
ti si jedan od milion
aha, to je ono sto si
ti si jedan od milion, duso
ti si zvezda padalica
mozda cemo te jednog dana videti
pre nego sto nas rasplaces
znas da smo pokusali da te dosegnemo
ali bio si previsoko
previsoko, previsoko,
previsoko, da, ou !
imigranti i koji pozajmljuju cigare
nemaju smisao za mene
dosli su u nasu zemlju
i misle da ce moci da rade sta hoce
kao pocetak nekog malog irana,
ili sirenje neke jebene zaraze
oni govore na tako mnogo prokletih nacina
sve je to grcki za mene
pa, neki kazu da sam lenj
a drugi kazu da sam jednostavno takav
neki kazu da sam lud
mislim da sam oduvek bio
ali proslo je mnogo vremena
otkad sam znao da razlikujem ispravno od pogresnog
sve su to sredstva koja vode kraju, ja
ja nastavljam dalje
ti si jedan od milion
oo, ti si zvezda padalica
ti si jedan od milion, duso
znas da jesi
mozda cemo te jednog dana videti, oo
oh, pre nego sto nas rasplaces
znas da smo pokusali da te dostignemo
ali bio si previsoko
previsoko, oo, previsoko
previsoko, huh,no,no,oh
ou !
radikali i rasisti
ne upirite prstom u mene
ja sam beli decko iz malog grada
samo pokusajte da se ne vidjamo
ne treba mi vasa religija
ne gledam previse televiziju
samo vodim svoj zivot, duso
pa, to mi je dovoljno
jedan si od milion
da to si ti
jedan u milion, duso
ti si zvezda padalica
mozda te jednom vidimo
pre nego nas rasplaces
znas da smo pokusali da te dosegnemo
ali bio si previsoko
previsoko, ou, previsoko,
previsoko, previsoko
aha, da,da,da !
ou ! previsoko
oh, previsoko, ah
previsoko,ou, previsoko

With love or without love

Only four words in Spanish are needed: con amor o sin amor,
everybody knows that one can do it too, con amor o sin amor.
You're almost always right,
because the sentence, and that's important,
Definitively fits in every year, year in, year out.
Does that feel very Spanish to you,
it is easier to live with love
or without love, and this you too try out now..
Whether in good or bad, with love or without love,
somehow you have to read it, with love or without love.
Either way, what's right is
that you live, only that is important,
because you only live life once.
Either way, what's right is
that you live, only that is important
because you only live life once.
You have sorrows, you have worries, with love or without love.
Every night has a morning, with love or without love... Bravo!
Black or white, you may turn it,
as you wish, so will it end,
as it must, and you can do [only] a little about it.
Black or white, you may turn it,
as you wish, so will it end,
as it must, and you can do [only] a little about it.
Only four words in Spanish are needed: con amor o sin amor,
everybody knows that one can do it too, con amor o sin amor.
You're almost always right,
because the sentence, and that's important,
suits well in any case every year, year in, year out.
Does that feel very Spanish to you,
it is easier to live with love
or without love, and this you too try out now.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, with love or without love...
Let's see... Let's see... With love or without love...
Oh, very well, ver wel... Now in Spanish...
Let's see... With love or without love...
Oh, bravo... Bravo... With love or without love...
Ohhh! Very well...!

Conversation prior to a possible transformation of Julio

Julio: I'm completely sick of working in an office.
Another: What you're gonna do? I'd like to know. What you're gonna do? What you're gonna do?
J: I think of becoming a craftsman, a craftsman.
A: And what kind of craftsman will you be?
J: I'm gonna make bracelets. And don't criticize me.
My mother believes that craftsmen are a bunch of lazies without exception.
A: That's what they are. Your mother is right.
J: You're wrong from A to Z. What happens is that the craftsman works with another freedom.
A: Which?
J: He doesn't have the obligation of getting up everyday at the same hour,
and facing the same papers like the office worker.
A: But hey, tell me one thing. Is perhaps
the only choice to be a craftsman or to be an office worker?
J: For who needs, for who requires to work,
I swear that I can't think, I can't imagine another option?
A: But tell me another thing. These trousers that you wear
weren't made perhaps on the basis of work?
J: Of course. Why? Of course. Why?
A: Is the one who made them perhaps an office worker?
J: No, of course not. No, I know they're not.
A: Don't go tell me that they were made by a craftsman.
J: No, no, they were not made by a craftsman.
A: Well tell me who, tell me who made them.
J: I don't know. How do you want me to know it?
A: And those shoes you wear. Were made by a craftsman?
J: No, there wasn't such craftsman.
A: Was perhaps an office worker the one who made them?
J: No. I swear not. I swear for God that no. They weren't made in an office.
A: Then, where. Tell me where.
J: I'm not a guesser. I'm not a guesser.
A: My X-ray vision shows me that you have in the stomach
a significant quantity of ex-sweet cookies.
J: Yes, so what?
A: Were these perhaps made by a craftsman?
J: No, they weren't. I have to recognize that no, they weren't.
A: Don't go tell me that an office worker was the creator.
J: I won't tell you, because if I do it, I'd stray from being right. Right?
A: Then who made them?
J: I don't know, Tell me you. Tell me you who made them?
A: I don't know either.
J: I don't know either.
A: I don't know.
J: Me neither.
A: I don't know.
J: I don't know.
Both: I don't know.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


I often think of Charly,
On the street I
found him, near his end,
Oh, Charly.
Separated from the others,
freezing in the rain
and so helpless, Little Charly.
With broken wings,
he lay lonely at the bottom of the little one,
I picked it up
Oh, Charly.
Took him in my hands,
which gave the bird
hope and warmth,
Little Charly.
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
I carried him home,
he recovered soon,
flew around the room,
Oh, Charly.
One day he flew,
unsure in his freedom
on towards heaven,
Little Charly.
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
I often think of Charly,
On the street I
found him, near his end,
Oh, Charly.
One day he flew,
stop in freedom
on to heaven,
little Charly.
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...
Now he is happy,
because I have given him him back the life
everyone loves
Oh Charly ...

The Highway

The rain is falling and it is night, on the long highway
How long is [the] way, only me and nothing else
Kilometers passing by, thinking of her
What a night, what silence, she knew
that I am running, thinking of her.
The cars on the road, always passing by
The noise of trucks, getting lowder
There are no people on that street, it is raining
The night is darker, I am suffering,
I am running, thinking of her.
I continue on that highway without having you,
without knowing if one day I'll find you,
I will go faster.
The bars at that hour, are closing
The lovers' motels still waiting
A train crosses the road, it is slow
While my thoughts run quickly [inside my head]
thinking of her, thinking of her.
I continue on that highway without having you,
without knowing if one day I'll find you,
I will go faster.
Thinking, imagining, the suffering increases
I skid on a curve,
the brake heats
The need indicates 170 [kph].
I continue on that highway without having you,
without knowing if one day I'll find you,
I will go faster.
The rain is falling and the night seems eternal,
Jealousy drives me crazy thinking of her
Lost in uncertainty and in the mist
I don't see that I'm almost without gas.
The rain is falling and it is night, on the long highway
I don't even feel the silence, of the dawn
The rain is falling and it is night, on the long highway
I don't know if she's waiting, I don't know anything more.
The rain is falling and it is night, on the long highway
What a night, only me nothing else.

Lagoon of Love

Blue sea and white sand
like a photo out of a dream
And my boat rides along the beach
You are there
In the faraway loneliness
lives the happiness we can trust
This wonderful time
comes only once, comes only once,
On the lagoon of love
Lovers play in the sunshine
We enjoy this happiness alone
Softly sings the sea
Life can be so beautiful
On the lagoon of love
The wind sings softly in your hair
One day makes all wonders come true
Our world is lost
The lagoon of love
The wind sings softly in your hair
One day makes all wonders come true
Our world is lost
The lagoon of love
And we lay for hours
Said neither us two not even a word
And where the red sun
sank in the sea
Blue night and red wine
Don't leave my heart
Hold me tight, I am alone
But stay with me, but stay with me
On the lagoon of love
Lovers play in the sunshine
We enjoy this happiness alone
Softly sings the sea
Life can be so beautiful
On the lagoon of love
The wind sings softly in your hair
One day makes all wonders come true
Our world is lost
The lagoon of love
The wind sings softly in your hair
One day makes all wonders come true
Our world is lost
The lagoon of love
True love knows the way
to the lagoon and to happiness
Whenever you think of me
your heart returns to it
On the lagoon of love
Lovers play in the sunshine
We enjoy this happiness alone
Softly sings the sea
Life can be so beautiful
On the lagoon of love
The wind sings softly in your hair

Angel of the Night

Evenings, when you are alone
When times doesn't pass by
When you are ill with longing
For no one understands you.
When you'll awaken in the darkness
And feel yourself lost
Close your eyes and call me
Feel in you, how I come.
As an angel of the night
I am invisible there
I give you my all
Dream and cry with you
Until the day awakens.
And I am no near to you
I lay my hand on your hair
And whatever you may encounter
I guard your sleep
As an angel of the night.
You are unlike the others
No one has seen through you
And also those who loved you
Only know your skin.
Is love true?
Or is it just an illusion?
Close your eyes and call me
Feel in you, how I come.
As an angel of the night
I am invisible there
I give you my all
Dream and cry with you
Until the day awakens.
And I am no near to you
I lay my hand on your hair
And whatever you may encounter
I guard your sleep
As an angel of the night.
I do not know your name
But I know who you are
I haven't found you completely
I've always missed you.
And also where you always may be
I will wait for you already
Close your eyes and call me
Feel in you, how I come.
As an angel of the night
I am invisible there
I give you my all
Dream and cry with you
Until the day awakens.
And I am no near to you
I lay my hand on your hair
And whatever you may encounter
I guard your sleep
As an angel of the night.

Tears No One Sees

You loved him
And thought he was
the only one.
Today you must cry,
Because he's leaving you.
Does your heart know where
The dark clouds pass
Over your life?
You gave so much,
Nothing gave he in return.
Tears no one sees,
Are your secret,
Whenever you are alone
And the day escapes.
Tears no one sees,
Will be over,
And you will be free
For a new happiness.
Evenings you lay awake,
Think about many things at night.
Your beautiful eyes
no one should allow,
To be so sad.
Tears no one sees,
Are your secret,
Whenever you are alone
And the day escapes.
Tears no one sees,
Will be over,
And you will be free
For a new happiness.
Tears no one sees,
Will be over,
And you will be free
For a new happiness!

Far Away from You

I see the highway pass by, I see you
The curves make me dream, I kiss you
Far away from you
Wait for me, I want you together with me.
I pass along the seashore, we play
I turn on the radio to play, we dance
Far away from you
Wait for me, I want you together with me.
The rain leaves me again crying.
I step on the accelerator flying.
A green light tells me: Go
Not even one sigh tells me: Exit
Far away from you
Wait for me, I want you together with me.
A green light tells me: Go
Not even one sigh tells me: Exit
Far away from you
Wait for me, I want you together with me.

No advice

Waking up in the morning, breakfast with cereals
To keep ouselves beautiful, think, in good shape, unlike pigs
I look at myself in the mirror and I convince myself I'm really strong
I get dressed and run outside, today doors will open wide
But you all
Don't break the eggs in my basket
Don't steal the rabbit from my top hat
Don't try giving me good advice
Or I'll yawn
I feel this is the right day, the right one to rock
I'd conquer anyone, my smile is really sunny
But there's always someone putting a stick in your plans
There's always someone who doesn't make me feel a lion
But come on, come on
Oh no...
Don't break the eggs in my basket1
Don't steal the rabbit from my top hat
Don't try giving me good advice
Or I'll yawn
Don't break the eggs in my basket
Don't steal the rabbit from my top hat
Don't try giving me good advice
Or I'll yawn
I'm going to do everything my way, and I am going to give advice
Let me let off steam or I am going to defend myself
I can hit very hard, I've got a punch that's a brick
And the usual asshole will stay away from me
Don't break the eggs in my basket, guys
And don't steal the rabbit from my top hat
Don't try giving me good advice
Or I'll yawn
Don't break the eggs in my basket
Don't steal the rabbit from my top hat
Don't try giving me good advice
Or I'll yawn
What did you think?
That this was enough
To upset my plans?
No! I'm the warrior, fuck
I'm the champion
We're the champions, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Don't break the eggs in my basket
Don't steal the rabbit from my top hat
Don't try giving me good advice
Or I'll yawn
Or I'll yawn
Don't even try, guys
  • 1. I chose to translate this idiom literally. It means 'don't upset my plans', as well as the one in the line below.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Good Day, Argentina

Good day, Argentina,
it was long, my way to you,
though now I wave the sombrero,
good day, I am here!
Good day, Buenos Aires,
when the red sun glows
it whistles [to me] in the distance, from 'La Plata',
and it sings with me a song:
Good day, Argentina,
Good day, you foreign land,
good day, Argentina,
come we shake hands.
Good day, Argentina,
my melody is named so
and it should unite us two
with the harmony's band.
Good day to her guitars,
when the evening goes down,
they should tell me lightly
how the song of the Pampas rings.
Good day, miss,
and when you are then with me,
time will seems to you as if a dream,
because you never more [will] forget.
Good day, Argentina,
Good day, you foreign land,
good day, Argentina,
come we shake hands.
Good day, Argentina,
my melody is named so
and it should unite us two
with the harmony's band.

We are one

On your way to growth,
There must be a lot of things you don't understand.
The only thing we know,
Things always happen unexpectedly.
But every day you need to face bravely,
Even if your dream becomes blank.
We are full of pride and anticipation around you.
We are part of each other.
(We are family. We are family. We are family.)
Young Kiara:
I understand nobody is perfect,
I wish I could keep being myself,
following my heart,
Maybe I'm just one of the plans.
Those who left us,
They are still with us,
Your journey has only begun.
Sometime it tastes the bitters or sweets,
It cannot hurt my pride,
From the bottom of my heart, we are one.
(We are one. We are family. We are family.)
We are one,
Like the world cannot be separated,
We are the family under the sun.
Let the wisdom lead you to go,
And being with your courage,
You will understand that we are one.
Narrator: Simba
As long as you live here,
You are who you are.
You will understand in the future.
(Being more understanding me.)
(Being more understanding me.)
(Being more understanding me.)

A longer road leads to the end

I come to you from afar,
look for the stars at home,
and you have not forgotten me,
so give me your hand Cariño.
Tell me please: 'I forgive you'.
In dreams I was always near you,
and you have not forgotten me,
so give me your hand Cariño.
The journey is over now,
and I give you my hands,
No longer do I want to say goodbye
it breaks every love.
How could I only walk away from you,
I will never again understand it.
And you have not forgotten me,
so forgive me Cariño.
The journey is over now,
and I give you my hands,
No longer do I want to say goodbye
it breaks every love.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
I come to you from afar,
look for the stars at home,
and you have not forgotten me,
so give me your hand Cariño.
The journey is over now,
and I give you my hands,
No longer do I want to say goodbye
it breaks every love.
The journey is over now,
and I give you my hands,
No longer do I want to say goodbye
it breaks every love.

At times letters arrive

At times letters arrive
With a biter flavor
With a flavor of tears
At times letters arrive full of thorns that are not romatic
They're letters that tell us that in being far [from each other], everything is different
They're letter that say of how in that [far] distance all the love died
At times letters arrive that hurt us
They hurt us in the soul
At times letters arrive with the flavor of glory full of hope
At times letters arrive with the flavor of roses
These are fantastic
They're letters that ask us to come back soon
That they want to see us
They're letters that tell us that there are no [long] distances to travel
At times letters arrive that give us more life, that bring us calm
They're letters that ask us to come back soon
That they want to see us
They're letters that tell us that there are no [long] distances to travel
At times letters arrive that give us more life, that bring us calm

That's how we were born

With shut eyes
With shut eyes
As if already knowing we're going to see a horrible world
With the cry in the lips
With the cry in the lips
As if lamenting having arrived in a land that isn't good
That's how we were born, that's how we were born
That's how we were born, me, us
In short, everyone
That's how we were born, that's how we were born
That's how we were born, me, us
In short, everyone
With clenched hands
With clenched hands
As if prepared to give hard blows
To die or to conquer
With the face wrinkled
With the face wrinkled
As if an omen of the old age that we will see
That's how we were born, that's how we were born
That's how we were born, me, us
In short, everyone
That's how we were born, that's how we were born
That's how we were born, me, us
In short, everyone
Tied to a body
Tied to a body
So that we may know that man cannot run away when he wants
Seeking and finding
Seeking and finding
The milk of a chest
With hunger, with worries,
With thirst, and with faith
That's how we were born, that's how we were born
That's how we were born, me, us
In short, everyone (5x)

We are

Versions: #2
We are a dream in night that never ends
We are the light of the day that ends too early
We are the drop of dew that moistens the day
A symphony that is never ever played
We are two glasses of wine that is drunk to life
We are those who know the farewell of a parting
We are a silly excuse of a break-up
We are the sweet poesy of a song
We are the eternal search of the two in love
We are sadness and joy that always bewitch each other
We are a great secret that life unveils
So rich, so poor, that what love gives us is too much
We are the autumn leaves carried by the wind
We are the endless hope that never surrenders
We are a silly excuse of a break-up
We are a sweet bitterness of an illusion
We are a silly excuse of a break-up
We are a sweet bitterness of an illusion
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.


kerber, vrela koza na tvojim ledjima
taj dimni barut koji
jases njegovim paklom , vezan
i jedini si kojeg zahtevaju
spustajuci se u plamenove
tvoje paklene zaprege , pakleni
pakleni, djavolje pakleno dete
pakleni, nikada necemo umreti
dakle dete, znojis se i okamenjujes
taj alkohol koji konzumiras cini te ludim
cele noci, proklinjes patnju i bol
i pijes djavolju kisu
koja vristeci doziva tvoje ime
pakleni, djavolje pakleno dete
pakleni, nikada necemo umreti
bog kojem se klanjas je celicni
klecis kraj rokenrol oltara
rob koji zauvek roka
u okovima djavoljjih katanaca
i zaklan krvavom sekirom , vristim
pakleni, djavolje pakleno dete
pakleni, nikada necemo umreti

Millions Of Scarlet Roses

Versions: #4
Once there an artist had been, canvases he had and house,
But one actress he loved who liked flowers
And then his house he sold, sold canvases and the home,
And sea of flowers he bought.
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the the window from the window from the window you can see
Who's in love who's in love who's in love seriously
Turned his life to flowers for thee.
At dawn you stand by window, maybe insane,
The square is filled with flowers as if dreaming,
Soul chills, what did this rich man
Poor artist stands barely breathing.
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the the window from the window from the window you can see
Who's in love who's in love who's in love seriously
Turned his life to flowers for thee.
The meeting had been quite brief, train in the night carried her,
But in her life there had been a crazy song of the roses.
The artist spent life alone, he suffered many sorrows,
But in his life there had been a square full of flowers.
Millions, millions, millions of scarlet roses
From the the window from the window from the window you can see
Who's in love who's in love who's in love seriously
Turned his life to flowers for thee.


Your name is Gwendolyne
And so is my dream's
Because beautiful thoughts
pull at me still
The voice is there
I ask if you'll remain
And you say yes
Indeed, this is all a dream
amidst the immense sea
Song of green waves
now is so sorrowful
The beautiful white ships,
that travel toward you
They then carry you here to me
O yes these are the flowers
that then wither
But my love will be none other
My song of reminiscences
Such is time
She still rings in me
Mmm mmm, mmmm
la la la la la la, la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la la
The name Gwendolyne
My love, Gwendolyn
Me singing always
Singing always only of you
O come again Gwendolyne
O come again here to me
This would be all of my dreams
Iai iai iai, Gwendolyne
mmm mmmm, mmm mmm
mmm mmm, mmmmm
The waves, the noise
The sea, the sea sings
the name Gwendolyne.

Two friends

(Zezé Di Camargo)
Friend, I came here to talk to you
to talk to you about my life
I know that you are going to help me
I look for a friendly shoulder to (be able to) cry.
Friend, I am in the hands of a woman.
You know how it is, that passion story.
I need a helpful arm, someone to lead me.
And a real friend can't be met there.
And it is to find that friend, that I am here.
And it is to find that friend, that I am here.
(Julio Iglesias)
Friend, I am bad too.
It seems the same movie : all is the same.
The same that happens to you.
I am also living for living, (only for that).
Friend, I also look for an issue :
A light for my life, a way to follow.
I feel like a bird without wings to fly,
Or rivers becoming a stream looking for the sea.
And as good friends, we meet.
And as such good friends, we meet.
We are two passionates,
Sharing the same pain,
Twin souls condemned to die because such a love,
Two friends looking for finding happiness.
I and you,
You and I,
Taken in the same longing.
I and you,
You and I,
Taken in the same longing.
Friend, I am in the hands of a woman.
You know how it is, that passion story.
I need a helpful arm, someone to lead me,
And a real friend can't be met there.
And it is to find that friend, that I am here.
And it is to find that friend, that I am here.
We are two passionates,
Sharing the same pain,
Twin souls condemned to die because such a love,
Two friends looking for finding happiness.
I and you,
You and I,
Taken in the same longing.

I woke up in your arms

I woke up again in your arms
And I woke up crying of happiness
I covered my lips while kissing you
In order to continue loving you
All my life
And I will love you
A thousand ways
To feel your pleasure without limit
To love you as if it were the first time
Leaving your whole soul
Afterwards upon awakening
The desire returned
Wanting to confess a secret
We seal our turns with a kiss
And like that we fly around the whole world
When the night came
The brilliance of our eyes
Illuminated a cloud
Love of my life
In me I felt beloved
and adored like never before
Again we feel so much desire
Wanting to confess a secret
We seal our turns with a kiss
And like that we fly around the whole world
And like that we fly around the whole world
Again it has dawned
There you were
Feeling the loneliness
Another disappointment has been created
Sometimes memories are everything and nothing
Sometimes memories are everything and nothing

Live your life

Let me speak to you a bit
I know that you will listen to me
I've been born more than a thousand times
And do not wish to die anymore
I've escaped many wars
I'm tired of crying
And now that I've returned
I want to live more
Some are born with everything
For others, there is almost nothing
The destiny's the same
We're born, we live
Beginning and end (buddy)
Buddy, you have to live your life
Because times flies without stopping
Enjoy everything now
That from this one to the other, nothing you will take (buddy)
There are friends that are loyal
Some come and others go
This life is a game
It is a wheel that never stops (buddy)
Lift up your head, and don't be afraid
For whoever criticizes you, does not look in the mirror
Search for happiness and be quite strong
Don't look behind
Buddy, live this life
Buddy, stop thinking
And do your will
Buddy, live
Live until the end
Buddy, you have to live your life
Because times flies without stopping
Enjoy everything now
That from this one to the other, nothing you will take (buddy)

I am a pirate, I am a gentleman

At times I'm a bastard and at times a good one
sometimes I do not even know who I am
I relish anything prohibited
but I also like the simple things, I live live
I've had many women who've understood me
and others who in bad faith hurt me
but the moment has arrived just for me
to say how I am, how I feel
I'll tell you
I imprison the soul or the heart
I am a pirate and a gentleman
More self-love than modesty
I'll tell you
I love the moon and I love the sun
I am a pirate and a gentleman
An expert in love
There are those who now tell me how I am nicer
Forgiving now even if I used to condemn
I am eager whenever I go on dates
but I know the difference between a fling and true love
I am eager whenever I go on dates
but I know the difference between a fling and true love
I'll tell you
I imprison the soul or the heart
I am a pirate and a gentleman
More self-love than modesty
I'll tell you
I love the moon and I love the sun
I am a pirate and a gentleman
An expert in love
I'll tell you
I imprison the soul or the heart
I am a pirate and a gentleman
More self-love than modesty


Whenever at night I want love,
there's only one woman I can
think of: Manuela
Yours is a world where
innocence never entered, Manuela.
You never say anything,
hate the wind and the sun
That is how Manuela is.
Eyes big like the sea,
To take or to leave:
this is her, Manuela.
And whenever I'm on a date,
I never think about anything else
because she, Manuela,
is a part of infinity
perhaps only I have understood
the importance of her kisses
and the immense love
that she gives me, Manuela.
Such is my adventure:
A game from the beginning,
now it's her turn, Manuela.
I only live, only think,
only know I exist
because I have her, Manuela.
And whenever I'm on a date,
I never think about anything else
because she, Manuela,
is a part of infinity
because only I have understood
the importance of her kisses
and the immense love
that she gives me, Manuela.
She is a part of infinity
because only I have understood
the importance of her kisses
and the immense love
that she gives me, Manuela.

Kepler's Laws

Hi, Giulia... I'm not coming to the astronomy test today. I didn't manage to study anything yesterday. Goffredo left me! I don't know why, but he left me!
Baby, you don't need to worry,
If you haven't had the time to study,
You've got an astronomy test,
But, with your heart, you'd rather go away.
Oh baby, really, don't make it a mystery,
You fell in love and forgot
To study Kepler's laws!
Don't worry, baby! We'll take care of it for you.
The first law says that the orbit traced by a planet around the sun is really elliptical
And the Sun shines, right in one of the two focuses situated over the plan of the eclipse.
Oh baby baby, don't sigh,
If you remembered more of a circular movement,
Since for the Earth the eccentricity is 0.017,
It's really small.
Like you, baby.
The second law states that the vector radius from the center of the Sun to the orbiting planet,
Moving at the same space and time, different regions but of constant area.
The second law has numerous corollaries as interesting consequences,
Where you can see that orbital velocities aren't constant for planets.
Oh baby baby, at the perihelion
The Earth travels faster than at the aphelion.
And now that you know you'll get the passing mark,
Don't stop, the third one must be studied, too.
The third law says that you have to take the squares of the periods the planets orbit
And there's a law tying T squared to the cubed semi-axis, the greatest one of every orbit
Oh baby baby, you can hand the test,
But you must never forget to study anymore,
Since we don't have a song suitable for every single subject of astronomical geography!
Hi Giulia! I'm coming, keep my seat! I've learned everything thanks to the Italian Teacher Substitutes! Besides, let's face it, Goffredo, what a ****** name!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

How I Wish You Were Here

Versions: #2
How I wish you were here
But the city is so sad
And you're on the other side
All these houses are so ugly
Oh, how I wish you were here
Oh, how I wish you were here
How I wish you were here
But the city is so big
And you're on the other side
All these houses are so ugly
Oh, how I wish
Oh, how I wish
Oh, how I wish you were here
From Zum Reporter1 Klara smiles at me
I pull out my little friend, yank on it savagely
And again it's nice for five minutes
Oh, how I wish
Oh, how I wish
Oh, how I wish you were here
Oh, how I wish you were here
But the city is so big
And you're on the other side
All these houses are so ugly
Oh, how I wish you were here
Oh, how I wish you were here
Oh, how I wish you were here
  • 1. a Yugoslav erotic magazine in the 1980s

The only thirteen verses sonnet and the reason thereof

All these new words, they give me the run-around.
In dictionaries1 they are nowhere to be found
And I often find myself staring in wonder
at those, which seem to defy natural order:
Beowulfrid, benzinoscope, extralongshore,
chattycacious, loudbraymaniac, tomcatize,
spinotron, cheesophage, roalddahlize,
whatsworthoid, taylorous, what is all that for?
But among them is a word impronounceable.
Under a rough sound, its meanig delectable,
it is the word: oulichnblkrtssfrllnns.
I was wrong to call upon it for a sonnet
for I can't find a rhyme for frllnns.
  • 1. The illustrated Larousse is a popular French dictionary
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

The cold sweat

Moralito, recall that day
when you were in Urumita
and you didn’t want to play on the party.
You left at the daybreak.
It must have been because of the same rage.
You left at the daybreak.
It must have been because of the same rage.
When I play the accordion my notes are extensive,
nobody needs to correct me.
When I play the accordion my notes are extensive,
nobody needs to correct me
to let me play with Lorenzo
tomorrow on Saturday,
the day of the Virgin Mary.
…to let me play with Lorenzo
tomorrow on Saturday,
the day of the Virgin Mary.
He’ll defeat me or I’ll defeat him,
so that this annoying case ends.
He’ll defeat me or I’ll defeat him
so that this annoying case ends.
Oh! Morales, you won’t defeat me,
‘cause I don’t feel like giving in.
Moralito, you won’t defeat me,
‘cause I don’t feel like giving in.
What kind of arts, what kind of arts could
a Yumecan dumb like Lorenzo Morales present?
What kind of arts could
the one who was born in the cactus desert present?1
What kind of arts could
the one who was born in the cactus desert present?
Ay, ya yay!
Ay, ya yay!
Morales curses my mommy
just to offend me.
Morales curses my mommy
just to offend me.
To offend him too,
I curse his mommy.
To offend him too,
I curse his mommy.
He’ll defeat me or I’ll defeat him,
so that this annoying case ends.
He’ll defeat me or I’ll defeat him
so that this annoying case ends.
Oh! Morales, you won’t defeat me,
‘cause I don’t feel like giving in.
Moralito, you won’t defeat me,
‘cause I don’t feel like giving in.
Moralito, Moralito believed that he,
that he, yes, he, that he could win
and when he heard me playing
he shed the cold sweat.
…and when he heard me playing
he shed the cold sweat.
He shed the cold sweat,
it all went wrong for him.
After all, he deserved it
and it all went wrong for him.
Listen, Morales, you wont defeat me,
‘cause you won’t, Morales.
No one will defeat me, no one...
  • 1. Or: “…was born in the middle of nowhere…”.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Love is fragile

Setbacks in love
Setbacks in love
It's neither the rain, nor the beautiful weather
Neither joy, or sorrow
It's never really
The image of happiness
But these words return so often
That I know them by heart
A fling
That isn't true love
It's a simple game
Great, true love
You must hold onto it
Yet it's so fragile
Love is fragile
Whenever you are in love
For a yes, for a no
That might last one day or two
It's never too long
Without the shadow of remorse
Without the shadow of regret
The air around you can change
It's already over!
A fling
That isn't true love
It's a simple game
Great, true love
You must hold onto it
Yet it's so fragile


And now let's review once more the most important rules of trigonometry, starting from the relation that ties the function-
Alright, thanks bro, listen up to this poetic meter,
Unit circle rap.
Round as the groove, soul rolling box
And the rule it follows, mate, is shiny gold:
On the horizontal axis you can carve the cosine,
Y axis, instead, is there to burn-mark the sine.
And the ABC triangle is right, so
With the Pythagorean Theorem you get straight
Squared sine plus
Squared cosine, you
Already know it's one,
It's always one
It fixes in your head, like the taste of Fiesta!
If the problem is messed up, kind of Edgar Allan Poe,
Acute-angled triangle, beware the qui pro quo.
Here Pythagoras isn't valid, stand up all for the show:
Fourth rhyme, poker of aces, Carnot Theorem
(Also known as Cosine Theorem)
If you know two sides and the angle between them,
C squared equals, a bit of an unexpected result,
A squared plus B squared
Minus the double of the product of A times B times cosine of X!
Squared sine plus
Squared cosine, you
Already know it's one,
It's always one
It fixes in your head, like the taste of Fiesta!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.