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Somos Um

New things you will see
But you're going to say afterwards
'I didn't notice'
In your young heart
You live in confusion
I've already noticed
You will survive
Because you're going to have support
The obstacles we will overcome
I will be by your side
And i will be so proud
And the strength lies
In us being one
We are one
We are one
Always One
As the daughter of a king was i born
My fate i have seen
But who am i?
Trust in my heart
Search for peace and for the reason
Why i am myself.
Daughter, you will grow up
You will go through bad times
Searching for peace and for truth.
There are always solutions
In the worst situations.
We've got strength
Because we are one.
We are one
We are one
Always One
We are one
You and I
As the earth and the sky
The sun brings happiness
This kingdom belongs to me today
And one day will it belong to you
And the strength lies
In us being one.
As long as you live here
It will be like that
You are going to understand it someday.

The fisherman

Why don't you want me
my lady
because I'm a fisherman?
I'm a bit of a troublemaker
as a fisherman and boater is
And you dare to think
that you won't be well off with me
I have a small boat
with oars and a sail
and I fish every night
alone with the fishing line
And I sell the fish I catch
in the market
And if I walk barefoot
don't look at me and laugh
I know how to look after
the woman that I'll have
And to cater to her happiness
no matter if I'm a fisherman

The news of the day

A female salamander throws
Her salamander man out
She now has another
That she closes in her arms
I also saw two camels
That themselves laughed a little
Not with the air of inside
But with the filled water
The waterbuckles felt again
A little bit wet
The rhinoceros is cold
And his handkerchief is lost
These are the news of the day
I have been very loyal for years
Of every grouch,laugh's grey
An honest report
In the news of the day
The zebras have reported
Once again a stripe
The moles are goind to say so
Deep below that
The leopard is actually there
Not lazy nor a horse
The slugs that caught a cold,shouted
Oh,I was just hairy
The hedgehog is today
Again extremely irritable
The fox loses its regions
Or is it sometimes its hair?
These are the news of the day
I have been very loyal for years
Of every grouch,laugh's grey
An honest report
In the news of the day


Versions: #2
Isolina tonight you are
Inside your bed, to whom will you think of?
Your people now eat and do not mind if you run from me
That I wait
Isolina you want to tell me why
You don't spend your summer with me?
Your people now sing and someone, somehow will love it
On the grass
Isolina leaves the pain
It is not life, the life you live
On your body you wear the colors
the colors that never mourn
Isolina, in your eyes you have
Skies that I have never seen
Your people are drunk and the penis is tired
Inside the wine
Isolina I know what you desire
With the most beautiful dreams you have
Your people are now sleeping and even the fire
Will fly
In the wind

Nisam Razumeo

Mislio sam da ces traziti da zavolis, sledeceg koji stoji u liniji
Da ga onda ignorises, odlozis i ostavis
Svakako bi me uskoro ostavila samog, kako i zasluzujem
Veceras, sutra, i svakog dana
Ovde nema nicega sto ce ti nedostajati
Mogu da ti garantujem da je ovo samo oblak dima
Koji pokusava da okupira prostor
Kakva jebena sala
Kakva jebena sala
Cekao sam autobus da nas oboje rastavi
I da me odvede, daleko od tebe
Jer moja osecanja se ni malo nisu promenila
Uvek se osecam kao govno
I ne znam zasto, pretpostavljam da je to tako
Jednom si mi pricala o ljubavi
I slikala si slike nedodjije
I ja sam mogao da odem na to mesto
Ali nisam razumeo
Nisam razumeo
Nisam razumeo.
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Igla U Senu

Tvoja saka je na njegovoj ruci
Plast sena oko tvog vrata
Odvaljen i tanak
Zoves prijatelja pokusavajuci da unovcis neki cek
On se pravi glup
Sta si drugo mogao i da ocekujes
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
On nosi tvoju odecu
Glava spustena do prstiju je tebi reakcija
Ti kazes da znas sta je uradio
Ali idiote jedan
Ti nemas pojma
Ponekada ih tvoje oko uhvati
Ti ga provlacis
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
Sada u autobusu
Skoro dodirujem ovo prljavo skloniste
6.-ta ''Powell'', mrtav znoj u mojim zubima
Setacu, setacu, setacu
Jos cetiri bloka plus onaj u mom mozgu
Dole niz stepeniste do coveka
On ce uciniti da sve bude ok
Ja ne mogu biti svoj
Ja ne mogu biti svoj i ne zelim da pricam
Uzimam lek tako da bih bio tih kad god to pozelim
Tako da me ostavi na miru
Trebalo bi da budes ponosna sto dobijam dobre tragove
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
Igla u senu
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Svakome Je Stalo, Svako Razume

Svakome je stalo, svako razume
Da, svakome je stalo do tebe
Da, i bez obzira zeleo ti to ili ne
To je hemijska veza koja te sutira u glavu
Do ciste sinteticke simpatije koja te totalno razjaruje
I tiha laz zbog koje zelis da vristis i vices
I tako da, ja ovde lezim i sanjam, gledajuci u brilijantno sunce
Dok kisa pljusti i vodi svetlost ka svima
Mozes da se naslonis na banister da bi se za trenutak odmorio
Nakon trcanja uz stepenice iznova i iznova
Odakle god da su dosli da te odrade,
Ali te uvek najbolja gradska roba prati iza ledja
Imas prelepu viziju u svojoj glavi
Olovku punu otrovnog olova
I bolesni osmeh koji je ilegalan u svakom gradu
I tako da, ja ovde lezim i sanjam, gledajuci u brilijantno sunce
Dok kisa pljusti i vodi svetlost ka svima
I tako da, ja ovde lezim i sanjam, gledajuci u brilijantno sunce
Dok kisa pljusti i vodi svetlost ka svima
Ti kazes da mi mislis dobro, ali ti ne znas sta mislis
Jebeno se drzi podalje od stvari o kojima nemas pojma.
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Reci Da

Ja sam zaljubljen u svet kroz oci devojke
Koja je jos uvek tu narednog jutra
Raskinuli smo pre mesec dana, i ja sam odrastao - i nisam znao
Da cu jos uvek biti tu narednog jutra
Uvek je bilo, sacekaj i vidi
Srecan dan i onda ces platiti
I osecaces se kao govno narednog jutra
Ali osecam da sam se sada promenio
I umesto da padnem dole
Ja stojim uspravno narednog jutra
Situacije se sjebu i preokrenu se pre ili kasnije
Ja bih mogao da budem jos jedna budala ili izuzetak tom pravilu
Ti mi to kazes narednog jutra
Nepravedan preokret ne moze da se zaustavi
Tesko sam ostecen u najboljem slucaju
Ona ce odluciti sta zeli
A ja cu verovatno poslednji saznati
Niko ti to ne kaze dok se samo ne pokaze
Vidi kako je, oni te zele ili ne
Reci da
Ja sam zaljubljen u svet kroz oci devojke
Koja je jos uvek tu narednog jutra
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Gospodjica Mizerija

Laziracu to tokom dana
Uz malu pomoc crvenog Dzoni Vokera
Poslacu otrovnu kisu niz odvod
Da bih stavio lose misli u svoju glavu
Dve karte pocepane na pola
I puno nicega da se uradi
Da li ti nedostajem, gospodjice mizerijo
Kao sto govoris?
Covek u parku
Cita redove na mojoj ruci
Rekao mi je da sam jak
Tesko da on ikada gresi, rekao sam mu ''covece, da li si siguran?''
Imala si planove za oboje
I to je ukljucivalo i putovanje van grada
Do mesta koje sam video u casopisu
Koji si ostavila na podu
Nemam te kraj sebe
Ali drzim dobar stav
Da li ti nedostajem, gospodjice mizerijo
Kao sto govoris?
Znam da bi radije gledala kako nestajem
Nego da me vidis onakvog kakav jesam
Ali ja sam svakako u zivotu
TV treperi u susedstvu
Plavi ramovi na zidu
To je komedija o greskama, vidis
I govori o tome kako je to pasti
I nestati u zaboravu
To je lako uciniti
I ja zaista pokusavam ali ti me znas
Vratim se kada ti to pozelis
Da li ti nedostajem, gospodjice mizerijo
Kao sto govoris?
''When i'm layin'
I'm still tryin'
On dyin' yeah'' - Layne Staley (1967-2002)

Don't ask about Maria

Don't ask about Maria
The girl you met
when she was a kid.
The one with big eyes
The one who didn't know anything yet
that esteemed you back that then.
Don't ask about Maria
The one you kissed
In the neighbor's garden
She was just Seventeen
And she swore you
To wait for you
Don't ask about Maria
The one who was so long faithful to you
She had always waited for you
Until hope was gone
Don't ask about Maria
Don't try to find her
In the streets where everybody knows her
Don't ask about Maria
She has until today
still beautiful
Who throws the first stone
Should never forget
What it is to love
Don't ask about Maria
It will hurt her so much
When she knows it
You should belive her
That she was that girl
That kissed you back that then.
Don't ask about Maria
The one who was so long faithful to you
She had always waited for you
Until hope was gone

I want to build a house

I want to build a house in the middle of the sea
I want to build a house in the middle of the sea
Made of peacock feathers
Made of peacock feathers
(I want ) to made the steps of gold and silver
(I want ) to made the steps of gold and silver
And the balcony of precious stones
And the balcony of precious stones
When my little girl goes to look
When my little girl goes to look
Anyone who says, anyone:
'Now the sun shines!'
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Dungeons Of the Love

Between, there is a slim line, one with you, one without you
Nowadays I'm inside an unutterable discrepancy
There are two options in front of me, either stay or go away
Nowadays I'm inside a nonsensical mood, I'm distressed
On the one hand there is loneliness fear, on the other hand there are my infelicities
Which one outweighs? Even if I shout out for days, you're dear to me
Life, what's wrong between you and me? (?)
Life, what's wrong between you and me? (?)
I'm prisoner in the dungeons of love anymore
You always carried away, unscrupulous, you defeated (me)
I am most in loss, I don't have expectation from love
I bottomed out as I latch on, I became worse as I love so much
Love, what's wrong between you and me? (?)

Unending cigarette

Versions: #2
I'll walk alone this night too
in hopes of finding
the water of your disrememberance
and in dark basements
I'll find a sign in a glass
until dawn's panic
Endless cigarette
my heavy loneliness
resembles a woman
tired from the street
she flashes a smile
sits near me
treats the next round
and pats me on the shoulder
I see your eyes
In a glass with a lit candle*
and weep silently
The noose of your song
wrings around my
again hazy mind
Endless cigarette
my heavy loneliness
resembles a woman
tired from the street
she flashes a smile
sits near me
treats the next round
and pats my on the shoulder
*Candle set next to religious icons as part of prayer and ceremony


The more I move forward, the closer I come to you.
Over the course of time that passes.
The more your photo enlarges, the more I go into the details of what you think.
The more I move forward, the more your features become clearer
in the click, in the click of passing time.
The more your portrait sharpens, The more the contrasts optimise the differences.
Your love and your name, pixels.
The smell of the house, pixels.
Your memory, your face, your desires to escape, pixels.
The more I move forward , the brighter you become in the filter of time that passes.
The more the layers fall away , the more the colors saturate in your absence,
Your childhood memories, pixels.
All your longing to wander, pixels.
The faded landscapes and rain on the beach, pixels.
The more I speak to you about views, The more I lose your colors, colors in any scale.
The smell of the house, pixels.
Your memory, your face, your desires to escape, pixels.
Your childhood memories, pixels.
All your wishes to wander, pixels.
The faded landscapes and the rain on the beach, Pixels.

I'm going to be a smart king

I'm gonna be king
mighty and smart
yes, but never before have I seen a king
with so little hair
I'm gonna be a muscle mountain
It won't be anything small
watch over my kingdom
and scream really loud
Still your success is rather tiny
But I'm gonna be a smart king
You still have some things to learn, little man
If you think...
No one says: 'Come in'
Listen, what I said was...
No one says: 'Go out'
What I meant was..
No one says: 'Stop'
What you don't understand is..
Simba and Nala:
No one says 'See!'
Now, look AAA!
Free from all your nagging
Not an option!
I will do whatever I want
Now is the time, where you listen to me
The king can, if he wants,
put a plug into you [your mouth]
If this is where the kingdom is standing,
then the king is a bull [meaning: an idiot]
I'll quit my job, deeply offended
and will go my way
this is a corrupt and obnoxious craze
But I'm gonna be a smart king!
Everyone look east
Everyone look west
Everyone look at the one who
is the greatest of all lions
Not yet!
Every animal sings for him an ode!
The musk ox and the crocodile herd
Simba will rule happily for a thousand years
Because I will be a smart king
(Surely he will be a smart king)
Yes, I will be a smart king
(Surely Simba will be a smart king)
Yes, I will be a smart king
(Surely Simba will be a smart king)


Želim da budem bogat od tvog osmeha
od tvoje volje za obnovu
od tvojih avantura,od tvojih krstarenja
od tvoje pobede nad rakom
od tvog braka,od tvoje trudnoće
od tvog oproštaja,od tvoje mudrosti
od tvoje slobode daleko od ograđenosti
od tvoje razlike,od tvoje zastave
Da,treba mi vazduha,razotkriven sam
Ako me voliš napravi od mene milionera
da kupim ono što nema cenu
na ovom prolaznom svetu
Napravi od mene milijardera
trebaš mi
budi moj luksuz,moj dijamanstki rudnik
Želim da budem siromašan od tvojih suza
od ovih fanatika i njihovih oružja
od ovih mešavina koje nas dele
od ratova u Africi,od genocida
od ovih bolesti koje nam sude
od ovog dana kada će mama predati dušu
od ove omladine koja je napuštena
u rukama ovih ludaka sa fiks idejama
budi moje bogatstvo,moja slava,moje pijanstvo
budi moj stepenik za penjanje na Everest
budi moj zavet,moj znak plemstva
U toj trci ka sreći budi moj motor,moja brzina
Želim da budem bogat u čovečanstvu
da bih mogao da ostavim napojnicu
Pohlepa nam duguje
Popunite mi dzepove nadom
Popunite mi dzepove nadom
Budi moj luksuz,moj dijamantski rudnik

We Sing Around For Love [We Are One]

Versions: #2
Though time will pass
Your being will understand,
That what life gives us
Maybe there will also be disappointments
Maybe there will also be hardships,
But it's life itself
Once again you will fight,
You'll search for new paths
Side by side I'll be with you
We truly are,
We are a reality
That no one knows!
We are one, we are one,
We sing around for love!
We are one, we are one,
We sing around for love!
I know my path
And I will be myself,
I'll have no fear
In this world that I discover
I will live my life,
I will fight
And those who aren't around anymore,
From above they will enlighten us
The road of life is long I know
And you will have tears,
But you will not be alone
'Cause nothing will divide us!
We are one, we are one,
We sing around for love!
We are one, we are one,
We sing around for love!
Always together you and I,
Side by side and again
You're my world only you
You will only be safe,
Don't ever be afraid!
'Cause nothing will divide us!
Translation by Albaniana. If you ever want to republish this translation, please ask for permission first and cite me as the author. Lyrics are protected by copyright./Përkthimi nga Albaniana. Në qoftse ndonjëherë doni të ripublikoni këtë përkthim, të lutem pytni për leje para dhe me citoni si autoria. Tekstet janë mbrojtur nga e drejta e autorit.

You're not Alone [We're one]

Life is Full of secrets
and it's easy,
to get lost
Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down
you keep asking the thousand time-
what's the point?
Just keep your head up,
once you get the meaning of everything
When your dreams seem to be lost
You're never alone with your family,
so open your heart
Remember you're not alone
with your family
I'm not alone with my family
I'm not alone with my family
So high expectations for me,
while i'm completly lost
Don't know what to do about it...
Don't know what to follow,
What's the meaning of life?
I have no idea...
Just follow your inner voice,
the wisdom of the past kings lies within you
It opens new doors in your life
Once you're up, once you're down,
falls may even hurt really bad- so what?
Remember you're not alone
with your family
I'm not alone with my family
I'm not alone with my family
From now on we are bonded,
you've got a special place in my heart
Protect this special bond we share
Just keep your head up,
once you get the meaning of everything
And remember you're not alone
with your family

I want the soul

Yeah, I want to take you as you like
Half, to give you reason
Because it is 'eta'
Which makes you feel stronger and more beautiful,
Wild and rebellious
But it's you
With that blue sweater
But it's you that are for that smile a little more '
Get up and when I'll undress you
I look at you and I'm sorry
So I go.
I want the soul, the soul
I can not let you go, free. . .
I want the soul, the soul,
I want a true feeling.
If you take me to a little casino in the city
And take the record that's over
And with my racing bike in the attic
And then what do you do?
But it's you, with those socks,
But it's you the one who plays with the senses,
You have no way of doing that anymore
And let yourself go more and more.
I want the soul, the soul
I can not let you go, free. . .
I want the soul, the soul,
I want a true feeling.
I want the soul, the soul
I can not let you go, free. . .
I want the soul, the soul,
This feeling flips inside me inside me
I want the soul, the soul
I can not let you go, free. . .
I want the soul, the soul,
This feeling flips inside me inside me


Michalios joined the military
He started off proudly and nicely
With Maris and Panagiotis
He could not even learn the «Right Shoulder Arms». 1
And kept whispering «Mister Corporal
Let me go back to my village».
Next year, in the hospital,
He looked at the sky, speechless.
He stared at one spot,
His glance was nostalgic and gentle
As if he was saying, as if he was begging:
«Let me go home».
And Michalios died a soldier
He was seen off by some soldiers
With them, were Maris and Panagiotis
The hole was covered on top of him
But they eft his foot out
He was a bit long, the poor guy.
  • 1. right shoulder arms (count four) is a command in the US Army, equivalent to the Greek drill command

You Are A Jewel On Your Own

Why do you need jewelry
and black snakes eat me up?
And you become prettier
and I am melting from envy
Why do you need jewelry
and black snakes eat me up?
you are a jewel on your own
darn that height of yours
ah! darn that eyes of yours
that brought me in you path.
You doll yourself up and go out
and I don't know where you're going
and you melt and wither
my poor heart
You doll yourself up and go out
and I don't know where you're going
you are a jewel on your own
darn that height of yours
ah! darn that eyes of yours
that brought me in you path.
You are a jewel on your own
darn that height of yours
ah! darn that eyes of yours
that brought me in you path.
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

The smoke plants

I don't want you to work even if you went to the smoke plants,
even if you spent your young years for some fruits.
I don't want you to work even if you went to the smoke plants,
even if you spent your young years for some fruits.
Come over here and we shall kiss each other
and it's better that we both spill the beans on this.
Come over and I'll kiss you. And you can say it out.
Both you and me will speak this out.
Five or six village girls will be blushed out of jealousy.
They lose their minds when they see the young men.
Five or six village girls will be blushed out of jealousy.
They lose their minds when they see the young men.
We're both late and you don't come out to see me.
We're both late and I have nothing to say to you.
Get it all blacked out now and I'm off to the highlands.
He tells me: 'Where the hell you're off to, darling ?'
He tells me: 'Where the hell you're off to, darling ?'
Could you believe that he took a few iron blades ?
I didn't see true love neither yesterday nor today.
I didn't happen to see this true love in both days.
My princess, you're beautiful like the flowers,
although I never asked you if you love me truly.
Look at these poor birds how they come back to me.
How come these two poor birds come back to me ?
We're both late and you don't come out to see me.
We're both late and I have nothing to say to you.
You've stolen my heart, Mary of mine.
And where shall I find the cure, my black-haired gal ?
My black-haired girl.
How does my heart quit so easily...
He who doesn't know should consult me
and the heart shall answer him.
Don't forget to prepare the stuff once you visit the church:
Light up two tall candles and four small candles
but turn them on on the right order.
Do the right actions since you cursed us.
And you're in a bad mood and betrayed.
You're both in a bad mood and downfacing.
My lovely sweet citrus tree, I love it when you're blossoming.
Do you even know how much ?
I even set sights on your blossomings.
Sweet citrus tree, you'll make us crazy with your vices upon us.
-Just give me your doll so that I play with it
and that I brush its curvy hair with grace.
Just give me your doll so that I play with it
and I shall return it to you at the very morning.
-I'm not going to give it to you for you'll wreck it,
you'll rip the hair off the dolley.
I'm not in the mood for it so that you don't ruin it:
my dolley.
-Don't you wink at me deviously.
Jimmy, speak out loud what bothers you
but don't you wink at me deviously.
Jimmy, express what makes you sad.
Jimmy, even if you pass by, you do nothing
if you don't express your problems out.
It's no longer useful for you to come by, Jimmy.
You had better not express your problems at all.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.


I have walked to your home
I don't know how I was able
If they had told be you're not there
That you'll never come back
If they had told me that you've gone...
How much snow there is in my soul
What silence there is at your door
Upon arrival at your doorstep
A keylock of pain
It'd detained my heart
Nothing, nothing remains
at your birth home
Only spider webs
That weave the grass
and the rose bushes
Neither exist and that's certain
That it has died at your depart
Everything is a cross
Nothing, nothing more
What sadness and stillness
Nothing that tells me
If you still live
Where are you...
To tell you that today
I have returned in regret
To search for your love...
Now I get away from your house and I go
I don't now where
Without wanting to tell you goodbye
And even the echo of your voice
responds back to me nothing...
At the cross of your keylock
For your shame I pray
And I drove at your door
A teardrop becomes flower
Of my poor heart
Nothing, nothing remains
at your birth home
Only spider webs
That weave the grass
and the rose bushes
Neither exist and that's certain
That it has died at your depart
Everything is a cross
Nothing, nothing more
What sadness and stillness
Nothing that tells me
If you still live
Where are you...
To tell you that today
I have returned in regret
To search for your love...

I think about you

I want you to know
That I think of you
I think of you, I think of you
In the morning, afternoon and evening
I think of you, I think of you, I think of you
I think of your eyes so cute
I think of your sweet mouth
I think of a great delirium
I think with such crazy passion
I want you to know
Every moment of my life
I think of you, I think of you
In the morning, afternoon and night I think of you
I think of you

Hum Ek Hain (हम एक हैं) [We're one]

In the game of life,
We are so happy with it
Without understanding
And we know that,
we want to have many,
of these
You'll see it on
that we will be with you
When traveling, you’re the depressed
These keep you believe
That we will be always near,
We will be with you forever,
We are one
When this becomes the all of,
I could not live,
Not such as I am
I follow your heart,
Or am I destined to leave
What can I do?
Those who are no longer here,
Are always with you
Your new journey is here
Pain or happiness,
Cannot be taken
All with you,
We are one.
You’re mine
Like the earth and the sky,
Remain together forever
Advance in the understanding of
And in the courage
That you will find in life
We are one

Who was it

Who was it,
the first guy who in the darkness kissed you?
The first time you in bed screamed?
The big love that at twenty years old changed you?
Who was it?
If you knew how many times I've thought of it,
pretending to be asleep
in unison with the heart and the breath!
Life is a game that no one knows
in order to conquer happiness
I burn inside with curiosity
It's almost love? Who knows it?
Life is a game that no one knows
Life is a sparkle of kindness
The first night that you slept here,
you knew how much a man gives
Who was it,
after your father who to dance taught you
and in your work guided you, helped you?
Because of you, he hasn't again married.
Who was it,
that with flowers and presents spoiled you?
The attention, the thoughts that you've had
How can I have everything, and in one minute?
Life is a game that no one knows
in order to conquer happiness
I burn inside with curiosity
It's almost love? Who knows it?
Life is a game that no one knows
in order to conquer happiness
I burn inside with curiosity
It's almost love? Who knows it?
Life is a game that no one knows
in order to conquer happiness

Бели дан

Бели дан је сваки срећан дан,
па да је и посљедњи,
само срећан нека је.
Бели дан је сваки један дан,
који касни на време
како би стигао до тебе.
Ако си велик, знај, буди и мали,
ако си слаб, буди јак..
Ако је невреме, разведри се,
растерај облаке, насмеј ми се.
Еј, да ми је једном да могу
раширити постељу у бели дан,
тамо срце и душу ћу си угрејати,
за милион срца у једном дану.
Еј, да ми је једном да могу
раширити постељу у бели дан,
тамо срце и душу ћу си угрејати,
за милион срца у једном белом дану.
Бели дан имаћеш за себе
када на другог ти помислиш
и анђела белог му даш.
Бели дан и није важно не,
дали ништа или све,
само бело нека је..
Ако је тама, нека се расветли,
од једног ти направи двоје,
ако си сиромах, не жали не,
твоје богатство у души ти је...

I Just Can't Wait to Be King

I will be the strongest king,
May my enemies be scared!
I have never seen a king with that less fur.
I will be the supreme king,
Greater than the others.
I learned how to posture,
I learned how to roar, grauuu!
I have never heared a such a funny thing.
I just can't wait to be the king.
My prince, you have a long way to go!
Don't barge in,
Don't get your nose into my business.
Take a listen to me.
I meant:
Don't put me out of temper.
Look, you don't understand it.
I can't stay here.
I should do what I want.
It's incredible
I should be free.
Now it's the time,
Let's put our heads together.
I can't get advice
From the horned heads.
If there will be a monarchy,
Ignore me.
I can stay in Africa not even a moment.
I am out of this business.
Ah! I will go bananas with this boy.
I just can't wait to be the king.
Look left everyone!
Look right everyone!
Can you see me all?
I am at everywhere.
Let's sing this song together.
Sing along with these birds.
Let's hum with Simba.
I just can't wait to be the king.
I just can't wait to be the king.
I just can't wait to be the king.

I am too young

Versions: #5
I am too young
I'm not old enough to love you
I'm not old enough to go out with you alone
And I wouldn't know
I wouldn't know
what to tell you
Because you know
So many more things than me.
Let me live
this romantic love
for that day to come.
But not now.
I am too young
I'm not old enough to love you
I'm not old enough to go out with you alone
If you would like
If you would like
to wait for me
That day you will get
all my love for you
Let me live
this romantic love
for that day to come.
But not now.
I am too young
I'm not old enough to love you
I'm not old enough to go out with you alone
If you would like
If you would like
to wait for me
That day you will get
all my love for you

Last Leaves

Autumn makes fall the last leaves
which the wind gathers
bringing them to you.
In each yellow leaf that caresses you
there is so much sadness
that speaks for me.
Like my cry of love,
the rain comes down.
It seems to bring the ache
that's in my heart.
Autumn makes fall the last leaves
which the wind gathers
for you.
Autumn makes fall the last leaves
which the wind gathers
bringing them to you.

In each yellow leaf that caresses you
there is so much sadness
that speaks for me.
Like my cry of love,
the rain comes down.
It seems to bring the ache
that's in my heart.
Autumn makes fall the last leaves
which the wind gathers
for you.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

Hello, hello

Hello - hello, Baločka John is listening
I'm hearing your voice weakly
hello - hello, whether the health you are askin
I'm sicking of chronic flu
Hello - hello, needs to work through sicking
I'm doing the work without days of rest.
Hello - hello, till fifteen from today
I'm fullfilled - can't come
Hello - hello, let's agree at twenty
Without 10 minutes six - the car near the house
Hello - hello, amount was really funny
For gratis to work I don't agree.
Hello - hello, Baločka John is listening
I'm hearing your voice weakly
Hello - hello, you said amissed
Not fifty, but sixty two
Hello - hello, you praying for not rileing?
Ok, but sum decorate with zero
Hello - hello, details doesn't changing
Without ten minutes six - the car near the house!
Hello - hello, like professional
I'm working only with the chinese ink
Hello - hello, after monht the final
The planns near hundred - facades near two.