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People of the Sand

In the wind
Back again
Will return to home the soldiers.
Where, for what,
Maybe barely later
Will know those, where they will come.
To grow with grass
With sea to breath
(Don't be afraid, if) will die of ague
Will reborn one.
The desert
Again of sky
Asking over again:
Where disappeared the water?
Don't sleep-
Said to her-
Maybe tonight
You will be remembered...
To grow with grass
With sea to breath
(Don't be afraid, if) will die of ague
Will reborn one.
People of the Sand in the road,
in the road, <...> in the road, people of the sand, in the road <...>
To grow with grass
With sea to breath
(Don't be afraid, if) will die of ague
Will reborn one.

A mother's heart

For me, my mother you aged
bit by bit you nutured me
and I forgot it all, ah!
and I pushed you aside
and I forgot it all, ah!
and I pushed you aside
For a woman, I closed the door on you
I said harsh words to you my mother
and when she left me too,
you came back as before
and showed me love and solace
I behaved ungrateful, my mother
for a heart that I loved
my mother, how could you
ah! Forgive me
my mother, how could you
ah! Forgive me
for a woman, I closed the door on you
I said harsh words to you, my mother
and when she left me too
you came back as before
and showed me love and solace

Unhappy man

Unhappy man*
get used to the fact
that in this life
few will be your joys
more will be your disasters
and countless griefs
Tears don't solve anything
So reluctantly take
the pain** that hits you
Make room in your heart
to fit your worries
drink the bitterness like wine
in the society of lies
we all live in anticipation
you, get used to it too
**incidents which bear pain.

If you look at my chest

If you look at my chest
you'll see the scars
and if only you could look deeper
at my bitter heart
that's become a wreck
For a woman I lost
every hope and joy
my poor palaces
with my eyes I saw death
countless times
They tell me to deny her
and abandon her
but how can I do this
since I live her madly
oh how can I forget her

Many years away from you I am melting

So many years away from you, I am melting
You put sorrow in my heart
I always think about you, only
You left and I am melting day and night
I am crying from pangs of love
I call your name day and night
I am to blame in our break up
I am crying from pangs of love
Come near me, I am melting
I cannot take this pain anymore
Only you give me such a joy
Come near me, I am melting

One Hundred Million

Today I got up, as everyday, at 5:30
It was still dark outside, the smoke was lingering over the city
I ate what I eat everyday, as everyday I haven’t washed myself
I left the house, I waited for the bus
When the bus arrived I barely crawled inside
All steel workers use this bus line, I met all of them
Suddenly someone shouted: “Look at the prices in shop windows”
I look, oh, Jesus, the prices got lowered by 100%!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
An old man shouts from behind: “I told you this would happen
He’s just a simple man like all of us in our steel plant
When workers fought for him, they helped him win
Have you seen it? I knew that’s gonna happen”
- “Wait, wait, let me count how much money I’ve got now”
- “Hey, you, are you crazy? You don’t need more”
Better look around, look at the prices in shop windows
I look, oh, my God, the prices got lowered by 100%!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
On the rally in our steel plant you promised us that money
I remember what you said, you should have thought about the consequences
I don’t wanna eat what I eat everyday, I wanna live the same way you live!
And look, it happened, there is justice in this world
Now I’m shouting together with others: “We said this would happen
When workers fought for him, they helped him win”
Keep an eye on everything, here the parson took control over me
I don’t think, I don’t feel, I just work
I lived on this street, hundred light years from the capital city
I travelled that distance fiercely, I found this job
Let the unbelievers and friends appal, I will fight
Let them see how angry the horde of bloody Poles is
The clerks behind the desks watch us
Look, look carefully, the clerks are the same
It often happens on the manor that someone controls someone
I feel that!
You promised one hundred million, I heard that clearly
So much time had passed and I didn’t get anything
I’m gonna wait for three days and not a minute longer
My impatience grows as I’m forced to wait for too long
My all comrades, they all think the same
when they go to sleep in the evening and when they get up in the morning
They remember your words, ‘cause they heard you saying them
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give me my one hundred million!
Wałęsa, give us our one hundred million!
One hundred million!!!
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

When a person gets drunk

When a person gets drunk
nobody should judge him
because who knows what ache
he hides in his heart
Some get drunk out of joy
and other out of sorrow
and I, because of my love
who is missing from my size
Everyone gets drunk and forgets
but I, I remember her
and as long as she's away
I'll be consistently intoxicated
Some get drunk out of joy
and other out of sorrow
and I, out of my love
who is missing from my size

I'll find a talking baglama

I'll find a talking* baglama
like a crying person
so I can hit its cords
and it'll tell my pain
My baglama will cast away
the wither of my heart
There's not enough room for the pain
in my defiant heart
my baglama remains
as my last solace
My baglama will cast away
the wither of my heart
I'll find a talking* baglama
to make him my friend
since no one feels me
i'll die with him
My baglama will cast away
the wither of my heart
*talking/ nagging/

I'm a lost body

I am a lost body
a dissapaited substance
missing from my housee
and far from my home town
I'm tumbling downhill deeper everyday
For you, heartless woman I'm slowly dying
for you I became a lost body
Like the black night birds
I live in darkness
salvation for me no longer exists
My finalé will be pain
and catastrophe
For you, heartless woman I'm slowly dying
for you I became a lost body
Life's twigs whip me with no pity
but I don't pity my lost body
I'm just crying for* a mother, who I've made deeply bitter*
*with the connotation of feeling deep regret and sadness
**+ worried, having been made so upset with the result of weakness and helplessness

My Head's A Mess

Tonight I won't lie to you
Desire has me captive
I want to taste your kisses
I assure you , I must admit,
Today I want to give you that
Let's enjoy the process
And if it were up to me
What wouldn't I give to you?
Ask me, as I am here
To fulfill your fantasies
And if it were up to me
Surely you would fall in love
Because I'm here to please
You 24 hours a day
Because you got me feeling crazy
My head's a mess
Imagining that I touch you
I want to be the one who kisses you
Because you got me feeling crazy
I know that you know the answer
Softly, give me some of that
Come, give me give me give me some of that
Very softly, give me some
You've got me messed up in the head
I only care about you tonight
You've got me messed up in the head
You got me, you got me
In the head
You and I are going to have a good time
Let the heat be felt
You and I in this to-and-fro
This night, you and I
Are going to have a good time
Let the heat be felt
You and I in this to-and-fro
You look at me, and I go after you
Thinking about how to convince you
Lies, or am I honest?
And if it were up to me
What wouldn't I give to you?
Ask me, as I am here
To fulfill your fantasies
And if it were up to me
Surely you would fall in love
Because I'm here to please
You 24 hours a day
Because you got me feeling crazy
My head's a mess
Imagining that I touch you
I want to be the one who kisses you
Because you got me feeling crazy
I know that you know the answer
Softly, give me some of that
Come, give me give me give me some of that
Very softly, give me some
You are feeling like you're dying, oh, in slow motion
You're naturally beautiful
You've got me messed up in the head
You've got me
You've got me messed up in the head
You and I are going to have a good time
Let the heat be felt
You and I in this to-and-fro
This night, you and I
Are going to have a good time
Let the heat be felt
You and I in this to-and-fro
And eh
It makes you move

Ova kukavica

Ona čak ni ne primećuje da kada je gledam
krijem znakove da se ne izdam
da se moja tiha ljubav okreće da je vidi
da daje život samo da je poseduje
Ona čak i ne primećuje da moje oči sjaje
da drhtim u njenoj blizini pa čak i crvenim
da ona je povod za buđenje moje ljubavi
da ona je moja groznica i ne primećuje to
Ova kukavica od moje ljubavi prema njoj
čini da je gledam kao zvezdu
tako daleko,tako daleko od stvarnosti
da se ne nadam da ću ikada moći da je dosegnem
Ona čak i ne primećuje da je uvek imala
hiljade poljubaca koje mi nije ni zatražila
da u mojim tužnim noćima napuštenim od snova
u ludoj želji osećam da sam njen gospodar
Ona čak i ne primećuje da sam je već uzeo
da je već bila moja a da nije bila voljena
da je njena hladna duša ono što me muči
da vidi da umirem i ne primećuje to
Ova kukavica od moje ljubavi prema njoj
čini da je gledam kao zvezdu
tako daleko,tako daleko od stvarnosti
da se ne nadam da ću ikada moći da je dosegnem


When we don't have the fatherland that we have
Lost by silence and by resignation
Even the voice of the sea renders itself exile
And the light that surrounds us is like a lattice

Little Ships

A white page
how can I get there
with what words
if only I had a thousands voices
so that you could hear to whichever one you wanted
to choose
Two white pages
I have more for you to burn
I'm helpless, look
noone can catch you
one is a little ship
the other is a paper plane
Little ships and paper planes
they set off on a journey
how many wins, that many losses
if you can withstand they'll find you
And if you learn the truth
to what the kids say
if a paper plane catches you
pinch it on your heart
A paper page
who is missing from you and what
so that I can send you
what you are asking in life
and to see if it will get
in a sheet
Little ships and paper planes
they set off on a journey
how many wins, that many losses
if you can withstand they'll find you
And if you are learning about love
on your journeys
inside a little ship
get inside, and learn to love

Ko ce biti?

Ko ce biti ona koji ce voleti mene?
Ko ce biti, ko ce biti?
Ko ce biti ona koji ce mi dati svoju ljubav?
Ko ce biti, ko ce biti?
Zeleo sam ponovo da zivim
strast i toplinu od druge ljubavi,
od druge ljubavi koja bi ucinila da osetim,
koja bi me ucinila srecnim.
Ko ce biti ona koji ce voleti mene?
Ko ce biti, ko ce biti?
Ko ce biti ona koji ce mi dati svoju ljubav?
Ko ce biti, ko ce biti?
Ja ne znam da li cu je moci pronci,
ja ne znam, ja ne znam.
Ja ne znam da li cu ponovo voleti,
ja ne znam, ja ne znam.
Ko ce biti ona koji ce voleti mene?
Ko ce biti, ko ce biti?
Ko ce biti ona koji ce mi dati svoju ljubav?
Ko ce biti, ko ce biti?

U zatvoru tvoje kože

U zatvoru tvoje kože zatvoren sam dobrovoljno,
molim te ostavi me ovako, ne daj mi slobodu.
U zatvoru tvoje kože, nema više rešetaka od ove žeđi,
koju još uvek ne uspevam da zasitim, zato što pijem iz tvog bića.
U zatvoru tvoje kože me zadržava strast
i zašto bih poricao da me oduševljava moj zatvor.
Ne treba ti stražar koji me primorava da ti budem veran,
niti ti treba papir da bi me vezala za svoju istinu.
U zatvoru tvoje kože, zatvorenik od ove ljubavi,
upravnik od moje vere, od moje slave ili mog bola,
pusti me da umrem ovako i ako imaš milosti
obavij me u tvojoj koži, daj mi zemlju u tvojoj toplini.
U zatvoru tvoje kože sramotno se skidam
i plaši me da proverim da ne zavidim samom Bogu.
U zatvoru tvoje kože zatvoren sam dobrovoljno,
upravnik od moje vere, od moje slave ili mog bola,
pusti me da umrem ovako i ako imaš milosti
obavij me u tvojoj koži, daj mi zemlju u tvojoj toplini.
U zatvoru tvoje kože zatvoren sam dobrovoljno,
molim te ostavi me ovako, ne daj mi slobodu.