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Like a light in the dead of night

Some nights it appears to you
as if no man were nearto another.
Not moon nor star,
You stand but mute, clad in heavy black.
Like a light in the dead of night.
Your light is multiplied a thousandfold.
The long shadows fly away,
and our world steps into the light.
The gloom dies at dawn,
can you behold it?
And our world steps into the light,
If only you choose to
A black shadow lies on you
No matter where you go
The coldness reaches for your heart
And no one hears, what plea you make.
Like a light in the dead of night
Your light is multiplied a thousandfold.
The long shadows fly away,
and our world steps into the light.
The gloom dies at dawn,
can you behold it?
And our world steps into the light,
If only you choose to.
A star in the night,
a fire that burns,
all that is you.
Like a light in the dead of night
Like a fire in the night!
The long shadows fly away
and our world emerges into the light.
The dark dies at dawn,
can you behold it?
And our world emerges into the light.
The long shadows fly away,
Just say a word,
And our world emerges into the light.
The gloom dies at dawn,
Can you behold it?
And our world emerges into the light.
If only you choose to.
You are a star!

Go Dance, Girls & Old Lady

Our love was so sweet
When we were under the cherry tree by the coast,
Our love was so sweet
When we were under the cherry tree by the coast,
When we laid there
And cherry flowers were falling all over us, my love
When we laid there
And cherry flowers were falling all over us, my love
I loved it and i'll love it
Till the day i die,
I loved it and i'll love it
Till the day i die,
For as long as we'll be together
And live together
For as long as we'll be together
And live together
Go dance, dear beautiful girls
Enjoy your youth while it lasts.
My youth, dont leave,
Cuz you're sweet like honey,
Sweet like beehive honey,
Like sheep milk.
Dont leave us,
We still have solf and sweet lips,
Dont leave us,
Boys still love us

Is Gone

I thought you remembered, but you forgot
I tried to blame you, but it’s over
(Oh, yeah)
I'm tired of waiting for you
(Oh, yeah, yeah)
You changed your number, my call didn’t come
I gave you all of me, but you didn’t care
(Oh, yeah, yeah)
I already have to accept it
(Oh, yeah, yeah)
I just want your love
But you say it’s over
Why did you hurt me so much?
Alone and crying you left me
You were like this just for fun
You never had compassion.
It's 8:00 in the morning
I hate the mornings (And all because of you)
Am I the story that's sad and true?
Can you feel my pain?
You had to be the one who changed my color because of disappointment.
Hate to see you with someone else
I could never stand it
There’s nowhere to go back
You’re dead
My love died too.
All my love is go-o-o-o-o-o-one
All my love is go-o-o-o-o-o-one
All my love is go-o-o-o-o-o-one
All my love is gone
You’re dead, goodbye
My love is gone with my grudge
Alone I seek today that which was lost
But I don’t feel anything
I get ready and go
Not my home, not anymore
My soul couldn’t take it, I feel bad.
Because without you I couldn’t be, enough already (Yeah)
I just want your love
But you say it’s over
Why did you hurt me so much?
Alone and crying you left me
You were like this just for fun
You never had compassion.
It's 8:00 in the morning
I hate the mornings (And all because of you)
Am I the story that's sad and true?
Can you feel my pain?
You had to be the one who changed my color because of disappointment.
Hate to see you with someone else
I could never stand it
There’s nowhere to go back
You’re dead
My love died too.
All my love is gone (Go-o-o-o-o-o-one)
All my love is gone, oh, oh, oh (Go-o-o-o-o-o-one)
All my love is gone (Go-o-o-o-o-o-one)
All my love is gone
You’re dead, goodbye

Great celebration today for Albania

Great celebration
Today for Albania
Dancing and singing
For the new life.
Be happy and rejoice
You, our Albania
Because bacë* Enver
Guides us today
Cheering and applauding
Everybody from the hearts.
Long live as the mountains
Oh jubilee
Oh dance, you girl
You highland girl
Girl you are dancing
Fairly beautifully.
Long live as the mountains
You heroic Partty
Together with Enver Hoxha
Oh, the braveheart

da skratim priču

Pokušala sam da biram svoje bitke dok me bitka nije izabrala
Kao rat reči koje sam vikala u snu
I ti si prošao odmah pored mene
Bila sam u bašti, okružena sa svih strana
Nož seče u oba pravca
Ako ti cipela pristaje, hodaj u njoj dok ti se ne polome štikle
I pala sam sa postolja
Odmah u zečiju rupu
Da skratim priču, bilo je to loše vreme
Bačena sa litice
Uhvatila se za najbliže usne
Da skratim priču, to je bio pogrešan čovek
Sada mislim samo o tebi,
Mislim samo o tebi
Yeah, yeah
Mislim samo o tebi
Yeah, yeah
Uvek sam se osećala kao da izgledam bolje iz profila
Svim zlatnim kapijama koje su ključeve oni nekada čuvali
Kada sam spustila mač
Bacila sam ga u žbunje i pokucala na tvoja vrata
I živimo u miru
Ali ako neko pođe na nas, ovoga puta, spremna sam
I pala sam sa postolja
Odmah u zečiju rupu
Da skratim priču, bilo je to loše vreme
Bačena sa litice
Uhvatila se za najbliže usne
Da skratim priču, to je bio pogrešan čovek
Sada mislim samo o tebi,
Mislim samo o tebi
Yeah, yeah
Mislim samo o tebi
Yeah, yeah
Više ne pazim na rezultate
Sad samo pazim da ti nije hladno
Više nema svađe
Sada samo znam da ono što vidim nije sve
Više ne pazim na rezultate
Sad samo pazim da ti nije hladno
Više nema svađe
I moji talasi se sastaju sa tvojom obalom
Uvek i zanavek
Pokraj mene
Želim da ti kažem da se ne izgubiš u ovim malim stvarima
Tvoji nepobedivi protivnici
Će pobediti sebe pre nego što dobiješ šansu da im se usprotiviš
I on prolazi
Redak kao sjaj komete u nebu
I podseća na dom
Ako ti cipela pristaje, hodaj u njoj gde god ideš
I pala sam sa postolja
Odmah u zečiju rupu
Da skratim priču, bilo je to loše vreme
Bačena sa litice
Uhvatila se za najbliže usne
Da skratim priču, to je bio pogrešan čovek
Sada mislim samo o tebi,
Mislim samo o tebi
Yeah, yeah
Mislim samo o tebi
Yeah, yeah
Mislim samo o tebi
Yeah, yeah
Mislim samo o tebi
Da skratim priču, bilo je to loše vreme
Da skratim priču, preživela sam

Dark Punk

I keep inside these eyes
all the memories
help me save them from time
they got confused in the night
their effect is sweet
I escaped with awkward movements
Burning the hours from hell
who slides the clock in the shadow
trapped in memory
If somehow the past is an illusion
I have managed to overcome the fear of being alone
if clarity doesn´t illuminate everything
we´ll shine
we´ll shine in the dark
How much weigh the seconds that the wind carries away
I remembered how the silence hurt
heartbeats aren´t strong
when we are far away
a tremor expanded my universe
In a desert that erases the notes
of songs that go out of style
waiting for death or glory
If somehow the past is an illusion
I have managed to overcome the fear of being alone
if clarity doesn´t illuminate everything
we´ll shine
we´ll shine in the dark
Burning the hours from hell
who slides the clock in the shadow
trapped in memory
If somehow the past is an illusion
I have managed to overcome the fear of being alone
if clarity doesn´t illuminate everything
we´ll shine
we´ll shine in the dark


Mastering time is such a wise virtue,
loving on time and letting go on time,
as the saying goes, give time some time...
after all, time feeds on love and pain
What of that love I loved with delay,
making a martyr of myself and for so long
that I never felt time passing
so acutely as that time
Loving, longing as in other times,
I still ignored that time is gold
I wasted so much time, oh, the time I wasted.
And today that I have no time for love,
for love like back in the day, how I long for
the iniquitous joy of wasting time...
Loving, longing as in other times,
I still ignored that time is gold
I wasted so much time, oh, the time I wasted
And today that I have no time for love,
for love like back in the day, how I long for
the iniquitous joy of wasting time...
Mastering time is such a wise virtue...

Prokletog li proleća

Želja da se zagrlimo i onda...
belo vino, cveće i stare pesme
i smejali smo se samima sebi
Kakva je to bila varka,
prokletog li proleća!
Šta li ostaje od mokrog sna ako
je on po buđenju postao pesma?
Ako bez tebe u naručju
ne mogu više,
kako to da to nije ljubav,
ako bih pogrešila,
zatvorila oči i pomislila na tebe?
Ako bi se vratio kako bih se
ponovo zaljubila, prokletog li proleća,
kakva li je to prevara
ako je dovoljno sat vremena da bih se zaljubila?
Čemu beše tolika žurba,
prokletog li proleća?
Ćemu beše tolika žurba,
ako ovo samo mene boli?
Šta li je ostalo u meni,
od maženja koja nisu dotakla srce?
Tu je samo jedna zvezda
koja bi mogla da mi da
nešto ljubavi,
ako bi ti pogrešio,
zatvorio oči i pomislio na mene.
Ako bi se vratio kako bih se
zaljubila, prokletog li proleća,
kakva li je to prevara
ako je dovoljno sat vremena da bih se zaljubila?
Čemu beše tolika žurba,
prokletog li proleća?
Ćemu tolika žurba,
ako samo mene boli?
Pusti me da se pretvaram
kako to nije bila ljubav,
ali pogreši i ti,
zatvori oči i pomisli na mene!
Šta li je važno
ako je dovoljno sat vremena da bih se zaljubila?
Čemu beše tolika žurba -
to znamo ti i ja!

I won't forget you

I won't forget you, I just think of you
I will never understand how I lost you
And although time has passed since everything ended
I still don't know what happened
I know that I will not forget you or hold a grudge
I will renounce you without explanation
I can pretend when I see you that I don't miss you and I don't love you
And although you'll never see me cry, my heart still loves you
That's why I won't forget you even though I suffered
I won't regret it because I learned from you
That sometimes love is not what you expect
You have to save it as you can
And if there's no other solution
Well it's better to say goodbye
Maybe you'll find someone in your life
And fall in love some day
And if that love will forget you eventually
And you need a friend
Remember that I won't forget you, I wait for you here
If you want to return to me, I will make you happy
I can also pretend when I see you
That I don't miss you and I don't love you
And although you'll never see me cry, my heart still loves you
Sometimes love is not what you expect
You have to save it as you can
And if there's no other solution
Well it's better to say goodbye

Song of the Dry Orange Tree

Cut down the shade, lumberjack
Spare me the torture
Of seeing myself without grapefruit
Why was I born between mirrors?
Cut down the shade, lumberjack
Spare me the torture
Of seeing myself without grapefruit
Why was I born between mirrors?
Day makes me think
And night imitates me
In all its stars
I want to live without seeing myself, lumberjack
I want to live
And ants and fruit filaments
I’ll dream that they are my leaves
My leaves and my birds
Cut down the shade, lumberjack


The hundreds of lovers
that sleep forever
under the dry land.
Andalusia has
long, red roads.
Cordoba, has green olive trees
where to put hundreds of crosses,
to be remembered.
The hundreds of lovers
that sleep forever.


Versions: #1
In the tower,
yellow as sun,
over there, a bell tolls.
Through the wind,
yellow as sun,
there, the bell chimes release their sound.
In the tower,
yellow as sun,
there, the bell is silenced.
The wind, with the dust, creates
prows1, of silver and steel.
  • 1. When I translated this several months ago, I had a hard time looking up this word, however according to spanishdict.com it means 'prows'


In the yellow towers,
the bells toll.
Over the yellow winds
the chimes open.
On a road walks
the death, crowned,
with withered orange blossoms.
She sings and sings
a song
in her white vihuela
and she sings and sings and sings.
In the yellow towers
the bells die down.
The dusty wind
makes proras of silver.

It pulls me to you

I'm laying on a heat sand
With a microphone in my hands
And I'm singing my fresh couplets
You are dancing to them
You 're looking at me quietly,
Drinking summer lemonade made of oranges
I love you, and you don't
We so very hard together
And it's intolerably
But what for? Why?
You with me
Explain me your reason
It pulls me to you, pulls, pulls to you
My thoughts, they pull, pull, pull me into the depth
We so hard together , hard, hard, hard, hard, I sing hard
That's why I don't want the war.
It pulls me to you, pulls, pulls to you
My thoughts, they pull, pull, pull me into the depth
We so hard together , hard, hard, hard, hard, I sing hard
That's why I don't want the war.
It pulls me to you, pulls, pulls to you
My thoughts, they pull, pull, pull me into the depth
We so hard together , hard, hard, hard, hard, I sing hard
That's why I don't want the war.
I don't want the war with a shooting
I don't want to you, to me and to us to do a pain
I just wanna be with you, to be with you
Just to be with you and nothing more
To feel your odor, your talkings
And to wear a locket that you presented me
I don't pull you to me differently
That's why I pull you to me via a forcing
And it goes, drops, drops a rain from the sky
In mouth a vinamin pill left like a souer lemon
I walk to you even when the weather is the most bad
It pulls me to you, pulls, pulls to you
My thoughts, they pull, pull, pull me into the depth
We so hard together , hard, hard, hard, hard, I sing hard
That's why I don't want the war.
It pulls me to you, pulls, pulls to you
My thoughts, they pull, pull, pull me into the depth
We so hard together , hard, hard, hard, hard, I sing hard
That's why I don't want the war.


They move,
They move,
They move,
They move.
My hips move, I can't help it.
They're so deranged, they keep moving! Who can stop them?
My hips move.
And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.'
When I was a kid, everyone laughed at me.
Those perverse people enjoyed my sorrow.
They laughed because of how I move,
they used to call me 'Contononeia'1.
And I kept crying like Magdalene, crying over my sentence.
And then, a nice day,
a fairy godmother told me:
'Stop crying, don't be dumb!
Your so-called imperfection
will grant your wishes.
Move them violently,
as you ask for anything you want...'
Move your hips, Contononeia.
Move them harder, Contononeia.
A dog dances for bones,
but the whole world dances for sex.
If you're smart enough,
no one, no one can stop you.
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move.
My hips move,
I can't help it.
They're so deranged, they keep moving! Who can stop them?
My hips move.
And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.'
Move your hips, Contononeia!
Move them without shame, Contononeia!
Move them harder, move them violently,
move them slowly, but never let them stop...
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move.
My hips move,
I can't help it.
They're so deranged, they keep moving! Who can stop them?
My hips move.
And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.'
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move.
My hips move,
I can't help it.
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move,
They move.
My hips move,
And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.'
And it's not because I'm flirting.
And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.' And it's not because I'm flirting.
'No, no, of course not.'
Of course not! Of course not!
  • 1. This made up nickname can come from the verb 'contonear', which means 'to walk while swinging the hips'.

I feel so alone

I was so scared to be
alone with him.
I started to tremble
when he came closer.
I could feel that I wouldn't have will.
As soon as I said 'no',
he started to undress me.
And I started to cry
just after the end.
His eyes, his farewell
told me the truth.
Then I knew that he wasn't for me,
but I was for him.
Even if I don't ever see him again.
Even if I don't ever see him again.
Some time after that,
another fear came.
My body changed,
a whole revolution.
I got tired of waiting for
what I waited each month.
Then I realized:
something is growing inside.
I wish I could cry,
I wish I could scream
that I feel so alone.
I can almost swear that my angel abandoned me,
and that the sun runs from me to not witness my pain.
And my greatest confort
is so scary.
It moves and grows inside of me.
The whole house shook when my dad found out.
'You must lose it', he ordered.
Because this 'great society'
can't find out.
His punches didn't hurt me
as much as my loneliness did.
She supported
his decisions too.
They told me a thousand times how much I failed them.
I got tired of listening
about how much honor I lost.
A love is what I lost.
But, who cares if I'm sad?
Who cares if I'm sad?
I wish I could cry,
I wish I could scream
that I feel so alone.
I can almost swear that my angel abandoned me,
and that the sun runs from me to not witness my pain.
And my greatest confort
is so scary.
It moves and grows inside of me.
It was hard to decide it, but today I will run away
to some place where the moon isn't cold.
To some place where I can't offend anyone
by only existing.
To some place where innocence can be born.
To some place where innocence can be born.
To some place where he can be born.

With My Little Donkey

I'm going with my little donkey on the road to Bethlehem
Among palms and sticks, tambourines and almirez
I'm going with my little donkey, filled with joy
To see the baby Jesus and to gaze at Mary
I have a little star with eyes of black
Which I love more than my own heart
And a crazy comet which is wacky
And that one I don't love, no, no
Because stars are so funny
Dancing in the heavens, delightful
And if I see a comet, I'll die, I'll die
I am going with my little donkey with pestiños and alfajor
And half way there, his pannier fell off of him
Poor little donkey slipped and fell
And the sweets he was carrying, he ate up in one breath
I have a little donkey with white legs
Whom I love more than my Uncle José
And a lame female donkey with a bad leg
And I can't even look at her
Because the little donkey is so funny
And even though he has a sweet tooth, I love him
And the fact that my little donkey overdoes it, delightful
I'm going with my little donkey, loaded with chocolate
I've got my chocolatier, my grinder and my camp stove
I am going with my little donkey, loaded with fresh eggs
And half way there
A Galician stole it from me.
I have a dark little guy with eyes of black
That I love more than my own heart
And I have a rude little one which is very tasty
And that one I don't love, no, no
Because the dark ones are very funny
And that's how he dispensed with them, dark girl
And get out of the sun, girl, because you're getting dark, ah


How much are tormenting me
the days I'm going through
we're not like yesterday anymore
In vain I tried to change
the life you gave me
Everything is out of my hand
our destiny we left at the hand of god
if he really exists
Like you I pray
for us to make it
Because it hurts me with no end, no end
and every day scares me, how are you
I cannot accept searching and not being able to find you
Because it hurts me with no end, no end
and every day scares me, how are you
I cannot accept searching and not being able to find you

Teška u tvojim rukama

Bila sam teško srce za poneti
Moj dragi je vagao dole
Moje ruke oko njegovog vrata
Moji prsti vezani za krunu
Bila sam teško srce za poneti
Moja stopala vukla su se pozemlji
I on me je odneo do reke
Gde me je polako spustio
Moja ljubav ima betonska stopala
Moja ljubav je gvozdena lopta
Umotana oko tvojih članaka
Preko vodopada
Tako sam teška, teška
Teška u tvojim rukama
Tako sam teška, teška
Teška u tvojim rukama
I da li je vredno čekanja
Svo ovo pogubno vreme?
Da li si dovoljno jak da ustaneš
Braneći tvoje i moje srce?
Ko je izdajica?
Ko je ubica u gomili?
Onaj koji gmiže prolazima
I ne pušta zvuka
Moja ljubav ima betonska stopala
Moja ljubav je gvozdena lopta
Umotana oko tvojih članaka
Preko vodopada
Moja ljubav ima betonska stopala
Moja ljubav je gvozdena lopta
Umotana oko tvojih članaka
Preko vodopada
Tako sam teška, teška
Teška u tvojim rukama
Tako sam teška, teška
Tako teška u tvojim rukama
Ovo će biti moja poslednja ispovest
Volim te nikada nisam osećala kao neki blagoslov
Šapućući kao neku tajnu
Samo da bih osudila onoga koji je čuje
Sa teškim srcem
Teška, teška, tako sam teška u tvojim rukama
(tako sam) Teška, teška, tako sam teška u tvojim rukama
(tako sam) Teška, teška, tako sam teška u tvojim rukama
(tako sam) Teška, teška, tako sam teška u tvojim rukama
Bila sam teško srce za poneti
Moj dragi je vagao dole
Moje ruke oko njegovog vrata
Moji prsti vezani za krunu
Bila sam teško srce za poneti
Ali me on nikada nije pustio
Dok me je imao u rukama
Moja stopala nisu doticala tlo
Tako sam teška, teška u tvojim rukama
Teška, tako sam teška u tvojim rukama

Not Hungry

No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)
Please don't ask me how I'm doing (pah, pah)
Please get out of my way (out of my way)
You are a victim, I can see that (haha)
That's why I include you in my prayer (amen)
Yeah, you talk a lot, but don't pretend
You'll never get to my account balance
You're creative when it's about your story
You can't convince anyone you're making money
Hey, I can see how you stare (how you stare)
You like my jewelry (my jewelry)
It hasn't even started (started)
But I break up with you (haha)
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (No, you [plural]
No caviar and no lobster either (stay high)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (yes)
Yes, I'll buy you a Birkin (Birkin)
Yes, I'll gift you a dog (woof)
Baby, don't ask me for my number
Only want to see how you twerk, 'cause your ass is round, yeah (you [plural] know)
Yeah, my cash is colorful (yeah)
Yeah, I count bank notes, don't stress out, no
college girls, uhh, cheerleaders
Facetime with my ex? No, never again (never again)
I can see how she stares
Eliantte, one million just for jewelry
Yes, she wants my number, pushes
No, you won't get it [my number], not even when you swallow (hahaha)
yeah, yeah
No, you can't have my number (my number)
What to go eat? I'm not hungry (not hungry)
No caviar and no lobster either (hey)
Forget the movies, ey, come down again (Brr)


Shawty take a ride you a bad bitch
Back it up right here
Lamborghini door suicide
Red raris on the floor
Make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Your body is already AUTOMATIC
Your touch, my drip, AUTOMATIC
It rises on its own
Doing it without saying anything
I make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Your body is dangerous, it’s speeding quickly above me, you crash it
Dangerous, dangerous, I don’t mind
Long as she got a bag I’ll smash it
Wherever it is, I’ll smash it
Even in the car, I’ll smash it
Brake for the pussy I park it
Then beat it up Mike Tyson
Shawty take a ride you a bad bitch
Back it up right here
Lamborghini door suicide
Red raris on the floor
Make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Your body is already AUTOMATIC
Your touch, my drip, AUTOMATIC
It rises on its own
Doing it without saying anything
I make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Let me take that ass home, tell me when you’re ready
The engine is on, valet is already outside
Even if I don’t say it, I know you heard my name (BABYLON)
I can tell just by looking at your eyes
You’re like a machine, you a auto
Faster, faster, make it clap
Girl you look good real good won’t you back that
Heating up all night
Dangerous cause she AUTOMATIC
Shawty take a ride you a bad bitch
Back it up right here
Lamborghini door suicide
Red raris on the floor
Make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Your body is already AUTOMATIC
Your touch, my drip, AUTOMATIC
It rises on its own
Doing it without saying anything
I make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Yeah When I skrt skrt on the Rodeo they be like AUTOMATIC
I have the magic to move her from your side to mine
I make her drip drip drip, watch out for me
At the blink of an eye, we’re at the hotel lobby
I put a key in my AUTOMATIC
The exhaust sounds like a bad bitch
Giddy up giddy up your engine
Don’t stop, I wanna see you flexin
Raise the speed, I can see the end of this race
She swerve on me as if it’s so natural
Dance under the starry ceiling
Black ghost make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Come and take a ride with a bad bitch
Imma work it up till here
Drop the top down whatever it is
Wherever I am, bitches know who I be
I’m a savage
All of you is AUTOMATIC
That coupe that juice AUTOMATIC
It rises on its own
You know even if I don’t say anything
I make a **** AUTOMATIC
She moves like she’s on motorcycle
Give her lil pow pow on her baby maker
I’ll making your oil explode
You’re going crazy with ecstasy
One zero one
She’s being automatic
No way to stop
Bitch I’m magnetic
When I go fast, you fly up
Your range is shorter than a super board
If you thought I was short, it’s your loss
You’ll come to play in my hands
I’m pretty lil ching but im loco
And you start vibrating like AUTOMATIC
Come and take a ride with a bad bitch
Imma work it up till here
Drop the top down whatever it is
Wherever I am, bitches know who I be
I’m a savage
All of you is AUTOMATIC
That coupe that juice AUTOMATIC
It rises on its own
You know even if I don’t say anything
I make a **** AUTOMATIC
Too much talk for me
Want you to shut up for me
Fuck that fantasy
Whatever you wanna do, do it on me
If u aint about that bad bitch
You wouldnt be looking for me
Step on the pedal
No way we’re gonna stop
As if you already know me
As if we’re dancing
We goin acrobatic
Come and take a ride with a bad bitch
Imma work it up till here
Drop the top down whatever it is
Wherever I am, bitches know who I be
I’m a savage
All of you is AUTOMATIC
That coupe that juice AUTOMATIC
It rises on its own
You know even if I don’t say anything
I make a **** AUTOMATIC


You know we had to do a remix for this one
It’s official
This is
This the mutha fuckin’ remix baby
Shawty take a ride you a bad bitch
Back it up right here
Lamborghini door suicide
Red raris on the floor
Make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Your body is already AUTOMATIC
Your touch, my drip, AUTOMATIC
It rises on its own
Doing it without saying anything
I make a bitch AUTOMATIC
[Jay Park]
Baby link up
U know it’s AUTOMATIC
Let me do u like a savage
I be in a casket
Cause yo looks kill
So let me get a taste
I’m sure ur bored with these other guys
It’s no surprise
So put it on me
just feel the tides all up on your body
Soaking wet I’ll leave you
[Lee Hi]
We like the same kind of tastes
I like it lick it like
The driver keeps looking back at us
Stealing glances, just ride
Tell me you want me, my shoulders, knees, toes
‘O’ daddy daddy wanna slap my ass
Twitch of the finger, come closer
When I go ahh, you go uhh
You’re so hard, you’re so naughty
Full course meal umm umm yummy
Those regulated reactions are even hotter
We don’t stop, we do it standing like machines
Once, twice, then I lost count
All night (skrr skrr)
Handprint and good grips
The mustang we’re riding is overheating
She moves like she’s on motorcycle
Give her lil pow pow on her baby maker
I’ll making your oil explode
You’re going crazy with ecstasy
One zero one
She’s being automatic
No way to stop
Bitch I’m magnetic
When I go fast, you fly up
Your range is shorter than a super board
If you thought I was short, it’s your loss
You’ll come to play in my hands
I’m pretty lil ching but im loco
And you start vibrating like AUTOMATIC
You lucky lucky to see
An asian girl this tatted
This girl has her personal magic
When you’re home
Boys see me they fuckin panic
Wallets open when they hear my voice, AUTOMATIC
Quick bitch please
I’m the one to fuckin deal
They say I’m going to the top top already
They say Jamie, you changed, you changed
The only time you get laid
When there’s packs of money
The only thing that changed is your perspective
Feeling like it’s unfair?
Bad sons keep crying
Stop whining Bish stop
Come and take a ride with a bad bitch
Imma work it up till here
Drop the top down whatever it is
Wherever I am, bitches know who I be
I’m a savage
All of you is AUTOMATIC
That coupe that juice AUTOMATIC
It rises on its own
You know even if I don’t say anything
I make a **** AUTOMATIC
Don’t you know?
I can do this thing all the time
Here I come
From 05 to now, I still put it down
If you don’t know, better do your homework
Mess with a OG like me it’s real thing
I’ll take you there
Cause I can take you way up high
V twins and AUTOMATICS
883 the exhaust goes wild
So you wanna be
Playa playa
I only write good tone tracks
Igniting the HD under the palm trees
Under the sounds, “TWO WHEELS FOR LIFE”
Ride with me, no discrimination
Across the horizon
Winding that throttle wild
On behalf of the misfits
I’m changing
This verse be the proof
My paths are clear
You see my
Dreamin fallin in fantasy til I’m so high
Your lips naturally spit out my melody
Dreamin fallin in fantasy until I’m so high
It controls you, my vibe
What you waiting for oh oh
Yea, I’m free, super fly always
Positive positive
Back up on ma real shit (yea)
What you waiting for oh oh
Don’t need to wait, I’m first in line
Ready set AUTOMATIC check
Now I’m taking off
Let me take that ass home, tell me when you’re ready
The engine is on, valet is already outside
Even if I don’t say it, I know you heard my name (BABYLON)
I can tell just by looking at your eyes
You’re like a machine, you a auto
Faster, faster, make it clap
Girl you look good real good won’t you back that
Heating up all night
Dangerous cause she AUTOMATIC
Hold up
After our eyes meet
Hold up
The moment our hands touch
We’re already melting into each other
Feeling like we’ve become one
I’m getting drunk, I wanna go to you
Just touching, just touching
So you don’t know what to do
Trying to overpower you to confuse you
If you wake me up ambiguously
I might loudly bite you and leave
If you ask me where I’m from, I don’t know
Cuz I don’t even know where I came from
But why’s that important?
What’s important is where I am now
If you wanna see what I’m seeing
And do what I’m doing
Stick close to me
Stick close to me, stick to me
I don’t care if you’re just a friend
Or if things get hotter
Told you I’m going down
No need to mess around
Yes, baby, trust me
I can shave it all off for you
I’ll be your private eye
Every need be satisfied
Wap wap licky licky right there
Wap wap licky licky right there
Don’t be too shy
Beautiful ones we know
What what you do to me
Make me ooh yeah wanna breathe
Wildin out for you
What? let’s all enjoy the ride
Can’t tell me nothing
Alone in love is nice
But no matter what
I like it when I’m with you the best
I’m back on the microphone
With R&B, I know what you want
I make it look easy
So easy like do re mi uh do re mi
Ay Chancellor you got my back homie
Start the engine, vroom, it’s time to go
Zooming past the idiots who can’t ride the flow
So smooth on this track
No one can follow me, let’s work
I’m all warmed up now, let’s work
Driftin’, driftin’ that S course
Don’t know where I’ll go but I’ll keep going till the end
Let’s get retarded
I know what you want
I know what you want even more
Move bitch get out the way
Get out the way, get out the way
Don’t need to talk, yeah you already know
This shit is AUTOMATIC
Yeah When I skrt skrt on the Rodeo they be like AUTOMATIC
I have the magic to move her from your side to mine
I make her drip drip drip, watch out for me
At the blink of an eye, we’re at the hotel lobby
I put a key in my AUTOMATIC
The exhaust sounds like a bad bitch
Giddy up giddy up your engine
Don’t stop, I wanna see you flexin
Raise the speed, I can see the end of this race
She swerve on me as if it’s so natural
Dance under the starry ceiling
Black ghost make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Oceanfromtheblue yeah that’s me
There’s no time, I won’t take my clothes off
I may be small but my presence is big
Once you leave, you’ll feel my missing spot
Don’t need a guide
Yeah this is free style
The verses I spit out without thought
Make them come to me, getting ready for the next step
I’m so AUTOMATIC when you do
And I hope you do too
For my baby I’ll do anything
And I hope you do too
I’m so wavy not be lazy
For my baby trust me
I’m working for her these days
Can’t see what’s next
No way you can see
What’s the next for me
Too much talk for me
Want you to shut up for me
Fuck that fantasy
Whatever you wanna do, do it on me
If u aint about that bad bitch
You wouldnt be looking for me
Step on the pedal
No way we’re gonna stop
As if you already know me
As if we’re dancing
We goin acrobatic
I love the power
When I’m on top, I can see right through you
I’ll always embrace you with love
Every day, I’m full of love
Look far ahead, this is a game
I have everything they want
Yes that’s right babe
You wanna come inside?
Let’s be wise
I won’t be too serious, it’s AUTOMATIC
Just have fun
Baby just take a bite
We talk more than we feel tho
But damn sixth sense ain’t a thing to trust
Girl I’ll give time for you to relax
Ain’t no bitch can surpass you a lady
For the lights that are turning off, thunder (volt)
I can hear all the back talk, don’t you shut up
We need love and the peace and
Whatever, nothing’s wrong, just for a moment
Baby won’t you lose that smile
It ain’t for the gram
It’s just a game
Why don’t you play? yeah
5 o’clock in the morning
After time, hopefully peaceful nights will come
Everyone’s asleep
Let’s leave without anyone knowing
Well Well, Bump like odell
When everyone’s sleeping, at the hotel lobby
We’re being super quiet
I’m inviting you up before the night is over
Timeless tales You’re too far away
From me it is Rapunzel
I may seem easy but I’m not
I acted like I was
12 o’clock it’s 12 o’clock
There’s no way to find no way to find us
Come ride me, just follow me
Hurry, without anyone knowing
I’ve been givin rides to the bad bitches
From her head to her toes, they all fine creatures
Staring at my tongue, you all are lane switchers
Was wet but now dry swishers
Hurry and get on
I think you’re thirsty
It’s getting hot and sweaty
Takes some beads and take it off
Like it’s mardi gras
Feels good to ride AUTOMATIC
You make me AUTOMATIC
Ummm baby I’m a tesla autopilot
No sound but innovative
We’re unraveling both our lives
I tease your ears with music
It’s too much to go outside
So put in the earphones
And close your eyes please
If this music makes you feel like you’re ridin’
I’ve half succeeded
This is like driving along Han River
Wearing new Nikes, um I like this
Curious what people do for fun
I hope this melody is medicine for your heart
I hope this melody wakes you up
I hope our music creates peace
Many things will change for us, man
Negative vibe, put it aside
Shout out to the ones
Who have rolled the dice
We be ballin’never be fallin’
I’mma go chase only good end
Got your back we got mutual trust in
Wanna swim in deeper waters
Wanna swim in deep waters
Think it’s funny
How you always be complaining
All you do is wait for the moment
Gotta hit your own scheme like
Boom boom pow
If you run away it’s a goodbye ciao
Your body is dangerous, it’s speeding quickly above me, you crash it
Dangerous, dangerous, I don’t mind
Long as she got a bag I’ll smash it
Wherever it is, I’ll smash it
Even in the car, I’ll smash it
Brake for the pussy I park it
Then beat it up Mike Tyson
Shawty we ain’t got no time
There’s no time, hurry and get on
I’m sitting down on the bed, we keep going
All night, 24/7, stay up all night
There’s still a long way to go
Baby Imma pop your body
Your waistline under the lights
Drive me crazy, even the sound of your rough breathing
I’m feeling your vibe
You feeling my vibe
Oh I make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Baby want you to
Come up with that for me
I’ll act like I don’t know, secretly whisper to me
You can drive up all night
Till you wear out
I’ll take you anywhere
Naturally, AUTOMATIC
But what follows is that manual shit
I don’t like being fast
I like stick analog more than Auto
Your body is slowly shaking
Open the window cuz it’s about to get hot
Hey baby in da coupe
Keep push it, longer
Don’t stop it baby
Till you can touch your toes
Hey give me that loop
I may seem dangerous but I’m with my whole crew
The speed keeps being dramatic
Get ready and get set go
Uno dos and tres and four
Let me know what you waiting for
Don’t mess it up ready and get set go
So they can’t follow us from behind
Yeah we gotta don’t stop
I know, we’re dangerous right now
We ain’t playing around
Newly make up, get up, wake up
Flip it over, you know, we know
Draw a line, yeah, expand the area
So old fashioned wave, let it flow
Honestly, it’s all old shit
New thing Show NONE rise up
Spread the rumor, who am i? NONE babe
Listen other play
Respect other fame
I make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Shawty take a ride you a bad bitch
Back it up right here
Lamborghini door suicide
Red raris on the floor
Make a bitch AUTOMATIC
Your body is already AUTOMATIC
Your touch, my drip, AUTOMATIC
It rises on its own
Doing it without saying anything
I make a bitch AUTOMATIC

Divorced to Unite

Empty glasses and bottles
Forgotten dreams
Comes and goes
Like fresh wounds
I shed a tear
When memories remind me of all the years
Why are we so silent?
Since you left us, I got lost
Only now can I understand
Why we always tiptoed

The Best Summer

It's hard trying to explain
Feels like I
Was often forced to defend
Rarely lucky
Is that something I knew?
You think you know everything
Why ask when you can guess?
Hold your breath for half a year
When you are free again, it's suddenly spring
Until then, you got peace
A peace deprived of liberty
A memory of a clock
That ticks and goes
A reminder of
Time you'll never get back

Don't forget

sit and listen
maybe you won't understand
or maybe you won't believe.
it's the best day
to step with the right leg
for you have nothing to lose.
You got no reason to sit and think in vain
Believe in yourself whatever it is and just don't give up!
Don't forget to believe in miracles
Don't forget - there are even good people
Don't forget about all that's beautiful
when you think that everything is upside down.
Don't forget - you also have your chance
you've got a star up in the sky
And then, when it'll be hard for you, just don't forget!
what's rushing you
That's no use to run
to hide in your shadow!
maybe even tomorrow
the sun is showing up
shining with its ray
Prechorus 2:
That's no reason to cry your loneliness
Believe in yourself whatever it is and just don't give up!


Prošlo je mnogo vremena
I videti oblik tvog imena
Još speluje bol
Nije bio u redu
Način na koji se sve ovo odigralo
Izgleda kao da to znaš sada
Da, dobila sam tvoje pismo
Da, bolje mi je
Previše duboko me je iseklo to da te poznajem, odmah do koske
Da, dobila sam tvoje pismo
Da, bolje mi je
Znam da je gotovo, ne treba mi tvoje
Zatvaranje, tvoje zatvaranje
Ne ponašaj se prema meni kao prema nekoj situaciji koju moraš rešiti
U redu sam sa mojim inatom
I mojim suzama, i mojim pivom i mojim svećama
Mogu da te osećam kako pokušavaš da me omekšaš
Da, dobila sam tvoje pismo
Da, bolje mi je
Previše duboko me je iseklo to da te poznajem, odmah do koske
Da, dobila sam tvoje pismo
Da, bolje mi je
Znam da je gotovo, ne treba mi tvoje
Zatvaranje, tvoje zatvaranje
Znam da sam samo nabor u tvom novom životu
Prijatelji koji ostaju će to ispeglati
Kriva, kriva, dopire do mora
Ono što se desilo između nas
Ali je lažno i oh tako nebitno
Da, dobila sam tvoje pismo
Da, bolje mi je
Previše duboko me je iseklo to da te poznajem, odmah do koske
Da, dobila sam tvoje pismo
Da, bolje mi je
Znam da je gotovo, ne treba mi tvoje
Zatvaranje, zatvaranje, tvoje zatvaranje
Tvoje zatvaranje


(Prva strofa)
Hej, Dorotea, da li ikada zastaneš i pomisliš na mene?
Kad smo bile mlađe dole u parku
Dušo, kao da tuga nije ništa
Imaš blistave prijatelje od kako si napustila grad
Mali ekran je jedino mesto gde te viđam sad
I nemam ništa sem najlepših želja za tebe
Ooh, ovo mesto je isto kao što je uvek bilo
Ooh, ali tebi se ne sviđa takvo
Nikada nije prekasno da mi se vratiš
Zvezde u tvojim očima sjajile su više u Tupelu
I ako se ikada umoriš od toga da te znaju zbog toga koga znaš
Znaš, uvek ćeš znati mene, Dorotea
Ooh ti si kraljica koja prodaje snove, prodaje šminku i časopise
Ooh, od tebe bih kupila bilo šta
(Druga strofa)
Hej, Dorotea, da li ikada zastaneš i pomisliš na mene?
Kada je bilo mirnije, preskočile smo maturu samo da bi iznervirale tvoju mamu i njene planove o takmičenju
I stvarno, Dorotea, svi želimo da smo ti
Ali da li si ti ista duša koju sam upoznala ispod tribina? Pa...
Ooh, očigledno nikada neću znati
Ooh, a ti ćeš nastaviti sa svojim životom
Nikada nije prekasno da mi se vratiš
Zvezde u tvojim očima sjajile su više u Tupelu
I ako se ikada umoriš od toga da te znaju zbog toga koga znaš
Znaš, uvek ćeš znati mene, Dorotea

Koni Ajlend

Polomila sam dušu na pola tražeći te
Ali ti si ovde
Ako ne mogu više da saosećam sa tobom
Sa kime sam onda u srodstvu?
I ako je ovo duži put
Kako smo do ovde došli tako brzo?
Da li sam stisnula ruku u pesnicu pored nečeg krhkog
Da li sam te slomila?
I sedim na klupici u Koni Ajlandu
Pitam se gde je moja ljubav otišla
Brza vremena, svetle lampice, vesele vožnje
Izvini što nisi bio moje središte
Iznova i iznova
Opet sam izgubila i nije me iznenadilo
Razočarenja ti zatvore oči
I sve je hladnije i hladnije
Kada sunce zađe
Pitanje mi ne da mira
Šta je život pun uspeha
Ako sam te doterao do ivice
Ali ti si bila isuviše pristojna da me ostaviš
Da li ti nedostaju nestašluci
Koji su te odveli u raj i ostavili te tamo?
Da li ćeš oprostiti mojoj duši
Kada si dovoljno mudar da mi veruješ i prestar da te bude briga?
Jer smo mi bili kao tržni centar pre interneta
Bili smo jedino mesto za boravak
Đavolije, upakovani prigradski snnovi
Izvini što ti ne osvojih prsten iz igraonic
Iznova i iznova
Opet sam izgubila i nije me iznenadilo
Razočarenja ti zatvore oči
I sve je hladnije i hladnije
Kada sunce zađe
Da li si čekao na našem starom mestu
Kod drveća
Pored zlatnog sata
Da li sam te ostavila samog svakog dana?
Da li si stajala u hodniku
Sa velikom tortom, srećan rođendan
Da li sam obojio tvoja najplavija neba najtamnijom sivom?
Udaljeni ceo univerzum
A kada se nesreća dogodila
Tvoje lice mi je prošlo pred očima
Ali kada dođoh do podijuma, zaboravih da kažem tvoje ime
I sedim na klupici u Koni Ajlandu pitam se gde je moja ljubav otišla
Brza vremena, svetle lampice, vesele vožnje
Izvini što nisi bio moje središte
Iznova i iznova
Opet sam izgubila i nije me iznenadilo
Razočarenja ti zatvore oči
I sve je hladnije i hladnije
Kada sunce zađe
Kada sunce zađe
Tvoje lice mi je prošlo pred očima
Kada sunce zađe
Zaboravih da kažem tvoje ime
Iznova i iznova
Izvini što nisi bio
Bio moje središte

broken hearted

i started it with hot ideals
salking the dreams died
the ambitions are not clear
they lick where they talked
walk upon thr morals
Here there are only trades
there are no goals
Traitors before people's eyes
Traitors before God
You will sow what you plant
You traitors of the tears
Somebody told me stay quiet
i thought it was better not to talk
But why should i put up with it when my soul is exploding
I walk broken hearted
My pain is with me
He who betrayed himself
has no hope for tomorrow
I believe in God's words
Do not plant the evil
He who betrayed yesterday will pant the lies tomorrow
i am unrepresented ,i am unrealised
I am betrayed
i am underestimated
I am not a traide , neither am i math
you fucking politcs i am with blood and with soulb
ans when it starts badly it will go up untill the end
better off an end with pain than a n endless pain
they see a small light
this place can be rescued only with the faith in god
I walk broken hearted
My pain is with me
He who betrayed himself
has no hope for tomorrow
I believe in God's words
Do not plant the evil
He who betrayed yesterday will pant the lies tomorrow
I walk broken hearted
My pain is with me
He who betrayed himself
has no hope for tomorrow
I believe in God's words
Do not plant the evil
He who betrayed yesterday will pant the lies tomorrow


(Prva strofa)
Ja sam kao voda one večeri kada si došao brodom
Oštra površina koju možeš preseći nožem
I kada bi ovo bio lako rešiv slučaj
Nikada ne bih znala iz izraza tvog lica
Izgubljena u tvojoj današnjosti kao neprocenjivo vino
Što više pričaš, manje znam
Gde god zalutaš, pratim te
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
(Druga strofa)
Život je bio vrba i iskrivio se na tvom vetru
Glava na jastuku, osećam te kako se prikradaš
Kao da si neka mitska stvar
Kao da si trofej ili šampionski prsten
I kada bi postojala jedna nagrada, varala bih da pobedim
Što više pričaš, manje znam
Gde god zalutaš, pratim te
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Znam da te moj voz može odvesti kući
Svuda drugde je šuplje
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Život je bio vrba i iskrivio se na tvom vetru
Glava na jastuku, osećam te kako se prikradaš
Život je bio vrba i iskrivio se na tvom vetru
Vraćam se jače nego trend iz devedesetih
(Treća strofa)
Čekaj na znak i naćićemo se posle mraka
Pokaži mi mesta gde su ti ostali zadali ožiljke
Sada je ovo lako rešiv slučaj
Očigledno sam trebala da znam iz izraza tog lica
Svaka obmana bila je umetnost
Znam da što više pričaš, manje znam
Gde god zalutaš, pratim te
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Znam da te moj voz može odvesti kući
Svuda drugde je šuplje
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Što više pričaš, manje znam
Gde god zalutaš, pratim te
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Znam da te moj voz može odvesti kući
Svuda drugde je šuplje
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek
Hej, to je moj čovek
To je moj čovek
Da, to je moj čovek
Dušo, svaka obmana bila je umetnost
To je moj čovek
Hej, to je moj čovek
Molim te da me uhvatiš za ruku
Da uništiš moje planove, to je moj čovek

problemi sa šampanjcem

(Prva strofa)
Kupio si kartu za noćni voz sa razlogom
Da bi mogao da sediš tamo u ovoj boli
Užurbane gomile ili ljudi koji spavaju čvrsto
Nisi siguran šta je gore
Jer sam pustila tvoju ruku dok smo plesali
Ostavila te da stojiš tu
Srušenog na odmorištu
Problemi sa šampanjcem
Prsten tvoje mame u tvom džepu
Moja slika u tvom novčaniku
Tvoje srce je bilo staklo, ja sam ga ispustila
Problemi sa šampanjcem
(Druga strofa)
Rekao si svojoj porodici sa razlogom
Nisi mogao to da zadržiš u sebi
Tvoja sestra je popila sve iz boce
Sad niko ne slavi
Dom Perinjon, doneo si ga
Ni jedna gomila prijatelja nije aplaudirala
Skeptici tvog grada nazvali su to
Problemi sa šampanjcem
Imao si govor, ne znaš šta da kažeš
Ljubav je iskliznula dalje od tvog dohvata
A ja nisam mogla da ti dam razlog
Problemi sa šampanjcem
(Treća strofa)
Tvoj zlatni dodir na vratima
Novembar je otišao i tvoj flanel je tu
'Ova kuća je nekada bila ludnica'
Našalila sam se, 'Pa, onda je stvorena za mene'
Kako osvežavajuće, naši prijatelji
Mislim da nikada više nećemo reći tu reč
I uskoro će imati snage da sruše hodnike
Kroz koje smo mi nekada hodali
Jednom za novac, dvaput za kabare
Nikada nisam bila spremna pa sam te gledala kako ideš
Nekada jednostavno ne znaš odgovor
Dok neko nije na kolenima i pita te
'Bila bi tako divna mlada,
Kakva šteta što je udarena u glavu', rekli su
Ali naćićeš pravu stvar zapravo
Ona će ti zalepiti tapet koji sam ja pocepala
I da ti drži ruku dok plešete
Da te nikada ne ostavi da stojiš
Srušenog na odmorištu
Sa problemima sa šampanjcem
Prsten tvoje mame u tvom džepu
Njena slika u tvom novčaniku
Nećeš se setiti svih mojih
Problema sa šampanjcem
Nećeš se setiti svih mojih
Problema sa šampanjcem

Crying in the Limo

Ah, ey
Ey (ey), I lost my friends
Look how cute I look crying in the limo (wow! let's go)
Sing with me