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Број резултата: 114



Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Kada njene ruke budu mazile tvoju kožu
želećeš da to budu moje,
a ti ćeš se pretvarati,
u njenom pogledu ćeš želeti da me pronađeš
i osetićeš praznu dušu, nedostajaću ti.
Znam da ćeš plakati do kraja svojih dana
i krivićeš me,
ali znaš vrlo dobro da nije bila moja krivica.
Znam da ćeš žaliti do kraja svojih dana,
lanci će biti ova ljubav koju ne zaboravljaš
i imaćeš utehu saznanja da si ostao
u priči mog života.
U svakom dodiru duh ću biti
i ti ćeš misliti
da su moje ruke na tvojoj koži.
Znam da ćeš plakati do kraja svojih dana
i krivićeš me,
ali znaš vrlo dobro da nije bila moja krivica.
Znam da ćeš žaliti do kraja svojih dana,
lanci će biti ova ljubav koju ne zaboravljaš
i imaćeš utehu saznanja da si ostao
u priči mog života.
Znam da ćeš plakati do kraja svojih dana
i krivićeš me,
ali znaš vrlo dobro da nije bila moja krivica.
Znam da ćeš žaliti do kraja svojih dana,
lanci će biti ova ljubav koju ne zaboravljaš
i imaćeš utehu saznanja da si ostao
u priči mog života.

I Bogati palču

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Za tvoju ljubav
Snaga se uselila u moje srce
Taj plamen
će možda goreti zauvijek
Sunce je drugačije
A ono što je bilo sakriveno, probudilo se
Bez tvog osmijeha
Ne bih postojala
I toliko stvari čini da shvatim
Da je u stvari tako
Jer i bogati plaču
I oni vrište
bore se za svoj život
I imaju rane na svom srcu
I imaju nadu
u ljubav
Jer su u duši isti
Jednako vole, i prećutkuju,
Zbog poljupca izgube glavu
Kada plate
Osvaja ih tuga
Jednako ih boli
Isto se smiju i zaljubljuju
I bogati plaču
Da li zbog mene
Duboko u sebi
mogu da postignem
Sreću, jer sam te otkrio
I toliko toga čini da shvatim
Da je zaista tako

I Am Weary and Desolate

I am weary and desolate
Alone in a strange land
Among the islands of Jura
Great is my longing to cross over, hai o
Among the islands of Jura
Great is my longing to cross over
I am here without sister or brother
Without mother or father, hai o
I am here without sister or brother
Without mother or father
I haven't one person of my kinsfolk
To listen to my complaint, hai o
I haven't one person of my kinsfolk
To listen to my complaint
The ship sailed through the narrows
He whom I love best of all men was on board, hai o
The ship sailed through the narrows
He whom I love best of all men was on board
My lover was steering her
Beguiling, gallant, of the curling hair, hai o
My lover was steering her
Beguiling, gallant, of the curling hair
Beguiling, gallant, of the fragrant hair
Your slender brown eye brows are a delight to me, hai o
Beguiling, gallant, of the fragrant hair
Your slender brown eye brows are a delight to me
If my dearest wish were granted
Wide would be your lands, hai o
If my dearest wish were granted
Wide would be your lands
Mull and Islay would be yours
Kintyre and Arran, hai o
Na hi bho ho hill o horo ho
Hill o na hi bho ho
Hi na hi ri ri dhiu o
Hi o na hi hoireann o ho
Eileadh ho horo ho

Forgive me

If I could forget a finished love
If I could console my heart for my love
And at a night if I could return
Forgive me, forgive me, please forgive me
Forgive me that I cannot knock the door
Forgive me that I love you, but I cannot tell
I don't know myself, why I don't know even
Forgive me, forgive me, please forgive me
Don't worry for the ashes of an extinguishing fire
Don't worry for the month, years of my life
If I say, I don't love
Please do not believe me
Forgive me, forgive me, please forgive me

I'm not that bad

I-I-I'm not that bad
I'm just doing the natural thing
I-I-I'm not that bad
I'm just following my path
I-I-I'm not that bad
I'm just doing the natural thing
I-I-I'm not that bad
I’m not really that bad!
I am like every animal
Out in the wild
I'm just surviving
Or I'll be out of luck
To be at the top,
You gotta fight hard
Strong as a lion
The animal that does not fight
They will eat up as la-la-la-la-la-lunch!
That's how it is!
I-I-I'm not that bad
I'm just doing the natural thing
I-I-I'm not that bad
I'm just following my path
I-I-I'm not that bad
I'm just doing the natural thing
I-I-I'm not that bad
I’m not really that bad!
If you are a person with a company,
You'll know this.
Those who are rich