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Atomski Oblak

Želim da budem srećan
Želim da budem veseo
Želim da budem normalan na svaki način
Ali atomski oblak mi visi nad snovima
Proganja mi budućnost i ugrožava planove
Mire, Mire, Mire, gde si otišao?
(gde si otišao?)
Imam svoju dragu i volim je takođe
Hoćemo da pravimo velike planove, ali šta nam je činiti?
Kada je atomski oblak izmenio svako pravilo
Produbila je naše misli kod kuće i u školi
Mire, Mire, Mire, gde si otišao?
(gde si otišao?)
Molili smo se, zabavljali, smejali i molili opet
(molili opet)
I pravili smo se da je sve u redu, ne bi li mislili o neredu u kojem smo sa našli
Držao sam se uz svoju dušu, i ona se držala uz mene
Pričamo o budućnosti, ali šta vidimo?
Postoji atomski oblak koji mi stoji na putu
Sutrašnji dan mi se čini mračnim, zato živimo za danas
Mire, Mire, Mire, gde si otišao?
(gde si otišao?)
Oh, Mire, Mire, Mire, gde si otišao?
(gde si otišao?)

The sailor's letter

20th of June 1990
We left Dubai and we are headed to France ( Gallia)
Is the word Gallia written with two or one lambda (l) ?
I am not good at spelling,
but i never disaffiliate rough and smooth signs
I saw them in my sleep one night
like barefoot beggars with greasy hair and
i got scared
i saw also an iota subscript, and since then i also remember it as well.
As for circumflexes
when there is a need i also pay my tribute to them.
In our living room we have three flies:
Myrto, Janette and Cornelius,
they eat sugar and milk.
Sometimes i run into them at the corridor
and i pretend not to see them.
Now, i am going to take from the fridge some raw fruits
and i will put them on the scuttle to mature .
I wish i was in Omonoia's square now,
even if there was a lot of heat, a lot of exhaust gases ,
a lot of people in the bus stop waiting for hours for the bus to arrive.
And if i ever got to Ampelokipoi
i would buy fish, green herbs and wheat bread
and i would praise God.
I am wondering: aren't you happy?
I received a letter from my mother
and she keeps repeating the same things
I've read over again and again when a young sailor
approached me
' Captain Manolis, is this a letter from your mother?'
' Yes, from my mother'
' Give it to me to read it'.

At The Loud House

In the crowded corridors, dodging the girls
The bathroom's at the end, you'll make it
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Skip the piles of laundry, feel that I smell here
With ten sisters, it's hard here, you know!
Loud House! Loud House!
We collide, but there is always love in!
Loud House! Loud House!
One child and ten sisters, It's very tough, you know!
Loud! Loud! House! Of the Louds!

The Loud House

To the right, to the left
In a crowd of people
The toilet's still far away (Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!)
There's huge piles of clothes
And diapers that smell horrible
My survival won't lose!
My Loud House! Your Loud House!
Sibling fights
Are a sign of love!
My Loud House! Your Loud House!
From one to ten
I love my family!
Loud! Loud House!

Näin Meillä!! [That's what we do!]

Pushing in the hallway
Sisters can hold it in
Like this I'll be the first one in the bathroom line
I pass a mountain of laundry
And a smelly baby's diaper
I'm making art of taking turns!
That's what we do, how about you?
Shoving, pushing
You'll never be left alone!
That's what we do, how about you?
One plus ten
I'd never change that to anything!
That's it! That's what we do!
'That's what we do'

My Noisy House

Noise and turmoil in the corridor
We have to fight
To get into the bathroom
Dirty laundry is everywhere
Diapers are here too
Try to survive here!
In our house! In our house!
Noise and turmoil
That is our family!
In our house! In our house!
You are one, they are ten
But we're not traitors!
House! House! House! Our house!
My Noisy House

Welcome to the Louds!

Passing through the whole house
Dodging girls on the way
Just to reach the bathroom in time
(In the Louds!)
Stepping over laundry in heaps
Diapers that don't smell very good
A boy must do everything to keep his reason!
Welcome to the Louds!
Push, sort, shake or brake
Us, that's how we love ourselves!
Welcome to the Louds!
One guy, ten girls
But I love my big family!
Welcome to the Louds!

The Loud House Opening (Brazilian Portuguese)

Slithering through the hall,
Dodging girls I shall, to the bathroom, arrive on time
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Leaping over smelly piles, smellies which embroils your insides, guy's gotta take some risks to survive...
(In the Loud House! In the Loud House!,) dodge, duck, push and shove, our loves is awesome (In the Loud House! In the Loud House!)
One boy, ten girls, (A wonder's here)
Loud, loud, loud, loud House!

Kuća Buka Uvodna Špica (na Japanskom)

Na desno i na levo
guram se kroz gužve
Toalet je daleko
Odeća je nabacana
Pelena baš mi smrdi
Ovo je moj nezaustavljivi survajval!
Moja Kuća Buka! Tvoja Kuća Buka!
Svađe među braćama i sestrama
Ljubav se pokazuje!
Moja Kuća Buka! Tvoja Kuća Buka!
Jedan ja plus deset njih
ali ipak se volimo svi
Buka! Kuća Buka!

Oblak od 800 decibela

Kaže on meni na avionu, 'volim te'
Rekla sam mu 'i ja tebe'
Kaže on, 'Sve je sad drugačije, sve se promenilo,
Uvek na avionu, uvek nešto novo'
Rekla sam, 'Nema ništa novo, ništa se promenilo, potreban si mi'
Ja ću povući dim
Da pušim nešto novo
Zavijam džoint, onda pušim, onda je sve nestalo
Pušim taj Dži toliko jako da sam se pao
Piti žeštinu u mraku, to je loša odluka
Idem prema tvojoj glavi, moram te završiti
(Idi, idi, idi, idi)
Imam kesicu usput.
(Idi, idi, idi, idi)
Pušim malo trave u jedan danu
(Idi, idi, idi, idi)
Šta si hteo da kažeš?
(Idi, idi, idi, idi)
Uspeću usput
Nikada ne kažem šta mi treba, kad si ti meni potreban
Nikada ne kažem šta mi treba, kad si ti meni potreban
Ja sam u redu sa vutrom, ali trebaš mi
Povukla bih travu, povukla bih dim
Zavisna sam Monsterom, lovu i vutru, da
Povučem oblake toliko glasno, da ti ne možeš videti, da
Zavisna sam prema svemu što vidim, da
Išla bih i bacila svoj mobilni u jezeru, da
Nije teško prestati sa brigom na šta ti misliš, da
Spalio si me previše puta kao drvo, da
Sada ti plameni padaju nad tvoje krihe, da
Povučem dim, a sad je sve nestalo
Povučem dim, a sad je nestalo
Povučem dim i vutru, da
Povučem dim, a sad je nestalo
Samo zaveži jebenu gubicu, gde je vutra?
Samo zaveži jebenu gubicu, gde je vutra?
Molim te, samo me sjebi, gde je vutra?
Samo zaveži jebenu gubicu


I was a boy blown by a refreshing breeze, looking ahead.
Wanted to find something, wanted to seek something.
Do you see that boy now?
No doubt, you can't lose to anyone.
Fly to the future, and you will be the wind.
My dreams, that I hold close to my heart,
Now is the time for you to get wings.
There is always light behind the clouds.
Everything I did is mediocre, and then you told me off on that day.
Never bury my dreams, I swear.
You are kind, so warm-hearted in that way.
Being hurt more than anyone else, you have been devastated by grief.
When you can't stop crying
I will sing this song, is this enough?
Or I give all of my smiles to you.
Surely the rain will turn into a rainbow.
Come on, let us open the door to our dreams.
Fly to the future, and you will be the wind.
My dreams, that I hold close to my heart,
Now is the time for you to get wings.
When you can't stop crying
I will sing this song, is this enough?
Or I give all of my smiles to you.
There is always light behind the clouds.
Come on, let us open the door to our dreams.

Noćni cvet

Večeras se rano uspavao grad
Sva svetla su pogašena i puste su ulice
I tražim da te nađem pre nego što se ugasi mesec
Pre nego što izađe jutarnja zvezda i odvede te daleko
U mom životu, u mojoj bašti, noćni cvet
Koji mi oživljaš samo svakog sumraka
Kao prokletstvo iz bajke je naša ljubav
Uvek na pola ostaje naš mesec
U noći tražim nešto da nas spasi
Pre nego što dođe zora i san se završi

Come Together

I want to invite you here, with us to
Have fun, and also dance like crazy
You'll see playing here
The best bands in town
We'll be all in a new wave and
Posh boys will drink Coca Cola
Everybody, let's dance and sing
We'll tell jokes and we'll laugh non stop
Come together here to dance
Cats are allowed, bring your cats and see
At least bring a portrait with you
Don't you fall sleep
Everybody's here to have fun
Come together here to dance
Girls come here with their chain belts
And their bell-bottoms
They dance and laugh and sing, yeah
You will feel very happy in this place
Come together here to dance
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, oh
Come together, yeah
Come together, oh.


Kaži mi još koju tajnu,
Moja mi je dosadila,
Kažu da treba da je čuvam,
Ali greše.
Daj mi još jednu čašu vina,
Moram da zaboravim,
Nisam bila baš iskrena
Sve vreme.
Ali sve što vidim, najbolje od mene
Tek treba da dođe.
Dosežem beskonačnost.
Ali sve što vidim, najbolje od mene
Tek treba da dođe.
Dosežem beskonačnost.
Jer nisi video najbolje od mene.
Bićeš iznenađen.
Nisi video ostatak mene.
Bićeš iznenađen.
(Iznenađenje za tebe, za tebe)
Bićeš iznenađen.
Za tebe, za tebe...
Jer nisi video najbolje od mene.
Bićeš iznenađen.
Nisi video ostatak mene.
Bićeš iznenađen.
(Iznenađenje za tebe, za tebe)
Ali sve što vidim, najbolje od mene
Tek treba da dođe.
Dosežem beskonačnost.

Sve Zene Umeju Plesati

Ona se osmehuje ogledalima i socivima
Kada mi salje slike uvek su bez filtrera
Ja povlacim sve konce
Za povrsne devojke zavisne od wifi-a
Besprekorna, kako nosis tu tvoju haljinu i visoke stikle
Da li si ikada razmisljala da uklopis svoje reci i svoja dela
Samo kazem...
Nisi ti u pitanju, samo kazem
Uvek padnem na istu stvar
Ah, madjionicari
Ponovo sam prodao svoju dusu zbog srodne duse
Znam, znam, obecao sam da cu prestati (obecao da cu prestati)
Verovao sam da sam pronasao pravu za sva vremena
Ali moja malena je pobegla (ah, malena je pobegla)
I svaki put je poslednji ples
I posle se lagano vraca refren
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Oko celog sveta
Oh, stisnula je kao da ne moze da me pusti
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Ne brinem se ni zbog cega
Sada me cekas na drugoj liniji
Znao sam da ce me ponovo pozvati jedan od ovih dana
Ali ne brini se, moje je srce fleksibilno
Mozes da ga stisnes, ali nemoj da ga slomis
Zaboravi proslost, ponasamo se kao da se nista nije desilo
Zelis da provedemo noc, nema nikakvog problema
Ali bolje da javis na poslu
Kazi da ces poceti u devet, ali da ne treba da radis sutra
Ponovo sam prodao svoju dusu zbog srodne duse
Znam, znam, obecao sam da cu prestati (obecao da cu prestati)
Verovao sam da sam pronasao pravu za sva vremena
Ali moja malena je pobegla (ah, malena je pobegla)
I svaki put je poslednji ples
I posle se lagano vraca refren
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Oko celog sveta
Oh, stisnula je kao da ne moze da me pusti
Sve zene umeju plesati
Ako nije ona, bice neka druga
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Necu morati da se brinem zbog male proklete sitnice
Ne brinem se ni zbog cega
Sve zene umeju plesati
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Sve zene umeju plesati
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega
Kada budemo imali ritam, zaista
Necu morati da se brinem ni zbog cega


I don't belong
I don't belong anymore to the sky
My soul can't remember. I'm searching for it
To dream
But my memory is sleeping
My breath is like a cell
She's imprisoning imagination
A life of wish. A breath
On a world that doesn't matter
I can't stand
I can't stand this silence anymore
A rock, a butterfly
Without music, without being there
I saw them preparing the party
And I keep hoping for a tomorrow
But I'm fooling myself
Yes, I'm fooling me
And I follow
Steps written by time
My breath is like a cell
She's imprisoning imagination
A life of wish. A breath
On a world that doesn't matter
I don't belong
I don't belong anymore to the sky
My soul can't remember. I'm searching for it
To dream
But my memory is sleeping


I thought that it was all done
that you are still in the past
but a little before dawn
under the light of the stars
but a little before dawn
under the light of the grey stars
Shadows, shadows
in the bedroom in which we lived yesterday
Shadows, like the shadows
my crazy memories dance
like butterflies that wear black
My bad luck has changed
but my wounded heart
sometimes tells me it's fine
and sometimes it cries and wakes me
sometimes it tells me it's fine
and sometimes it cries again and wakes me
Shadows, shadows
in the bedroom in which we lived yesterday
Shadows, like the shadows
my crazy memories dance
like butterflies that that wear black
I am currently studying Greek, so please don't shoot me if I make a mistake...! Any translations I post will be just the best I can make it out to be if no other translation is available. If there is a mistake just let me know and I will correct it :) x.

Divlji cvet

Nemoj me zaliti, nocas me izbaci
kao da sam divlji cvet
i moj zivot dokrajci
Sam sam krenuo
idem sam
Ulica je moj dom
a pesma moj bol
Izbaci me i nemoj zaliti
Neka te ne plasi sta ce sa mnom biti
I po snegu i po kisi
Divlji cvet moze da izdrzi
Nemoj me zadrzati samo iz sazaljenja
navikao sam na hladnocu, i snegove podnecu
Sam sam krenuo
idem sam
Ulica je moj dom
a pesma moj bol
Izbaci me i nemoj zaliti
Neka te ne plasi sta ce sa mnom biti
I po snegu i po kisi
Divlji cvet moze da izdrzi

Olujni oblak

Sve što mi je potrebno je jedno
Još jedan muškarac je dovoljan
Dušo, moraš
Pretvoriti strah u poverenje
Gde je ljubav išla
Kad je sve rečeno i učinjeno?
Hej, ruke su mi sada u vazduhu
Prolazim kroz tvoje stvari
Odakle ljubav ide?
Tražiš od mene da ostanem
Ali nikada nisam upoznao devojku kojoj bih mogao da verujem.
Reci reči kao da me mrziš
Naša kuća gori kada si ti u paklu
Tvoja duša plače u pepelu
Ali nemoj se plašiti ove strašne grmljavine
Ovih gromova
Ove oluje
Sve što mi treba je - ljubav
Sve što mi treba je - reč
Sve što mi treba smo - mi
Pretvorite imenice u glagole
Gde je ljubav išla
Kad je sve rečeno i učinjeno?
Hej, ruke su mi sada u vazduhu
Prolazim kroz tvoje stvari
Odakle ljubav ide?
Tražiš od mene da ostanem
Ali nikada nisam upoznao devojku kojoj bih mogao da verujem.
Reci reči kao da me mrziš
Naša kuća gori kada si ti u paklu
Tvoja duša plače u pepelu
Ali nemoj se plašiti ove strašne grmljavine
Ovih gromova
Ove oluje
Ovih gromova
Ove oluje
Ovih gromova
Ove oluje
Ovih gromova

Bad boy

You're unlucky, you're unlucky
You attract nothing but bad girls, yeah, you’re nothing but a bad boy
[Verse 1]
The goal in life is to make money
They’re not your crew, they brought you over
Yeah we know about all your girlfriends
From zoning out, yeah, we earned
I’m feeling down, I’m losing control of things
And you don’t have a euro, don’t make any deal
And you don’t have any kilos, don’t try to act like a drug dealer
I don’t take that seriously
Yeah, Saff, tell them
This girl is shaking her ass, she wants all of your phone numbers
And she’s just a kid
But being that she’s bored, this world fascinates her
I wanted to get away
And it’s been that way for so many years
I’m trying to clear my mind
To smile often, to sort things apart
I wanted to get away
And it’s been that way for so many years
I’m trying to clear my mind
To smile often, to sort things apart
Bad bad bad boy
All of your girlfriends are bad bad girls
We don’t care about the risk, we’re, we’re unlucky
And you’re unlucky, unlucky
And you’re a Bad bad bad boy
All of your girlfriends are bad bad girls
We don’t care about the risk, we’re, we’re unlucky
And you’re unlucky, unlucky
[Verse 2]
It’s like you’re a subscriber to this shitty life, yeah
You can’t change plan, they all abandoned you
So you put on your gloves, put on a beanie
And you start running, and you start running, you just keep zoning out
So you go out at night, you go out, you’re all dressed up
You’re in good company, yeah, so it’s all good, it’s all good
She saw all your money
From there, yeah, things start going downhill for you
Yeah, things start going downhill for you, you’re taking things too far
All of that just because the girl is hot, she’s hot
But you have feelings for her, you keep buying up the bar
At the end, who’s the one paying ? Well, she’s not the one giving
I wanted to get away
And it’s been that way for so many years
I’m trying to clear my mind
To smile often, to sort things apart
I wanted to get away
And it’s been that way for so many years
I’m trying to clear my mind
To smile often, to sort things apart
Bad bad bad boy
All of your girlfriends are bad bad girls
We don’t care about the risk, we’re, we’re unlucky
And you’re unlucky, unlucky
And you’re a Bad bad bad boy
All of your girlfriends are bad bad girls
We don’t care about the risk, we’re, we’re unlucky
And you’re unlucky, unlucky
You’re unlucky, you’re unlucky
You attract nothing but bad bad girls
Yeah, you’re unlucky

The Little Flower In The Garden

The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
She promised to that she would take me
The little flower of the mountain
The little flower of the mountain
The little flower of the mountain
Pays no attention to me at all
Come, let's go to the island,
Come, let's go to the island,
Come, let's go to the island,
You and I, and your mom
Come, let's go to where you speak of
Come, let's go to where you speak of
Come, let's go to where you speak of
There, where the birds build nests
The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
The little flower in the garden
She promised to that she would take me

Olujni oblaci

[1. strofa: Sia]
Sve što mi treba je jedan
Jedan... čovek je dovoljan
Dušo, ti moraš
Samo da pretvoriš svoje strahove u poverenje, u poverenje
[Pred-refren: Sia & Labrinth]
Gde je ljubav nestala?
Kada je sve rečeno i učinjeno?
Hej, sada diži ruke u vazduh
Predledaću tvoje stvari
Gde je ljubav nestala?
Otpočinješ sa trkom
Moliš me da ostanem
Ali nikada nisam upoznao devojku kojoj mogu verovati
[Refren: Labrinth & Sia]
Izgovaraš ove reči kao da me mrziš sada (o-o-uo)
Naša kuća gori kada se izdižeš u paklu (o-o-uo)
Tu, u pepelu, tvoja duša urliče (a-a-aa)
Ali nemoj da se plašiš ovih olujnih oblaka
Ovih olujnih oblaka, o, ne
Ovih olujnih oblaka, o, ne, ne
[2. strofa: Labrinth]
Sve što mi treba je ljubav (da-dum, dum, dum)
Sve što mi treba je reč (da-dum, dum, dum)
Sve što mi treba smo mi (da-dum, dum, dum)
Pretvorila si imenice u glagole, u glagole
[Pred-refren: Labrinth & Sia]
Gde je ljubav nestala?
Kada je sve rečeno i učinjeno?
Hej, sada diži ruke u vazduh
Predledaću tvoje stvari
Gde je ljubav nestala?
Otpočinješ sa trkom
Moliš me da ostanem
Ali nikada nisam upoznala čoveka kome mogu verovati
[Refren: Sia & Both]
Izgovaraš ove reči kao da me mrziš sada (o-o-uo)
Naša kuća gori kada se izdižeš u paklu (o-o-uo)
Ovde, u pepelu, tvoja duša urliče (a-a-aa)
Ali nemoj da se plašiš ovih olujnih oblaka
Ovih olujnih oblaka, o, ne
Ovih olujnih oblaka, o, ne, ne
Ovih olujnih oblaka, o, ne
Ovih olujnih oblaka, o, ne, ne
[Kraj: Sia]
Ovih olujnih oblaka
Ovih olujnih oblaka
Ovih olujnih oblaka