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And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, so my time passes
Changing at the same time as my closing
Because for some I'm crazy, for others I'm stupid
But for them they don't have a chance becaus ein the end I'm laughing
Yah, yah the time passes, so my time passes
Changing at the same time as my ending
Because for some I'm crazy, for others I'm stupid
But for them they don't have a chance because in the end I'm laughing
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, and yah the time passes
And yah the time passes, so the bosses
Will change depending on my depictions
Because for them I am strong, the concieved is over
I am so small but im going to break all the doors
I'm going to break all the doors, shoot all the bodies
Fuck up all the decorations, your albums don't support me
I didn't even do it on purpose, at the base it was just a trial
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
Come, come and we'll laugh
Come, come and we'll laugh
Come, come and we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
Well yah it's me, me, me
And well yah it's me, me, me
Come, come we'll bet
Who in six months will prove themselves?
well yah it's me, we dont have the same ideas
we dont have the same flow we wont have the same tickets
tickets, tickets, but I don't want to shine, shine
I actually should start praying, praying
yah, praying, praying
I actually should start praying, praying
Nah I dont want to shine, nah
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

What Do You Have

Ah, ah, ah
Look at me, me
Look at me
Look at me
Ah look at me
Look at me
Don't show me who you are, what you're doing
No one wants to talk about their past
Yes but we want to know whose bothering us
Who is ready to spit on us
Yes you're ready to hide yourself, misunderstood and angry
You spend your whole life hiding
Yes you're ready to hide yourself, misunderstood and angry
You spend your whole life being weary
But tell us, what do you want?
I don't have everything, I can't recreate the world
Yah tell us, what do you want?
With them I'm going to come like a bomb
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no big sum did I stutter, ah I stutter
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no one did I get on my knees, ah did I get on my knees
But what do you have?
There is definitely something that you're keeping secret
But that you're not saying, but that you're not saying
Go ahead talk to me, and when you talk to me
I want to see your eyes so look at me, so look at me
No one helps you anymore, loves you
Your words are put in the scene
You wanted your beautiful life, your little girl
Your nice car except
You worries accumulate
For others you simulate
A lot of things you hide
Your galley stimulates you
I wanted to take my family and improve myself
I want to help everyone live, even if i have but twenty brooms
They wanted to silence me but I still went
And finally I am at Purple Money
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no big sum did I stutter, ah I stutter
I took my family and I improved myself, ah I improved myself
In front of no one did I get on my knees, ah did I get on my knees
But what do you have?
There is definitely something that you're keeping secret
But that you're not saying, but that you're not saying
Go ahead talk to me, and when you talk to me
I want to see your eyes so look at me, so look at me
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

Butterfly Of Fire

Dark turns on, my life is rolling drop by drop,
the night is digging,
her deepest wound,
give me my chaffy ball,
to play outside,
with my shadow on earth.
Oh! Butterfly who fly over grief,
and from every love you ask,
nobody (of them)
met God..
Oh! Butterfly of fire
Two black gardens
The happiness to walk away,
(and) ashes too from the wings.

With two words and one look

A heart with your name on it
you folded in a paper
And you placed it in my hand
when I first saw you
Roses on the fence
and ships on the shore
With two words and one look
you made me mutter to myself *
I'm plucking a daisy
to tell me if you love me
And there is always one petal left **
no matter which way you count them
Canaries and swallows
during May's celebration
You told me you would come, but you didn't
and I don't know why
Roses on the fence
and ships on the shore
With two words and one look
you made me mutter to myself


I slogged all year long, yeah yeah
For them, how much did I give, yeah yeah
The buzz did not change me, no no
I keep messing about yeah yeah
I was told you need cash, cash
If you wanna be out of here, out of here
I was told you need cash, cash
But I'm fed up that's it, that's it
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture, yeah
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture, yeah
[Chorus] (x2)
Die die die die
Your mateys are all die die die die
They don't have good contracts, contracts, contracts, contracts
I said to them bye bye bye bye bye
I said to them bye bye bye bye bye
You are not on the right track, the right direction
Yes your team is die, die die
An evening with us, the next day penniless
Ouch Ouch, no worries, we won't know
Ouch Ouch, No worries we won't say
No, anyway we won't see
Even though you sing around a pool, we won't tell
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture, yeah
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture,
[Chorus] (x2)
Die die die die die
Your mateys are all die die die die
They don't have good contracts, contracts, contracts, contracts
I said to them bye bye bye bye bye
Verse 3]
Yeah your team is die, die die
They ain't got good contracts boy
I said to them bye bye bye bye bye
That's IDC yeah, I signed for 10 years (yeah yeah)
People like me, I'm a cutie (yeah yeah)
People like me, I'm a cutie (yeah yeah)
I'm a cutie like Mehdi (like Mehdi like Medhi)
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture, yeah
And I took all my mateys
The Guardia you ought to be in the picture
[Chorus] (x2)
Die die die die die
Your mateys are all die die die die
They don't have good contracts, contracts, contracts, contracts
I said to them bye bye bye bye bye


Citava gomila istorije

Ne mogu da pricam, na pogresnoj sam strani
Gledam gore sta to pada , aha
Ne mogu da pricam, vratila sam se na pogresan put
Kakva je korist od toga sto kazem ?
Cujem samu sebe kako se zalim da bih to ponovila
Samu sebe krivim pa se ponovo uspravim
Sklonim se sa kise
Duso, nedostajes mi, pa reci mi
Da li je zaista tako lepa ? Vau
Svaki put kada te je poljubila, reci mi
Da li je to tebi zaista tako dobro ?
Voli li te onako kako ja nikada nisam mogla ?
Grli li te nezno govori da je sve dobro ? Vau
Da li bi te povredila ? Jer ja nikada nisam mogla
Da li grli tvoje telo cvrsto cele noci duso ?
Govorim o citavoj gomili istorije
Ne mogu da pronadjem nacin da ti pokazem sta mi znacis
Raspadala sam se svuda okolo kada si mi nedostajao
Ne znam sta da radim zato reci mi duso
Halo, jesi li me zvao ?
Mislila sam da nije bitno sto si otisao
I znam , kraj price
Sada nema nicega osim senke gde je moje srce sijalo
Prokleta da budem ako ucinim i prokleta ako ne ucinim
Ali kostao si me tako puno ljubavi, aha
Pa sam konacno odlucila da odem
Znam da mi je bilo dosta, zato reci mi da nisi sam
Govorim o citavoj gomili istorije
Ne mogu da pronadjem nacin da ti pokazem sta mi znacis
Raspadala sam se svuda okolo kada si mi nedostajao
Ne znam sta da radim zato reci mi duso
I to nastavlja da me vrti
I kontrolise sta se dogadja od ponedeljka do ponedeljka
I moze da zvuci ludo
Ali tvoj glas me jos uvek ostavlja svu plasljivu, svu plasljivu
I to nastavlja da me vrti
I kontrolise sta se dogadja od ponedeljka do ponedeljka
I moze da zvuci ludo
Ali tvoj glas me jos uvek ostavlja svu plasljivu, svu plasljivu

Най-мощната уредба

Тази тъпа курва ме заведе у тях снощи.
Аз я обрах, след като тя ме изчука.
Откраднах ѝ уредбата - най-мощната правена някога.
Надъних я на 10 цяла нощ, аз съм много по-откачен от теб.
Дъня Hadag Nachash1, TISM2 и Юрая Хийп.
Готов ли си, готов ли си. готов ли си за рок?
Имам най-мощната уредба в квартала
Най-мощната уредба в квартала
Най-мощната уредба в квартала
Уредбата ми е толкова шибано мощна, че дъртите се изнесоха.
Всички курви дойдоха в града и нямаха намерение да си тръгват.
По цял ден курви яздят кура ми.
Обичам метал, обичам пички, шибано обичам рок
Порно звезди и абитуриентки се мотаят около мен.
Моята игра на Блак Джак е да чукам 9 и 12 годишни3
Не искам да си губя времето с тъпи възбуждащи игрички.
Всичко, което те ще получат от мен е букет от венерически болести.
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. В Блак Джак печелиш, когато събереш сбор от карти 21. В случая 9 + 12 прави 21

Razbijanje oblaka

I dalje sanjam o Oregonu.
Budim se uplakana.
Stvaraš kišu,
I na dohvat si ruke,
Kada mi ti i san pobegnete.
Ti si kao moj jo-jo
Koji je svetleo u mraku.
Ono što ga je činilo posebnim
Činilo ga je opasnim,
Zato ga zakopaj
I zaboravi.
Ali svaki put kad pada kiša,
Ti si mi u glavi,
Kao sunce kada izlazi--
Ooh, jednostavno znam da će nešto dobro da se desi.
I ne znam kada,
Ali spominjanjem možda i može da se desi.
Na vrhu sveta,
Gledanjem preko ivice,
Možeš ih videti kako dolaze.
Izgledao si suviše mali
U njihovom velikom, crnom autu,
Da bi bio pretnja ljudima na vlasti.
Sakrila sam moj jo-jo
U bašti.
Ne mogu tebe da sakrijem
Od vlade.
Oh, Bože, Tatice--
Neću zaboraviti,
Jer svaki put kad pada kiša,
Ti si mi u glavi,
Kao sunce kada izlazi--
Ooh, jednostavno znam da će nešto dobro da se desi.
I ne znam kada,
Ali spominjanjem možda i može da se desi.
Sunce izlazi,
Tvoj sin izlazi.