Резултати претраге страна 58
Број резултата: 1969
Tränen in mein (Kopf-)Kissen
Du erinnerst Dich nicht an mich,
aber ich mich an Dich.
Es ist noch nicht so lange her,
als Du mein Herz entzwei brachst.
Tränen in mein Kopfkissen, Schmerz im Herzen
und schuld daran bist Du, Du.
Wenn wir von vorne anfangen könnten,
ich würde nicht zögern,
ich würde Dich glücklich wieder zu mir nehmen
und die Hand des Schicksals ergreifen
Tränen in mein Kopfkissen, Schmerz in meinem Herzen
und schuld daran bist Du.
Liebe ist keine Spielerei, Liebe ist kein Spielzeug
wenn man den (die) eine findet, den(die) man liebt
sie (er) wird Dein Herz mit Freude erfüllen.
Wenn wir von vorne anfangen könnten,
ich würde nicht zögern,
ich würde Dich glücklich wieder zu mir nehmen
und die Hand des Schicksals ergreifen
Tränen in mein Kopfkissen, Schmerz in meinem Herzen
und schuld daran bist Du.
Tränen in mein Kopfkissen, Schmerz in meinem Herzen
und schuld daran bist Du
und schuld daran bist Du
und schuld daran bist Du
und schuld daran bist Du.
I thought I could catch them
The moments I dreamed of
So I walked strongly
With faith without reason
I kept going without giving up
I thought if I gave it my all
It will all happen before my eyes
In the end, I’ll get it, I pray every day
I’m only looking ahead as I run
At the end of this dark tunnel
There will be a bright light
I ran endlessly, locked up in hope
Yea, I wanted to see that bright light
I thought I just had to go a little more
It felt like I could reach if I held out my hand
But why does it feel like I’m running in place?
It’s not enough yet, right?
If I wanna run again, I need to hold it in and get up
But there are so many things that make it hard to handle my reality
As if they’re trying to make me fall
But I’m trying to endure cuz I don’t wanna lose
It’s a dream I wanna fulfill with all I am
But why does it keep making it harder for me?
Why don’t they know how earnest I am?
Why are they playing with me?
I don’t expect much, that’s the only thing
But the more time passes, the more I wanna crumble down
Why must I throw myself into the responsibilities of the world?
Why do I have to endure that pain?
The world won’t leave me alone
I try telling myself that it’s not my fault
I can only avoid it and hide
If there is a God, please hear me out
This is all that I can do
And I hate it
I can only walk on a path of thorns
But I’m closing my eyes and shouting in my heart
I pray for my dream
I’m dreaming again
The dream I wanted
I pray with my hands together
Sometimes, I stop and look at the sky
Because I still have a dream to fulfill
i have a dream woo woo
i have a dream woo woo
Inside the endless despair
I thought I was the only one suffering
But the only thing I could do
Is to hope and pray
I need to endure, if my seat breaks
I must put it back together stronger
But the more I hope, the more I suffer
I’m curling up into a ball again
I know better than anyone else but I must start again
I must pick up the pieces
Of the memories that I thought of thousands of times
This is just a phase
But time is not passing
It’s alright even if it’s late, who cares?
In the end, some day, I’ll fulfill it
So what? Don’t compare me with others
All I have to do is have fun and walk on the path I want
If it’s hard, I can take a break, because I’m gonna get up again
I’m doing a good job, just like I am now
I’m dreaming again
The dream I wanted
I pray with my hands together
Sometimes, I stop and look at the sky
Because I still have a dream to fulfill
i have a dream woo woo
i have a dream woo woo
هذا هو الهدوء الذي يسبق العاصفة
مهلاً، كيف كنت سأبدأ هذا؟
لقد نسيت
أسلوبي الارتجالي سيكون
قاسياً للغاية وشديد اللهجة
هل أخاطب به 'ترامب'؟
لا، على الأرجح
ولكن هذا كل ما لدي حتى
أطرح أغنية محكمة القوافي
لدي خطة قوية والآن يجب أن أنفذها
'مثل مروحيات 'الأباتشي
'عندما تطلق صواريخ 'توماهوك
سأدخل المسجد في شهر رمضان
وأقوم بالدعاء في كل مرة
تلقي 'ميلاني' فيها خطاباً
لقد تماديت. سأتوقف، ولكن يجدر بنا
أن نُطري 'أوباما' لأن من يوجد في
البيت الأبيض' الآن هو شخص'
انتحاري، والذي على الأرجح
سيتسبب في إبادة نووية وبينما
تندلع المآسي وهو ينتظر أن تهدأ الأمور
سيقلع على الأرجح بطائرته ويحلق
في الأرجاء حتى تتوقف عمليات القصف
لقد احتدمت الأمور وأصبحت
الأحوال السياسية في تفاقم
عندما يتعلق الأمر يا
ترامب' بالاكتراث فأنت'
بخيل مثلي تماماً. ولكن عندما يتعلق الأمر
بامتلاك الشجاعة لمواجهتي
فأنت تلجأ للاختباء
فالعدم هو أفضل تشبيه لرجولتك
العنصرية هي الشيء الوحيد الذي يميزه
فهذه الطريقة يحصل على نشوته، ويصبح
'مثل صخر في فرقة 'الرائعين الأربعة
.وبشرته برتقالية اللون
نعم، سُمرة تثير الاشمئزاز
لهذا السبب يريدنا أن نتفرق. لأنه
لا يستطيع تحمل حقيقة أننا لسنا
خائفين منه. ولكن تباً
لمراعاة مشاعر الأخرين،
فقد جئت لأقول رأيي بكل صراحة
لهذا السبب يستمر في الصراخ قائلاً
طهروا الحكومة من عديمي الوطنية'. فهو'
عالق في مأزق ولا يستطيع تبرير موقفه
الأمر كما لو أننا نأخذ خطوة إلى الأمام
ثم أخرى إلى الخلف
ولكن هذا هو أسلوبه في الإلهاء
بالإضافة إلى أنه يجد استجابة
جماهيرية هائلة عندما
'يهاجم 'دوري كرة القدم
فنصب اهتمامنا على ذاك الأمر
'بدلاً من مناقشة الشأن 'البورتوريكي
أو قوانين مراقبة الأسلحة
'لصالح ولاية 'نيفادا
وسط كل تلك الفواجع المؤلمة ينتابه شعور
بالملل ويفضل أن يثير الجلبة
على 'تويتر' بمعاونة مؤيديه
يقول أنه يريد تقليل الضرائب
المفروضة علينا، ولكن من إذاً سيدفع
تكاليف رحلاته الباهظة ذهاباً
وإياباً مع عائلته إلى منتجعات
الجولف خاصته وقصوره؟
إنه نفس الهراء الذي جعله
'يشوه سمعة 'هيلاري
ويفتري عليها كذباً، ثم يفعل أضعاف ذلك
'من دعمه لـ 'بانون
.'الذي يؤيد منظمة 'كو كلوكس كلان
وصولاً إلى مسيرات المتطرفين
ضد الجنود ذوي البشرة السمراء
الذين رجعوا من 'العراق' وما زال
'يُقال لهم أن يعودوا إلى 'أفريقيا
فليذهب للجحيم أبوه العنصري
العجوز الذي أصبح جداً وما زال يتجاهل
عواملنا التاريخية التي
أصبحت في حالة يُرثى لها
والآن، إذا كنت رياضياً من ذوي البشرة
السمراء، فأنت فتى مدلل لمحاولة استخدامك
برنامجك الانتخابي أو مكانتك في التعبير
عن هؤلاء ممن ليس لديهم تلك الرفاهية
فمن وجهة نظره، أنتم - أيها الحمقى - تقللون
من شأن الجنود الذين قاتلوا من أجلنا
ما لم تكن من أسرى الحرب الذين تلقوا تعذيباً
وضرباً مبرحاً؛ فهم عديمو القيمة بالنسبة له
لأنه لا يحب أن يقع أبطال الحرب في الأسر
!هذا الكلام ليس تقليلاً من شأن الجيش
'تباً لهذا! هذه تحية لـ 'كولن
!أظهروا له الاحترام
واستمروا في إظهار تعاضدكم بهذا
الشكل مثل رأس 'ترامب' الصلعاء
سوف يتخلص من جميع المهاجرين
سوف يبني الجدار ليتخطى طوله هذا الارتفاع
حسناً، إذا كان سيقيم هذا الجدار
فأرجو أن يكون متيناً كفاية
لأنني سأستخدم جميع ألاعيبه
الدنيئة، مثلما يفعل في السياسة
لأنني سأستخدم نفس عقليته وتفكيره
العقيم حتى ترى الناس حقيقته
وأيّ من معجبيني ومؤيديه في نفس الوقت
سأضع حداً فاصلاً
فأنت في صفي أو ضدي
إذا كنت مشتت التفكير ولا تستطيع
أن تقرر أي الفريقين ستساند
سأقرر نيابة عنك بهذا الشكل
!تباً لك
بقية الشعب الأمريكي فليصمد ويواجه
نحن نحب جيشنا ونحب بلدنا
'ولكننا نكره 'ترامب
Dreamin' together
Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
There is
Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
the future there
Girl, nowadays
Girl, you aren't doing good, are you?
Girl, whenever you need me I'll be there
Girl, you will never be alone
Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
Oh my best friend
Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
I believe in you
Don't give up
Alright your heart that dreams
It is shining your eyes
I will not make yours gloomy
Don't look down, don't turn around
Tonight your smile is just so beautiful
I am so excited
Two of us let's bloom our dreams
Girl, you are sentimental
Girl, more than those days
Girl, whatever people say, trust yourself
Girl, you got to follow your heart
Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
Oh tomorrow
Dreamin' together Dreamin' together Dreamin' together
It is there
I’ve begun knowing
Delight ups and downs to the dreams
So always your side
You are not alone
So many dreams so little time
Tonight let's shine like stars up above
I am excited let's talk about continuations of our dreams
When you are sad when you are sad
When you are sad when you are sad
When you are sad when you are sad
You may cry, mayn't you?
It is not embarrassing everyone is the same
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
If you're happy and you know it
raise your glass and move your body
'cause I love your smile
Don't give up
Alright your heart that dreams
It is shining your eyes
I will not make yours gloomy
Don't look down, don't turn around
Tonight our smile is just so beautiful
I am so excited
Two of us let's bloom our dreams
I've begun knowing
Delight ups and downs to the dreams
So always Your side
You're not alone
So many dreams so little time
Tonight let's shine like stars up above
I am so excited let's talk about continuations of our dreams
I'm not a turner, I'm not a baker,
I'm not a cook, not an assistant professor,
I'm not a janitor, I'm not a locksmith,
I'm a simple Soviet cop.
I work in station
Which calls sobering-up
You plow in factories,
Well, I'm glad to be here.
Hey, who's at the door, go out to the toilet one by one.
If you're a customer with money,
Didn't pass my day just because,
All pockets inside out,
I'll clean'em all just like that.
After all, one salary is not enough,
Judge, dudes,
I have also whores,
I need moneys too.
Hey, who's at the door, go out to the toilet one by one.
I'll serve all in the best possible way,
I'll undress, laying down
Let the work is dirty,
But I don't go with the plow.
After all, in our native village
Even if you plows a hundred lands,
You'll not get moneys as much per day,
As I put in my overcoat.
Hey, who's at the door, go out to the toilet one by one.
Tibor from QS-FB
Tulips from Amsterdam
When spring arrives I will send you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When spring arrives I will pick for you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When I come back again I will bring you
Tulips from Amsterdam
A thousand yellow ones, a thousand red ones
They wish you the very best
What my mouth can't say (what I can't speak)
Tulips from Amsterdam will say
Jan (male name) from the county side said: Antje (female name)
Oh dear child, I like you
How can it be done dear Antje
Tomorrow I go to The Hague
And at the old mill
Under a sky so blue sounded
I love you and you love me
Oh Antje, I'll always be loyal to you
When spring arrives I will send you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When spring arrives I will pick for you
Tulips from Amsterdam
When I come back again I will bring you
Tulips from Amsterdam
A thousand yellow ones, a thousand red ones
They wish you the very best
What my mouth can't say (what I can't speak)
Tulips from Amsterdam will say
Because you were there
I came your way one of these bad days
I came your way because you were there
You asked me for a long time why I chose you
I did not lie to you, I've always said
because you were there.
Because you were there.
After the fist night nothing held us together.
I thought it was enough but I asked for more.
You opened up your arms, I felt I was
better when you were there, I felt alive again
because you were there.
Because you were there.
You never liked coincidences, you said
everything is always written and you didn't like
the way I approached you because I felt bad,
the way I came your way just
because you were there.
And you don't have much to give indeed,
except you are there, what can be said about you?
I was happy with that, you weren't.
Yet it was perfect, this love I felt
because you were there.
Because you were there.
Because you were there.
Because you were there.
Because you were there.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
He experienced Valparaíso, his heart burdened with a heavy secret.
The world was a brazier Valparaíso pulled him out of.
So many lights and colors and so many ruined beauties
shifted the weights his heart could no longer lift.
On Valparaíso heights, on a clear day,
she watched the cranes loading the hungry bellies of the ships.
She watched life go by or catalogued the colors.
Never disappointed, never jaded, her heat laden like a tanker.
In the Cinzano restaurant where they had agreed to meet,
an old lady sang 'Solo tu' while mending her sweater.
There he chatted about anything but the important thing, of course.
Seeing each other was what mattered, and listening to 'Solo tu'
'Solo tu'
He didn't know she knew, and he had little choice but not trying
to confide what he forgot about when he was with her.
One day, just to do like everyone, he talked about love, but too early.
She said 'I know your secret' and he went away without a word.
Oh, Valparaíso is so beautiful with its colors, his dilapidations,
this labyrinth where the wind wanders, the woman singing at the Cinzano.
A secret, the city will take it and keep it under its cloak,
and those who uncover it do the same, in Valparaíso.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Today is Sunday!
How I like being back at home,
And wake up full of its smell
To that coffee of the morning
That always runs to the bed,
And sleeps until the alarm clock.
Today I have an appointment with the pillow
And a meeting with the fan,
An outing with my dog,
Because he does not understand the pretext,
And I leave my chair in pause.
Today, today is Sunday,
No commitments with the clock
Because today, today is Sunday
There is nothing better.
I'll get you some wine in the kitchen
And a good roast waits on the grill,
Although we have a thousand problems
Today we rest from the hardships,
Feeding the heart.
Let no one break this moment,
It is a day of celebration.
We must toast for joy,
Put out the bad energy,
Because tomorrow is Monday and it ends.
Today, today is Sunday,
No commitments with the clock
Because today, today is Sunday
There is nothing better.
Today, today is Sunday,
No commitments with the clock
Because today, today is Sunday
There is nothing better.
Today is Sunday and not good for work,
Today is Sunday, the day to enjoy.
Tomorrow is a holiday, do not argue with me,
That I have the almanac, in Spanish and in English.
Today is Sunday and not good for work,
Today is Sunday, the day to enjoy.
But that look when they meet
Two Latinos, always give the same
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
That Sunday will always be.
Today is Sunday and not good for work,
Today is Sunday, the day to enjoy.
Sunday goes to Mass, I speak of the spiritual,
It reunites the family and friends, to celebrate.
Acept My Wings
I wanna spread my white wings
Until a ray light
But this up so high sky
Doesn't seduce me anymore
Together with this cold rain who is covering my heart
I'm coming back to the loneliness
The memory echoes far away
As a scream of pain
Today the darkness is my childrood
And the future will be what it has to be
I'll slepp between the brumes and I'll dream
That I'll arrive
To the destiny where a day
My heart wanted to let me to
What about the sweepings of my soul?
Who will recall them?
As a feather who soars in the wind
This is how I wanna live
The memory echoes far away
As a scream of pain
Today the darkness is my childrood
And the future will be what it has to be
I'll slepp between the brumes and I'll dream
That I'll arrive
To the destiny where a day
My heart wanted to let me to
What about the sweepings of my soul?
Who will recall them?
As a feather who soars in the wind
This is how I wanna live
So my fantasy
Will never end up
My dream will come to life!
Moja drugarica
Bila je moja drugarica
Otišla je sa mom dečkom
Slagala je, i prevarila
Uzela je sve što sam imala
Bila je moja drugarica
Učinila je sve što je mogla
Slagala je, i prevarila
I ostala mene zbunjenom
Osećam se potpuno izgubljeno
Ne znam zbog čega mi se ovo desilo, um
Moja najbolja drugarica
Nisam nikad pomislila da će tako da bude
Bila si neko
Neko kome sam mislila da mogu verovati
Ali spavala si sa mom dečkom
I ti si me izdala
Bila je moja drugarica
Otišla je sa mom dečkom
Slagala je, i prevarila
Uzela je sve što sam imala
Bila je moja drugarica
Učinila je sve što je mogla
Slagala je, i prevarila
I ostala mene zbunjenom
Jači od krvi
Gde god sam bila ja, tu si bila i ti
Moje sve i bilo i tvoje sve
Ali to nije bilo dovoljno za tebe
Morala si da vidiš
I da probaš da hodaš u mojiim tuđim cipelama
U mojoj glavi, u mom krevetu
Bila izdana od moje najbolje drugarice
Bila je moja drugarica
Otišla je sa mom dečkom
Slagala je, i prevarila
Uzela je sve što sam imala
Bila je moja drugarica
Učinila je sve što je mogla
Slagala je, i prevarila
I ostala mene zbunjenom
Hoću da znam zašto, zašto?
Bila si moja drugarica, zašto?
Dala sam ti sve što sam imala, zašto?
Sve, sve što si htela, zašto?
Bila si moja drugarica, zašto?
Oh! Moja sestra, zašto?
Da, da, da, da, zašto?
Let Yourself Be Beautiful
Just let yourself be beautiful
With a wreath of roses on your head and a grin
Now your heart opens
You look back, you apologize
You lower your frightened gaze
You've always been, a quiet passing shadow.
You're a sky, you're a fire
You're a symbol, you're a word
You're pure love
And the angels watch over you
Just let yourself be beautiful.
With a wreath of roses on your head and a grin
Now your heart opens
You daydream about love
You pray unto the Candles of Shabbat
That this year
The sky will open.
You're a sky, you're a fire
You're a symbol, you're a word
You're pure love
And the angels watch over you
Just let yourself be beautiful.
'2032': Track 15 – 200 Minutes
200 minutes of journey –
1100 kilometers will be left behind,
And the day will dissolve
In fiery whirlwinds of sunset wind.
Everything that was left inside of it
Will seem, from a distance, to be just a trivial story
In the noise of other problems,
It’s just a usual formal curiosity...
And yet it’s impossible for us to love
Everyone, who waits for our love on the planet,
A hand is unlikely to touch another person’s hand,
In this fairytale.
We aren’t given a chance
To feel the emotions of other people inside of ourselves
Our own feelings are of most importance,
Everything else is just a matter of control,
And there’s, obviously,
No less egoism than in a usual life,
And yet progress couldn’t
Give us the way out of this typical problem.
And it is a paradox for thousands of people,
But the wonderful feeling only disturbs them,
In the realm of monads without windows and doors
It simply vanishes.
And, today, this dream is unrealistic,
The dream of loving everyone on earth:
The eternal spring hasn’t come to this world
In this fairy tale.
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.
All Mine
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
I can't control my mind
My heart beating is getting faster and faster
I can't talk the way that I want
I can't follow my mind
Baby Baby, When I look into your eyes
My heart jumps over the space-time
I'll embrace you in my arms and dive
All Mine, the rainbow as well
All Mine, the ocean as well.
All Mine, even the sunshine
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
All Mine, the whole world
Your lips bring magic
Bloomed Fantasy, a picture of a dream
Hold that in your small hands
Secretly (My Heart)
With scented words
You whispered in my ears
All the fantasies that I see right
It's all mine
Baby Baby, Hold my hands tightly
We're jumping over the space-time
I'm holding your hand, Fly
All Mine, the white cloud as well
All Mine, this wind as well
All Mine, even the scent
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
This is the love I imagined of
No matter where I look above the sky or the end of sea
It's so beautiful
I can't take my eyes off
I hope I can spread it in my dream
Even I can't fall asleep because my heart flutters
I hope it will be forever
even if I close my eyes
All Mine, your voice
All Mine, your eyes as well
All Mine, even your arms
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
Your love is doing magic
Spread Fantasy, a drawing of dream
Hold that in your small hands
Secretly My Heart
Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh All Mine
Just One More Night
Versions: #2
I remember how you vanished in a far off street
In the steps of those who managed to escape
I was just a tool that you can kick
When you said 'I'm running to the love of my life'
What did I imagine and what was my heart thinking
When it made up a story and got addicted to it?
My worn body had rejoiced you and was filled
With your youth that will never return to me
Just one, I'll return for just one more night
It doesn't matter if it's true or false
Sips of pain, Love
One night with you and that's it
And like me, you sing in the street that you'll stay this way
You won't be able to cry, and you won't laugh anymore
Time that had shown no mercy on you
Will make you old and won't have mercy on me
Just one, I'll return for just one more night
It doesn't matter if it's true or false
Sips of pain, Love
One night with you and that's it
Where Have You Been?
Where have you been
Tell me where have you been
I was looking for you
I was looking for you
Where have you been
Tell me where have you been
I was calling your name
You can see, you can see
You can see, you can see
For yourself
That the silence is loud
All alone in the city streets
The rain wipes out all your hopes
You step out into the darkness
It's cold, and you have no air
You're choking from your tears
And there's no one who hears
Where have you been
Tell me where have you been
I was looking for you
I was looking for you
Where have you been
Tell me where have you been
I was calling your name
You can see, you can see
You can see, you can see
For yourself
That the silence is loud
All alone in the city streets
The rain wipes out all your hopes
You step out into the darkness
It's cold, and you have no air
You're choking from your tears
And no one hears
No one hears
Where have you been
Tell me where have you been
I was calling your name...
She Is Ours
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Two Two Twelve
I Kiss Her Mouth
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Two Two Twelve
I Kiss Her Mouth
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Her Mouth Is Made Of Silver
She Has To Be Shot
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Her Mouth Is Made Of Silver
She Has To Be Shot
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj
Hoi! Make Way Children
Let The Old Man Dance!
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
Hoi! Make Way Children
Let The Old Man Dance!
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj Ho!
She Is Ours
Our Little Daughter In Law
Aj Lalalalala La La Laj Laj
It was almost predictable
You pulled the little that was left under my feet
I could have seen it coming
I would have preferred not to
It was insane
An earthquake is burning under my feet
Colors that have turned into grey
I didn't want to go back
Rumors... People are talking
It's out of my hands, I'm far away
Rumors... stuck to my name
Rumors and hard days ahead of me
Putting my head on the pillow
Tired from the day that has passed slowly
Hours have gone by
I haven't been thinking about you
That's human nature, dirty hands
and a pure heart alongside of them
Leaving everything behind
I didn't want to go back
Rumors, people are talking
It's out of my hands
I'm far away
Rumors, the story of my life
Rumors, people are talking, that's human nature
I've been running all my life, asking myself how long it will last
I'm crying all my life
and I wonder how long it will last
Mehmet Atlı - Dengê Dilemin
Neither far nor next to you
Voice of my heart cannot reach your heart
Come only once
and be my guest to see this heart burning for you
Say it only once
Say that you have loved me, too
There is nothing left of hope
The heart has faded out
That is enough for me if you say it only once
I am neither believing nor hoping
I am a heartbroken idle
Years have gone by this way
I am neither a beggar nor am I waiting anymore.
Here every sound hurts
Here every sound hurts
It hurts when yesterday
I wrote this song
My painful heart dies
Here every sound hurts.
Here every sound hurts
There you stood and asked
Let's turn back again
Let's hug one another for one minute
You told that you'd want it.
The streets heard it
It heard that you cry
My painful heart dies
It will be better if you live for someone else
This city now is
so pernicious / harmful, that
Among the houses
Every sound is painful
Then once you will,
You will just once,
Be surprised that
Here every sound hurts.
Here every sound hurts.
Neckar Bridge Blues
Listen, listen to me, listen to what I wanna tell you now
It's a little story about what happened yesterday mornin'
The postman walked up to me and told me:
'Little one, come here, I've got to tell you somethin'
Your Karl went across the bridge again
He went across the bridge again, to see that other woman.'
Oh, I said to the postman:
'Listen, that's my Karl's affairs.
You don't force nobody to find his happiness
And if he thinks he must go across the bridge
So may he go, may he go, may he go!'
'I know, he shall come back again.
He shall come back as soon as he gets hungry.'
Men always come back again.
Mostly when they're hungry or when they're sick - Thank God.
And my Karl is one of that kind, too.
Thank God, thank God, thank God.
No, he can't even go away that many times
As he'll come back across the bridge
There he is back on my door, my Karl
And cheekily he says to me:
'Little one, hey, listen to me!
I just go out to have a quick beer
I'll be back soon.'
Oh Karl, oh Karl, oh Karl, oh Karl, oh Karl,
You've got your hat sittin' on the back of your head.
I know for sure
He's gonna go across the bridge again.
He's going across the Mannheim bridge again
The bridge across the river Neckar
The Mannheim, Mannheim, Mannheim, Mannheim, ...
Bridge across the Neckar
Across the bridge, come back, come back across the bridge
Back and forth, back and forth, come and go
Across the bridge, the Mannheim bridge, the bridge across the Neckar
The Mannheim bridge across the Neckar
Destiny Determinism
If this world were just to be some artificial thing,
My way of thinking, my worries, my appetite, everything -
Are at the very edges of the universe, in somebody’s palm
Just being rolled around by someone - at least, I get the feeling it’s something like that…
The ingredients you pick out when buying oden* at the convenience store and,
Even things like missing the train
There’s not, not, not, not, any sort of meaning in it all I’m looking for
Curse my worst, my worst, my worst lot in life
Round and round and round and round,
being stirred around over and over
Crying waa, waa while my tears are melting
If this world were just to be some artificial thing,
The things bestowed upon me - my appearance, my talent, everything
It’s like it’s some unfair god’s prank, right?
Toss my failing lottery ticket** into the burnable garbage bin
All on my own, walking in the dark nighttime streets
With only the light of the moon smiling at me
There’s not, not, not, not, any sort of meaning in it all I’m looking for
Cursing my worst, my worst, my worst lot in life
Round and round and round and round,
taking one detour after the other
Crying waa, waa while searching for something
Taking a breather around here…
There’s not, not, not, not, any sort of meaning in it all I’m looking for
Laugh at my worst, my worst, my worst kind of fate
Round and round and round and round,
being stirred around over and over
Crying waa, waa, just drinking up the tears
Let's find each other
My loneliness in one beat, wants to be quickly by you.
And you simply make a step towards me.
And my thoughts are flying, with a melody across the silence.
I will answer your heart when it knocks.
Let's find each other.
Let's warm the Sun with us.
Let's find each other.
And it's not so complicated there.
You should know that we need this.
Let's find each other.
Let's warm the Sun with us.
Let's find each other.
And maybe we will understand everything together.
Our sadness is forgotten.
Doesn't ask us for a word.
But silent, chilly wharf.
Asks us.
Where are the blurry shores leaving in the distance.
The wind will throw his shawl in the morning.
Let's find each other.
Let's warm the Sun with us.
Let's find each other.
And it's not so complicated there.
You should know that we need this.
Let's find each other.
Let's warm the Sun with us.
Let's find each other.
And maybe we will understand everything together.
Let's find each other.
Let's warm the Sun with us.
Let's find each other.
And it's not so complicated there.
You should know that we need this.
Let's find each other.
Let's warm the Sun with us.
Let's find each other.
And maybe we will understand everything together.
Song for my Widow
When it's time
For them to put my shroud on
Baby, don't turn my death into
A storm in a teacup
You must cry, but just a little
And in a discreet manner
Three tears for the crazy one
Five or six for the poet
Do it all without further delay
Spare me these terrible things
The useless long prays
And the wreaths of flowers
Save me all the clichés
Actually, I never was good
But you can adorn my forehead
With your lipstick mark
If it were up to me, you'd be exempted
From the condition of being a widow
I hope my death will
Come in handy to you
In case there's any money left
Don't deny your fate
Marry some guy straight away
And travel with him to China
My Poetry
My poetry was not polite.
at bilac school
And will never be invited to tea
of immortals of the Brazilian academy of letters
My poetry walks barefoot on the streets
The old center of São Paulo
No French translator will waste his time
leaning over it
nor will it be remembered in the family soirees
They will not say it in schools
On civic holiday days after the
national flag which reads Order and Progress
is hoisted by a blonde girl
My poetry goes out every day.
Very early in the heliopolis favela
Catches crowded bus
Goes down the front door without paying for the ticket
And will sell bullets at the crossroads of Brazil with the rebaces
My poetry is that shameless woman
Which is offered to anyone without ceremony
Screw up assaults and is even capable of killing
My poetry feeds on the garbage of words
Rotten forbidden that does not fit in the mouth
Of good people and therefore should be extorted
Of all anthologies and condemned to thirty years of silence
Dear mum, today a dream woke me up
I was a few years older in it
You were already gone, a crowd of sad people
In the heart shadow, on a platform in the middle of the day
Mum, I'm telling you, a dream woke me up
I had a stream of only losses in it
Somebody had all the cards, he played with my fate
Out of spite
When you look for a guidepost
In the eyes sand and in the heart pain
We want to have everything immediately
The best would be here and now
Up there they look with pity
At our human dance
And patiently with trust
With love, they will change our fate
Somewhere above us
Angels are making a plan
Between the earth and clouds
In the shade of their wings, they protect us
Somewhere above us
Angels are making a plan
Between laughter and tears
Don't let their glow die
Dear dad, today a dream woke me up
I was a few years older in it
A ray of sun and I fell in love
How beautiful this world can be
Dad, I'm telling you, a dream woke me up
Full colour made of a few simple colours
Maybe an angel painted a beautiful dream for me today
When you look for a guidepost
In the eyes sand and in the heart pain
We want to have everything immediately
The best would be here and now
Up there they look with pity
At our human dance
And patiently with trust
With love, they will change our fate
Somewhere above us
Angels are making a plan
Between the earth and clouds
In the shade of their wings, they protect us
Somewhere above us
Angels are making a plan
Between laughter and tears
Don't let their glow die
Somewhere above us
Angels are making a plan
Between laughter and tears
Don't let their glow die
But what a goodness
But why, why, but why,
In the kitchen I never get in,
What's in the pan
Mmm...what a smell,
May you taste me a little bit?
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what a taste this chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what a taste this chunk here,
Andean calf?
Gallura cattle?
But what this a little chunk will ever be?
But why, why, but why,
In the cellar I never come,
Nice this wine,
Wine of once,
May you taste me a caption?
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what a toss this little chunk here,?
Barolo from Langhe?
Aleatico from Elba?
But what this little chunk will ever be here.
But why, why, but why,
In ice cream shop, I never go in,
Mmm... that chocolate,
Give me the little spoon,
Let's taste a little bit.
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here?
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what a taste this chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what is this little chunk here,
But what goodness, but what goodness,
But what taste this chunk here,
Swiss Chocolate?
Bolivia Cocoa?
But what this small stuff will ever be here.
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
Tripping in the sky's vault
Among colors, beyond this world,
In euphoria, inside my soul's kingdom.
The land of dreams is born out of imagination,
And is realized in front of my eyes.
The wonderful, artificial world that's been conceived,
Seems infinite.
Finally, in the trip's angst-filled hangover.
Darkness seems to flow through my veins,
And my senses aren't running at full capacity.
Palpitation, angst and depressions follow.
Life has taken a U-turn,
And now I wish only that the burning darkness inside me,
That the haunting voices,
Would disappear.
And that I can be free of everything...
Melancholic dysphoria, angst-ridden nightmares.
Death can only be viewed as liberation now.
Love is the name of my reason
Versions: #2
Maybe I opened up at the wrong time
My heart hurts, my mind has gone crazy
I came to you, you always ran away
You were here and then you weren't like a fairytale.
Neither your dark eyebrows or your dark eyes...
I just fell for one word from you
Not once your hands blissed my skin
But it felt like you were here for a thousand years.
Love is the name of my reason, every wrong is my hearts
I always
I always
Loved you more than you deserved.
Neither your dark eyebrows or your dark eyes...
I just fell for one word from you
Not once your hands blissed my skin
But it felt like you were here for a thousand years.
Know who you are
Because of you I took this journey
All alone
Your kind heart was stolen
But it's not your fault
Your soul is bright
Remember who you are
It looks like a crime, it's a scandal.
In short, for your nonsense, it's the end.
You've gotten to show-off using me.
And these days you're quiet as the grave.
In short, go ahead, prove yourself, rack your brain
Don't try to make peace, I'm ready for war.
Ha - I'm also not without sin
And even though I'm tough, I make mistakes
Don't push it, I am something savage.
The arrow is stuck.
And if you lose, just don't be upset
On my nerves today, you're suffering is in vain.
You're a loser from birth, honestly speaking.
Turn on your brain
You are narrow-minded and simple
Go away, you're behind in any case.
It looks like a crime, it's a scandal.
In short, for your nonsense, it's the end.
You've gotten to show-off using me.
And these days you're quiet as the grave.
Everything I am saying is straight forward and unrestrained
The speech is harsh, and not lightweight
And maybe for some, a little vile
I'm exploding in a deep, rough voice
and your hair is already standing on end.
I'm a vampire and scandals are my elixir.
I'll release the poison.
She's crazy - people say.
Gossipers stop
If they're next to me - a global cataclysm
There aren't seats for everyone
and for me, it's my success.
Slow down or drown in my verbal mud.
It looks like a crime, it's a scandal.
In short, for your nonsense, it's the end.
You've gotten to show-off using me.
And these days you're quiet as the grave.