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With me again

Please, forget about, what happened long ago,
When the ways haven't yet begun,
What was just not possible at that time -
And set it free.
And I at sunrise breath again, breath only you,
I feel your smell, like a flower,
And fly away into the distance, like a bird.
Stay with me, my love.
I want to stop the time that gave you to me,
And to thank fate, solely for you are with me again.
My sadness is reflected in my eyes like a mirror,
You are my fate, my shore,
Every day I've been waiting just for you, believe me,
Stay with me, my love.

The Chula of the Tiny Woman

Someone called me tiny
Someone called me tiny
It didn't make any difference to me
It didn't make any difference to me
I have a mild stature
But I have an immense soul!
It was a great one I spoke to
It was a great one I spoke to
His greatness is not strange for me
Some great ones I know here
They're only big in size
I know some people who deny
I know some people who deny
This that many do not know
This that many do not know
I get to where the big ones go
And where the big ones don't fit
A woman should not be measured
A woman should not be measured
By the size of her body
By the size of her body
The greatness she has
It's inside her heart
The ancient people said
In their wisdom
The acient people said
In their wisdom
'The woman and the sardine
We prefer the smallest'.

The Northern Lights

Versions: #1
[Verse 1]
The twilight puts on its veil
The night is coming telling on
The day has been here and left its mark
You know well, that I’m here for you
You are uncertain about all that awaits
Carefully and cautiously on the way
Unknown paths and worn out shoes
You hope they lead you home
Look at the sky
Rest in star bed
Follow the northern lights that shows the way
To come home to me
[Verse 2]
You have lost the courage and the hope
It disappeared with your finest smile
There were no one as saw you, as could have understand
That inside of you lived it doubt
Look at the sky
Rest in star bed
Follow the northern lights that shows the way
To come home to me
See the light as shining over valleys and mountaines
Feel the air that strokes you and following you forward
You falling to calm
Can you find yourself?
It is here you’re home
It is here you belonging to
Look at the sky
Rest in star bed
Follow the northern lights that shows the way
To come home to me
To come home

Red Hair

The devil told me that he loved me
and in his arms, I felt as if something grew.
Red hair, like the fire that burned
and in the chest, a heart that opened.
And its just that you have to be
very stupid to believe
that one day the devil will love you.
Don't you see that it can't be?
Don't you see that it can't be?
If he doesn't even see you
He hasn't a soul or pity
Poor wretch.
Who will take care of you?
The devil has certain fixations,
at night he leaves a light on.
Old boy with a vacant gaze
with cold blood
you told me what I wanted to hear.
And its just that you have to be
very stupid to believe
that one day the devil will love you.
Don't you see that it can't be?
Don't you see that it can't be?
If he doesn't even see you
He hasn't a soul or pity
Poor wretch.
Who will take care of you?
Who will take care of you?
Who will take care of me?

Privatni oltar

Dušo, što danas mi tražiš da ugasim svetlo
I onda stavljaš moje krhko srce na krst
Na svom bolnom privatnom oltaru
Znam dobro, tvoje odsustvo mi je napravilo haos
U ovom trenu osećam da
Vreme za izlečenje je postalo normalna tuga
Onda, postaraj se moje srce
Ne dopusti mu da se vrati u samoću
Postiđeno što se samo vraća kući
Nakon što te nešto zbunjujuće nasmeje
Vrati mi ono što si uzeo odavde
Jer moje se grudi otvaraju i odvezuju čvorove
Ako na kraju, jednog dana budeš hteo da se promeniš
Skini moje siroto srce sa oltara
Vrati mi ga kako dolikuje
Ili onda, reci da si odlučio da ga čuvaš
Skineš sa krsta i kanonizuješ
Kažem, radi ono što misliš da je najbolje
Tvoja luka mora da je na takvom nekom mestu
Tako daleko da jedva mogu da vidim
Gde si usidrio svoju jedrilicu
Tek tako, život prolazi u praznini
Imam sve i plutam po reci
Čekam odgovor na ono što zovem ljubav
Imam sve i plutam po reci
Čekam odgovor na ono što zovem ljubav
Imam sve i plutam po reci
Čekam odgovor

Fado of Fate

//Some gypsy woman
offered to read my fate.//
//My fate doesn't interest me,
what happens is God's will.//
//But she insisted and said:
What a sad fate, poor woman.//
//Don't even fight, it is not worthwhile,
you'll always be unhappy.//
//From that time on I do not oppose
myself to my unhappy fate.//
//I let go, I let (things) run,
alas, what can I do, it's fate.//


Two athletes fly from one side of my soul
to the other
Hurling abuse and wisecracks about life:
And I don’t know their names.
In my barren soul I always hear
The swinging of trapezes. Two athletes
Fly from one side of my soul to the other,
Happy to find it so empty.
And I hear
Hear sounds in space
Again and again, the creaking of trapezes,
Again and again.
A faceless woman singing,
standing upright on my soul,
A faceless woman on my soul prostrate on the floor,
My soul, my soul: I keep saying this word
Don’t know, like a child
beckoning his mother into the light,
In muddled sounds and cries, or just to make
Clear what makes no sense.
My soul. My soul
Is like hard soil that gets ridden over,
without as little as being seen,
By horses and wagons, trampled by feet,
and by nonexistent Beings,
my blood gushing from their eyes, today, yesterday, tomorrow. Headless
Beings will sing on my grave
An unintelligible song.
And they’ll scramble for my soul’s bones.
My soul. My
Dead brother is smoking a cig next to me.


I never got lost in your gaze
I never miss you hugging me
at dawn
I never believed in your words
when you told me that you loved me
I never asked for your forgiveness
when I was right
Chorus: You never broke
my heart in two
And I don't think about you anymore
nor do I miss your heat
I don't run away from you
My dream with your voice
I didn't even see you smile in my imagination
You don't exist for me
you don't exist for me
there is only pain
I never felt desperate
You never opened my wounds
that I had in my soul
I never cry for you with hope
because you will stay by my side
I never gave you my love
you were never light inside me
Chorus 1x
I never felt so lonely
being accompanied
I never leave the pain
that I could no longer bear it
You didn't hurt me in vain
today I no longer feel anything
Chorus 1x

Не знам више

Не знам више ни име да ти изговорим,
толико слова у мојим устима
скупљено без смисла.
Свака суза што лије
низ моје лице разлог је,
настанка ове песме.
У мом сну наступила је ноћ,
у близини плешеш видим
шапуће ми цвет,
бројим звезде,
на небу изгубљене,
следим своје срце,
следим своје срце.
Не видим више светлост
живим у самоћи
у еху твом, одсустна
Не желим сећање више
на место где смо се држали
где смо заувек били.
Изгубљена толико пута,
твој парфем сад је успомена
на оно што је наша љубав била.
Заборав ме пита,
желим ли да те се сетим
и заборавим да постојим ја,
и заборавим да постојим ја.
Не видим више светлост
у самоћи живим
у еху твом, одсутна,
Не желим сећања више
на место где смо се држали
где смо заувек били.
Не видим више светлост
у самоћи живим
у еху твом, одсутна.
Не желим сећања више
на место где смо се држали
где смо заувек били.
Не знам више, не знам више,
не знам више ни име да ти изговорим.
Не знам више, не знам више,
не знам више ни име да ти изговорим.

Dream of Mine

Versions: #1
Dream of mine, dream of mine
Go fetch that one who lives far
Dream of mine
Go show how much I miss him
Dream of mine
With your freedom
Dream of mine
In my sky the guiding star is lost
And the cold night brings me only sadness
Dream of mine
I feel the chant of the night
In the mouth of the wind
Causing the dance of the flowers
In my thoughts
Bring the purity of a samba
Heartfelt, marked by the sorrows of love
A samba that moves our body
And the errant wind rocking the flower


Mastering time is such a wise virtue,
loving on time and letting go on time,
as the saying goes, give time some time...
after all, time feeds on love and pain
What of that love I loved with delay,
making a martyr of myself and for so long
that I never felt time passing
so acutely as that time
Loving, longing as in other times,
I still ignored that time is gold
I wasted so much time, oh, the time I wasted.
And today that I have no time for love,
for love like back in the day, how I long for
the iniquitous joy of wasting time...
Loving, longing as in other times,
I still ignored that time is gold
I wasted so much time, oh, the time I wasted
And today that I have no time for love,
for love like back in the day, how I long for
the iniquitous joy of wasting time...
Mastering time is such a wise virtue...

I don't remember you anymore

[Carlos Rivera]
Who, who are you?
I don't remember your face well
Tell me once more, what's your name?
[María José]
Who, who are you?
You said you were a good friend
That we shared a destiny
[María José y Carlos Rivera]
Sorry, you must be mistaken
Nothing like this happened
I was never by your side.
I don't remember you anymore
Of what you say that I felt
I'm not the one you came to chase.
I don't remember you anymore.
Leave, I don't know what you're doing here
If they ask me, I never knew you
I don't remember seeing you by me.
[Carlos Rivera]
Who, who were you?
I don't belong to this story
You don't have a place in my memory
[María José]
Sorry, you must be mistaken
Nothing like this happened
I was never by your side.
I don't remember you anymore
Of what you say that I felt
I'm not the one you came to chase.
I don't remember you anymore.
Leave, I don't know what you're doing here
If they ask me, I never knew you
I don't remember seeing you by me.
I don't remember you anymore.
Leave, I don't know what you're doing here
If they ask me, I never knew you
I don't remember seeing you by me.
[Carlos Rivera]
If I told you that I loved you, I lied.
I lied to you...


Like in old times,
Of those who make you happy
Of those who go down slowly
Of those that make you lose your mind
Of those sticked against the wall
Of those that people who ask you to do it again
Of those that like what the DJ puts on
Of those who we 'baby dance' with
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Of those that like what the DJ puts on
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Of those who we dance with against the wall
Always going clean, always going full
Always a rich flow, you know how I do
Always for the darkness, never where there's light
Always a mami, never a non-mami, I'm not like you
I steal the show when I go down slow
I don't ask for forgiveness, I know that I have excess flow
I have the recipe
I go with Nelly and I'm his secret army
The one that fires and never fails
To those who don't like going
Bitch, go, because Mariah went
Don't look for me papi if you don't measure up
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Of those that like what the DJ puts on
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Pe-perreito, pe-pe-perreito
Of those who we dance with against the wall

Светло на балконима

Светла на балконима, касне, сунце залази
Снена срца се покрећу
Кристали се магле, влажна земља одише
Моја гитара тужно одјекује.
Светла на балконима, касне, сунце залази
Снена срца се покрећу
Кристали се магле, влажна земља одише
Моја гитара тужно одјекује.
Лутајући, плове моје мисли
Проклети сат, што не потече живот
Празан је лист и ја стојим испред њега
Далеко сам , празан и одсутан
Мислим да знам ал’ нема користи
Не могу повезати речи
Док душу срцу препуштам
Мислим да знам ал’ нема користи
Не могу повезати речи
Док душу срцу препуштам
Светла на балконима, касне, сунце залази
Снена срца се покрећу
Кристали се магле, влажна земља одише
Моја гитара тужно одјекује.
Светла на балконима, касне, сунце залази
Снена срца се покрећу
Кристали се магле, влажна земља одише
Моја гитара тужно одјекује.
И ја
Овде сам, настављам компоновати
Ослобађајући се осећања, најрађе би саставио песму
Разбацану на све четири стране ветом из дубине мога гласа
Јер се тако осећам, јер сам такав
Јер се тако осећам
Јер се тако осећам, јер сам такав
Светла на балконима, касне, сунце залази
Снена срца се покрећу
Кристали се магле, влажна земља одише
Моја гитара тужно одјекује.
Светла на балконима, касне, сунце залази
Снена срца се покрећу
Кристали се магле, влажна земља одише
Моја гитара тужно одјекује.
Светла на балконима, касне, сунце залази
Снена срца се покрећу
Кристали се магле, влажна земља одише
Моја гитара тужно одјекује.

The Balanguera

Versions: #1
O mysterious Balanguera,
like a spider of fine art,
her spinning wheel emptieth
and off our lives it pulleth.
Like a Parca she pondereth,
and seweth well tomorrow’s cloth.
The Balanguera spinneth, spinneth
and the Balanguera shall spin.
Her glimpse to the past she turneth,
O’er shades of ancestry she watcheth,
and of the new spring she owneth

Nocturnal Queen

You work on top of the stage
Like a bouquet of flowers
In a cage full of lions,
And you watch just you can move, agile,
While a ray of light
Pushes you into the dark.
And you display a candid smile
When the makeup
Melts away, because of your sweat.
They call you Nocturnal Queen!
You live inside a sparkle
Of paintings and colours.
They call you Nocturnal Queen,
And you don't turn around anymore
When they call you by your name.

You bow out just when everything ends
And you thank the darkness
For the applause...
Later on, you fall asleep
Thanks to sleeping pills,
When the sun rises
Early in the morning,
And you cover your pillow
With glitter,
As you wait for a brand new night...
They call you Nocturnal Queen!
You live inside a sparkle
Of paintings and colours.
They call you Nocturnal Queen,
And you don't turn around anymore
When they call you by your name.

Nocturnal Queen...

The brave man

Versions: #1
Like an eagle he flapped his wings on the street
The neighborhood looks at him with pride through the windows
With his black eyes cast down
The brave man, charged downhill
In his eyes, a cloud
In his heart, steel
The blood is flowing, it has covered the sun
And Charon charged downhill
The eyes and hearts are closing shut
The windows are closing shut
And then Charon swoops astride
And he smiled
Who is going down to Hades today?
Who is the neighborhood talking about and is in an uproar?
Why are the mountains and the plains silent?
The brave man, charged downhill
Like an eagle he flapped his wings on the street
The neighborhood looks at him with pride through the windows
With his black eyes cast down
The brave man, charged downhill

Drunk from love

It happened to me too, it happened finally,
for this kind of love I dreamt all life.
You came into my life, enchanted my days,
made miracles so that I am happy.
You came into my life, enchanted my days,
and for the first time I feel alive.
I am drunk from the love, I am becoming crazy for you now,
you taught my soul about love.
Touch me, kiss me, love me forever,
I have everything when I have you
When your warm look caresses me
is there a deeper tenderness, I doubt it?!
There isn't a woman more loved, I am sure of it,
and that I am only happy next to you
There isn't a woman more loved, I am sure of it,
and for the first time I feel alive.

Song of Tenderness

The skies of my childhood
Had a scent of basil and bread

In The Dark...

In the dark...
Your hands caressing my waist,
My body which, naked, belongs to you

Some Nights There Are

Versions: #1
Some nights there are so wondrous white
that all is touched with silver hue,
and many a great star gleams as bright
as if it guided shepherds to
a Jesus they may find anew.
Strewn with a dust of diamonds
lie field and flood, a broad expanse

You Make It Easy For Me

Come, hey
Today I woke up wanting to see you, hey
Your caressing has damaged my mind, hey (Has damaged)
Just for me today I want to have you (Mmm)
With you I've been lucky, and
Don't look at me that way, 'cause I'm not made of steel
I get lost in your eyes, I'm again at zero
I think about those lips and get accelerated
Look, baby, that I don't fall in love, but
You make it easy for me, hey-hey
You make it easy for me, uh-uh-uh
Let's not lose any more time, baby
I want to feel your body, hey, very slow
It's something I can't avoid
24/7 to think about you
He1touches me, I start to shake
Caress me in every partof my body
Let's just get lost (Let's just get lost), oh
So that nothing matters (So that nothing matters anymore), mmm
Let's enter the room (Let's enter the room), -om
Without thinking about tomorrow (Without thinking about tomorrow)
I can't avoid it
I'm dying just imagining it
Your body has me raving
Suddenly I'm missing you
And it's just that I can't avoid it
I'm dying just imagining it
Your body has me raving
Suddenly I'm missing you, oh
Don't look at me that way, 'cause I'm not made of steel
I get lost in your eyes, I'm again at zero
I think about those lips and get accelerated
Look, baby, that I don't fall in love, but
You make it easy for me, hey-hey
You make it easy for me, uh-uh-uh
Let's not lose any more time, baby (Oh-oh)
I want to feel your body, hey, very slow
Hey, very slow
Hey, very slow
Hey, very slow
Hey, very slow
Hey, very slow
Hey, very slow
Hey, very slow
Hey, very slow
That sounded very cool
  • 1. No gender stated. Could be 'her'

Hollywood Stars

Everyone has left the function
I stayed in the blue theater
For the love of a fictional light
Forever stargazing, Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
From so much seeing them in black and white
My skin begins to lose color
And I transform into an super hero
My shadow breathes on them
Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world


Like the wave of the sea, looking
tirelessly for the sand, I’m looking for you

Little water of balance

Ready for the adventure
With your velcro sneakers
You fall down, you clean yourself up and you get up
You get scared and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again.
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take care of her
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take her away
Daughter of the highway
Wearing 4-wheel skates
The blows hug you in their own way
You stumble and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Let go, let go, let go, let go.
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Until I'm worn out from walking
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
If I die it will be from a somersault

Listening Mary

Lord Almighty, how beautiful
to hear tones from a blessed angel’s lips.
Lord Almighty, how dulcet
to die when songs are sung.
Flow still, o my soul, on the stream
on the dark, heavenly, purple stream,
sink still, o my spirit and soul,
into God’s good and gracious arms.

MARIA my love(愛しのマリア)

Not being able to tell you my feelings,
I am always talking about random stuff.
Though I want to know how you feel about me,
I knew I wouldn't move forward.
Deep down in my heart
Unreachable place
The feelings of happiness and thankfulness keep on overflowing and don't stop.
They say love is gazing into each other.
I feel you with my eyes closed.
So this is love.
You are my one and only.
I tell you that over and over.
I'm in love with you.
You are my precious, MARIA.
Deep down in my heart
Unreachable place
The feelings of happiness and thankfulness keep on overflowing and don't stop.
You are my one and only.
I tell you that over and over.
I'm in love with you.
You are my precious, MARIA.
I'm yours forever, MARIA.


Dear name, how would it be if I'd search,
Nowhere on earth I know that I can't find
and the sea and the sky, Maria...
The earth is in bloom
this word has melted us together
As my voice says 'Maria'
I'd want to fly to you
to tell my love in song, Maria...
There's no fairytale that's more beautiful in the world
as it was and your name will be...
with so much shine, Maria...
Maria, Maria...
Maria, Maria...
There's no fairytale that's more beautiful in the world
as it was and your name will be...
with so much shine, Maria...
On earth, no fairytale will be...


In wintry woods the wind is driving
the flock of snowflakes, shepherd-like,
and many a fir-tree feels how soon then
by lights it will be sanctified,
and listens well. To the white pathways
it stretches out its branches wide
to brave the wind and grow - to live for
that single blissful holy night.

From that iron that has made

From that iron that has made
my wretched bridegroom bleed
I learned cruelty.
Beholding a son so wan
and laved with my blood
I forgot pity.

I read about someone who stole a car

I went to school for nine year because that's what I've been told to
I looked for a job where people meet and that's what was suitable for me
After that I bought a house outside the city because that's what I've been told to
I want to help those who are in trouble because that's what I've been told to
Sleep, my darling,
Sleep till the winter is over
I read about someone who stole a car
He has been driving away one early morning
The trace ended after seventeen miles
After that no one has met him again
I enjoy music about which some might say that it is suitable for me
I often travel by myself because that's what is suitable for me
I like to cook something strong sometimes because that's what is suitable for me
You kept the window open and the light on but that was before you met me.
Sleep my darling
Sleep till the winter is over
I read about someone who stole a car
He has been driving away one early morning
The trace ended after seventeen miles
After that no one has met him again
I read about someone who stole a car
He has been driving away one early morning
The trace ended after seventeen miles
After that no one has met him again
We believe in truth and honesty because that's what is suitable for us
We have a wooden sauna because that's what is suitable for us
We like wine which is light and dry because that's what is suitable for us
We invested all in a Asian fond because that's what is suitable for us
Sleep my darling
Sleep till the winter is over
I read about someone who stole a car
He has been driving away one early morning
The trace ended after seventeen miles
After that no one has met him again

Jimmy and Maria

Maria fell in love with a guy from 8th grade
A boy called Jimmy, one of those guys you shouldn't fuck with
He was everyone's worst enemy, but became her boyfriend
'Cause when they were alone, it was someone very different she got to know
'Cause he was sweet and nice and always wanted what was best for her
Messing up those who looked at her whenever they were at a party
And she sat at the back of his moped when they left the place
Only heard him saying he loved her through smoke and noise
Then they grew up and moved to the city together
Jimmy was out on the street while she was keeping the duvet warm
She just wanted to graduate high school
But Jimmy insisted that she should stay at home
Unfortunately, it had to wait, she didn't have time now anyway
She had gotten pregnant, everything was pushed to the side
And one day, he suddenly came home to her
Saying that they would never have to worry about money again
He had something big going on which couldn't go wrong
Something about a lot of money was everything he told her
He promised that he would take care of her and their children
And he whispered quietly to her before he disappeared through the door
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
But Jimmy didn't come back home
Instead, an officer came
Ransacking her stuff
Messed the entire apartment
So that you'd think he owned it, threw all the things around in it
And suddenly, her phone rang
It was Jimmy, he was in detention at the station
'Cause they'd fucked up and everything had gone wrong
Now he was facing three years in prison, would get out after two and a half
So now Maria went around at home, waiting for him
Thought of him whenever she heard a certain song
Cried herself to sleep - started to feel weak
Who wants to celebrate a birthday in a visiting room?
There she sat with a long face, looking down at the table
She had so fucking much to say, but couldn't find the words
He took her hand in his own, whispering to her
With a tear rolling down his cheek
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
But Jimmy didn't come back home
Instead, an officer came
Quietly into her home to inform her
That Jimmy had passed away that night just before five
There was another inmate who said he had snitched on him1
So he found him to stab him eight times
She couldn't believe her own ears, slumped to the ground in the door frame
Started to cry alone, 'cause what was she supposed do now?
Who would take care of her, and who would hold her tight?
Everything she loved in this world was fucking gone
She was cold, felt empty on the inside
'Cause now he was no longer there to comfort her, saying
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
  • 1. Literally 'stabbed him'