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Yes, I am crazy, so crazy with happiness
What do you do with me
I can't get a wink of sleep, never have enough
I only want to be with you
Don't know how you do it
That you make me so happy
When we see each other, what happens between you and me
Simply is indescribable
That thing with us is magic
One look from you, I am gone and already at my destination
That thing with us is magic
Because you exist, everything is easy, feels like never before
Let the spell happen, please don't stop
I don't want to understand anything
Between us, between us is magic
With you I'm open, wild and loud
I surprise myself
I want to play with fire and take risks with you
Everything in the world
Don't know how you do it
That you make me so happy
When we see each other, what happens between you and me
Simply is indescribable
That thing with us is magic
One look from you, I am gone and already at my destination
That thing with us is magic
Because you exist, everything is easy, feels like never before
Let the spell happen, please don't stop
I don't want to understand anything
Between us, between us is magic
We are so different, but still we are one
If we want it, it will never be different
That thing with us is magic
One look from you, I am gone and already at my destination
That thing with us is magic
Because you exist, everything is easy, feels like never before
Let the spell happen, please don't stop
I don't want to understand anything
Between us, between us is magic

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
And blessed is the fruit
Of thy womb: Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
Amen. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
Now and at the hour of our death.
Amen. Amen.
Hail Mary.


Versions: #1
I have no time to say your name
I have no name for you to say
My coffee won't ever feed you
Nothing you offer could ever tempt me
It's weird how we abandoned ourselves to enjoy nothing
Your thong in the the sleeve of the fake magician
Your hands on the tophat, your body on the stage
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
I still haven't counted your deaf shields
Know that I study you from a distance
Your foreigner saint has showed me your world
I saw that you cry in the darkness
If Shiva told me to be patient
I catch you in the alley of the belief's bell
I scare you with the rage of my madness
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak

To Love Maria

To love Maria
Oh, how I wish I could do that
Even if it was just for a day
Maria's love
Dream and fantasy
Oh! How I wish I could have
Maria's love
But Maria didn't even care
Maria is a Maria if she was out of her mind
Maria is a Maria if she was out of her mind

Od krvi i mesa

Od čega si napravljen?
Od kamena ili gvožđa
Kad ne osjećaš
Ni ljubav ni ljubomoru
Ti nijesi kao ja,
Sigurna sam u to

Slobodno vrijeme

Slobodno vrijeme,
Ako možeš
Posveti meni
U zamjenu za čitav moj život
Ili bar ovo što mi je preostalo
I ovo što ti nudim
Usluži ako možeš
Sve te ljude
Koji ti traže ljubav
Ali svje slobodno vrijeme,
Ako možeš,
Posveti meni
Slobodno vrijeme,
Ako možeš
Posveti meni
Nije važno da li će to biti dva minuta
Ili samo jedan,
Biću srećna

How are you doing with your life

How are you doing with your life, my love? Tell me how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.
How are you doing with your life, my love? Tell me how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.
Don't worry my love I am fine.
I see you always around me , I only miss your hug and your sympathy.
How are you doing with your life, my love? Tell me how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.
I always see your picture and never forget it& I always see it in my dreams.
I am keeping my promise to make you always very proud of me and to live always in my heart.
How are you doing with your life, my love? Tell me how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.
I've missed our beautiful days and our picnics which were the most beautiful days.
Also, I've missed your hug which I was sleeping into & I've missed your songs.
How are you doing with your life, my love? Tell me how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.
Oh my love how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.

What you see is not what I am

I spent the night again
on top of a plane
I don't know well if I'm arriving
or if I'm leaving
I thought it would be cold
and I die of heat
I forgot that on this side
it's already another station
So close to my dreams
I get further off the ground, today
I forgot who I am
There are so many people
in my loneliness
so many illusions
that I lack reality
and I have said goodbye so many times
so many goodbyes make the heart cold
what you see is not what I am
I used my passport
to see my age
and by the way see
my name and nationality
I don't know anymore if what I want
was my decision
but at least the end
I write it
So close to my dreams
I get further off the ground, today
I forgot who I am
There are so many people
in my loneliness
so many illusions
that I lack reality
and I have said goodbye so many times
so many goodbyes make the heart cold
what you see is not what I am
Behind a smile
sometimes there is pain
and nothing is that bad
if inspires a song
And although
there are so many people
in my loneliness
so many illusions
that I lack reality
and I have said goodbye so many times
so many goodbyes make the heart cold
There are so many people
in my loneliness
so many illusions
that I lack reality
and I have said goodbye so many times
so many goodbyes make the heart cold
what you see is not what I am


Nothing at all
Not even the ad
Here on my screen
Conveys the slightest inkling of humanity
I had seen you
In a flowered and checked dress
Blue like the water
Of the aquarium that
They brought me when I was little
And I don't remember anything
Only the blonde cashier
And the flying fish
And then my mother saying:
Don't touch anything
Don't touch
Anything at all

Upside down

Much more than the ground beneath my feet
Here I miss voices and the city
And I miss you, because I haven't seen you
Since I've been here
We went up before the shift ended
To the factory roof to see
Whether from up there we could finally see
The one who got us fired
The first day he took off almost hurriedly
With us above and the others arguing below,
But whose faces are those above the roof
And what do they have to look at?
Then the patrol car came tearing in
And a little boy waved from a window
Before night fell,
The television crew set up shop
But no, I'm not coming down
Not even the television
Can make me come down
No, I'm not coming down
You go ahead
And go on television
Like passers-by during a sudden downpour
Crammed into a doorway's only shelter
The people downstairs crushed themselves
Around the eye of the broadcast.
'A relative of mine was up there on the roof.'
'Outsourcing's to blame as far as I'm concerned'
Everyone wanted the microphone
To say something on television
And while darkness sank into the streets
And onto the gates and railings of Turin
And the light had gone out on the balcony
Where that little boy was
I thought for an instant that I saw you
Among the others showing solidarity down there
But it wasn't you and I stayed up
On the roof camping out
But no, I'm not coming down...
Days and nights have gone by since that day
And there's traffic in the streets again
Only rarely is there someone who lifts their gaze
And watches me watching
My comrades have gone, too, and I understand them
It isn't so easy to stay
If there's someone waiting for you
If you have someone you can tell things to
And so, all alone now, I keep watch on my own
And I no longer care about getting down or going back
Or even about knowing
Who got us fired
Unchanging days go by and I don't count them
Let them take away the breath of those who follow them closely
I'll stay here and, for now, make do
With a little boy's wave

Twenty thousand leagues (under the seas)

The first was the Cape of Good Hope
Closed by law and special decree
So that the Pacific waves would quit
Bastardizing that other sea.
Next it was the turn of Panama and Suez
And then of the Bosporus and Gibraltar:
Every last wave demanded
Respect for its sovereign independence
No more exchanges of water and fish
No more round-the-world trips in sailing ships
All canals were closed
To the passage of foreign waves
Thus for a time the waters of all
The planet's seas became calm again
But before long it began again: a wave said
That it was time to end it all
And so it happened that one day in our local sea
The Ionian demanded to be alone
And so did the Tyrrhenian and the Sicilian Strait
And the Adriatic forthwith
In short, 'let no one mix with anyone else'
Thundered the waters of the shallows
'Let each remain anchored in place
And bathe only the sands of her birth.'
It seemed to be over but it was only the beginning
And it was truly ugly to see
In what once was a vast expanse
The gashes of trenches rending the sea
It was only the beginning, as we said
Because now the secessionist fever
Was sickening every single shore
And nothing and no one managed to say 'enough'
And thus from Trieste to the tip of Apulia
From Sicily to the Italian Riviera
Every last tiny creek demanded
Independence and not in name only
But the matter went shabby
When they seized each other drop by drop
And, each eyeing her neighbor, said
'Go away or I'll break your face'
The sea was soon an assemblage of dewdrops
Of no use to fish or any creature
Tuna, anchovies, and swordfish died
Deep-sea vessels stayed on dry land
And then one day or (I'm not sure) one night
Something even stranger happened
Do you know the formula H2O?
Yes, the one for water that we all know
Well, hydrogen took exception
And claimed to have a majority
And thus the sovereign right
To pursue now-hallowed independence
A kind of wind blew, an infinite gust
And the water of the seas vaporized into the sky
There remained a desert of salt and granite
But dark and deep, blacker than black

Half on nothing

Keeping you all to myself
Seemed to be stealing something
Given the great abundance of life
The two of us cooped up in just one story
Just one
And so we said, let's go
And maybe we'll come back some day
You took half of nothing
I the other half, and then I closed
The door
But the life that burns your hands
Happened far from here
Mixed up and lost in the days
Of other people's time
And so we said let's go
And maybe we'll come back some day
But that nothing divided in half
Demanded that the door stay closed
And the life that burns your hands
Happened far from here
Mixed up and lost in the days
In other people's days


I had a strange dream
A morning dream
A weird and truthful dream
That I woke up and was still a little boy
And was setting off, my bed a sailing-ship
On one side there was the sea
And on the other practically nothing
A storm was puffing the sails
I was flying over people's hats
I was shouting to the world
And the world was a carousel
Tell me if you believe me
And if you believe me, wait for me because
If I ever come back
I'll come back to you
Tell me if you believe me
And if you believe me wait for me
That way, if I come back
You'll already be here
A cannon's mouth
Was spitting cannonballs and fire
And there was a red cat at a window
Almost as if it were a game, he was watching
People falling off the carousel
They were falling into the streets
But without making much noise
Like leaves in the November wind
And the red cat's heart grew sad
But he stayed at the window, as always
Tell me if...

Worlds Apart

I don't know how you have kept
Beauty, amidst hell,
Not how you were able to escape
From the horror that has hurt you.
When I lick your wounds
I see, deep in your eyes,
What I cannot erase:
We have been born worlds apart!
La la-la, la la-ra la la-la...
Far beyond the oceans,
Far beyond the cry of the seas,
Where rain has its root
Blessed by Allah.
Where the moon descends from the stars
Into a dusty world,
Our hearts have found each other
On a bridge that we have built...
La la-la, la la-ra la la-la...
In this time that we must live,
The truth is useless:
Let's create a time for our love,
Full of life amidst death!
The stars follow us
In the path that we've opened...
Your heart with my own heart,
Far above these worlds apart!
La la-la, la la-ra la la-la...
With both the blood and the darkness
With whom we've learned to deal closely,
We shan't spend one more moment:
We haven't been able to choose
The sadness of death
In our separate worlds,
But allow our love to give
Everything it can give!
Everything it can give...
Everything it can give...
La la-la, la la-ra la la-la...


Lady, lady
Don't make me go crazy
Listen, listen
To what my heart does
When you go away
he cries
he hides inside himself
But my honey, when you come back
He sings, he runs, smiles
When you go he cries
He hides inside himself
But when you come, he comes back
He sings, he runs, smiles
Come here
Come dance
Life is prettier with your company
come here, woman
Sovereign queen, is star, is the moonlight
Lady, lady
Don't make me go crazy
Listen, listen
To what my heart does
When you go away
he cries
he hides inside himself
But my honey, when you come back
He sings, he runs, smiles
When you go he cries
He hides inside himself
But when you come, he comes back
He sings, he runs, smiles
Come here
Come dance
Life is prettier with your company
come here, woman
Sovereign queen, is star, is the moonlight
Come here, let's dance
Feel the music
And there's no use denying
Just feel the music
Come near me, let's play
Our song
Woman, you made me delusional
Feel the music
Tell me, where are you?
Where did you end up?
I got lost in your eyes
There is no longer music

Farewell To An Adolescent Love

I don't know whether I'm thinking about you
Or the waves of a sad sea are soaking me


Someone shall pay for your contempt
Someone shall suffer for your disdain
Someone shall, one day, bend from the weight
Of the evil I feel for liking someone
Someone who will appear in my life
Someone who I don't know yet, even
Someone will judge me as lost
When after all I'm nothing more than woman
Because of someone who cheated and drove me crazy
To someone, for vengeance, I will be mean
Because of someone who kissed my mouth
I will kiss without love, at God's will

Sweet Murmur Of Every Afternoon

Sweet murmur of every afternoon,
Do not fade away: do caress me
With the voices and laughter
Of singing children
Down my street where, only they
Bring tenderness every evening
As well as old memories that cause the rebirth
Of longing for those arms,
Because I cannot love them...
Stop this torment for just a little.
Acrimonious sweetness of every afternoon,
Return once more and intoxicate me

Nothing is longer like it was

I felt like things maybe went a bit too fast, baby
I noticed when everything stopped, but baby
You make me smile when I feel the most down
And you like tea that you brought all the way from India
I felt like things maybe went a bit too fast, baby
I noticed when everything stopped, but baby
You make me smile when I feel the most down
And you like tea that you brought all the way from India
Falling down in the depths and deeper yet
Take me with you, because here there’s nothing to see
A hundred thousand plans disappeared in the air
Nothing is longer like it was
A hundred thousand hours that disappeared in the air
Nothing is longer like it was
I felt like I maybe became too good at the game
I didn’t see that you sat with something up your sleeve
You make me see something more when I sink down
Showing some tricks, I get tricked you’re a magician
Falling down in the depths and deeper yet
Take me with you, because here there’s nothing to see
A hundred thousand plans disappeared in the air
Nothing is longer like it was
A hundred thousand hours that disappeared in the air
Nothing is longer like it was
A hundred thousand plans disappeared in the air
Nothing is longer like it was
A hundred thousand hours that disappeared in the air
Nothing is longer like it was

I shall betray tomorrow, not today.

I shall betray tomorrow, not today.
Today, pull out my fingernails,
I shall not betray.
You do not know the limits of my courage,
I, I do.
You are five hands, harsh and full of rings,On your feets
Your are wearing on your feet
hob-nailed boots.
I shall betray tomorrow, not today.
I need the night to make up my mind.
I need at least one night,
To disown, to abjure, to betray.
To disown my friends,
To abjure bread and wine,
To betray life,
To die.
I shall betray tomorrow, not today.
The file is under the window-pane.
The file is not for the window-bars,
The file is not for the executioner,
The file is for my own wrists.
Today, I have nothing to say,
I shall betray tomorrow


[Verse 1]
Mary, last night you were telling me
That you didn’t want me
This is where my wound begins
Why did you take off your shirt?
The overalls and so quickly
You hide from my sight
You eat my heart
And spit up my dreams
[Verse 2]
Mary, someone put a spell on you
They poisoned you days ago
With bacilli and lies
I'm not sure if its been hours or days
My melancholy's started
I'm not sure if I'm alive
Liquor jacket
Seven joints and a goodbye
Here went my love
and here falls I

A Special Someone

I wanted to avoid your eyes
But I couldn't react
Then I feel comfortable
I think that the wish of pretending
Is nonsense
Denying your intentions
When a special someone
Crossed your path
And changed your direction
I even got embarrassed
But I don't stop following
Your apparition
When a special someone
Stirs up your feelings
It's better not to resist
And give yourself in
I even got embarrassed
But I don't stop following
Your apparition
When a special someone
Stirs up your feelings
It's better not to resist
And give yourself in
Give me your hand
Come and be my lodestar
A complication
So easy to understand
Let's dance
Illuminate the evening
For all that I'll live
That I'll live
When a special someone
Stirs up your feelings
It's better not to resist
And give yourself in


Jim doesn't bring me the flowers I love anymore,
Jim, we don't laugh together anymore
And I don't deserve that :
I don't even know why I'm so fond of Jim…
Jim doesn't tell me anymore
That I'm his raging yearning,
[His] burning love
From which he doesn't burn anymore
Even though we'd been together for years.
And if by chance, I'm feeling lovesick,
I pretend to take my own revenge
And let him go
But my heart crumbles a little more each time.
I know that the day he'll love love, he'll leave me
But take my words for it:
May it be today or tomorrow,
I'll always carry a little something from Jim (2x)
I'll always carry a little something from Jim.

Look - two trees are growing

Look! Two trees have grown
From a single root.
Be it fate or accident’s unknown,
But unrelated, they ensued.
When winter blizzard blusters,
When the frost is harsh and stern,
Birches are in safety kept by firs
From the wind's fatal churn.
And in the heat when grass burns,
And firs about to smolder,
Birch’s shade grants reprieve,
And to survive lends shoulder.
Not blood related, nevertheless,
Their closeness is forever,
But people - they create a mess,
More bitter shame I’ve known never.


Well.. whoever loves and leaves,
Whoever loves and leaves,
May God punish them !
May God punish them :
The creep of the snake
And the walk of the bug,
The roar of the wind,
The dust of the earth
The dust of the earth.
See the ant is just an ant,
With big body, small head,
And in the middle so thin
Though it walks under the ground,
Still it keeps its word.
Still it keeps its word.
Alas, but we, baptized people,
But we, baptized people,
We have strayed from the faith.
We have strayed from the faith.
Whoever loves and leaves,
May God punish them !
The creep of the snake
And the walk of the bug,
The roar of the wind,
The dust of the earth.

Mrs. Maria

Sorry for coming here like this
Forgive me for these rogue clothes
With a long shirt and my hat backwards
Right when the soap opera that you like most is on
It's been three days since I've slept well
Your daughter has left me like this
And what she talks about the most is how you're angry all the time
But today I won't go back home with a 'no'
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
That God painted and threw away the paintbrush
Sorry for coming here like this
Forgive me for these rogue clothes
With a long shirt and my hat backwards
Right when the soap opera that you like most is on
It's been three days since I've slept well
Your daughter has left me like this
And what she talks about the most is how you're angry all the time
But today I won't go back home with a 'no'
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
That God painted and threw away the paintbrush
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
Mrs. Maria, let me date your daughter
Excuse me for my boldness
This girl is like a drawing from heaven
That God painted and threw away the paintbrush


Go, girl!
Right next to me, right next to me
It's been tough without you!
It's been tough!
I've been like a mad dog
Tossed on the curb
It's been tough without you!
It's been tough!
I feel cold when it's hot
My joy is gone
Without my honey bun
Without spooning to fall asleep
Without my baby, dear God
Sweet Jesus!
I'm at the bar night and day
It's really cowardly of you
Not to pick up the phone
When I call!
You're just begging me to die!
Oh sweetheart, sweetheart
If you come back to me, I'll leave the bar
Oh sweetheart, sweetheart
I miss our boinking
Our boinking
Our boinking
I miss our boinking
I miss our boinking
Our boinking
Our boinking
I miss our boinking

Mary Beech

La la ra-la la la la-re-la la la...
I don't know what your name is,
Oh Mary Beech!
Now what name should I give you,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
Not carnation, for you're a rose
Oh Mary Beech!
Not rose, for you're a blossom,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
La la ra-la la la la-re-la la la...
I don't want to call you carnation,
Oh Mary Beech!
For I'd be extolling you,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
I'd rather call you a mirror,
Oh Mary Beech!
Where I expect to see myself,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
La la ra-la la la la-re-la la la...
I don't know what your name is,
Oh Mary Beech!
Now what name should I give you,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
Not carnation, for you're a rose
Oh Mary Beech!
Not rose, for you're a blossom,
Oh Mary Beech!
Oh, Beech Mary!
La la ra-la la la la-re-la la la...

Call me Maria

Versions: #1
Maria, you liked my look tonight, my name is Maria, there is no more Diva: call me Maria.
I made the men cry, brought the ground to their knees, carried like an idol then dragged through the mud, Venice, Mexico City, Rome. The boxes filled with flowers, I saw so many crowns bathe my feet in tears, but I am only a woman for the only man standing, an ordinary lover and this man is you: my voice trembles for you.
Maria, you liked my look tonight, my name is Maria, there is no more Diva: call me Maria.
I ran heaven and earth, having the most beautiful lovers, repeating all the New York, Paris, Milan arias, if the divas unleash whims, torments, all queenly fights do not end in blood. The sun is mortal and my diamond voice, had nothing eternal like the hearts of lovers darken easily. Maria, you liked my look tonight, my name is Maria, there is no more Diva: call me Maria. All the gold of Bohemia shone in my voice, I died on stage, was born there so many times, but a thick mist covers the Scala, when the insults hurt my heart and then the voice, for the only man standing in a thousand shards I break, crazy admirers, the heart of La Scala: my voice trembles for you. Tonight my name is Maria, there is no more Diva: call me Maria.

Mariachi Song

Versions: #1
I am a very honest man, who likes the best
I don't lack women, money or love
Riding my horse, through the mountains I go
The stars and the moon, they tell me where I'm going
Ay, ay, ay, ay
Oh, oh, my love
Oh, my brunette
Of my heart
I like to play the guitar, I like to sing the song
Mariachi accompanies me, when I sing my song
I like to have my drinks, Aguardiente is the best
Also the white tequila, with its salt gives it flavor
Ay, ay, ay, ay
Oh, oh, my love
Oh, my brunette
Of my heart
I like to play the guitar, I like to sing the song
Mariachi accompanies me, when I sing my song
I like to have my drinks, Aguardiente is the best
Also the white tequila, with its salt gives it flavor
Ay, ay, ay, ay
Oh, oh, my love
Oh, my brunette
Of my heart
Ay, ay, ay, ay
Oh, oh, my love
Oh, my brunette
Of my heart

Where are you?

The clock is ticking and the hours are passing,
No one but me, under the roof of my room
I don't want to think, the world is falling on me
There is no button that can, very, disconnect me
All my thoughts
They always flow into you
Like a demon inside
Doesn't let me see anything that's you
Where are you? I scream in the wind
And someone will answer me
The clouds in the sky will be transformed
They will draw your name as they pass by
And so I'll know one day where you are
All my thoughts
They always flow into you
Like a demon inside
Doesn't let me see anything that's you
Where are you? I scream in the wind
And someone will answer me
The clouds in the sky will be transformed
They will draw your name as they pass by
And so I'll know one day where you are
And so I'll know one day where you are