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Drenched Blues

My path is through the rain
There's no night, no day - rain.
No grass, no sand - silt,
Down flows river Nile...
Overflow is such
That I forget what's the point,
In my head, there are streams,
River Ganges through courses.
I empty into the sea,
Frequently caught in a storm,
Lighthouses don't glow,
Won't see Atlantis,
And large ships
Are swallowed by the horizon,
And carried into Black Sea.
I'm everywhere and nowhere,
Don't look for me, my dear friend,
On the sand, on the water
Circles of ripples are spread,
But on a faraway star, that's
Hardly visible,
I'll hear your words:
'My path is through the rain
There's no night, no day - rain.
Don't fall silent, no, sing
My unfailing oboe.'
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The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.



I want to live forever If I lived forever, all my wishes would come true
However, many things drive me to corner
the length of life, the whereabouts of my dreams
Though they're all precious things
'Well, I guess it's ok, and have something sweet here.'
I'm always stopping thinking like that
As I look back the way I've walked on,
there were so many unpleasant things that I get sick
Making things I touch shine,
I wanted to live like that all along
I'm desparate to live I'm really hasty in the days
Everything is about to vanish
However, I sometimes take it easy since I don't want to get tired
Such an inconstitent thought
I guess I hit my head without knowing
Well, I guess I should go to hospital here
Do you have a medicine that makes me awake all day?
I feel as if I'll become a fossil,
when I'm just standing carelessly
I'll become a dull person,
which nobody remembers
Well, I guess I'll show my best here
Hit my cheeks and prove my existence
I don't look back the way I've walked on
Though there were only unpleasant things, go forward
Making things I touch shine,
I will surely become such a person


My love, if you go away
God only knows what is going to be of me
Travelling around the world
In the endless city
Sometimes turning guys away, sometimes flirting
A poor irresponsible of me
If I ask you to stay here or not
My love, I swear
That I don't want to bail on you
or leave you alone in the dark
But the happy moments
Are not hidden
in the past or in the future
My love there won't be no sadness
Nothing other than late afternoon
But then all the lights on
Artificial paradises
And if you left quietly
I would travel a lot
a lot more
If I ask you to stay here or not
My love, I swear
That I don't want to bail on you
or leave you alone in the dark
But the happy moments
Are not hidden
in the past or in the future
(Travelling around the world
In the endless city)


We walk along the beach, water and sun smiling.
We'd happily share in the craziness of love.
The gold of your wavy hair like the sea
Vied with the Heavens in the way it shone!
Ever since I saw you, Marina,
I never stop wanting you
No one like you, Marina,
Has known how to make me shake
And awaken the savage
That lives in me
And lost in your landscape
How already I'm living without you!
Feminine like the water and hot as the sun.
The tenderness of your voice would skim my soul.
Your sweat would slide down your flirtatious skin
And I told you in that moment to cut off love!
It was as though something changed on your face1
I know that beast [within] is turning against me.
Your crystal tenderness broke into a thousand pieces
You pulled away from my arms you haven't returned again!
And lost in your landscape
How already I'm living without you!
And lost in your landscape
How already I'm living without you!
  • 1. Lit. 'As if something changed you on your face I read.'

Private security

Pride doesn't count
When love is in crisis
This head is crazy
Whenever you're next to me
Let it go to hell
Everything I've broken
She started it first
When she was watching you
To love you like I did
No one will ever
Because you belong to me
What is mine is mine
Don't fall in temptation
I will always be your
Private security
Do you know what am I turning into
When someone touches my everything
Every girl that tried
Made a terrible mistake
You think I'm not watching
Trust me, it only looks that way
One wrong move
I'm there in one moment
Let it go to hell
Everything I've broken
She started it first
When she was watching you
To love you like I did
No one will ever
Because you belong to me
What is mine is mine
Don't fall in temptation
I will always be your
Private security
Do you know what am I turning into
When someone touches my everything
Every girl that tried
Made a terrible mistake

Bird II (I'm Alone in this Madness)

Rest a bit, but don't take long
So we can find the limit that will remain
Relax a while, but don't goof off
So we can see the mess that will happen
Then, she can't stop thinking about coming back
Then, how to say no?
Only if you strike a poker face
A poker face
Say that it's too soon
So when it's time to attack
To attack
It's to aim and be lethal
And be sure
That I'm alone in this madness
Rest a bit, but don't take long
So we can find the limit that will remain
Relax a while, but don't goof off
So we can see the mess that will happen
Then, I see the redeemer
Then, do you remember our love?
That was already over
It barely started
As it's nice to think of it
So when I give in
When I give in
And live a real love
And be sure
That I'm alone in this madness
I'm alone in this madness...
I'm alone in this madness...
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

I Saw The King

I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
A type of king
That doesn't hear well
He loves the light
But doesn't see anyone
He'd rather look
At the horizon, to the sky
Far from here
Everything belongs to him
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
Nobody knows from where
His blue blood comes
From which wilderness
From which sea, from which somewhere
And for us
He never opened up
Only once
When he went away
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
Such a king
Grows solitude
Such a dark flower
In his heart
And it's clear
That love's pendulum
Sometimes reaches
Till the pain
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I must say
That I haven't suffered too much
But I must say
That I woke up
Even without having
All that I imagined
I must say
That I loved him
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
I saw the king arrive
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.


The world is divided
Between good and evil
And into the ten most elegant ones
The books on the shelf
And she dances
On the edge of the abyss
And she dances
On the edge of the volcano
They all want
Fame and power
Money and diamonds
Exciting flashes
And she swims
In scorching lava
And she
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

He Stole (Stolen Heart)

The heart of mine Sultan stole
He stole
The sky quite often looks me in the eyes,
You'll become part of my life.
It is clear for the heart how dangerous it is to listen to all your words,
You rather listen to your heart.
Your gentle touches, your fairy tales drive only the others crazy
You will comprehend that a fairy tale is not a lie
I won't desguise: what's going on with me, I myself cannot find out...
You take a knife to your heart!
How to forbid so that nobody steals my heart?
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
The heart of mine Sultan stole.
He stole
A bright sun, the grape vine turned into red,
You took without asking - therefore you stole.
Everything's fine, you agree look into my eyes,
Who told you so about me?
The heart beats, it will get broken, I'll keep it safe with me,
You will become part of my life
Smile and fall in love trust your lot,
Then steal the heart right away
After all since ever people were stealing hearts
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
'Everything's fine, you agree while looking into my eyes
'It is clear for the heart how dangerous it is to listen to all my words'
'Everything's fine, you agree while looking into my eyes
'It is clear for the heart how dangerous it is to listen to all my words'
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
You stole the heart of mine
You stole, nobody else dared
I knew where you hide it
And I took the heart of yours.
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
I stole the heart of yours
I stole, nobody else dared
You knew where I hide it
And you took the heart of mine.
The heart of mine Sultan stole.
The heart of mine Sultan stole.

Double Life

When I don't want to remember,
i forget
You don't let me
Leave the past behind
And you're digging up the dirt
On me the whole night
Whatever you find,
You won't like it
I've lived a double life
I've been good at hiding
All my secrets
Would kill you on the spot
I'd get wasted
They'd carry me home
And who will tell me
'Girl, you're bad'
(Girl, you're bad
So I'll keep quiet
And I'll confess it to someone else)
I've seen all kinds of things
And turned a blind eye
I rushed by that
Period of my life
And you're digging up the dirt
On me the whole night
Whatever you find,
You won't like it
I've lived a double life
I've been good at hiding
All my secrets
Would kill you on the spot
I'd get wasted
They'd carry me home
And who will tell me
'Girl, you're bad'
(Girl, you're bad
So I'll keep quiet
And I'll confess it to someone else)
I've lived a double life
I've been good at hiding
All my secrets
Would kill you on the spot
I'd get wasted
They'd carry me home
And who will tell me
I've lived a double life
I've been good at hiding
All my secrets
Would kill you on the spot
I'd get wasted
They'd carry me home
And who will tell me
'Girl, you're bad'

Town of Camariñas

Versions: #2
When sailing by Camariñas,
I passed by Camariñas, singing.
The girls from Camariñas
were left behind in the river, washing.
Camariñas, Camariñas,
oh you are already appealing me.
For one girl from Camariñas
I live in the world, I live in pain.
My little Virgin on the mount
who always looks after the sailors.
do not let me die
far from the land, the land of mine.


La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
Videla sam godisnja doba kako dođu i odu
Od zimskog sunca do letnjeg snega
Ovo nije moj prvi put na rodeu
Priroda nije voćna mašina
Ona mora da održi svoje kredite čistim
Dobre stvari dođu onima koji čekaju
Ali ja nisam u strpljivoj fazi
Letnje je vreme i ja visim sa loze
Oni će me napraviti u slatko crveno vino
Visim okolo kao voće na drvetu
Čekam da budem ubrana
Hajde osjeci me da budem slobodna
Hajde napuni svoju čašu
Tražim malo dobre sreće
Srećno, srećno tebi
Visim kao voće
Spremna da postanem sočna
Sočna, sočna
Živim najslađi život
Život ne može da postane slađi
Nemoj mi dati razlog
Da nije pravo godišnje doba
Dragi, volim te mnogo
Daću ti sve što imam
Da, znaš da je istina
Čuvala sam sva svoja ljeta za tebe
Čuvala sam sva svoja ljeta za tebe
Kao voće, kao voće
Dragi, ja sam okrugla i zrela
Ja sam ružičastija nego ovčarevo zadovoljstvo
Slatka kao kozija krv u kasnoj noći
Ostavi me predugo i pokvariću se
Kao jabuka koju si zaboravio
Ptice i crvi će doći po mene
Ciklus života je gotov
Ja sam tvoj karanfil, ja sam tvoja krvava ruža
Isčupaj mi latice i natjeraj mi srce da eksplodira
Ja sam tvoja Smrtna Belladona, tvoje drvo trešanja
Ti si moja jedina istinita ljubav, ja sam tvoja sudbina
Hajde napuni svoju čašu
Tražim malo dobre sreće
Srećno, srećno tebi
Jesen, ja ću nestati
Ptice će pevati svoju pokojničku pjesmu
Živim najslađi život
Život ne može da postane slađi
Nemoj mi dati razlog
Da nije pravo godišnje doba
Dragi, volim te mnogo
Daću ti sve što imam
Da, znaš da je istina
Čuvala sam sva svoja ljeta za tebe
Čuvala sam sva svoja ljeta za tebe
Kao voće, kao voće
O, moje telo je spremno
Da spremno je, da spremno je za tvoju ljubav
O, moje grane su teške
Da teške su, da teške su
Živim najslađi život
Život ne može da postane slađi
Nemoj mi dati razlog
Da nije pravo godišnje doba
Dragi, volim te mnogo
Daću ti sve što imam
Da, znaš da je istina
Čuvala sam sva svoja ljeta za tebe
Čuvala sam sva svoja ljeta za tebe
Kao voće, kao voće
Živim najslađi život
U ljubavi sam
Živim najslađi život
U ljubavi sam
U ljubavi sam

Kao druge devojke

Ti misliš da sam kao druge devojke
Ti misliš da sam kao ostale
Ti misliš da bih volela da vladam svetom
Ali ovo je sve test
Hej! Ti misliš da vidiš budućnost
Hej! Ti misliš da je osećanje obostrano
Ti misliš da sam kao druge devojke
Ti misliš da sam kao ostale
Ti misliš da bih volela da vladam svetom
I sve je ovo test
Hej! Misleći da želiš dominaciju
Hej! Ti nisi tinejdžerska senzacija
Hej! Obrisaću te opekotine
Hej! Boli me ku*ac šta kažeš


- Oh Milisso, how is it that you sleep alone?
- I don't sleep alone, I have a husband who is a gaida [Balkan bagpipe] player
and a brother-in-law who is a floyera [short end-blown flute] player
I have twelve guys
and with you, thirteen

Petenera of the Sea

I'd like to know
One day you'll have to explain it to me
Because the sea is always
Present in you
You'll have to explain it to me
Without too many words
But in one go
Because day by day
I like to sail more and more
Sailor burning with desire
For the water of your walk
Because the sea is always
Present in yout
You'll have to teach me
The width of paths
From the edge into the sea
Because day by day
I like to sail more and more

Let Me Come In

Let me come into your dreams
Let me come
It doesn't matter how often I should stop
It doesn't matter when I'll see you arrive
Everything will seem normal
As long as I'm there for you
As long as you're there for me
As long as the sense of us remains
As long as I'm there for you
As long as you're there for me
As long as it's not only an idea
Let me come into your thoughts to see
Every instant, till you feel bad
Get lost in the doubts and in your fears
To find ourselves feeling good together once again
As long as I'm there for you
As long as you're there for me
As long as the sense of us remains
I'll think that you're with me
Every time that darkness falls with the night
As long as I'm there for you
As long as you're there for me
As long as the sense of us remains
I'll think that you're with me
Every time that darkness falls with the night
Let me come into your fears
Let me come...
As long as I'm there for you
As long as you're there for me
As long as the sense of us remains
I'll think that you're with me
Every time that darkness falls with the night
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

When Everyone Lives On Love

When everyone lives on love
There won't be poverty and misery anymore,
Soldiers shall all become troubadours
But it's likely that we won't live to see it happen.

From the long road of life
Of dreams, of having fought,
Having loved and having lost
All we have left is a embittered demeanour.
When everyone lives on love
There won't be poverty and misery anymore,
Soldiers shall all become troubadours
But it's likely that we won't live to see it happen.

History has always been like this
And, in order to allow a period of love to come,
It's necessary for death to play its game.
What's the point, then, of having so much knowledge?
When everyone lives on love
There won't be poverty and misery anymore,
Soldiers shall all become troubadours
But it's likely that we won't live to see it happen.

Life is a road covered in blood
But we had to be there and walk it
Ploughing the old field
Let's prepare the earth for tomorrow.
When everyone lives on love
There won't be poverty and misery anymore,
Soldiers shall all become troubadours
But it's likely that we won't live to see it happen.


Youth of Samarina

Oh you, young guerillas,
Youth of Samarina
Well, poor kids,
Youth of Samarina
Even though you got dirty.
Well, if you ever go up on the mountains
That are on the way to Samarina
Well, poor kids,
On the way to Samarina,
Even if you get dirty.
Well, do not shoot with your guns
Do not sing songs
Well, poor kids
Do not sing songs
Even if you get dirty.
And if my mother asks you,
As well as my poor sister
Well, poor kids
As well as my poor sister
Even though you got dirty.
Do not tell them I've died
That I'm dead for a while now
Well, poor kids
That I'm dead for a while now
Even though you got dirty.
Well, tell them that I got married
That I married to the deep soil
Well, poor kids
I got married to the deep soil
Even though you got dirty.

I'd love to be with you

Passing times I hold in my hand
and throw them to the sky,
They burn in the sun, they turn to ash,
I see them dying...
I'd love to be with you
You're all that I wish for
There are no words between us
to say what we feel,
In our looks and simple gestures
we understand because we love each-other
I'd love to be with you
You're all that I wish for
Words are not enough
to say how I love you...
When you're not here, there are cold shadows
hidden around me
I can't let you go again,
I'll keep you forever
I'd want to be with you
to say how I love you
You give me roses in the night
in rays
between flowers and petals,
you glow me with sweet whispers and carress me
I'd love to be with you
You're all that I wish for
Words are not enough
to say how I love you...
I'd love to be with you
You're all that I wish for
Words are not enough
to say how I love you...

It's much too late

My thought is flying again to you
and memories hurt me.
What is good and what is bad?
Is it hard or easy to forget?
It's much too late
for our love.
It's much too late
and I can't forget you.
I've waited too much time,
too much tears have dried up.
It's much too late,
it's much too late for us two.
The pain burning between words
that's been said a long time ago
makes me wonder today
'Is it my fault? Is it yours?'
It's much too late
for our love.
It's much too late
and I can't forget you.
I've waited too much time,
too much tears have dried up.
It's much too late,
it's much too late for us two.
Too much days have passed above us
Will we have the courage to turn back the time?
It's much too late
for our love.
It's much too late
and I can't forget you.
I've waited too much time,
too much tears have dried up.
It's much too late,
it's much too late for us two.
It's much too late...

Love, give me wings to fly

I have lost as usually happens
when you don't get the game of love
I've made a mistake and that's why I lost,
but maybe I'll find a new start.
Love, give me power to fly
and heal my broken arrow
and from your infinity,
give me one more second
Love, give me wings to fly
to the sky of my dreams
to grow high above them,
Love, give me wings to fly!
To grow high above them,
Love give me wings to fly!
I have lostwhen from all, I've chose
two eyes that smiled to me, but I didn't understood them
I have lost when I believed in words,
but maybe I'll find a new start.
Love, give me power to fly
and heal my broken arrow
and from your infinity,
give me one more second
Love, give me wings to fly
to the sky of my dreams
to grow high above them,
Love, give me wings to fly!
To grow high above them,
Love give me wings to fly!
Love, give me power to fly
and heal my broken arrow
and from your infinity,
give me one more second
Love, give me wings to fly
to the sky of my dreams
to grow high above them,
Love, give me wings to fly!
To grow high above them,
Love give me wings to fly!

Who cares about me?

And if you wander
and if it feels hard
and you know that in life, nothing is easy,
who cares about you?
What remained today of my love?
Just the dream of yesterday
and although I still feel it's tear,
who cares about you?
In this uncaring world,
all that I had,
today, I lost
the bet with happiness
and if maybe tomorrow,
you'll suffer too,
I'll say as you:
'I little care about it!
I don't want, no!'
When the fight for love has ended
and you give up
with your soul hurt by dreams,
who cares about you?
Lonely between four walls,
what has remained
than screaming endless sadnesses?
Who cares about me?...
And if in my love it's too late...
And if in my love it's too late
and I feel so sorry now
that my train is rushing,
who cares about me?
If hope has avoided me,
who can I trust?
Although today, life lied to me,
who cares about me?
In this uncaring world,
all that I had,
today, I lost
the bet with happiness
and if maybe tomorrow,
you'll suffer too,
I'll say as you:
'I little care about it!
I don't want, no!'
If hope has avoided me,
who can I trust?
Although today, life lied to me,
who cares about me?
Lonely between four walls,
what has remained
than screaming endless sadnesses?
Who cares about me, about me, about me?...
Who cares about me?....

The money, the devil's eyes!

Anything today,
either good or bad,
every little thing
has its price.
Even love
can be bought
you can sell, if you want,
even your silence!
Today, the world is
the world of money
and everything is obedient
to their power!
The money, the devil's eyes
makes signs to anyone.
Today they're yours and tomorrow they're not
The money, the devil's eyes
You're not the one of yesterday
if today you have enough money
you've been changed unknowingly
by the money, the devil's eyes!
Anything today,
either good or bad,
every little thing
has its price.
Even love
can be bought
you can sell, if you want,
even your silence!
Today, the world is
the world of money
and everything is obedient
to their power!
The money, the devil's eyes
makes signs to anyone.
Today they're yours and tomorrow they're not
The money, the devil's eyes
You're not the one of yesterday
if today you have enough money
you've been changed unknowingly
by the money, the devil's eyes!
The money, the devil's eyes
makes signs to anyone.
Today they're yours and tomorrow they're not
The money, the devil's eyes
You're not the one of yesterday
if today you have enough money
you've been changed unknowingly
by the money, the devil's eyes!
The money, the devil's eyes!...

I can't forget you

In every moment,
I remember you
and at every hour
that goes over me
takes from my soul
deep bad feelings
I'm lonely, it's night time
and it feels so hard
I can't forget you,
I can't forget the look in your eyes
I can't forget you,
I can't believe that I won't be yours
even if life will change us,
even if I won't see you again
I can't forget what was between us
No, I can't forget you!
In every evening,
I walk alone the street
and I gather tears in my eyes
there's no one to see you
and I think of you
what are you doing now?
Will you remember me
or it all turned to ashes?
I can't forget you,
I can't forget the look in your eyes
I can't forget you,
I can't believe that I won't be yours
even if life will change us,
even if I won't see you again
I can't forget what was between us
No, I can't forget you!
Maybe the time that passed
has calmed us, is maybe enough for us
Should we be like two strangers?
Do we love each-other?
I can't forget you,
I can't forget the look in your eyes
I can't forget you,
I can't believe that I won't be yours
even if life will change us,
even if I won't see you again
I can't forget what was between us
No, I can't forget you!
I can't forget you,
I can't forget the look in your eyes
I can't forget you,
I can't believe that I won't be yours
even if life will change us,
even if I won't see you again
I can't forget what was between us
No, I can't forget you!
No, I can't forget you!

(Let's make ) an end and start over again

It all seems meaningless,
a big wilderness
my life, if you're not with me
to tell you all that I think
to tell you all that I wish
the words seem now quite a few
Who was the one to blame,
which one of us
me, or you, or us two?
Let's make
an end and start over again
let's get ready
for a new chapter
and let's lock
our sadness.
Today we're going to end,
To make an end and start over again.
If we made a mistake,
I want to forgive
and then forget
all that was
We've wasted to much time
with many questions
with no reason, love!
Let's make
an end and start over again
let's get ready
for a new chapter, a new road
If so many happy times
we've shared in two,
let's share together the blame
for the years, reconciliated,
two words are enough
and a sweet holding of the hand...
If we want, we can forget
about those long silences
and the doubt of yesterday...
Let's make
an end and start over again
let's get ready
for a new chapter
and let's lock
our sadness.
Today we're going to end,
To make an end and start over again.
If we made a mistake,
I want to forgive
and then forget
all that was
We've wasted to much time
with many questions
with no reason, love!
Let's make
an end and start over again
let's get ready
for a new chapter, a new road
a new chapter, a new road
let's get ready
for a new chapter, a new road

Thanks anyway

I speak then that I do not know anything
I evaporate, I flee mine
Feelings I hardly know
Blood shots, my bad genes
And for this moment
thanks anyway
I will rethink when I kill time,
Drag my chains
And my cries of child
thanks anyway
thanks anyway
I only knew a fragile sky
Often disappointed, sometimes hostile
From my torments, my hands are full
Blood shots, my bad genes
And for this moment
thanks anyway
I will rethink when I kill time,
Drag my chains,
And my cries of child
thanks anyway
thanks anyway
I will kill time
Lose my chains
thanks anyway
thanks anyway


A little star
found aside
A flower dry
the blue little star
That free in the sun
was growing on fields
But as I took her,
from the grass she sang:
'A delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not
A delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not'
She's gathering in the sea
and the wind is blowing
and the sun doesn't want
to show his teeth
The life of the man so sad it would be
if from hundred of flowers didn't exist
A delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not
A delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not
Let her bloom,
forest and field,
Why are we struggling
to ruin the Earth
if we can have the power from above,
I'd sow the earth
just with flowers...
With a delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not
A delicate flower
that caresses my life
and that always is reminding me:
Forget-me not, forget-me-not, forget-me-not

Maybe we gave up easily

You change the night into day
every time it falls on your palm
sorrow turns into happiness
and your touch melts the ice
Now admit it to me
that your not a man but an angel
and in spite the truth lie
that you could've done everything with me
You're my joy and sin
because of you cry and laughter are the same
I'm becoming a lost soul
without you I'm breathing but fading away
You tell me that I'm calling for you in vain
that I'm dreaming and deceiving myself
that you don't bear wings
but weight instead and that weight is us
But maybe
our stars could've coincided differently
and with a little bit of love
this thing of ours survive
Maybe we gave up easily
even though we haven't been us for a long time
threw it all away on a gamble
lost it in one hand
You tell everything just like all the others before
pulling me in a trap of truth
to listen to you, I can't
I don't have the strength for truth
Cause maybe
our stars could've coincided differently
and with a little bit of love
this thing of ours survive
Maybe we gave up easily
even though we haven't been us for a long time
threw it all away on a gamble
lost it in one hand
Just once admit it to me
that we could have at least
just for a while
lie to each other
I pray that God will have mercy
on these two souls of ours
And maybe
our stars could've coincided differently
and with a little bit of love
this thing of ours survive
Maybe we gave up easily
even though we haven't been us for a long time
threw it all away on a gamble
lost it in one hand

La Strada di Mowgli

Cucù (cucù)
Cucù (cucù)
Cucù (cucù)
Cucù (cucù)
Dieci cucchiai d'argento mi stanno inseguendo,
Una vita con un sogno in ripetizione.
Scapperò se mi impegno abbastanza,
Finchè il Re della Giungla chiama il mio bluff
Oh Signore (Oh Signore)
Mi è stato detto (Mi è stato detto)
Di dover prendere la strada non abbandonata (strada abbandonata)
C'è un bivio nella strada
Farò come mi è stato detto
E io non so, non so, non so, no, no
Chi-ii-ii-ii-iii io voglia essere
Cucù (cucù)
Cucù (cucù)
Cucù (cucù, cucù)
Tu dici S-ì a tutto
Ciò ti garantirà una vittoria?
Pensi che tu sarai abbastanza bravo
Nell'amare gli altri e ad essere amato?
Oh Signore (Oh Signore),
Ora posso vedere (ora posso vedere)
Le posate continueranno ad inseguirmi (strada abbandonata)
C'è un bivio nella strada
Farò come mi è stato detto
E io non so, non so, non so, no, no
Chi-ii-ii-ii-iii io voglia essere
Noi siamo i cucchiai metallici e cattivi
Abbiamo scavato il nostro percorso dentro i tuoi sogni
Per svegliare i coltelli dal freddo(?)
E portarti giù nella strada non abbandonata.
(Strada abbandonata)
C'è un bivio nella strada (strada)
Farò come mi è stato detto
E io non so, non so, non so, no, no
Chi-ii-ii-ii-iii io voglia essere

The Secret

Tell me how the ocean
nurtures the shore with hope
with the waves it sends kisses
then leaves again
Tell me how the platano tree feels
in caresses of ivy
does he enjoy the embrace
or secretly cry at night
Tell me what the pomegranate wanted
sprouting in thorns
How can a stream know joy
If it doesn't draw blood
And tell me how I
standing on the same boulder for ages
haven't been taken by the storm
to its unknown cyclones
Can it be Stiga's* water
where I dipped up to my heel
but now tell me the secret,
who could have told you
*Styga was a primitive goddess, detestable and horrible, personified by the homonymous river of Hades.


Well, what's there?
I have the dibs
I have money!
I see you without compromise, lady
In the cabin of the S-class your proud taut ass, it registered there
For the queen in a hot dress they pay everywhere
And the gentlemens without a summer residence spend, spend without words
Eyes are blind from the stones-gifts, very bright,
Drives up to the house forever foreign car at night
But if life is a book, then there is one chapter in the encore -
Working up and down head at the helm
So cute - the groom could be that father,
This, your epilogue, because you work with the tip
Open the secret, the damsel,
What is it to lose the soul? How does it feel to kill everything in yourself?
Look from the side to the uncles and their look
And on yourself too in bold minis and panties there, barely covered
The topic is beaten, your shame died a long time ago
And the lady is healthy, but not the meatballs are full
Hey, Basta, brother, (yep, Digga, brother)
Why are they so, when there's a chance to seat in the Don Plaza*
Opened their mouthes immediately, if there's a clean dibs
So you can put them on mattresses
Changed the pussy on stones and cash
On the belly, a drop of wine,
In the course, where guys with crowbars in pants
One has proved to herself, that it's possible, the second too
Mug in the morning, sunbathing skin
Got these bills girl of twenty
Here they are - thousands instead of the young ass and the same boobs
Grabbed and forgot, fluttered out of the car
Ran away from the question 'Because of the feelings?'
And a new evening'll bring comfort, special for you
Fresh deal in the form of a yacht, her adjacent cabins
After all, today he will be more than one
But for the sake of warming up, we'll stand up, puffed! (Yes, bitch?)
I notice, I'm glad where the money is pouring
And behind my shoulders - booze, not a guy there
That body was given to the heavy tycoons
Jump in the Cruiser with courage, buzzed ho
I notice, I'm glad where the money is pouring
And behind my shoulders - booze, not a guy there
That body was given to the heavy tycoons
Jump in the Cruiser with courage, buzzed ho
Young and juicy, thieves - I can't find the words
But you are grabbed and packed into a cart, rolled and fucked
It's all quiet - that's clear
And in the room for the sake of love he paws dirty
But the 'ho' is buzzing...
Dont tell me about time new and stereotypes
At first, wipe the cum on the left side of stomach, bitch (Thanks!)
You gave yourself away, and once, once,
To live in love, piece of shit, bitch, please
You're rotten scum, lady, draining junk
Who did you fuck with so zealously? Who's need you there, eh?
Yes, and it's no better here...
After all, we are from those old idiots who are looking for honor and soul in yours
Also, don't tell me that, dear,
I'm not going to eat songs, listen to flattery, are you?
Henceforth and forever you are a stranger, suitable for words
Leaky plague, toy of men
The lady grew up early, grew up early
The lady grew up early, grew up early
The lady grew up early, grew up early
The lady grew up early, grew up early
Tibor from QS-FB


Well, what's there?
I have the dibs
I have money!
I see you without compromise, lady
In the cabin of the S-class your proud taut ass, it registered there
For the queen in a hot dress they pay everywhere
And the gentlemens without a summer residence spend, spend without words
Eyes are blind from the stones-gifts, very bright,
Drives up to the house forever foreign car at night
But if life is a book, then there is one chapter in the encore -
Working up and down head at the helm
So cute - the groom could be that father,
This, your epilogue, because you work with the tip
Open the secret, the damsel,
What is it to lose the soul? How does it feel to kill everything in yourself?
Look from the side to the uncles and their look
And on yourself too in bold minis and panties there, barely covered
The topic is beaten, your shame died a long time ago
And the lady is healthy, but not the meatballs are full
Hey, Basta, brother, (yep, Digga, brother)
Why are they so, when there's a chance to seat in the Don Plaza*
Opened their mouthes immediately, if there's a clean dibs
So you can put them on mattresses
Changed the pussy on stones and cash
On the belly, a drop of wine,
In the course, where guys with crowbars in pants
One has proved to herself, that it's possible, the second too
Mug in the morning, sunbathing skin
Got these bills girl of twenty
Here they are - thousands instead of the young ass and the same boobs
Grabbed and forgot, fluttered out of the car
Ran away from the question 'Because of the feelings?'
And a new evening'll bring comfort, special for you
Fresh deal in the form of a yacht, her adjacent cabins
After all, today he will be more than one
But for the sake of warming up, we'll stand up, puffed! (Yes, bitch?)
I notice, I'm glad where the money is pouring
And behind my shoulders - booze, not a guy there
That body was given to the heavy tycoons
Jump in the Cruiser with courage, buzzed ho
I notice, I'm glad where the money is pouring
And behind my shoulders - booze, not a guy there
That body was given to the heavy tycoons
Jump in the Cruiser with courage, buzzed ho
Young and juicy, thieves - I can't find the words
But you are grabbed and packed into a cart, rolled and fucked
It's all quiet - that's clear
And in the room for the sake of love he paws dirty
But the 'ho' is buzzing...
Dont tell me about time new and stereotypes
At first, wipe the cum on the left side of stomach, bitch (Thanks!)
You gave yourself away, and once, once,
To live in love, piece of shit, bitch, please
You're rotten scum, lady, draining junk
Who did you fuck with so zealously? Who's need you there, eh?
Yes, and it's no better here...
After all, we are from those old idiots who are looking for honor and soul in yours
Also, don't tell me that, dear,
I'm not going to eat songs, listen to flattery, are you?
Henceforth and forever you are a stranger, suitable for words
Leaky plague, toy of men
The lady grew up early, grew up early
The lady grew up early, grew up early
The lady grew up early, grew up early
The lady grew up early, grew up early
Tibor from QS-FB