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Witch doctor

Now you will hear something I want to tell about
I saw a skylark recently and that was the spring that's comming
Fishpudding, fishpudding, fishpudding, give me some fishpudding
'My name is Lisa, I am a girl. By the way, you can understand that from the name. I am 7 years and I'll be 8 soon'

In the Middle of the Street

You can try to hate me
And decide that I'm to blame
For how everything ended
You can wake up with someone else
And tell him we're brokem
But I go on living our love
And this is stronger than letting time go by
Putting space between us and separating us both
We're meant for each other and you know it
You'll won't find anyone who ever
Loves you like I do
Hugs you like I do
Kisses you like I do
In the middle of the street
And tell me now
Who else will make you laugh
Who will take care of you
Who knows what you're worth
Like I do
I know
That we've hurt each other
That neither of us have been a saint
That it takes so much to forgive
But we've made something big
We loved eachother like nobody else and that will always remain
Every moment we lived was a dream
Every place was perfect when I heard you speak
We're meant for each other and you know it
You'll won't find anyone who ever
Loves you like I do
Hugs you like I do
Kisses you like I do
In the middle of the street
And tell me now
Who else will make you laugh
Who will take care of you
Who knows what you're worth
Like I do
I haven't gotten used to being without you
And telling everyone that you're not here
Putting on a good face and smiling
Already putting aside my resentment
But I know that you haven't yours
You'll keep looking for some who loves you
Loves you like I do
Hugs you like I do
Kisses you like I do
In the middle of the street
And tell me now
Who else will make you laugh
Who will take care of you
Who knows what you're worth
Like I do

Love Without An End

It's little to say
That you are my other half
It's little to say
That I'd give my life, my destiny
And something more
There aren't enough words
To explain to you how I feel
And everything that you're causing inside of me
And even in the cold I feel your heat
And everything is sweet when it's in your voice
And if it comes from you
I'm going to try to make you feel
Like every day I return to choose you
Because you give me a love without end
I'm going to share my only life
With you

Which one of us haven't loved

Versions: #4
Which one of us haven't fallen into the deep darkness of love
Which one of us haven't loved like crazy ones
Which one of us haven't waited the way of some unfaithful ones
At secluded place or in any cornerhead
These roadways keep storing any some memories of everyone
There's the suffering of everyone as much as their own love
Has been beautiful or ugly, so what difference does it make ?
There's at our soul to love like crazy
Lover's (one) eye is blind and there ears are deaf
That's why we haven't seen what's right or wrong
Love was ruined or burned , however we loved despite that
Oh those unfaithful ones aren't catched the value of anything
These roadways keep storing a bit of memories of everyone
There's the suffering of everyone as much as their own love
Has been beautiful or ugly ,so what difference does it make ?
There's at our soul (all we need) to love like crazy

Which one of us haven't loved

Versions: #2
Which one of us haven't fallen into the deep darkness of love
Which one of us haven't loved like crazy ones
Which one of us haven't waited the way of some unfaithful ones
At secluded place or in any cornerhead
These roadways keep storing any some memories of everyone
There's the suffering of everyone as much as their own love
Has been beautiful or ugly, so what difference does it make ?
There's at our soul to love like crazy
Lover's (one) eye is blind and there ears are deaf
That's why we haven't seen what's right or wrong
Love was ruined or burned , however we loved despite that
Oh those unfaithful ones aren't catched the value of anything
These roadways keep storing a bit of memories of everyone
There's the suffering of everyone as much as their own love
Has been beautiful or ugly ,so what difference does it make ?
There's at our soul (all we need) to love like crazy

Half Truths

Ask for forgiveness
For what you have destroyed
Don't you ever think
of coming back to me ever again.
When I quit
being in front of you kneeled,
you are the one who says
that the floor is not cold
And today that makes me bury the pain on the ground,
there wasn't a better place.
Could it be that friendship drowned in your cold blood?
that your faithfulness took shelter in mine?
I won't be by your side anymore
Because there are no more reasons,
Poor half truths,
they are half the truth.
My exhausted heart
Has notified me,
Always stubborn
Always faithful to himself
You have become the cold breeze of October
Better ally I couldn't have.
Could it be that friendship drowned in your cold blood?
that your faithfulness took shelter in mine?
I won't be by your side anymore
Because there are no more reasons,
Poor half truths,
they are half the truth.
And incomplete phrases die
because they are not true.
Let's throw it all
Quick, how little you care.
Even anger is gone
at seeing that it is nothing
the few things that remain.
How much violence you used when telling me 'I love you'
It was as useless as a gunshot.
Could it be that friendship drowned in your cold blood?
That your faithfulness took shelter in mine?
I wouldn't want to change anymore
all your convictions,
Incomplete phrases die
because they are halfway done.*


I'm human and I know nothing
And maybe I'd be able to tell you more
If I were light shining
In your eyes
If I were a deer or an ash tree,
For you, I'd come down among the people
For you, I want his body
That bothers me less and less
It's good I didn't arise
From some kiss, earlier
Or after your breath
That I'm here, next to you
It's good I got caught up
In this short visit on earth
In the same world with you
Where ever you are, I know you are
Because if I were a deer ar an ash tree in the mountain
For you, I'd come down among the people
For you, I want this body
That bothers me less and less
Because if I were a deer ar an ash tree in the mountain
Maybe I'd be able to tell you more
This way, I long for this body
In your hands

Saturday night at violence

I always hear that voice
The one that lived in you
I always hear them you see
Your bursts of laugh frozen by the cold
They are now hurting me
That you no longer remember how
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
If your memory drowns
Save me, save me
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
If the light sees you
Save yourself, save yourself
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
Please, don’t forget me
I’ll furrow Norway’s fjords
You won’t miss that
I’ll recall the words you prefer
They’re already missing you so much
I’ll recall you the name you gave me the day I was born
The other night at violence
You forgot my name
You said tremendous things
“ I implode in constellation “
I looked on your watch
It has escaped time
It’s bringing back violence
The night we were there
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
If your memory drowns
Save me, save me
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
If the light sees you
Save yourself, save yourself
Please, don’t forget me
Remember me at least
Please, don’t forget me
I’ll bring you the beach to sit down
You won’t miss that
I’ll make you taste these famous shell
They’re already missing you so much
I’ll recall you the name you gave me the day I was born
I always hear that voice
The one that lived in you
I always hear them you see
Your bursts of laugh frozen by the cold
They are now hurting me
That you no longer remember

I do not deserve the separation

I fell in the painful trap of fate
I'm stuck, I lack the strength
to solve myself
Why have the paths separated
The arms who embraced daily each other
Now these eyes follow your paths alas
I never forgot you
Not one day I betrayed you
No other rose I have smelled after you
Cruel fate
Again you have spun your weaves
It's enough, let it end
I do not deserve the separation

Polovine istine

Trazi izvinjenje za ono sto si ti unistio,
nemoj da ti se desi da se vratis meni nikad vise.
Kada se odreknem da budem ispred tebe na kolenima,
ti si taj koji kaze da pod nije hladan.
I to me danas dovodi da bacam po zemlji bol,
nije postojalo bolje mesto.
Bice da se prijateljstvo ugusilo u tvojoj hladnoj krvi,
da tvoja vernost nasla je utociste u mojoj,
ne pratim te, zato sto sada ne postoji vise razloga,
jadne polovine istine, one su polu - istine.
Moje iscrpljeno srce mi je dalo upozorenje,
uvek tvrdoglav, uvek sam sebi veran.
Pretvorio si se u ledeni vetar oktobra,
boljeg saveznika nisam imala.
Bice da se prijateljstvo ugusilo u tvojoj hladnoj krvi,
da tvoja vernost nasla je utociste u mojoj,
ne pratim te, zato sto sada ne postoji vise razloga,
jadne polovine istine, one su polu - istine
i umiru polu - recenice jer nisu istinite.
Bacimo sve, pozuri malo jer ti je malo bitno,
cak i bes je otisao
pri vidjenju da nije nista malo ono sto ostaje.
Koliko nasilja si koristio da mi kazes volim te,
bilo je beskorisno kao metak.
Bice da se prijateljstvo ugusilo u tvojoj hladnoj krvi,
da tvoja vernost nasla je utociste u mojoj,
vise necu zeleti da promenim tvoja uverenja,
umiru polu - recenice jer su polovina.

Give medicament

Already have passed several months
when you and I go out
and I don´t know how many times I've asked you
give me your love, give me your love, heart
I want to taste the honey of your flower
make me feel all your heat
come on, I beg you, give medicament
to this situation
You know well that I am sincere
you know how much I love you
I want to love you a lot
and not just with kisses
give me your love, give me your love, heart
I want to taste the honey of your flower
make me feel all your heat
come on, I beg you, give medicament
to this situation
Give medicament
give it, come on give medicament
give medicament
you know well i need your kisses
give medicament
you are always in my dreams
give medicament
give, give, give medicament
give medicament
give me your heart, give me your body
give medicament
give me your heart, look, I tremble
give medicament
give, give, give medicament
give medicament
oh, honey, give it flavor
Give ... give ...
Come heart come and give me your love
you are my life, I always want being with you
you are special, I want give you love
of everything in my soul
there is no person in this world
that I love more than you
that's why I beg you never get away from me
give me your warmth, fill me with love
ignite the passion
give medicament to my love
I need your love


Evo uzmi moj lek, uzmi moj lek
tretiram te kao dzentlmen
daj mi taj adrenalin, taj adrenalin
mislim da sam se zalepio za tebe
evo uzmi moj lek, uzmi moj lek
ostatak ti je na otiscima prstiju
stavi u usta, oseti od cega je,
oseti od cega je
imao sam nekolicinu, napio se zbog tebe i sada sam opustosen
i kada spavam sanjam o tebi kako probas
ako izadjes veceras, izlazim i ja jer znam da si ubedljiva
imas soli i podstices moj apetit, sada mogu da okusim
osamucujes me ,oh,osamucujes me
la la la la la
osamucujes me,oh,osamucujes me,oh
bockanje u utrnulom telu juri kroz moju krv, prstima na stopalima
bockanje u utrnulom telu juri mojim kostima
momci i devojke ovde malo sam u zbrci
i slazem se s tim
stizem dole, kapiram nacin kako mi se svidja
i kada spavam sanjam o tebi kako probas
ako izadjes veceras,izlazim i ja jer znam da si ubedljiva
imas soli i podstices moj apetit,sada mogu da okusim
osamucujes me,oh,osamucujes me
la la la la la
osamucujes me,oh,osamucujes me
imao sam nekolicinu,napio se zbog tebe i sada sam opustosen
ako izadjes veceras,izlazim i ja jer znam da si ubedljiva
imas soli i podstices moj apetit, sada mogu da okusim
osamucujes me,oh,osamucujes me
la la la la la
osamucujes me,oh,osamucujes me,oh

Moj lek

Sa ovim zeljama da te imam blize, da izgovorim tvoje ime (tvoje ime),
Svaka sekunda koju nisi sa mnom je jedna vecnosr (vecnost),
Pojavila si se u mom zivotu kada sam bio izgubljen,
I dala si mi najbolje od tebe a da nista nisi trazila,
Izgubicu glavu ako mi kazes 'Volim te',
Odlazis dok je jos Mesec, budan te sanjam,
Za jedan dodir, eh!, znas da umirem,
Tvoj um i moj su u harmoniji,
Motiv si koji usrecuje moj zivot,
Melodija koja razbija tisinu,
Sta se desava? Da je to bozanstveno lice,
Postalo moj lek,
I malo po malo ja ozdravljam,
Sa tim usnama koja me imaju vezanog, kao jednog zaljubljenog ludaka,
Osvojila si me a da to nisam ni primetio,
Uohh-uohh, uohh-uohh, uohh-uohh,
Potreban mi je tvoj lek, jer sam bolestan,
Dize mi se temperatura kada nemam tvoje telo,
Ne znam sta mi se desava, ovo je misterija,
Ali ce se izleciti sa malim poljupcima po vratu,
Godspodjice dodji vamo, i daj mi taj recept koji mi se svidja,
Jer dok se oporavljam ne mogu da zivim ako nisi kraj mene ( Ako nisi kraj mene),
Izgubicu glavu ako mi kazes 'Volim te',
Odlazis dok je jos Mesec, budan te sanjam,
Za jedan dodir, eh!, znas da umirem,
Tvoj um i moj su u harmoniji,
Motiv si koji usrecuje moj zivot,
Melodija koja razbija tisinu,
Sta se desava? Da je to bozanstveno lice,
Postalo moj lek,
I malo po malo ja ozdravljam,
Sa tim usnama koja me imaju vezanog, kao jednog zaljubljenog ludaka,
Osvojila si me a da to nisam ni primetio,
Zbog nje sam kao lud,
Opcinjen sam,
Napadnut sam sa morem sumnja, ako nisi sa mnom,
Jer ona je moja prva ljubav,
Toliko je ogromna kao Sunce,
Toliko je velika da ispunjava zivotom moje srce,
Sta se desava? Da je to bozanstveno lice,
Postalo moj lek,
I malo po malo ja ozdravljam,(I malo po malo ja ozdravljam),
Sa tim usnama koja me imaju vezanog, kao jednog zaljubljenog ludaka,
Osvojila si me a da to nisam ni primetio,
Sta se desava? Da je to bozanstveno lice, (Sta se desava bebo? ,bebo, bebo),
Postalo moj lek, (moj lek),
I malo po malo ja ozdravljam,
Sa tim usnama koja me imaju vezanog, kao jednog zaljubljenog ludaka, (bebo),
Osvojila si me a da to nisam ni primetio,
Osvojila si me a da to nisam ni primetio, oh-oh-ohh-mmm.


Ovde sam prestrašen,
Ponovo ću te videti
Ne znam šta da kažem
Vežbao sam pred ogledalom
Čak sam tražio savete
Da bih te nasmejao
Kupio sam karamele
Očešljao sam se onako kako ti se dopada
Molim nebo
da te naš susret usreći
Činiš me ponovo bezazlenim
Više naivnim i možda krhkim
Pored tebe sam poput dečaka i ne želim odrasti
Pojavio se moj polumesec
Pojavila si se ti
Nisam bio mračan ali si me osvetlela
Nisam bio prazan ali si me ispunila
Nisam bio povređen ali si me izlečila
Pogledom ubila
A poljupcem oživela
Sa tvojim okicama
Osetio sam da vidiš dubinu mog bića
Zamišljao sam te nagu
I svi moji oklopi su pali ispred tebe
Činiš me ponovo bezazlenim
Više naivnim i možda krhkim
Pored tebe sam poput dečaka i ne želim odrasti
Pojavio se moj polumesec
Pojavila si se ti
Nisam bio mračan ali si me osvetlela
Nisam bio prazan ali si me ispunila
Nisam bio povređen ali si me izlečila
Pogledom ubila
A poljupcem oživela


Take my dreams
And Just let me to put my head on your shoulder
To feel your breathings,
to calm myself down
Finally, some peace of mind in this whole chaos
Trying to find a shelter tonight, it is time to get some sleep
Trying- just me and my car
Tonight it is easy to be lonely
Trying to find a shelter tonight
It is time to be silent
Sometimes i imagine the muazzine whispering in my ears
Chorus in arabic:
Come on, go ahead, go to sleep my love, tomorrow will be better, tomorrow the sun will shine and the moon will sunset
to a new day/new world
Lets go
Trying to find a shelter in the dark
Everyone are trying
to be lighted/positive
But I still have a deep feelings of anger inside
of me, that does'nt let me sleep
And if you look inside me tonight, ( you will see) you have burned / scorched each and every corner of my heart
And when I feel bad...
Yes, I will hurt you too , that is how much I love
Chorus in arabic:
Come on, go ahead, go to sleep my love, tomorrow will be better, tomorrow the sun will shine and the moon will sunset
to a new day/new world
Lets go

Peter Pan

Peter Pan never wanted in his live
to grow up
and a fairy dusted him with stardust
and then a child
and could fly like a bird
Peter Pan, Peter Pan, Peter Pan
all children who once saw you
want to be like you all the beautiful things
in the land that the adults never find
Peter Pan, Peter Pan, Peter Pan
and you fly away with the children
to the Indians and Fairies to the Pirate Captain.
there where adventure still exist.
When you search for him with his little friends
then come to the Land of Dreams
and you have to think for something beautiful
and Peter Pan will give you the bravery to fly.
Peter Pan, Peter Pan, Peter Pan
all children who once saw you
want to be like you all the beautiful things
in the land that the adults never find
Peter Pan, Peter Pan, Peter Pan
and you fly away with the children
to the Indians and Fairies to the Pirate Captain.
there where adventure still exist.
When it knocks on the window at night
maybe its Peter Pan
and he takes you in the Land of Tales
Peter Pan, Peter Pan, Peter Pan
take us with you in the Land of Tales
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

The Remedy

If you tell me
that your nights seem endless
that you feel cold and nobody warms you
and you are afraid of the darkness
I will run right to you
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, there's no reason to cry
I have a natural medicine
They say it causes madness
That your whole body sweats
that it takes away your bitterness
and heals your wounds
And if you want a little bit of it, yes, yes, yes
Don't put your heart in it, no, no, no
Don't overthink it 'cause this cure could make you feel worse
Than what you feel for me
The remedy doesn't work if there's love
I'm not responsible for your decision
If you tell me
that your nights seem endless
that you feel cold and nobody warms you
and you are afraid of the darkness
I will run to you
If your nights seem endless
If you feel cold and nobody warms you
and you are afraid of the darkness (I will give you my heat)
I will run right to you
And if you want a little bit of it, yes, yes, yes
Don't put your heart in it, no, no, no
Don't overthink it 'cause this cure could make you feel worse
Than what you feel for me
The remedy doesn't work if there's love
I'm not responsible for your decision
If you tell me
that your nights seem endless
that you feel cold and nobody warms you
and you are afraid of the darkness
I will run right to you
If your nights seem endless
If you feel cold and nobody warms you
and you are afraid of the darkness
I will run right to you
I will run right to you
I will run right to you
I will run right to you
I will run right to you

I Dance to Your Pipe (The Pied Piper)

I had my own will,
what I wanted, only that mattered to me.
Now you are here, and everything is changing.
My world now belongs to you,
and no more to me.
Hey, play a song,
and I dance to your pipe
and I dance to your pipe
and do everything only for you
Play a song,
and I dance to your pipe,
and even if I can't comprehend it,
there is only you for me.
You didn't come to me with big words,
You don't say to me: 'It must be so'
And now I do it all by myself
I don't know myself, what happens
during your song.
Hey, play a song,
and I dance to your pipe
and I dance to your pipe
and do everything only for you
Play a song,
and I dance to your pipe,
and even if I can't comprehend it,
there is only you for me.
Hey, play a song,
and I dance to your pipe
and I dance to your pipe
and do everything only for you
Play a song,
and I dance to your pipe,
and even if I can't comprehend it,
there is only you for me.

Los lek

Tvoja ljubav je kao los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Ne postoji doktor koji moze da izleci moju bolest
Los lek
Nemam groznicu imam stalnu zarazu
Uzeto je vise nego sto doktor moze da propise medikamenta
Imam mnogo novca ali to nije ono sto mi treba
Potrebno je vise od pokusaja da izbacim ovaj otrov iz sebe
I imam svaki od tih simptoma brojim ih 1 , 2 , 3
Prvo ti je potrebna
Onda pocinjes da se zaljubljujes
Potom krvaris
Primas je malo ali nikada dovoljno
I zatim si na kolenima
To je ono sto dobijes kada se zaljubis
Sada je ovaj momak zavisan jer je tvoj poljubac droga
Tvoja ljubav je kao los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Ne postoji doktor koji moze da izleci moju bolest
Los , los lek
Ne treba mi igla da mi da ushicenje
I nije mi potrebna anestezija niti medicinska sestra da mi donese pilulu
Imam prljavu nisku zavisnost koja ne ostavlja trag
Imam a jones + za tvoje nepovoljno delovanje kao majmuna na ledjima
Nema laznog leka koji sprecava ovaj srcani udar
Kada ti je potrebna
Ono sto dobijes je zaljubljivanje
Zatim krvaris
Dobijes je malo ali nikada dovoljno
I tada si na kolenima
To je ono sto dobijes kada se zaljubis
Sada je ovaj momak zavisan je je tvoj poljubac droga
Tvoja ljubav je kao los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Pa hajde da se igramo doktora duso , leci moju bolest
Los , los lek
Je ono sto zelim
Los , los lek
Je ono sto mi treba
Treba mi aparat za disanje jer ostajem bez daha
Za tebe citavu noc generator je zaokupljen najlonkama i haljinom
Kada nadjes svoj lek uzmi sta mozes da dobijes
Jer ako postoji nesto bolje duso , pa , jos uvek to nisu pronasli
Tvoja ljubav je kao los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Ne postoji doktor koji moze da izleci moju bolest
Tvoja ljubav je los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Tvoja ljubav je napitak koji moze da izleci moju bolest
Los , los lek
Je ono sto zelim
Los , los lek
Ko je nevaljao , ko je nevaljao
Treba to da uradim , treba da
Los , los lek
Treba to da uradim , treba da
Treba , treba
Treba to da uradim opet
Sacekaj minut
Sacekaj minut
Nisam jos gotov
Jos jednom sa osecajem
Jednom za to
Pripomozi mi sada
Tvoja ljubav je kao los lek
Los lek je ono sto mi treba
Promesaj ga , bas kao los lek
Ti imas napitak koji moze da izleci moju bolest
Tvoja ljubav los lek
Tvoj poljubac ono sto mi treba
Tvoja ljubav los lek

The huge mansion

The huge mansion is addition
My coy love came to my mind again
How do i do with the love in my head
Oh friends, I came from the journey I'm tired
I am in love with a middle-sized girl
Our vineyard's violet is red
Everyone burns for his love, they ache for
Who doesn't get his lover will be damn
Let's go to the mirrored poplar three of us
Our goods are fresh peaches
While I was going to our vineyard to forcing house
They took me to the wild
How do I do with the love in my head
Oh friends, the grave is narrow to me
Dying in this youth, it's hard for me

I Will Survive

I crave for the youth
I'm afraid same as you
And each dawn I shatter when I see the fucking reality
In the world there's no, no, no-one more fragile as I.
Acrylic hair, leather and high-heels
Make-up even in the heart
And at nighttime it blooms again lubricious the city
In the world there's no, no, no-one harder as I
I must survive, telling lies to myself.
Taciturn I sunk myself in that bar
Where an angel told me as he got inside:
'Come and rise like the blue smoke,
Do not suffer more, my love'
And tearing myself apart, something changed in my life.
I will survive
I will search for a home between the debris of my solitude
Weird Paradies, Where you're not at
And even though it hurts, I want freedom, even though it hurts me
I must survive, telling lies to myself.
Taciturn I sunk myself in that bar
Where an angel told me as he got inside:
'Come and rise like the blue smoke,
Do not suffer more, my love'
And tearing myself apart, something changed in my life.
I will survive
I will search for a home between the debris of my solitude
Weird Paradies, Where you're not at
And even though it hurts, I want freedom, even though it hurts me
I must survive, telling lies to myself.

The kings of night Verona

The world is separated by good and evil
It's complicated to be the king there
And it's strange though sometimes
It's hard to understand who is the king and who is the clown
To be the king, to live under lock and key
There's a war in the morning and then - a social reception in the afternoon
The strongest ones of the world who are far away from the Earth (?)
Don't understand that we are the kings
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
And those who are under lock and key tomorrow
Seem as the clowns to us
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
But the Lord will forgive us
For everything by the sunrise
The happiness isn't everlasting
The fame is blind
People choose their kings
We demand satisfaction from the destiny
We don't care who is a hunter and who is a target
Games with the destiny are hilarious and useless
We burn the bridges after ourselves
And at all times
Only love must rule the world
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
We are the children of the fortune
It's easy to live for us in the world
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
We were born for love
And we are just the kings in it
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
And those who are under lock and key tomorrow
Seem as the clowns to us
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
But the Lord will forgive us
For everything by the sunrise
The kings of night Verona
The law isn't made for us
We are the children of the fortune
It's easy to live for us in the world
In our life time to time
The body defeats the soul
We were born for love
And we are just the kings in it
And may the odds be ever in your favor :)

Life Passes

Versions: #2
I watch faces filing by.
I watch passing regrets.
As many dreams passing
that I left in the margins
when I needed to dream.
I have seen dissolving mirages
that will never return.
I've seen again as many journeys
ending in shipwrecks
just as they began.
Life passes
and I've watched none of it passing.
Life passes
I had only borrowed it.
Time passes
I didn't know how to stop it
and I simply forgot to love.
I resisted too many words
when I needed to speak.
But is it perhaps a sign of courage?
To mark the pages
without being satisfied.
Life passes
and I've watched none of it passing.
Life passes
I had only borrowed it.
Time passes
I didn't know how to stop it
and I simply forgot to love.
I don't want to believe without doubting
I don't want to believe
that the way is shut
closed once and for all.
I want to see where to go,
give myself the right
that every man can give himself
to leave everything behind.
Life passes
Time is pressing
Life passes
I've seen none of it passing
all erased.
Life passes
and I want to watch it pass.
Life passes
I want to see you borrow it.
Time is pressing
you will know how to stop it.
Time ceases
but at least I have loved.
Life passes
and it can pass well.
Life passes
and I want to pass it
with you.

The Curse Words of Love

Have I told you, beautiful lady?
I fell under just one touch of your charm.
You have put joy in my soul
and my heart stirred.
And you?
Have I told you dear friend?
You have ignited a dormant flame
when I wanted to control the fire
of my stirring body.
And you?
Even though I am against you
the ban flies to peices
flies to peices.
Too bad to be
the curse words of love.
Let's say clearly
melodramatic words of fine melodrama.
Too bad to be strong,
the unsaid brings death
provided we still dare
melodramatic words of fine melodrama.
If it's enough to lie
to forget what must not be said.
All these nights passed in remembering
its impromptu desire.
And you?
If it's enough to suffer
to spare those we will betray.
Abandon yourself to pleasure without remorse
Defend who kills me,
and you?
But the intoxication of your arms
everything else flies to pieces
flies to pieces.
Too bad to be
the curse words of love.
Let's say clearly
melodramatic words of fine melodrama.
Too bad to be strong,
the unsaid brings death
provided we still dare
melodramatic words of fine melodrama.
Too bad to be
the curse words of love.
Let's say clearly
melodramatic words of fine melodrama.
You have my fate
it's not God that I adore but you.
And I swear to you, to life, to death
to lose myself to this game.
And you?

Haven´t I said?

'Don´t go there', haven´t I said?
'I am the only one who really knows you', haven´t I said?
Haven´t I said 'I am the fountain of life in this land of absence'?
If one day you get angry at me,
if you take yourself
and go to a place one hundred thousand years away
'I am the place you will turn back at the end', haven´t I said ?
Haven´t I said 'Don´t be consent to what is seen”?
Haven´t I said 'I am the one who builds marquee befits you and I am the one who really decorates and bedecks it', haven´t I said?
'I am a sea”, haven´t I said?
And you are a fish', haven´t I said?
Haven´t I said 'Don´t go to that dry places ever'?
'I am your clear sea', haven´t I said?
'Don´t go to trap like birds', haven´t I said?
Haven´t I said 'I am the one who makes you fly'?
'I am your arm and wing', haven´t I said?
Haven´t I said 'They will hold your way'?
Haven´t I said 'They will cool you'?
'Yet I am your fire,
I am your warmth', haven´t I said?
'They will tell you many things', haven´t I said?
'You will get bad habits', haven´t I said?
'You will lose fountain of immortality', haven´t I said?
'Which means you will lose me', haven´t I said?
Tell me, haven´t I said all of these?

Alone against everything

Alone against everything, you come to the world
To be alone, and only alone
Then you grow up away from the others
To stay by the banks of the river
Where you are alone
Bound to be alone, you build yourself
(Just to make yourself a solitude)
A hell more beautiful than all the others
Where nobody risks following you
Even if he is alone
In my prison
The days, like the nights, know each other by heart
On the ceilings
There are vultures who turn for hours on end
Alone against everything, between two worlds
Against yourself, and you're still alone
You feel so far away from the others
That you let yourself drift away
Even more alone
More than a fortress
With dead-ends, no windows, no door and no resentment
A loyal mistress
Who you love and you stroke for hours on end
Alone against everything, you come to the world
To be alone, and only alone
Then you grow up away from the others
To stay by the banks of the river.
Bound to be alone, you build yourself
(Just to make yourself a solitude)
A hell more beautiful than all the others
Where nobody risks following you
Even if he is alone
Then you grow up away from the others
To stay by the banks of the river.
Bound to be alone, you build yourself
(Just to make yourself a solitude)
A hell more beautiful than all the others
Where nobody risks following you
Even if he is alone


I get attached to anyone, you know
Even when I give of myself, I never have any regrets
I leave when I want to, you see
The world is for those who don't look back
Go where you're looking for yourself
Even if I'm not there
Love, even if you lose yourself while you're not sure about me
Oh oh, what's stopping us
From making the first move?
Stay, where do you want me to go without you?
If you stay
I will be all of your journeys
Stay, I will love you wherever you may be
If you stay
We will go wherever you want to
I was so scared, you know
That you would look at me without undressing me
I had my fingers crossed, you see
So that you would understand
What I wasn't saying
That I'm the only one
Who matters for you
That I'm the only one
Who loves you like this
Oh oh, nothing is stopping us anymore
From making the first move
Stay, where do you want me to go without you?
If you stay
I will be all of your journeys
Stay, I will love you wherever you may be
If you stay
We will go wherever you want to
If you stay
where do you want me to go without you?
If you stay
I will be all of your journeys
Stay, I will love you wherever you may be
If you stay
We will go wherever you want to

Hey ho

For a journey
For a mirage
How many crossings of the desert?
Under the main sails
Under the stars
How many vessels, solitary people
Hey ho, is anyone here?
Hey ho, is anyone alive?
Do we need the night to get to the light?
Hey ho, is anyone alive?
Hey ho, is anyone here?
Is there a cry that can be found?
Under the silence
How much suffering, how many prayers
In the departures
The goodbyes
How many shipwrecks, how many men overboard
Hey ho, is anyone here?
Hey ho, is anyone alive?
Do we need the night to get to the light?
Hey ho, is anyone alive?
Hey ho, is anyone here?
Is there a cry that can be found?
Hey ho, is anyone alive?
Hey ho, is anyone here?
Is there a cry that can be found?
Hey ho, is anyone here?
Hey ho, is anyone alive?
Do we need the night to get to the light?
Hey ho, is anyone alive?
Hey ho, is anyone here?
Is there a cry that can be found?

Let's rise

You, my brother
From the same suffering
You see, everything is possible
Let's prove that being proud
To honour our fathers
Makes us invincible
For the right to respect
That they instilled in us
Let's each brandish our values
To become someone
With their dignity
Let's fight up until the final hour
Let's rise
Honour and greatness,
All these tainted words,
They are tattooed on our hearts for ever
For our sisters,
For our mothers,
Their cries,
Their anger
There is no hero, there is only a rumour
For a new day that will soon dawn
Our skin colours, like our ideals
Will be the greatest gifts for our children
Let's rise

I am innocent

My world is beautiful if only in my dreams,
I never had childhood dreams
My childhood was stolen from me,
I am the son of hate and bitterness
I was skillfully raised in the darkness,
The only teaching was to ' to prepare for war' ,
I lived in the shadows, plotting my revenge,
too dark, too bleak, for just a kid
I am all alone,
For ever alone.
I am innocent, I am innocent,
Take my parent, take a closer look
That is what I have become,
I am innocent, I am innocent,
Only their revenge grows within me,
and I will undoubtedly follow in their footsteps,
I am innocent,
Your gaze torments me,
I am innocent,
I have no other option,
The hate has clogged up with in me,
I am a child of violence,
I am innocent!
I am innocent,
Your gaze torments me,
I am innocent,
I have no other option,
The hate has clogged up with in me,
I am a child of violence,
My world is beautiful if only in my dreams,
I never had childhood dreams
My childhood was stolen from me,
I am the son of hate and cruelty


How is it possible
that sometimes love can be so cruel?
loving you again and today I fall again alone...
I understand who I am
I don't care what you ask for, I'm here.
You're here on my skin
I feel you in my body,
it's unique, so unique.
I think of you like I do yesterday,
dancing for me in the moment
it's unique, so unique.

It's unique, it's unique
it's unique, it's unique
it's unique...
Today you tell me
everything is dying at our feet,
but this fever
burns stronger each time.
Don't ever doubt again,
just tell me one more
that you only see me.
I don't know, I don't know
what to do so I don't suffer
I forgot, forgot, forgot you
it's better like this.
Tell me that, tell me that
tell me that you'll think of me
this time, this time, this time
I won't leave you.
It's unique, it's unique
so unique, so unique
it's unique...
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.



In my grave a nightmare found me:
I lie among bones, among maggots maybe!
Will I wake up? Or is it a mistake?
Happiness, marriage, feverish words.
Why this theatre?
Tell me, Romeo!
Will I wake up?
Or is it a mistake?
There's no other way, if they want a play, we'll play for them!
A new life awaits us, if I die a little...
I'll wait for you here,
this poison will help me...
Good dreams, deep sleep,
come to her!
A new life, happiness will find her.
She will wake up, it's not a mistake...