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Број резултата: 168


Hey Cemile

Let a foreign ear not hear your voice
If you understand from the heart, look into my eyes
The comb that I combed the hair of my beloved
It is harder tahn my hand, hey Cemile
My Cemile, my Cemmile, my dear, my rose Cemmile
If the string of my saz breaks out
Leave your stringy hair get longer
Before the snow comes after this Summer
That comes after the Spring, my dear
My Cemile, my Cemmile, my dear, my rose Cemmile
Come on, be a light, and I shall be a luna moth
Let me flap and you burn me
It is such a love that if you want
The biggest is in me my dear Cemile

Thousand of things

Thousands of things go through my mind on this day
I feel that I die if you are not close to me
I hope you understand what I feel for you if you
are not with me
My love I'm going to die
I want you to come back and for us to never again separate
to be together
And love each other more and more
I hope you understand what I feel for you if you
are not with me
My love I'm going to die


Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because good things will surely come to pass
When I've still got things to do late at night
Nothing goes right at all, so frustrated
My co-workers are about to go home leaving me behind at work
So I'm pointing my rubber-band gun at their backs (missed)
Never thought they got me to do goddamn word-processing
Wouldn't have it that way
That's completely unfair
Because I don't know how to convert my words either
Pah Pah Para-pah (ain't get it)
It's around nine o'clock (my god!)
The show's about to start (what to do)
While I'm doing all this
I should have recorded it early on
Did someone do for me?
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because there's no point
In hanging down and brooding over it
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's get by today again
Because good things will surely come to pass
On a warm beautiful Sunday
When I called my friend
She says, 'I'm sorry, I'm on a date right now'
... I feel like I'm completely alone
What a hassle it could be
Pah Pah Para-pah (ain't get it)
On the way back from the convenience store
I found someone cool (feeling excited)
While I set my front hair
A cute girl is running close to him from the distance
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
While you smile all the time
I bet you'll ever find someone special for you
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because good things will surely come to pass
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's go ahead positively
Because there's no point
In hanging down and brooding over it
Smile as you always did, smile if you can
Let's get by today again
Because good things will surely come to pass
Because someone special will surely come around
Come around just for me

Tattooed autumn

You don't know how magical it is
to know that somewhere you exist
equally dear and fragile
and on a mad sea
in this tattooed autumn
that you're less and less afraid of
in a world where butterflies
don't even get to see the dawn.
Hidden in your veins
I'm a drop that doesn't flow,
no matter how far we'd be,
no matter how strange we'd look.
Fortunately clowns don't lose
at the end of every story
even though they come out of them
at least for a millimeter crazier.
But you, you're a star
you fell asleep on my palm
and I protect you and won't let go
and don't be afraid.
But if you're already a dagger
and you make some kind of a wound
then I'll also be happy
that you still exist somewhere.
That autumn in my sweetened blood
fell asleep a gypsy child with blue-green eyes
and two wounded roes from some distant fable.
Remember... I was coachman
in love with my carriage
and with the light of our star that's slowly turning off.
Sunset... clowns are coming out of me through a street that doesn't exist
and a thousand fireflies bring candles
to our unborn son.
There's a wane in the sky and my shadow's afraid
of the troubadour that breaks the mandolin.
Now... I don't have anything except for rhymes
but I would also like to give them back
to some far away star that I've came from vulnerable.
I won't say thank you, but I won't pay you either
cause you're the biggest culprit why I'm gentle and vulnerable.
That autumn I was left with a smile,
but I've lost it also soon after that.
But when I leave the stars
I wan't you to be beside me
cause they could also
go to hell in no time.
deep under the water.
a blurry mirror.
At least because of the most beautiful secrets
that we were on the trail
stay for a moment.
a bit.
Cause when you leave the rhyme
into a terribly scary night
I will, with a manner of a clown
put on a hat made of straws,
a torn coat
and a dull bloody bow tie
and with my weary hands
a huge moon on my shoulder.
Rain and a sky blurry by crying.
A dream is the last option
to save
what has to be gone.
Don't wake me up
In the eyes of a drunken musician
there's too much water this morning
restlessness, and one distant autumn.
Not even nightingales are whistling the song
that all the birds know.
Let go.
at dawn between the spruces
scared stars shall be found
and lightened candles.
evening, and one small piece of pain.
Words will always say
that the eyes speak.
Don't turn around.
The glasses are at the end of the table
but there's no one else anymore
to fill them.
Maybe the stars tonight intentionally look like beehives
while the light slides down the face and starry drops sting.
You know that there are good and bad stories,
but you don't know when they come, even less when they leave.
Imagine a river that a moon separates in half
and above it a white seagull that forgot how to fly.
A painter spilled an ounce of pain on his favorite canvas
in the form of drops of blood, and later on, who knows when he'll be allowed.
Don't wake me up, there's a little bit of sorrow in the dreams.
While laughing, we play an equally comical roll,
and those who retreat at dawn under the rainbow
maybe in the next autumn they'll go to school with angels.
Now take the tattooed autumn and spin it like a boomerang.
I love you like the bee loves quince in bloom.
We have forever stolen all the fairy tales from death,
not knowing that our souls are in mat.
A secret is only a secret if the dawn accepts it,
waves sometimes withdraw even without the tide,
a smell of departure carries inside more salt that a smell of sea does,
and when the ships sink they still dream about the harbor for a long time.
I no longer have anything to regret or anyone to forgive,
except that little patch of light that sometimes touches me and awakens me
even if I believed and I didn't believe
even if I dreamed and I didn't dream
I come back the same and I bleed the same
and the same trail leads me in vain as the painter
who would repeat his best painting
on a piece of white gold
and the life goes on.
You don't even know
that for days I've been dreaming the same butterfly,
just the lamps aren't the same or at least I wake up hoping they're not.
He doesn't have faces and doesn't have anything to be recognized by
except a little scar on the left wing,
and that's enough for me.
I know,
it should've been spring,
but it was an autumn on a raft of medusae
and there was no glow in the grass.
No, don't be afraid.
My rhymes, besides never leaving me alone
sometimes know to be so wonderfully silent.
Everything is tattooed and lost.
And this autumn is also tattooed and lost
although I can still convince myself that I have
dream it all.
And you?
What will you do?
Does she sometimes remember while watching through other people's windows
down the empty and rainy streets, does it hurt her at least a little bit.
It's just enough for me if her curl trembles
even if she never says that she still loves me.
She doesn't know how much it hurts what's not given back
like nights kept in the eyes that burn double.
Not everything has it's price, but everything has to be payed
with one dreamy scream of the moon that falls into the sea.
I have locked the most beautiful song in her hair
and I hid all my smiles in the curtain of rain,
and she knew very well what that autumn brings
but she didn't want to admit and we didn't exist anymore.
Who knows... maybe tonight some pictures still matter to her,
maybe you can really love only once in a lifetime.
And I'm just a clown whom they forced to cry
with a desire that he plays himself for a miserable sum.
Does she sometimes remember while watching through other people's windows
down the empty and rainy streets, does it hurt her at least a little bit.
It's just enough for me if her curl trembles
even if she never says that she still loves me.
A million lighthouses in the night and a sky made out of roasted clay
and your hands and lips, juicier than a ripe pomegranate,
in the eyes a sleeping rain and a cloud of hot silence
and one canvas for a painting one slightly clumsy painter.
In the water the moon bled slaughtered in half,
over your half-goodbye a black night has risen.
I remember you were a star bigger than the Big Dipper,
remember, I was a firefly smaller smaller that a poppies grain.
And then I'm at the shore with eyes that don't hold the tide,
heavy as a bura, light as a jugo.
Who knows who's losing tonight: the fire that burns in a smoke
or the smoke from that fire, or maybe both.
Oh, yes, once upon a time, I almost don't remember anymore
on the other side of the light tattooed dreamy until dawn
one clown has dreamed of an island of rain through teary eyes
like a dead dolphin pictures a sleeping sea.
Above the ashes most favorite pictures have found the souls of painters
waves that at dawn silence everything that lightly burns.
Once when you smell the pomegranate through the smell of sea
believe that somewhere a slaughtered moon bleeds after me.

Vidim Tvoj Osmeh

Jezik mi se pomalo zaveže
Svaki put kad pričam s tobom,
Kad te vidim
I baš mi je drago što ti je promaklo
Kako sam zurila
da ti upamtim lice.
Da bih te u mislima ljubila
Da bih te stalno volela
Zato što, kad oči zatvorim,
Ja tvoj osmeh još uvek vidim
Dovoljno je sjajan da mi život obasja
I u najcrnjim trenucima
Molim te veruj mi da je istina
Kad ti kažem da te volim
Previše sam puta rizikovala
Tražeći istinu u ljubavi
Koja mi je u srcu
Reci me ako sam pogrešno nastupila
Reci mi ako sam te postidela
Zato što znam da moram ovo uraditi
Hoćeš li me u tome podržati
Zato što, kad oči zatvorim,
Ja tvoj osmeh još uvek vidim
Dovoljno je sjajan da mi život obasja
I u najcrnjim trenucima
Molim te veruj mi da je istina
Kad ti kažem da te volim
Morala sam ti reći
Šta bi se desilo
Da, morala sam ti
Reći istinu
Znam da moram ovo uraditi
Hoćeš li me
za ruku držati
Hoćeš li
Zato što, kad oči zatvorim,
Ja tvoj osmeh još uvek vidim
Dovoljno je sjajan da mi život obasja
I u najcrnjim trenucima
Molim te veruj mi da je istina
Kad ti kažem da te volim
Ja znam da to
je istina kad
ti kažem da te volim

Smešiću se

Mnogo je vremena prošlo
Nisam mislio da ćeš me ti prva pozvati
'Ako si slobodan,
Hajde da se nađemo'
Kako da odbijem to?
Sada sam polu-uzbhđen
I polu-uplašen
Jer, šta ako
Da mi i dalje nedostaješ?
Ali danas, ja ću se smešiti
Čak iako me voli, ja ću se smešiti
Pred tobom
Pretvaraću se kao da se ništa nije dogodilo
Pretvaraću se da sam dobro
Moram to da uradim
Smešim se, smešim se
Da bismo s vremena na vreme
Mogli da se sretnemo sa osmehom
Moram da se smešim, smešiću se
Ti si i dalje ista
Tvoj osmeh je i dalje tako lep
Da mogu
Pitao bih te
Da mi se vratiš
Ovog trenutka
Ali danas, ja ću se smešiti
Čak iako me voli, ja ću se smešiti
Pred tobom
Pretvaraću se kao da se ništa nije dogodilo
Pretvaraću se da sam dobro
Moram to da uradim
Smešim se, smešim se
Da bismo s vremena na vreme
Mogli da se sretnemo sa osmehom
Moram da se smešim, smešiću se
Kada jedno drugom kažemo 'zbogom'
Moj osmeh će nestati
Ali danas, ja ću se smešiti
Čak iako me voli, ja ću se smešiti
Do samog kraja
Pretvaraću se kao da se ništa nije dogodilo
Pretvaraću se da sam dobro
Moram to da uradim
Smešim se, smešim se
Da bismo s vremena na vreme
Mogli da se sretnemo sa osmehom
Moram da se smešim, smešiću se
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

Nula milja

Između tebe i mene je nula milja
Devojko, ti si samo moja, moja
Između tebe i mene je nula milja
(Devojko, tebi ne smeta,
Tebi to uopšte ne smeta)
Osećam ovaj ritam, budan sam cele noći
Mi smo sada kao jedna laž
Mi ne govorimo, to je u redu
Sve možemo da osetimo
U poslednje vreme
Slušam muziku koju ti slušaš
Hodam na način na koji ti hodaš (o, da)
Što smo više zajedno, ja
Smanjujem razdaljinu između nas
Ona je samo određena brojevima
Dotrčaću do tebe, da
Čak i vrhovima svojih prstiju
Mogu da te osetim i da postanemo jedno
Povezanost (u redu)
Naša tajna (da)
Čak i vrhovima svojih prstiju
Ja bivam privučen ka tebi na drugoj strani Zemlje
Bliže (a-ha, da)
Smanjujem razdaljinu (da)
Između tebe i mene je nula milja
Devojko, ti si samo moja, moja
Između tebe i mene je nula milja
Samo si moja, moja
Samo po tvojim koracima
Mogu da vidim kako se osećaš
Sve mi reci
Uvek sam željan da čujem tvoju priču, da
Svakog dana prolazim pored kafića
U koji ti uvek ideš
Prilagođavam se tvom ukusu
Dajem poljubac kolačiću
Koji bi dobro išao uz
Kafu sa mlekom sa tvoje slike
Tako si slatka
Čak i vrhovima svojih prstiju
Mogu da te osetim i da postanemo jedno
Povezanost (u redu)
Naša tajna (da)
Čak i vrhovima svojih prstiju
Ja bivam privučen ka tebi na drugoj strani Zemlje
Bliže (a-ha, da)
Smanjujem razdaljinu (da)
Hajde, da
Uvek, u koje god vreme, budi sa mnom
Nebo, zvezde, vreme, dan i isto Sunce
Pod njima, hajde da zatvorimo praznine između nas
Naša srca kucaju u istom ritmu
Shvati, shvati i shvati, shvati ovo
Zločin je samo te gledati i ne učiniti ništa
Svakog, svakog dana mi pravimo naše tajne
Samo želim da te znam
Samo sekunde su između nas (između nas)
Dodirni me i shvati
Napustimo ovo mesto zajedno
Upravo pred tobom (da)
Pred tvojim očima (da)
Dodirni me i shvati
Trenutak kada sve prevazilatimo
Biće početak (da)
Naše priče
Čak i vrhovima svojih prstiju
Mogu da te osetim i da postanemo jedno
Povezanost (u redu)
Naša tajna (da)
Čak i vrhovima svojih prstiju
Ja bivam privučen ka tebi na drugoj strani Zemlje
Bliže (a-ha, da)
Smanjujem razdaljinu (da)
Između tebe i mene je nula milja
Devojko, ti si samo moja, moja
Između tebe i mene je nula milja
Samo si moja, moja
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)


Versions: #1#2
Ja nikada nisam išla na plažu, ili bila blizu okeana
Ja nikada nisam sedela dole ka obali sa stopalima uronjenim u pesak
Ali ti si me doveo ovde, i srećna sam što si to uradio
Jer sada sam slobodna kao ptice koje upoznajus vet
Ja sam uvek mislila da ću da potonem, pa nikada ne plivah
Ja nikada nisam plovila čamcem, ne znam kako se pokreće
I ponekada se tako uplašim od onoga što ne mogu razumeti
Ali tu sam
Odmah pored tebe
Nebo je plavije
U Malibuu
Odmah pored tebe
U Malibuu
Odmah pored tebe
Gledali smo zalazak sunca dok smo se šetali
Provešću ostatak svog života samo stajati ovde i pričati
Ti bi to objasnio dok se ja samo smejem
I to ćemo biti mi, samo malko
Da li mi uopšte postojimo?
Tako ja za želim
Da odplivam daleko, sa ribom
Da li je ovo leto uopšte trebalo biti ovoliko vruće?
Nikada nisam htela da ti verujem
Kada bi mi rekao to pre tri godine
Ja bih bila ovde, pisajući ovu pesmu
Ali tu sam
Odmah pored tebe
Nebo je plavije
U Malibuu
Odmah pored tebe
U Malibuu
Odmah pored tebe
Odmah pored tebe,
Nebo je tako plavo
U Malibuu
Pored tebe
Mi smo samo valovi koji se kreću napred i nazad
Ponekad se osećam kao da se davim i ti si tu da me spasiš
I zahvaliću ti se svim mojim srcem
To je potpuno novi početak
Snovi se ostvaruju
U malibuu